• 2 days ago
Step into the mystical realm of vintage cinema with "The Return of Chandu," a thrilling adventure that transports viewers back to the golden age of serial films. Starring the iconic Bela Lugosi, this 1934 classic unfolds over twelve captivating episodes, with "The Chosen Victim" marking its suspenseful beginning.

In this opening chapter, we're introduced to Frank Chandler, known to the world as Chandu the Magician, portrayed by Lugosi in a rare heroic role. Chandu is an American endowed with powerful white magic, honed during his time in the East. His love interest, Princess Nadji of Egypt, finds herself in peril as the sinister cult of Ubasti seeks to resurrect their goddess through a dark ritual requiring a royal sacrifice.

The serial's blend of fantasy, romance, and danger creates an enchanting narrative that's as much about the power of love and loyalty as it is about the battle between good and evil. Lugosi's performance as Chandu is both commanding and charismatic, showcasing his versatility beyond the villainous roles for which he is so well known.

"The Return of Chandu" offers a window into the past, where serialized storytelling kept audiences eagerly awaiting the next installment week after week. It's a testament to the enduring appeal of serials and their ability to captivate with cliffhangers and continuous excitement.

For fans of classic cinema and newcomers alike, "The Return of Chandu" is a must-watch, providing a glimpse into the rich history of film and the timeless allure of a well-spun tale. Whether you're watching the individual episodes or the compiled feature films, the magic of Chandu is sure to enchant and entertain. So, why not take a nostalgic journey with this magical serial and experience the charm of 1930s Hollywood?

Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio


01:12Thirty minutes late.
01:14Weather a little thick over the mountains.
01:16Better late than never.
01:18Tell me if Mr. Frank Chandler is aboard.
01:21I want to meet him, but if I miss connections, I shall not wait.
01:24Frank Chandler?
01:28Yes, Mr. Chandler's aboard.
01:31You're welcome.
01:47The princess loves Chandler.
01:51Oh, how do you do?
01:52Well, Dorothy, how do you do?
01:54May I present Mr. and Mrs. James, the princess Maggie.
01:58Your Highness, I am delighted.
02:00How are you, Your Highness?
02:04I guess I never met a real princess before.
02:07Oh, please.
02:08I wish everybody here in America would forget that I am a princess.
02:13Well, just as you say.
02:15Nevertheless, you're every inch a princess.
02:19Oh, thank you.
02:21Mrs. Regan, I suppose you're very excited over Chandler's homecoming?
02:25I certainly am.
02:27He was delayed in Chicago, you know.
02:29But we're expecting him by plane tonight.
02:31Yes, we are also in Chicago.
02:34You know my children, Betty and Bob.
02:37Well, you remember Mr. and Mrs. James.
02:40Oh, yes.
02:41How do you do?
02:42How do you do, my dear?
02:43What adorable children, Dorothy.
02:45I think so.
02:46My, how they've grown.
02:48Shall we dance?
02:49I'll see you later.
02:50Very well, Dorothy.
02:52Why does not Chandler come?
02:54Without him, I do not feel safe.
02:57Even here.
02:58Nonsense, my dear.
03:00Remember, you're in California now, not Egypt.
03:03Nothing can harm you here.
03:05Of course not, Nodgy.
03:07Don't get jittery now.
03:09Put the soft pedal on that Chandu stuff.
03:11Uncle Frank prefers to be known as just plain Mr. Chandler here in California.
03:14Oh, I'm sorry.
03:16Uncle Frank prefers to be known as just plain Mr. Chandler here in California.
03:19Oh, I'm sorry.
03:21But you know, to me he's always Chandler.
03:26Forget it.
03:27Come on, Betty.
03:28Let's have a dance.
03:29What do you say?
03:30Hi there, pilgrim.
03:32Welcome to our city.
03:33Here he is.
03:34Oh, Dorothy.
03:35Oh, Bob, you're just in time to dance with me.
03:37Your brother's the most divine dancer.
03:39Well, I'm sorry, Judy.
03:40I just promised to dance with Betty.
03:41Go and dance with your own sister.
03:43Why, that's positively simple.
03:45Would you, darling, if I take it away from you?
03:46Mr. Regent.
03:48I'm the Daily Star.
03:49Can you give me some information about the Princess Nodgy?
03:51Oh, I'd be delighted.
03:52Pardon me, Judy.
03:53Let's go right over here.
03:55Oh, I think that's positively fiendish.
03:58I do feel uneasy.
04:00I wish Uncle would come.
04:02Now, my dear, I want you to relax and enjoy yourself.
04:16I am Dr. Varada, and this is Mr. Sutra.
04:21We are friends of Mr. Chandler, but haven't the honor of Mrs. Regent's acquaintance.
04:26Chandler has not returned from the East yet, sir.
04:28Mrs. Regent is receiving.
04:36Why, Nodgy, what is it?
04:40A terrible danger has just entered this house.
04:45Shandu is aboard the transcontinental plane, and my men will receive him at the airport.
05:04Are you prepared and ready to do my bidding?
05:07Yes, master.
05:09Where, then?
05:11Are you prepared and ready to do my bidding?
05:12Yes, master.
05:13Swear, then, by the sacred symbol of Ubuntu.
05:17I swear.
05:18Very well.
05:22Do not announce this to Mrs. Regent.
05:30That'll make a great story for the Sunday papers.
05:33Did the Princess happen to come to America for any particular reason?
05:36Well, they did try to kidnap her in Egypt.
05:38She's very wealthy, you know.
05:39But don't play out on the paper.
05:40It might not be safe for her out here.
05:42It wouldn't be.
05:43Now, one more question.
05:44Is there any truth in the story that your uncle has some sort of magic power
05:47and is known in the East as Shandu, the magician?
05:50Well, my uncle was born in the Orient.
05:52In fact, he spent most of his life there.
05:54So you don't believe in magic, do you?
05:56Well, my uncle has studied these Eastern tricks and just happens to do a few of them now and then, that's all.
06:00But don't play out of either.
06:03I've been looking all over for you.
06:04Pardon the interruption.
06:06Why, they want you in the library at once.
06:08Will you excuse us?
06:09You bet.
06:10Thanks for the dope.
06:13What's all the row, Mother?
06:15Nadji feels some terrible danger has just entered the house.
06:18Oh, come on now, Nadji.
06:19This isn't Egypt, you know.
06:21I thought we left all that stuff behind with the mummies.
06:23It is here, Bob.
06:25You know it was in Egypt.
06:28Oh, Shandu will only hear.
06:30Oh, he will be here very soon, dear.
06:32We can't take this warning lightly, Bob.
06:34You don't have to tell me that after what's happened before.
06:36I think I'll go and have a look around the ballroom.
06:37What good would that do?
06:38The judges of Uncle Frank's rent are whom you've never seen.
06:41Gee, that's right.
06:43I know what I'll do.
06:44I'll get the admission cards from the doorman.
06:46We may learn something from them.
06:47That's a good idea.
06:49Oh, Bob?
06:51Aren't you going to dance with me now?
06:52Well, I've got to do something for Mother.
06:53I'm awfully sorry, Judy.
06:54I'll have to...
06:55I do believe you don't want to dance with me.
06:56Oh, Judy, dear.
06:57Whatever gave you that idea?
07:03When the princess enters the ballroom,
07:05be ready to give her the glass of wine.
07:07It's my signal.
07:09And when they call a physician, remember that I am Dr. Vara.
07:13I understand, Master.
07:20Take this.
08:01Fred, can I find a telephone?
08:02You'll find a booth right back there, sir.
08:27Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas?
08:29R-S-T Thomas.
08:34Everything's all right so far.
08:39Dr. Vara.
08:41Funny name.
08:43How about him, Betty?
08:50Oh, hello, Frank.
08:54Yes, she's all right.
08:56But come at once.
08:57Let me speak to him.
09:02He's in danger.
09:04Come quickly.
09:07I'll be there in five minutes.
09:10Meanwhile, try not to be alone.
09:12Stay in the ballroom with the guests.
09:14All right.
09:15All right.
09:17Don't worry.
09:18Just do as I say.
09:21Be ready.
09:56What about the Frank Call from Najee?
09:58Oh, I don't know.
09:59Some US woman.
10:00He said he would be here in five minutes.
10:02Boy, he certainly must have hit it up in the airport
10:04after that plane landed.
10:05That's more than an hour's drive.
10:07But I guess he had more than one reason to hurry.
10:10Well, gee, Mom.
10:11We all know how Uncle Frank feels about Najee.
10:13The trouble is, none of us know how she feels about him.
10:16It isn't any of your business, Smarty.
10:19Chandu's my very good friend, Bob.
10:22But that is all.
10:23It would be dangerous for Chandu to be anything more to me.
10:27He runs a great risk, as it is, in just being my friend.
10:32Well, my dear.
10:33Your troubles and your fears are all over now.
10:36Say, Mom.
10:37It's about time we're getting him to see our guests.
10:39I think so, too.
10:56The wine for Princess Najee.
11:05To the Princess Najee.
11:07May she live long and happily.
11:09To the Princess Najee.
11:23And now, a toast from our Highness.
11:26My friend.
11:28I want to tell you something.
11:31My friend.
11:33I want to tell you all how glad I am to be here in America among you.
11:38And in return, I offer health and happiness to you all.
12:00I'm always so glad you're back.
12:02So am I, Dorothy.
12:03Gee, Uncle Feng, we're glad to see you.
12:05Hello, Bob.
12:07Skipped at the airport.
12:08I cannot understand it.
12:12Bob, get the potty going.
12:13Stop him there.
12:15Let's go dance, Betty.
12:16Come on.
12:17Had an accident?
12:19The glass seemed to fly right out of my hand.
12:21You must have touched it.
12:26One moment, please.
12:34Chandu has captured the mind of the servant.
12:38Nito, you will go to the library and wait for me there.
12:42Do you understand?
12:43Yes, sir.
12:45You must stop him.
12:48Come, I will explain everything to you.
13:00Najee, I don't want to frighten you.
13:03But I have learned the reasons for these attempts to kidnap you.
13:06What is it, Frank?
13:08Najee, have you ever heard of the sect of Ubasti?
13:14Of the Lemelians?
13:16Of the Lost Continent.
13:20The birthplace of Black Magic.
13:24What does it all mean, Frank?
13:26Recently, the perfectly preserved body of Osana,
13:30the last high priestess of Ubasti,
13:33was recovered from the sea.
13:35These people believe that they can bring their priestess back to life
13:39by a human sacrifice.
13:40Oh, what a perfectly terrible belief.
13:42The sacrifice must be an Egyptian princess of royal blood,
13:45Najee is the only living Egyptian princess.
13:48And Ubasti will stop at nothing.
13:53An old legend prophesies the return of the Lost Continent in all its glory
13:58when Osana lives again.
14:01And they have chosen Najee?
14:11I have to tell you, Najee,
14:13but have no fear.
14:15We have faced dangers before, have we not?
14:19We'll do it again.
14:22It's better to know the reason so that we may fight it out.
14:26Don't be afraid, my dear.
14:28I'm going now to question Ito.
14:31You may learn a great deal from him.
14:44You will answer my questions fully and truthfully.
14:59You will do as I command.
15:01Yes, sir.
15:03By whose order did you give the drugged wine to the princess tonight?
15:07By the order of the High Priestess.
15:11By the order of the High Priest, Binjan.
15:17He was in this house tonight?
15:19Yes, sir.
15:21Sect of Ubasti has members in America.
15:24There is a meeting place not far from this house.
15:29Here in California?
15:32Where is this meeting place?
15:35I command you to speak.
15:40Where is the meeting place?
15:43There is an old house.
15:46A dead tree.
15:48A dead tree?
15:49Where is this house?
15:51How is it reached?
15:54I command you.
15:57It is reached by the road.
16:02From the canyon.
16:06I command you.
16:36The End
