• 3 hours ago
Pendant longtemps, les gens ont pensé que les dinosaures ressemblaient à de gigantesques lézards écailleux, mais de nouvelles découvertes montrent que ce n'est pas tout à fait vrai ! Les scientifiques ont trouvé des preuves que de nombreux dinosaures avaient en réalité des plumes, même certains des plus grands. Au lieu des couleurs ternes et verdâtres que nous imaginions, ils étaient probablement de toutes sortes de couleurs vives et de motifs variés. La texture de leur peau était également plus variée, avec certains dinosaures ayant une peau écailleuse, mais d'autres possédant une peau lisse voire duveteuse. Les fossiles ont également révélé que les dinosaures pouvaient sembler moins massifs et plus similaires aux oiseaux qu'on ne le pensait autrefois. En gros, l'image que nous avions des dinosaures a beaucoup changé ! Animation créée par Sympa. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com Pour ne rien perdre de Sympa, abonnez-vous!: https://goo.gl/6E4Xna​ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nos réseaux sociaux : Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sympasympacom/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sympa.officiel/ Stock de fichiers (photos, vidéos et autres): https://www.depositphotos.com https://www.shutterstock.com https://www.eastnews.ru ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Si tu en veux encore plus, fais un tour ici: http://sympa-sympa.com


00:00It seems that we are completely wrong about dinosaurs.
00:05In addition, movies have created an image of them that is now difficult to get rid of.
00:09You know what I'm talking about.
00:11Dinosaurs, like gigantic lizards.
00:15I mean, lizards are fascinating.
00:17There is a type of lizard that can be found in the Costa Rican streams,
00:21which can stay underwater for up to 16 minutes.
00:24They create an air pocket at the top of their muzzle
00:27and breathe the exhaled air while they are submerged.
00:31The so-called horned lizards can shed blood from their eyes,
00:34projecting it up to two meters.
00:36The poor lizard is forced to do so when it approaches the mouth of its attacker,
00:41because this bad taste makes the predator change his mind,
00:44which will look for a more delicious bite.
00:47There is the basilisk lizard, which can run on water
00:50when it escapes from larger animals in the tropical forests of Central America.
00:55It can do this over short distances,
00:57but still, it manages to stand up and lean on the skin's lumbar
01:01on the toes of its hind legs to have more surface.
01:06Many types of lizards have had to develop such unusual adaptations
01:10in order not to become an easy and fast prey for snakes,
01:14coyotes, hawks, foxes and other larger animals chasing them.
01:19They would not dare to do this if they had great cousins who would protect them.
01:23Like dinosaurs.
01:25But even if they look like gigantic scary lizards in the movies,
01:29this is not what you would see if you had the chance to return to the era of dinosaurs.
01:34You will have to be vigilant and run if you see feathered creatures instead.
01:39Feathers do not look so scary
01:41because birds are the only living animals today to have them.
01:45But millions of years ago, it was a completely different story.
01:48Some of the most fearsome dinosaurs were also covered in feathers,
01:52shapes, sizes and different colors.
01:55For example, look at this creature, a cousin of the famous T-Rex.
02:00It was a fearsome predator that weighed 1.5 tons
02:03and was covered in a thick coat of filament known as proto-feathers.
02:09These feathers were not used to fly,
02:11but to stay warm or attract partners.
02:15Or let's take a Veliciraptor as an example.
02:17For so long, we thought it was a predator,
02:20raised with the skin of a lizard.
02:22But it turns out that it was a much smaller and more colorful creature,
02:25covered in feathers, like a kind of bird.
02:28Many of their relatives among the dinosaurs had long feathers on the forearms,
02:32accompanied by velvet feathers distributed over the rest of the body.
02:37This works for most carnivorous dinosaurs or the so-called theropods.
02:42There were tiny ones with a tail in a fan full of feathers.
02:46Or those with shiny feathers in a mixture of colors.
02:50It was like a hummingbird.
02:52Maybe it wouldn't be so scary to deal with dinosaurs.
02:56Some of the fossils that researchers have discovered are well preserved.
03:00In combination with the modern techniques they use to study these fascinating creatures,
03:05they have discovered that dinosaurs had different colors.
03:09Archaeologists have found fossilized feathers,
03:11as well as fossils of melanosome structures.
03:14These are pigments that gave them gray, brown and black colors.
03:18Like the anchiornis, whose body was almost entirely black.
03:22It looks like a bird with wings and wavy tail feathers on its hind legs,
03:27as well as a fairly long tail that could flourish.
03:31This guy also had white stripes along its wings.
03:34It also had a brown head crest.
03:37It may have been there as a demonstration
03:40or used to communicate with other anchiornis dinosaurs.
03:44And look at this one.
03:46It also had a wavy tail and different marks on its body.
03:51Thanks to the fossils they discovered,
03:53researchers were able to reconstruct the appearance of this dinosaur by giving it so many details.
03:58Not only did the dinosaurs look like birds,
04:01but they also behaved in a similar way to them.
04:05For example, they sat on their nests to protect their eggs
04:09and probably used their feathers for parades.
04:13A discovery in Canada revealed that a type of dinosaur had a fleshy crest on its head,
04:18like the crest of a roach.
04:20Scientists believe that this crest was probably used to attract a partner
04:25or to show off to other dinosaurs.
04:28Then there is the most frightening of all in the kingdom of dinosaurs.
04:32The T-Rex.
04:34Can you imagine this one in bird version?
04:37In addition, you may have seen images of T-Rex
04:40with its large, sharp teeth and large, open jaws,
04:44always ready to bite its prey.
04:46But these images could be completely false.
04:49Some recent research indicates that these super predators
04:53could have had something that we consider acquired
04:56in almost all terrestrial animals today.
05:01Think about it.
05:02When you look at a crocodile or an alligator,
05:05you don't see any lips covering their teeth.
05:07So, everyone has always assumed that their prehistoric ancestors,
05:11the theropod dinosaurs, were the same way.
05:14Not quite.
05:16Researchers examined fossilized dinosaur skulls
05:20and compared them to modern reptiles,
05:23discovering that these dinosaurs probably had soft tissues around their mouths
05:27that worked like lips.
05:30Scientists learned this by studying small passages
05:33in the upper jaws of dinosaur skulls,
05:36something called foramina.
05:38Foramina allow blood vessels and nerves
05:41to reach the soft tissues around the mouth.
05:44In reptiles with lips, like lizards,
05:46these foramina are arranged in a line along the edge of the jaw,
05:49near the teeth.
05:51Scientists also examined the enamel of the teeth.
05:54When the enamel dries, it wears off more easily.
05:57Researchers have discovered that the side of alligator teeth
06:01wears off more than the moist side,
06:03facing the inside of the mouth.
06:06However, in theropods, like the T-Rex,
06:09the teeth have a uniform wear pattern.
06:12This indicates that the teeth were kept covered and moist.
06:16On this basis, scientists believe that theropods
06:19with long, sharp teeth, like the T-Rex,
06:22could also close their mouths with their teeth inside.
06:27The teeth of theropods and varans are similar in size,
06:30and varans can completely close their mouths.
06:33Therefore, it is likely that theropods also had lips
06:36that allowed them to completely close their mouths.
06:39However, we do not know if they wore lipstick.
06:45It is interesting to note that the study also revealed
06:48a range of mandibular foramina,
06:51in an extinct and quite impressive cousin of crocodiles.
06:55In addition, lips could have been present in the first archosaurs,
06:59the group of reptiles that gave birth to dinosaurs and crocodiles.
07:03Now, this may not seem like a big problem,
07:06but it really changes our way of thinking
07:09about the way these dinosaurs fed.
07:11If they had lips, it is possible that they could have
07:14controlled their bite more precisely,
07:17and maybe even gnawed their food,
07:19instead of simply tearing it apart.
07:22Some still believe differently,
07:24claiming that the T-Rex and other theropods
07:27had flat scales like crocodiles,
07:29extending to the edge of their jaws.
07:31So, I guess the mystery of dinosaur lips continues.
07:36You may be wondering,
07:37did sauropods like the titanosaur also have feathers?
07:41Some scientists think that all dinosaurs,
07:44including sauropods, had feathers,
07:47in the same way that all mammals have at least a few hairs.
07:51But large mammals, like elephants,
07:54have a limited number of hairs,
07:56so it is possible that sauropods did not have many feathers.
08:00Since feathers are something you will encounter
08:03in fossilized form,
08:05the chances of finding those of sauropods
08:08or similar dinosaurs are certainly lower.
08:11In addition, it is possible that the great dinosaurs
08:14who lived in a hot climate did not have feathers at all.
08:19Many fossils of feathered dinosaurs
08:21have been discovered in China.
08:23These fossils helped us understand
08:25the transition of feathered dinosaurs to birds.
08:28Because birds could be the only animals that survived,
08:31and that are present today,
08:33directly linked to dinosaurs.
08:35I wonder what happened here.
08:37It is possible that some types of theropods,
08:40they began to hide more in the trees,
08:43looking for food and protection,
08:46so that their body evolved to become even smaller,
08:49in order to survive in difficult conditions
08:52and dangerous predators in ambush.
08:55But this remains a transition of the most incredible creature
08:59that the animal kingdom has known,
09:01up to the gnawing chicken.
09:03Talk about an evolution that generally makes animals progress.
09:06Hey, stop that, I did not think so.
