• 9 hours ago
Las hijas de Jorge Lanata evalúan dos vías legales respecto a su herencia: revisar el esquema de donaciones en vida y considerar el artículo de indignidad para negar derechos hereditarios. La abogada Ana Rosenfeld destaca la importancia de determinar la capacidad actual de Lanata, ya que esto afecta la validez de donaciones y poderes. Además, se aclara que Elba Marcovecchio tiene derechos gananciales y una separación de bienes firmada tras el matrimonio.



00:00We are connected to Dr. Rosenfeld, but to be able to talk to her, I'm going to ask you, Luis Bremmer,
00:05if you throw this information again, which left us all stunned.
00:10Yes, two ways that the daughters of Jorge Lanata are analyzing, on the one hand, is the possibility of reviewing
00:17such a scheme of donations in life, because Jorge Lanata is still alive, it must be said,
00:22of his father, and on the other hand, what is the article of indignity as one of the causes
00:27to precisely deny the hereditary possibility?
00:31That's what I wanted to ask Ana, precisely, who knows more about the subject.
00:34Is there any possibility regarding any of the incisions of this article?
00:41Ara, in the donation in life, if Jorge is not aware,
00:45how can a donation in life be made?
00:48There is a chapter. I don't know if we tell it now...
00:52Wait, wait, wait, because Diego... Luis asked a question for Dr. Rosenfeld.
00:57I want to see the doctor, there it is connected, perfect.
00:59Doctor, did you hear what Luis Bremmer said?
01:03I heard what Luis said and I also heard what Cora said.
01:06First, the most important thing is to determine in what current state is Jorge's ability.
01:11Why? Because regardless of that, I say what I said the other day
01:15and I see that Diego Estevez is very clear about it.
01:18One of the ways in which the possibility of using a power also expires,
01:23is not only with the death and revocation of power,
01:26but also with the incapacity of the powerful.
01:30That is to say that if today it is still not known what is the capacity that Jorge has,
01:35because there was not yet that determination of capacity,
01:37today we could not be discussing whether he made donations or did not make donations
01:42in this instance or in this state.
01:45Now, if there is a way to proceed to desegregation with cause of indignity,
01:51as Luis said, and that has to do precisely when the other heirs
01:57consider that the person to whom they intend to desegregate out of indignity
02:02committed some lewd act in honor of the dignity and heritage of the person in question.
02:08That is correct.
02:10It must also be clarified, sorry that I speak everything fast,
02:12but distant from the information they threw out,
02:15that Elba Barcovecchio, in this case, what she has is the profitability of these years
02:21with respect to the property that Jorge had before contracting narcissism with Elba,
02:27corresponds to her as a daughter.
02:30Let me correct a fact that we gave yesterday in this program,
02:35and that is that they have signed a separation of assets after the marriage.
02:41I understand that there is a year to sign that regime to decide
02:45if there will be common assets or if each one will have their own assets.
02:51Well, they signed the separation of assets, and I'll give you one more piece of information so you can answer us.
02:55Why do they tell me that they signed the separation of assets,
02:59that they signed the separation of assets, Nata and Elba Barcovecchio?
03:02Because Elba Barcovecchio bought an apartment that is in her name
03:06after the separation of assets, and that would have been done
03:11so that the apartment that would have been bought in half between Nata and Elba Barcovecchio
03:18would only appear in the name of Elba Barcovecchio,
03:22because Elba Barcovecchio would have told Nata that she wanted that apartment to be left to her daughters.
03:28How did Nata buy that apartment, or at least how did she put half of her share?
03:33With a loan that she would have asked Radio Mitre,
03:38and that to this day would be discounted from her salary receipt.
03:43We are talking about $ 600,000.
03:46The other part would have been paid by Elba Barcovecchio for the sale of her home in Cityville.
03:52When Nata sold that and much more.
03:56But with Jorge Lanata's delicate health, what happens if that loan does not pay off?
04:03And the question for Ross Enfeles.
04:05Can the other daughters report fraud?
04:10I understand her father, who also signed, and Elba Barcovecchio,
04:14because they made a maneuver, a priori illegal, to put that name, that apartment,
04:21on behalf of Elba, when in truth those $ 600,000 would correspond to her,
04:26if fraud is proven, $ 200,000 to Lola and $ 200,000 to Barney.
04:32No, there is no fraud.
04:34There is literally no fraud. Why?
04:36Because the separation of assets agreement also allows to recognize donations that can be made.
04:42So for me the figure that they had to have used,
04:45we are talking about blind people because I do not see documentation,
04:48is that of the donation.
04:50It means that if Jorge donated money to Elba so that she could acquire 50% of this property,
04:58he did not commit any fraud.
05:00That document is not there.
05:02To finish paying that loan to Radio Mitre,
05:07if it is going to be paid with money that belongs to the subsidiary.
05:10Karina Antoniali is writing to me.
05:14The friend of Karina.
05:16What does Karina say?
05:18The apartment is in good family and was bought only by Elvita.
05:28Three sources of the environment of La Nata,
05:31one from within Radio Mitre that tell me that there was,
05:34maybe La Nata spent it on something else,
05:36but that there was a loan request on a date coinciding with the purchase of the apartment,
05:42and that to this day it is unconfirmed.
05:44Yes, exactly.
05:46$ 1,200,000.
05:49Well, two things sound strange to me, Ana.
05:51I don't know if you can answer in summary.
05:53On the one hand, that from a house I understand in Villa Elisa,
05:56in a house that can be very beautiful in the province of Buenos Aires,
05:59buy a unit inside a palace.
06:01And on the other hand, with all due respect for Radio Mitre,
06:04that a company banks you 600,000, 600,000 lucas verdes.
06:08And with La Nata's dedicated health.
06:10That must be saved at some point.
06:12Who was going to take care of it?
06:14But also here the daughters who suspect that their father could have committed a fraud against them.
06:19The truth is that it is very rare.
06:21No, the daughters would know.
06:23I'm not going to talk about the daughters.
06:26And La Nata put $ 600,000.
06:28Now they were also benefited.
06:30The father spends it on whatever he wants, Diego.
06:32It's amoral.
06:34The father spends it on whatever he wants.
06:36It's money.
06:38But it's a fraud.
06:40It's a fraud against the state, against all of us.
06:42I understand.
06:44Just a moment, please, colleagues.
06:46I understand that this information just fell to us.
06:48We are about to do an entire program about these $ 600,000.
06:51Who is going to pay them?
06:53Who is going to pay them?
06:55We will continue on Monday.
06:57I want to say goodbye to Dr. Rosenfele, who is connected from Miami.
07:00Anita, we send you a big kiss.
07:02We'll follow you in the week.
07:04Yes, it's a topic that really has to be seen with a lot of objectivity.
07:09And you don't have to be afraid of anything.
07:11Just see it as it is.
07:13A kiss, Anita.
07:15The house in Granville, which is one of the most expensive places.
07:21Thanks to the people of Las Margaritas for joining us.
07:25They always have everything you need.
07:27Please, Alicia Pedrelli and Luis Ventura.
07:30What is Secretos Veraderos about tomorrow?
07:33I found out five minutes before the air was released.
07:36What is it about?
07:38He's going to find out a little earlier today.
07:40It's the second part of the chapter we gave last week.
07:44It's Jorge Lanata in the hands of God.
07:46The second part.
07:48And it's all his unpublished biography.
07:50Through the work he did.
07:52And through La Cuna Televisión, which is nothing less than America.
07:57It's the only channel that has all of Jorge's video material.
08:02Tomorrow at what time?
08:04Tomorrow at 8 p.m.
08:06It's totally recommended.
08:08I'm going to do it quickly because I have to go to the theater later.
