• 2 days ago
The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs The North Wind and the Sun The Merchant and the Donke
00:00The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs
00:15George and Mabel lived on a small farm.
00:18Though they had little, they were happy.
00:23But one year the weather was hot and dry.
00:29Very few crops grew.
00:33Even their last chicken died.
00:38George looked at the vegetables and sighed.
00:43We don't have much to sell at the market this year.
00:46That means a very hard winter, Mabel.
00:50Mabel looked nervous.
00:52I hope we'll be okay.
00:56At the market, George sold his vegetables for a few coins.
01:02By the time he reached home, he was even more worried.
01:10This money will not last long, he thought.
01:19What's that? George thought.
01:22George followed the noise to the empty chicken coop.
01:27He saw a goose.
01:30Where did you come from? George asked.
01:34Just then, something shiny caught his eye.
01:38George looked in the coop.
01:41He saw an egg.
01:43He picked it up and his eyes went wide.
01:47It wasn't just any egg. It was a golden egg.
01:53Mabel! he cried as he ran inside.
01:57We don't have to worry anymore.
02:00Mabel looked at him confused.
02:05George showed her the egg.
02:08Tears of joy filled Mabel's eyes.
02:11We'll have food and fuel for the winter.
02:16The next day, the goose laid another golden egg.
02:20George was thrilled.
02:22If the goose lays more golden eggs, we'll be rich.
02:26You can buy new clothes.
02:29We can build a huge house.
02:32Now, now, Mabel said.
02:35We don't need any of that.
02:38We've lived just fine the way we are.
02:41These two eggs will be a huge help.
02:45That night, George kept thinking of the goose.
02:49Surely it would lay more golden eggs.
02:53I could get jewels for Mabel, he thought.
02:57And some fancy shoes for myself, and...
03:00George sat up in bed.
03:03I'll open the goose's belly.
03:06Then I can get all the eggs at once.
03:10George slipped outside.
03:13Inside the coop, the goose was sleeping.
03:16George reached for the goose and...
03:19Honk, honk!
03:21Suddenly, the goose bit George's arm.
03:25Ouch! George cried.
03:28The goose flapped its wings and chased George.
03:32Honk, honk!
03:34George tripped and fell on his face.
03:37When he looked up, he saw the goose flying away.
03:42Mabel ran outside.
03:44What's going on?
03:48George told Mabel what happened.
03:51He hung his head in shame.
03:54The goose could have helped us a lot.
03:57But now, because of me, we lost it.
04:03Mabel sighed.
04:05Oh, George.
04:07Bad things happen when people become greedy.
04:23The north wind and the sun were high in the sky.
04:27As usual, the north wind was bragging to the sun.
04:31Watch me blow away these clouds, he said.
04:36I'm really strong, much stronger than you.
04:41He blew hard and all the clouds scattered.
04:47The north wind said with a grin.
04:52I'm the strongest one in the sky.
04:55The sun smiled.
04:58I'm strong, too, she said.
05:02The north wind laughed loudly.
05:06You? Strong?
05:08You're always gentle, not strong.
05:12Just then, the sun spotted a man walking along the road.
05:17The man was wearing a warm coat.
05:20Let's have a contest, the sun said.
05:24The one who makes that man remove his coat is the strongest.
05:32The north wind said, laughing again.
05:36That will be easy for me.
05:39I'll just blow that coat right off him.
05:42Watch this.
05:48The north wind blew hard.
05:51On the road below, dust and leaves flew everywhere.
05:57The man shivered.
05:59What a chilly wind.
06:03That's odd.
06:05The north wind frowned as the man buttoned up his coat.
06:10The coat is still on him.
06:13I'll try again.
06:15The north wind blew again, this time even harder.
06:20But once more, the coat stayed on the man.
06:27By now, the north wind was out of breath and very tired.
06:33Oh, well, the sun said gently.
06:37I guess it's my turn.
06:44She moved closer to the man.
06:47What strange weather.
06:49The man said, unbuttoning his coat.
06:52Now it's lovely out.
06:54The sun beamed even more brightly.
07:00Ah, it's so warm.
07:02The man said.
07:04It feels wonderful.
07:06Oh, no!
07:07The north wind cried as the man removed his coat.
07:11The sun smiled.
07:13I guess I won the contest.
07:19The north wind said, taking off.
07:23Below, the man was resting peacefully under a tree.
07:27The sun kept him warm as he slept.
07:36Poor dog.
07:39Poor north wind, the sun thought.
07:43Someday he'll realize something.
07:46It's often better to be gentle than to blow with great strength.
08:09He had loaded big bags of salt on his donkey's back.
08:14Oh, my!
08:15This salt is so heavy.
08:18The donkey thought.
08:20It will be a long, hard trip home.
08:27Soon they came to a stream.
08:31As they entered the water, the donkey slipped.
08:36He fell into the stream.
08:39When the donkey stood, his load felt much lighter.
08:45That's odd, he thought.
08:48Oh, no!
08:49My salt!
08:50The merchant cried.
08:53All my salt is gone.
08:55He sighed.
08:57What an unlucky day.
09:02Meanwhile, the tired donkey was delighted.
09:06What a lucky day, he thought, laughing aloud.
09:12Hee-haw! Hee-haw!
09:16Soon they went to the market for salt again.
09:21On the way home, they had to cross the stream again.
09:26I know what to do, the donkey thought.
09:29This time, he fell into the water on purpose.
09:36That's better, the donkey thought as he stood.
09:41My load is so much lighter now.
09:44He laughed aloud.
09:46Hee-haw! Hee-haw!
09:48By now, the merchant was growing suspicious of his donkey.
09:54The next time they went to market,
09:56The next time they went to market,
09:58he bought bags of sponges.
10:01He loaded them onto the donkey and they headed home.
10:06This is not a very heavy load, the donkey thought.
10:10But I know a way to make it even lighter.
10:15While they crossed the stream,
10:17the donkey fell into the water.
10:22I'm so clever, the donkey thought.
10:26The merchant frowned.
10:29Stand up, donkey!
10:32But when the donkey tried to stand, he could barely move.
10:37What happened? he thought.
10:40My load grew so heavy.
10:44Now the sponges are full of water, the merchant said.
10:48That will teach you a lesson.
10:50Let's go.
10:53Finally, the donkey managed to stand.
11:01I was foolish, he thought as they started walking again.
11:07Now my load is much heavier.
11:10I must remember not to play tricks.
11:14I don't like it when others play tricks on me.
11:22Little Fox
