Holy Weapon presents the story of seven women who are recruited to challenge the threat posed by a Japanese swordsman of supernatural power and ability. Swordfighting, sorcery, mistaken identities and gender bending abound in this 1993 wire fu film.
The film is notable for a sequence in which six of the princesses "combine" into one giant warrior by standing on top of each other, invoking Super Robot tropes such as the "firing fist". This movie is based on mixing Gu Long novels and the ATV television series Paragon of Sword and Knife.
明朝萬曆年間,倭寇不斷騷擾東南沿海,東瀛柳生一族輔佐德川家康之餘亦要席捲中原武林。「東瀛霸刀」柳生殺神(任達華 飾)殺入武林、所向披靡,並向中國武林第一高手「天劍」上官無極(劉松仁 飾)挑戰,上官無極得摯友「鬼醫」(吳孟達 飾)幫助,練成「萬毒鑽心」並將之擊敗。豈料,上官無極亦走火入魔,糊塗殺死山莊裡無數友人,並氣走未婚妻青絲(楊紫瓊 飾)。青絲自此男裝打扮,化名「獨孤貞」,殺盡天下負心人。
「鬼醫」弟子吳通(張衛健 飾)為逃避年紀比他大八年的未過門妻子牛娃(鄭裕玲 飾),成婚當日逃走;途中巧遇私自出走的天香公主(張曼玉 飾)和貼身侍衛任劍揮(吳君如 飾),更被任劍揮一再戲弄。同時,霸刀的弟子蝴蝶(陳加玲 飾)及蜘蛛(張敏 飾)為追尋素女劍趕至。各人在妓院相遇,為了尋找劍譜鬥智鬥力,各出奇謀。
The film is notable for a sequence in which six of the princesses "combine" into one giant warrior by standing on top of each other, invoking Super Robot tropes such as the "firing fist". This movie is based on mixing Gu Long novels and the ATV television series Paragon of Sword and Knife.
明朝萬曆年間,倭寇不斷騷擾東南沿海,東瀛柳生一族輔佐德川家康之餘亦要席捲中原武林。「東瀛霸刀」柳生殺神(任達華 飾)殺入武林、所向披靡,並向中國武林第一高手「天劍」上官無極(劉松仁 飾)挑戰,上官無極得摯友「鬼醫」(吳孟達 飾)幫助,練成「萬毒鑽心」並將之擊敗。豈料,上官無極亦走火入魔,糊塗殺死山莊裡無數友人,並氣走未婚妻青絲(楊紫瓊 飾)。青絲自此男裝打扮,化名「獨孤貞」,殺盡天下負心人。
「鬼醫」弟子吳通(張衛健 飾)為逃避年紀比他大八年的未過門妻子牛娃(鄭裕玲 飾),成婚當日逃走;途中巧遇私自出走的天香公主(張曼玉 飾)和貼身侍衛任劍揮(吳君如 飾),更被任劍揮一再戲弄。同時,霸刀的弟子蝴蝶(陳加玲 飾)及蜘蛛(張敏 飾)為追尋素女劍趕至。各人在妓院相遇,為了尋找劍譜鬥智鬥力,各出奇謀。