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00:00:00The man often finds his destiny on the path he takes to avoid it.
00:00:07This is surreal.
00:00:11Six years away from WWE.
00:00:15Everyone thinks the decision to return was difficult.
00:00:19Get a dream, hold on to it and shoot for the sky.
00:00:23It was not.
00:00:25I knew not what I wanted to do, what I needed to do
00:00:29to win this championship, bestow it into the hands of the American Dream, Dusty Rhodes.
00:00:35Unfortunately, that dream died.
00:00:38Or did it?
00:00:42Second generation athlete.
00:00:44One of the richest in-ring IQs in our industry.
00:00:49Right now, high above the clouds,
00:00:52a certain son of a plumber is grinning from ear to ear.
00:00:57Yes, I cannot physically bestow it upon the American Dream, Dusty Rhodes.
00:01:06But I certainly can put it around the waist of the American Nightmare.
00:01:13Cody Rhodes suffered a partial pectoral tear.
00:01:17Then, working out, he tore the pectoral muscle right off the bone.
00:01:23Nonetheless, being the man and the competitor that Cody Rhodes is,
00:01:27Cody will step inside Hell in a Cell.
00:01:33Cody Rhodes has shown us something that no other WWE superstar ever has.
00:01:39The heart, the guts and determination of a clearly wounded Cody Rhodes
00:01:44given the performance of a lifetime.
00:01:48From undesirable to undeniable.
00:01:59Cody had successful surgery and will be out of action for up to nine months.
00:02:05I've never been patient.
00:02:07In my career, a lot of trust is being put into me to do it right.
00:02:12And I'm going to do it for me.
00:02:15I'm going to do it for my family.
00:02:18And I am going to do it for you.
00:02:32The following is a last woman standing match!
00:02:39In this match, there are no pinfalls, no countouts, no disqualifications.
00:02:44The only way to win is to incapacitate your opponent
00:02:47until she can't stand until the referees count to ten.
00:03:14Wait, we all know my history with Bayley, right?
00:03:17But there's no doubt this woman continues to make history
00:03:20every time she walks to the ring.
00:03:23Back in 2020, Bayley became the first woman to be involved
00:03:27in a women's championship match here in Saudi Arabia
00:03:31as part of Crown Jewel.
00:03:33Here tonight, she becomes involved in the first stipulation bout
00:03:37for a women's match in Saudi Arabia.
00:03:41Bayley, in a last woman standing match,
00:03:43hoping to take the championship from Bianca Belair.
00:03:46Undoubtedly one of, if not the goat of the women's division
00:03:53since the women's revolution here in WWE.
00:03:58This is a woman who has pushed this industry forward
00:04:01time and time again.
00:04:03And how great would it be to keep somebody
00:04:07like Bianca Belair down for a full ten count
00:04:11and capture the gold in front of this glorious stadium.
00:04:16We saw the 2,000 drones moments ago.
00:04:18There they are, spelling out damage control
00:04:21high above the skies here in Riyadh tonight.
00:04:24Bayley has pinned Bianca twice.
00:04:26The only person to do that, Bianca's championship reign.
00:04:30But she has to keep her down for a count of ten tonight
00:04:33as you mentioned, Wayne.
00:04:34Well, Bianca has proven time and again
00:04:36how difficult it is to keep her down for three.
00:04:50The energetic, the charismatic,
00:04:53the RAW Women's Champion, Bianca Belair.
00:04:56You know, Bayley said earlier this week,
00:04:58in a time and place where we are ever growing
00:05:03roles of a woman.
00:05:05I will be the last one standing.
00:05:09That's what Bayley believes
00:05:11as she heads into this battle with Bianca Belair.
00:05:14We know what both of these women are capable of.
00:05:17They showed us that last month
00:05:19at Extreme Rules in a ladder match.
00:05:22Every woman in the division has her strengths.
00:05:26Every woman has their weaknesses,
00:05:28but make no mistake whatsoever
00:05:30when it comes to Bianca Belair,
00:05:32she is the athlete in the women's division.
00:05:36And she makes history as well.
00:05:37We'll never forget WrestleMania.
00:05:39Sasha Banks, Bianca Belair,
00:05:41the first two black women to ever main event WrestleMania.
00:05:45We have two history makers in the ring
00:05:48for this match tonight.
00:05:56Really got to dig deep to find a weakness
00:05:59with Bianca Belair.
00:06:02The following contest is a last woman standing match
00:06:07for the RAW Women's Championship!
00:06:13Introducing the challenger
00:06:15from San Jose, California,
00:06:17representing Damage Control,
00:06:30Let's go!
00:06:33And her opponent, from Knoxville, Tennessee,
00:06:36she is the RAW Women's Champion,
00:06:40Bianca Belair!
00:06:46Ravens talk strategy.
00:06:48Last woman standing match, no pinfalls,
00:06:50submission, disqualifications, or countouts.
00:06:53So if you're Bayley, what do you need to do
00:06:55to take the championship from Bianca Belair?
00:06:57You need to be remorseless in a match like this.
00:07:00You can put any notion of morality to one side,
00:07:04focus exclusively on destroying your opponent's body.
00:07:08I know that Bayley is as mean, as nasty as they get.
00:07:14Bianca, I'm yet to see her stoop to those depths.
00:07:17She might have to tonight to retain the gold.
00:07:202018 WWE Women's Evolution.
00:07:24Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair with a first ever
00:07:27WWE last woman standing match.
00:07:30Here in Saudi Arabia, Natalya and Lacey Evans
00:07:34have the first women's match ever for WWE back in 2019.
00:07:39How far we have come tonight.
00:07:41Bianca Belair, last woman standing
00:07:43for the RAW Women's Championship!
00:07:46And Bayley already gonna ask the official to count.
00:07:51Bianca must make it back to her feet
00:07:53before a count of 10 and she will with a kip-off.
00:07:55Zero chance that was gonna keep Bianca down for 10.
00:07:59But a nice start from Bayley all the same.
00:08:01Belair with the power now, the slam to Belair.
00:08:05Another slam by Bianca Belair.
00:08:08And Bianca with a third slam
00:08:11to the former RAW, SmackDown and NXT Women's Champions.
00:08:17Talked about the athletic advantage.
00:08:26Again, this is not a count for a count out.
00:08:28It's a count for Bayley to make it back to her feet.
00:08:31It's just a game of one-upsmanship at the moment.
00:08:33And the ending of the match doesn't have to take place in the ring.
00:08:36Just remember that.
00:08:37Kendo sticks are legal.
00:08:40Those decks that we talked about a little earlier on.
00:08:44The fact that Bayley was the first to reach
00:08:46for some weaponry speaks volumes.
00:08:49How about the athleticism of Bianca Belair
00:08:51avoiding the kendo stick from Bayley?
00:08:53Front row just avoided it too, narrowly.
00:08:56Kendo stick teetering on the barricade.
00:09:00Couldn't do that again if she tried.
00:09:04I think Bayley would rather have it in her hands.
00:09:10This is now a count of three as Bayley struggles back to her feet.
00:09:15We've spoken about the athletic advantage
00:09:18that Bianca has in this matchup.
00:09:20When it comes to Bayley, though,
00:09:21there's a certain professional maturity,
00:09:23a certain level of experience she has.
00:09:25Maybe she should cheer some maturity
00:09:26instead of screaming at the WWE fans in the front row.
00:09:29How about that?
00:09:30Are you already on your high horse
00:09:31taking pot shots at poor Bayley?
00:09:33She used to be a ray of sunshine
00:09:35until you got on your high horse, pal.
00:09:37Steel chair in hand, and Bianca went for a dropkick.
00:09:40And now Bayley looks to unload.
00:09:42And again, Bianca avoiding disaster.
00:09:46Off the second rope.
00:09:48Lands on her feet.
00:09:50And Bayley!
00:09:51Chair to her face, and Bianca again in control.
00:09:54It's like a fight combined with an acrobatic display
00:09:57every time Bianca Belair gets in the ring.
00:10:00And the thing is about Belair
00:10:01is every time Bayley has tried to take a weapon to her,
00:10:04Bianca's been able to avoid it.
00:10:06Yeah, well, Bianca should be grabbing the weapon herself
00:10:09in my book at this point.
00:10:10Clearly, all bets are off.
00:10:12The gloves come off in this matchup.
00:10:14If you want to win, grab the heavy artillery.
00:10:17Think about this if you're Bianca, right?
00:10:18What if you beat Bayley in the last women's standing match
00:10:20and never use a weapon?
00:10:21Think about what that does for your career.
00:10:24You're right.
00:10:25I'd say there's zero chance of it happening, though.
00:10:26That's the problem.
00:10:27When weapons are coming in your direction,
00:10:29you have to fight fire with fire
00:10:31and not get suckered in like that.
00:10:33Belair hung up on the second rope,
00:10:34but now Bayley sending a ladder into the ring.
00:10:38Remember these two battled for the championship
00:10:40at Extreme Rules last month in a ladder match.
00:10:43Bianca over the top rope, taking Bayley down.
00:10:47It is such a joy to watch Bianca Belair operate.
00:10:51Cannot deny that for a second,
00:10:54provided, of course, you're not in the ring with her.
00:11:01Belair pulls herself back to her feet,
00:11:03which will wave off the count.
00:11:05Bianca rearranging some furniture.
00:11:08She heard me.
00:11:09She's going for some artillery of her own.
00:11:17Trying to slam Bayley on the steps.
00:11:19Oh, and using the ponytail to her advantage.
00:11:35And Bayley is taken over.
00:11:43And Bayley with a suplex.
00:11:45So little padding over the concrete out there.
00:11:49Feeling that buzzing up and down your spine.
00:11:52Been there before.
00:11:55But it's only about to get worse for Bianca Belair.
00:12:00Belair back to her feet at a count of six.
00:12:02Bayley prowling, waiting for her opportunity.
00:12:06Dare get up, and you get more of the same.
00:12:10Bayley going to scale the barricade,
00:12:11and this is not going to be good for the RAW Women's Champion.
00:12:16Bayley off the barricade.
00:12:18And a running clothesline.
00:12:20Taking Belair out.
00:12:22Acrobatics of her own with some real sting in the tail.
00:12:30And again, the impact.
00:12:36Belair is in a bad way already in this one.
00:12:39Struggling to get to her feet, broken the count.
00:12:43And now Bayley takes out the tables.
00:12:51And Bianca is in all kinds of trouble.
00:12:53And you talked about it earlier.
00:12:55The veteran instincts of Bayley Wade.
00:12:57The fact that she can get down and dirty and nasty with the best of them.
00:13:00And Bayley is doing that right now.
00:13:02Well, here's Bianca Belair's biggest problem.
00:13:04She is a good human being,
00:13:06which is a weakness in a matchup like this.
00:13:08Historically, the meanest, the nastiest win these kind of matches.
00:13:15Belair struggling back to her feet.
00:13:17Not quite sure where the official is counting, but nonetheless.
00:13:20The tables set up.
00:13:21Bayley with Belair.
00:13:25Bayley looking to suplex Bianca Belair through the table.
00:13:28Bianca able to turn it around.
00:13:30Forearms to the face of Bayley.
00:13:32Driving Bayley back toward the ramp.
00:13:35Something a little different has now woken up inside of Bianca Belair.
00:13:40Starting to realize.
00:13:41Suplex onto the ramp.
00:13:44Bone crunching suplex.
00:13:48Agonizing squeals from both ladies now.
00:13:51Both women down.
00:13:54Bianca back to her feet.
00:13:56The official at a count of five.
00:13:58Can Bayley beat the count of ten?
00:14:00At a count of seven now.
00:14:02Bayley back to her feet.
00:14:04Bianca Belair right back on the attack.
00:14:14Bayley felt awkwardly off the ramp.
00:14:18Appeared way.
00:14:19She may have tweaked her ankle.
00:14:21Up in the equipment there.
00:14:35Oh and Bayley.
00:14:37Firing out of it.
00:14:39And I think she may have suckered Bianca in.
00:14:42Of course she did.
00:14:43Playing possum.
00:14:44Suckered the referee.
00:14:45And suckered Bianca.
00:14:47Suckered all of us in.
00:14:48And this is the end result.
00:14:50What an absolutely genius move from Bayley.
00:14:53Again that mental dexterity gleaned from years and years of experience at the very top.
00:14:59Something Bianca Belair is yet to get to.
00:15:04Show no remorse.
00:15:06And not nor should you in this kind of matchup.
00:15:09I completely agree Wade.
00:15:12Bayley is perhaps drinking at the last chance saloon tonight.
00:15:16She loses here.
00:15:17That might be her opportunity to win the gold.
00:15:20Done and dusted.
00:15:21She might go to the back of the line.
00:15:23She's fighting a different fight tonight.
00:15:25Bayley top rope.
00:15:26Bianca Belair though back to her feet.
00:15:29Throwing the chair at Bayley.
00:15:32Who lands hard on the apron.
00:15:35Face first for Bayley.
00:15:36Just when she thought she'd done it all.
00:15:39Got the upper hand.
00:15:42Kiss the steel.
00:15:54And again Bayley hanging Bianca up on the second rope.
00:15:58Well Bianca is so beaten and bruised at this point in the matchup.
00:16:02As soon as she gets a window she's just not able to capitalize.
00:16:07Now using the steps to her advantage.
00:16:11Oh goodness!
00:16:13And Bianca collapsing behind the steps.
00:16:16And now...
00:16:19Bayley using the ladder to try to trap Bianca inside the steps.
00:16:25If Bianca can't make it to her feet obviously by ten, Bayley's the champion.
00:16:32Bianca trying to fight out through the steps at a count of six.
00:16:36Count of seven.
00:16:38Back to her feet.
00:16:39Bayley realizing it.
00:16:40Now attacks her with a kendo stick.
00:16:42Trapped in a jail of torture.
00:16:44What a coming plan from Bayley.
00:16:47Stay down!
00:16:49Stay down!
00:16:51What, Cole? You got something to say, huh?
00:16:54I don't have anything to say.
00:17:06Come on!
00:17:07Count of six.
00:17:09Bianca just about stirring but look what lies in wait.
00:17:15Bayley was swinging that kendo stick like Alex Bregman.
00:17:18And Bianca Belair intercepted.
00:17:21And now Belair...
00:17:23Gonna try to lift these steel steps up and show her power.
00:17:29After the beating she has already taken.
00:17:32How impressive is this?
00:17:34Bianca trying to lift the steps up.
00:17:36And Bayley...
00:17:39Avoiding disaster.
00:17:41Firebuster out of the steps!
00:17:55Count of four.
00:17:59Count of five.
00:18:00Bayley's still down. Halfway there.
00:18:05Bianca not taking her eyes off Bayley.
00:18:08Makes it to her feet at eight.
00:18:10Now Belair with a kendo stick.
00:18:15Bayley's lucky she didn't connect with that.
00:18:17Bayley's getting the hell out of dodge.
00:18:19Can't say I blame her.
00:18:21The pendulum truly has swung in this one.
00:18:24Bayley might be incapable of winning from here.
00:18:28Oh, and now Belair unloading with a kendo stick to Bayley.
00:18:33Splintering the kendo stick across the back of Bayley.
00:18:38Few things feel worse in this entire industry.
00:18:46And Bayley...
00:18:47With a belly to belly on the stage.
00:18:49Did you hear the thud?
00:18:52The question is, can Bayley even get up in time?
00:18:56The question is, can Bayley even get up in time?
00:19:08Count of four.
00:19:09The official now to count of five.
00:19:11Bayley trying to make it back to her feet.
00:19:13If Bayley does, she has the upper hand.
00:19:15Count of seven.
00:19:16Bayley could be closing in on the championship.
00:19:18Count of eight.
00:19:19Belair makes it back to her feet as well, just barely.
00:19:22Both women pop through the ring.
00:19:24This will take another look at the highly effective belly to belly.
00:19:29Not quite enough.
00:19:30Just a smidgen away from putting Bianca Belair down for ten.
00:19:38And again, the thud.
00:19:40Belly to belly.
00:19:42Almost broke the damn stage.
00:19:46And Bayley now with an equipment case.
00:19:49Ronnie Belair over.
00:19:50Belair now trapped in the case.
00:19:52And she's got to get out of the case in order to make it to her feet.
00:19:55The official now at two.
00:19:57Belair's trapped.
00:19:58Bayley could be closing in on the title.
00:20:04Count of six.
00:20:07And Belair exploding out of the case.
00:20:12But her ponytail's trapped.
00:20:19Such a sly and devious plan from the veteran, Bayley.
00:20:25And Bayley again.
00:20:27Just side-stepping the damage.
00:20:31Momentarily, Belair's got her up.
00:20:34Look at the KOD.
00:20:36Bayley able to fight out of it.
00:20:38Ballas precariously at the top of the stage.
00:20:41Crossface locked in.
00:20:43And Belair.
00:20:45And Belair.
00:20:46If Belair fades, if she passes out here,
00:20:49Bayley's got an opportunity to keep Belair down for a count of ten.
00:20:53Remember, a ten-pound does nothing.
00:20:55Now, Bayley, you never let go until you know the gold is in the bag.
00:21:01Belair hanging on, just trying to stay alive here.
00:21:04Belair's fading, however.
00:21:06Belair may be down and out.
00:21:07Bayley may have just won the RAW Women's Championship.
00:21:15Bayley just killed a couple of seconds with that tantrum.
00:21:18If she'd have jumped up, she'd have had a far better chance
00:21:22of keeping Belair down for the ten, but it might be academic anyway.
00:21:26Count of five, Bianca no clue where she's at.
00:21:29On instinct alone, trying to make it back to her feet.
00:21:32Now to count of seven.
00:21:35Where the hell did Bayley go?
00:21:39Bayley's driving a damn golf cart!
00:21:46She got a run over Bianca!
00:21:52That was DWI! Robby Wall insane!
00:22:05I gotta be honest with you, Cole, I did not expect this this evening.
00:22:09Bianca and Bayley beating the hell out of each other.
00:22:13Bayley is bloody nuts, and I love it.
00:22:17Somebody say Caddyshack!
00:22:20Bayley, top of the golf cart!
00:22:22Bianca Belair trying to drag her off!
00:22:30Can you imagine Nicklaus and Watson doing this?
00:22:33Belair beat the hell out of Bayley!
00:22:44This is the most unbelievable platform and steady match I've ever seen!
00:22:49The hell do you go from here? Oh no!
00:22:52Now Bianca's behind the wheel of the golf cart!
00:23:02Oh my goodness, look out below!
00:23:04We're on the rules, Cole!
00:23:06Look out, Wade! Look out!
00:23:17Wasn't exactly a hole-in-one, was it, Cole?
00:23:23And Bayley on the top of...
00:23:25Oh, jeez!
00:23:29Spine first!
00:23:32You have time, Bayley, come on!
00:23:33Well, let me tell you, when those tables don't break,
00:23:36sometimes it's even worse when you catch the edge on the base of your spine.
00:23:40I wish we saw some of this on the Lit Golf Tour.
00:23:46And Bianca now, with Bayley up top!
00:23:50Bianca Belair!
00:23:55Sending Bayley through the table!
00:23:58That has to be it, Cole!
00:24:02Got a two now!
00:24:08The table's splintering!
00:24:11The body of Bayley, no doubt, splintering in the process!
00:24:15We're almost there!
00:24:17Count of eight!
00:24:18Can Bayley make it back to her feet?
00:24:20Count of nine!
00:24:21And she just does!
00:24:22What the hell is it gonna take to keep either of these two women down?
00:24:28We've seen it all already!
00:24:41Well, I think Bianca Belair's been watching Liv Morgan on SmackDown,
00:24:44because Bianca now is filling up the ring with steel chairs.
00:24:48Well, it's a highly effective tactic, as Liv Morgan has already proven to us.
00:24:57You gotta wonder what the champ's got in mind.
00:24:59Gotta summon up the worst human being you can be in this moment.
00:25:03Bayley, at this point, surely deserves it.
00:25:06And Bianca slamming Bayley on the chairs!
00:25:11Steely intent in the eyes of Bianca Belair.
00:25:20I don't think Bayley has a clue where she's at.
00:25:23Bianca does, because she's going up to the top rope.
00:25:27Bayley might have been better off staying down after that table break.
00:25:34Oh, under the chairs!
00:25:36Bayley rolled out of the way, and now Bayley's got a chance!
00:25:40The devious, cunning smarts of Bayley does it once again.
00:25:46Build up their confidence, and then pull it away at the worst possible moment.
00:25:53Count of seven.
00:25:55Count of eight, Bayley may be the next champion!
00:25:58Count of nine, Bayley just makes it to her feet!
00:26:00And Bayley right back on the attack!
00:26:02After a sternum-crushing 450 splash onto the steel chairs was not enough,
00:26:09Bayley immediately pouncing with something else in store.
00:26:13Bayley trying to set up the ladder to use it to her advantage.
00:26:18Let's go, Bayley!
00:26:21Let's go, Bayley!
00:26:23Come on!
00:26:28Unloading on Belair!
00:26:31It is going to take something superhuman to keep Belair down that much we know.
00:26:49Now what's Bayley going to do?
00:26:53Oh, right on the top of the chair!
00:26:58A gracious approach to pain from Bayley.
00:27:02Bianca able to block, now Bianca Belair hoisting Bayley up,
00:27:06has Bayley in the position for the KOD!
00:27:10Onto the chair, knee first, remember, Bayley had the knee issues.
00:27:14Just an ugly landing for Bayley as she tried to avoid the chair, wasn't quite good enough.
00:27:20And now Belair!
00:27:22Belair trying to do what Bayley has done throughout this entire matchup,
00:27:26and that is trap Bayley!
00:27:28Trap Bayley underneath the ladder!
00:27:30Pin Bayley against the ring post!
00:27:34A count of two!
00:27:35Bayley's trapped!
00:27:36Is this legal, Cole?
00:27:37Of course it is!
00:27:39There are no rules!
00:27:40Count of five!
00:27:41Bayley trying to get out!
00:27:43Bayley's trapped!
00:27:44Count of seven!
00:27:45Count of eight!
00:27:46Count of nine!
00:27:47It's better than five times she's done it!
00:27:49Bianca Belair reclaims the title!
00:27:53Here's your winner, and still the RAW Women's Champion,
00:27:59Bianca Belair!
00:28:04Oh my word, Cole, what an experience this match has been!
00:28:09We had everything!
00:28:11Belair refusing to fall!
00:28:14Ignoring the screams of pain from her body,
00:28:18delving deep into Bayley's own playbook,
00:28:22and retaining the gold!
00:28:25The KO deal!
00:28:26Knee first into the chair!
00:28:29And that was a horrific landing,
00:28:32setting us up for this moment!
00:28:36Trapped and sandwiched in the ladder,
00:28:38wedged under the bottom rope,
00:28:40Belair victorious!
00:28:42And the celebration by the woman who is still RAW Champion,
00:28:47Bianca Belair!
00:29:04What a war between Bayley and Belair tonight!
00:29:13Bianca Belair is still your RAW Women's Champion!
00:29:33Amazing day in Riyadh once again.
00:29:35Crown Jewel weekend, getting ready!
00:29:38Damage control was here in Riyadh for the Special Olympics soccer game.
00:29:41It felt like a party out here, there was music playing.
00:29:44I was the official referee.
00:29:47We had an amazing time playing soccer with the Special Olympics.
00:29:51I got to shoot some penalty kicks at some kids.
00:29:53They had a lot of fun.
00:29:54The Be A Star Rally is always a cool thing that we do for the kids.
00:29:58We got to be a part of the community, meet the kids.
00:30:02I love to be able to motivate them to do better and be better.
00:30:05Go Be A Star!
00:30:07Be A Star!
00:30:09It's amazing how the message can just be relatable across the world.
00:30:14WWE putting smiles on people's faces, inside and outside of the ring.
00:30:19That's what it's all about.
00:30:21And we're doing it then, we're doing it now, we're doing it forever.
00:30:25And most importantly, globally, we're doing it together.
00:30:31WWE Crown Jewel emanating tonight from the Saudi Arabian capital of Riyadh.
00:30:36It's been an amazing few days here for WWE.
00:30:39Traditional Saudi Arabian dinner last night.
00:30:42A well attended press conference at WWE Fan Village.
00:30:45And of course tonight, WWE Crown Jewel.
00:32:36Be A Star!
00:32:37Be A Star!
00:32:38Be A Star!
00:32:39Be A Star!
00:32:40Be A Star!
00:32:41Be A Star!
00:32:42Be A Star!
00:32:43Be A Star!
00:32:44Be A Star!
00:32:45Be A Star!
00:32:46Be A Star!
00:32:47Be A Star!
00:32:48Be A Star!
00:32:49Be A Star!
00:32:50Be A Star!
00:32:51Be A Star!
00:32:52Be A Star!
00:32:53Be A Star!
00:32:54Be A Star!
00:32:55Be A Star!
00:32:56Be A Star!
00:32:57Be A Star!
00:32:58Be A Star!
00:32:59Be A Star!
00:33:00Be A Star!
00:33:01Be A Star!
00:33:02Be A Star!
00:33:03Be A Star!
00:33:04Be A Star!
00:33:05Be A Star!
00:33:06Be A Star!
00:33:07Be A Star!
00:33:08Be A Star!
00:33:09Be A Star!
00:33:10Be A Star!
00:33:11Be A Star!
00:33:12Be A Star!
00:33:13Be A Star!
00:33:14Be A Star!
00:33:15Be A Star!
00:33:16Be A Star!
00:33:17Be A Star!
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00:33:37Be A Star!
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00:33:40Be A Star!
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00:33:56Be A Star!
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00:33:58Be A Star!
00:33:59Be A Star!
00:34:00Be A Star!
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00:34:26Be A Star!
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00:39:33Be A Star!
00:39:34Be A Star!
00:39:35Be A Star!
00:39:36Be A Star!
00:39:37Be A Star!
00:39:38Be A Star!
00:39:39Be A Star!
00:39:40Be A Star!
00:39:41Be A Star!
00:39:42Be A Star!
00:39:43Be A Star!
00:39:44Be A Star!
00:39:45Be A Star!
00:39:46Be A Star!
00:39:47Be A Star!
00:39:48Be A Star!
00:39:49Be A Star!
00:39:50Be A Star!
00:39:51To rewrite the ending to my story.
00:40:03Why, why, why wear a mask?
00:40:06Why, why, why wear a mask?
00:40:08Why wear a mask?
00:40:10Hurt them.
00:40:13It must hurt.
00:40:17Forcing yourself to be someone you're not?
00:40:19Hurt them.
00:40:20Ah, you can fool them, but you can't fool me.
00:40:24Can't fool me.
00:40:26Do it.
00:40:27After all, hurt them.
00:40:28Who knows you better than I do?
00:40:30Do you think they'll still love you?
00:40:33If they knew the truth?
00:40:34If they all knew the truth.
00:40:35They don't deserve you.
00:40:37The truth is, you're gonna go too far.
00:40:41Go too far.
00:40:42You're gonna give in.
00:40:44So why wait?
00:40:46Because when you do, when you do, hurt them.
00:40:48You're gonna remember just how good it feels.
00:40:51How good it feels.
00:40:53And oh, it's gonna feel so good.
00:40:58So good.
00:41:01Do it.
00:41:02And if you're worried about the aftermath, do it.
00:41:04Hurt them.
00:41:05Hurt them.
00:41:06Just don't take the mask off.
00:41:13Tell me I'm wrong.
00:41:18Tell me I'm wrong.
00:41:20Tell me I'm wrong.
00:41:23Tell me I'm wrong.
00:41:25Tell me I'm wrong.
00:41:32Attention all competitors.
00:41:35The time has come to play.
00:41:39Generals gathered in their masses
00:41:45Just like witches at Black Master Hill
00:41:52Let the games begin
00:41:55A large and amazing war, just for one
00:42:15With a twist, War Games
00:42:18Yeah, and I've had the pleasure at NXT of calling a couple of War Games matches
00:42:22Twice the number of rings, twice the amount of bedlam
00:42:26War Games at Survivor Series is gonna be off the hook
00:42:29For the first time ever for RAW and SmackDown
00:42:31But coming up next here at Crown Jewel, it is our main event
00:42:34The number is 797 days
00:42:37Roman Reigns on an historic run as the undisputed champion
00:42:41However, can this man do the unthinkable?
00:42:45Can there be one lucky punch from Logan Paul?
00:42:57I'm a disruptor, this is what I do
00:42:59I had someone on my podcast, you guys may know
00:43:02Do have to give respect to you Roman Reigns, you're the GOAT right now
00:43:07Bro, thank you for blessing us with your presence
00:43:09I have a habit of saying some pretty stupid stuff
00:43:12You put me against Roman Reigns right now, I think I win
00:43:14I'll say it to the camera, I don't care
00:43:15Me versus Roman Reigns, one on one
00:43:18That's my match
00:43:22I gotta tell you
00:43:23You shouldn't open your mouth about the Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns
00:43:30Are you afraid that I might land that one lucky shot
00:43:36And drop your Tribal Chief for the undisputed championship
00:43:42Alright, look you're not from our world
00:43:45So let me just explain to you how things work around here
00:43:56I'd be lying to you if I told you I knew all about Logan Paul
00:44:00This man has over 30 million followers
00:44:03All he's doing is bringing them all to his Tribal Chief
00:44:06But it's very simple
00:44:08He's had two matches, I've been the champ for over two years
00:44:12You're in the water with the biggest shark to ever live in the WWE
00:44:17And Saudi Arabia, I'm gonna show you what God really looks like
00:44:25I know you doubt me, I've been doubted my whole life
00:44:29I run my mouth a lot, but that's because I'm confident
00:44:32My second boxing opponent of all time was Floyd Mayweather
00:44:37And he could not take me out
00:44:39I know I'm the underdog in this fight
00:44:41But what I do have is the desire to be the best
00:44:45Roman, champion for two years
00:44:47There's a chance in Saudi you're gonna shock the world, right?
00:44:50Obviously he's not thinking that he's gonna take you seriously
00:44:53100% yeah
00:44:54He chokes, he's done
00:44:56What happens if I hit Roman Reigns so hard
00:45:01That I bounce his face on the canvas
00:45:04And bust all his teeth in
00:45:06Oh, from behind, that's Jey Uso
00:45:09Uso trying to beat the hell out of Logan Paul
00:45:14Paul sidestepping
00:45:17Logan Paul with one lucky shot
00:45:26Why does everyone keep talking about
00:45:28Logan Paul knocking me out
00:45:32When they should be talking about me
00:45:38Knocking Logan Paul out
00:45:41Can't no man knock me out
00:45:43I'm tired of letting people think they got a chance
00:45:46The tribal chief is head and shoulders above everybody
00:45:50I'm running, oh
00:45:53Go and take this opportunity to acknowledge your tribal chief
00:45:57I think there's one thing that you forgot about me
00:46:00The tribal chief ain't the only one with a bloodline
00:46:04I brought with me my brother
00:46:06The undefeated professional boxer
00:46:09Jake Paul
00:46:15Roman Reigns, you are the head of the table
00:46:17For brother in every industry I ever do
00:46:22I am the table
00:46:23You're not going to have any other choice
00:46:26This could turn into pure chaos
00:46:29But you acknowledge me
00:46:52Roman Reigns
00:46:54Roman Reigns
00:46:56Roman Reigns
00:47:20There's a reason he's one of the top social media influencers
00:47:23influencers in the entire world, Logan Paul, who tonight could pull off a Buster Douglas-like
00:47:32upset. It would be the biggest upset in the history of professional wrestling, perhaps in
00:47:38the history of all of sports. Here is a man, Logan Paul, who went toe-to-toe with the great Floyd
00:47:48Mayweather, a five-division world champion in boxing, a man who was never beat. Logan Paul
00:47:55lasted eight rounds with Floyd, who said after that match, and I quote, about Logan Paul,
00:48:02he's better than I thought, he was rough, and he was tough, and he was a hell of a competitor.
00:48:08Those are the words of Money Mayweather. Well, first of all, Cole, I don't remember telling
00:48:14Logan Paul he could borrow my bad news podium for his entrance, but I'll leave that to one side,
00:48:19you mentioned Floyd Mayweather. I'll take nothing away from Logan Paul hanging in there with perhaps
00:48:26the goat of professional boxing the way he did. This is very different, this is apples and oranges.
00:48:32That was Floyd Mayweather way out of his prime, that was Floyd Mayweather's retirement tour.
00:48:39This is peak Roman Reigns, this is god mode Roman Reigns. These are the halcyon days
00:48:45of Roman Reigns' career. To suspect that somebody like Logan Paul, an outsider,
00:48:52could just step in the ring and knock off the current goat, I'm just not buying it.
00:48:58Can you imagine if it happens in his third match in WWE, if Logan Paul could shock the world,
00:49:06if he could hit that one lucky punch and somehow take out one of the greatest champions of all time?
00:49:14It's not without precedent, let's remember Brock Lesnar won the UFC heavyweight title in his third
00:49:21ever fight in that game. That was Brock Lesnar, that's a once in a lifetime athlete. Logan Paul,
00:49:28he's incredible, great entertainer, hell of an athlete too, but he ain't Brock Lesnar.
00:49:33And guess what, Roman Reigns hasn't been pinned since December 15th
00:49:38of 2019, almost three years ago since Reigns has been pinned.
00:50:03At 797 days, Roman Reigns is the undisputed champion.
00:50:33Accompanied by a special counsel, Paul Heyman, who had some interesting comments on Corey Graves'
00:50:42After the Bell podcast this week, which I'll get into in just a moment,
00:50:45because it says a lot of what Roman Reigns may do to Logan Paul tonight.
00:51:33Paul Heyman said this, he goes, Roman Reigns is going to show Logan Paul what happens to outsiders
00:51:56when they come into our business. What would Roman Reigns' dad Sika do for his uncle Afa
00:52:02when an outsider would come in? They'd take them down, they'd rub their nose on the mat,
00:52:07they'd break their face, they'd separate their shoulders, they'd rip their pendants.
00:52:11Roman Reigns will entertain tonight, and then when he feels like it, he'll embarrass
00:52:17Logan Paul on a world stage. They don't call him the wise man for nothing. Paul Heyman
00:52:25rarely gets it wrong, and with that quote just there, he hit the nail on the head.
00:52:31However, there's been whispers, there's been a lot of whispers in recent weeks,
00:52:35even some doubters within the camp of Roman Reigns. I have sources that have told me,
00:52:41that are very close to Roman, that there's something different going on,
00:52:45that Roman Reigns has been aloof to all of this, that he won't listen to advice,
00:52:51that he won't take the fact that Logan Paul could somehow pull off a miracle,
00:52:56that maybe he's taking Paul lightly, maybe he's looking ahead to the future,
00:53:01maybe Roman Reigns isn't quite ready like he normally is for the big fight tonight.
00:53:07Man, Cole, you and your mythical sources. Listen, Roman Reigns expects the likes of
00:53:14social media to doubt him, he expects the likes of even you to doubt him. What he doesn't expect
00:53:21is those closest to him in the bloodline to ever doubt him. That's what's different
00:53:26about Roman Reigns, that is what has the man vexed, the man has proven it time and time again
00:53:33against current and for our future hall of famers that he can beat the absolute best.
00:53:39We're looking at names like Brock Lesnar, Drew McIntyre, Goldberg, Finn Balor, Edge and even
00:53:46John Cena, all men who have fallen victim to Roman Reigns over the past two plus years
00:53:53of this championship ring and you expect the man to crumble before an outsider like Logan Paul.
00:54:01You should be ashamed of yourself, Michael Cole. You're putting words in my mouth. I didn't say
00:54:05I expected it, I said a miracle could happen because it takes a three count, it takes one
00:54:10lucky knockout punch. You saw what Logan Paul did to Jey Uso. Could it happen to Roman tonight?
00:54:15We're going to find out.
00:54:35Bob Backlund, Pedro Morales,
00:54:39Hulk Hogan, Bruno Sammartino, the four men in WWE history who have held a world championship longer
00:54:52than Roman Reigns.
00:55:00The following contest scheduled for one fall is for the undisputed WWE
00:55:07WWE Universal Championship.
00:55:17Introducing the challenger fighting out of Dorado Beach, Puerto Rico by way of Cleveland, Ohio.
00:55:24Weighing in at 205 pounds, Logan Paul.
00:55:37And his opponent from Pentacola, Florida, weighing in at 265 pounds, he is the undisputed
00:55:59WWE Universal Champion, Roman Reigns.
00:56:11Is it a fictional story like Rocky and Apollo? Is it a real life story like Ali and Wepner?
00:56:17We'll find out because it's Paul and Reigns tonight in a big fight atmosphere in Riyadh,
00:56:23Saudi Arabia. Logan Paul looking to shock the world and end the 797 day reign
00:56:31of the undisputed WWE Universal Champion, Roman Reigns.
00:56:39It is electric in here, the Maverick Paul, the tribal chief Reigns, with a smug look on the face
00:56:53of the champion. He has told everyone who will listen for weeks and weeks that he doesn't sweat
00:57:01Logan Paul. To your point, Wade, why should he? This might be the easiest night's work
00:57:07in Roman Reigns' entire championship reign.
00:57:17Collar and elbow tie up to start this matchup, center of the ring, and Roman Reigns will look
00:57:22to establish dominance, will look to show Logan Paul earlier on that this is my world, this is my
00:57:28yard. That's been made of the two matches that Logan Paul has had in WWE. In those matches,
00:57:37he was at minimum equal in size and strength to his opponent. It's a different story tonight
00:57:43with Roman Reigns. In this matchup, Logan Paul is undersized. Well, the run that Reigns is on,
00:57:49he's approaching goat status in WWE history. Again, the collar and elbow tie up, a filling
00:57:56out process for really both of these men as Roman sends Logan into the corner, the official.
00:58:03Ryan Tran calling for a break. Oh, and Roman Reigns says, get out of my face,
00:58:08and Logan said, uh-uh, you're not going to push me around like that.
00:58:19The thing about Logan Paul, he's got to stay in this early wave and he can't get intimidated.
00:58:24If he can stay toe-to-toe and force Roman out of his game, Logan's got a fighting chance.
00:58:39The waist lock, standing switch by Logan. Nice move by Paul, nice takedown! Logan with an
00:58:45amateur wrestling background and a standing switch by Reigns, and Reigns with a takedown
00:58:50with a bit more authority.
00:58:56Logan can't face Paul if it's carried. How does this? Logan Paul is putting out a clinic.
00:59:03Slow down, Michael Cole, all right? We all got a little shock there from Logan Paul.
00:59:09Let's not get carried away.
00:59:13Logan went wild. This is what Logan can't do. He can't get outside of himself, Wade.
00:59:17He can't get out of control. You saw it already there, he got raggedy with a wild haymaker.
00:59:27And again, the mantra for Logan.
00:59:35You can't get hit by that right hand, and that's been Logan. He's been, Logan's been at the farm.
00:59:39Logan's been at the farm on this, connected with one big right to try to put Roman away.
00:59:45Roman was simply too quick, knew something like this was going to come early,
00:59:49and that might have been Logan Paul's best opportunity. And look at Roman.
00:59:54Roman, a very cocky as he wanders around ringside, as does Paul Heyman. Cocky? The man is the dominant
01:00:01world champion for two plus years. He's all that kind, and ain't cocky when you back it up. Wade,
01:00:06I agree with you, but listen, as champion, you get in the ring, end the match, and go home.
01:00:13Hasn't that always been Roman Reigns? Everything he said, his motto,
01:00:17I don't get paid by the hour, I get paid to win matches, I get paid to be champion.
01:00:21Roman Reigns does not march to the beat of Logan Paul's drum, and nor will he tonight.
01:00:32Stop running, Tribal Chief. That's the cockiness and the bravado we've come to know from Paul.
01:00:38And again, Roman looking to power Paul back to the ring. No doubt, Roman's a little
01:00:42more powerful of these two men.
01:00:46And a body shot. Kidney shot right there.
01:00:52Roman catches him with a high elbow. In no hurry at all for Roman to go in it,
01:00:57into any sort of cover here. I've got to tell you, I was in the ring with Roman several times,
01:01:032014, 2015, but this now is a different Roman Reigns. I was in the ring with him pre-god mode.
01:01:13Suplex by Reigns. Cover now. First one of the matchup on Paul, who kicks it one.
01:01:21As Roman just saying, look what I can do.
01:01:25Can't play with a match. It's been that easy for Roman Reigns. He's read Logan Paul like a book.
01:01:33And this is what Logan Paul had to be afraid of. He had to keep the space. He had to
01:01:41jab and jump away. But he's too close to Roman now, and Roman's going to punish him.
01:01:48Baldo lands on his feet, and Logan with a body shot. A right hand and a left hand.
01:01:53Great strategy by Logan Paul. If you continue to body shot Roman, he drops his hands, right?
01:01:59And then maybe you can hit the one lucky shot. What a leapfrog by Paul.
01:02:02Nice hip hop by Logan, and the champion is in trouble. And look at his face.
01:02:12And Logan sends Roman over the top rope.
01:02:16Heyman surprised. Heyman is shocked actually. Roman's not quite sure what hit him.
01:02:23Logan Paul desperate to capitalize as we take another look at the extreme athleticism
01:02:33of Logan Paul. Referee keeping Logan away for the time being. Now Logan's outside the ring. He
01:02:39realizes he's going to have to do a lot more damage than that to try to upset Roman. And there, rookie
01:02:44mistake. Coming out after the more experienced champion. Bringing the fight to Roman, and it
01:02:50didn't work out too well. Yeah, and notice that Roman, time and again, is going from those kicks
01:02:54to the body of Logan Paul. Logan Paul, a boxing specialist, no means to defend himself against
01:03:01kicks. And Logan Paul off the barricade and a cross body to the champion. And I'd love to get a shot
01:03:10of Heyman who had his head in his hands moments ago. Heyman has tried to warn Reigns for the last
01:03:15number of weeks. There's Paul, obviously concerned because the gravy train may be in trouble. Now the
01:03:22cogs might be whirring in the mind of Roman Reigns. What an athlete and what a clothesline and the cover
01:03:29by the title and a two and a half. Logan just took the champ to two and a half. He sucked all of the
01:03:35oxygen out of this building momentarily. Watch this.
01:03:44That was a two and a half count, Wade, against the most dominant champion in the past 35 years.
01:03:50Yeah, and now perhaps the panic's starting to set in with Roman Reigns. I'll tell you, my own career,
01:03:55there were times I took opponents way too lightly. And at this point, when I realized, wow, I'm
01:04:00underprepared. Panic mode kicked in. And Logan Paul sent out to the apron by Reigns.
01:04:06Oh, and hanging Reigns up on the top rope. Logan Paul won't go away.
01:04:12Leaps off the top rope again. Oh, what a right hand. Roman Reigns almost a desperation right
01:04:19to Logan Paul. And now both men are down. Those are the instincts of Roman Reigns that have taken
01:04:25him on this meteoric rise to the top. What timing.
01:04:43Roman with valuable time to recoup. Logan Paul just trying to get back to his feet.
01:04:59And I think what happened here is Logan Paul had his run. He had his rally.
01:05:06The longer this match goes, it's got Roman Reigns dominance written all over it.
01:05:11Roman Reigns came to the ring tonight thinking first gear would be enough.
01:05:17Now we're perhaps moving up to second gear. You've had your moment, Logan.
01:05:31Logan Paul by Reigns and now Roman punishing the challenger.
01:05:36Cover by Reigns. Forearm in the face and Logan able to get the shoulder up at one.
01:05:46You get the impression that Roman Reigns strategy for tonight did not get past the first five
01:05:51minutes of the matchup. He thought he'd be home and dry by now. He's going on instinct at this point.
01:05:58It is a beautiful night in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia at Crown Jewel, Marsool Park Stadium.
01:06:17Hosting this clash for the undisputed championship. Roman Reigns the dominant champion.
01:06:23The upstart Logan Paul looking to pull an upset that no one would ever believe.
01:06:30Here's the thing for Logan Paul, he's done enough in this matchup at this point
01:06:34to go home with his head held high. He's got 30 million followers worldwide
01:06:39who wanted this. They've had their moment now. Logan Paul take the L.
01:06:43I got him. I got him. Talk about it soon. Tell them what it is.
01:06:53Tribal chief just dominating Logan Paul now and he knows it. A wrench on the neck.
01:07:01Clutch on the jaw. Paul just ain't strong enough. Logan back to his feet. A couple of body shots
01:07:08create space. That jaw's wide open. Logan though driven into the corner and Roman Reigns pulls it up.
01:07:15Those big rights.
01:07:29Cover by Reigns to retain the championship here tonight. A kick out at one.
01:07:33How's Paul's cardio? That's another question. Roman Reigns obviously in ring shape. Defended
01:07:38the championship at least once a month right over the past couple of years. Logan Paul in his third
01:07:44WWE match ever. You can train cardio all you want in the gym. You can go swimming. You can go running.
01:07:53You can hit the bike. There is nothing like cardio from inside that ring. I came back from injuries.
01:08:00It didn't matter what I did in the gym. I had to be in that ring. Constantly greasing my motor.
01:08:06Getting my wheels oiled in order to get up to game speed. Logan Paul just hasn't had that.
01:08:13Logan Paul just hasn't had that.
01:08:27This is it right here. Mr. A. Ain't no more YouTubers coming over here anymore.
01:08:32That's true. You're the last YouTuber.
01:08:39Mr. Beast.
01:08:44Morgan still talking trash. The camel clutch gonna break his back and make him humble.
01:08:49Trying to make it back to his feet.
01:08:53Right hands by Roman.
01:08:57Those rights and lefts are having an effect to the midsection of Reigns.
01:09:03Logan with the cross to Reigns.
01:09:06Sidesteps Reigns. Logan now looking to rally a little bit.
01:09:13But Logan didn't have enough to go into a cover. Great move though by Paul.
01:09:17Really impressive. We know that Logan Paul did some training with HBK Shawn Michaels over in
01:09:24NXT. Shawn Michaels can make you great as we see week in week out on NXT. But it takes more
01:09:31than a few days. It takes years. Logan's showing some power.
01:09:46Went at a deep sigh moments ago.
01:09:55Logan Paul, Roman Reigns both trying to make it back to their feet.
01:10:00Roman surprised at the resilience so far of Logan. And again, body shots by Logan could force Reigns
01:10:08to drop the hands. Maybe land a lucky punch. An elbow by Paul again and down goes Roman Reigns.
01:10:18Paul looking for a body slam. Roman slips behind. A little too confident with the bigger reigns.
01:10:23Elbow by Logan up to the second rope.
01:10:29Blockbuster. Logan Paul to the cover. Will the championship do miracles happen? No.
01:10:38Take nothing away from Logan Paul. He's come to this matchup with a far deeper
01:10:42bang of tricks than any of us knew about including blockbusters.
01:10:48Everyone you talk to Wade, talk about how Logan Paul, the dedication that he's shown for our
01:10:55sport, the training he's put in, the opportunity he understands. He said as an eight-year-old kid
01:11:01he never dreamed that this was a possibility. He's loving this entire build up till tonight
01:11:07and now he finds himself in the ring with one of the greatest of all time. And he's hanging in there.
01:11:13He's hanging in there against Reigns. Well this is the best three-match wrestler I have seen in
01:11:18my entire life and it's not even close.
01:11:27Logan taking a bit too much time. There's a problem. Logan's been mouthing off at the
01:11:32camera when he needs to be capitalizing. That's what he's all about Wade. You know that.
01:11:40Glassy eyed Roman Reigns. Logan just hit Reigns with his own version of a Superman punch.
01:11:48But he didn't hit the cover. So much taken out of Logan Paul already.
01:11:52A cover now we might have a new champ. What are you talking about? Kicked off by Paul.
01:11:59Shades of HBK right here from Logan Paul.
01:12:05Logan's fired up. Roman's in trouble. The champ is on the mat.
01:12:10Logan Paul going to the top rope.
01:12:29Paul Heyman's heart just missed about five beats in a row. He's going to need
01:12:34some extra Grecian formula after tonight. He's going to turn gray in a hurry.
01:12:40I mean if you're picking a winner from right now somehow it's going to be Logan Paul.
01:12:49And again Logan's got to get back on the attack. He's questioned the official about the count.
01:12:54He's got to get back on the attack of Reigns. He's got the champ in trouble.
01:12:58Momentum against Roman Reigns historically does not last long.
01:13:11Oh no. You were talking about HBK earlier.
01:13:17Shawn Michaels the hall of famer. Could there be some sweet chin music? Reigns though intercepts.
01:13:28Little rock bottom action. Cover. Hook of the leg for the win. Paul kicks out.
01:13:34Well Logan Paul is one of the greatest showboaters in the history of entertainment.
01:13:40But tonight it might be his downfall. Wait you can say what you want but Logan Paul just kicked out of that.
01:13:55Hey I'll tell you this Cole. I came into this matchup as you could tell a doubter, a hater,
01:14:01a naysayer. But it's clear already Logan Paul is something special and he is going to fight
01:14:07tonight until his last breath. It is some atmosphere here at Crown Jewel. Everyone wondering,
01:14:16maybe wishing, that somehow the unthinkable could happen. That's something that no man has been able
01:14:24to do in the last 797 days. Can Logan Paul somehow pull off a monstrous upset? It's looking unlikely.
01:14:34A superman punch. Paul with a shot to the kidney. Lucky punch. Reigns stumbles. Reigns in trouble.
01:14:43He's down. He's not out. Reigns back to his feet. A superman punch. Cover for the win.
01:14:56What the hell are we witnessing Michael?
01:14:58But for Logan Paul Wade he said it would take one lucky punch but it didn't. It took one lucky punch
01:15:09and a superman punch and Reigns still able to survive. That is why he's the most dominant
01:15:16champion we have seen in 20 plus years here in WWE. Logan Reigns had his bell rung.
01:15:23Reigns has got a ringing in his ears.
01:15:30Roman Reigns just falling out of the ring. Logan realizing he's got to keep Roman in the ring.
01:15:37It's a veteran move from Roman Reigns knowing exactly what he has to do even when the brain
01:15:44is not fully functioning. And here's the problem for Logan Paul. That we just witnessed. That one
01:15:52lucky punch was his biggest chance of putting away the WWE champion. It didn't work. Give away
01:15:59Logan still in control. Roman Reigns is in trouble. I'm not quite sure Roman realizes where he's at.
01:16:05Logan Paul now clearing off the Arabic announce table.
01:16:08It's even the past and Logan Paul's comfortable around tables.
01:16:23Logan Paul more prepared for tonight than any of us could have ever imagined.
01:16:28Logan's entourage is buddies who came with him here to Riyadh.
01:16:32Logan Paul
01:16:39is taking selfies.
01:16:44And he's running the video. Let me ask you is this how you put away the tribal chief? I'm not
01:16:49sure but Roman Reigns is is on the announce table. Logan Paul's going up to the top rope.
01:16:53He's got a damn camera phone in his hand. Logan Paul taking selfies running a video.
01:16:59This is the damnest thing I've ever seen.
01:17:16I've got to be honest with you Cole. I have no idea who the hell is winning this matchup.
01:17:23But the video that Logan Paul just shot is about to go viral. That's the Instagram moment of the
01:17:28week. Meanwhile the bloodline. The Usos. Jimmy and Jay out here to check on the tribal chief.
01:17:33Logan Paul splashing to the table.
01:17:39So much for Logan's entourage. The Usos are about to rough him up.
01:17:43They're getting straight balls. You don't get in the face of the damn Usos.
01:17:52Not quite sure they expected this when they came to Riyadh.
01:17:58I can't wait until they talk about this if they can talk on the Impulsive Podcast.
01:18:07And another Superman kick.
01:18:17Man there is there are bodies everywhere. Tails have been blown up.
01:18:21Uh-oh. Logan Paul's got backup.
01:18:29The problem child is here. Logan's brother Jake Paul.
01:18:37Fresh off defeating UFC great Anderson the Spider Silva last weekend.
01:18:45And he ain't finished yet. Jake Paul's not going to have any of it. We knew Jake was here. We saw
01:18:52him arrive earlier at the press conference yesterday. And now the bloodline face-to-face with Jake Paul.
01:19:04Oh the right hand. Good night. Jimmy knocked out as well. Yeah. Yeah.
01:19:19Let's go. Come on Logan. Logan Paul back to his feet.
01:19:25Passing the champ back into the ring. Finish this shit. Finish this shit. Jake Paul and Logan to finish it.
01:19:32We're about to witness the worst nightmare of every wrestling purist on the planet.
01:19:38Blast by Logan. The cover to win the Undisputed Championship. The biggest upset ever and it won't happen there.
01:19:53Was that Logan's last gasp?
01:19:59The champ is in deep deep trouble. But the champ has backup. The enforcer of the bloodline. Solo Sokoa.
01:20:19I can't wait to see this. Solo. Jake Paul squaring off Wade. Two down one to go for Jake Paul.
01:20:31Perhaps the toughest of the bunch. You don't mess with the bloodline. That's what Solo's saying.
01:20:40Keep in mind, we still got a championship match going on. The Usos are back to their feet. They're pissed off after what Jake Paul did to them. Logan Paul going to fly. Taking out the Usos.
01:21:06Logan fired up. This is his night. Logan back into the ring. Roman Reigns superman punch. He caught him flush. Reigns with a spear. Cover. The reign continues.
01:21:36Here is your winner and still the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion, Roman Reigns.
01:21:56A look on Roman Reigns face after the match told the story. It was utter shock. It was utter surprise at the fight that Logan Paul brought to him tonight. But Roman Reigns magical, his historical reign as Undisputed Champion will continue.
01:22:12It is one of the damnedest performances I have ever seen in my life. This was the pivotal moment. Logan Paul taking out both Usos. But that momentary distraction was all it took for Roman Reigns to gather himself, nail the superman punch and then the inevitable moment.
01:22:38Good night.
01:23:08Friday night on Smackdown, the Usos look to close in on becoming the longest reigning tag team champions ever.
01:23:24Logan Paul deserves all the credit in the world. But tonight it's about the bloodline. Tonight it's about Roman Reigns. Good night everybody from Riyadh. Thank you for Crown Jewel.
01:23:54This is your glory my title team. This is all yours my title team. This is your glory. I acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team.
01:24:15We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my
01:24:45We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my
01:25:15We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my
01:25:45title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all acknowledge you my title team. We all
01:26:15acknowledge you my title team.
01:26:45Roman Reigns, putting his championship reign on the line.
01:26:52Can Logan Paul connect with one lucky shot?
01:27:15I'm in the league of my own, league of my own.
