• 21 hours ago
00:00:00Friday at Pizza Flicks
00:00:11Tonight from 1963, it's Emmy winner Ru McClanahan like you've never seen her before.
00:00:18In John Hayes' directorial debut, the future Golden Girl plays a junkyard floozy with a
00:00:25mysterious past.
00:00:27This trashcan treasure co-stars Ru's former husband, Norman Hartwig, and my favorite beatnik,
00:00:34King Moody.
00:03:27Ru McClanahan plays a junkyard floozy with a mysterious past.
00:03:54Ru McClanahan plays a junkyard floozy with a mysterious past.
00:04:22Ru McClanahan plays a junkyard floozy with a mysterious past.
00:04:50Ru McClanahan plays a junkyard floozy with a mysterious past.
00:05:19Hey kid, just like medicine.
00:05:38Hey, you got evil habits, blowhard.
00:05:54You should get a bonus tonight, kid.
00:05:56Come on.
00:06:26Hey kid, just like medicine.
00:06:53Can you fix it?
00:07:20I said, can you fix it?
00:07:24I don't see why we have to go along like tramps or something.
00:07:27Sleeping in the car, not eating in restaurants, not staying in a motel.
00:07:30I get so sick of it.
00:07:33What's wrong with us?
00:07:34I don't know.
00:07:37Other people don't have it this way.
00:07:38What's wrong with us?
00:07:41Why do we always have to be the ones that scrimp and save and never have anything?
00:07:46Is that my fault?
00:07:48You did get laid off.
00:07:50Sure didn't help any with the bills when you got pregnant.
00:07:53I did?
00:07:54You didn't have anything to do with it?
00:07:57Other people have nice things, a decent car, live in a nice house.
00:08:03Work is slow in my trade, that's all.
00:08:05Is that my fault?
00:08:06You're a drag.
00:08:08I'm so sick of hearing about it.
00:08:11Thanks, Edna.
00:08:29Oh, honey, I'm sorry about what I said.
00:08:33I didn't mean it was your fault.
00:08:38But are people supposed to live like this?
00:08:41We sit here, we wait.
00:08:46Well, maybe in San Diego.
00:08:51I don't know.
00:08:52I don't know what I'm going to do to get this thing fixed.
00:08:59I'm sorry about what I said.
00:09:05I'll fix you a sandwich.
00:09:07No, I don't want to.
00:09:08You go ahead.
00:09:09I've got to get a starter.
00:09:10Maybe some junkyard someplace.
00:09:38Hey, you know what's in the middle there?
00:09:53A Lincoln Continental.
00:09:56That's class.
00:09:58A totaled out, smashed up.
00:10:017,000 bucks that car cost you, and look at it.
00:10:05Is that the one with the dame?
00:10:07You know, the dame was smashed up all over the upholstery.
00:10:10The dame was smashed up, the car was smashed up,
00:10:13the bottle was smashed up, payments were smashed up,
00:10:17the dough was smashed up, the radio was smashed up,
00:10:20the heater was smashed up, the kid was killed in the backseat,
00:10:23and the dog was cut in two.
00:10:25How do you know?
00:10:26You like that stuff?
00:10:27I know.
00:10:28That's all I know.
00:10:31Front and back, I know everything in here.
00:10:34I know every damn thing, and if they made worms out of it all,
00:10:37we could stick one on the hook and watch it wiggle while we went fishing.
00:10:40Ah, you don't know so much.
00:10:42I know.
00:10:45Ah, you see?
00:10:46They all come in here with money, and they want to get out cheap.
00:10:49I'll get them out cheap with a pot that don't fit.
00:10:51How about that?
00:10:52You got a great idea for laughs, Harry.
00:10:54That ain't laughs.
00:10:55That's the difference between business and not business.
00:10:58That's the difference that makes me stink and you crawl.
00:11:01If you're so smart, why ain't you rich?
00:11:03Hell, Harry, you are rich.
00:11:08Hey, you want a beer, Harry?
00:11:10You want a beer, Harry?
00:11:12All you got to hand out is beer?
00:11:14You hand out too much, and then I ain't thirsty anymore.
00:11:17Well, it's your beer.
00:11:18You told me to give it away.
00:11:20I had all I want.
00:11:22It's all right with me, Harry?
00:11:23Now, get out of here.
00:11:26You ain't ugly, Harry.
00:11:28Ah, shut up.
00:12:01Hey, did you ever get so, uh, you didn't want beer
00:12:04and, uh, you wanted something else?
00:12:06Like you was thirsty and it, uh, wouldn't come for you no more.
00:12:17Hello, Harry.
00:12:20We got a complaint on you for, uh,
00:12:22selling the parts off stolen cars.
00:12:24I got no criminal intentions except crime.
00:12:28You got a warrant?
00:12:29Don't worry about it.
00:12:31The sergeant just went to see you down at the station.
00:12:35I'm a taxpayer, and if I pay taxes, I guess you got it right.
00:12:38But this ain't the first time, and you know that.
00:12:40But I'm still here, and you're still there,
00:12:43and I still pay taxes.
00:12:53Hey, you got a starter for a 48 Ford?
00:12:56Who the hell are you?
00:12:58What difference does that make? I'm a customer.
00:13:00You got that starter?
00:13:03I got everything.
00:13:04Looks, brains, class, but a 48?
00:13:10Where you going?
00:13:11San Diego.
00:13:12I got a job promised there.
00:13:14You know, if they was to ask a college professor what this was,
00:13:17he wouldn't know.
00:13:19If they was to ask Kennedy and his grandmother's bunions depended on it,
00:13:22he wouldn't know.
00:13:24Einstein wouldn't know.
00:13:26Elizabeth Taylor wouldn't know.
00:13:28Hey, hey, hey, that's mine.
00:13:30Go get it then.
00:13:32You got one like that?
00:13:33Sure, I got one.
00:13:35King of England name.
00:13:37I got it.
00:13:38How much you want for it?
00:13:41What are you going to San Diego for?
00:13:43I got a job promised there.
00:13:45Look, I'll give you five bucks.
00:13:47Hey, how many push-ups can you do?
00:13:49Five, ten, a hundred?
00:13:50What the hell are you talking about?
00:13:51That's what kids do in school.
00:13:53Are you trying to tell me how to run everything with your big-time five bucks
00:13:56and you can't do any push-ups?
00:13:58Big-time operator with a 48 Ford.
00:14:02Shut up, blowhard.
00:14:03He comes in here talking about 48 a bad year and you come down the cracks like a bug.
00:14:06Go away.
00:14:07Listen, I'll tell you the truth.
00:14:08If I had any dough, I wouldn't be driving a clunker and come in here.
00:14:11Yeah, and your aunt wouldn't run a beer hall in Peoria.
00:14:14All right, go ahead.
00:14:15Do some push-ups, blowhard.
00:14:23Hey, look at that.
00:14:24Now that's a real man.
00:14:28All right, that's enough.
00:14:29Get up, blowhard.
00:14:30How about my starter?
00:14:32Hey, do you want to drink, blowhard?
00:14:33Nothing but liquid.
00:14:34I won't drink nothing that don't pour.
00:14:36Hey, how about you?
00:14:37Can you do some push-ups like blowhard here?
00:14:39For God's sakes, yes.
00:14:40What's that got to do with it?
00:14:41That's the trouble with you kids that don't think about nothing.
00:14:44You get a car when you're 16 with hair under your arms and then it's the backseat.
00:14:48Am I right?
00:14:49Hey, look, why don't you do some push-ups?
00:14:52I'll tell you what I'll do.
00:14:54You do more push-ups than blowhard and I'll give you the starter.
00:14:58Hey, that's more than Rockefeller could do for you.
00:15:01Look, I said I'd give you five bucks.
00:15:03What, do you want me to do push-ups like a dog or something and get down to the dirt for you?
00:15:07Dog can't do push-ups.
00:15:09He's got four legs.
00:15:11All right, let me see the five bucks.
00:15:13Where's the starter?
00:15:16Where's your car?
00:15:17Down the road.
00:15:19Look, why don't you do some push-ups?
00:15:21Do some push-ups like blowhard and it'll build up your muscles.
00:15:23I don't want any muscles.
00:15:24All I want is my starter.
00:15:26You know, I could tell you to go back there and look.
00:15:29I don't have to do business with you.
00:15:31You have to do business with me.
00:15:33If I wasn't broke, I'd walk out.
00:15:35But you are.
00:15:37You know what it costs me?
00:15:39I wreck a clunker and get all the parts.
00:15:42But you'll get it.
00:15:43But first the beer, okay?
00:15:45What is this?
00:15:47It'll take a little time, but blowhard will get you the starter.
00:15:49Five bucks.
00:15:50Go inside and pay the girl.
00:15:52Enjoy yourself.
00:15:53Have a beer.
00:15:57What are you gonna do about that cop, Harry?
00:16:00Don't worry.
00:16:01Keep Floyd around.
00:16:02I like him.
00:16:26I like him.
00:16:27I like him.
00:16:28I like him.
00:16:29I like him.
00:16:30I like him.
00:16:31I like him.
00:16:32I like him.
00:16:33I like him.
00:16:34I like him.
00:16:35I like him.
00:16:36I like him.
00:16:37I like him.
00:16:38I like him.
00:16:39I like him.
00:16:40I like him.
00:16:41I like him.
00:16:42I like him.
00:16:43I like him.
00:16:44I like him.
00:16:45I like him.
00:16:46I like him.
00:16:47I like him.
00:16:48I like him.
00:16:49I like him.
00:16:50I like him.
00:16:51I like him.
00:16:52I like him.
00:16:53I like him.
00:16:54I like him.
00:16:56I like him.
00:17:04That's not fair, you sneaking in here like that.
00:17:17Oh, Harry buys it, see.
00:17:18I can drink all I want.
00:17:20Well, like I told him, I just wanna get my car running again.
00:17:23running again well he's got lots of parts I don't know why you couldn't get
00:17:26one he's got every kind of part from every kind of thing I mean it every guy
00:17:31kind of nuts isn't he I mean he acted screwy or something instead of wanting
00:17:36to sell me apart hey he's got money even stuck away in the dirt you aren't
00:17:41married to him are you no I ain't married
00:17:45Harry ain't married nothing he's not alright you work for him just hang
00:17:51you mean you're his girl no what do you mean his girl if you mean am I a girl
00:18:01yes I'm a girl don't you believe it sure I believe it but I mean I thought you
00:18:09were his girl if you hang around with somebody have to be somebody's girl all
00:18:13the time why not just be a girl period maybe I'm my own girl maybe I don't even
00:18:20like Harry don't like anybody except my own self did you know that there's
00:18:26girls like that they don't like anybody except their own self like in prison and
00:18:32places like that you know what I mean I don't know if I do or not and there's
00:18:40girls that like other girls oh you don't like that do you
00:18:45men don't like that girls that like other girls I think it's funny doesn't
00:18:50make any sense Oh what does
00:18:55regular family Oh kid when did you ever add up everything you ever done and tell
00:19:03all about it how about it everything didn't you ever get turned around all
00:19:10upside down and not know everything you were doing you sure talk a lot oh do I
00:19:19maybe you don't like a girl that talks so much don't talk and I do look like I
00:19:30told that guy outside all I want to get is that part pay for it and then leave
00:19:34what the hell kind of a place is this anyway you know how I can tell you're
00:19:39married you're scared of me you're scared of me cuz you're scared of your
00:19:43own self and you're scared of your wife and you're scared of everything what have
00:19:48I got to be scared of maybe I don't even like to look at you anyhow what's all
00:19:52this talk about here I'm done I don't even know you're talking about except
00:19:58it's crazy you can see right in here see right through these walls or maybe your
00:20:03wife's gone and she can look down and see right through these walls here you
00:20:06trying to make a fool out of me that guy's right out there and you're his
00:20:08girl ain't God he can't look down in here out of a cloud what kind of a wreck
00:20:13it is is that you sure picked the wrong guy I haven't got any money I haven't
00:20:17got anything all I got is enough to get to San Diego plus five bucks which he
00:20:21could get easy enough just by giving me a piece out of a car just wrecked no I
00:20:27don't you think God's looking down counting the beers you drink one more
00:20:36beer he marks it down his big book I think that's all he's got to do you
00:20:41don't be a census taker oh come on take it God's busy right now
00:20:47watching some people in the backseat of a car I can't figure you out or that guy
00:20:55out there either what do you think there is to figure out he's not that's
00:21:01what's wrong with him like you want me to do them crazy push-ups now he wants
00:21:08me to make a pass at you and then you'll holler and he comes in there with the
00:21:11other guy and they beat the hell out of me is that it I don't holler a lady
00:21:15doesn't ever holler because it's not polite oh yeah I can get a big picture
00:21:19of that well if he comes in there now he's gonna get a little bit more any
00:21:22bargains oh honey what a story you don't know don't you trust me why should
00:21:30I you ought to trust someone you know one time a kid came in here looking for
00:21:38parts for his big brother's hot rod he couldn't have been more than 14 what are
00:21:45you crazy you mean to tell me you came in here with a 14 year old boy
00:21:51why for what I said to I didn't care what why should I lie what's the
00:21:58difference how about when you were 14 why not a little help how old are you
00:22:03anyway how old do I look not so old maybe my age maybe the 14 year old kid
00:22:12thought I was his age all you got is outside that's where it
00:22:19counts isn't it that's where you can see it the outside not a bad outside is
00:22:25it it's all right what do you mean all right like it knows how but not nice
00:22:32nice enough to touch some things you keep your hands off of why why because
00:22:37it's right that's why it only takes a minute five minutes that's all did you
00:22:50ever look at a clock that's all it takes actual time five minutes maybe then what
00:22:56it's all over there's no sign left no mark nobody can tell it's all done and
00:23:03passed just two people for five minutes that's all it means to you that's all it
00:23:12is the real of it you make it anything more than that it's your own fault
00:23:16you're crazy I got a wife good bring home the paycheck what's that got to do
00:23:23with something that happens in five minutes and doesn't leave a mark for
00:23:26anyone to see or know I'd know what you and God write it down a big book Tuesday
00:23:31five minutes sin like a mink I wouldn't want my wife coming in here with some
00:23:38other guy what's that got to do with it she isn't here she isn't you she wouldn't
00:24:01do you know if Bryant Road runs through to here or does it stop on the other side of
00:24:26the freeway I really don't know my husband and I were just passing through
00:24:31I came out highway 39 at least that's what the map said I think there was a
00:24:41gas station back there at the turnoff maybe they would know we were just
00:24:47passing through how busy she for months I see you have car troubles to ours is
00:24:59going to be trusted well I think I'll try that gas station you mentioned bye
00:25:17because the day I have just anybody they will be looking for new bricks to
00:25:25build City Hall exactly what is that supposed to mean you wanted to mean I
00:25:28don't believe in what goes on in your head you have to do that I'm just saying
00:25:32I don't like it when Frank Buck here starts act like you guys never seen me
00:25:35call Frank but I'm calling you Frank but because if I called your liver face
00:25:39you'd probably get excited about it and I hate this guy all right now wait a
00:25:43minute look how you be reason bro keep your mouth shut and everything will go a
00:25:46lot better did you hear him right away he says can I hit what are you a little
00:25:50kid or something you want to hit somebody you have to ask him permission
00:25:54like it was your father who I don't you know better than a businessman who do
00:25:58you think pays your salary puts the brass badge on you so you can hit people
00:26:02now I'm a businessman if you think you can go around hitting businessmen like
00:26:06they will but you go you'll end up going to work for a living am I right you're
00:26:09practically invited me to do it so he's gonna learn no matter how dummy is he's
00:26:14gonna learn you see that and that and that shows I'm a businessman if you
00:26:18think you can mess around with a businessman you ought to go back to
00:26:21shining shoes for a living boy are you dumb I'll belt you one if you come out
00:26:26with any more that dumb stuff go ahead and relax your attention off him Harry
00:26:30we've got a complaint on you and that's why you're down here we've got to do
00:26:33something about it do something don't make me laugh the trouble with you
00:26:39fellas is you're all alike you're either too dumb or too lazy or think you're too
00:26:43smart to work for a living and then you got a nasty streak or else you'd be
00:26:47fireman instead you want to wear a badge and a gun and a fat head to run somebody
00:26:52else around you know why because you're nothing your own self and you want to
00:26:56fool somebody that's enough how do you keep your mouth shut you no more pokes
00:27:01at him we'll find out about this no after you punch give him somebody else
00:27:06to smack around with me not me maybe he's not getting any at home and he needs
00:27:10some hey don't you have any drugs around some some Mexican kids give them
00:27:16something for God's sake your trap shut or I'll break your damn neck look that's
00:27:19all over now we have a complaint on you that says you've been taking stolen cars
00:27:23and selling them now what about it how it is a couple of kids come in they sell
00:27:28stuff and they buy stuff how am I supposed to know which is a stolen hubcap
00:27:32and which ain't nobody can tell by lucky now with an engine it's different it's
00:27:38got a serial number on it what if I were to come down and look in your yard
00:27:41now find a couple of engines with stolen numbers on them right where they was
00:27:47planted well somebody's got to be on a hook for this they got copies downtown
00:27:52do you want to know who is stealing cars trying to sell them to me yeah I'm
00:28:01thinking I almost remember a punk who is a car thief and is trying to sell me
00:28:09a hot car you almost remember that that's right I I almost do and you want
00:28:17me to ask you it is maybe you can remember to keep your hands off a
00:28:25businessman maybe this guy you're trying to remember maybe he's a businessman
00:28:30also oh no no he ain't established enough he's just up and the coffee yeah
00:28:39you'll testify and give evidence about this guy yeah he tried to sell you hot
00:28:45cars direct yeah he's over at my place right now all right we'll pick him up
00:28:54gotta hand it to you Harry you're shrewd real shrewd yeah
00:29:50and what about my starter Oh how to call another yard
00:29:58people have an hour
00:30:16you got a mentality of about 15 cents but I'm very big on personality you see
00:30:23that the Egyptians invented paper and they made slaves out of skinny people
00:30:30the verities of life the truths that's what counts the cohabitation of love in
00:30:36the animal act of procreation and the self-esteem is watered down in the flower
00:30:40of approval of others such as fame the necessities of eating I think Harry
00:30:46imported the Mary J marijuana and blue some nose dust fuzz gene codeine and
00:30:55morphine in it why because it rots and corrodes at human purpose you wallow and
00:31:03roll in dope and filthy companions don't this simple
00:31:08sin is dope Oh was your family a fake to you too they wanted me to work hard at
00:31:16what I was doing and I wanted to work easy at it but not at all lack of moral
00:31:20fiber fibrous moral tissue tissue paper fiber paper you're a fluky boy what you
00:31:28thought fluky you are active impulse to wallow in the filth of abnegation paper
00:31:32abnegation young Freudian abnegation some sucking what's a negation an
00:31:38abnegation is like a rotten apple one rotten apple spoils the barrel right but
00:31:43the barrel is made out of rotten apple cores and the core apple is barrel
00:31:47rotten you don't want to be decent some aren't and they're all evolutionary no
00:31:55damn good you and me no nobody's got just their own self there's somebody
00:32:12else inside your head that matters what happens everybody got something I got a
00:32:17wife kid my folks don't pay attention I used to live in Houston well what about
00:32:22there well I could spit all over that place and not hit nothing I liked you
00:32:26got something I got a little girl nobody ever didn't say I didn't have a little
00:32:31girl she was this baby I had nobody ever said I didn't take care of her all I
00:32:37said was everybody has something outside their own skin you said you have a
00:32:43little girl that's all I take care of her all the time anytime she wants
00:32:49anything whether she wants it or not I get it for anything you understand how
00:32:55come of you and Harry has a little girl you stay here what kind of a crumb is he
00:33:00you having a little girl I had my baby before I ever knew Harry I used to have
00:33:06a husband he married me before I let him get close enough for anything can you
00:33:15imagine that all that trouble the ceremony fuss there's something that
00:33:24takes five minutes I gotta go now thanks for the beer wait a minute I was eight
00:33:33months pregnant he couldn't wait eight months pregnant he couldn't wait around
00:33:37night so he went out went down to South Hoover Street looking for a fast five
00:33:42minutes well doesn't that prove what I said there's more to it than five
00:33:46minutes if there wasn't you wouldn't feel that way about it I don't feel
00:33:49anything well what do you think it can be all like dogs or something you know
00:33:54that you feel it oh we'll feel some way about it he was down South Hoover Street
00:34:00and the knife sliced across him here so when he straightened up if somebody we
00:34:06straightened up the cut parts of his stomach came out in his hand so he had
00:34:08to hold him keep from falling and then they had him in the hospital with the
00:34:12stitches holding everything in sewed him up with a metal wire but then the
00:34:15infection bloated him till the stitch place turned green they died I'm sorry
00:34:20then I had my baby in the same hospital I'm sorry real sorry Harry doesn't say
00:34:28that Harry says what if it'd been a traffic accident the same thing would
00:34:34have happened dead dead is dead anyway happens that's what Harry says five
00:34:39minutes is five minutes anyway it happens there he says I'm sorry Oh what's
00:34:46to be sorry you think I worry about it I don't think about it I just telling you
00:34:49that's all when did this happen two or three years ago a couple of months I
00:34:56don't think about it don't mean nothing to me well I I gotta be heading oh no
00:35:01don't go oh can't you stay a while I'll get you some more beer no thanks a lot
00:35:10I don't want any more oh you sure you gotta go I've got to you're not mad at
00:35:16me are you no I'm not mad you're not mad about how I talked no oh but do you
00:35:23like me a little sure I like you like I said I'm really sorry
00:35:29well I don't even think about it well goodbye you're not mad at me are you
00:35:35no I'm not mad like I said I'm sorry
00:35:48I don't even think about it
00:35:59I don't even think about it
00:36:30hey buddy
00:36:47they got Floyd screwed down and no yeah well who says it's not gonna be you and
00:36:52me next blow hard oh Harry loves us we keep business going for he's got no
00:36:57nature he's a four-year he's a what maybe I ought to get my little tin can
00:37:01out of here to go and be gone like the God of Mohammed Missoula oh where else
00:37:05could you have it so good Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche says of the powers
00:37:08beyond good and evil blow I know you wouldn't know that but it isn't true
00:37:11Harry is greedy and he's rusty like all the junk in one city hey you're already
00:37:18hot you found another steak last one blow high around here is like all the
00:37:25puke and the rotten stuff that they cut out of you at the hospital you can't
00:37:28live in this like a bloated green rat you like having him outside watching you
00:37:33do it with some poor dame it's off a rocker that's his worry I get mine
00:37:37fooled love drink in the euphoria of the non-habit forming wheat safety and evil
00:37:42and greed takes from the weak what else Oh what else could a guy want Nietzsche
00:37:52Krauts said the strong ought to take from the weak and grind the faces of
00:37:55the poor it turns your stomach up close boy are you not talking to jabbering
00:38:03power the Superman nice area Superman huh you know that car wrecked in him in
00:38:08now pretty soon he's gonna have to stop having to shave and that leg meet you
00:38:14the count was a wreck too only one thing I don't like about pot it takes your
00:38:20nature for a while you can't get excited about like I'm a Superman blowhard I
00:38:26want a car I steal it I got money I got love you know the Arabs call that stuff
00:38:32ha sheesh and look what I got him Arabia how come you come down here anyway leave
00:38:38your little bird home and your lawyer Papa in the house guy didn't pay my
00:38:43library fines I came with a good life power Nietzsche Carnegie Rockefeller
00:38:50laissez-faire boomtang the Giants of aggressive man you're not so damn smart
00:38:59fallen on the throne before power millionaire Harry tycoon Harry King and
00:39:07all them the mudsill class you know who said that Randolph of Virginia and he was
00:39:13impotent to the humble dirty the slaves of civilization the mud the people the
00:39:24inferiors Randolph of Virginia 1730 I'm gonna get out of here blowhard you saw
00:39:31that cop car didn't you well I don't want it coming for me too maybe I better
00:39:34go back and pay my library fines you won't go nowhere because you love the
00:39:39weed you love it yeah well maybe I do and maybe I don't you love it
00:39:49you love it I'll save a little hot baby for you
00:39:54you're compact because you love it you love it
00:40:21where do you run him what do you sell no place down it mean you admit stealing
00:40:30them but you're not saying where you sell them
00:40:39tell him I just came in your place today tell him what I've seen you around
00:40:50where do you sell the car I don't sell no cars I don't sell no cars
00:41:39give me all justice yeah funny isn't it and you're gonna build a case on his guy
00:41:57he doesn't find anything I run a decent business and punks like you try to
00:42:10spoil it you got a sign hey does it make you feel good I mean when you hit him it
00:42:14hurts a little out your best it makes you feel good almost like you're getting
00:42:17a little funny just as soon as you was him
00:42:38did a man in a dark shirt come in here this is a junkyard well my husband came
00:42:48in looking for a part for his car I got tired so I thought I might find him here
00:42:54it's just down the road what kind of part a starter he had on a dark shirt
00:43:01black hair I thought he might 48-4 yes was he in here yeah he said to give it
00:43:14to you if you came in it's over here
00:43:19funny he said to give it to me if I came in where did he go
00:43:25search us all we got is a junkyard hey uh I wouldn't even know if it was the
00:43:32right part what's the right one okay 48 Ford I don't even have the money to pay
00:43:38for it you don't need any he paid for it already no it's a free start a week is a
00:43:45memorial to the junk business oh you're crazy oh you're fooling me he already
00:43:51paid for it well if it's the right part I guess I might as well take it back to
00:44:00the car didn't he say where he was going or when he'd be back no well thanks a
00:44:11lot I appreciate I hope the starter fits well won't it I mean if it's the same
00:44:18kind and everything yeah
00:44:24hey why don't I take it down there for you you get your hands all greasy well
00:44:32all right
00:44:48that's it I can't put it in without no tools oh thanks a lot my husband will be
00:45:05back in a minute I like to lay down on the cars I get a feeling about laying
00:45:10down on the cars you know I can fix this thing I can put the starter in you'll be
00:45:15rolling in no time I'm pretty good with a tool and what if your husband don't
00:45:21come back I got a feeling about people coming back sometimes they do and
00:45:28sometimes they go off and don't ever come back I'm that way myself
00:45:35Oh wait
00:45:39you know I could have been an athlete if I got the right chance my husband was
00:45:47promised a job in San Diego where they make missiles and things you know you're
00:45:52pretty nice-looking you better go back to your job my husband will be here in a
00:45:58minute all I said was you're nice-looking is that a crime look I'll
00:46:04tell you what I'll do I'll get the tow truck I'll hook it on the car and I'll
00:46:07tow it to the yard
00:46:31what's he gonna say smoke sweet steels cars take them to tier one oh that's
00:46:35all maybe I'll never sign anything maybe so and maybe not I'll take them
00:46:38maybe so I guess you would how's he gonna stand up and give evidence in court
00:46:41you've got a great mindset I like you I don't doubt it I gotta wash my hands a
00:46:46guy splattered on yeah go wash your hands it's a great experience wise guy
00:46:50don't forget I just assumed it was you and maybe it's gonna be wouldn't you
00:46:54wish if you don't come you're gonna get yours wise guy that stuff you got out in
00:46:57the back ain't gonna save you forever that stuff's gonna wear out clean your
00:47:01hands yeah yeah go clean your hands you heard him yeah Harry now one of these
00:47:06days Harry may not go so good for you goes all right out there my shack on it
00:47:12that doesn't mean very much anymore stuff like that's easy to come by you
00:47:20and I have known one another for a long time Harry I'd like to be a friend to
00:47:24somebody that treats me right but you're making it difficult your mouth is a lot
00:47:29bigger than you are you know I stood here right now and I asked myself why
00:47:36shouldn't I turn Joe loose on you let Harry get the hell beat out of him
00:47:41what's the difference you're nothing to me oh you've paid me a few favors shown
00:47:46me a good time but everything has got to end you know when Joe gets back here I'm
00:47:56gonna be on edge one as it says should I let you get along with me and the
00:48:03other as that that says should I throw you in the corner like a chunk of meat
00:48:10to a dog sergeant you could have been a big man except for one thing there is no
00:48:18except one thing to that big mouth of yours now look don't make me mad Harry
00:48:21you got one big fault and that is you're dumb you know why you're dumb because I
00:48:27gave you something I gave you money and I wrote it down in a book I gave you
00:48:32some stuff in my shack and I got a camera there that takes pictures it takes
00:48:39pictures of you sergeant and it takes pictures of anybody I want there so just
00:48:46let the steam roll back and swallow it like a good boy and don't act so big
00:48:50you're rotten and you're slick Harry but this isn't gonna work with him you're
00:48:55on a hook now yourself I'm bad what the hell do I care I got pictures of you I
00:49:01wouldn't mind putting on City Hall you got more jewels showing than the Tower
00:49:06of London
00:49:21I bet he went in the shack with the pooch everybody does I could have been
00:49:27an athlete I was offered a scholarship only was when I was just out of high
00:49:31school and his girl ruined it for me I don't know why I'm telling you all that
00:49:35except I thought maybe he was wondering why I hang around Harry's wrecking yard
00:49:38and do stuff these are my working clothes listen if you get along with
00:49:42Harry you won't have to pay for that starter or nothing could be worth quite
00:49:45a bit you said you don't know when your husband's gonna come back anyway like I
00:49:50said he went to Harry's shack with the pooch what are you talking about the
00:49:55blonde pooch that hangs around Harry's shack for him she's crazy he's the guy
00:50:00that came in with a starter you're a liar get away from here get away from me
00:50:07I'm not a liar I'm just telling you you better get away from here before my
00:50:11husband gets back I suppose you don't want this car fixed get away from me I
00:50:16don't want you near me it's a free country ain't it free dirt like I said I
00:50:23only wear these old clothes when I'm working around the yard for Harry I look
00:50:25a lot different when I'm all dressed up I got four suits anyway I don't know why
00:50:30you're sore at me I just told you about him going in there boy I've never been
00:50:37able to understand the facts of how a woman thinks like that girl who ruined
00:50:40my chances for athletics in college I could have been a college graduate today
00:50:44only for what she done do you think what she done was right going down to
00:50:48college it said I had to marry her did I touch you did I lay a hand on you you
00:51:05think you got something special I never even smelled at you so shut up there's
00:51:09your damn car dragging that kid all around I took care of plenty of kids in
00:51:13my time that's a damn lie everybody had her not just me she's just wanted to
00:51:19ruin my chances
00:51:26well that ain't something and your old man is gonna come back don't a woman
00:51:33don't have the facts to know what their brains tell them about nothing
00:52:43just looking what I do with my eyeballs you can't put me in jail for I got it
00:52:48with my eyeballs to lots of things young ones old ones fat ones every kind I see
00:52:53pictures in a magazine I do it so what everybody does you don't want me to go
00:52:59you want me to stay I know all about how a woman works she says no she means yes
00:53:07you don't know what she wants till she gets it ain't that right take it easy
00:53:13you get all excited when you could just take it easy
00:53:19kids hungry get him a hamburger
00:55:49all right Harry what are you gonna do I'm thinking about it look all I'm saying
00:56:10is somebody's got to show up downtown if this guy doesn't confess then who will
00:56:14who's next Harry blowhard I'm thinking you can take it or leave it tell me what
00:56:24do you do with a car thief I mean you put him on ice safe look there's a
00:56:28routine all you've got to worry about is the evidence blowhard what's the matter
00:56:35Harry you're scared now no I ain't scared just turning over the rocks for
00:56:41the worms like a cup that turns both ways you're too smart to be a cop hell
00:56:48you're almost smart enough to run a business and wreck cars like me thanks
00:56:53thanks a lot Harry blowhard okay
00:58:11lady what's wrong
00:58:41hey what are you doing kid what's wrong with you oh you sure banged your head
00:59:08what for flagellation self-punishment everybody punishes himself because he
00:59:17craps out and he is no good nobody got punished
00:59:20nobody got hurt no it didn't hurt her none and I didn't hurt myself none and
00:59:29you didn't hurt you none and Harry didn't hurt him none and the head didn't
00:59:34hurt that board none and the stinking rotten stink didn't hurt the wrong you
00:59:41gotta bang it off if you don't watch out bang my head up what are you talking
00:59:45about I have a hundred and eighty IQ you got a deranged stupid mentality and you
00:59:51couldn't even make a living ironing shirts but I don't have to stay here kid
00:59:55you shouldn't feel sorry because you wrecked your head and everything look are
00:59:59you gonna get out of here you got away from that listen do you think I have to
01:00:07take narcotics and stimulants you think I have to depend on other people I don't
01:00:12have to do that you don't bang your head no more I'm gonna go over take a little
01:00:17rest no no no wait a minute listen I could ride on a bus good night
01:00:22hi I could take you on a bus and you could get a job be on a counter where
01:00:26they have coffee now come here pull on my sweater you're gonna get your
01:00:30finger marks all over it didn't get finger marks on your stupid sweat as
01:00:34well get out of here Harry don't even like you anyhow hurry why do I want him
01:00:44why do I do what I do I don't do what I do because he wants me to do what I do
01:00:53listen on that dirt one person was forced and humiliated against what they
01:01:00thought they ought to do now do you think that one person ought to tell
01:01:02another person and change another person and do what no we ever said that they
01:01:07are not gonna do you any good to cry the grown man cries it just makes him feel
01:01:11like a dirty crumb or something do you wanna see on the dirt everything happens
01:01:18on the dirt a king could squat on the dirt in a pot of flowers girl and a
01:01:26little baby listen right right there a baby was crying his little kid hold
01:01:33yourself because you are an awful sloppy mess all right lie right down there on
01:01:40the dirt right in the same place oh stop the bottle a baby's damn bottle you
01:01:52could run over that with a truck
01:01:59hey I'll tell you what you come inside the shack and we'll play records and
01:02:03dance hey don't do that cut that out that's goofy make me feel buggy watching
01:02:11you are you going away with me I don't want to see anybody sucking on a baby's
01:02:18bottle I don't either it's a symbol like a brass symbol or a ruptured spleen and
01:02:32a brass monkey and a flight of the bumblebee and a fare thee well and a
01:02:37well diggers button Montana and a home is where the heart is in a homily and an
01:02:42early to bed and then early to rise and a poor Richards almanac Benjamin
01:02:49Franklin was right the homilies of life like get up in the morning and go to
01:02:59work and save your money and do a good job and it all goes around in a circle
01:03:07but a desiccated liver is still a penny saved is a penny earned and any kind of
01:03:16a rocket any kind is still going to be cried so where you going kid should
01:03:34never got yourself stuck in this thing
01:04:16you want to argue with the cops anymore yeah I want the two of you to start
01:04:22thinking that everything's gonna be all right I want you to start thinking about
01:04:26getting to San Diego and a job and everything's gonna be good I want you to
01:04:31get what's known as the hopes the ragged-ass hopes real strong so you can
01:04:36taste it good in your mouth like something you never had before I'll get
01:04:40you I'll get a job and come back you won't you can't you're nothing but you
01:04:45ain't got the sense to know it yourself you think you're something oh you might
01:04:49be something but you ain't and you never will be a miserable bare-button a
01:04:53hungry kid a stiff neck and an empty head you haven't got any oil you haven't
01:04:59got any slide you haven't got any angles and that's what it takes you'll lose
01:05:04that job you're gonna have more kids and maybe a good-looking now but it'll all
01:05:08go wasted and shot to hell on him when your kids grow up they'll be knocked up
01:05:13or knocked flat and he won't get a job and the false teeth you get won't fit
01:05:18worth a damn they'll fit cheap and lousy like a pair of
01:05:22clackers and yeah and your hair will string around like a wet florm up
01:05:29what do you get the hooks in me for hurry put them there
01:05:47what are you gonna do give you to Joe you know him he starts low and works up
01:06:02please don't do it to me I don't like Harry why do you put the hooks in me
01:06:18you want this
01:06:34give it to Harry
01:06:48you believe that you believe there were nothing the day I start believing what
01:07:13you say you'll never see it I matter to hear that I matter I matter
01:07:43you spit on me Harry you gave me to them well now Harry I'll get him like
01:07:52that you know me nobody gets dirt in my face
01:07:59not even Harry I don't know you you don't know anybody you think you got a
01:08:04kid at home you're nuts well you won't blow hard I want to kill Harry so the
01:08:09blood pops out of him when I stick him high you're high he ain't here well you
01:08:15sure got yourself messed up shut up you don't know nothing you hang around here
01:08:20like a dog with Harry I don't hang around for Harry I just stay here don't
01:08:25you know what you do why don't you go out of here I got my own angles I got
01:08:34all right like when he was gonna take me in the army I told him I'd smoke tea
01:08:38no sweat there what is a big man he don't punch no time clock that's all I
01:08:45got all right you got drunk and told me about all the times you had a girl
01:08:55when you was in the army did you have to be waiting like a dog what's the
01:09:03matter with you stop it for God's sake what's the matter love you you told me
01:09:07that well if it ain't blowhard the coffee I'm gonna get you Harry
01:09:37you're gonna get lonesome on the end of that sticker who do you think this is
01:09:40some punk in a fight you gave me to the cop like I was nothing you are nothing
01:09:45come on get down on the dirt and do some push-ups in the gut quit talking about
01:09:51it come on ahead hey why don't you just forget it here's somebody go ahead here
01:09:58down the road go ahead and crawl you're high on the pot get out of here you're
01:10:06scared it's your hurry I got this for you
01:11:28you turn them loose on me and then you don't feel so good shut up Harry you
01:11:44blast him and you tell me to shut up Sally go tell him what he tried to do to
01:11:49me I don't feel like talking
01:12:19he was gonna stick me you want that blowhard didn't deserve it deserve don't
01:12:45have nothing to do with it things happen by what they deserve maybe I
01:12:52wouldn't be here and maybe you wouldn't be a crazy damn whore maybe a lot of
01:13:00you I'm all through with you I gave you the wrong end of my head I grind up your
01:13:27damn car make hamburger out of it stick your wife in a shack and sell her pieces
01:13:33you couldn't steal you couldn't take you're gonna do nothing hey take my
01:13:43wallet knock me down take it you're junk in your own head crazy you got about six
01:13:48more months and I'll lock you away crazy you call that crazy you turned in a junk
01:13:53your own self junk junk is money you you'll stay on the road like a run-over
01:14:03cat squash
01:14:10I'm gonna wipe you from one end of this yard to the other
01:16:53die you rotten toad die you don't have to stay here we'll take you with us you
01:17:14didn't think I was an animal I used to have a baby but my baby died in me
01:17:19blowhard was going but Harry killed him when my baby was baby my wife and me
01:17:26will take you with us you heard Harry I'm gonna get you a beer you're all
01:17:34right Harry I'll wipe your face off then you can rest on me
