• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Al di là della tragedia dei fascismi che hanno afflitto Germania e Italia nel ventesimo secolo, parliamo di due Paesi straordinari per la loro cultura. Senza Germania e Italia la cultura Europea sarebbe stata nettamente inferiore”. Lo ha detto il filosofo Giacomo Marramao, nell’intervista rilasciata ad Adnkronos a margine del panel ‘I doveri della cultura’ che si è svolto nella seconda giornata della Buchmesse 2024, al padiglione Italia Ospite d’Onore.


00:00The culture is a very widespread commodity in two countries, such as Germany and Italy,
00:15which have had great thinkers, great artists, great musicians, great painters, great sculptors.
00:29Germany and Italy are one of the sources of wealth in Europe.
00:41On the other hand, they are also the two countries that had the problem of dictatorships and fascism in the 20th century.
00:54Beyond this tragedy of the 20th century, however, Germany and Italy are two absolutely extraordinary countries.
01:06Without Italy and Germany, European culture would be far inferior.
01:15In Europe, in all European countries, there is the problem of teachings that are not imparted in the way they should be imparted to young people.
01:30In such a way that young people do not learn the world only through social media, through the communication of the digital.
01:44Let us not forget that we human beings, for our passions, for our pains, for our thoughts, are analogical and not digital.
02:00The problem of radical teaching reform throughout the West is essential, otherwise we will end up badly.
