• avant-hier


01:01My word, I say, operator, it's bottoms up.
01:09After months of careful preparation, I set forth for the dark continent
01:14after bidding my loving wife a fond farewell.
01:18You're not much good around here anyway.
01:20All you do is talk, talk, talk, bring home a lot of cannibals and French-German people.
01:23I don't have much good out of you anyway, so you can go to your African jungle and don't come back.
01:27Er, er, er, wrong scene.
01:29Er, er, er, the most luxurious liner was none too good for our expedition.
01:35We left our dear homeland behind amid the cheers and well-wishes of our many, many friends.
01:43For days, we leisurely cruised the bounding main.
01:47This map will clearly illustrate the direct route we followed.
01:53My word!
02:03For, er, onward and onward we sailed until suddenly before us appeared Africa.
02:17Soon we found ourselves far from civilization,
02:20deep in a vast, trackless wasteland, mysterious, far-flouting jungle.
02:26Experiencing unbelievable hardships, struggling and fighting for our very existence,
02:31we plunged ever onward, onward, onward.
02:40People in the grave, if monkeys.
02:44Finally, as we approached our long-sought objective,
02:47we were met by a friendly tribe of savages,
02:50whose chief gave us a greeting of welcome in his curious native tongue.
03:05So, to the African tobacco company.
03:13That night, we were entertained by these carefree savages,
03:18these children of nature.
03:20We were held spellbound as we listened to their primitive songs
03:24and watched their quaint original dances,
03:27all unchanged since the beginning of time.
03:43Translation by Jean Laflute
04:14At last, when the bubble retired,
04:17we found sleep impossible because of the gigantic mosquitoes prevalent in this country.
04:26Ordinary netting was of no avail against these monsters.
04:30It was necessary to cover our windows with very heavy chicken wire.
04:35Translation by Jean Laflute
05:06Should we eat them here or take them down to the swamp?
05:09We'd better eat them here.
05:11If we take them down to the swamp, the big fellas might take them away from us.
05:24At dawning, we were many, many miles from camp,
05:27deep in the jungle bordering the dreaded guerrilla country.
05:32As we approached this ominous land, we suddenly heard a blood-curdling sound.
05:54My word! What's that?
05:56That ain't a gorilla.
05:58It's a wolf!
06:28Translation by Jean Laflute
06:58Translation by Jean Laflute
07:28© BF-WATCH TV 2021