• 22 hours ago
La Maison Episode 6 Full
La Maison Episode 6


00:30Tell me about what you were feeling at that moment.
00:36Were you sad?
00:41Were you indignant?
00:55I just wanted to end it all.
01:01I can't rewrite the story.
01:06You can start a new one.
01:09What about her, Vincent?
01:13Tell me about Gino's daughter.
01:17She's our daughter.
02:26It's laser-cut neolase.
02:29Five times less waste than traditional lace.
02:32You want to use that for the next collection?
02:35It's still very delicate.
02:37Yeah, you mean just like real lace?
02:39You're gonna tear it up, Monique.
02:42Well, fear of speech.
02:44It's all good.
02:46And when can we have the first model finished?
02:48Well, yesterday, I guess.
02:51Perfect answer, Monique.
02:54So tell me, are we about to reinvent couture here or what?
02:58Did you eat unicorn for breakfast?
03:02He answered me this morning.
03:04And how's he doing?
03:06What? Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean you want them to croak.
03:11He's better.
03:13He invited me to Brittany for Christmas.
03:16Did you say yes?
03:19I mean, he's open to talking to me.
03:22About my origins?
03:24I need to know where I come from.
03:25I know we promised to commiserate every Christmas Eve together.
03:27I feel bad about it, but...
03:29Come on.
03:31You can't be held to a teenage promise.
03:41He even invited Paloma.
03:44Get used to it. You have a new niece, Marie.
03:47I'll get used to it when I'm sure it's not the medication talking.
03:52Hey, listen.
03:53He's already agreed to see a shrink, and it seems like it's helping him.
03:57He spends two months holed up in his room,
03:59and now he's throwing a Christmas party like a fashion show, but for triple the cost.
04:03The magic of Christmas. You never heard of Mary Carey?
04:06Listen, if my two brothers can play nice, I promise I'll be playing it on a loop.
04:18I'll tell him you've arrived.
04:24Any time.
04:27Ah, and for the cape and stuffing, I prefer the perigord black truffle,
04:31not that winter truffle.
04:33Wait a minute, are you already here?
04:35Mer careful, they're fragile, those things.
04:37Was it my meds, or did you also see a flying Christmas tree?
04:42You're going all out, I see.
04:44Yes, I know what you're thinking, you and all the others.
04:47That we're going to have a wonderful Christmas.
04:49I mean, the way you all behave,
04:50it's like I'm about to swallow a bottle of bleach.
04:53Don't worry, Nelly hid them all away.
04:55Look, I regret what I did.
04:58You swore you wouldn't turn out like Father, remember?
05:01I know things have not always been exactly as you wanted them between the two of us, but...
05:07Marie, Marie, Marie, Marie.
05:09You were there, as always.
05:14I want us to be a family, a real family.
05:16It's the only way to save the maison.
05:18So, you invited Paloma because you consider that now she's part of the family, that it?
05:26Despite what happened?
05:28Oh, listen, if I took offence every time a Ledoux did me wrong, I'd invite nobody.
05:33Especially not you.
05:35No, Paloma did what she had to do, and yes, she is part of the family.
05:41You could have her for the holidays every year, it won't make her a Ledoux, it's too late.
05:45She's grown up already.
05:47It's just like with Gino.
05:49You never succeeded.
05:53Barbaha was right when she sang,
05:56When time is lost, it can never again be found.
05:59Oh, yes, by the way, how is your ardila friend, Judith, right?
06:04I guess even when you've lost time, some get it back.
06:08But, you know, if you put too much faith in popular songs,
06:12you will soon throw yourself out of the window.
06:17See you later.
06:48If you speak from the tip of your lips, I can hear very well from the tip of my heart.
06:54And I can continue my dream, my dream.
06:59May love be in my ear, just like the song of the bees.
07:05In summer, one day in the sun, in the sun.
07:18Don't worry, there's nothing for you.
07:21But for the record, I think it sucks that I can't give you anything because you have no money.
07:26Uh, you're a millionaire, so hey.
07:29And besides, you're the one who said no gifts under 50 euros.
07:32I have no idea what we could buy with that, to be honest.
07:36So what do you give people who have no money?
07:39I don't know.
07:41I don't know.
07:42I have no idea what we could buy with that, to be honest.
07:46So what do you give people who have everything?
07:52A scarf.
07:53It's chatouche.
07:55Scarves for everybody.
07:56A chatouche. They're 12,000 a pop. They're illegal. I went crazy trying to find them.
08:01You give what?
08:02Nothing. We don't do Christmas.
08:05We're not into Jesus, so...
08:07But you did treat yourself to a piece of exceptional jewelry.
08:10And for tonight, reservations at the Falafel King?
08:13Nope. I'll stop by the Quick Mart and buy me some oysters, a small bottle of champagne,
08:21then all night long watch holiday TV movies.
08:24Mmm, I lost my will to live.
08:26No, but serious, man. You could come with me if you want to.
08:31Serious, man. I actually intend to enjoy myself tonight.
08:34I won't allow you to enjoy yourself. You're spending a shitty Christmas with me and my family.
08:38It's non-negotiable.
08:40Make me happy for under 50 euros.
08:45You're gonna love this. It'll be awful.
09:04It's good. It's good.
09:32Can you walk?
09:48Okay, it's no good.
09:56Hey, Paolo. Paolo.
10:00So we'll test some more resistant materials, okay?
10:03Don't worry. We still have time before the show.
10:06It's only a month away.
10:09They'll destroy me if I mess up on my first couture show.
10:17Go tell them that they should go home to their families. It's a lost cause. We'll see after Christmas.
10:27And where are you, uh...
10:34Well, I mean, I'm going anyway.
10:38Sure you won't come along with me?
10:40Christmas with the Ligier family? No thanks. You can tell me about it.
10:54Is that for me?
10:56Is that your brother's head you brought?
10:57This is for Louise. Can you give it to her tonight?
11:00I'm sure you would have preferred not to spend Christmas on the Isle of the Dead.
11:05Well, yeah, sure, but I guess my brother's accident leaves me no choice.
11:10Same accident as your father once had.
11:12Isn't it amazing how hard it is for you all to call a spade a spade?
11:18And besides, there's a mission you must carry out tonight.
11:24You know her?
11:26You know her?
11:28Should I?
11:30Judith Rosen, an auctioneer employed with Miu.
11:33She's also the curator of your sister's Phantom Foundation.
11:38You can swipe left, so to speak.
11:42They spend lots and lots and lots of time together.
11:49So unpleasant to see one sister in the buff, I'm sure.
11:52With candid shots, that's the risk you have to take.
11:55You have leverage to obtain your sister's shares.
12:00Relatively easy.
12:02My mother trusts you.
12:07Very well.
12:09I'll come back from Christmas with Marie's head in a gift box.
12:14Merry Christmas.
12:16Merry Christmas.
12:22Lucy, how has my mother been lately?
12:26I see.
12:31I'm concerned about her, that's all.
12:36Would you mind asking Navarre to keep an eye on my husband, too?
12:40I already have.
12:49If your uncle ever decides to move, it ain't gonna be easy.
12:52There's another road at low tide.
12:54Which means we're marooned in Mordor till tomorrow.
13:02Ah, finally.
13:23Why don't you give the grand tour to...
13:26Solal's front desk, you recall?
13:28Yes, right, of course. Solal, yes.
13:31Well, go ahead.
13:34If you dare say I'm looking well, you'll be back on the Zodiac in a minute.
13:40I can confirm you look positively awful.
13:44Why, thanks.
13:47Hello, darling.
13:48They all look at me like I just broke out of the nuthouse.
13:53Well, don't bother saying you're sorry.
13:56You mind leaving what I say up to me, huh?
13:59And of course you want me to say I'm sorry.
14:02Absolutely. Why haven't you come to visit?
14:04What would you want to see me for?
14:06You mind letting me decide what I want?
14:30You told me it was an old shack.
14:35It's gonna kill him when he finds out I've sold my shares.
14:39He won't screw it up this time.
14:41I've often imagined one day he'd bite it and I would take his place.
14:45Is that bad?
14:46Yeah, very bad. But understandable.
14:50His old man, my grandfather, one Christmas Eve committed suicide on this island.
14:57My grandmother died in childbirth when Victor was born, and then he killed himself.
15:02So Christmas, I bet, around here isn't jolly, right?
15:05To replace her parents, my mom had to get married.
15:09And Vincent was now an orphan and he was inconsolable. For life.
15:14And Victor was left to feel guilty about having killed his mother and his father.
15:19And I was born, and seriously, no one could care less.
15:23I don't know if you noticed that family tree near the entrance?
15:28Well, I'm not on it.
15:30I realized something as we arrived.
15:33This is the last Christmas I spend here.
15:36In a month, they won't be speaking to me.
15:39I'll be alone.
15:42Is it the right thing to do?
15:44To live for yourself instead of for your family?
15:48My besties and I learned the hard way that sometimes the individual must take precedence over the collective.
15:53Diana, Fergie, Megan.
16:11I'd be pissed if you had the last word.
16:24I'm so glad that you came.
16:34Want a drink? Thirsty?
16:37How are you?
16:38Hello. Let me introduce you to Solal.
16:41My uncle.
16:50Well, you get settled in.
16:53See you later.
17:02Come in.
17:08Come in.
17:15Vincent is another person.
17:17A changed man.
17:19His meds too strong, you think?
17:22I'm sure he's being sincere.
17:29So strange to be back in this room.
17:32Here with you.
17:34Vincent had it redecorated, so...
17:35I don't really recognize much.
17:41He missed this, I guess.
17:53Weren't you a little obsessed?
17:55Hanging posters of me in your closet like a teenager?
18:00I was very much in love.
18:06That's touching.
18:09And creepy too.
18:12That's you, all right.
18:16Before I argue for your return,
18:18are you quite sure that's what you want to do?
18:22Because if you back out again,
18:24you know I'll be furious.
18:27I can give you back what Vincent stole, your rightful place.
18:30But let's be clear that in exchange,
18:32I'll expect that once you're back, you'll reciprocate.
18:39I want to be part of this family.
18:41I don't get it.
18:47But yeah, all right.
18:50You'll have your shares.
18:54So, that old wish of ours?
18:57Could finally be granted.
19:01Old, that's for sure.
19:03Could finally be granted.
19:07Old, that's for sure.
19:33Our finest gifts we bring
19:39To lay before the king
19:49So to honor him
19:54When we come
20:03When we come
20:13Would you care for some champagne?
20:15I can't.
20:24For the first batch of Nova,
20:26in all modesty, they are exceptional.
20:33Who are you texting on Christmas Eve?
20:36I'm not texting.
20:41She pushes Vincent to attempted suicide,
20:43and then she keeps us all waiting.
20:48Have I missed something, or are those two an item again?
20:53Hey, was he a model once?
20:56Salon, right?
20:58He wanted to be at one time.
20:59I don't think he's going to be at reception for long.
21:02When did they get together?
21:05A couple of months ago, why?
21:07Just curious.
21:09Cute couple, no?
21:12Could I take your bag?
21:18May I take your jacket?
21:20Uh, yeah.
21:25Your bag?
21:27You can go right in.
21:50I'm not really...
21:52I'm not really dressed right.
21:53I'm not really dressed right.
21:56You're perfect.
22:00Here, this...
22:04This is for you.
22:06It's practically nothing.
22:08What a surprise.
22:14When I was eight, I was at the dentist's office,
22:18and I stumbled on these photos
22:20from one of your fashion shows in Paris Match.
22:24And I had no idea who you were at the time.
22:28My mother hadn't told me about you.
22:30But I remember I had this powerful urge to be like you.
22:35So anyway, there were pencils and paper in the waiting room for kids, and...
22:42Well, that's my first sketch. You were my inspiration.
22:46Already a lugee.
22:49Thank you, thank you.
22:53Vincent, you know, I...
22:56I regret that...
22:57No, no, no, no, no. Don't worry about it.
23:01You and I can find much more interesting things to say.
23:10Is that you, dressed as Madonna?
23:13Ah, no, that's me.
23:17It's a miracle that you're straight.
23:19Or maybe it's a curse.
23:21Well, nobody's perfect.
23:24There's Robinson.
23:26As the Queen of Navarre.
23:28No, absolutely not.
23:30I was dressed as Sissi.
23:33Mama's 40th, remember?
23:46Well, I think you know everyone.
24:00Here, Dad.
24:02Ah, thank you.
24:04Merry Christmas.
24:06Aren't we a little old to write Santa and tell him what we want?
24:08Oh, yeah, it's just a family tradition.
24:10An ancestral tradition.
24:12Mommy, for you.
24:14Oh, my, thanks.
24:16Christmas wishes are a tradition in Brittany.
24:18Men were out to sea, the women wrote the name of their husbands,
24:20hoping they would return.
24:22Later, it became a wish for the lace to sell well.
24:24Then after that, our collections.
24:26And then we didn't know what to write,
24:28so we began wishing for yachts and soulage.
24:30And that saved the tradition.
24:32Is nothing sacred to you?
24:3430 years I've been writing the same one.
24:36Seized at customs, right?
24:38Maybe your cleaning lady would like it.
24:40Oh, it's truly lovely.
24:42Thank you very much.
24:44All bustle.
24:46What do you do with it once you have it written?
24:48When it's written, you place it inside the bottle,
24:50and you toss it into the ocean.
24:52Don't worry, it's glass.
24:54It's biodegradable.
24:56Where is Salal?
25:04We don't pay you to slip oysters, Salal.
25:06You better answer when I'm calling.
25:08Yeah, I'm done.
25:10I quit.
25:12Seriously, I could flip on you.
25:14We could flip you as well.
25:16Into the Seine.
25:17You decide where your interest lies.
25:28You all right?
25:32It's kind of long, I know. Sorry.
25:36I admit I lied.
25:39Merry Christmas.
25:48It's not an engagement ring.
25:52It's just you're the only one I know
25:54who makes me a better man.
25:56That's cheesy, I'm sorry.
25:58Come on, take off that crappy thing.
26:06I so wish you were here with me.
26:09Okay, tell me that again just once,
26:11and I promise I'll jump in the car.
26:13I don't want to be without you anymore.
26:14Then come join me.
26:16Join me right away.
26:19I have to go now.
26:21The others are waiting.
26:23Have a nice Christmas with Mr. Oyster.
26:26Did you eat?
26:31No, nothing.
26:33I'll see you soon.
26:36Marie, does your husband know
26:39that you're cheating on him with
26:41another woman?
26:42That you're cheating on him with
26:44Judith, right?
26:46I would have bet you'd stopped
26:48eavesdropping a long time ago.
26:50You're actually bi, is that it?
26:53Do I answer to you?
26:55Hey, I'm not getting divorced.
26:59I'm just wondering if my sister
27:01has been a stranger to me all these years.
27:03Ah, so it's only curiosity,
27:05but well-intentioned.
27:09You handle your marriage and your sex life
27:10very well.
27:12But for someone who is so obsessed
27:14by the idea of family unity
27:16and a maison,
27:18you are living dangerously.
27:20That's all.
27:22You have all made choices
27:24that compromise our unity.
27:26At least in my case,
27:28I've been discreet about it.
27:30You really think that's discreet?
27:32Well, I'm not opening a hamburger stand
27:34with my girlfriend and throwing
27:36my whole life away.
27:38I'm 55 years old and I'm having fun.
27:40It's about integrity.
27:42Right, well I...
27:46You what?
27:49I think I'm getting divorced.
27:57That's good.
28:00Lucky you.
28:02My problem is I can't afford
28:04to get a divorce.
28:06That's what you would want to do?
28:08I'm sure we can work it out.
28:11You have sacrificed enough for us.
28:14What are you talking about?
28:19About you.
28:48Here it is.
28:51This is where you spend
28:53the first moments of your life.
28:55Your first two years.
29:08I'm sorry.
29:09It's okay.
29:35I would have loved to keep you here
29:37all this time,
29:40but life doesn't always give you
29:42what you want.
29:48Vincent, I, uh...
30:09I'm sorry.
30:31There's something I need to say.
30:35It's about Victor.
30:37Oh, really?
30:45Are you sure about this?
30:50No, have you thought about this?
30:52Well, of course I have.
30:54I have made my decision, I signed.
30:56Wait, what?
30:58You've been hounding me for six months,
31:00now you fill me with doubt?
31:02Hey, look, if you want,
31:04it's not too late to return the money.
31:06Because once you've betrayed them,
31:07there is no turning back.
31:10You'll be the rogue.
31:13So just be aware of it, that's all.
31:16Because after that, it's...
31:18it's so hard.
31:20You told me the exact opposite.
31:23For you, Mom Vincent,
31:25I'm the Prince of Mediocrity.
31:27Because... because Prowse isn't my thing.
31:29Because I was more into New Wave than Schubert.
31:31Because I say the wrong thing.
31:33Enough, Robinson.
31:35Yes, that's how I am, I know it.
31:37It's what welcomes me,
31:39that doesn't hold its nose when I walk into a room.
31:41It's kind of what I've always wanted.
31:43Right, except Ravel will never be your family.
31:45I know that.
31:47What is it you want?
31:50Just because you can't get anywhere at Ravel
31:52doesn't mean that I won't get anywhere.
31:54Okay, Uncle?
32:07And what do we do?
32:09Throw it in?
32:11As far as possible.
32:37I'm so sorry.
33:03I told Vance all about you coming back.
33:05How did he react?
33:07If it's my last Christmas with them, that's fine, because with you, it's my first Christmas.
33:22Robisson, there's something you should know.
33:30I lied to you.
33:37The capon will be dry.
33:44They're finally seated, everybody. Okay, here we go, let's serve.
33:47Yes, chef.
33:49That's good, thanks. Let's go, make it snappy.
33:52Yes, chef.
34:00Nelly, please.
34:01Thank you, Nelly.
34:02That's good.
34:09You're white as a sheet. Are you ill?
34:13Robisson, your water glass is right there.
34:15He looks ill, doesn't he? I didn't get my flu shot this year.
34:19I'm all right, it's the oysters, I think.
34:20No, that's not possible. I checked again this morning, couldn't be fresher.
34:25We threw your oysters away.
34:27If we'd eaten them all, we'd all be retching, so that's quite enough with your oysters.
34:32Top up my mother, Nelly, would you please?
34:38Well, Paloma, first time out in couture, so exciting.
34:43What should we expect?
34:46Excuse me, but let's not talk about the connection, if that's all right.
34:49Oh, I'm sorry, I missed the memo on authorized subjects, I guess.
34:53I don't want to make a farce, but subjects abound.
34:57Oh, well, now I'm curious. Go ahead, name one.
35:00Look, Victor, I wanted you to be here so we could have a normal Christmas, like we used to.
35:08It wasn't to trade barbs.
35:10Isn't that our normal Christmas?
35:15Well, do you think I'm here on a corporate espionage mission?
35:19Vincent, people act according to how they've been treated.
35:22And vice versa.
35:29Take her on a tour of the lace atelier.
35:32You know, certain looms are over a hundred years old, and certain workers as well.
35:37Well, actually, Paloma's developed a new laser cut neolace.
35:43Very interesting material.
35:45I saw the preliminary trials.
35:47It's scorched fabric, is that right?
35:50It's just incredible that this family can't find another topic of conversation.
35:56It's true that at that point, it's not really lace anymore.
35:59No, it's not. That's the problem.
36:02Well done. In six months, you're already rewriting the rules.
36:05There are traditions, Jan.
36:07Yes, well, tradition can also impede innovation.
36:10At some point, if nothing changes, then nothing changes.
36:16And you agree with that?
36:19It's not my collection.
36:25Salal, do you know Brittany?
36:28No, I don't.
36:30Salal isn't much on drizzle and yellow raincoats.
36:35He has other attractive qualities.
36:38He's a pro at deception.
36:42At dissimulation.
36:44Even simulation.
36:48You're in bed, right?
36:50Robinson, should we go out for a little air?
36:53Dry Capon and domestic dispute. A little much for one evening?
36:57Yes, well, Salal is perfectly capable of making you think he loves you
37:01when, in fact, he's being paid to spy on you.
37:05Tell me, how much did they pay you for stealing that video of Vincent?
37:10For what?
37:11Yes, there was a mole among us.
37:14Salal works for Ravel.
37:17Oh, and by the way, Victor was aware of it.
37:21No, no, no, I didn't know about Salal.
37:28Pearl, look, no, that's a promise.
37:42How could I have been so stupid?
37:45Oh, and you.
37:46Vincent, don't you dare take it out on him.
37:49You're responsible for this whole thing.
37:51And Victor is culpable.
37:53Vincent, just listen to what he has to say.
37:56This is a chance to settle your quarrels.
37:58I mean, forgive him.
37:59Are you insane?
38:01I'm calling Nelson.
38:02The only way to settle this is in court.
38:06Hello, Monsieur Ledoux.
38:07Nice of you to call.
38:08Merry Christmas.
38:09Nelson, we have a crisis.
38:10Ravel is spying on us.
38:11So what are we supposed to do?
38:25Well, nothing.
38:29We wait until they're done.
38:33How much he was paid?
38:34When did the spying start?
38:36What did he take from us?
38:37We want to know everything.
38:38He's up there crying in his pillow.
38:40Your basson can go up there and squeeze him.
38:42Right now.
38:43Nelson, it's Père.
38:44Solal will sign a statement accusing Ravel.
38:47No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
38:48If he goes to the police,
38:49he could say we've been holding him against his will
38:51and we'd be screwed.
38:52So what, we give him a nice hot cup of tea or bervin or...
38:56Listen to me, listen to me.
38:57Put him in the caretaker's house until tomorrow.
39:00And you switch the security camera system on.
39:05Nelson, I should let you know
39:07that Monsieur Victor Ledoux has just entered the room.
39:09Please stay on the line.
39:10Victor, you should know this conversation is now being recorded.
39:16Did you know that Diane Ravel had us infiltrated?
39:23Of course you did.
39:24Even I knew that.
39:25From the very start, I knew it.
39:27I knew you'd stop at nothing to sink us.
39:29Let's talk about this again when we've slept on it.
39:31Père, if you're not shocked by what he's just done,
39:33then we have a serious problem with you as well.
39:36I suggest we take a vote immediately
39:39to decide whether to file an official complaint
39:42and press charges.
39:43I vote yes.
39:46I vote no.
39:48I vote yes.
39:55I abhor what you did to Robinson.
39:59I vote yes.
40:01Diane does as well.
40:04The motion carries by a majority vote.
40:07Nelson, are you there?
40:11Right, so take note that Maison Ledoux is filing a complaint
40:14against the company Ravel,
40:16against Madame Diane Ravel,
40:18and against Monsieur Victor Ledoux.
40:21I call you back.
40:29First thing in the morning, I want you gone.
41:00My family accepts your offer.
41:05I'm so sorry.
41:07You're in the caretaker's house tonight.
41:10Just to be clear, you're free to go whenever you'd like,
41:14but the road is flooded now,
41:15so we'll have the Zodiac come for you tomorrow morning at low tide.
41:18Come on, Chris.
41:19We're not supposed to speak.
41:22Oh, and give me back the diamond.
41:25It could be construed as an attempt to buy your testimony.
42:43Is every Ledoux Christmas like that one?
42:47Tell me, are you hungry?
42:51Uh, yeah.
42:53Come on.
43:04Was my dad already sick when...
43:08He wasn't aware.
43:10But your mother was clear, thank heavens.
43:16And you didn't mind that he...
43:19that he wasn't exclusive?
43:22Oh, you know, um,
43:24our relationship at that point had, um, evolved.
43:29So my parents were tweakers,
43:31and they hooked up after partying all night.
43:34Good start for my life story.
43:40Why do you think they kept me?
43:45You know, I think they just panicked when Lula got pregnant.
43:49But afterwards, they did want you.
43:54The three of us did.
43:55You were wanted.
43:59Your parents adored you, but...
44:02they were so young, so fragile.
44:05Whereas I...
44:09I wanted to keep you all for my own.
44:24All this time, I thought no one gave a shit about taking care of me.
44:29Turns out, I had three parents.
44:34After Gino died,
44:38what kept me going was having you there.
44:41I was obsessed by you.
44:44I thought I, that I would make you my heiress.
44:48And yes, it's true.
44:50I ignored the existence of your mother.
44:53So one day she, she got tired of it.
44:56She took you away.
44:58And then...
45:01I had to pretend you didn't exist.
45:07Hating me was much easier.
45:09Oh no, it wasn't easy.
45:11It wasn't that simple.
45:13No way.
45:18Well, how do you like my old fart from Brittany omelette?
45:23It's a really delicious omelette.
45:38Once again, I swear to you,
45:42I knew nothing about Zlal.
45:45They follow everyone at Revelle.
45:48Including me.
45:50You're a victim who consented, is that it?
45:54I'm sorry.
45:56What, for trying to sink us?
46:00Or for lying to me twice?
46:04Or for lying to me twice?
46:10Your return.
46:14Did you tell the truth about that?
46:19Or was it just the next step?
46:23For you and the Revelles?
46:28I don't believe you actually just asked me that.
46:59You've always required an enemy in order to be who you are.
47:04So you could be the good guy.
47:07Hating me is what keeps you alive.
47:09You want me to thank you, is that it?
47:15You know, it almost worked.
47:20Of course you had an excellent advocate.
47:23Yes, Bail told me of your project.
47:26The rogue brother returns to ride again.
47:31I could get my mind around it, too.
47:34It was a great idea for the maison, for the family.
47:39And for Bail, too.
47:41You never wanted Pearl and I to be a couple.
47:44But is that what you really wanted?
47:47What did you ever put on the line?
47:49Did you fight for her, do all you could to be with her?
47:57She was expecting a child.
48:00Your child.
48:04She almost kept it.
48:07Had she trusted you, she would have.
48:10But your ambition has always guided everything you do.
48:15You're not human.
48:19Ever since you were born, you spread death.
48:23You spread death wherever you go.
48:27It all began with her mother.
48:53Last time you and I stood on this spot, you caught me a new one.
49:12You've come for revenge, is that it?
49:20Anyway, it's been a long time since you trusted me.
49:24Why didn't you say anything about Paloma?
49:26Why didn't you tell me you wanted to adopt her?
49:28I suppose that I suspected what was going to happen next.
49:32That you'd betray me, that I couldn't trust you.
49:34You betrayed me as well.
49:36Telling me I was your other half, that we had no secrets, what really mattered.
49:39That you never said.
49:40That chapter in my life concerned nobody else.
49:42And anyway, I thought the whole thing was over and done.
49:48You know she'll never get over it if you're not being honest.
49:52Spell it out. Is that an accusation?
50:01Did you really want to die?
50:06You always knew how to find fresh blood to rise again.
50:09So good at picking your allies.
50:12Better than you, I'd say.
50:14The situation at Ledoux is what it is.
50:17Victor won't be back.
50:19So either you can live with that, or I'll accept your resignation.
50:28Crystal clear.
