• yesterday
Emmerdale 17th October 2024


01:00But happiness is just an illusion
01:04Filled with sadness and confusion
01:11Oh, I'm old-skilled, sorry.
01:14Alright, my run.
01:17Dad's playlist, do you like it?
01:19Yeah, I mean, you've got to have a playlist, right?
01:21For when you're digging a family member's grave.
01:25Yeah, he wanted his favourite songs playing the whole day.
01:27Very specific.
01:30Yeah, Dad all over that.
01:31Get him what he wants, even when he's brown bread.
01:34Yeah, anyway, about me being celebrant today.
01:39Instead of a vicar at the gravesite?
01:41You asked me to, Sam!
01:42What about it?
01:43Well, I mean, do you want me to make sure everybody gets to say something, or...?
01:47Yeah, of course, if they want to.
01:50You should say something, obviously.
01:53Yeah, he's got a point, eldest son and all that.
01:56You alright?
01:59I just miss him, that's all.
02:01Of course.
02:05Yeah, we all do.
02:08Do you ever clock off?
02:10Well, we want him looking his best, don't we?
02:12Anyone could be popping in today.
02:16Oh, that's not how you do creases.
02:21I didn't want to think you'd never seen an iron.
02:24Well, that's Sam, he should be ironing his own flaming kegs.
02:26Well, he's a bit busy out there right now.
02:28I've not counselled my clients.
02:30Well, get on it, there's a time factor, remember?
02:33Hey, how are we all doing?
02:35Oh, yeah, we're just managing the chaos.
02:37Fastest organised funeral ever.
02:39How's the food situation?
02:41Well, everybody'll get fed, I hope.
02:45Hey, Belle.
02:49Now, fancy, I hope, though, you know,
02:52cos you know what he's like, he wouldn't like out fancy.
02:54What, in case all that foie gras filling'll go to waste?
02:56Of course it's nothing fancy, unless you call mucky fat fancy.
03:00Oh, good grief.
03:01Who did your ironing?
03:07Right, well, come on, trousers off.
03:09What, from a sack?
03:11They need doing again, properly.
03:13Might take a while, mind.
03:14Leg's as long as that, you could land a plane on her.
03:17Yes, yes, Marlon's tall and lanky.
03:20Do you know how many chokes he made like that in his lifetime?
03:22All of them.
03:32I've just come to get changed.
03:35Unfortunately, the B&B don't provide funeral suits
03:37as part of their service.
03:41You not getting ready?
03:45Guess I'm getting the silent treatment.
03:47Lack of communication, not to your taste.
03:49It's ironic.
03:50Listen, Ruby...
03:52I don't want to hear it.
03:54And I'm not going today.
03:57But it's...
03:58it's important, it's family.
04:01You don't get to lecture me on family.
04:05I missed my own mother's passing, thanks to you.
04:08Yeah, I know.
04:10And I am sorry.
04:11Sorry doesn't cut it, Caleb.
04:13Suited and booted, then?
04:15Reckon we'll do.
04:17Yeah, he'd be proud.
04:19Of course he would.
04:24Lydia, it's nearly time!
04:33Oh, Miles, will you pass us one of them?
04:35Yeah, I mean, we might as well start as he intended us to go on, eh?
04:38Yeah, not my uncle's at once.
04:41Have you all sat down, though?
04:43As ready as they'll ever be.
04:45What's that?
04:46It's family tradition.
04:48Just remember these two fighting about who carried it at our butcher's funeral.
04:51Fat egg.
04:52You fat egg.
04:56Well, you all look very befitting.
05:01Are you all right, love?
05:05If you don't feel up to it, I'm sorry.
05:08If you don't feel up to today, we'd all understand.
05:12You know, what with everything you've got going on.
05:16Today's not about that.
05:19Today's about laying Dad to rest.
05:22Everything else come late.
05:26Right, come on, then.
05:28Let's get going.
05:29Flowers, I've...
05:30I've forgotten them.
05:31Oh, I was supposed to remind you!
05:32Well, we'll have to do without.
05:34You can't have a burial without flowers!
05:37There's plenty of flowers growing outside.
05:39Come on, people.
05:40We can all pick some now.
05:51Can I just sit here with Dad?
05:53For a bit?
05:57Course you can.
06:07Just me and you.
06:09One last time, hey, Dad?
06:15Do you remember when I was little?
06:19And I was having those bad dreams?
06:23Because I was scared I was going to lose you.
06:27I was scared I was going to lose you.
06:31I was scared I was going to lose you.
06:34I was scared I was going to lose you.
06:36I was scared you were going to die.
06:40But you sat me down.
06:43And you said to me,
06:44it's all right.
06:46I'm not going anywhere.
06:52And I didn't think you ever would.
06:55Until now.
06:58But I am so glad
07:01you said that to me, Dad,
07:02because you made me feel safe.
07:06You always made me feel safe.
07:09And I...
07:11I just wish I'd told.
07:15I was going to come up to Scotland.
07:17I was going to tell you everything.
07:22No, I'm not going to let him be a part of this.
07:30None of us are here forever, are we?
07:31But I am so grateful
07:34that I had you whilst I did.
07:44So, are you going?
07:46Zach Shindig?
07:47Oh, yeah, show my respects.
07:49Actually, I'm about to lock up, sir.
07:51I think I might give it a swerve.
07:53Wife will probably be there.
07:55Still daggers drawn for you two, then?
07:57Sometimes up, sometimes down.
07:59Right now, down.
08:01In a stabbing motion,
08:02so I'm keeping well clear.
08:04I see her at home plenty, like.
08:06Don't let it get like that between you and Jimmy.
08:08You know, with him spreading himself the thing.
08:10Can put a lot of pressure on you.
08:12Course, if you hadn't sold your shares in the first place,
08:15he wouldn't be spreading himself then, would he?
08:17I'm just saying, it's well worth watching.
08:19I mean, he could sell up,
08:21spend more time with his family.
08:23I'm just looking out for you guys.
08:25Yeah, well, stop.
08:27You want her to sell, that's your business.
08:29We can manage, thanks.
08:37Big day.
08:39I know, can't quite believe it.
08:43my mum,
08:46and now Uncle Zak.
08:48Come on.
08:51Have you spoken or heard from Ray?
08:53Yeah, he's on his way.
08:55But I've told him not to run.
08:57I don't want him bombing back on the motorway from his mates.
08:59So what have we got to be out here for?
09:02I'm as clueless as you are, love.
09:04Apparently, it's what the big man stipulated.
09:07Oh, aye.
09:09Going to lead the way in, is he?
09:11All we know is that Zak wanted a big celebration.
09:13Maybe the family just wanted to get to the bar first.
09:18Oh, Moira, don't.
09:20You set us all off.
09:24Here we go.
09:34Show you what needs doing?
09:36Oh, you've got the pipes for it, haven't you?
09:38Go on.
09:40Okay, folks, dig deep.
09:42One final round, eh?
09:48Some things never change.
09:50Everyone gives it a dingle weight, yeah?
09:52Don't worry.
09:54Really sing the dates to the last date.
10:11Oh, I see.
10:13He really is going to lead the way.
10:17I reckon he would have loved having the law here.
10:20Like he planned it himself.
10:22Surely you don't want to bother us?
10:24I mean, you can see it's a family funeral.
10:26Just come to pay me respects, I promise.
10:39One last pint, Dad.
10:54Family funerals, isn't it?
10:56Full of surprises.
10:58Someone's normally arrested.
11:00Someone disgraces themselves
11:02and someone always comes out the woodwork, don't they?
11:24Well, this is all well and good,
11:26but what of the rest are you going to have?
11:28I can't tell if he's joking.
11:30He isn't.
11:32There's a sack and cane and barge through the door
11:34and I'm right at the top of the stairs
11:36hiding Gloria.
11:38Do you remember Gloria?
11:40Yeah, of course.
11:42Yeah, yeah, yeah.
11:44So she says, he's not here.
11:46But if you don't believe me,
11:48of course, if you were a gentleman, you would.
11:50I bet you could see the energy.
11:54I bet you could see the inner turmoil.
11:58So he knows that I'm in there
12:00and he wants to punch the lights out of me.
12:02And that's there again.
12:04And then he said, oh, he is a gentleman.
12:06So he has to take her word for it
12:08and away he goes.
12:10Sounds like you got away lightly.
12:12So you got one over on Zak Dingle?
12:14If I ever got one over Zak Dingle,
12:16you can be sure he'd get one back over me.
12:20Taught me how to box, you know, Zak.
12:22He had a few tricks up his sleeve.
12:24I know he fell out with folk, but do you know what?
12:26He didn't hold a grudge long, did he?
12:28Dunno, wherever he is,
12:30I bet Chris Tate's keeping one out of his way.
12:32Or hiring some celestial security.
12:36I need a word later.
12:38Oh, should I be worried?
12:40Oh, I hope not.
12:42Right, Cain.
12:44I'm gonna get this lot quiet, okay?
12:46You've got a job to do, head of the family and all that now.
12:48Don't, seriously.
12:50Oh, just shush.
12:51Attention, please.
12:53Shut your gobs!
12:57Right, have we all got a drink?
13:03Cos today,
13:05we're celebrating the life of Zak Dingle.
13:08In style.
13:10Which means all the drinks are on us.
13:12Don't we all just chip in?
13:21to Dad.
13:23Zak Dingle.
13:25Zak Dingle.
13:31That was never mentioned when we first applied.
13:36Alright, yeah, I'll get it all put in place.
13:38Bye now.
13:41Everything okay?
13:43Yeah, just the bank being their usual helpful self.
13:45It's fine, I'm dealing with it.
13:48You want me to clarify something?
13:50You want me to clarify that we own the haulage.
13:52All of it.
13:54Well, that's the plan.
13:56Yeah, but that's not good enough.
13:58They want it in writing that we've acquired the Ulster Bank.
14:00By tomorrow.
14:02And the loan's dependent on it.
14:04They never said that before.
14:06You need to sort this with Jimmy.
14:08Yes, Jay, I will.
14:10Right now, I've got to wait to get to you.
14:12It's beginning, can't be it.
14:14Six, seven, eight.
14:18Zak put steps on his playlist?
14:22He used to dance to it when our bell was at the top.
14:24I caught him doing a routine once.
14:33Look, you're wasting your time.
14:35I'm not wasting my time.
14:37I'm not wasting my time.
14:39I'm not wasting my time.
14:41I'm not wasting my time.
14:43I'm not wasting my time.
14:45Look, you're wistful.
14:47Oh, I was just remembering.
14:49Zak, me and Eric in that back room,
14:52getting tanked on the good stuff.
14:54We were toasting your mum.
14:56Saying what a wonderful woman she were.
14:58Just three old guys shooting their brills.
15:02Comparing notes on me mum.
15:04Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
15:06We were very respectful.
15:08We were a great respecter of women, with Zak.
15:12Hard to tell he was the love of his life, really.
15:14We got Nellie.
15:16Me mum.
15:18My money's on Lisa.
15:20Weren't there another one and all?
15:22Er, Joni, were it?
15:24We don't talk about her.
15:26You've just drank!
15:30Rodeo, rodeo!
15:32Er, is it really appropriate to be filming this?
15:36It's for Samson.
15:38He's not here to say his goodbyes, is he?
15:40Yeah, we couldn't get him a day release.
15:44He's in prison, today of all days.
15:46Oh, you did your best, love.
15:48Can't help feeling guilty, though, can I?
15:50Let him down.
15:52Oh, first time seeing you today.
15:55Yeah, sorry.
15:57Been with Ruby.
15:59She's not coping too well, losing her mum and that.
16:01How are you bearing up?
16:04We all deal with things differently.
16:07Um, Nate didn't stay away on my account.
16:10Oh, Tracy tried contacting him, apparently.
16:13But he didn't get back to her.
16:15I mean, maybe he didn't get the message.
16:22Well, we could hardly send him off without it.
16:24You know, there's a very appropriate old song for that.
16:30Where hast thou been since I saw thee?
16:35On Ilkley moor by Tyne.
16:40Come on!
16:41Where hast thou been since I saw thee?
16:45Where hast thou been since I saw thee?
16:49On Ilkley moor by Tyne.
16:52On Ilkley moor by Tyne.
16:55On Ilkley moor by Tyne.
16:59There's been a court in Mary Jane.
17:03Well, the big man wanted a celebration.
17:05He did.
17:07Look, we're going to be getting the show on the road.
17:09Getting him up for burial.
17:11Spend some time with Ruby, you know?
17:13Live for the living, yeah?
17:15I'll see you later.
17:18On Ilkley moor by Tyne.
17:21On Ilkley moor by Tyne.
17:23On Ilkley moor by Tyne.
17:35Sorry to pull you out of there.
17:37But I wanted to speak somewhere less boozy.
17:41Yeah, not like any funeral I've ever been to.
17:46Look, a day like today, well, it gets you thinking.
17:50About what's important.
17:52And I was watching them all together.
17:55The Dingles.
17:57You know, it was one...
17:59Anyway, I started thinking about home.
18:02My home, I mean.
18:05Kim Tate struggling for words.
18:07This is a first.
18:09It wasn't long ago that we had a house full up there.
18:13But now...
18:15Well, it's just you and Will.
18:17Rattling around, wondering how many rooms you've got to avoid each other in.
18:20Something like that.
18:22Look, I might be completely off track here, but...
18:25Is this you asking me and Thomas to move back in?
18:29Would you consider it?
18:33I could take some rattling around.
18:35And now that Evan being there isn't an issue.
18:38That's great.
18:42Up, up, up.
18:44Marlon, you'll have to go lower.
18:46Yeah, lower than that.
18:47On an elk, live a low bar tat!
18:49On an elk, live a low bar tat!
19:53How are we doing?
19:58How do you think?
20:00Okay, do you know what?
20:02There comes a point where...
20:03What do you want from me?
20:06To be forgiven.
20:09I am sorry.
20:10I really am.
20:13Look, when I heard that your mum wanted to see you,
20:17I just thought there might be a chance of...
20:20I don't know.
20:22Something like what I've just seen today.
20:25A loving family saying goodbye to their equally loving dad.
20:28But I knew that I had to lay the groundwork for that.
20:33That is why I went.
20:36I promise.
20:41You still haven't said why she wanted to see me.
20:48If you went over there to make us whole,
20:52you must have told her that.
20:54So go on then.
20:55What did my loving mother say back, Caleb?
21:12How are we kicking this off then?
21:14Marlowe's running things.
21:18Right, I'll start then, shall I?
21:20Well, you are supposed to be in charge.
21:22Well, I don't know.
21:24Do I? I've never run a funeral before,
21:26which as a chef is considered a win.
21:28Well, getting on with it might be a start.
21:30Dear God!
21:32This family couldn't organise its way out of a paper bag.
21:39I mean,
21:41I'll flip and do it.
21:43The one and only Tina Dingles.
21:45What, my sister?
21:47I don't know what you're all staring at.
21:50Did you seriously think I won't come?
21:52What the hell are you doing here?
21:54I could say the same to you.
21:56Big brother.
21:58Can you imagine how it felt?
22:00Learning you weren't my cousin any more.
22:05whatever he got up to with your mum.
22:07Oh, classy brother.
22:09I'm sorry.
22:11I'm sorry.
22:13I'm sorry.
22:15I'm sorry.
22:17I'm sorry.
22:19I'm sorry.
22:21Oh, classy, bringing that up at his funeral.
22:23He was still my dad.
22:25I've got every right to pay my respects.
22:27You didn't respect him when he was alive.
22:29Who are you?
22:31That's our Belle.
22:33Someone else you've never bothered to get to know,
22:35as in your sister.
22:37Your little Belle? No way.
22:39Yeah, she's done a lot growing up in 25 years.
22:41How do you even know she exists?
22:43I know everything about everyone.
22:45Mainly because she told me.
22:55Oh, ex-con.
22:57All done so well.
22:59She also told me my dad were dead.
23:02Unlike the rest of you, so thanks for that.
23:04I just stayed in contact with her, you know.
23:06Christmas cards and stuff.
23:08And funeral invitations, apparently.
23:10It's nice to meet you, Aunty Tina.
23:12And you.
23:14I want to say, er...
23:20Heard a lot about you.
23:23Did I stop being Dad's daughter
23:25because I wasn't around to suck up to him?
23:27Yeah, I'm looking at you, Charity.
23:29You were the worst when we were growing up.
23:32As I said,
23:34I'm here to pay my respects.
23:36Like the rest of you.
23:38Yeah, and what else?
23:40Because, come on, we all know what you're like.
23:42Right, far be it from me to interfere,
23:44but can we do this after?
23:46I don't know what Zak would think.
23:48I'm sure he wouldn't want us all bickering over this.
23:50Yeah, I suppose he's got a point.
23:52So, where were we?
24:00We're here to say goodbye to Zak.
24:05Our patriarch.
24:07Get in with his big words.
24:10He was a loving husband,
24:12grandad, brother, uncle,
24:15and dad.
24:17And he'll be really missed.
24:23Tell me what my dying mother wanted from me!
24:26To twist the knife one final time.
24:30Are you happy?
24:32Not really.
24:34She was the poisonous witch that she always was.
24:36She called you all sorts.
24:38Look, I don't really want to go into it.
24:40It doesn't help anyone.
24:42All sorts?
24:44Like what?
24:45What does it matter?
24:47I need to know.
24:49What? You want the actual words, all right?
24:51Little whore.
24:53Those were two of them.
24:55And there was plenty more besides.
24:57You know what she was like.
25:07She wasn't a nice person, Ruby.
25:09Come here.
25:13I'm OK.
25:17I mean...
25:21I had thought that might be it.
25:25You can see why I didn't want to tell you, can't you?
25:29I suppose.
25:33I just...
25:36I just...
25:38I just...
25:41hoped something might have changed.
25:45Well, she's gone now.
25:47For good.
25:49We just...
25:51We have to accept it and move on.
26:06He wanted music.
26:08He wanted these songs played while, you know,
26:10while each of us took a quiet moment to think about him.
26:23Oh, here we are, here we are, and here we go
26:28Waterborne and we're hittin' the road
26:31Here we go
26:33Rockin' all over the world
26:40But we're gonna be there
26:42We love you Lace
26:48Wash it all together
26:53We're gonna see you break
26:56She's just a devil woman
26:59With evil on her mind
27:01Beware the devil woman
27:03She's gonna get you
27:05And it burns, burns, burns
27:07The ring of fire
27:09The ring of fire
27:14Shine on you crazy diamond
27:24You were caught in the crossfire
27:27Of childhood and stardom
27:30Blown on the steel piers
27:34Come on you target
27:37For far away laughter
27:40Come on you stranger
27:42You legend
27:44You martyr and child
27:47What's all this?
27:49A few welcome home gifts
27:51Gabby and Thomas are moving back
27:53Making the most of having a family
27:55Buying one more like
27:57How much did this lot cost?
27:59And what on earth's that got to do with you?
28:01I don't know.
28:03I don't know if you remember
28:05But Dawn's on her up as her Billy and the kids
28:07I could hardly forget, could I?
28:09Well you made such a big deal about mecking up with them
28:11But now Gabby's bringing home little Prince Thomas
28:15They obviously don't matter
28:17Excuse me?
28:19You're accusing me of buying a family one minute
28:21And then the next
28:23You're up on your high horse
28:25Because I'm not throwing money Dawn's way
28:27What, to keep things equal, is that it?
28:29Oh my, bad for thinking that way
28:30Yesterday I gave Dawn that loan she wanted
28:33Towards a car and groceries
28:35Things they needed
28:37I think she appreciated it
28:40After all, I was able to provide
28:42Where you pretty much failed
28:44And are constantly failing
28:46I was supposed to say what you meant to me
28:57When I first arrived here
29:00I was all over the place
29:02And last you'd heard
29:04I'd been in the hospital
29:06I'd been in the hospital
29:08I'd been in the hospital
29:10I'd been in the hospital
29:12I'd been in the hospital
29:14I'd been in the hospital
29:16I'd been out and that
29:19And you, you er
29:21You took me in
29:23Treated me like a
29:29I can't, I can't do this
29:31It's okay, it's okay
29:36You're right you didn't like it
29:38And my cooking were too fancy
29:41You always cleared your plate
29:43Sleep well, Uncle Zak
29:49You were the best, Great Grandad
29:54You made us strong
29:57And always told it like it was
30:01I love you, Uncle Zak
30:03You were never afraid to tell me when I was wrong
30:07But you always backed me up when I was right
30:09But you always backed me up when I was right
30:20You always loved a laugh
30:22And a drink
30:25I miss you, Uncle Zak
30:30You welcomed me into your home
30:35I'll never forget
30:37You called me Dingle
30:39And you made me so proud to be one
30:46You always looked after me, Uncle Zak
30:49Because we was family
30:52And nothing was more important to you than that
31:00I'll never forget you
31:04None of us will
31:17For God's sake
31:19Hang on, that could have been important
31:21Shut up
31:23Is it possible you could try not making a show of yourself
31:25You know, considering what's happening
31:27Is it possible you could try winding your neck in
31:31Now is not the time
31:33This is wrong
31:35This is all wrong
31:39Hello, it's the man I was about to call
31:41Aren't we the happy pair then
31:44I need to know where you're at
31:48Fulfilling your side of the bargain
31:50Are we talking about Kim here?
31:52Who else? So?
31:54Well, the thing is, the plan included me getting all of the haulage
31:56But right now I'm still waiting on Jimmy's shares, aren't I?
31:58I've got no idea what your brilliant plan is
32:00Nor any proof that you'll actually push it through
32:05I hear you, I get where you're coming from
32:07But I promise you, all that's in hand
32:09Is kind of what I wanted to talk to you about anyway, actually
32:12Go on
32:16Talking kings
32:18Tax returns, bank statements, that kind of thing
32:20I'll get my lawyers to have a look, see if there aren't any, you know, anomalies
32:27You're pretty much the only person that could do that
32:29And that'll get things moving, will it
32:31Yeah, of course it will
32:33Let alone with Jimmy's shares
32:42Belle, are you okay?
32:44No, I'm not okay, cos it's Dad's funeral and everything's wrong
32:47I know it's a lot to take in right now
32:49A sister turning up out of the blue that you never met before
32:52But today's about saying goodbye to your Dad, isn't it?
32:55And like Paddy says, that can wait
32:57It's about focusing on what's important
33:00Yeah, which is what I'm doing
33:07Mum's ashes
33:09This is where we kept them
33:11What's left of them
33:13Mum and Dad need to be together
33:16Oh, Belle, I'm sorry
33:18I thought this was about Tina
33:20Of course this isn't about Tina
33:22I don't care about her, I don't know her, do I?
33:24But this
33:26This is what matters
33:28For Dad and for Mum
33:30And I'm not gonna let them down again
33:32I'm sorry, when have you ever-
33:34Please, I'm not trying to make this about me
33:36Mandy, will you just give me my damn phone back
33:39When and only when this is over
33:41Look, Sue, you can't be trusted
33:44I could just take it
33:46Yeah, I'd like to see you try
33:48There's easy enough room for two in there, easy
33:52Maybe we should go and see what's happening
33:54Might have to postpone
33:59You alright?
34:01Mum's ashes
34:03Of course
34:05Come on, we're reconvening
34:19Bye, Dad
34:29This is so you and Mum can be together
34:35And I hope I see you both again
34:41Rest in peace
34:42Do you want to tell me why there's so many photos of our house on this phone?
35:13Well, you've still not answered my question
35:15Aren't they the right time?
35:17Like there's ever a right time
35:19But that's why you're here, innit
35:21I don't know what you're on about
35:22They're just snaps
35:24People don't take snaps of a house
35:26But it's not this one
35:28Unless you're planning on flogging it
35:30Stop being so melodramatic
35:32I would never invite you to the funeral for the thought of-
35:34Telling me about my own dad's funeral does not make you a saint
35:37Are you cashing in on my uncle's act before he's even cold?
35:39Make him all Teresa, does it?
35:41I'm entitled to that
35:42I'm entitled to this house like anyone
35:46I am still his daughter
35:48Whatever you lot think
35:50What's going on?
35:52She's got photos of the house on her phone
35:55So it's obvious, innit
35:57She's trying to sell it from under us
35:59Oh, get over yourself
36:01I was just going to show some pics to the estate agent
36:03See what it's worth
36:05My dad wouldn't have bothered to get a will
36:07So his kids should all get an equal share
36:09Are you kidding me?
36:11So it's my house too
36:14Have you sorted our little problem out yet?
36:18Yeah, kind of
36:20I've put it in writing
36:22I've told the bank we own all of the ollage
36:24But we don't
36:26But we will
36:28We don't, though
36:30Do it, you can't just go lying to the bank, Caleb
36:32I already have, it's done
36:34Look, it's only a matter of time anyway, innit
36:36I've spoken to Will, he's on the case
36:38He's going to get us all of Jimmy's shares
36:43This is your fault for inviting her in the first place
36:46A few Christmas cards don't mean I'm giving her out
36:48Right, maybe we all just stop shouting
36:50She can't take her home off us, can she?
36:52No, she can give it a good go
36:54Same old gold digger she always was
36:56Don't you dare call me that, Chas Dingle
36:58Everyone, shut up
37:00Why? So she can talk her way out of it?
37:02She can't, actually
37:04Actually, remind me who the hell you are when you're at home
37:07When I'm at home
37:09For that matter, my name's Lydia
37:11And I'm Sam's wife, your sister-in-law
37:13How do you manage that, Sammy?
37:15She backward and all
37:17Oh, come off it
37:19We all know you're lucky to get married once, but twice?
37:21Our Sam can't even count that far
37:29Slag off my Sam again and I'll make you wish you'd never been born
37:32And as for the house
37:34Zak did make a will and he had me look after it
37:36That letter that Cain gave me in the house
37:38So he's left the place to Sam, Belle and Cain
37:42I hope you've got a decent dry cleaner
37:45Hang on a minute, is that a...
37:47Why, Tina Dingle, is that a tag?
37:52Yeah, so what? Don't tell me none of you have ever worn one
37:54Because I won't believe you
37:56So we've been a naughty girl then, have we?
37:58Ex-con, ex-con, ex-con
38:05How was the walk?
38:07Well, I didn't get very far
38:09I had a phone call from Fiona
38:13Oh, what did the friendly family lawyer have to say for herself?
38:17It was about the will reading
38:19Actually, she's been a lot more helpful lately
38:21Well, either way, I reckon you're best off leaving all that with me
38:24I'm co-executor, right? I'll sort it
38:26No, I want to be there
38:28She was just giving me a heads up so it wouldn't be a shock
38:31How do you mean, shock?
38:33Well, apparently a payment went out from my mum's account
38:35just before she died, a big one
38:37Fiona's worried someone might have tried to scam her
38:40so she's going to do some digging
38:42Anyway, just give us the details tomorrow
38:51You are paying for the dry cleaning
38:53You any idea how much this dress cost?
38:55No sales on a Primark this week then
38:57Oh, so sue me
38:59I could. I know lots of lawyers
39:01Really? Because that tag tells us they're pulling the weight
39:03Oi, Tina Dingle
39:05We're not supposed to go wandering, are we?
39:07Oh, come on, Steve
39:09You know tag's off tomorrow
39:11It's my dad's funeral
39:15Tomorrow's not today, is it?
39:17And I've had to come all the way out here
39:19Afternoon, folks. Sorry to intrude
39:21Come on
39:23Thanks for sticking up for me, everyone
39:26Oh, and by the way
39:28This isn't over
39:30This isn't over
39:34How are you bearing up?
39:37Hey, you did your best by him
39:40Dan would be proud of you
39:47I meant Zac
39:49Come on, don't look at me like that
39:51You know how I can get
39:53I just confused Zac and Dad, that's all
39:57We need to get the day for this operation sorted
39:59As soon as this is done
40:01I'm gonna call the hospital
40:03And find out what's going on
40:11Please don't kick off
40:14I was supposed to be there yesterday
40:16And I cancelled it
40:20Right then, back to the pub then, is it?
40:22As per Zac's wishes
40:24We'll follow you
40:26At least there's one that won't be coming
40:28Let's hope we've seen the last
40:30There's no leash over here, I suppose
40:32It's like what Sam said, isn't it?
40:34Family was everything to Zac
40:40So, erm
40:42You cancelled it
40:44I had to
40:46No, you didn't. Why didn't you say something?
40:48With all of this going on
40:50And what if I had?
40:52Was I actually supposed to go through with it?
40:54Be in hospital?
40:56Today, of all days
40:58And you risk losing your wife as well as your dad
41:06I suppose
41:09I couldn't have left you to deal with it, Cain
41:12And I know that everyone else thinks that you're holding it together
41:15But I know what this is doing to you
41:17And I love you
41:19I am your wife
41:20And it's my job
41:22It's all my fault
41:24No, of course not, that's not what I meant
41:26Yeah, but I
41:28You didn't get to put yourself first, did you?
41:30You can't be expected to do everything
41:32Yeah, but I'm supposed to be stepping up
41:34That's what my dad expected
41:40Everything okay?
41:41No, it's not
41:43No, because I'm messing everything up as per usual
41:45I couldn't even hold together at my dad's graveside, could I?
41:47Don't say that
41:49You can't blame yourself for getting upset
41:52You did the best you could, Cain
41:54We all did
41:55Yeah, but it obviously wasn't good enough
41:56Was it?
41:58Right, come on, we need to go
41:59We need to get home
42:01You're not coming to the pub?
42:03Everyone's expecting you
42:06You're edit family now
42:07Will you stop saying that?
42:10What does it even mean?
42:11Anyway, it's just another way of saying that
42:13I can't live up to everything dad was
42:15And you two, you just need
42:19Can we go, please?
42:20You need to rest
42:21Come on
42:23Come on
42:28Someone's got to him
42:31Maybe it's just the day
42:40I thought I'd feel better after it were all over and all, but
42:43I don't
42:47I don't know where we go from here
42:50Because dad's gone, isn't he?
42:52I don't know
42:55I don't know
42:56Dad's gone, isn't he?
42:58He's really gone
43:00And I know at funerals
43:02You're meant to say goodbye, you accept it and you move on
43:07I don't think I can
43:11It's because we've lost the one thing that held us all together, haven't we?
43:21Now it looks like Cain's spiralling and all
43:24And that's all three of us
43:26We've got to get him back here
43:29We need to sort this out
43:31Even if it takes us all night
43:33We've got to do this for the family
43:43Mother, lover, liar, thief
43:45Sophie Turner, it's Joan
43:47Don't miss the show everyone's talking about
43:49Stream the full series now on ICBX
43:51As the body count rises, Rachita and her team
43:53Discover the seriousness of the threat they face
43:55In all new D.I.R.A.
43:57Sunday here at 9
43:59Next here, the Tonight Programme
44:01Smartphones, time to live without them?