• 2 days ago
Playmates Godzilla X Kong The New Empire Mega Heat Ray Godzilla
00:00well if you can't see him in the night he at least has a light here's your look
00:04at the playmates toys Godzilla X Kong the new Empire mega heat ray Godzilla
00:19Godzilla and Kong return in an all-new adventure pitting the almighty Kong and
00:24the fearsome Godzilla against the colossal undiscovered threat hidden
00:28within our world challenging their very existence and our own I think before
00:33Godzilla starts breathing down buildings with a case of bad breath I'm gonna
00:37grab the tape measure and I'm gonna tell you how big the Godzilla X Kong the new
00:40Empire misting heat ray Godzilla actually stands while I'm doing this as
00:45well I'd like to thank the folks over at playmates that kindly provided this
00:47sample we could have a look at Godzilla is quite large how large in fact the
00:52figure is gonna stand about twelve and a half inches in height or misting Godzilla
00:56is about 32 centimeters tall so what does make the king of the monsters mist
01:01you may ask well first the figure does come in clear with an instruction sheet
01:05I would always recommend first going through the instructions so you get a
01:07good idea a lay of the land exactly what you have to do one thing you don't have
01:11to do right away is installing the batteries playmates have already taken
01:14the liberty of doing that for you though the time does come that you have to
01:18change them you'll be required to change out three triple-a batteries that go in
01:22the undergullet of his belly we're gonna talk more about that also as well
01:26it shows you how to fill up the water because it does come in clue with a
01:29dropper it's just a case of filling up a cup with water now I've already taken
01:32the liberty of filling the dropper with enough water to at least show you how
01:35this guy does mist it shows you how as well to install that don't worry don't
01:40worry it'll all be things I'll be showing you guys here in a second and
01:42the figure does also come in clue with a replacement foam sponge even that off to
01:47the side so as already mentioned the thing that comes included with is a
01:49dropper it doesn't have water I will say that right away I had to take the
01:53liberty of filling this up first with cold water I think cold water is
01:57probably the best thing as that's the thing that missed the best I tried this
02:00actually with warmer water as well and I didn't get as good of a result so I
02:03would say right away cold water is the best option for you fill this up with a
02:06little bit of water and I fill this all the way but I've kind of been
02:09admittingly playing with console in between takes so well this is what's
02:13left of the water that's more than enough to show you guys how exactly this
02:16guy miss the figure like I said does also come included with a sponge piece
02:20now the sponge is something that's gonna go actually in the top of his head there
02:24is already one installed in the top of his head but this gives you a
02:26replacement yeah I know there's a lot to kind of cover off something else to the
02:31cover off is that when you get this guy the packaging some assembly is required
02:34Godzilla's back tail is actually a separate piece from the front half of
02:37his body when you get it out of the packaging it's almost like I'm
02:40separating a lobster this back softer rubbery tail has to be installed to the
02:44larger Baldwin it's really easy in fact you even have to heat this up at all
02:48just twist a little bit and then the tail attaches very securely on the back
02:51of Godzilla's body by the way the batteries as I've already mentioned if
02:56you look to the bottom of here his underbelly right here you can see there's
02:59two screws you'll have to unscrew both of those take the plate off install back
03:02in your three triple-a batteries playmates have already done that for you
03:06I mean most of the toys generally when it comes to things like this are
03:08obviously there as well so the kids get the chance to play them in stores or
03:12adults get the chance to try these also in stores you will go get the lights and
03:16sounds the thing you won't get obviously is the misting effect now Godzilla
03:20lights up only here and here he basically will charge up across the the
03:24platelets of his body obviously the back of his body though is only colored in
03:29pink so the back of his tail and the front crest area around his head those
03:33are the only things that are going to look a little out of place when you
03:35compare it to the clear track like the translucent pink that they use for the
03:38majority of his scales does have some articulation now the legs themselves
03:42move forward or back I know normally we will look looked at the articulation a
03:46little bit later but the legs themselves move forward and back you can't really
03:49separate them out so Godzilla will only really have the means to move forward
03:53and back his arms will also be something that moves freely forward and back you
03:57can also move them out as well and if you would really want to consider this
04:00articulation I would certainly consider this articulation the tail does also
04:03freely move up and down and back and forth as well with the way that they've
04:07obviously posed him to like you can only really have Godzilla in one sort of
04:10stance if you look at the way his feet are they're arched in such a way that
04:14Godzilla works really the best if he's upright like this now obviously you guys
04:20will want to see how exactly the lights and the sounds work you don't have to
04:23even really fill it up with water if you're worried that mist is gonna get
04:27everywhere first of all the mist isn't as grand perhaps as you may think it's
04:30not gonna be covering everything with water it gets just enough of it so you
04:34can really see how cool this thing actually does look now if you wanted to
04:37you don't have to add the water right away oh no he will still light up he
04:42still will make the audio clips with or without the water but if you want to see
04:46what the water looks like let's go ahead so we're gonna pick up Godzilla here and
04:49if you look at the top of his head which I don't want to take too much really
04:53away from the actual sculpting of the head I know we're gonna rush right away
04:55to looking at the mist effect the head sculpt looks good you can see he does
04:59have a pink eye there or actually pink on both of his eyes top and bottom of
05:03his teeth do are nicely painted there as well they've even painted in the tongue
05:06now this is something that doesn't have technically articulation this mouth will
05:10open the moment you start to press this button nice coloring overall of the blue
05:14and you've got the pink whether you like the look of pink with Godzilla or not I
05:17think the color of the two colors work really well with this release now if we
05:21look at the bottom he does have a little bit of airbrushing so they've lightly
05:24colored the under ball under belly of his body they've also under colored the
05:28areas of his arms and the under sections of his legs as well so some nice two
05:32tones effects a little hollow on the bombs of his feet but that's not that's
05:35not really gonna be the places you're gonna be seeing anyways but if you guys
05:38want to see how this works what you're gonna want to do is you're gonna want to
05:41take the top crest piece off and you just separate it just that's easy I mean
05:46all you can see is basically there's two pegs at the back a larger peg in the
05:49front that's gonna plug in here here and here now that extra extra sponge how
05:54this works this sponge you twist so if you twist it up so if you look at it it
05:59kind of looks like it's got well I'm gonna bring in the other sponge so you
06:02guys can see put Godzilla here down for a second see how the sponge has a lip
06:08see this is a little higher of a lip than the bottom here this is the part
06:11that when you turn this you want to make sure that this is turned up and then
06:14that's the way that remove the sponge it will tell you that over time the sponge
06:17will start to break down I wonder if there's probably a way that you could
06:21even start to shape your own sponges and just fit them inside that way what you'll
06:25do though is that the sponge basically will be pulled at the top just like that
06:30now this is already wet because I've had I've been filling this with water but
06:34when it comes time you'll probably start to see that maybe the misting won't work
06:38as well over time and that'll probably be the indication to you that you need
06:41to change the sponge the sponge will be the thing that basically holds the
06:44moisture and then the mist basically will be blown through the sponge when
06:48you plug it back in place you slot it in like this and then you twist you turn it
06:52down and that locks it in you may already be able to see this as well that
06:56when you put the sponge through it covers over the sort of the open canal
06:59area that's going to be the part that you take their water the water you
07:03basically will just put into the top of Godzilla's head and you just squirt
07:07squirt it down now it'll go only to a point where after a while you'll probably
07:11see there's a little bit of water that kind of shot out the sides that will be
07:14the best time to know that you filled enough with water that you know Godzilla
07:18is now full and ready to start misting put the head obviously back back in
07:21place you want to make sure that that's completely covered and then to cycle
07:24through the light ups the audio clips and misting is all done here by
07:30triggering the side button on the back on the side of his body there's no
07:33other button located here on Godzilla so you'll know right away there are a few
07:36little areas like looking at this that I thought this must be a secondary button
07:39but I think that was maybe used for earlier Godzilla release so even though
07:42this is really technically here it doesn't serve a purpose you can't press
07:46this in all the magic will be done here by pressing the side of his button so if
07:50I just put this down here for a second I'm gonna press this button you can see
07:55his mouth lights up but then this also you can see and there's the mist I don't
08:01know if you guys can actually see the mist or not it's only just a little bit
08:04it works certainly better in the dark I'll be cutting the lights in the studio
08:08in a second so you guys can see but again we're gonna press the button here
08:11on the side again the eyes will light up the mouth will light up and then you'll
08:14see it'll go in sequence the scales will all light up leading up to the front of
08:18his face can you see that mist okay maybe what we'll do is we'll cut the
08:29lights we'll try it again so you guys can see what this looks like in the dark
08:31and with the lights now cut off what we're gonna do is we're gonna press this
08:34button again and I find it's actually a little easier to see the mist just
08:41because now it's in the dark the lights inside the mouth will be the thing that
08:44illuminates the mist we'll just press it one more time we'll just bring this a
08:51little bit closer now that that's a better way to actually see this let's
08:54press this one more time while we're in the dark really really cool what I do
09:04also like about Godzilla is that it's more of a mist than it is a spray when
09:08you do press the button again and you put your hand against it you can feel a
09:12cool moisture hitting your skin but your skin doesn't get wet because it's also
09:16using only tap water it's a safe mist too it's something that you can have
09:20around your kids and you don't have to worry about it it's not something that
09:23sold specifically for Godzilla where you have to order more of it online it's
09:26just again simple tap water even if Godzilla was only just using the sound
09:30clips and then the light up effects up his scales I think alone that would be
09:34the price of admission but I think it's a fun touch though that playmates also
09:37added a misting effect to the front of Godzilla not only does it look cool when
09:41he's misting but the fact that also the inside of his mouth illuminates the mist
09:44it looks even better in the dark out of the packaging mega heat ray Godzilla has
09:48everything that you need if you just want the lights and the sounds the only
09:52thing you really have to do on your part is install the tail but because they've
09:55required three triple-a batteries were already included by playmates if you
09:58just want the lights and the sounds and want to do away with the mist all
10:01together simply you can just use it without the water generally though I
10:05don't like to have water sitting inside my toys I mean obviously with a case
10:08like this I had to see what it looked like and it meaningly it is pretty cool
10:12to see God Godzilla misting like this but at the end of this review I'm gonna
10:16take the top of his head out gonna remove the sponge I'm just gonna let
10:19this guy dry out naturally that way I'm not gonna have any extra water sitting
10:23inside one thing I will say though with with the dropper and the additional
10:27sponge just put it inside of a bag because those are two things that you're
10:29gonna need maybe not so much the the dabber the dropper the dropper you can
10:34probably just easily get any other eyedropper to install the water in the
10:37top of Godzilla's noggin like this but you want to make sure you hold on to the
10:41extra sponge the sponge is really the thing that's holding the water in place
10:44and it's basically blasting air straight through that once that starts to break
10:48down you may start to see that maybe the misting isn't working as well as it did
10:51before that's probably your sign to know that you're gonna have to change the
10:55sponge attachment so make sure you keep that out of the packaging when you're
10:58putting this guy together yeah even though you don't really necessarily need
11:01the mist you have to agree though the mist effect does add a little bit of
11:04appeal to the character he's large in size one thing though I didn't mention
11:08though in this review for his articulation is that he does swivel in
11:11the ankles as well I was probably so quick to get right to the misting I
11:14failed to mention that but really a neat release if you're a big fan of Godzilla
11:18specifically from Godzilla X Kong the new empire and you want to light up
11:22Godzilla does a little bit more you may want to try to track down the mega heat
11:26ray Godzilla from the folks over at Playmates speaking of which though I'd
11:29like to thank the folks over Playmates that did provide this sample we could
11:32have a look at what do you guys think of Godzilla let me know down below in
11:35the comment section would you be also one that be interested get one for
11:38yourself and are you a big fan of Godzilla and the Godzilla X Kong film
11:42series because so far we have two from what as far as I know the studio is
11:46already planning to turn out a couple more sequels after that if you guys did
11:49enjoy this video do it a solid throw it a like you guys want to stick around for
11:52more so I hope so hit that subscribe turn on that Bell and of course the
11:55biggest thing is that you're coming back we may be wrapping up things right now
11:59for the King of Monsters but this is after all Godzilla X Kong I'm sure we
12:03will be getting an appearance from Kong in an upcoming video so make sure you're
12:06coming back for that as always thanks for watching see you guys next time
