• 2 days ago
Owl has organized an elaborate and fun series of races in the forest. In order to reach the finish line and earn a medal, the gang must figure out word games and perform a series of opposite moves. But what are opposites? With them being eager to win, everyone soon discovers that when one way of moving doesn't work, moving in a contrary way usually does! After an exciting day of games, one friend in particular will surprise everyone, including himself, when he wins the most special medal of all.

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00:00Discover the magic of learning Let's go on a big adventure
00:17Discovering the answers We're gonna have a lot of fun today
00:23Let's go, go on a big adventure Discover the magic of learning
00:29Let's go, what will we discover? It's Disney Learning Adventure Time
00:35Reading and writing Writing and counting
00:38Painting and drawing That's what we'll be learning
00:41Colors and shapes Numbers and letters
00:44Sounds and words Something for everyone
00:47Let's go, go on a big adventure Discover the magic of learning
00:53Let's go, what will we discover? It's Disney Learning Adventure Time
00:59Let's go, go on a big adventure It's Disney Learning Adventure Time
01:05This could be the room of any small boy, but it just happens to belong to a boy named Christopher Robin.
01:22Like most small boys, Christopher Robin has toy animals to play with, and they all live together in a wonderful world of make-believe.
01:33But his best friend is a bear named Winnie the Pooh, or Pooh for short.
01:40Today, Pooh and his friends are setting off on a most amazing adventure.
01:45An adventure in learning called Winnie the Pooh Wonderful Word Adventure.
01:52On this adventure, Pooh and his friends will learn all about opposites.
01:58Opposites, they'll find, are two words which mean entirely different things.
02:05Words like up and down.
02:09Along the way, they will need your help.
02:12So, if you know the answer, call it out when you hear this sound.
02:18Our story begins here, in the Hundred Acre Wood, at Pooh's house.
02:26Up and...
02:29Up and...
02:32Up and...
02:35Up and...
02:38Up and...
02:41All this exercise is making me hungry.
02:45And up and...
02:47Blah, stuff and fluff.
02:50Are you very nearly ready, Pooh Bear?
02:53Yes, Piglet, I'm not.
02:55I was doing my exercises, you see, but I've become a bit undone at the seam, it seems.
03:03Loose string, I'll take care of it.
03:08Why, thank you, Eeyore.
03:10Oh, I think we'd better hurry. We don't want to be late for Al's game.
03:15Eeyore, aren't you coming with us?
03:18Never was the fun and game type not much good at him.
03:24But it wouldn't be the same without you, Eeyore.
03:26Well, suppose I could try.
03:29But don't say I didn't warn you.
03:33Up and...
03:36And up.
03:37What do you suppose Digger's up to?
03:40Well, he seems to be up to something.
03:44And if he's up, he's sure to come down.
03:48Hello, Pooh and Piglet and Eeyore too.
03:51So, what are you guys doing?
03:54We're on our way to Al's house.
03:56Well, what do you know? Me too.
03:59What are we waiting for?
04:04I'm coming. Don't wait for me.
04:08My friends, we gather today for the first ever nearly yearly wonderful word adventure.
04:20Are we going to see who the best dispenser is, huh?
04:24Because that'll be me or my name's not T-I-double-guh-er.
04:28And that spells Tigger and it is.
04:30I rather thought perhaps we might begin with a smallish smackerel of something sweet.
04:39Oh, no, my friends.
04:41These grand and glorious games are all about opposites.
04:47You do know about opposites, don't you?
04:51Oh, yes.
04:54But we cannot play this word adventure unless you know what opposites are.
05:00Oh, what exactly are they?
05:04Gather around and I'll explain.
05:07Opposites help us describe two things.
05:12Two things?
05:14Two things, one thing and another that is entirely different.
05:21Different? How?
05:23Well, let me give you an example.
05:27There is up and there is down.
05:31So, can you help me, friends?
05:34What is the opposite of up?
05:40That's right.
05:41And the opposite of down is...
05:46What can you say about high and low?
05:49Stop and go, fast and slow.
05:52What can you guess about yes and no?
05:55They're as different as night and day.
05:58What can you say about short and tall?
06:01Big and small, rise and fall.
06:04What can you guess about none and all?
06:07They're as different as night and day.
06:10Like near and far and out and in.
06:13And up and down and here and there.
06:16Opposites are two things, nothing like each other.
06:19If you don't have one, then you're bound to have the other.
06:23What can you say about black and white?
06:26Dark and light, loose and tight.
06:29Nothing left to say, but by gosh, you're right.
06:32They're as different as night and day.
06:35Now, here we go. Let's have some fun.
06:38Come and let me show you how the course is run.
06:41Fast, slow, over, under.
06:44Wet and dry, bottom and top.
06:47Opposites are fun, opposites are breezy.
06:50Once you get the hang of them, opposites are easy.
06:57Now that we've learned about out and in,
07:00fat and thin, lose and win,
07:03time for festivities to begin.
07:06And it makes you want to shout, hooray!
07:09That opposites are different, opposites are different.
07:12Opposites are different, opposites are different.
07:15Opposites are different as night and over, under.
07:19Fast, slow, wet, dry, high, low.
07:22Top, bottom, dark, light, night and day.
07:25Now, there are five games in the word adventure.
07:30The first to complete each game will get a flag.
07:35So, if you are ready, let the games begin.
07:40Hip, hip.
07:43When I say go, you go.
07:46And when you reach the end, you will do the opposite.
07:50Who knows the opposite of go?
07:54Oh, might that be not go, Owl?
07:58I believe the opposite for go is stop.
08:02Quite so. Stop and go are opposites.
08:07So, shall we begin?
08:10First, you go slow through the prickly place.
08:15Then, do the opposite at the meadow.
08:19And the opposite of slow is fast.
08:23Do you see?
08:25Oh, I get it.
08:27First, we go slow.
08:29Then, we do the opposite.
08:31And the opposite of slow is fast.
08:35Running fast is what Tigger's do the bestest.
08:38If everyone's quite ready, racers, take your marks.
08:43Get set and go.
08:49Fast, slow, watch me.
08:52Tigger, wait. I said go slow through the prickly place.
09:05Bobby-o, I said go, not stop.
09:09Ham-o, this is me going.
09:15Well, here we go, nice and slow.
09:20Rather sticky going, this.
09:22Shake a leg, Pooh.
09:35Tigger, are you all right?
09:40Maybe I should have gone faster, a little slower.
09:44Look, there's the flag.
09:48There's the meadow, so now I go fast to get the first flag.
09:52Oh, Tigger is quite fast.
09:55While your, I fear, is a bit slow.
09:59I'm nearing the finishing flag.
10:01And the rest of you guys are way back there.
10:05Oh, don't be so sure, Tigger.
10:09Oh, we're almost there, Piglet.
10:13Got it.
10:14And Rabbit has the first flag.
10:17He's gone slow, then fast.
10:21Well done, Rabbit.
10:23You win some, you lose some.
10:26Most you lose.
10:30You know, Eeyore, I shouldn't be surprised if you win the next one.
10:35No, but I'd be.
10:39Should we go fast now, or slow?
10:44Pooh Bear, these words say over and under.
10:48Over, under.
10:53Well, we certainly can't go under this rock.
10:58Guess we'll have to do the opposite.
11:01And the opposite of under is over.
11:06And nobody goes over the top like a Tigger.
11:10Bounce this way.
11:15Show off.
11:17Right behind you.
11:19How shall we ever get over?
11:22Maybe I can help.
11:24Up you go.
11:29Oh, thank you.
11:34Very nice of you indeed down there, Eeyore.
11:37Don't mention it.
11:41My whole pleasure.
11:51Oh, no.
11:56Hopeless, that's what it is.
12:03Oh, goodness, we can't go over that.
12:06Well, perhaps we should do the opposite.
12:09And I believe the opposite of over is under.
12:18Why, I do believe our very little itty-bitty pink buddy is ever so right.
12:24Ergo, under I go.
12:28And all it takes is a little squinchin' and scoochin' and...
12:43No need to wait.
12:45Right behind you.
12:48Oh, my.
12:49I have it.
12:51Smashing good job, Biglet.
12:53Over, under.
12:55You are a wonder.
13:03This sign says in and out.
13:07Yes, my friends.
13:09As you see, you go in the log, then out.
13:13So what is the opposite of in?
13:17Oh, that's easy.
13:18After all, it must be a logarithm.
13:21Yes, the opposite of in is, um, well, it's definitely not over.
13:26It's not up.
13:27Don't tell me.
13:28Don't tell me.
13:30Okay, tell me.
13:31I believe the opposite of in is out.
13:37Remember, you are so smart today.
13:41In, out.
13:44Very good, Biglet.
13:46In and out.
13:54Oh, bother.
13:55Not out.
13:56I seem to be somewhat, um, somehow simply slightly stuck.
14:05And I'm neither in nor out.
14:08We'll get you free, which is the opposite of stuck.
14:13Come on, Tigger.
14:14Let's pull him out.
14:16All right.
14:21And pull.
14:25Okay, that didn't work.
14:27Oh, dear.
14:31This simply isn't working.
14:34We can't pull him free.
14:36Maybe I can help.
14:38You pull, I'll push.
14:41Come on, Tigger.
14:43Okay, okay.
14:44I'll pull.
14:48Oh, goodness sakes, Pooh.
14:50And pull.
14:59Pooh Bear, what are you doing?
15:02I'm rolling in the mud, I would think, Rabbit.
15:05You should try it.
15:06Well, I'm not about to get dirty.
15:12Hey, come on in, fellas.
15:14Getting dirty is funner than fun.
15:18And so is getting clean.
15:20And clean is quite the opposite of dirty, you know.
15:25When a donkey's this dirty, don't know if he'll ever get clean.
15:31Oh, look.
15:32Here's a sign that says wet and dry.
15:36So first, we get wet, and then we do the opposite.
15:40And the opposite of wet is dry.
15:50Look at me, would you?
15:52Clean of the fizzle.
15:54Because I went from filthy dirty to spiky clean.
15:58And that's awfully opposite, isn't it?
16:03But how do we get wet?
16:05There's no water left.
16:07Oh, don't be ludicridiculous.
16:10What is the opposite of dry?
16:18You're wet and I'm dry.
16:20And that means I get to flag.
16:23Oh, now, then.
16:25You're wet and I'm dry.
16:28And I get to flag.
16:31Oh, now, then.
16:33You've all been working hard.
16:35So let's take a bit of a break, shall we?
16:39Yes, Owl, we shall.
16:42There is, after all, a rumbly in my tumbly.
16:47Well, here are some whole heaping pots full of treats.
16:53Oh, this pot is quite full.
16:56This one, I'm afraid, is empty.
16:59And this one's full, full, empty, full.
17:03Empty, empty, full, full.
17:06Full, full, empty, full.
17:09Empty, empty, full, full.
17:12Opposites are all around and you can have fun with them.
17:17What if we give every pair its own sweet special rhythm?
17:22It doesn't take much thinking about to join the jamboree.
17:27Just pick out an opposite and play along with me.
17:32Play the honeypot high.
17:34Play the honeypot low.
17:37Play the honeypot fast.
17:40Play the honeypot slow.
17:43Play the honeypot slow.
17:46Forward, backward, bottom and top.
17:49What you do when you just can't stop.
17:52Now we know we're opposites and you know what?
17:54Life is sweeter than the honey in the honeypot.
17:58Oh, and that's sweet.
18:02Now you've got the hang of things.
18:05You're swinging in the beat now.
18:07It's hard to stop the happiness.
18:10There's dancing in your feet now.
18:12Everyone is having fun.
18:14It's a great big hullabaloo.
18:17It makes you want to scream and shout.
18:20Hubbly, hubbly, hubbly, hubbly, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo.
18:23Hubbly, hoo, hoo, hoo.
18:25Play the honeypot high.
18:27Play the honeypot low.
18:30Play the honeypot fast.
18:32Play the honeypot slow.
18:35Your leg will flip.
18:37Your eyes will pop.
18:38It's a special kind of hippity, hippity, hop, hop, hop.
18:40When you pair a thing that isn't what it's very most not.
18:43Life is sweeter than the honey in the honeypot.
18:50Da, da, da, da, da.
18:52Oh, that sounds pretty good.
18:54Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo.
18:56Your leg will flip.
18:57Your eyes will pop.
18:59And even bees can help you shooby-dooby-doo-bop.
19:01When it comes to opposites, you know what?
19:04Life is sweeter than the honey in the honeypot.
19:06Now we know we're opposites and you know what?
19:09Life is sweeter than the honey in the honeypot.
19:14Sweeter than the honey in the honeypot.
19:17Oh, yes.
19:20A moment ago, this honeypot was fairly full.
19:25But now it is altogether empty.
19:30Those are opposites, you know.
19:33Full is the opposite of empty.
19:38Well, this pot may be empty, but, um, my tummy is quite full.
19:45Hoo, hoo, hoo.
19:46My dear bear, if eating were a contest, you'd win first place.
19:53Oh, my, my. We've really made a mess, haven't we?
19:57And messy is the opposite of neat.
20:03Well, then we can't go on until we've made the forest neat again.
20:08Can we? Hmm?
20:10Oh, messy.
20:14And neat.
20:16Yes. Hoo, hoo, hoo.
20:20Messy, messy, neat, neat.
20:24See you all at the finish line.
20:26Well, let's get back to chasing opposites.
20:30I'm sure you'll get an opposite soon.
20:33One can on it.
20:35Oh, I'm getting the hang of this opposites stuff.
20:38Opposites is what Tiggers do the best, you know.
20:41So, buddy boy, what's the next event?
20:44That's a very good question, Tigger.
20:47Do you know the answer?
20:49Hmm. I must have left a sign around here somewhere.
20:53But there's no sign of the sign, which is a bad sign.
20:58Well, surely it's just fallen down.
21:02What do you say I skedaddle up to the top of that tree
21:05and take a birdie's eye view of the woods?
21:07And maybe then we'll know which opposite thingy is next.
21:11Oh, dear. Well, I have to admit it is a good idea.
21:15Oh, please do hurry, Tigger.
21:17I should like to finish the race
21:19so I can find another smackerel of honey.
21:23These pots are all empty.
21:25You got it, buddy boy.
21:27I am at the bottom of this tree,
21:29and I need to bounce to the top.
21:31And you know, top is the opposite of...
21:37So, T-T-F-N, ta-ta for now.
21:43Hey, down there!
21:45The view is a real hoot from way up here.
21:48Tigger, do you see Owl's sign?
21:52What is the next opposite?
21:55Oh, I see Pooh's house.
21:58And I see some, some woozles,
22:00and they're slurping down his honey.
22:02Oh, are you quite sure, Tigger?
22:06Uh, well, it's a little hard to tell from up here, but...
22:10Oh, sorry, sorry.
22:12That woozle's just a tree.
22:14Why, it's fantastical.
22:16Oh, you know, those trees are big,
22:19but they look sort of small.
22:21Tigger, which direction do we need to go on Owl's course?
22:27That's the point.
22:29Piglet, I see your house!
22:34If you want something done right,
22:37you have to do it yourself.
22:44Look, over there, that's Owl's sign.
22:47Oh, and I see the finish line, too.
22:50Um, are you sure this tree is strong enough?
22:55Well, of course it is.
22:57This tree's as solid as a...
23:04Oh, no. Oh, dear.
23:06What do we do now?
23:08Well, I don't know about you fellas,
23:11but I am going to yell for help!
23:15Help! Help!
23:18Took me a while, but I finally made it here.
23:23Oh, Eeyore, do you suppose you might help us, please?
23:26Well, suppose I can try.
23:29Hurry, Tookie boy, you can do it!
23:32If I go up, maybe the tree will bend down.
23:42Good old terra firmy.
23:48Thank you, Eeyore.
23:50You're welcome.
23:52Glad I could help.
23:54Come on, everybody, here's the next sign.
23:57Here and there.
23:59We begin here, cross the log,
24:02and get the flag there.
24:05Yes, yes, I see.
24:07We're here, and the opposite of here is...
24:13Yep, and the first one out of here
24:16is the first one over there.
24:18I've got the flag!
24:21Just a bit further.
24:23Oh, my.
24:25Almost there.
24:28Come on, legs.
24:32I say, it's piglet by a nose!
24:35Congratulations, you've all finished
24:39the wonderful word adventure.
24:44You see, you nearly won that time, Eeyore.
24:49What's become of Eeyore?
24:52Well, I haven't seen him since we were up in the tree.
24:56Oh, my. Perhaps he's still there.
24:59Then we've got to get Tookie boy down.
25:02Sink, sink, sink.
25:05I know just the thing to do.
25:08Being stuck in a tree is for the birds.
25:14Shoo, shoo.
25:23Don't worry, Eeyore, my friend.
25:26We shall get you down.
25:29Oh, my.
25:31Careful, Poop Boy.
25:39A minute ago, I was sad.
25:42Now I'm happy.
25:45A minute ago, I was sad.
25:48Now I'm the opposite.
25:51And that's happy.
25:53Thanks, Poop.
25:56And now, my favorite part
25:59of the wonderful word adventure,
26:02awarding of the awards for you, Poop,
26:07who made those honeypots go from full
26:11to empty, a most honorable mention.
26:16Oh, and for Rabbit,
26:19who quickly went fast and slow,
26:23third place, my friend.
26:28And for Tigger, who was wet and dry
26:32after he got so dirty and clean,
26:35a medal for you, too.
26:38And finally, Piglet,
26:40who went over and under,
26:43in and out from here to there,
26:46first place.
26:48Let's hear it for Piglet.
26:51Well done, everyone.
26:53I knew you could do it.
26:55Yes, yes.
26:58Look at all these medals.
27:00Every one of us has one.
27:04Oh, but Owl, what about a medal for Eeyore?
27:08I'm afraid there are no medals left to give.
27:11It's all right.
27:13Didn't expect one.
27:15You all came in first.
27:17I was last.
27:19You can't get more opposite than that.
27:27No, Eeyore.
27:28You shall have my medal
27:30for all you did for us.
27:33After all, Eeyore,
27:35we should still be up in a tree
27:37if you hadn't got us down.
27:40We only thought of ourselves,
27:42and, well, you were helpful to everyone.
27:46We only cared about winning,
27:48but you were always there to lend a hand.
27:52Or a hoof.
27:53Anyway, have a medal, pal.
27:58I feel up,
28:00but these medals are weighing me down.
28:03Hooray, Eeyore!
28:06Bravo, bravo, Eeyore.
28:08I always said you were incredible.
28:11Don't wait for me.
28:13We'll never leave you behind again, Eeyore.
28:17And that is how Pooh and his friends
28:21found that opposites are all around them all the time.
28:26If you look around,
28:28you'll find them all around you, too.
28:31And now we reach the end of our wonderful word adventure,
28:35which is also the end of our story,
28:38which is the opposite of a beginning.
28:41But any time you'd like to come back
28:44to this most enchanted place,
28:46we shall happily begin again.
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