Short filmTranscript
00:00I'm supposed to convince Markus to sell his shares to you?
00:09Under the condition that you both leave the prince's court immediately afterwards.
00:18Mr. Saalfeld?
00:23I'll try.
00:30You have the deal not to thank Philipp, but to thank his father. He made the contact to the breeder.
00:40Yes, and that you transfer your problems with Philipp to him?
00:43Are you serious? Are you showing me jealousy?
00:46It's just a question.
00:49Then please think about it again.
00:52Step back from the purchase.
00:56You already know that it's pretty difficult to find something in Bichelheim.
01:01It wasn't that difficult, to be honest.
01:03Are you moving in with us?
01:07That's great!
01:08I've changed my mind, by the way.
01:10No lasagna after all?
01:12What? Yes, of course. No, I mean, I would invite my father to our wedding after all.
01:19Well, provided it's okay for you.
01:21Of course it's okay. Why all of a sudden?
01:24Good news!
01:26Heinz has called.
01:28He just sent the contract.
01:31Already? So fast?
01:34Yes, he should be here tomorrow.
01:36And then you just have to sign it.
01:48Great, then I'll come by tomorrow and sign it.
01:53Yes, then the two beauties belong to you.
01:56Clever decision.
01:58Yes, I think so, too.
02:00Yes, you recently saw in the equine passes that the two have an excellent lineage.
02:06Yes, the trees were really very impressive.
02:08And without your advice, I would never have found them. Thank you again.
02:12Not at all.
02:13With Cassiopeia and Cleopatra, you will build up a successful breeding.
02:18I hope so, because the two are really not cheap.
02:21The money is well spent. Believe me.
02:24So, then we'll see each other tomorrow, as soon as the contracts are there.
02:27See you tomorrow.
02:32Anna, why don't you listen to me?
02:37Vincent, I really appreciate how much you put in there.
02:41Anna, we'll find other studios. Please don't make a hasty decision now.
02:45I really believe that you are worrying unnecessarily.
02:49If I didn't have serious concerns, I wouldn't say anything.
02:54I have a good feeling, okay?
02:57Trust me.
03:03Yes, the beautiful one.
03:20Hi. I didn't hear you coming.
03:23You were really deep. Are you feeling better again?
03:27What do you have that's so beautiful?
03:29It's a brochure of a winery near Baden-Baden.
03:34And what are you going to do with it?
03:36I actually wanted to order wine for the hotel.
03:39But now I accidentally saw that it was for sale.
03:43Look here. How beautiful.
03:46It's very nice. And the Bavarian wines are not to be underestimated.
03:49How nice?
03:51Look at this house in the middle of the vineyards.
03:54Yes, it's on the west side. Wonderful.
03:56Not too hot in summer.
03:58Yes, and the view from the terrace. Imagine that at sunset.
04:02Hey, we could live together there.
04:08Now you've really spilled blood.
04:12You're already a proud owner of a winery.
04:15Yes, but I'm legally bound to the prince's court.
04:18After all, you guarantee a fixed annual income.
04:23Imagine. We would be really independent.
04:27That's what we've always wanted.
04:30And our wine, it could also be in Tuscany.
04:33Or in Spain.
04:35The wines in the Toro Valley are a sensation.
04:38And Noah would be pretty close.
04:41He could come visit us with the children.
04:44What children? You didn't tell me he was going to be a father.
04:47No, he's not going to be a father.
04:49But hopefully he'll have some children by then.
04:51When we're alive and old and grey.
04:54Why old and grey?
04:56Well, I'd say we still have 20 to 30 years.
05:00Or what did you think? When we'll settle down.
05:05That means the tax return should come soon.
05:08All right. Thank you very much for the information, Mrs. Krodinger.
05:11Yes. Thank you. Bye.
05:14Come in.
05:18Yes, I'm glad to see you too.
05:20Do you have a moment?
05:22Always for you.
05:24What are you doing to my head today?
05:26Okay, Philipp. It's clear. We won't be friends in this life anymore.
05:29Then I'll take your opinion as an exception.
05:32I need your help.
05:34It's about Anna.
05:37Something's wrong with this horse deal.
05:39Are you starting with that again?
05:41Philipp, please. I have a really bad gut feeling.
05:44Does Anna have that too?
05:46No. Anna wants to sign the deal tomorrow.
05:49You see? Her money, her decision. Just accept it.
05:51I can't.
05:53I'd like to do that.
05:55Philipp, if you were in my shoes...
05:58...and you were sure something was wrong...'d do anything to protect Anna.
06:07Let's talk to her.
06:09Then she'll think about it again.
06:11And we'll gain time to check it thoroughly.
06:14But you don't have any proof.
06:16Your bad gut feeling is only based on prejudices you have against my father.
06:21Do you remember when Anna fell off the horse and we were looking for her?
06:25You only had your gut feeling.
06:27Yes, and?
06:28If I hadn't listened to you, we would never have found her in time.
06:32But that's something completely different.
06:35Listen. I trust my father.
06:39And I won't interfere with Anna's deal.
06:43If your trust in your father turns out to be wrong...
06:47...Anna will get her reward.
06:52But if you don't care...
07:02...I don't care.
07:28Darling, I'm home.
07:30Ah, hey.
07:32I made caprese.
07:33And after that, there's lemon tagliatelle with cherry tomatoes.
07:37How do I get the honor?
07:39Well, last time you cooked me, now it's my turn.
07:42Please, take a seat.
07:44Just a moment.
07:45Just a moment.
07:47First, I have to welcome the most beautiful woman in the world.
07:55What's that?
07:57Open it.
08:02Michael, you're crazy.
08:05Don't you like her?
08:07Yes, she's beautiful, but...
08:10...I can never accept that.
08:12Why not?
08:14Is today a special day?
08:17I don't need a special day... give you a little something.
08:24Okay, she's far too valuable.
08:28I'm just happy...
08:31...that you like her... darling.
08:47The Venus of Botticelli couldn't be more beautiful.
08:57Hey, there you are.
08:59Sorry, I had something to do.
09:04Are we going to drink the deal?
09:06It's non-alcoholic.
09:08And no, there's nothing to drink beautifully.
09:11I wanted to toast with you.
09:13There are more great news.
09:15Mr. Seidel called me earlier.
09:17He said the construction work at the stable is going really well.
09:20That means we can put the stables under construction soon.
09:24And that's why I had another idea.
09:27What do you think...
09:29...if we hold a memorial service for Wilma... the inauguration of the stable?
09:34With family and friends.
09:36That's a nice idea.
09:38Yes, without Wilma you couldn't realize the dream.
09:41Exactly, and I've never really celebrated my inheritance...
09:44...and I'd like to do that now.
09:49You're still angry because I didn't listen to you.
09:52Anna, I'm not angry. I'm just thinking seriously.
09:55You don't have to.
09:59I know what I'm doing.
10:02And I've made up my mind. Please accept it.
10:11Okay. You know what you're doing.
10:17To Wilma.
10:18And to our future together. To Guttalheim.
10:22To Wilma.
10:33Good evening.
10:39Oh, Mrs. Saalfeld.
10:42Because of the impurity of this wine delivery...
10:45...have you already moved on?
10:48I'm on it.
10:50Well, be so kind and take care of it.
10:53The sooner it's settled, the better.
11:13We'll have that in a minute.
11:14Do you have a cloth?
11:15Yes, yes, yes. We'll have it in a minute.
11:27Luckily, water doesn't give away wine stains.
11:32But what's going on?
11:39Christoph Saalfeld is killing me.
11:44But he just asked you a professional question.
11:48Yes, but...
11:49...I'm tense all the time.
11:52A little thing is enough and I lose my nerves.
11:57Is that why you attacked Alexander yesterday?
12:02I'm not myself anymore.
12:05...because of Christoph you didn't have to worry about best interests.
12:09You say that so easily.
12:11With him, you never know when his peace of mind will end.
12:14Yes, well, you always have to be on your toes.
12:16But hey!
12:17You yourself pleaded for us to all travel together.
12:21Yes, I did, but...
12:24...I underestimated the whole situation.
12:28It's really killing me.
12:32I even dream about it.
12:34When I'm sleeping at all.
12:36And drawing.
12:37Look, I can't concentrate on drawing either.
12:40Oh, you!
12:42That's not so bad.
12:44But not good either.
12:45Oh, you!
12:47I understand you.
12:48Christoph is, God knows, not a dream cohabitant.
12:51But hey!
12:52That will change soon.
12:54As soon as he lives with Alexandra in the new apartment...
12:56...then she has him on her back.
12:58And here the situation will calm down again.
13:00And if not?
13:01After all, I also have to work with him.
13:03Katja, so black-eyed.
13:05I don't even know you like that.
13:07That will settle again.
13:15I love you.
13:33What's up? What are you doing here?
13:38Tell me, Roland.
13:41How well do you really know this daughter?
13:46Half eternity.
13:54Vincent has doubts.
13:59The vet, huh?
14:00Want some coffee?
14:02No, thanks.
14:05Did you get infected by him?
14:08It's not about me at all.
14:10It's about Anna.
14:12And what about her? Does she also have doubts?
14:16She still wants to buy the studs.
14:19Yes, that's not a problem, is it?
14:21Yes, but Vincent advised her to think again.
14:24Oh man, this guy, really.
14:26So much mistrust.
14:31But for Heinz, I'll hide.
14:38Are you sure about that?
14:41Heinz is an honest person.
14:46We'll do the following.
14:48We'll go through the liquid tests again.
14:52I don't know.
14:54Vincent probably already did that anyway.
14:56Doesn't matter.
14:57Double is better.
15:02I'm glad you like the room.
15:04Yes, it's really nice.
15:06Thank you very much.
15:07And it's really not too small for you?
15:09No, I don't have that much stuff anyway.
15:11Since the separation of my ex-girlfriend,
15:13I have shrunk quite a bit.
15:15Well, then I would say, let's sit down, have a coffee,
15:18and discuss all the formalities.
15:22Ah yes, of course, the rental contract.
15:24Yes, well, we actually do it like this.
15:27Welcome to the new home.
15:30Thank you very much.
15:31And I'll join you.
15:32Oh, thank you.
15:33We are really very grateful to you for renting the room.
15:36Yes, that saves us a lot of time.
15:38And we are looking forward to a nice new home.
15:42And what are we doing for the celebration of the day?
15:44Picnic, specials?
15:46Unfortunately, nothing will come of it.
15:48Yes, the move-in transporter will be here soon.
15:51Oh, you've already organized everything?
15:53Yes, of course, I didn't want to read it all at once.
15:56Okay, then I'll help you.
16:07Good morning.
16:08Oh, hello.
16:09Did you bring the additional supplies for the seminar group?
16:12Yes, ruby cake and blackberry cherry cake, as ordered.
16:15That will sweeten the lectures for you.
16:19How are you?
16:21Come on, sit down for a moment.
16:31Is everything okay between you and Michael again?
16:34Yes, he's making a lot of effort now.
16:37That sounds good.
16:38But sounds like a ...
16:41He exaggerates a lot.
16:43Can you exaggerate?
16:45The Aphrodite of Botticelli.
16:48Me, exactly.
16:50Yes, those were his words.
16:52When he gave me a beautiful, but far too expensive necklace yesterday.
16:59That's probably his way of making up for it.
17:02After it hasn't been going so well with you lately.
17:05Yes, but he's never given me such an exaggerated gift.
17:08He just wants to show you what you mean to him and how much he loves you.
17:12Yes, he said that too.
17:14Yes, you see.
17:15Still, somehow he's different.
17:20His behavior is sometimes almost imposed.
17:23I just feel that there's something between us.
17:28Excuse me if I ask you this again.
17:32But your bad conscience about Eric Clay doesn't matter at all?
17:39Your kiss.
17:41That you feel drawn to him.
17:46So, the kiss, that was a mistake.
17:50That's not a question.
17:55it's something else.
18:20Thank you again for telling me about this immunotherapy.
18:24I'm sure you would have found out without my research.
18:27It's not that fast.
18:29And you said it yourself.
18:31The speed is crucial for Manus Immobilis.
18:35When do you start the therapy?
18:38I've already talked to my colleague about it.
18:44I'm sorry.
18:45That makes me happy.
18:49For me it's still a shock.
18:54I don't know if I can continue practicing.
19:00I understand.
19:03Yes, and I haven't found a way yet to deal with the situation.
19:10Have you already told your girlfriend about it?
19:17I think it's best not to involve her.
19:21And actually, it's not right for you to be burdened by it.
19:26You should focus on your doctor's work.
19:28You can talk to me about it at any time.
19:31That's not a question.
19:33And as far as your life partner is concerned...
19:36She would only worry.
19:38And she can't help me.
19:41Yes, but keeping a disease quiet only makes it worse.
19:46At some point, she would realize that she's being kept quiet.
19:51And more importantly, she needs you by her side.
19:57You're right.
20:03You really don't have to be afraid of horses anymore.
20:06You don't have to threaten me every time, Roland.
20:09I'm just happy.
20:10Now you just have to get close to the mice.
20:14Do you remember that?
20:16Of course.
20:17It was Christmas, about four o'clock.
20:19You were totally excited to get your first bike.
20:22You were just unpacking the whole box...
20:25...when suddenly a mouse came out under the Christmas tree.
20:30You didn't go into the living room anymore...
20:33...before I caught the mouse and released it outside in the garden.
20:40Which one do we start with?
20:42Pick one.
20:44When did we start here?
20:47Equine Pass Cleopatra.
20:50Compare the inscribed drawings with the drawings on the fur.
20:55You mean these?
21:09They are identical.
21:12An Equine Pass is like a Perso, just without a photo.
21:17And the drawings, in combination, are so unique.
21:22It's like a fingerprint.
21:25So, with this pass I can actually identify every horse?
21:30Now let's look at Cassiopeia.
21:59The voice mixers?
22:02What else did you expect?
22:06Actually, nothing.
22:08Vincent drove me totally crazy.
22:12I just want Anna not to be pulled over at the deals.
22:19I just want her to be completely calm.
22:46I just want her to be completely calm.
22:48I just want her to be completely calm.
22:49I just want her to be completely calm.
22:50I just want her to be completely calm.
22:51I just want her to be completely calm.
22:52I just want her to be completely calm.
22:53I just want her to be completely calm.
22:54I just want her to be completely calm.
22:55I just want her to be completely calm.
22:56I just want her to be completely calm.
22:57I just want her to be completely calm.
22:58I just want her to be completely calm.
22:59I just want her to be completely calm.
23:00I just want her to be completely calm.
23:01I just want her to be completely calm.
23:02I just want her to be completely calm.
23:03I just want her to be completely calm.
23:04I just want her to be completely calm.
23:05I just want her to be completely calm.
23:06I just want her to be completely calm.
23:08You are the most beautiful granny I know.
23:14My grandson is allowed to call me granny.
23:16My fiancé is not.
23:17Okay, then I should pee.
23:20Grandma is called Suaheli.
23:22You know something like that.
23:24Yes, thanks to the Internet.
23:26I'll look for flyers in my office.
23:33Wait a minute.
23:36Eleni writes that she wants Markus to come with her.
23:40Would you mind if all three of us fly together?
23:44As long as he doesn't sit in front of me in the plane and folds his back.
23:49Eleni will be happy.
23:51And I'm happy that you and Markus have finally changed your grave fights.
24:06It's a shame that your father had to leave.
24:09But nice of him to invite us to breakfast.
24:12Yes, lately he's really making an effort.
24:16I'm just about to go over to breakfast.
24:18Do you want to come with me?
24:19I would like to, but I still have to wash clothes and do a few other things in the household.
24:25Come on.
24:31What do you think of a second breakfast?
24:34Actually, I'd like to, but I still have to do something.
24:37Hey, come on.
24:38The horses are taken care of and the paperwork can wait.
24:45Okay, fine.
24:46But let's go to bed, okay?
24:48I've heard about that.
24:49But I wasn't there yet.
24:51Then we'll have time.
24:54When I get back from the studio, we can go through the menu again.
24:59I thought about what you said, Vincent.
25:02Okay, and?
25:03I compared the equine passes with the studs and the drawings, and everything fits.
25:09Yes, that's right.
25:10My son is very penniless.
25:11He could have become a bookworm.
25:15Anna, you can buy the studs without hesitation.
25:19Great, thank you, Philipp.
25:23Hey, how's it going?
25:25We're throwing a carpool party in Talheim soon, when the new stable is finished.
25:28There will also be a memorial service for Wilma.
25:31Come too.
25:33Yes, that would be nice.
25:38Thank you for the invitation, but better not.
25:41Talheim is now your project, and I wish you all the best in the world.
25:52Nicole, what I'm trying to tell you is that Manus Immobilis was diagnosed with me,
26:10and that means I'm no longer a doctor.
26:22I'm sorry.
26:42Eat your soup, or it'll get cold.
26:47And have fun with the others.
26:50Don't worry, I'll be back soon.
26:52No, no, please, stay as long as you want.
26:56Have fun.
26:57Smoke the dance floor.
27:15I'll help you.
27:16Sorry, sorry, I'm sorry.
27:21It's okay, Michael.
27:23I'm sorry.
27:41That was fast.
27:43What's wrong? It sounded so important on the phone.
27:56You're making it really exciting.
28:00Nicole, what I'm trying to tell you is...
28:11Let's go around the houses tonight.
28:15Let's rock the dance floor.
28:18Is that what you wanted to tell me?
28:21And for that, I'll leave everything in the café and come running here?
28:30Come on, let's put this away first.
28:32We'll open the bookshelf first, then we can put it away.
28:36I'm thirsty.
28:37Practically designed, or are you already fixed and ready?
28:40I just didn't know you were such a reader.
28:43Well, my cookbook collection is part of it, of course.
28:45It's a small weakness of mine.
28:48And what's your big weakness?
28:51You know that very well.
28:53The transport is already here.
28:55When I think about the fact that we have to clean all of this up...
28:58Because of what? I only have a little stuff.
29:00Yeah, definitely not as much as you.
29:02Come on, let's not talk anymore.
29:05Mr. Klee, where are we now?
29:07What's that?
29:08There comes the garbage-packer.
29:10You dragged me into this.
29:12But you can help Mr. Hildegard, can't you?
29:15Where should I go? Are you moving out?
29:17If you move in, yes.
29:19See, that's what I mean.
29:21You're really so nice that you're all helping.
29:23Yes, thank you very much.
29:25If we all pack up, then we'll have the things very quickly.
29:28All together.
29:31Good, let's go.
29:33Oh, by the way, I have a little surprise for you later.
29:37Oh, really? That would be great.
29:39Where do we have to go?
29:42What kind of surprise is it?
29:44Up the stairs.
29:46Then it's not a surprise.
29:48Your silence.
29:50My cookbooks!
29:52Oh, no.
29:53I'll get the cookbooks.
29:57It's not that bad.
29:58Do you want one?
30:10The stew here is really fantastic.
30:15But don't you like yours?
30:19What do we have here?
30:24No, head up, boy.
30:27It's always easy to say.
30:29I don't know.
30:30I don't know.
30:31I don't know.
30:32I don't know.
30:33I don't know.
30:34I don't know.
30:35I don't know.
30:36I don't know.
30:37I don't know.
30:38I don't know.
30:39It's always so easy.
30:40Earlier, you showed me the true size of the two of them.
30:47I know.
30:48It's hard.
30:51You actually wanted to get along with Anna.
30:53And now she switched you out with another guy.
30:56That's nonsense.
30:57I've been bored for a long time.
31:00But I don't want to talk about it as much as you do about your time in jail.
31:05Well, it's over.
31:07You're right.
31:08You have to look ahead.
31:10I don't have anything else left anyway.
31:13It's not the same from now on.
31:15You're still attached to her, aren't you?
31:23I love Anna.
31:26But unfortunately, it's not based on reciprocity.
31:32You'll get it, boy.
31:33Believe me.
31:35What makes you so sure?
31:39We have the same genes.
31:41We always wake up when we're lying on the floor.
31:46The priest in jail.
31:48He said a very good sentence to me.
31:54When you let go of something, something new always comes to you.
31:58And usually the new is better than the old.
32:05Come on.
32:09It would be nice.
32:12You would definitely deserve it.
32:16Oh, the strudel.
32:18It's fantastic.
32:21Don't you want a little something?
32:25No, thanks.
32:27Oh, crazy.
32:30I can actually do it myself.
32:32Come on, give it to me.
32:34I'll have it right away.
32:36Mommy, what's going on?
32:40I just can't stand it anymore with Christoph Saalfeld.
32:44I'm not a big fan of him either.
32:46But he's going to move out soon.
32:48And at least he gave me the sleeping pills.
32:54And you also have something like a ceasefire, don't you?
32:59I'm supposed to convince Markus to sell his shares to you.
33:03Under the condition that you both leave the prince's court immediately afterwards.
33:07Assuming I succeed.
33:09And Markus and I are gone.
33:11Then you really leave the matter with Maxi to yourself.
33:19That was really generous of him.
33:22I wouldn't have expected that.
33:30Already done.
33:31You're the best.
33:33I have to go to the clinic.
33:35Blood pressure check with my patients.
33:37I'll steal it, okay?
33:40Ah, Mrs. Neubach.
33:41Oh, hello.
33:42How's your study going on the way to the doctor's degree?
33:45Great, thanks.
33:46I'm just in a bit of a hurry.
33:50What does it look like?
33:55I don't know.
34:02Have you already gotten on with Markus?
34:08I need your help.
34:10If I'm supposed to convince him to sell his shares to you.
34:13I'm fine with him ending up behind bars.
34:16You have to make a decision and then deliver.
34:18Otherwise it will be uncomfortable for your daughter.
34:20You'll never get rid of him as easily as you did now.
34:23You just have to help me.
34:28How do you plan to do that?
34:33Just be yourself.
34:35And finish me off in front of Markus.
34:46When Philipp Freund refused to come to the party in Thalheim.
34:51And me and Vincent wished all the luck in the world.
34:55That sounded final.
34:58Whether he really broke up with me.
35:00That would be the best for the three of us.
35:04I should be happy when he looks forward.
35:08But why does it hurt me then?
35:11I don't understand.
35:14Probably because it always feels weird
35:17when a section is finally over.
35:21And that's how it is with Philipp.
35:24I love you.
35:43I would recommend a Chardonnay aged in wood.
35:47Sounds wonderful.
35:51I'll take it with me.
35:55Mrs. Thies and her husband would like the Chardonnay aged in wood.
35:59All right, I'll bring it to you.
36:05I don't have much time.
36:08Let's go.
36:10This is the second table that has complained about your wine recommendation.
36:15The gentleman wanted a light Grauburgunder for his lamb crone.
36:19He would be totally unhappy.
36:20And if the guest orders vinegar, that's his business.
36:22The guest is king and not a student.
36:36He felt insulted.
36:38And he's not the only one.
36:40The guests feel insulted by their eternal flattery.
36:43Christoph, what's gotten into you?
36:45Our guests want to take a vacation here and don't want to do a wine study.
36:49If this happens again, Mrs. Saalfeld,
36:52you've been a sommelier at the prince's court for the longest time.
36:54Do we understand each other?
36:58You don't talk to our guests like that.
37:01That's not what I'm talking about.
37:13You two, we'll take you to your new home soon.
37:19You here?
37:21You seem to be here too.
37:30I have to thank you.
37:33You took my concerns seriously.
37:35I appreciate that.
37:37I only did it for Anna.
37:39Yes, I know.
37:43And it seems that everything is fine with the two of them.
37:51I have no idea what was going on with my gut feeling.
37:54I don't understand it.
38:06Mrs. Selbig.
38:07Here's your menu.
38:13Okay, then please come to practice today.
38:31I can't do this.
38:43Stop it!
38:45I'm doing it!
38:46You better turn the pedals a little more.
38:49Excuse me, please.
38:50I'm going crazy here and you're steering.
38:53I'm turning too.
38:55Yes, I can see that.
38:56Come on, let's swap.
38:57Yes, quiet in the cheap seats back there.
39:00I have to concentrate on the way here now.
39:03Let's see.
39:04No, that's not fair.
39:06That's not fair at all.
39:09How did we even get there?
39:12Yes, you'll see that in a moment.
39:14Isn't there a little picnic over there?
39:16Oh, there's the lake up ahead.
39:19Not bad, right?
39:20Because of no gear shift, I can't anymore.
39:22Not far anymore.
39:23But when we drive back, I'll sit in the front.
39:26I'm not so sure about that yet.
39:28We'll see.
39:30Oh, it's so beautiful here.
39:32Ah, a dream.
39:40Ah, the sunflowers here are so great.
39:43Yes, first they provide us with quick move-in helpers.
39:46And then such a tandem and a wonderful picnic.
39:51Yes, you did a great job as a landlord.
39:54Yes, definitely.
40:01Does it make you comfortable?
40:19The best thing is that we can do things like this much more often in the future.
40:33Yes, come in.
40:38Yes, please.
40:41Dr. Niederühl.
40:42Ah, from Neuwirth.
40:44With the best regards from Dr. Röhler.
40:47Thank you very much.
40:48I know.
40:49My colleague has already told me that you will bring me the medication.
40:52Thank you very much for that.
40:53I was in the clinic anyway.
40:54No reason.
40:57Um, I can't...
41:01I haven't told Nicole anything yet.
41:07I wanted to tell her something.
41:09But I didn't mean it.
41:14It's really a difficult situation.
41:20I decided to tell her something only when I know that the immunotherapy is working.
41:29I would probably do the same in her place.
41:31And also wait until there is hope.
41:38It's not what I think.
41:49Calm down, Cleopatra.
41:51Calm down.
41:59Calm down.
42:10It's just water.
42:12Calm down.
42:29I love you.
42:44Here's the press, Mr. Seifeld.
42:53What was that with Katja Seifeld?
42:54Hello, Lexi.
42:56The hallway radio is faster than our Wi-Fi.
42:59I should talk to Mr. Licht about that.
43:02Did you have to?
43:03Yes, I had to.
43:04But not like this.
43:05And not in front of all the guests.
43:09It's always the most effective to discuss things immediately.
43:13Then will you cancel the staff meetings at the restaurant?
43:16On the terrace?
43:17In the gym?
43:18Can I bring you something, too?
43:20A glass of water, please.
43:21With pleasure.
43:26Are you still mad at Katja Seifeld
43:28that she reported this to the police?
43:32It's long forgotten.
43:33Then why are you humiliating her?
43:35You just reached out to each other.
43:38Some guests have problems with the way they talk.
43:43I'm hearing that for the first time.
43:45Mrs. Seifeld is the best sommelier we've ever had.
43:48According to Markus, you were often insulting.
43:52I will soon pack my criticism in cotton bags
43:55with flowers around it.
43:56That's not funny, Christoph.
44:00What were you thinking?
44:24My God, I'm so sorry.
44:26It was terrible.
44:29I just talked to Alexander.
44:31She's probably taking Christoph by the breast right now.
44:35That's no use.
44:36He can't jump around with you like that.
44:38You see that he can.
44:41My Christoph and Alexander
44:43have just moved out of here.
44:46That doesn't change anything.
44:48He is and will always be my boss.
44:50Then I'll have to force him on me again.
44:53That doesn't help either.
44:55He just has a personal grudge against me.
45:00But you're a Seifeld.
45:01You're related.
45:03He still makes me mad.
45:05I don't know what to do.
45:07But you're related.
45:09He still makes my life hell.
45:11You saw it with your own eyes.
45:15Oh, Katja.
45:18My darling.
45:21I can't stand this guy anymore.
45:27He's horrible.
45:29Is there anything I can do for you?
45:33I'd love for you to be happy again.
45:51Go away with me.
45:54I don't want to see you again.
45:57Go away with me.
46:02Far away from here.
46:08Please, Markus.
46:27Hey, Philipp.
46:28What's up?
46:29I just went to the students again.
46:32Their drawings are just painted.
46:34Philipp, calm down.
46:35This is a noble hotel.
46:36You and your breeder.
46:37You want to pull Anna over the table.
46:41Damn it, Roland.
46:42You're in there with her.
46:43Don't lie to me now.
46:44What are you talking about, Philipp?
46:46You know what?
46:47I'm going to couple with Vincent and Anna now.
46:49I'll call her.
46:50With liquid pistols.
46:51And then your deal will explode.
46:54Stop it.
46:55You're right.
46:56Yes, you're right.
46:58Why do you want to hurt Anna?
47:01She brought you up.
47:02She's doing well with her boyfriend now.
47:05If it weren't for her, you'd be living there.
47:07You'd have taken care of her until the end of your life.
47:10That was aunt Vema's last will.
47:12But that's not fair.
47:13We both.
47:14We are the only relatives.
47:16Vincent was right all the time about his concerns.
47:18You don't understand.
47:20I'm just getting back what's ours.
47:23Are you in?
47:28You really think I have no style, no taste, no idea or what?
47:32No, no.
47:33But a wedding suit is something different than your cute pajamas or something.
47:39I'll show you.
47:42I'm worried about Philipp.
47:44But Anna, there can be many reasons why someone doesn't answer their phone.
47:48What happened to him?
47:49I don't know.
47:50But I just have this stupid feeling.
47:52Congratulations on your great-grandfather's great-grandmother.
47:55Isn't she gorgeous, little Nala?
47:57What a pretty name.
48:00What do you say?
48:04Okay, what?
48:05Okay, cool or okay, that's not possible?
48:09I don't like it.