• 16 hours ago
00:00What is it about?
00:01I want to buy the Ascania Park.
00:03And that's top secret.
00:06...will have too little time for each other if we take over the hotel.
00:09I am just really scared that we'll lose, Amani.
00:12You want to buy the hotel anyway.
00:13I can't help it.
00:15We should somehow get things done.
00:19Also interested in Africa?
00:20Yes, very.
00:21Do you want to accompany Miss Kielicz on her journey? I thought she's on her own.
00:27If I have understood you correctly, you're almost ready to start.
00:29You're always thinking about yourself.
00:31That's not true.
00:32Yes it is.
00:33Louis has to live without his mother.
00:35I'm being pushed around here.
00:36And now you're suddenly turning into a super father.
00:39You can't even...
01:00This is my life.
01:03This is my life.
01:05This is the way to find my own.
01:09This is my life.
01:11This is my life.
01:13This is the world where I belong.
01:19I'm rolling on, I'm rolling on.
01:29I'm rolling on, I'm rolling on.
01:33I think I'm crazy.
01:35That's the way it is.
01:36Dad has no idea what he's doing to me and Louis with his stupid actions.
01:42Okay, Lilly.
01:43Now calm down, okay?
01:45And this is going to save my party or what?
01:56She doesn't mean it like she said it.
02:00You think so?
02:01It's not about you.
02:03She's just mad that she can't celebrate the party.
02:08Hey, thanks.
02:10That you want to comfort me.
02:12Still, she can't talk to us like that.
02:20You want to go to Botswana alone?
02:22Um, sorry, but I actually wanted to get you up to speed with dinner tonight.
02:29I'd better leave her alone so she can sort this out.
02:32Have a nice evening.
02:34You too.
02:38I can understand that you're surprised.
02:41We both wanted to go to Botswana together, didn't we?
02:44Yeah, but then it all got forgotten because of Valerie's actions.
02:50Yeah, but it wasn't cancelled.
02:53You know, when you left, I just had no idea where we were after our break.
02:59And then I was at this lecture...
03:01And then it got back to your big dream machine, I understand.
03:04Yeah, and because I cancelled Africa for all kinds of reasons.
03:09And in the conversations with Mr. Schimanski, the trip was so tangible again.
03:16As long as you're not against me coming along, that's fine.
03:21Quite the opposite.
03:24Then let's just go to this lecture together tonight.
03:27And then we'll go for a big dinner, okay?
03:32And Pedro lives with Mr. Flickenschild?
03:34Well, within seconds, he turns from a party bunny to a lecture student.
03:40One doesn't rule out the other.
03:42Well, it's still kind of weird.
03:44I mean, why did he pretend to be Mr. Flickenschild when he was at university,
03:47even though we spent the afternoon together?
03:49And then he says something about us wanting to show him the city.
03:53But he never mentioned it.
03:55Now it's getting interesting.
03:58Well, you should have seen how he flattered our little Leyla.
04:02Now it's really getting interesting.
04:04Did you flatter him back, too?
04:06Why are we even talking about that guy?
04:08I mean, we won't see him again that fast anyway.
04:10Who knows, maybe Mr. Flickenschild is just pulling all the information about you out of his nose.
04:15Where you live, how old you are...
04:17So that's how Pedro's going crazy?
04:19Isn't it weird that sometimes you have to break a rib to save someone's life?
04:24Yes, incredibly weird.
04:26You watch videos about rescue operations?
04:29Can you at least turn down the volume?
04:31Okay, but why does it bother you so much?
04:34Well, Simon is with the volunteer fire brigade.
04:37He experiences it every day.
04:39That's right.
04:40Sweeping up is a great strength training for my fire brigade missions.
04:44Guys, seriously.
04:45Since you met this farmer Petersen, you seem to have changed.
04:49You're petting some goats and you're watching horror videos.
04:54Oh, Pedro?
04:56Show me.
04:58Unfortunately, Leyla didn't pass on her number to Pedro.
05:03Beginner's mistake.
05:04Have you already written to him?
05:06Why should I?
05:07I want to get to know him.
05:09Oh, and until then you won't leave me alone, or what?
05:18The noise of the motorcycle workshop is certainly only temporary.
05:23And that's why Ben is driving around, right?
05:27Only if it has to be.
05:29In case of emergency.
05:31Otherwise I don't want to take advantage of it.
05:33Why not?
05:35What are you eating?
05:37Hello, Mrs. Jansen.
05:40Hello, Lilly.
05:41What are we eating today?
05:42We're eating pasta.
05:43And after that, please contact dad and apologize.
05:48Lilly, what you said was really hurtful.
05:51I also wanted to talk to you about the workshop again.
05:53There would certainly have been another solution.
05:56No, there wouldn't have been.
05:57Sometimes there's just no solution that everyone likes.
06:00You know, Lilly, I was against this workshop on our property at first.
06:07But sometimes you just have to jump over your shadow.
06:12I wasn't even asked.
06:13And you didn't tell me anything either.
06:15Because I didn't know anything about it.
06:17And still, what you said to dad, that wasn't okay.
06:20Do you even know what that means to me?
06:22First this stupid argument with Jessie and now a cancelled party.
06:26That's totally embarrassing.
06:28Did you talk to her again?
06:30About what?
06:31Olle is spreading lies about me and everyone believes her.
06:34But what if we would celebrate this party here in our house?
06:41Celebrate while you're sitting next to me?
06:43Then I'm definitely a laughingstock.
06:45Oh, child.
06:49Well, I guess there's still room for discussion.
06:57Henni needs both of us, Amelie.
06:59I know that, Jurek.
07:01It's just the way it is.
07:02Henni is growing up with a woman who is passionate about her goals.
07:06That's a great inspiration, isn't it?
07:10Yes, it might be.
07:13But time with you would probably be more important.
07:16One thing doesn't exclude the other.
07:19If you need the Ascania Park...
07:21Hello, Mr. Böttcher.
07:22Happy holiday.
07:24Nice to see that you have it, too.
07:25According to your differences of opinion.
07:27See you tomorrow.
07:31Our arguments really have to stop.
07:34Can't you try to accept that I can't let this chance go?
07:41I'm working on it, okay?
07:44But as long as you don't have this share of ownership, there's no point.
07:49I'll take care of it.
07:52Can you promise me something?
07:56I know how important the hotel is to you.
08:00Please don't take unnecessary risks for this share of ownership.
08:04Not for you, and not for us as a family.
08:08I know that such a project scares you in this scale.
08:13But yes, I promise.
08:17Now pack your things.
08:38So, please make yourself comfortable.
08:52Would you like something to eat?
08:56No, thank you.
08:57I don't want to disturb you.
08:58But you don't do that at all.
09:00I think it was a very successful day.
09:07First you saw the university, and then we had this really pleasant conversation with your dean.
09:13That's right.
09:14Thank you again for that.
09:16You also met Simon and Leila.
09:18When will you meet again?
09:20Oh, you don't have to overstate that.
09:22I'm mainly here to study.
09:24That's very commendable.
09:27Would you like to do something else tonight?
09:30What is it?
09:33I mean, this Regeneration Theater in the city, that was so funny.
09:38Theater, I think it's wonderful.
09:44Let's continue.
09:45Unfortunately, I'm out tonight.
09:47Oh, what?
09:48My mother.
09:49She's always so worried and is still waiting for a call from me.
09:53Yes, then...
09:54Yes, then...
09:55Then call her.
09:57And after that I would potentially like to sleep.
10:03But thank you very much for the meeting with the dean.
10:07You're welcome.
10:08Good night.
10:10Good night.
10:11Good night.
10:12I didn't even know Esperanza was so worried.
10:17I didn't have that impression either.
10:21I'm glad we don't have to go out tonight either.
11:21So, three weeks, maximum four.
11:27Tell me, what do you think of a motorcycle tour through Botswana?
11:30Then we could use the time we have much better and become much more flexible.
11:34I told you that I have a motorcycle driver's license.
11:37Yes, but you haven't been driving for a long time.
11:39Yes, of course I would need driving practice, but if you really want something.
11:43You are really incredible.
11:46Will you practice with me?
11:48Sure, I'd love to.
11:49But maybe we should start in a less dangerous place.
11:55A motorcycle tour through Botswana?
11:59I can hardly wait.
12:05And who did Mr. Chaotic save today?
12:09A little squirrel who forgot his nut stock.
12:13It's sweet that Danny still thinks these superhero stories are so great.
12:16Yes, I think so too.
12:19Do you still have a lot of work to do?
12:22The rest of the evening is just ours.
12:29This is the entire content of Henny's backpack.
12:34These are all the letters from the kindergarten group.
12:38They are supposed to be printed by tomorrow morning.
12:41Why is that?
12:42The nurses asked the parents to do a little more,
12:45because the letters were left lying around because of the lack of staff.
12:49And you let yourself be beaten again.
12:51Great, Teddy.
13:05Let's go?
13:07Yes, sure.
13:09On your marks, get set...
13:16Bad news?
13:18That can wait until tomorrow.
13:22The Scandia Park is under pressure.
13:24They will make the sales offer public
13:26if the contracts are not signed in the next three days.
13:29And that doesn't work without a share?
13:35And then the cheap price is there.
13:39And now?
13:42I can't do anything today anyway.
13:45Let's go?
13:48What's this?
13:53Oh, no.
13:57Look how happy we look.
13:59Yes, she met us well, especially your hair.
14:04I think so too.
14:06My family.
14:08Do you think...
14:10that can wait until tomorrow too?
14:14I would just set the alarm quickly.
14:18I'll set the alarm later.
14:45I'm sleeping.
14:46Gunther, there's someone there.
14:48Who could that be in the middle of the night?
14:52Don't you hear that?
14:57Gunther, maybe it's a nightmare.
15:00Why nonsense?
15:01We were gone for a while.
15:03Didn't you hear that?
15:06I did.
15:09It wasn't in the house, it was outside.
15:12The wind probably tore off a branch.
15:14Please, Gunther, it wasn't a branch.
15:17If you're so worried, take a look for yourself.
15:20Why not?
15:21You're the man.
15:23Besides, you're in the hunting club.
15:26What's that supposed to mean?
15:28That I sneak through the house with the rifle?
15:31Before I can't sleep anymore.
15:35Hunting club?
15:37Says the woman who runs through the jungle with the machete.
15:41You just don't want to get out of bed.
15:44You're my hero.
16:01You're my hero.
16:19So what?
16:22There's no one there.
16:24Did you really have a good night's sleep?
16:27Of course.
16:28I want you to be able to sleep peacefully.
16:32Yes, that's what I really wanted.
16:37Sweet dreams.
16:38Yes, you too.
16:42Good night.
16:58Good night.
17:21Hey, is everything okay?
17:24Luis called for Tina in his sleep.
17:27The goodbyes take a toll on you.
17:31And now you're blaming yourself?
17:33Also because of Lilly?
17:35You're right, aren't you?
17:37I tried to talk to her again, but...
17:40she still doesn't want to talk to me.
17:45Tell me.
17:46I'm listening.
17:51What if...
17:53What if I actually ruin Lilly and Luis' childhood because of my decisions?
17:57Maybe I should have fought to take Tina to Andalusia with me.
18:02But then I'd have much less time for Lilly.
18:04That's true.
18:07Parents can't always do everyone justice.
18:10I think Britta and I are doing a good job with this patchwork thing.
18:14But I really would have wanted something else for Luis.
18:18Be honest, Ben.
18:19You do everything for your children.
18:21You're kind of...
18:23my role model.
18:26Maybe you should talk to my daughter.
18:29Apparently, your daughter knows exactly what she has to say to meet you.
18:33Typical Teenie.
18:35They go crazy sometimes.
18:37And your children should learn that they don't always get everything they want.
18:43Thanks for listening.
18:49Again and again.
19:09Are we leaving now?
19:11When is he coming?
19:12I'm going to bed.
19:13Good thing I waited for you.
19:16Are your shoes clean?
19:21Marvin Köpke.
19:22Shaken, not stirred.
19:24And does Mr. Flickenschild know that you're coming with us tonight?
19:27I can do and leave what I want.
19:29I just forgot the time, ordered a taxi, gave a good tip, and here I am.
19:34So now we know who's going to pay for a taxi tonight.
19:37Sure. I can easily pay off a few bills.
19:40I'd have to put this together now.
19:42Yeah, sure.
19:45How did you meet Flickenschild?
19:47Through my father.
19:48They've known each other for a long time.
19:49My father had a great...
19:50So, do you want to have a drink?
19:54What do you want to drink?
19:55A drink.
19:57Are you cold?
19:58Do you want my jacket?
20:03Oh, right.
20:04It's about to start.
20:06Your first time?
20:08If you don't want to, we'll force Mina.
20:12No, nonsense.
20:13Okay, then.
20:14Have a good evening.
20:17Good evening.
20:24More of this. I'm not on fire yet.
20:29I'll stay still.
21:47Can I play the hero again?
21:51Oh, go back to sleep.
22:44You don't hear the noises anymore.
22:46Just like you.
22:47Excuse me?
22:57Good morning.
22:58Good morning.
22:59Well, did you sleep well?
23:03I think I owe it to you.
23:05You're welcome.
23:09Oh, yes.
23:11You know what?
23:12I'm going to surprise Lilly.
23:14Yes, she's getting her party in the workshop.
23:18Did she apologize?
23:22Being a patsy and getting the red carpet rolled out for that?
23:26My mother didn't do that.
23:28No, my parents, to be honest, didn't either.
23:32It's not just that you let her go through with her behavior.
23:35You're basically rewarding her for it.
23:37Oh, I see it differently.
23:39Well, I show understanding for her disappointment.
23:42And I'm here for her.
23:44Well, with gloves on, Lilly won't prepare for life.
23:47No, but empathy and empathy probably will.
23:50And I want her to learn exactly these values from us.
23:53Well, I don't have anything against empathy, but...
23:56If she screwed up, she has to apologize for it.
23:59Well, she was right about one thing.
24:01I didn't tell her in time that I was screwing in our workshop.
24:05Yeah, well...
24:06Yeah, and I also alienated the sofa.
24:09Yeah, well, maybe that wasn't quite correct, but...
24:13I try to make up for my mistakes.
24:15And that makes me a role model.
24:18You can see that one way or another.
24:22Oh, I still have a bag of balloons.
24:24Do you want them for the party?
24:27Although we have different opinions, you support me.
24:34That's obvious when you're friends, isn't it?
24:40I'm gonna go.
24:53Amelie is much faster!
24:55Are you listening?
24:56I'm listening!
24:59Come in!
25:00Daddy is losing right now.
25:03You're happy, aren't you?
25:04Morning, Britta.
25:06So, you're going to the bathroom to brush your teeth now.
25:11Sit down.
25:12Yeah, okay, I'll be right there.
25:15So, I talked to Hendrik yesterday, and I can't give you the private credit.
25:22May I ask why not?
25:24Because we settled the money.
25:26And I just borrowed the other one from Carla for the food truck.
25:32Are you happy about that?
25:35Maybe it's just better that way, hm?
25:38I'm really sorry.
25:41I'll go to Henrik.
25:48Yeah, and then there's the exhaust system, the manifold that runs along here,
25:52and then at the end of the exhaust, which is also called the end cap.
25:55Why are you laughing?
25:56No, it's very impressive what you've accomplished so far.
25:59Well, the theory is still pretty solid after 20 years,
26:02but I think it's going to be a bit shaky in practice.
26:05We'll figure it out.
26:08What do you think, how long do I need to be fit for Africa?
26:11That depends a lot on the quality of the slopes.
26:14To be honest, I'd like to get going right away.
26:17Yeah, me too.
26:18But we still need some papers. You need driving practice.
26:21We really have to start planning the boring part of the trip again.
26:26Well, now what?
26:30Don't let it bother you.
26:34Have a nice day.
26:36You too.
26:42Shall we?
26:46We should wake him up slowly.
26:50Ah, there's our long-sleeper.
26:52Good morning.
26:53Good morning.
26:54Good morning, please.
26:55Did you get a good rest from the jet lag?
26:57Yes, I slept like a log.
26:59You lucky mushroom.
27:00That means you didn't hear any strange noises?
27:04No, there was nothing.
27:06And I usually wake up when I'm looking for a mosquito.
27:09How's Esperanza, your mother?
27:12She seemed very worried last night.
27:14Ah, yes, of course.
27:16She's fine.
27:19When all mothers are together, this is the best time for a start in an eventful day.
27:25What's the plan?
27:26We'll start with a historic city tour.
27:29Or would you rather do something with your new friends?
27:32No, no, that's a good idea.
27:34Yes, and the museum has been open longer today.
27:37Sounds good.
27:38Yes, wonderful.
27:40Then let's go.
27:49I'm really sorry that I can't lend you the money.
27:56I don't want to get in your way.
27:58Yes, I understand.
27:59What about Christian or Ingen?
28:01They can't give me any money either.
28:03Maybe Jurek is right and it shouldn't be with the Ascania Park.
28:10Why do you think all challenges have to be easy?
28:13Because you're missing a lot of money.
28:17And the Ascania Park puts pressure on them.
28:19And at some point, other interested parties will get the money.
28:21Yes, I know all about that.
28:23You know me.
28:24I always come up with a plan B.
28:26Yes, and what should it look like?
28:28I'm taking a mortgage on my apartment.
28:31What does Jurek have to do with it?
28:32Nothing at all.
28:33It's my apartment.
28:36It's better this way.
28:37Jurek is not a project of this magnitude.
28:40I am.
28:41I know my way around in this league.
28:43But that's why you still have to talk to him about it.
28:46I'm just comforting his nerves.
28:48It's better this way.
28:49I don't even know what to say about it.
28:51I hope both of you will be happy soon, Amelie.
28:53I have to go to the bank.
29:03Doesn't he have any shame?
29:05What if there was a beginner behind the wheel?
29:07He would never have been able to react so quickly.
29:09Yeah, right. I probably wouldn't have made it.
29:12Did you notice the license plate?
29:14It was all too fast for that.
29:16But we have seen again how dangerous our road traffic can be.
29:20What are you going to do next year?
29:22Because of Africa?
29:25I won't let anyone take my Africa trip away from me.
29:28And on a bike.
29:29That would be too much.
29:33Motorcycles? Africa?
29:36That's where I go on vacation.
29:38You know that.
29:39But that thing with motorcycles is new to me.
29:42You will forgive us if we don't include you in all the details of our vacation, okay?
29:46We'll see each other later.
29:48Yes. Bye.
29:59I know exactly what you're getting me into.
30:02I'm not stupid.
30:03Nobody said you were stupid.
30:05That's really nice.
30:08Do you think you can party with your people here?
30:10Thank you, dad. That's perfect.
30:12Ah. Thank you.
30:15I'm sorry I was so mean to you.
30:17I just looked at the workshop and imagined how everyone would laugh at me.
30:22Do you finally want to tell us what happened?
30:26Jessie is friends with whoever she wants.
30:28And when I'm invited somewhere else, she gets mad.
30:32Because she wants to be my only friend.
30:35Who were you invited to?
30:37To Anna's.
30:38And then there were the vacations and I wasn't there.
30:41And then Jessie used the time to make everyone feel bad.
30:44And still doesn't say a word to you.
30:48That's why the party. I understand.
30:51Hey. Jessie can't tell you who you can meet and who you can't.
30:57Why didn't you tell us earlier?
30:59You have so much going on.
31:01Luis, Tina, Hendrik.
31:04But we're still always there for you.
31:07Okay, listen.
31:08We'll do the following.
31:10We'll agree on a code word.
31:14Next time you come to us and we don't have time, just say...
31:18Ham noodles.
31:20Great, dad.
31:21Yeah. She'll like that.
31:35Three rooms.
31:36Parking lot.
31:38Garden for use.
31:40Sounds great.
31:43Two rooms.
31:47Right above the kitchen.
31:48Sounds great.
31:53I have to answer the agent.
31:55Don't do it.
31:57Don't ride your motorcycle through Africa.
32:01Why do you think you have something to talk to me about?
32:07We still have a lawsuit to settle.
32:09I'll take care of the child.
32:11But apart from that, we'll lead separate lives.
32:13You mean the little helmet that protects you when you hit yourself on a dirt road in Africa?
32:17Breathe through it first.
32:19Then the child suddenly doesn't have a father anymore.
32:21You ride your own motorcycle.
32:24You told me about Ben, the machine I ride.
32:27And suddenly riding a motorcycle is the most dangerous thing in the world?
32:33I had a friend.
32:35A long time ago.
32:38Great guy.
32:40He was funny and smart.
32:42He spoke five languages.
32:44And he wanted to ride his motorcycle through South America.
32:47And then, on his way to the bakery in the morning, a truck caught him.
32:50Just like that.
32:53Who rides their motorcycle to the bakery in the morning?
33:00Klaas, I know how it feels to lose someone.
33:21You're in a good mood.
33:23Although Britta didn't lend you the money?
33:26I found another solution.
33:34But she...
33:36She cancelled, didn't she?
33:38She created a valuable icon, restored it and sold it very well.
33:44So suddenly?
33:45What can I say? Miracles happen again and again.
33:48Perfect timing, isn't it?
33:52That means you can now vote for your own share.
33:55Don't make such a face.
33:57Trust me.
33:59Ah, Mrs. Kermann.
34:01Can I talk to you for a moment?
34:02Yes, at any time.
34:04We're booked out.
34:05I wanted to ask if Klaas and I still have capacity for a big family party.
34:08Of course.
34:18Damn it.
34:28Damn it again.
34:44Hey, are you on duty?
34:46No, I just wanted to check something in the plan.
34:48Oh, and...
34:50I've booked the perfect biker tour for us.
34:54Three weeks plus on and off.
34:57Look at this.
34:59These lakes, the trees, the animals, the landscape.
35:02It's a dream, isn't it?
35:04Yes, it looks great.
35:05I've also done some research.
35:09Look at this.
35:12Yes, but this is an off-road tour.
35:14I think I'd rather go off-road.
35:17Because of the accident earlier?
35:19Well, in general, biking is a pretty dangerous thing.
35:23Yes, well, but we already knew that.
35:25Yes, but an off-road tour also has completely different advantages.
35:30We could spend much better time together.
35:32And biking on long distances, I can tell you from my own experience,
35:36is really a pretty uncomfortable thing.
35:39In an off-road vehicle, we can just lean back,
35:42very comfortably, and enjoy the landscape and the view.
35:45Is it because of my lack of driving experience?
35:48I will really train hard until I'm in top shape.
35:52It's not just that.
35:54This near-accident just now, that was really close.
35:56It doesn't even have to be that you make a mistake.
35:59Maybe someone else makes a mistake.
36:01And then...
36:02it's really risky.
36:06Hand on heart.
36:08How often do people get injured in a motorcycle accident?
36:11Yes, often.
36:12And mostly in bad shape.
36:17I would never forgive myself if something happened to you.
36:20I'd rather listen to the fear.
36:23Hey, it's really sweet that you're worried.
36:27But let's talk about it another time, okay?
36:33What's that wonderful smell?
36:35That's smoked fish.
36:37Freshly caught.
36:38But that's a great idea.
36:39Something North German.
36:41Beans, beans, bacon.
36:43We want to pamper our guest.
36:46Well, still jet lag?
36:48Maybe a little too much sleep?
36:50Too much sleep?
36:51Is there such a thing?
36:54Eel soup?
36:55I don't have the ingredients.
36:57But maybe Labskaus?
37:00That's even better.
37:02Petro, do you know Labskaus?
37:04That's corned beef, fried egg, beetroot, rolls.
37:09Now I remember.
37:11Very good.
37:12Then I'll look for all the ingredients.
37:18Good morning.
37:21Do you have anything against cats?
37:23I don't have cat food.
37:25I understand. I'll take care of it.
37:31I think now I just need the pickles.
37:36Here you go.
37:40Salt sticks, salt pickles, and tomato juice.
37:46Best with salt and pepper.
37:48And drink a lot.
37:50Water, of course.
37:52What's so funny?
37:54I have to go back to the farm.
37:57Petro, will you come with me?
37:59Of course.
38:00What's going on?
38:01Oh, I forgot.
38:02Someone's coming to pick up a piece of furniture.
38:05I put it in at Away Kleinanzeigen.
38:08Will you help me?
38:09If that's the case, I'd love to help.
38:11No, no, no.
38:12You do the shopping.
38:13We'll manage.
38:14See you soon.
38:20Well, everything's fine between Lilly and me again.
38:22She was really happy about the party decoration.
38:25And she finally talked.
38:28I'm glad it's settled between you two.
38:32Then you did everything right with your upbringing, didn't you?
38:38So, application for foster care.
38:42Now you can go.
38:45I wish you so much that it works.
38:48You know what?
38:49I'll throw him in.
38:51You have to stop by the fire station.
38:53Not for that.
39:03Hello, everyone.
39:05Oh, hi.
39:07What a nice surprise.
39:13There he goes.
39:15Ben Berger?
39:17No, no.
39:18My application for foster care.
39:20Oh, so we have to keep our fingers crossed?
39:26Is it going to be concrete?
39:29Klaas came back and made me a love declaration.
39:34Yes, and now we're planning Africa together.
39:37That's great, Jürgis, isn't it?
39:40Where are your leaps of joy?
39:43Or the hook?
39:45Well, it won't be three months like I wanted, but three weeks.
39:49And we're not going on motorbikes.
39:51Don't tell me you're going on bicycles.
39:53No, of course not.
39:55We're going on a three-week off-road excursion.
40:00Come on, at least with Klaas.
40:02Yes, I'm really looking forward to it.
40:04And I can understand his motivation.
40:06That we're not going on motorbikes.
40:08He's worried about me.
40:10Can't you worry about yourself?
40:12Yes, and that's it.
40:13I'm not really worried.
40:15Yes, but I want it to be a relaxed trip.
40:19And he doesn't have to constantly feel like he has to watch out for me.
40:27By the way, how's my sister Herz doing?
40:30She's looking for an apartment.
40:32Or rather, Klaas is taking over for her now.
40:36Well, come on.
40:37Then at least everything is going in the right direction.
41:11And that didn't work out?
41:35It didn't work out at all.
41:37I begged her from the beginning.
41:40But she didn't want to listen.
41:42Now he can't pay the interest.
41:45And how can I help?
41:47You could really help, dear Gunther.
41:50If you could stay with them in the hotel for a few days.
41:55She's completely out of it.
41:58Imagine suddenly having your own house.
42:04I'm completely out of it, Mrs. Janssen, but I'll try what I can.
42:08That would be wonderful.
42:10I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
42:13Also on behalf of this friend.
42:15Many, many thanks.
42:18I've heard of cases like that before.
42:21How clueless some people are when it comes to their financial conditions.
42:28Everything clear?
42:31What's up?
42:32Amelie has taken a mortgage on her apartment behind my back.
42:35Of course, we live in the same apartment.
42:39Now I don't know what annoys me more.
42:42That Amelie is lying to me or my fear that she will go against the wall and drag us into it.
42:49As banal as it sounds, but talking helps.
42:54So with this action she has made clear again where her priorities lie.
42:59Nevertheless, I am absolutely convinced that Amelie can handle the story with the Mascania Park.
43:04She knows what she's doing.
43:07And who doesn't?
43:16Sit down.
43:17Thank you very much.
43:29Oh, with pleasure.
43:30Here you go.
43:42And this helps against hangover.
43:47I don't have any...
43:51I know you were partying tonight.
43:55And the noises I heard...
43:59They came from you.
44:01I'm sorry.
44:02No, you don't have to. On the contrary, I'm totally relieved.
44:05I had already begun to doubt my mind.
44:11And which piece of furniture do we have to wear now?
44:14Piece of furniture?
44:15Oh, no, that was just a curtain.
44:17So you can rest a little.
44:20Oh, thank you very much.
44:21You're welcome.
44:22I almost fell asleep standing up.
44:24That's not to be overlooked.
44:25So, please.
44:26One more thing.
44:28Can't you tell your nurse anything about it?
44:30If my father finds out, he'll get me back very quickly.
44:33Unfortunately, I can't promise that.
44:35But I can assure you that Gunther is far more tolerant and relaxed than you think.
44:39Can he lie well, too?
44:41No, not at all.
44:43Therefore, let me collect a few more beautiful experiences and then I will fully focus on my studies.
44:49I promise.
44:52Under one condition.
44:54We finally kiss.
44:56All right.
44:58I can do that.
44:59Thank you, Werner.
45:00You're welcome, Pedro.
45:01I'm always so happy to shop with you.
45:04I like the shop so much.
45:06That's nice.
45:07And I'm happy that you're such a loyal customer.
45:09So we're both happy.
45:12Wait, I'll walk you out.
45:16Oh, that's very nice.
45:18Hello, Mrs. Kehle.
45:19Hello, Mrs. Janssen.
45:21I just saw you and Dr. Jäger on the motorcycle.
45:25I didn't even know you were riding.
45:29We actually wanted to go through Africa by motorcycle, but now it's going to be an off-road vehicle excursion.
45:35Off-road vehicles are also very fascinating and exciting.
45:39I would like you to tell me all of this in detail.
45:46With pleasure.
45:47With a nice cup of chili.
45:56I just have to thank you for your understanding.
46:00I really, really appreciate it.
46:02I'm so glad that Klaas listened to me.
46:05Riding a motorcycle is just too dangerous.
46:07Klaas will be a really good father...
46:09...if he already makes his decisions for the well-being of the child.
46:13Wait a minute, that means...
46:15...Klaas cancelled the motorcycle tour because of you?
46:18Didn't he tell you?
46:35Mr. Eilers.
46:36Is everything okay?
46:39Excuse me for interrupting you and Mrs. Fairman earlier.
46:43The conversation seemed very confidential.
46:45Yes, no problem.
46:48Is everything okay between you two?
46:52Sometimes it's not that easy.
46:55Different points of view, different approaches.
46:58I think you're a good team.
47:01It's nice that you find compromises and stick together.
47:15Herbert Jan?
47:17Is there something else?
47:24Well, maybe it's of interest to you.
47:28The Ascania Park is for sale.
47:31Are you sure?
47:32One hundred percent.
47:34How do you know that?
47:37From a friend.
47:39He works there as a gardener.
47:43But it's not official yet.
47:46Everything is still under control.
47:49Why do you come to me with that?
47:55Does he want to order something?
47:57I think he just needs a little attention.
48:00I think he's into you.
48:02I visited Knut Pedersen in the hospital.
48:04But he also told me that there is another interested person for the meadow.
48:07Don't you have the agreement that you negotiate in his name with the city?
48:10It won't be that easy now.
48:12I'm glad that you finally enjoy your freedom.
48:15Well, I'm still a little stuck between old and new life.
48:18And do you already have ideas for your new life?
48:21I'll take my time.
48:22Even if it's untypical for me.
48:24That's absolutely okay.
48:26Why can't she just stop it?
48:28I'm afraid she will fight for Klaas until the baby is born.
48:32And then she has other worries.
48:34Then she will change her tactics.
48:35The baby here, the baby there and Klaas will jump.