• 2 days ago
Hazrat wahshi ibn Harb life story... islamic hastory molana Syed Abdul majeed nadeem || #molana​ syeed Abdul majeed nadeem
#nature​ .
#Hazrat​ wahshi ibn harb
#life​ story
#islamic​ hastri


00:00The slave caught the hand of the Messenger.
00:04The slave caught the hand of the Merciful.
00:09He said, O beloved of Allah!
00:12From now on, count me among your volunteers.
00:17I promise that I will not associate partners with Allah.
00:21I will not associate partners with Allah.
00:27From now on, every breath of my life
00:33I will spend in worshiping Allah and obeying Him.
00:39The Merciful spread his arms.
00:44He embraced the slave.
00:47He said, O son of Harb!
00:49I congratulate you.
00:51Today your hell has turned into heaven.
00:55Just do me a favor.
00:58Come less in front of me.
01:02Because when I see you,
01:05in the field of Uhud,
01:07pieces of Hamza's body will come to my mind and make me restless.
01:13This thought entered the heart of the slave.
01:17This thought entered his conscience.
01:20He used to cry at night.
01:23He used to shed tears.
01:26He used to pray to the Lord of the worlds.
01:31O beloved of Muhammad!
01:34O one who listens to everyone!
01:37Your beloved friend was killed by my hands.
01:42His helplessness made your beloved cry.
01:46Sayyid-ul-Shuhada Hamza Hamza
01:53Zahra-ul-Zahra Hamza
01:59O Allah of the worlds!
02:01I do not ask for anything.
02:04I just have one request.
02:06Your beloved friend was killed by my hands.
02:10Now with these hands,
02:12make your enemy die.
02:15I killed your friend.
02:20I saw the tears of your beloved.
02:24Now make your enemy die with my hands.
02:28So that in the end,
02:30your beloved can smile.
02:34He is very merciful.
02:39You have heard the words of Hamza Wahshi.
02:44In the united leadership of the first Tajdar of the Caliphate,
02:49Siddique Akbar,
02:52this Ummah has won many battles.
02:58The disbeliever also did Zakat.
03:02He also beheaded the apostate.
03:06There, the disbeliever also killed the prophet.
03:12In the leadership of Siddique Akbar,
03:14the Ummah of Muslims,
03:16Musaylimah, the liar,
03:18the false claimant of prophethood,
03:22who had claimed prophethood
03:24against the mercy of Allah.
03:27In the leadership of Siddique Akbar,
03:30this Ummah was doing Jihad against this mischief.
03:34There were many brave young men.
03:37The army of the Mujahideen was ready.
03:40Wahshi bin Harb was also included in this army.
03:44Preparations are being made in the field.
03:47He has to enter the field in the morning.
03:50Wahshi kept praying all night.
03:53The Mujahideen kept fixing the arrows and the sword.
03:59Wahshi kept praying in the silence of the night,
04:02in the rain of tears.
04:04Rabbul Aalameen!
04:07Fulfill my wish!
04:10In the morning, the army entered the field.
04:14After some time,
04:16Wahshi's voice was heard.
04:19Children of Islam!
04:23The God of Muhammad has fulfilled my wish.
04:27People saw Wahshi.
04:30His feet were placed on the chest of Musaylimah.
04:35his head was cut off and raised on the table.
04:40There were tears of joy in his eyes.
04:43There was a smile on his lips.
04:46He said,
04:48The monkey of Uhud
04:50had worshipped the Prophet.
04:54Now, with this attitude,
04:56in front of Rahmatul Aalam,
04:59I will say,
05:01I had also killed your friend.
05:05after you,
05:06the one who claimed to be the Prophet,
05:08I have also brought him to hell.
05:14After the fatwa of Makkah,
05:16in the service of the Prophet of Allah,
05:19a disappointed person
05:27He was the famous killer of the Arabs.
05:32His name is also Wahshat.
05:39His father's name is Harb.
05:45His name is also Wahshat.
05:48His father's name is also Safafiyat.
05:51They are two kings.
05:56He was the killer of rent.
06:00The great people,
06:03to remove their enemies from the way,
06:09used to make explosions with their weapons.
06:16to take revenge of the killers of Badr,
06:23the rulers of Makkah bought him.
06:31And they bound him,
06:33to break one of the arms of Islam,
06:36the sword of Islam.
06:39So, he asked for a reward.
06:45Therefore, Hazrat Abuja,
06:47may Allah be pleased with him,
06:49in the battle of Uhud,
06:51was martyred by the hands of this Wahshi.
06:58And not only was he martyred,
07:02but the cruelty of this Wahshi,
07:05he cut this brave soldier of Islam into pieces.
07:15When the Prophet, peace be upon him,
07:21Hazrat Hamza, may Allah be pleased with him,
07:25came on the dead body,
07:31he was overwhelmed.
07:35He prayed to Allah with love,
07:39that O Lord of the worlds,
07:41now be pleased,
07:43that my uncle has become like this,
07:45for the elevation of your religion.
07:53Yes, only tears were shed.
08:00The scholars of knowledge and wisdom,
08:02should keep in mind,
08:07that in extreme misery and trouble,
08:10Islam wants to see the human emotions in equilibrium.
08:20Islam wants to see the emotions of happiness in equilibrium,
08:24and the emotions of grief and sorrow,
08:28in equilibrium.
08:34Islam does not allow you to dance in happiness,
08:37and does not allow you to mourn in grief.
08:45In the dictionary of Islam,
08:47these two terms do not exist.
08:53There is neither dance in Islam,
08:55nor mourning.
08:58They existed in the age of ignorance.
09:01Before the emergence of Islam,
09:07the man who lived in the age of ignorance,
09:10used to dance in happiness,
09:12and in grief,
09:14used to hit his head,
09:16used to mourn.
09:19But when the emergence of Islam,
09:22the dictionary changed.
09:26Instead of dancing,
09:28there was gratitude,
09:29and instead of mourning,
09:30there was patience.
09:36The Prophet of Allah,
09:40the one who dances in happiness,
09:42and mourns in grief,
09:45he is not ours,
09:47we are his.
09:50This was the effect of the teachings of the Prophet,
09:57that the society,
09:59which is the exemplary society of Islam,
10:03the children of Islam,
10:06in these two emotional states,
10:09did not leave the limits of moderation.
10:14The martyr,
10:18Hazrat Hamza,
10:20may Allah be pleased with him,
10:22the cousin of the Prophet,
10:24may Allah be pleased with him,
10:28Sayyeda Safiyyah,
10:30may Allah be pleased with her,
10:33came to see her brother for the last time.
10:39The Prophet sent his son,
10:43Hazrat Zubaib,
10:45may Allah be pleased with him,
10:47to go and ask the Prophet of Allah,
10:50may Allah be pleased with him,
10:52that a sister has come to see her martyr brother,
10:57if you permit,
10:59may I come?
11:02The Prophet of Allah,
11:04may Allah be pleased with him,
11:06said to the son,
11:08may I go and see the body of Hazrat Hamza?
11:10The Prophet said,
11:12how can a sister see her brother in this condition
11:14and be patient?
11:16The son was afraid that Safiyyah
11:18would not leave the limits of patience.
11:20Therefore, go and tell Safiyyah
11:22to be patient.
11:28The son,
11:30conveyed the message of the Prophet to his mother.
11:37Hazrat Safiyyah, may Allah be pleased with her,
11:39came and said,
11:42it is a good thing,
11:44if this is the will of the Master,
11:46then I will meet my brother in the Ashram.
11:50But go once again
11:52and convey this message
11:54to my Master and my guide,
11:58that Safiyyah is not coming to
12:01mourn the body of her brother.
12:05I am coming to be proud of my brother.
12:12Brothers are very dear to us,
12:14O Muhammad,
12:16but nothing is more dear to us
12:18than your Shariah.
12:24Today, my mothers,
12:26sisters and daughters,
12:28are listening to me
12:30directly from Hussain-e-Ittifaq.
12:37in a little bit of curiosity,
12:39cross the border of Shariah.
12:44And your thought is that
12:46to follow the Shariah rules
12:48is the work of the Ahl-e-Taqwa.
12:53But my mothers, sisters and daughters,
12:55listen to me.
12:57In your movement,
12:59some women have progressed so much
13:02that their greatness
13:04can be seen from the point of view of the West.
13:13In the universe,
13:14first of all,
13:16a woman was blessed
13:18and honoured
13:20that she announced
13:22her faith on the position of Islam.
13:26Sayyeda Khadija tul Kubra
13:31Then this honourable woman
13:33was blessed that
13:35on the truth of Islam,
13:37first of all,
13:38she presented the view of life
13:40to Hazrat-e-Sumaiyya R.A.
13:48Women are the guardians of the Holy Qur'an.
13:53They are familiar with the Hadith.
13:55Sayyeda Aisha Sibbiqa R.A.
13:59And first of all,
14:01she was blessed to memorize the Holy Qur'an.
14:04And then,
14:06in her youth and maturity,
14:08till this Ummah,
14:09she conveyed 2,210 Hadiths
14:11of Rasul-e-Akram R.A.
14:25When the Prophet of Allah
14:27heard this,
14:28he permitted her
14:30to come to Safiya.
14:36The heavens were watching this scene.
14:39The angels of Allah
14:41watched this scene
14:43with great enthusiasm.
14:46That a sister is coming
14:48on the body of her brother,
14:50but she is influenced
14:52by the teachings of the Prophet.
14:54Her emotions are bound.
14:56She is influenced by the teachings
14:58of Rasul-e-Akram R.A.
15:01She came near the body of her brother.
15:03Seeing the pieces of the body,
15:05she recited
15:06Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon.
15:08And then,
15:09she sat down
15:10and looked at the face
15:12of Rasul-e-Akram R.A.
15:14and said,
15:16May many brothers
15:18also be satisfied.
15:20The love of Allah,
15:22is not an expensive deal.
15:26Another mother's character
15:28is also shining
15:30in the history of Islam.
15:36The son of Zubair,
15:38Hazrat Abdullah R.A.
15:42was put on the throne
15:44to raise the Kalima-e-Haqq
15:46in front of a Jabir ruler.
15:52And Jabir Sultan
15:54ordered that
15:56the body should be hanged
15:58on the gallows
16:00so that people can see
16:02and learn a lesson
16:04that showing off
16:06in front of us
16:08is equivalent to
16:12The body was hanging on the gallows
16:14and people were coming
16:16and watching.
16:18One day,
16:20she came to see her mother.
16:22Hazrat Asmaa R.A.
16:26A large number of people
16:28came with her
16:30to see
16:32what will be the reaction
16:34of a mother
16:36after seeing her son's body.
16:38People thought
16:40that she will hit her head,
16:42the poor woman will scream,
16:44the sky will lift her head.
16:48But Hazrat Asmaa R.A.
16:50when she came near her son
16:52and saw the body hanging,
16:54after reciting
16:56Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajeoon
16:58she said,
17:00Well done my dear,
17:02you have fulfilled the right
17:04of my milk.
17:08You have raised the Kalima-e-Haqq
17:10in front of a Jabir ruler,
17:12well done.
17:14You have not bowed down.
17:16You have not bowed down.
17:20You have kissed the ruler
17:22by saying Kalima-e-Haqq.
17:24Son, I am proud of you.
17:26Then she looked at the people
17:28and said,
17:30Congratulations to me.
17:32My son is such a good Khateeb.
17:34He is also giving
17:36the sermon of freedom to the ruler.
17:40May your head be cut off
17:42at the point of your nose.
17:44Do not bow down at the point of your nose.
17:50In Islam, mourning is Haram.
17:54It is the command of patience
17:56not of mourning.
17:58It is the command of gratitude
18:00not of dancing.
18:04I was saying that
18:06the eyes of the Prophet of Allah
18:08were filled with tears.
18:10Hazrat Hamza R.A
18:12saw the oppression of Allah
18:14upon him.
18:20after the conquest of Mecca,
18:22the killer of Hamza
18:24was ashamed
18:26and came to the Prophet
18:28of Allah
18:30and said,
18:32If I accept Islam,
18:36can my sins be forgiven?
18:38Can my sins be forgiven?
18:42Can my sins be forgiven?
18:46The Prophet of Allah
18:50If you do not commit a sin
18:52after accepting Islam,
18:56if you abstain from a sin,
18:58then I assure you
19:00that your hell will turn into heaven.
19:04A sin
19:06cannot be forgiven in any condition.
19:12And that sin,
19:14in the language of Quran,
19:16the Prophet of Allah said,
19:22He said,
19:24Allah does not forgive
19:26any sin
19:28and He forgives
19:30whomever He wills.
19:38Allah does not forgive
19:40any sin
19:42and He forgives
19:46He wills.
19:52This is a confirmation.
19:56In order to make the matter
20:00Allah said,
20:08does not forgive
20:10any sin
20:12and He forgives
20:14whomever He wills.
20:20A sin
20:22cannot be forgiven.
20:30Shirk is not only a sin,
20:32it is also treachery.
20:34I said this last night as well.
20:38Mistakes can be forgiven,
20:40but treachery
20:42cannot be forgiven.
20:48A woman
20:50cooks food
20:52can be forgiven.
20:58Salt and pepper
21:00can be added to the food.
21:02It can be forgiven.
21:06A woman
21:08burns clothes.
21:10It can be forgiven.
21:14A woman breaks a pot.
21:16A woman breaks a pot.
21:18A woman breaks a pot.
21:20Can it be forgiven or not?
21:24This is how you say
21:26in the presence of Allah.
21:30Your daughter's servant
21:32burns in the kitchen all day long.
21:36She has left her parents' house
21:38and has come to her husband's house.
21:40She prays to Allah
21:42for her funeral.
21:44Now if the salt and pepper is too much
21:46and she does not feel like
21:48forgiving you,
21:50you say,
21:54can it be forgiven or not?
21:56It can be forgiven.
21:58It can be forgiven.
22:02In daily life,
22:04mistakes can be made
22:06and forgiveness can be made.
22:10But if a
22:12unfortunate woman
22:16someone else
22:18on her husband's bed
22:20and he is
22:22not a stranger,
22:24not an enemy,
22:26but a friend of her husband,
22:28a beloved of her husband,
22:30if she tolerates him
22:32on her bed,
22:34can it be forgiven?
22:36This is said in a loud voice
22:38and loudly.
22:40This cannot be forgiven
22:42because this is not a mistake
22:44but treachery.
22:46And I said last night
22:50treachery cannot be forgiven.
22:52A traitor can forgive a traitor
22:54but a loyal person
22:56can never forgive a traitor.
23:02If you do not forgive your traitors,
23:04then why should anyone expect
23:06Allah to forgive his traitors?
23:08Why should anyone
23:10expect Allah to forgive his traitors?
23:12If someone
23:14who is dear to you
23:16takes part in your
23:20then your sea of goodness
23:22will be full.
23:24You do not forgive him.
23:26So if someone
23:28who is dear to Allah
23:30takes part in his charity,
23:32then Allah also does not forgive him.
23:34In prostration,
23:36in Qiyam,
23:38in Nida and Fukaar,
23:40if someone
23:42who is dear to Allah
23:44takes part in it,
23:46then Allah's wrath and anger
23:48will never forgive him.
23:54O people of Peshawar,
23:56love Allah's
23:58dear ones.
24:02Have faith in Allah's dear ones.
24:06Have faith in Allah's dear ones
24:08to such an extent that
24:10you pray, O Allah,
24:12in the hereafter also,
24:14be with your dear ones.
24:24Love Allah's dear ones,
24:28do not include them
24:30in Allah's rights.
24:36Allah is Allah.
