• last week
by Marisabina Russo
00:00Why Do Grown UPS Have All The Fun, By Mari Sabina Russo,
00:15For my mother and Eunice and Wit, One night Hannah just could not fall asleep,
00:20Neither could her doll Aggie, Hannah was sure that her mother and father
00:24were doing something wonderful, Why do grown UPS have all the fun, she said
00:28to Aggie, Right this very minute I bet mama and daddy
00:32are eating ice cream with sprinkles and marshmallows, said Hannah,
00:36Hannah took Aggie and tiptoed down the hall, she peeked into the living room,
00:40her mother was sewing, her father was reading, Hannah and Aggie tiptoed back to bed,
00:46Hannah still could not fall asleep, neither could Aggie,
00:49I bet mama made a pot of play dough, Right this very minute mama and daddy are
00:53squishing it and rolling it and cutting it, said Hannah,
00:57Hannah took Aggie and tiptoed down the hall, she peeked into the living room,
01:01her mother and father were folding clean sheets together,
01:05Hannah and Aggie tiptoed back to bed, Hannah still could not close her eyes,
01:09I'll be up all night, said Hannah, I'll never fall asleep as long as mama and
01:14daddy are having all the fun, I bet mama and daddy built a big tower with
01:18blocks and they are getting ready to crash the whole thing down,
01:22said Hannah, and then they are going to eat popcorn,
01:25Hannah took Aggie and tiptoed down the hall, she peeked into the living room,
01:29her mother was writing a letter, her father was doing a crossword puzzle,
01:33mama daddy, I can't fall asleep, neither can Aggie, said Hannah,
01:38do you want to come sit with us on the couch for a while, said her mother,
01:42Hannah climbed up on the couch with Aggie, she snuggled down between her mother and father,
01:47her mother went back to her letter, her father went back to his crossword puzzle,
01:52it was very quiet, finally Hannah said, Aggie is getting sleepy now so we are going to bed,
01:57we'll come and tuck you both in, said her mother,
02:00see you in the morning, said Hannah, and she went to sleep, the end.