• 6 hours ago
HD مسلسل تل الرياح الحلقة 144 مترجمة
HD مسلسل تل الرياح الحلقة 145 مترجمة
HD مسلسل تل الرياح الحلقة 146 مترجمة
HD مسلسل تل الرياح الحلقة 144 مترجمة
00:01:45Some anybody all I get rejection
00:01:48Venue room be şeyler
00:01:50Farkında mısın yöntemlerin çok çağdışı
00:03:12Şimdi yetenekli modern oldu mu
00:03:18Bak istediğin şey imkansız ben bu kadar samanın içinde nasıl bulayım oyunu
00:03:24Eğer borcunu ödemek istiyorsan bulacaksın
00:03:37Sana kolay gelsin sağ ol sen sağ ol
00:03:50Beni gün geçtikçe daha da zorlamayı başarıyorsun
00:03:55Ama sen görürsün
00:03:57Ne yapıp edip bulacağım o iğneyi
00:04:00Bu zamanın altını üstüne getireceğim yine bulacağım borçlu kalmayacağım sana
00:04:20Halil'in seni fabrikaya müdür yapması çok ince bir davranış
00:04:24Ee evladımın hayatı düzenli olmalı
00:04:31Halil'lerden anlaş sağ olsun
00:04:36Çok yakıştı müdür bey
00:04:47Kocana gurur mu duyuyorsun her zaman
00:05:00Seni hak edecek ne yaptım ben
00:05:06Şey diyeceğim akşam annenleri yemeğe mi çağırsak diyorum olur hayatım iyi düşünmüşsün
00:05:16Hani ondan gizli evlenmeye kalktık ya biraz kırıldı hissediyorum
00:05:20Hem gönlünü almış oluruz hem de annelerimiz tanışmış olur
00:05:24Çok iyi düşünmüşsün aşkım
00:05:26Ama kendini fazla yorma
00:05:29Annemden de yardım al
00:05:32Nasıl geliyor demek
00:05:35Anayı elle bir ters yüze diyeceğim ki gelen kız bir daha bu eve ayakını bile basmayacak
00:05:46Akşam görüşürüz
00:06:20Çekmiş anam senden olsa olsa zalimlik zorbalık öğrenir
00:06:44Efendim abla nasılsın ablacığım
00:06:46Sesin yorgun gibi geldi
00:06:49Yoo iyiyim gayet sen nasılsın ben de iyiyim
00:06:53Akşam biz de ailece yemek yiyelim diyorum
00:06:56Güzel düşünmüşsün
00:06:59Eren'in annesi de burada hem tanışmış olursunuz
00:07:02Hala evini hiç biriniz görmediniz
00:07:05Sanki birileri şu an orada suratını mı astı bana mı öyle geliyor
00:07:10Akşama sendeyiz merak etme iyi ki varsın ablacığım
00:07:14Annem evlendiğimden beri ne aradı ne sordu
00:07:19Nasıl söyleyeceğim nasıl çağıracağım bilmiyorum
00:07:22Tersler mi sence
00:07:24Sen onu dert etme ben annemle konuşur ikna ederim bir şekilde
00:07:28Sen rahat rahat akşama hazırlan
00:07:30İyi ki varsın ablacığım teşekkür ederim
00:07:32O zaman akşam yedide bekliyorum sizi sakın geç kalmayın
00:07:36Kalmayız ablacığım merak etme
00:07:44Ne oldu
00:07:48İşten kaytararak sabırlı olmayı öğrenemezsin
00:08:01Telefonla konuşmanın da yasak olduğunu bilmiyordum kusura bakma
00:08:07Öğrenmiş oldun
00:08:08Ver telefonumu ver dedim
00:08:14Sen iğneyi bulana kadar telefon yasak
00:08:19Bu kadarı çok fazla ver şunu
00:08:21Az bile
00:08:31Tamam madem iğneyi bulmamı istiyorsun
00:08:37Ne yapıyorsun
00:08:39Sen iğneyi bulmamı istemiyor musun
00:08:41Arayacağım işte
00:08:45Zeynep ellerinle arayacaksın sabırla
00:08:51Ben topraklarda büyüdüm
00:08:53Sabretmeyi mücadeleyi çok iyi bilirim Ali Fırat
00:08:57Senden öğrenecek değilim
00:08:59Zeynep bak ayağına iğne batacak
00:09:02Ne olur batarsa
00:09:04Ne olur canım yanarsa umurunda mı sanki
00:09:12Yapma şunu
00:09:18O iğneyi bulana kadar durmayacağım
00:09:29Battı mı
00:09:31Evet battı mutlu musun
00:09:33Dur çıkaralım şunu
00:09:35Gerek yok
00:09:48Sen sabırsızsın
00:09:50Laf dinlemiyorsun
00:09:59Mikrop kapacak ayağın kanıyor
00:10:03Neyse ki kendi yaralarımla kendimi baş etmeye alışıyorum ben
00:10:12Ne yapıyorsun
00:10:30Yeter artık bırak şu hasiliğini
00:10:32İndir beni
00:10:34İndir beni dedim sana
00:10:41Hayırdır gülüm
00:10:43Gezmeye mi gideceksin
00:10:47Annemleri yemeğe çağırdım da
00:10:49Alışveriş yapmaya gidiyorum
00:10:51Ailene gelin sofrası kurmak hakkındır
00:10:55Ama önce büyüklerine soracağım
00:10:58Adapusul öğretmediler mi sana
00:11:02Sabır sabır
00:11:05Kocanın annesi
00:11:07Sabır sabır
00:11:09Kocanın annesi
00:11:11Misafirin Selma
00:11:13Gidecek sabır
00:11:17Her lafa böyle surat mı sallandıracaksın sen
00:11:21Haklısınız kıymet anne
00:11:23Bir dahaki sefere size sorarım
00:11:25Beni çağırmadan önce
00:11:29Ben çıkayım
00:11:31Kızım nereye
00:11:33Önce temizlik yapacaksın
00:11:35Misafirler gelmeden önce köşe bucak
00:11:37Dip köşe elden geçer
00:11:41Düş sen bakayım peşime
00:11:45Gelin kız
00:11:47Kime diyeyim ben
00:12:13Gerek yoktu aslında
00:12:15Küçücük bir şey zaten
00:12:17İhmal edilen yara büyür
00:12:19Tamam gerisini ben hallederim
00:12:39Şimdi ayağın mikrop kaparsa borcunu ödeyemezsin
00:12:43Merak etme
00:12:45Ölsem de ödeyeceğim ben sana borcumu
00:12:47Valla bu asilikle zor
00:12:53Kımıldama dedim
00:12:59Çok merak ediyorum biliyor musun
00:13:01Acaba ne zaman benim sözümü dinleyeceksin
00:13:03Ne zaman benim sözümü dinleyeceksin
00:13:17Bitmedi mi
00:13:33Sözleşmeyi alabilir miyim
00:13:35Sözleşme mi
00:13:39İlk maddenin üzerini çizeceğim
00:13:41Sabır sınavına geçtim sonuçta
00:13:53İtiraz etmedin
00:13:55Etmedim çünkü yaralısın
00:13:57Yoksa çoktan sınıfta kaldı
00:13:59Bende samanlıkta iğne aramaktan
00:14:01Bende samanlıkta iğne aramaktan
00:14:03bahsetmiyorum zaten
00:14:05Seninle geçirdiğim zamanla da tahammül ediyorum yani
00:14:07Bu da ayrı bir sabır sınavı
00:14:23Böyle çizdim karaladım da
00:14:25Akşama devam edeceğiz
00:14:27Akşam yedi ablam yemeğe bekliyor
00:14:41Öyle kaçamazsın
00:14:45Saat yediye daha çok var
00:14:47Kaçmıyorum zaten
00:14:49Merak etme
00:14:51Her türlü sınavı geçeceğimden kuşkun olmasın
00:14:53Ama kendi yöntemlerimle
00:14:55Canım istediği zaman
00:15:09Sen benden değil
00:15:11Bizden kaçıyorsun Zeynep
00:15:17Ama bakalım bu maddeler bittiğinde de kaçabilecek misin
00:15:20Ama bakalım bu maddeler bittiğinde de kaçabilecek misin
00:15:43Çamaşır makinesi ne zaman duracak
00:15:45Çamaşır makinesi ne zaman duracak
00:15:4710 dakikası var
00:15:49Şunları çıkarayım
00:15:51Sonra onları da çıkarıp asarım
00:15:53Oh oh
00:15:55Akşam olacak misafirler dökülüp gelecek
00:15:57Sen hala perde asıcın
00:16:01Ben böyle yapacağım
00:16:03Kaynanam dakikasında kapının önüne koyardı beni
00:16:07Zamane gelinleri prensesler gibi yaşıyorsunuz valla
00:16:33Köşey kızım köşey
00:16:35Bak bak orada da toz var
00:16:39Nerede hani
00:16:41Aha orada
00:16:43Take a look at yourself. You look like a cat.
00:16:47If you're not ashamed, you'll say it.
00:16:51I'll just sit here without paying the rent.
00:16:54God will be pleased with you.
00:16:57Sweetheart, if you're going to look at me, wipe it off.
00:17:01Come on.
00:17:03Oh my God.
00:17:04Oh my God.
00:17:13Lady, you can't sign the paper.
00:17:17You have to pull the house and turn it.
00:17:27I'm tired. I'm tired.
00:17:29I'm going to sleep like I put my head on the pillow at night.
00:17:34I'm tired.
00:17:43It's not bad, but...
00:17:47It has to be a meaningful, spiritual, and high gift.
00:18:04How's your foot?
00:18:07Thanks to you, it's fine.
00:18:14What are you looking at?
00:18:16I'm looking at my sister's house gift.
00:18:20I bought our gift. We'll give it to each other.
00:18:25I'll take my own gift.
00:18:29Husbands and wives don't buy separate gifts.
00:18:32Is that so?
00:18:34Then we'll give you your gift, throw it in the trash, and we'll give mine together.
00:18:38You don't know my sister better than I do.
00:18:44Do you want help on the phone because you know her very well?
00:18:48Come on.
00:18:51You know, it takes a lot of effort to cope with your logic.
00:18:56Wouldn't a person say, okay, just once?
00:18:58Wouldn't he?
00:19:00Especially about who knows my sister better.
00:19:07The flower gives me the right.
00:19:09Zeynep is right, Zeynep is right. Do you hear?
00:19:15Don't touch her, you'll hurt her.
00:19:20I'm hungry, I'm hungry.
00:19:24I'm done eating, baby.
00:19:28I'm hungry.
00:19:33I'm going to look at the gift, look at the bird.
00:20:02We can go back to the materials.
00:20:05You know.
00:20:07There are many ways you have to go.
00:20:12Of course, of course.
00:20:14I'd love to go that way, but I have to talk to my mother first.
00:20:29Run away, run away.
00:20:33We'll see how far you can run in that little room.
00:20:53It's evening, where are you?
00:20:59I could only do it alone, mother.
00:21:02And shoes, mashallah.
00:21:05Tell me, what does your mother drink on her days off?
00:21:09We usually consume soil masks.
00:21:12Organic vegetables are cooked in our kitchen.
00:21:17You'll find organic in the market, but you'll make it.
00:21:21We had our own lands.
00:21:22We had our own lands.
00:21:27We had our own lands.
00:21:29No more.
00:21:31With a little habit.
00:21:33My brother cooked it for Zeynep.
00:21:37Is this Zeynep Eren's boss's wife?
00:21:43Is she the boss's wife?
00:21:47What are you doing?
00:21:48Since both the diners and my precious boss are coming,
00:21:53I'll make sure they get a feast.
00:21:58I'll make sure they get a feast.
00:22:11Girl, what are you doing here?
00:22:14Come on, warm the bulgur.
00:22:18Come on, warm the bulgur.
00:22:37It looks great.
00:22:42It's been a long time since you had coffee.
00:22:46Enjoy your meal, mom.
00:22:54Come on, don't frown.
00:22:56Take the baklava out of your mouth and let's learn.
00:23:00No, dear, what baklava?
00:23:03Zeynep, coffees, visits.
00:23:06Obviously, you have something.
00:23:14You know, it's customary to go to the newlyweds' house for dinner.
00:23:19My sister's mother-in-law is here, too.
00:23:23Good. Then hug her as a mother.
00:23:27Don't interrupt me.
00:23:29Look, my sister invited us to dinner tonight.
00:23:34How do you think I can accept this invitation, Zeynep?
00:23:36Zeynep, you?
00:23:38Did you think I was dishonest because I didn't want your sister to be rude that day?
00:23:46If you and your sister didn't have me, I would never go there.
00:23:53Well, won't your mother-in-law ask you where your daughter's mother and family are?
00:24:01They didn't invite her, either.
00:24:04Obviously, they don't want their families.
00:24:07Let's leave her alone now.
00:24:15Mom, think about it. If we don't go, the whole town will hear this.
00:24:21Should they say that Tülay Aslanlı is angry with his daughter?
00:24:24Should they talk like that behind my back?
00:24:57Thank God we made it through today.
00:25:00I don't think I'll be able to stand until the evening, Mr. Ali.
00:25:03He's got a lot of work to do.
00:25:12My work can wait. Because...
00:25:15Because we're moving on to a new topic.
00:25:21What's next?
00:25:24Come with me.
00:25:42What are you going to do?
00:25:45Be patient.
00:26:04You're going to shave me.
00:26:07Well, I've never shaved anyone before. I don't know how it's done.
00:26:11Well, okay.
00:26:13The opportunity has come to you.
00:26:15You'll learn.
00:26:22You're aware of this whip in your hand, aren't you?
00:26:25What if I get angry and hurt you?
00:26:27Then you'll learn to control your anger.
00:26:30What can't you do?
00:26:40I trust my wife.
00:26:58Oh, Tülay Aslanlı.
00:27:00You're burning, mom.
00:27:02Let me go. Give me a hand. Put on that necklace.
00:27:05Right away.
00:27:08My sister will be blown away when she sees you.
00:27:12I'm only going on this invitation for the sake of our family.
00:27:15You know that, don't you, Merve?
00:27:17Of course. She doesn't say I missed my daughter.
00:27:21We'll take her home as a gift.
00:27:24I haven't decided yet.
00:27:25I haven't decided yet.
00:27:29Let's buy a fancy dinner set.
00:27:32We don't have any money, Merve.
00:27:35Zeynep is our sister.
00:27:37What a coincidence.
00:27:40Well, are we going to go empty-handed with mom?
00:27:45I had a bracelet left on the shore.
00:27:49She's a craftsman. Design.
00:27:51You couldn't afford to wear it.
00:27:55It used to be like that.
00:27:59Come on, go get a package and put it in the package.
00:28:10I can't belittle my daughter next to her husband's mother-in-law.
00:28:15No one respects the fact that he doesn't value his mother.
00:28:26First you're going to foam my face.
00:28:29Then there are certain places, there.
00:28:32You're going to shave around here.
00:28:33That's all.
00:28:42This is how we are in the second article.
00:28:44Who knows what else is waiting for me?
00:28:49Yes, I'm ready.
00:28:51What are we waiting for?
00:28:55What are we waiting for?
00:29:25What are we waiting for?
00:29:55What are we waiting for?
00:29:56What are we waiting for?
00:29:57What are we waiting for?
00:29:58What are we waiting for?
00:29:59What are we waiting for?
00:30:00What are we waiting for?
00:30:01What are we waiting for?
00:30:02What are we waiting for?
00:30:03What are we waiting for?
00:30:04What are we waiting for?
00:30:05What are we waiting for?
00:30:06What are we waiting for?
00:30:07What are we waiting for?
00:30:08What are we waiting for?
00:30:09What are we waiting for?
00:30:10What are we waiting for?
00:30:11What are we waiting for?
00:30:12What are we waiting for?
00:30:13What are we waiting for?
00:30:14What are we waiting for?
00:30:15What are we waiting for?
00:30:16What are we waiting for?
00:30:17What are we waiting for?
00:30:18What are we waiting for?
00:30:19What are we waiting for?
00:30:20What are we waiting for?
00:30:21What are we waiting for?
00:30:22Can you turn your head away?
00:30:35That way.
00:31:51I'm not.
00:32:03I'm brave.
00:32:08You'll see how brave I am.
00:32:21If you want to pay your debt, calm down.
00:32:31How can you be so fearless after everything you've made me go through?
00:32:53You're afraid of hurting me.
00:32:56Do you have to stab me in the throat to understand that?
00:33:27You're afraid of hurting me.
00:33:32You're afraid of hurting me.
00:33:37You're afraid of hurting me.
00:33:43You're afraid of hurting me.
00:33:48You're afraid of hurting me.
00:33:53You're afraid of hurting me.
00:33:56You're afraid of hurting me.
00:33:59You're afraid of hurting me.
00:34:09Okay, that's enough.
00:34:21So, which article do we want in the contract?
00:34:26I'm asking you, which article do we want in the contract?
00:34:40None of them.
00:34:44In the morning, you stubbornly went to me and took that gift.
00:34:48Then you ran away without even looking back.
00:34:51I was going to give you a lesson.
00:34:53That's what your heart wanted. It wasn't in the contract.
00:34:57No, it wasn't.
00:35:01Are you sure?
00:35:14Yes, no, the ones we planted in the garden, the big flowers.
00:35:19I love them.
00:35:21Ms. Tülay, you look beautiful.
00:35:25Thank you very much.
00:35:27I'm glad the ice between you and Selma melted, Ms. Tülay.
00:35:37Mom, our gift is back in the room.
00:35:41If the gift we got didn't fit you,
00:35:45I mean, what day are we waiting for to put something on your daughter?
00:35:47We're not in such a bad situation that we can't buy a bracelet for our daughter, Ms. Songül.
00:35:54Well, then.
00:35:56I don't know, you couldn't put anything on Zeynep, maybe you can't put anything on Selma.
00:36:00They said we got it. You heard.
00:36:03I was talking because I thought they were good, but anyway.
00:36:08I forgot to give your parents their medicine.
00:36:11I'm going to go and take care of them.
00:36:38Didn't they get off yet?
00:36:40They'll get off now.
00:36:48We're here.
00:36:50Oh, you look so beautiful.
00:36:59Shall we go out?
00:37:02Isn't my grandmother coming?
00:37:04She fell asleep early because her medication changed.
00:37:08Come on.
00:37:10Then I'll take her another day at an early hour.
00:37:14But she'll be very sad because she didn't come.
00:37:17I'll take care of Mrs. Zümrüt.
00:37:19Don't worry.
00:37:21Thank you very much.
00:37:23Say hi.
00:37:27I'm ready, we can go out.
00:37:29Aunt, you...
00:37:33Elen's mother is our guest, too.
00:37:35She'll be upset if I don't come.
00:37:37I'm curious.
00:37:42Say hi to Noa and Elen.
00:37:44Yes, ma'am.
00:37:45Let's go.
00:37:53Ms. Tülay.
00:37:55You forgot your gift.
00:37:57You were about to be embarrassed in front of our wedding.
00:38:26Welcome, Ms. Tülay.
00:38:30My dear.
00:38:33Aren't you going to say hi to your mother?
00:38:37Where's Halim?
00:38:39He's at the hospital.
00:38:41He'll be back soon.
00:38:44Where's Halim?
00:38:46He's parking his car.
00:38:48He'll be back soon.
00:38:50Okay, go ahead.
00:38:59Here he is.
00:39:16Good evening.
00:39:18Good evening, Mr. Halil.
00:39:22What about the suitcase?
00:39:24Is everything okay?
00:39:26The landlord put it in front of the door.
00:39:33Is it about the rent?
00:39:35There's no conscience left in people.
00:39:38And no good intentions.
00:39:39Even the people I'm closest to stab me in the back.
00:39:43Why would I tell a stranger?
00:39:46I'll take care of it.
00:39:49Come to the farm tomorrow.
00:39:51We'll see what we can do.
00:39:54Don't worry, Mr. Halil.
00:39:56It won't happen.
00:40:02I don't want to leave Yusuf alone.
00:40:09I'll see you tomorrow.
00:40:30Your garden is beautiful.
00:40:34Are you Halil Firat's wife?
00:40:43I'm your daughter-in-law's sister.
00:40:46Welcome, mother.
00:40:50Thank you, son.
00:40:54Here you go.
00:41:13Our happiness today is complete with you and our family.
00:41:18I'm glad you came.
00:41:22Ms. Tülay is not coming to her new bride's house.
00:41:25She's coming to the wedding.
00:41:33She's wearing pearls.
00:41:38Ms. Kıymet, we learned to respect the dinner table from our elders.
00:41:44As a result, everyone shows off.
00:41:56Come on, I was going to tell you something.
00:41:58After dinner, my daughter.
00:42:01Girls, come on, then.
00:42:03You can help me.
00:42:07Come on.
00:42:11Ms. Kıymet, it's obvious from the smell.
00:42:14You had the local dishes poured.
00:42:18I forgot the stove under the stove.
00:42:20The food is hot.
00:42:34Ms. Kıymet is telling you to go inside.
00:42:37I mean, if she says something wrong, please don't take it.
00:42:40I think it's very original.
00:42:42But it's like she didn't hold the star much from the first day with my mother.
00:42:46Sister, Zeynep is not upset, is she?
00:42:49I mean, I can say that it's a bit of a hard source.
00:42:52In fact, I think you're lucky to have such a source.
00:42:58What does the source need?
00:43:00Halil is worth 10 to Ms. Kıymet.
00:43:02I'm sorry.
00:43:06How long will Ms. Kıymet stay?
00:43:08I don't know.
00:43:11But her husband is in Antep.
00:43:13I guess he'll be gone for a day or two.
00:43:16It's not possible for us to stay in the same house anyway.
00:43:23Guests are waiting for dinner.
00:43:25You're chatting here.
00:43:28It's obvious that your sisters are good at words like you.
00:43:33I'll get the salad right away.
00:43:38I'll take it, sister.
00:43:42I'll take these to the table.
00:43:44It will be a bother.
00:43:48Sister, good luck.
00:43:51This is the witch.
00:44:08Ms. Kıymet.
00:44:10You made me eat this much food and baklava in one day.
00:44:18Enjoy your meal.
00:44:21The food was a little heavy for me.
00:44:23I think it's because of the fats you used.
00:44:26There's only one kitchen in Antep.
00:44:29There's no one like his wife.
00:44:33That's for sure.
00:44:38But he didn't call me.
00:44:41They say, what can you say to a thief?
00:44:44They say, what can you say to a rotten meat?
00:44:50When a person is born, he will be sick.
00:45:05I'll take it.
00:45:08Take it.
00:45:21You're going to hire an assistant, right?
00:45:26There's a daughter-in-law.
00:45:29Why do you need a daughter-in-law?
00:45:32Ms. Kıymet.
00:45:48Did you say something?
00:45:50I didn't hear.
00:46:02I'm sorry.
00:46:23A little wedding gift.
00:46:25I couldn't get ready when the wedding was sudden.
00:46:27I'm sorry.
00:46:31What was the need?
00:46:33You embarrassed me.
00:46:42It's beautiful.
00:46:51I forgot the gift because of you.
00:46:53Because of me?
00:46:56You said it was a needle and a razor.
00:46:59Because you're always thinking about work.
00:47:05Of course you forgot your own responsibilities.
00:47:14My dear.
00:47:16When Ms. Tülay is here, does my gift make sense?
00:47:24Have a nice day.
00:47:27Mom, what was the need?
00:47:33Spiritual value is very high for me.
00:47:38I'm sure you'll carry it with what it deserves.
00:47:54Come on.
00:47:56Are you going to wear a bra?
00:47:58Give it to me.
00:48:06Mom, what are you doing?
00:48:09It's fake.
00:48:11How is that possible?
00:48:24I think there's been a mix-up.
00:48:34If you forgot your gift, you would have been embarrassed by your wedding.
00:48:54You did it to disgrace me.
00:49:15You're the best gift for me here.
00:49:24I'll check.
00:49:53You look very stylish.
00:49:55Thank you. What is this?
00:49:59I'll hold it in my hand.
00:50:20I can't thank you enough.
00:50:24Mr. Halil called and asked me to bring it.
00:50:36My dear.
00:50:39How beautiful the flowers are.
00:50:47I wanted to give you roots to your new life, your new home, just like these flowers.
00:50:51Thank you. You're so kind.
00:50:54God bless you.
00:50:59What kind of wish is that, Zeynep?
00:51:01To be with this woman forever?
00:51:08Thank you very much, Mrs. Halil.
00:51:15My son.
00:51:17Of course he'll thank you.
00:51:19Did he bring a pot of flowers to bring Halil Firat's wife?
00:51:25Mom, please.
00:51:33I chose Hediye as the bride's sister.
00:51:44My sister loves flowers.
00:51:49My son.
00:51:51Come and eat well.
00:51:54If you're a footballer, your back is flat, your stomach is full.
00:52:00Mrs. Kıymet.
00:52:02Cemil is not only our footballer, but also one of our family.
00:52:19If you'll excuse me, Mr. Halil.
00:52:36I told you.
00:52:38My sister loved Hediye very much.
00:52:39She loved you very much.
00:52:47I would like to present my gift to our newlywed couple.
00:52:54The great Halil Firat.
00:52:57I guess the gift will be for him.
00:53:09Take it.
00:53:33I know how precious the summer house is to you.
00:53:42...my sister Selma loves this place more than all of us.
00:53:51Have a nice day.
00:53:55You don't know how happy you make me.
00:54:01I really don't know what to say.
00:54:05My brother, Gavri.
00:54:07Thank you so much.
00:54:09I love you.
00:54:11I love you.
00:54:13I love you.
00:54:15I love you.
00:54:17I love you.
00:54:19I love you.
00:54:20Thank you so much.
00:54:26I wish you happiness.
00:54:32Thank you, Melek.
00:54:37Thank you, brother.
00:54:50I love you.
00:55:07Isn't the summer house a little too much, Halil?
00:55:10Did you come here easily?
00:55:13I mean, if you're so generous from the first day, how are we going to get through this?
00:55:21My wife's family is also my family, aunt.
00:55:25I'm not telling you to take care of your wife, Halil.
00:55:28I'm telling you to take care of your property.
00:55:30I told you from the first day.
00:55:32This Aslanlı family has an eye on your property.
00:55:35You came here with your nails.
00:55:38I'm talking to you so you don't get upset in the future, Halil.
00:55:43We are not alone in the farm.
00:55:51I'm not alone.
00:56:05In addition, this summer house issue.
00:56:09Eren is considered my brother, you know very well.
00:56:12His wife Selma.
00:56:14He's my sister now.
00:56:16I wanted to give a heavy gift.
00:56:18You still take your steps carefully.
00:56:21I don't want you to be sad as your aunt.
00:56:23That's why I'm warning you. That's all.
00:56:48Are you Halil Firat's wife?
00:57:08I'm your bride's sister.
00:57:18Come here.
00:57:44Sit down.
00:57:48Apparently, the engagement continues at night.
00:57:55You denied that you were my wife at dinner.
00:57:59You can't expect me to say things I don't believe.
00:58:02But I found a way to believe you. Don't worry.
00:58:05What is it?
00:58:09You'll say, I'm Halil Firat's wife until morning.
00:58:15Again and again.
00:58:18Is this a joke?
00:58:23You're pretty serious.
00:58:24I'm pretty serious.
00:58:26I never do.
00:58:36Give me my debt.
00:58:39But no.
00:58:41If you say I don't know my debt, I don't keep my word, it's different.
00:58:52I'll do it again.
00:58:54But know this.
00:58:56Even if I say that sentence, my heart will never accept it.
00:59:04You can start.
00:59:14I'm Halil Firat's wife.
00:59:16Not by postponing.
00:59:19One by one.
00:59:22So that everyone can understand.
00:59:25When you don't deny what the religion says, then the subject is closed.
00:59:42I'm Halil Firat's wife.
00:59:46I'm not.
00:59:51I'm Halil Firat's wife.
00:59:56I'm not.
01:00:02I'm Halil Firat's wife.
01:00:07I'm not.
01:00:13Look me in the eye and say it.
01:00:16I'm Halil Firat's wife.
01:00:32I'm Halil Firat's wife.
01:01:02I'm Halil Firat's wife.
01:01:08Ms. Tülay.
01:01:11Close the door.
01:01:21What are you doing in my room?
01:01:26You changed the gift I'm going to take to Selma.
01:01:29I know.
01:01:31Good health to me.
01:01:33Don't be ridiculous.
01:01:35Stop playing games.
01:01:37Did you think I wouldn't understand?
01:01:40I didn't understand a bit of what you're talking about.
01:01:43But I don't even care.
01:01:45Get out of my room right now.
01:01:52I don't know why.
01:01:55You're taking advantage of every opportunity you can get to make me and my family unhappy.
01:02:01But I'm not dead yet, Songül.
01:02:06If you mess with me...
01:02:30I'll sweep you with the back of my hand like this.
01:02:47Get your head together.
01:02:56My eyes are closed.
01:03:00Get your head together.
01:03:16If you think I'm going to obey your threats, you're very wrong, Tülay Aslanlı.
01:03:30Get your head together.
01:03:50I'm so tired, darling.
01:03:54I'm so tired.
01:04:00I'm so tired.
01:04:07Let him sleep.
01:04:09He's been up all day.
01:04:10He's been up all day.
01:04:27When he drank the mayonnaise he made on top of his tiredness, the honey-infested bear left him on the sofa.
01:04:36Don't hold me.
01:04:38Should I take him to his room?
01:04:39He'll wake up, girl.
01:04:40Then he'll keep his head up until morning.
01:04:42Listen to me.
01:04:43He's alive.
01:04:49You go.
01:04:50Yes, mother.
01:04:51Get the coffees from the fridge in the kitchen.
01:04:53I'll cover it up and come.
01:04:56Come on.
01:04:57Come on, son.
01:04:58Come on.
01:04:59Come on.
01:05:00Come on, son.
01:05:01Come on.
01:05:02Come on.
01:05:03Come on, son.
01:05:14Elmiyaman, Beymiyaman.
01:05:17You'll understand every time.
01:05:21You're here to make candy, girl.
01:05:28I'll enjoy my coffee with my son until morning.
01:05:52I'm Halil Firat's wife.
01:05:56I'm not.
01:06:02I'm Halil Firat's wife.
01:06:23Go on.
01:06:25I'm Halil Firat's wife.
01:06:36I'm Halil Firat's wife.
01:06:46I'm Halil Firat's wife.
01:06:55I'm Halil Firat's wife.
01:07:00Something's wrong.
01:07:05What's the bracelet doing here?
01:07:11Aren't you asleep yet?
01:07:13Mom, look.
01:07:14The bracelet came out of the armchair.
01:07:25No matter how much you deny it, you changed this bracelet.
01:07:29I know.
01:07:30I will definitely catch you.
01:07:56I guess I'm confused, Merve.
01:07:59It's okay, mom.
01:08:00You don't have a fake bracelet.
01:08:04It must have been left by former servants.
01:08:07Okay, if you say so.
01:08:10I'm going to brush my teeth and go to bed.
01:08:12Okay, girl.
01:08:26You did it to humiliate me.
01:08:31You did it to make my family a five-dollar business.
01:08:37You want to destroy us.
01:08:42The water is cut off again.
01:08:44Don't be so upset.
01:08:45Merve will be here soon.
01:08:48I'm sick of it.
01:08:49Actually, if we move in with Selma, we'll be comfortable.
01:08:52We will.
01:08:54Merve, don't tell me anything about moving again.
01:08:58But mom.
01:08:59I said no.
01:09:00No moving.
01:09:02We'll call the repairman tomorrow and figure it out.
01:09:19If I go,
01:09:23Songül will separate Halil and Zeynep first.
01:09:29I'm Tülay Aslanlı.
01:09:34I'm not going to let a vagabond like you
01:10:04Mom, you're going to drink a lot of coffee.
01:10:09You'll see the taste of coffee.
01:10:25I missed your coffee.
01:10:27I miss it.
01:10:29I'm not going to make coffee or food for my precious.
01:10:38Open your mouth.
01:10:44My beautiful mother.
01:10:46Look what I'm going to tell you.
01:10:51We've tired you a lot.
01:10:53I know.
01:10:55You don't feel comfortable anywhere other than your own home.
01:11:00A person's own home and own order are different, of course.
01:11:06Children are different.
01:11:08It's hard to leave you, mom.
01:11:20It's very hard.
01:11:22But if you can't be comfortable anywhere other than your own home.
01:11:27What is this?
01:11:36I know you.
01:11:38You want to go now.
01:11:41But you can't tell me.
01:11:47That's why, mom.
01:11:50I bought you a plane ticket tomorrow.
01:12:08I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:12:18I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:12:31I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:12:38I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:12:42I'm not.
01:12:48I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:12:54I'm not.
01:12:57I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:13:02I'm not.
01:13:07...Alel Fırat's...
01:13:13...Alel Fırat's...
01:13:35...Alel Fırat's...
01:13:49...Alel Fırat's...
01:14:10I couldn't see her face.
01:14:17I didn't even say it once.
01:14:24I couldn't make it.
01:14:36...Alel Fırat's...
01:14:44...Alel Fırat's...
01:15:09...Alel Fırat's...
01:15:26...Alel Fırat's...
01:15:35...Alel Fırat's...
01:16:05...Alel Fırat's...
01:16:16...Alel Fırat's...
01:16:26...Alel Fırat's...
01:16:35...Alel Fırat's...
