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El Precio de Amarte Cap 33 Completo - El Precio de Amarte Ep 33 Completo

El Precio de Amarte Cap 33 Completo:


00:00Lo que yo quería decirte es que tú y yo podemos ser amigos es solamente eso
00:06porque déjame decirte que yo estoy saliendo con una chica ya desde hace
00:11algunos días. Él está enterado de eso. Claro, yo como médico le llamé para
00:17informarle y él aceptó que lo sabía. Eso Amelia te demuestra que Rodrigo
00:25oculta muchas cosas. Siempre te lo dije. Rodrigo Zarate ya no es alguien que
00:32debe importarnos. Entre nosotros todo terminó y te voy a pedir un favor. Ya no me
00:36lo menciones. No me hables más de él. Encantado de la vida. Bueno pues yo me
00:41tengo que ir. Quedamos en comer, ¿verdad? Ahí nos vemos.
00:47Gracias. Bonito día, Amelia.
00:56Si pido, no puedes olvidar. Pido a la luna.
01:14Hola. Hola. No, no, no. Sigue. Está bien.
01:18¿Qué haces aquí? No, yo te vi primero. ¿Qué haces tú de aquí?
01:23Roseta me pidió si podía abrir en el show de reapertura.
01:27Wow, a mí también me pidió que sí.
01:31Novia, la neta es que sigo muy clavado contigo.
01:37Y entiendo perfectamente si te molesta compartir el escenario conmigo.
01:42Yo nada más le digo a Roseta y no pasa nada. No, no, no. Es una gran oportunidad para ti.
01:48Pues yo amo la música por ti.
01:53Y yo me conecté con la música por ti.
02:24Puedes recoger los pedazos de lo que me dejaste.
02:26Amelia, a pesar de que tengo todo en mi contra, por favor, créeme.
02:29¿Creer en ti? Si ni siquiera me dijiste que eres adoptado.
02:32Amelia. Ahora estoy conociendo al Rodrigo, que no conocía.
02:36Uno que es capaz de matar y hacer como si no pasa nada.
02:39Bueno, esa muerte la voy a cargar para toda la vida, ¿ok?
02:42Pero no tenemos por qué terminar nuestro amor.
02:46Este amor no existe, Rodrigo. Mi agradecimiento me hizo verte como un héroe.
02:52Y el amor que yo sentí me hizo convertirte en un hombre perfecto.
02:58Pero hoy, hoy te veo tal cual eres.
03:05A ver, a ver. Se me está ocurriendo algo.
03:08¿Por qué no...? Es una idea.
03:10¿Por qué no tocamos como antes? En el show de repertorio.
03:14Bueno, va. Me parece.
03:16Pero tenemos que tocar la canción que estabas tocando.
03:19Está increíble.
03:21Pues la hice para ti.
03:25Anoche mi hermana y Rodrigo se fueron a pasear.
03:28¿Eran novios?
03:30Sí. Se querían muchísimo. Mi hermano aún lo quiere.
03:34Y quiere regresar con él.
03:36Dile que no. Rodrigo es un mentiroso.
03:39No. No, Rodri no miente. Yo lo conozco desde chiquito.
03:43Él es bueno.
03:44Pues a mí me mintió.
03:46Me dijo que no eran nada de mi mamá, que solo eran amigos.
03:49Y se estaban viendo escondidas.
03:51¿Y qué?
03:52¿Y qué?
03:54Me dijo que no eran nada de mi mamá, que solo eran amigos.
03:57Y se estaban viendo escondidas.
03:59Así que mejor dile a tu hermana que lo deje de querer.
04:03Así que regresaste con Tabo.
04:05Sí. Perdonar, es cute.
04:08Y además, estamos haciendo una canción para el show de apertura.
04:12En el tropicaloso.
04:14Oye, me da gusto por los dos.
04:18Mira, si así vas pensando las cosas, ¿no?
04:20¿Por qué? ¿Cómo está eso de que te parezca tan poca cosa el pueblo?
04:25Es la realidad. Es horrible.
04:29Pero no me preocupo porque pienso que en el tropicaloso nos van a ver,
04:33nos van a descubrir y voy a lograr todos mis sueños.
04:39Claro. Tienes razón.
04:44Martín, ¿supiste que ayer tu tío me propuso matrimonio?
04:48¿En serio? ¿No sabías?
04:49No, ayer.
04:50Muchas felicidades.
04:53¿Los puedo acompañar a comer?
04:56Hijo, por favor.
04:57Claro que puedes, tu mamá.
04:59Yo la invité.
05:02Que no quiero que tú y ella estén enojados.
05:04Finalmente somos una bonita familia.
05:07Bueno, si te incomoda, hijo, me voy. No te preocupes.
05:10No, por supuesto que no.
05:12Siéntate, Amelia.
05:14Si quieres, quédate.
05:16Me da igual.
05:20Si me hiciste venir para cobrarme lo que el inútil de tu amigo y tú no pudieron hacer, ¡olvídalo!
05:25No, no vengo a hablar de eso, sino de lo que pasó anoche.
05:29No te hagas el interesante. ¿Qué pasó anoche?
05:31Pues que su hijo le pidió matrimonio a mi hija, Janet.
05:37Ni creas que vas a ser parte de mi familia. Ese matrimonio no va a pasar.
05:41Ah, y en eso estamos completamente de acuerdo.
05:43Si hay algo que amo en la vida, es a mi hija, Janet.
05:46Y creo que no estaría nada bonito que tuviera de suegra una señora que digamos que no se porta muy decente.
05:52Ah, ¿ahora me vas a chantajear por las cosas que te he pedido que hagas?
05:55No, no, no, no, porque sé que usted perfectamente podría decirle cosas bien feas sobre mí y mi hija.
06:01Así que en eso estamos de acuerdo.
06:04Nada más le voy a pedir que se oponga terminantemente ese matrimonio.
06:17Mi amor, ¿qué te parece si vamos a la finca a comer uno de los postres de Arminda que tanto te gustan?
06:22Voy al baño, pa.
06:24Sí, Martín. Muy bien.
06:30¡Felicidades, Martín!
06:33Eso, hijo.
06:36Qué bueno que te animaste a venir a comer con nosotros, Amelia.
06:40¿Cómo puedes decir eso cuando mi hijo me ignoró durante toda la comida?
06:43Ni siquiera me miró, Iván.
06:45Poco a poco, Amelia. Teníamos que intentar un primer acercamiento.
06:50Solamente es cuestión de tiempo. Eso es todo.
06:58Ya estoy más tranquilo de que por fin hayas abierto los ojos con respecto a Rodrigo.
07:03Porque entonces eso significa que tal vez nosotros podríamos...
07:06No, Iván.
07:08No hay un nosotros.
07:09Te agradezco mucho que me quieras acercar a Martín.
07:12Pero yo no quiero que pienses que terminar con Rodrigo va a cambiar las cosas entre tú y yo.
07:18No, Amelia.
07:20Lo que yo quería decirte es que tú y yo podemos ser amigos. Es solamente eso.
07:26Porque déjame decirte que yo estoy saliendo con una chica ya desde hace algunos días.
07:31Qué bien.
07:33Te deseo muchísima suerte, Iván.
07:35Me da mucho gusto.
07:39Y Alfonso le pidió matrimonio a la corrientita esa. Es que no lo puedo creer.
07:44Él se puede conseguir una mujer mucho mejor.
07:47Bueno, pero mi hermano se enamoró de Shanad y le parece la mejor mujer del mundo.
07:51No voy a permitir que esa pueblerina se aparte de mi marido.
07:54No, no.
07:55Bueno, pero mi hermano se enamoró de Shanad y le parece la mejor mujer del mundo.
07:59No voy a permitir que esa pueblerina se aparte de nuestra familia.
08:02Mamá, tú también fuiste una pueblerina. Yo también me fui.
08:04¿Y me superé?
08:06Mira, Alfonso depende económicamente de mí y vive bajo mi techo.
08:09Si se casa con ella, que se olvide de mi ayuda.
08:15Oye, abuelo.
08:17¿Tendrás fotos de mi papá y de mi abuela, la que no conocí?
08:20Sí, claro.
08:22Tengo muchísimas. A tu abuela Hilda le encantaba tomarse fotos.
08:25Es que en la escuela me pidieron hacer mi árbol genealógico y estoy aprendiendo.
08:29Y para hacerlo me pidieron fotos.
08:31¿Me regalas unas?
08:35De fotos.
08:37Ah, sí. Fotos.
08:39Sí. Gracias.
08:45O sea que la idea de reunir a Tavo y a novia fue de Alfonso.
08:49Sí, te estoy diciendo que Alfonso le quiere ayudar a Tavo.
08:52¿Que Alfonso qué?
08:56Está bien, te voy a decir.
08:58Nada más no voy a decir de chismoso, ¿eh?
09:00No, no, no. Ya, a ver, cuenta.
09:04Pues, resulta que Alfonso convenció a Roseta para que tú y Nubia se encontraran en el show.
09:11Ahí está. ¿Qué más quieres? Más claro ni al agua, ¿no?
09:13Él te sigue considerando su amigo, así que tú deberías dejar de rechazarlo.
09:16¿O qué más quieres para que te demuestres amistad?
09:18¿Qué más quieres?
09:19¿Qué más quieres?
09:20¿Qué más?
09:21Ahí está, ya.
09:41Estas fotografías fueron tomadas en este estudio y me gustaría corroborar las fechas.
09:47Y si tomaron alguna de mi madre embarazada.
09:50Muy bien, Gina.
09:52Todas las operaciones están correctas.
09:53Muy bien.
09:59Es que Martín está muy enojado contigo porque dice que le dijiste mentiras.
10:05Sí, lamentablemente no me ha dado la oportunidad de explicarle lo que pasó.
10:11Pero es que yo ya le dije que tú no eres ningún mentiroso.
10:17Gracias por defenderme, ¿sí?
10:20Muchas gracias.
10:21Sabes que no quiero que discutan por mí.
10:27Pero si hablan de eso, pues dile que...
10:31Dile que quiero seguir siendo su amigo.
10:35Y que...
10:37Me quiero disculpar con él.
10:39Quiero que me perdone por no haberle dicho toda la verdad.
10:47No tenía ninguna necesidad de lastimar así a mi hijo.
10:49Él, él sabe esta verdad.
10:52Y es una verdad muy dolorosa que usted no tenía ningún derecho a recordársela.
10:56De verdad lo lamento, don Héctor.
10:59Pero mejor, compártame.
11:02¿Cuándo fue que lo adoptó?
11:04Desde que nació.
11:06Su madre estaba embarazada.
11:08Y el amor de su vida la abandonó.
11:10Así que yo decidí casarme con ella.
11:14Darle mi apellido.
11:16Para mi desgracia.
11:17Para mi desgracia.
11:20Ella murió en el parto.
11:22Y yo he tratado de compensar la ausencia, la falta de su madre, pero...
11:26No lo he logrado del todo.
11:28Pero usted no tenía por qué recordárselo.
11:33En realidad, don Héctor...
11:37Yo solamente quiero saber...
11:39Quién es Rodrigo.
11:41¿Ah, sí?
11:45Pues grábeselo muy bien, doctor.
11:48Rodrigo es un hombre que ha sufrido mucho.
11:52Y si usted se vuelve a meter con él, o conmigo...
11:57Lo voy a refundir en el bote.
11:59Por andar buscando información confidencial.
12:03¿Está claro, doctor?
12:18Brindemos por mi buena suerte.
12:21Porque desde que llegué a Tierra de Agua,
12:23me topé con el hombre más guapo del lugar y a un precio muy bajo.
12:28Un santo golpe en la frente por chocar con un póster.
12:37¿Qué tanto ves?
12:39Pues... que la buena suerte sigue conmigo.
12:42Que estamos solos.
12:58Quiero que seas mi novia.
13:01¿En serio?
13:06¿En serio?
13:09¿En serio?
13:15Claro que acepto.
13:19¿De veras quieres ser mi novio o me lo dices porque soy muy insistente?
13:25¿En verdad?
13:27Eso en serio.
13:29Quiero dejar el pasado atrás y empezar algo nuevo contigo.
13:40Nieto was arrested in 2024 for extortion
13:43and other crimes related to his activities while he was a police officer.
13:47The complaint was withdrawn,
13:49which resulted in his release from the prison in Pacho Viejo.
13:53How did you get this information?
13:55Hector sent it to me.
13:58Well, I hope that now it is clear to you
14:01that what Rodrigo did was to get a scourge out of our lives.
14:04Are you talking about my dad?
14:06No, I'm talking about the man who abused me.
14:07And now I won't be able to accuse him if it's true.
14:11Why do you still doubt my words?
14:13Because you've lied to him a lot, Mom.
14:15Well, this is not a lie.
14:17That man abused me when I was a young girl
14:20and then he tried to kill me.
14:23Come on, please, Emelia.
14:25We won't let his memory hurt us more.
14:28I love you, daughter.
14:30And everything I do or say
14:33is for your happiness, Alfonso's and Martín's.
14:37I miss him a lot.
14:39Why don't you fix your differences with Ivan?
14:43Look, Dad.
14:45These are the photos of my grandmother Hilda.
14:47My grandfather Tomas gave them to me for my schoolwork.
14:52Let me see.
14:58My mother was very pretty and she adored me.
15:00My grandfather told me she got sick.
15:02That's right, son.
15:04She died when I was a child, almost like your age.
15:08I'm sorry, Dad.
15:11There's nothing to feel, Mom.
15:13Hey, I didn't find any pictures of my grandmother with a belly.
15:17Don't tell me.
15:19Well, there should be some.
15:22Look, let's look...
15:24Oh, I forgot to check some.
15:26Did it help?
15:30Look, it's this.
15:32We put all our savings in the stationery.
15:35And now with a girlfriend you're going to go back to the vacancy and everything.
15:38Don't do it, boss.
15:40How do you think I'm going to get rid of the stationery if that's our business?
15:43Besides, I'm responsible, right?
15:45I know you, Tavo.
15:47I know you very well.
15:49You don't take long to walk around like a dog with your girlfriend.
15:51Well, that's enough, boss.
15:53Besides, I already showed you that I'm able to commit to the stationery, right?
15:56Well, with a girlfriend, I don't know.
15:57That's enough, you two.
15:59Well, boss, my dad.
16:01He just doesn't trust me after everything I've done.
16:03But look, you know what?
16:05If you don't like how I run the stationery, hire whoever you want.
16:07Don't leave me here talking to myself.
16:09Neither do I.
16:11He's already grown up.
16:13He's in love.
16:15What are we going to do to him?
16:17Tavo, this girl is going to be your misfortune.
16:19Listen to him well.
16:21Well, boss, then just let me know so I can give you the keys to the stationery.
16:25Son, no!
16:27No, mom, my dad is crazy.
16:32Goodbye, mom.
16:36Hey, it's just that my prince forgot to tell me when we're getting married.
16:38And I think it's a good time to set a date.
16:40But we have to wait for that.
16:42The hurry is not elegant.
16:44What do you mean it's not elegant?
16:46What I was thinking is that it could be on the beach
16:48and that I can go get a dress because they take a long time to arrive.
16:50Wait, please.
16:51First we have to see how they see us in the repertoire of the tropical bear.
16:53But are you going to be okay?
16:55Well, hopefully.
16:57Because that depends on whether I can get rid of my mom.
17:07I'll see you tomorrow.
17:11Get some rest.
17:13You too.
17:17Pucho, I've been looking for you.
17:19Would you like to go get some beers?
17:22Yes, of course.
17:25How are you?
17:27Fine, fine.
17:29Hey, dad.
17:31Why isn't there a single photo of my pregnant mother?
17:35What do you mean, son? There are several.
17:39Yes, there are several photos of the year I was born,
17:44but none of them show my pregnant mother.
17:48Well, maybe the date I put behind each photo is wrong, right?
17:54It could be.
17:56That's strange, isn't it, dad?
18:00Your dad already gave Amelia the file on Jorge Nieto,
18:03so you know the kind of scumbag his father is.
18:06He's not going to report you.
18:10When I'm in trouble, I say the word.
18:12Do you really care what Amelia thinks or what?
18:14Are you interested in my daughter?
18:17No, no, of course not.
18:19I just wanted to work with her, that's all.
18:22Are you going out?
18:28Take me to town.
18:30Of course.
18:35These photos were taken in this studio,
18:38and I'd like to corroborate the dates.
18:40And if they took any of my pregnant mother.
18:43This was more or less between 1990 and 1991.
18:48Excuse me, but we don't keep files for so long.
18:52Why don't you ask my dad? He probably took the photos.
18:56Thank you very much.
19:10I'm sorry.
19:24We'll talk about that later.
19:54Jeanette, enough.
19:56It doesn't make sense that you're angry.
20:00Because you forgot that you humiliated me in front of the whole town.
20:02Because you kissed my boyfriend.
20:04I didn't kiss your boyfriend.
20:06It was a perpetual gossip.
20:08Okay, enough.
20:10You know this takes a lot of work.
20:12I'm sorry.
20:15How proud you are.
20:17I missed you.
20:19Me too. I forgive you.
20:21How silly you are.
20:23Don't do those things to me again.
20:25Me neither.
20:34I'm going to say hello to a friend.
20:37I wasn't expecting you.
20:39I love to surprise you.
20:42I came to talk about business.
20:44Yes, but I can't right now.
20:58It's literally one of the worst things that has ever happened to me.
21:01If Tina hadn't come and saved me, he would have...
21:05What an idiot.
21:09I would have liked to be there with you.
21:15Why don't you report him?
21:19I don't want anyone to know.
21:21Only you and Tina know.
21:31Let's toast to the success of our business.
21:34I still don't have the amount that the mayor wants
21:38to support the change of land use.
21:52We'll talk about that later.
22:02Hey, dad.
22:04Could you find out the name of the hotel's guests, please?
22:07I'll leave it to you, dad.
22:15Hello, Raul.
22:18Are you going to close early today, my tiger?
22:21Let's see, Perpetu.
22:23I can't be doing this every day.
22:28No, no, no.
22:29I can't be closing the store every day.
22:31I have to work.
22:33Oh, well.
22:35Whatever you say.
22:37What can I tell you?
22:39A guy with a lot of money came to town.
22:42Who told you that?
22:44Well, I found out that the foreigner occupied all the rooms on the last floor of the hotel
22:48because he didn't want anyone to bother him.
22:50Do me a favor.
22:52Look at you.
22:54And who is that?
22:56What's that guy's name?
22:58Oh, look, it's Hector.
23:03Nice to hear you.
23:05How can I help you?
23:07Ah, Perpetu, sorry to bother you, but
23:09I don't know if you could come by the house to clean it up.
23:12With pleasure.
23:14I'll just open a space and I'll go.
23:17Hey, tell me, what's new in town?
23:20Oh, well, look, I just found out
23:23that a guy...
23:25Oh, how I missed being in your arms.
23:30And I longed for your skin and your smell.
23:33Oh, don't be a flatterer with the number of women you must have at your feet.
23:37But none as passionate as you.
23:40That's true.
23:41You're the best.
23:54Your trusted man has already given the land you bought to my new construction company.
24:00We just need those permits to start.
24:06I asked for help from a very good friend of my husband, but
24:10lately I've had a lot of problems with Francisco, so he's not going to help me anymore.
24:15What problems do you have with Francisco, if he adores you?
24:18Well, he used to adore me.
24:20Now he's getting involved with my sister, Rosetta.
24:24What an idiot.
24:28And, well, I've tried to get permission from the banks, but...
24:34No, no loans or permits.
24:36And even if it's your responsibility to solve this, I'll take care of it.
24:47give this to your trusted man so he can get the bribe to the mayor.
24:56You're always on time to solve problems.
25:01I'm not going to let this business go.
25:21Where are you?
25:23In the esplanade, ma'am.
25:26I'm finishing something.
25:28I'll see you in the truck.
25:30Of course.
25:37Excuse me for a moment.
25:39My boss just left and asked me to give a gift to the person on the last floor.
25:43What's his name?
25:45Excuse me for a moment.
25:47Yes, thank you.
25:51Let's see, last floor.
25:55He's registered as Tarek Soto.
25:58Tarek Soto.
26:00Tarek Soto.
26:02Tarek Soto.
26:03Tarek Soto.
26:07It's not good for you to wait for Martin to come out of class to see him from afar.
26:11I know, but I miss him too much and I don't want to pressure him to come back with me.
26:15Well, it's a good sign that he agreed to go out to eat.
26:19Give him time.
26:21You'll see that he'll get better little by little, I'm sure.
26:24Hey, how's the therapy going?
26:26It's going well.
26:28Every time I see him, I take the opportunity to tell him how much you miss him.
26:33How do you feel that Alfonso is going to marry Shannan?
26:37Shannan doesn't believe it.
26:40She's even looking at how to get a dress through an application or something like that.
26:44Hey, but tell her to take it easy.
26:46They're not going to get married right away.
26:48No, I hope not.
26:50Because besides, I'm going to have to save money.
26:52Because if it's the wedding that Shannan is imagining, I'm going to have to sell an eye.
26:55Or an arm.
26:56I heard a comment that a rich man came to the town
27:00who rented the entire last floor of the hotel.
27:03How fast gossip runs in this town.
27:06It's the man I greeted on the street.
27:09A very important businessman with whom I'm going to do very good business.
27:13I understand.
27:15Well, let's go.
27:17Hi Hortensia, how are you?
27:21I'm going to take the tulips.
27:24I was just about to buy those same flowers.
27:26Oh, merchant, this is the only bouquet I have left.
27:28Oh, don't worry.
27:30Give it to the gentleman and I'll take the daisies.
27:32Hey, thank you very much.
27:34How kind.
27:36No problem.
27:40See you later. Excuse me.
27:42Nice to meet you.
27:44Where can I see that woman again?
27:48She lives in the fortune farm.
27:52See you later.
27:54And I'm already happy with Jeanette.
27:57Oh, I'm glad.
27:59Also because I already found out that Alfonso already proposed to her.
28:07I don't achieve any of my dreams
28:10and now she's going to marry the super prince
28:14and she's going to live in his super castle
28:16and everything is going to be perfect.
28:18Oh, dad, life is not fair.
28:21Hey, dad, I already investigated Tarek Soto.
28:25Apparently he is a businessman who has businesses around the world of all kinds.
28:30He is also a close friend of Eduarda.
28:33Please take care of him and what I take care of Eduarda, okay?
28:38Okay. Thank you, dad.
28:41I already have what we need.
28:43Now you have to deliver it.
28:46As you wish.
28:47When do we meet, boss?
28:49Tonight, where we always meet.
28:52Of course, boss.
29:18Who are my real parents? Tell me!
29:24Your real parents are...
29:28Look, dad, I talked to Don Romulo, the owner of the photographic studio, for years.
29:33And he remembers my mother very well.
29:36Yes, he must be an older person, right?
29:39Yes, you are absolutely right. He is an older person, but with an excellent memory.
29:44The only strange thing is that he does not remember having photographed my pregnant mother.
29:50Oh, I remember. It must be the year we went to the United States.
29:57You do have a picture of my pregnant mother, right?
30:00Yes, of course.
30:02What happens is that I do not know where I left it. It must be around here.
30:05I do not know where I left it. It must be around here.
30:08It must have...
30:10Let's see here.
30:12It got lost when we returned to the village.
30:15But it must be around here.
30:17Are you sure?
30:19Let's see. Let's see.
30:23Dad, tell me something.
30:26Why are you lying to me?
30:30Tell me the truth.
30:31I'm going to have to investigate until I find out what is making it very obvious that you are hiding from me.
30:53You are right, son.
30:56Forgive me.
30:58There is no picture of your mother in the state because she was never pregnant.
31:08We adopted you.
31:14What are you saying?
31:16Your mother made me swear before she died that I was not going to tell you anything.
31:21That's why I hid this truth for so many years.
31:24And you do not know how many.
31:27Forgive me, son.
31:31Never again in your life...
31:37...will you call me son.
31:48I already put a lot of flowers in the chandelier.
31:54And what? Who is he?
31:56He is a very elegant man I met in the village.
31:59And a stranger sends you a lot of flowers?
32:02Oh, old man.
32:04He just met him.
32:06Well, I'm intrigued to know who he is, really.
32:08Oh, girl.
32:13How are you, boy?
32:15Look what I brought you.
33:15Hello, Amelia.
33:17My father told me that he sent you the file of Jorge Neto.
33:19The fact that he was a criminal does not excuse you from being a murderer.
33:24Amelia, deep down you know that I am innocent.
33:27I do not know.
33:29And what?
33:31Now you send tulips to Amelia to reconquer her.
33:34I did not send her anything.
33:36Well, then who sent them?
33:38An admirer sent them to me.
33:40And maybe it's the man I've been waiting for.
33:49Listen, we're friends now.
33:51Yeah, yeah, yeah, forever, huh?
33:55Let's see.
34:00Hey, I wanted to tell you the other day that I found a dress that is very beautiful.
34:04It's very nice, I wanted to show you.
34:06Let's see, no, wait.
34:08Tavo told me that Alfonso asked you for the hand of the most romantic way possible.
34:15Oh yeah, he begged me and well, we're back.
34:17Hey, congratulations.
34:21No, well, if David begs me to come back, of course I come back, right?
34:24Let's see, let's see.
34:26David does not have to beg you for anything.
34:28He wants to be with another girl and that's it.
34:30Get over it.
34:32I have to do homework.
34:34So, I'll see you later.
34:38I took my umbrella so as not to get wet.
34:43There was no need for you to tell him that.
34:45No, but that's enough drama, let him get over it.
34:48He does not want to be with her.
34:52Amelia, could you explain to me who that admirer is and what his name is?
34:56What do you want to know?
34:58Well, to find out if he's a good guy before you start something with him.
35:02You see what happened to you with Rodrigo?
35:04What do you want, Ivan?
35:06You, as my friend.
35:08But you know that I no longer feel like sharing what I just learned.
35:12I better go.
35:13Can I go to your father's house for dinner?
35:17Not today, Amelia.
35:19Not today.
35:25With this you liquidate everything.
35:27That's how we do it, boss.
35:29I'll take care of it, I don't want any mistakes.
35:32No, no, boss, of course not.
35:44Don't worry, I'll help you.
35:46Are you okay?
35:50What happened?
35:52I just broke a promise I made to my late wife many years ago.
36:00Do you want us to talk about that?
36:03It's something that has always made it hard for me to keep quiet.
36:07I've never told anyone about it.
36:09And what is it that they didn't want you to know?
36:15Ivan is not my son.
36:18He's adopted.
36:20I told him, and now he hates me.
36:24I can't even call him my son.
36:27No, you can't.
36:29You've always been my son.
36:32You've always been my son.
36:35You've always been my son.
36:38You always told me that facing the truth, no matter how painful it is, is much better.
36:44And look, thanks to that, I have a very good relationship with David today.
36:48Believe me, you took a lot of weight off your shoulders.
36:53Thank you, Juliana.
37:22Please don't drink.
37:24Better tell Martin that we're going to have dinner.
37:28My son is having fun watching a movie.
37:30And you and I have to talk, Tomas.
37:35What do you want to know?
37:38Everything. Absolutely everything.
37:41For example, why did they adopt me?
37:43Why did my parents abandon me?
37:45Why did they never love me?
37:47Please, don't make up ideas.
37:49Don't torment yourself either.
37:51No, I'm not making up ideas.
37:53And how can you ask me that when I ended up abandoned in an orphanage?
37:56Your parents abandoned me.
37:57I'm sure they loved you.
37:59And how do you know that?
38:01Did you talk to them?
38:03Are they alive?
38:05Tell me, Tomas.
38:07What are their names? I want to know them.
38:10Unfortunately, your parents died.
38:15Of course.
38:17Of course.
38:19How convenient for you.
38:21If it's for me, it's for you.
38:23I'm sorry.
38:24How convenient for you.
38:26If what you're telling me is true.
38:33Do you want to know the truth?
38:35Of course I want to know the truth.
38:40Talk one more damn time, Tomas.
38:43I want to know who my real parents are.
38:47Tell me!
38:49Your real parents are...
38:54Teresa and Clemente Covarrubias.
