• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - Un volo non-stop intorno al mondo su un aereo alimentato a idrogeno verde previsto nel 2028. Questo l’ambizioso progetto Climate Impulse con Syensqo principale partner tecnologico. A guidare il velivolo sarà il noto aviatore svizzero Bertrand Piccard.


00:00It was presented at Bollate Climate Impulse, the first non-stop flight around the world on an airplane powered by green hydrogen, scheduled for 2028.
00:15The project sees Sainesco as the main technological partner with its deep experience and its ability to innovate in the service of this new adventure through materials designed to measure for the construction of the sailboat.
00:29The project is a dream that we want to realize together with Bertram Piccard and go around the world on an airplane powered only by hydrogen, therefore with zero emissions.
00:38At the moment it is a dream because the technical solutions available today are not yet sufficiently advanced.
00:44So in the coming years we will work together with Bertram Piccard to make the dream a reality.
00:48And the RICIAC center is essential because we need new materials to make the dream come true.
00:53We certainly have materials that go in two important directions.
00:58The first is to lighten the aircraft, therefore with materials made of carbon, of aerospace derivation, with which we can build the aircraft lighter, but with the mechanics of metals.
01:10The second, on the other hand, is on the cycle of hydrogen to make the fuel cell inside the aircraft more efficient. And that's what we're working on.
01:19To embark on this unprecedented journey will be the famous Swiss aviator Bertram Piccard.
01:25Climate Impulse wants to build a hydrogen airplane to go around the world without stops and with zero emissions.
01:34For this we absolutely need cutting-edge technologies to build this airplane of the future, with the materials of the future.
01:43This is what we do with Science Co.
01:45For the special carbon fibers to make the plane light enough.
01:49The membranes and the fuel cells to transform hydrogen into electricity.
01:54Of course all the materials we need to make the plane super efficient.
02:02We need efficiency.
02:04The presentation of Climate Impulse also offered the opportunity to discover the new Science Co. application laboratories for Bollate's green hydrogen.
02:13Here at Bollate we have 300 researchers who are active in many different sectors, including hydrogen.
02:20On hydrogen we have already patented a special chemical for fluorionomers, which are the technological heart of both the electrolyzers, which release water to make hydrogen, and the fuel cells, which use hydrogen to make electricity and run the engines.
