• 2 days ago
00:01What are you doing here, Mother?
00:03Do I need an excuse to look in on my daughter?
00:06You've always had one before.
00:09Usually to rope me into one of your scams, so...
00:12Who's your mark this time?
00:14No mark.
00:16My motive is your well-being.
00:20I'm serious, Sasha. You're headed for disaster and I refuse to let that happen.
00:31We have a problem.
00:33We do.
00:36I just came from Sasha,
00:38where I found her hitting up my nephew Michael for money.
00:45When I confronted her,
00:48she said the money was for you
00:51and that you were considering asking me. Is that true?
00:56You must have told her.
00:59You must have misunderstood.
01:01Oh, I understood perfectly.
01:04Are you in trouble?
01:07I didn't think so until you showed up.
01:12Yeah, we are glad you could make it.
01:16It was last minute.
01:17My calendar isn't exactly full these days, you know,
01:20with that potential prison sentence hanging over my head and all.
01:24Oh, funny you should mention that.
01:27It's funny that I should mention my upcoming trial with my lawyer.
01:31All goes as planned.
01:33Soon you will be as free and available for dinner dates as my ex.
01:37Which one?
01:42Knock, knock.
01:43Alexis, hi.
01:45Is this a bad time?
01:46No, not at all. Come on in.
01:48It's so good to see you.
01:50I'm a prison.
01:52Yeah, I was happy to hear about your release.
01:54Yeah, I'm not happier than I was, for sure.
01:58You know, I'm kind of surprised to see you here.
02:00I thought you'd be with your family.
02:03Well, that's why I'm here.
02:07Would it be okay if we had a talk about Molly and TJ?
02:20Hi, Harry.
02:23Thanks for picking up the dry cleaning.
02:24No problem.
02:25Were they annoyed, as usual?
02:29I had the audacity to pick up the clothes on the day they're ready.
02:34Remind me why we still use that place.
02:37Because they're the best.
02:38They got your dress done in time for the party tomorrow.
02:46At Marshall's big send-off at the Savoy.
02:49I completely forgot about that.
02:52You're still coming, right?
02:57Of course.
02:58No, I wouldn't miss it.
03:02I just got caught up in a case.
03:05I thought Robert took stuff off your plate recently.
03:08He did.
03:09A colleague is handling this one.
03:11I just wanted to look it over.
03:15What's the case?
03:18Ava Jerome's.
03:22After you.
03:24This for kids' home?
03:25Do you want me to call the kids down?
03:27No, in a minute.
03:28In a minute.
03:33Been a day.
03:35A really good, happy, hopeful day.
03:38Yeah, but look.
03:39Now they can see the finish line.
03:43There's no more kind of hoping for a miracle or hoping Lulu's going to hang on in time.
03:49Rocco's mom is going to live.
03:52It's because of you.
03:54Why not?
03:55It's a big deal.
03:56You're a hero.
03:57No, I'm not.
03:58I'm just a person doing a thing.
04:02A really good thing.
04:05And like Dr. Randolph said, it's all going to be very simple on my end.
04:10Well, it's the opposite of simple for Rocco and for me.
04:16It's everything.
04:48Tracy, I promise that I'm not in any trouble.
04:52Oh, so you don't need the money?
04:54Need is a stretch.
04:56Would like?
04:58For what?
04:59I know what Sasha told me, but I want to hear what you have to say.
05:03There's no point in discussing it.
05:04It's not going to go anywhere.
05:05Well, obviously, Sasha thought differently because she went after Michael.
05:09I did not ask her to do that.
05:11I understand.
05:12Out with it.
05:14Serenity's on the market.
05:17Dominique's old horse farm.
05:19Yes, and once upon a time, my home.
05:23So it's an emotional purchase.
05:26Not sure if that's wise.
05:28Well, wise or not, I've always had this fantasy.
05:34Buying the place, fixing it up, and turning it into something.
05:37Came close once, but that fell through, so I put it out of my mind.
05:41What's the asking price?
05:44Six million.
05:47I figured maybe if I got 10% for a down payment...
05:52You know the interest payments will kill you.
05:55That's why I dropped it.
05:56And you didn't come to me why?
05:59I did think about coming and asking you for the money.
06:03And what stopped you?
06:08I get the impression that a lot of people in your life draw from the Bank of Tracy.
06:14I didn't want to be one of them.
06:17That's rich.
06:19What's rich?
06:20That the cost of my disaster of a life is here to rescue me from it.
06:24Sasha, you have to hear me out.
06:26No, I don't.
06:27This is my place of work.
06:29I'm already on thin ice.
06:31I don't need you making more trouble.
06:33Trouble is what I'm attempting to avoid.
06:37By all means, come on in.
06:40This is where you work.
06:42What's the angle?
06:44No angle.
06:45Mother, I'm employed by the Court of Maids.
06:48As a cook?
06:52Legitimately, you actually do things in the kitchen?
06:56If by things you mean prepare, cook and serve meals for the family, then again, yes.
07:03Do you do the dishes?
07:07Look, I don't know what you're doing here, but I want no part of it.
07:10I got my fill last time.
07:12Which, um...
07:14Which was the last time?
07:16When you left me with that vicar, Skye, in Landview.
07:19I was lucky to get out of there alive.
07:21Yeah, that did go a little sideways.
07:23Yeah, you left me holding the bag.
07:25Well, Ethan was in trouble.
07:26Ethan is always in trouble.
07:28You landed on your feet though, didn't you?
07:30Because Nana was there to take me in.
07:33I would still be waiting tables in Chappaquai if...
07:37If what?
07:39If what?
07:43If I hadn't been offered more lucrative employment.
07:48Oh, you mean that little job that you did for Valentine Cassadine?
07:54Pretending to be Nana Reeves' daughter?
07:58See, I pay attention.
08:02You could have fooled me.
08:09I'm sorry.
08:12I haven't been the mother you deserve.
08:15You're not the mother anyone deserves.
08:18I let you down.
08:21Yeah, and now what?
08:23You're here to ask for my forgiveness?
08:25Okay, I forgive you, now can you please go?
08:29I can't.
08:30And I can't undo my past failings.
08:33But I can't avert another by stopping you from making a terrible mistake.
08:38Oh my God!
08:39What is this terrible mistake I'm about to make?
08:45Getting more involved with Cody Bell.
08:57Yeah, you?
08:58Yeah, start.
09:02Can you come downstairs, please?
09:17What's up?
09:18We got some news about Rocco's mom.
09:23Is everything okay?
09:25For the first time in a long time, everything is more than okay.
09:28More than okay.
09:30We found a donor, buddy.
09:33That's amazing!
09:35For real this time?
09:36For real!
09:37For real.
09:38That's great news, buddy.
09:40They've done the testing, the liver's definitely compatible?
09:43They did the testing, compatible, it's a go.
09:46And this donor was kind of with us the entire time.
09:51In fact, in this exact apartment.
09:56Wait, what?
09:59It's true.
10:13Molly came to speak to me at Pattonville and she mentioned some things about TJ
10:21and it seems pretty apparent that they're both struggling.
10:24How could they not be?
10:26You and I both know the odds of a couple surviving the death of a child.
10:30Not good.
10:34I know, but I believe that they still love each other very much.
10:38I also know that the strain of losing a child's gotta be overwhelming.
10:45They're white knuckling it.
10:48I'm worried that Ava's upcoming trial is gonna push him over the edge.
10:53Especially with Rick now taking the case.
10:58What was he thinking?
11:00Say what you will about him and believe me, I've got a lot to say about him.
11:05He is an excellent attorney.
11:07If he gets Ava off, it's gonna be harder, even harder for Molly and TJ.
11:14I hate this for them.
11:16I hate this for them.
11:18Well, we're both in agreement then.
11:21My question to you is do you think that we should step in and try to help?
11:30I agree that Molly and TJ are in trouble, but we can't fix it, Alexis.
11:36If they're gonna survive, they're gonna have to do it on their own.
11:43I do.
11:45Well, I do like your confidence.
11:48I sure hope it's warranted.
11:50You have a strong case.
11:52Not a slam dunk.
11:54Well, Robert Scorpio wouldn't prosecute if he didn't think he could make it stick.
11:59Please tell me there's a but in there.
12:01But I have put together a strategy and I'm gonna put it into action.
12:06Would you care to share that strategy?
12:08Not yet.
12:09I recently shared some information with one of my clients about her case and it backfired on me.
12:15I hope you're not comparing me to Heather the Hip.
12:19It's not Heather, okay?
12:21But since you did bring her up, you should only hope that your case goes as smoothly as hers.
12:26Yeah, I just heard that they're gonna be ruling on her case tomorrow.
12:31Well, I thought that a fast decision was a bad sign for the defense.
12:35Not as long as the facts are on your side.
12:38The facts are definitely on my side.
12:40Yeah, yeah, to a degree.
12:41But we should get some more.
12:43Especially with so many people aligned against you.
12:51Here comes one of my biggest fans now.
13:04I've already told Molly and TJ I'm here for them.
13:06I assume you've done the same?
13:08Of course.
13:10They know where to find us if they need us.
13:14I was just hoping there'd be some way to take the pressure off of them.
13:22Is there any way that you could shore up the case against Ava?
13:27I believe Robert's office has it well in hand.
13:29Well, what if they don't? What if she walks?
13:32I would hate that. A lot.
13:35But the end result will still be the same.
13:38For Molly and TJ, at least.
13:41They'll still be left without Irene.
13:44Then only they can decide if this is a life they'll face together or apart.
13:54Take care.
13:56Are you sure getting involved in Ava's case is a good idea?
13:59I'm not involved.
14:01What if it creates an ethical issue or worse?
14:03It gets the case thrown out altogether, Molly.
14:05I promise. I'm just reviewing it.
14:11Trust me, if anybody's going to tank this case, it's going to be Christina.
14:18Doesn't she want to know?
14:20It's going to be Christina.
14:25Doesn't she want Ava convicted more than anyone?
14:28What Christina wants is irrelevant.
14:30Her knack for self-destruction will always win out.
14:39Well, look at this. A night on the town.
14:43Enjoy. It'll be one of your last.
14:45Hello, Christina. Dressed you well?
14:47Could be better. I could be at home with my daughter.
14:51What do you mean, Molly's daughter?
14:53Well, wasn't that the agreement?
14:55I mean, you donate the egg and carry the baby so that your sister could have the family that she's always dreamed of?
15:01Wow, Rick.
15:03That was really impressive. A lot of knowledge for an absentee father.
15:08Although I don't know how Molly can even look at you, seeing as how you're representing the reason Adela died.
15:18Well, Molly can look at me just fine. She knows what I know.
15:22What happened to Irene was tragic. It wasn't criminal.
15:28It was accidental, not intentional.
15:30And not Ava's fault.
15:33It's yours.
15:40I gather the staff has been talking.
15:44I hear things.
15:47Such as?
15:51Oh, Cody, please. Your candor is one of your finer qualities. Don't lose it now.
15:58Okay. Ned's dad was a total fraud. He swindled you out of a boatload of cash.
16:03Dylan's dad used you big time. There were a couple mafioso guys in the mix.
16:08And then there's this guy, Mitch Williams, that I heard about.
16:11Enough. Enough. Enough. Enough. Stop.
16:13I'm just saying there's a pattern and I don't want to be a part of it.
16:16All right. Well, all of the men in my life were not part of that pattern.
16:20Finn, all he wanted was a good backgammon game.
16:24And Gregory never asked me for a dime.
16:27Not every person in my life saw me as a means to an end.
16:33I'm sorry. I didn't mean to suggest that all the men in your life are the same.
16:44But let's face it, most of them are.
16:48And the one I fell the hardest for was the biggest offender.
16:57Why would I break up with Cody? He's incredible.
17:00As any son of Max Scorpio would be.
17:03You know nothing about Cody.
17:05Trust me, I know enough.
17:07He saved my life, Mother.
17:09He found me at my lowest and he got me on my feet and kept me going.
17:13I'm very grateful, but you have to put an end to whatever you got going with Cody.
17:18Whatever I...
17:21Okay, it's none of your business, but I will tell you this.
17:25Cody and I have gotten very close.
17:28In fact, I have fallen for him.
17:30No, don't say that.
17:33It's true.
17:34I care about Cody and I will not dump him to help you make a buck off some rich loser.
17:40It's not about money.
17:41Then what?
17:42Breaking up with Cody is for your own good.
17:46How could turning my back on someone wonderful be good for me?
17:51Because Cody is your cousin.
18:01She threatened me.
18:02She screamed at me.
18:04Like you are right now?
18:06Ava came at me, okay?
18:08No, no, no, no, no.
18:09It was the other way around.
18:10Ava didn't seek you out.
18:12You went to her hotel room.
18:14I don't even need to do this.
18:15I don't.
18:16The truth is the police know everything and they have evidence.
18:19They have photos that prove she is the one who instigated it, not me.
18:22Christina, would you calm down?
18:24You're making a bit of a scene.
18:26I hope I am making a scene.
18:27I hope everyone in here knows that she killed my daughter, just like she killed Connie and Morgan.
18:35And you got away with that, but you will not get away with this.
18:39I'm sorry you're in so much pain.
18:41I really am.
18:43I lost a daughter myself, you know, so I do understand what you're going through.
18:48You have no idea what I am going through.
18:51You got to spend time with your daughter.
18:54You got to see her walk and take her first steps.
18:58You got to hear her say her first words.
19:00I didn't even get to hold her.
19:02Not once.
19:04I will make sure you are in prison for the rest of your life.
19:08Ava's not going anywhere.
19:13You will pay for what you have done.
19:27I can't believe it.
19:29I don't believe it.
19:30Mom, you're really the match?
19:32Yeah, I am.
19:33That's so cool.
19:35Yeah, I think so too.
19:36Your mom is going to give part of her liver to Lulu.
19:40This whole time, it was you.
19:42I know, I just wish I would have known sooner.
19:44No, what are you talking about?
19:46We know now.
19:47That's all that matters.
19:48When's the surgery?
19:50The day after tomorrow.
19:52So things are going to change to be a little different around here, okay?
19:55We're all going to be on our best behavior while Sam recovers.
19:58Yeah, definitely.
19:59We're going to take the best care of your mom, right?
20:03Whatever you need, we're on it.
20:06Anything you want.
20:10You've been quiet.
20:12Do you have any questions?
20:14Will you be okay, Mom?
20:21Luke Spencer was an utter scoundrel.
20:26Sounds like a good time.
20:30There was more to him than any scam, obviously.
20:34Didn't start out that way.
20:36But we evolved.
20:38And eventually, we found reason to help each other.
20:43And that turned into liking each other?
20:46And that turned into loving each other.
20:50Even though he'd been out for your money?
20:52Even though.
20:56Yeah, I guess my entry to Port Charles wasn't too different.
21:01Though, hopefully, I've cleaned up my image since then.
21:08Cody Bale, are you fishing for a compliment?
21:10Is it working?
21:13Well, let's see.
21:15You never set out to hurt anybody.
21:22Little Leo and James think you hung the moon.
21:26And you take remarkable care of the horses.
21:31And you?
21:33What about me?
21:35How do you feel about Cody Bale?
21:38Oh, well, I like you. Okay?
21:42Just okay?
21:48A lot.
21:50I like you a lot, too.
21:56Since we've settled that, is there anything you want to ask me?
22:04I knew you could go low, but this is...
22:08It's true, Sasha. Cody is your cousin.
22:12Oh, wow. You're really going to play this out, aren't you?
22:14I'm so sorry to have to tell you.
22:16I can see how much joy he's brought you.
22:19Okay, Mother, stop.
22:21It's impossible.
22:23Is it?
22:25I never told you who your father was?
22:27Where you came from?
22:29Even though I must have asked a million times.
22:32I realize now that not telling you was a huge mistake.
22:37You realize that now?
22:39After all these years?
22:41When I was pregnant with you,
22:43I thought your father was dead.
22:45But he wasn't.
22:47And when he resurfaced?
22:52Trouble had a way of following him.
22:55All sorts of people would have thought nothing of using you against him,
23:01and I didn't want that.
23:04So you were protecting him.
23:07Scorpios have enemies, Sasha.
23:10Mac does. He did.
23:13And so does your father, Robert.
23:21I do have something that I wanted to ask you.
23:25Go on.
23:28You want to take Hades out tomorrow?
23:33I'll have him settled and ready to go.
23:37You're welcome.
23:39Tracy, if I do end up getting Serenity,
23:45it'll be because I made it happen on my own,
23:48not because I borrowed money from a friend.
23:51A very good, very important friend.
24:04I know this is difficult to hear and even harder to accept.
24:08You're a liar. You always have been.
24:10So why would I believe anything that comes out of your mouth?
24:13I've told my fair share of tales,
24:16but this isn't one of them.
24:18Robert Scorpio is your father.
24:21If that were true,
24:24how could you not tell me before now?
24:27And don't give me that bull about keeping me safe,
24:30because Robert has another daughter,
24:32and all the danger did not keep them from having a relationship.
24:38I was scared.
24:40I couldn't imagine showing up at Robert's door with a 12-year-old girl.
24:45He'd been hurt that way once already.
24:49So you didn't want him to hate you?
24:53That is such crap.
24:55Anna and Robert get along just fine.
24:58Anna did a better job with Robin than I did with you.
25:03So you were ashamed of me?
25:04No! No!
25:06I was ashamed of myself.
25:09Robert was the love of my life. He still is.
25:12And I betrayed him.
25:14And now you are asking me to betray Cody.
25:19What's the alternative?
25:20That this is just another con,
25:23and either I am the target or Robert is.
25:25And you know what? It doesn't matter.
25:27You're up to your single tricks.
25:28I am telling you the truth, and whether you believe me or not,
25:32it breaks my heart.
25:34Felicia told me what a lovely man Cody is,
25:37and that you're very happy together.
25:40We are.
25:42And I don't want to ruin that.
25:44But there's no way around it.
25:47You and Cody are cousins.
25:51I don't know what you're doing here, but I want no part of it.
25:55I'm done.
25:56Sasha, please.
25:57Now stay out of my life, and stay away from Cody.
26:11Look what the cat dragged in!
26:16Christina's testimony will be pivotal in the case against Ava,
26:19and it's a real balancing act.
26:22I mean, she's got to remain composed enough to be able to walk the jury
26:25through the events of that day,
26:27while also being just emotional enough to communicate her grief
26:31and loss.
26:32All of hers, really.
26:34You don't trust her to pull this off?
26:37Do you?
26:38It's a tall order.
26:41Remaining composed has never exactly been Christina's strong suit.
26:44But if the stakes are this high...
26:46I'm almost nervous it makes it worse.
26:49I mean, there's so much riding on this,
26:51and Christina is a time bomb waiting to go off.
26:54And not to mention your father is very skilled at what he does.
26:58He'll play her perfectly.
27:00He'll push her to say things that detract from Ava's culpability.
27:03Like the fact that she went to confront Ava at her hotel.
27:08She had no business putting herself in such a potentially volatile situation
27:13so close to her due date.
27:19a physical altercation took place in that room.
27:22And that would not have happened if it weren't for Ava.
27:25And that's the point we need to get across.
27:28And it's what I'll say if I'm called to testify.
27:33What will you say?
27:39You're bleeding.
27:41Am I? Where?
27:43We're leaving. Now.
27:45I'm not done here.
27:46You are if you don't want to be arrested.
27:48Oh, don't worry.
27:49I'm not gonna press charges.
27:50How big of you?
27:51I can't say the same thing at the restaurant.
27:54Let's go. Now.
27:59Congrats on the Cates ruling.
28:02Lucky break for that gun to have shown up the way it did.
28:06You must have friends in high places.
28:11I'm gonna be fine.
28:13Will it hurt?
28:15The operation itself isn't gonna hurt.
28:19But I might be in a little bit of pain afterwards.
28:21But they cut you open, don't they?
28:24Yeah, just a tiny little incision.
28:26But I'm gonna be asleep while they do.
28:29You know, honey, your mom, she's not gonna feel anything.
28:33They're gonna take that little part that they need for Lulu,
28:35and then they're gonna stitch her back up.
28:37Do you need that part too?
28:39Do you want to know the coolest thing?
28:41After they remove a part of your liver, it grows back.
28:44It does?
28:45Yeah, it's pretty neat, right?
28:46So it'll be like it never happened?
28:48After the operation, I will be as good as new.
28:52And you know what, your mom, after the operation,
28:55she's gonna have her own room too, a private room,
28:57so we can go visit her when she's feeling good.
29:01And you're better.
29:02All of you.
29:04And Rocca's mom will get better?
29:06A lot better.
29:08Are you happy?
29:10So happy.
29:12Then I think we should have a party.
29:14A party?
29:16Okay, sure.
29:17When your mom's feeling better, we'll have the party in the pantry.
29:20All right.
29:21You're so knuckles.
29:30Eva is just...
29:31She's just in there having dinner and drinks
29:34and living her life as if nothing even happened.
29:37And on top of that now, my own uncle is defending her.
29:41It's appalling, all of it.
29:45That's all you're gonna say?
29:46What else would you like me to say?
29:48Oh, I don't know, maybe something like
29:49you're gonna do everything in your power to make sure she goes to prison.
29:52Do you want Eva to go to prison?
29:55Then stop helping her defense.
30:02You okay?
30:04Oh, yeah.
30:05I'm used to Christina's temper tantrums.
30:09Most people on the receiving end of that kind of betrayal would go to pieces.
30:14Well, it can't be easy on you.
30:16That baby...
30:18She was your granddaughter.
30:21Yes, she was.
30:25Can I ask you something?
30:26Why am I representing you?
30:29I'm sure I'm not the only one wondering.
30:35I believe that Christina's fault was an accident.
30:38And if there's blame to be doled out, it should fall on her.
30:43She's out of control, Eva.
30:46As every person in this restaurant would attest to on the stand.
30:58You set this up, didn't you?
31:04Pray tell what golden opportunity brings you back to Port Charles this time.
31:08I came back with Lucky Spencer when we found out about Lulu's condition.
31:14And you decided to make a pit stop here?
31:18I thought I'd pop in to say hello.
31:20And get into it with our cook.
31:22Did you have a problem with her scones?
31:26I've missed your hospitality.
31:32And what brings you back to Port Charles?
31:35And what brings you back to Port Charles?
31:37Why do you care? I have a full life.
31:40Yeah, so I've heard.
31:43Maintaining a household, overseeing the staff.
31:46Oh, and I understand that you've taken on a new stable hand, Max Scorpio's long lost son.
31:51Cody Bell has nothing to do with you.
32:05Tracy was just down here.
32:07She said that you hit up Michael for cash on my behalf.
32:11Sasha, that's really sweet of you, but look, it's unnecessary.
32:26I had no idea your feelings toward Cody were so proprietary.
32:32He works here. He's a friend.
32:35Mac must be delighted.
32:39He's delighted that his son doesn't need constant tending to.
32:43How is Ethan, by the way?
32:48Can we expect him to visit his sister anytime soon?
32:51I haven't spoken to Ethan since we found out that he wasn't a match for Lulu.
32:55He didn't take it very well.
32:58And instead of going to be with him as usual, you came here.
33:05Why is that?
33:08Trust you can see yourself out.
33:22What's wrong?
33:23What's wrong?
33:25I just remembered I left a souffle in the oven. I have to go.
33:28Okay, well, come back when you're finished.
33:31I'll try.
33:33I'm so sorry to do this to you. I'll make it up to you.
33:38I get it.
33:40Souffles wait for no one.
33:54The account Ava gave me was definitely compelling.
34:00Yeah, well, that woman can sell anything.
34:04But with some time, and with some distance, I've come to agree with you.
34:13Christina absolutely took matters into her own hands when she did not have to.
34:18She put herself and our daughter at risk, but we would not have lost Irene without the Ava component.
34:24We just would not have. We wouldn't have.
34:28We're on the same page.
34:31I've missed feeling that way.
34:32Me too.
34:35Molly, I will never forgive your sister.
34:40But she did not throw herself out of that window.
34:44Ava did.
34:45Ava did.
34:47And she has to pay.
34:59Rick just goaded you into behaving that way so he can use it in court against you, right?
35:06Pechu is that person. Unbalanced, volatile, violent.
35:11I am a grieving mother.
35:12It doesn't matter.
35:15He is going to use what just happened in court to justify that you targeted Ava and created the circumstances that led to your baby's death.
35:24And it could work.
35:26You think it could keep Ava out of prison?
35:28If you want the justice system to work for you and this family, then you need to compose yourself and let the system do what it does.
35:38Can you do that?
35:42You made this happen, didn't you?
35:44More like it fell into my lap.
35:47I invited Molly to dinner tonight and she said she had plans.
35:50And I asked her if they were with Alexis and she said no.
35:53Her mother was having dinner with Christina at the Port Charles Grill.
36:00You sly dog.
36:01What better opportunity to test Christina and get under her skin?
36:06Well, I'm starting to see why Sonny hates you so much.
36:10I'm more interested in what you think of me and my tactics.
36:19Jury's still out.
36:20Oh, come on.
36:22That was inspired.
36:26But Alexis is smart.
36:28She's going to know what you were up to.
36:30Yeah, that's fine.
36:32Christina's outburst was not a silver bullet, but it was something.
36:36And we're going to need all the help we can get.
36:39Christina's emotion is going to be half the DA's case.
36:43And you plan to use that emotion against her?
36:47When I get Christina on the stand, I'm going to break her.
36:51Just like I did tonight.
36:55We should have a DJ.
36:56Oh, okay.
37:00And there has to be disco balls.
37:01Oh, there does?
37:02All right.
37:03This is getting expensive.
37:04Disco balls, DJ.
37:06Mom, are you excited?
37:07Yes, a party.
37:08I am down for a party always.
37:11It's like all those prayers we sent up really worked.
37:14You prayed too?
37:15Every night for your mom to be okay.
37:18Just never thought it'd be my mom to make it happen.
37:26Thank you, Dad.
37:27Oh, I'm not the one you should be thanking.
37:31I'll owe Sam forever.
37:34No, you will not.
37:36But I'll owe you too.
37:38I didn't do anything.
37:40You promised we'd find a donor, and we did.
37:47Come here.
37:48All of you.
37:49Bring it in, man.
37:50Group hug.
37:51I love you guys.
37:52I love you too.
38:05I love you.
38:18I'm an ex-general hospital.
38:19Tell me everything.
38:20That's very generous of you, Tracy.
38:22I know it is.
38:23You're not really the reason I'm here.
38:25We shouldn't be talking to the police.
38:26I am not gonna let her get away with it.
38:28If you want that, you need to be honest with us.
38:30So you're gonna turn your back on both of us?