• 2 days ago
00:00Hey, Summer.
00:03You talked to Chance?
00:06He said that Daniel needs to get a lawyer.
00:09Okay, is that all he said?
00:12I just thought the evidence is pretty damning.
00:15What does that mean, Dad?
00:17I don't know, baby.
00:18I don't know.
00:19Hey, you need to stay strong.
00:23I know, Mom, but you know, it's just that...
00:26This is madness.
00:27It's madness.
00:28It's insane.
00:29But you can't fall apart, you got it?
00:32Keep it together.
00:36You're strong.
00:37You know why?
00:37Because I'm your mom.
00:38We're gonna get through this.
00:40You know what I'm capable of?
00:42I never give up.
00:47Neither should any of you.
01:34Thank me when it's over.
01:36Well, I'd really like to know when that's gonna be.
01:38As soon as we get to the bottom of this and find out who's doing this to you and why.
01:43Hey, Lucy.
01:48It's gonna be okay.
01:50Then why are they saying that Dad needs a lawyer?
01:53That must mean that they think he's guilty.
01:57Just Chance wants to make sure that your dad is protected.
02:01You know, he's just trying to give him the best advice, that's all, right?
02:05Yeah, right.
02:07Are they gonna arrest him?
02:12They're a long way away from arresting anyone.
02:15Chance just is trying to get all the facts.
02:18Well, he could start by finding out who's setting me up.
02:21Or who would want to hurt Heather in the first place because that's what I can't wrap my head around.
02:26Someone from our past or someone with some kind of sick vendetta against us.
02:33Your daughter is out of control.
02:35And if you and Daniel don't set up some serious boundaries with her, I'm telling you, my patience has just about run out.
02:49This is somebody who had a clear motive.
02:56Someone diabolical and so clever that they could break into your apartment and plant evidence without anybody ever finding out.
03:07That still leaves us with who, though.
03:12What if it were Sharon?
03:16That's a pretty big stretch.
03:18Is it?
03:19I mean, I was standing there with Heather when Sharon came running in like a bat out of hell, got in Heather's face, threatening her to keep Lucy away from Faith.
03:31Not only that, Nick and her kids have been going on and on about how they are questioning her stability and mental health.
03:39Yeah, yeah, that's true, but it's hard for me to picture her doing something like that.
03:43Is it?
03:45I mean, I find it odd that she showed up at your apartment the night that Heather died and nobody knew about that until now.
03:55And who did she tell?
03:57Oh, the police.
04:01And she came up with some story that Heather confided in her, that you guys had been arguing and she was afraid of you.
04:09And then all this evidence just shows up at your apartment.
04:15It's still not enough to point the guilty finger at her, especially for murder.
04:19It's enough for me.
04:23You know what I think?
04:25I think you want to hang this all on Sharon because of all the years the two of you have spent hating each other.
04:30Oh, Daniel, that is so untrue.
04:32I think I'm the only one in town who knows what that woman is truly capable of.
04:39Why, Phyllis, it seems like you're at a loss for words.
04:45I honestly wish with all my heart I could undo this.
04:49Oh, but you can't.
04:52No, I can't.
04:55I know what I did was wrong, so please just do whatever you need to do, yell at me, call me every name in the book.
05:03It sounds like you're giving me permission to be upset with you.
05:08That's funny, you know, I don't remember giving you permission to sleep with my husband.
05:13I know you hear the words, but they just don't seem to register in your brain.
05:17It's too bad that Faith doesn't have a mom who really cares about her.
05:23Oh, I do care about Faith. I do care about Faith.
05:25No, I'm talking about Ashley.
05:27She should be back with Ashley because that woman really cared about your daughter.
05:37Oh my God!
05:38You made me stoop way down to your level, Phyllis.
05:42You could not reach my level if you were airlifted!
05:52You know, Daniel, I can acknowledge our history, absolutely.
05:59But if you don't think that Sharon is capable of violence, you are so wrong.
06:07But to do something that horrible and to frame Daniel on top of it?
06:13Well, she tried to kill me once.
06:16Go! Stop it! Stop it! Give that to me!
06:31Wow, that stunt of hers, that put me in a coma for over a year.
06:39And we all know what she did to Cameron Kirsten, right?
06:43Sharon killed Cameron in self-defense. I mean, that was to protect Faith.
06:49Yeah, I know, but what I'm saying is she's capable of it.
06:55Okay, so what's her motive?
06:57I don't know. I don't know. I'm trying to figure it out.
07:00I'm just trying to figure it out, Daniel.
07:03I mean, it could have been that she came to the apartment to apologize and then...
07:08She's unstable, so maybe they got into a fight and it was an accident, just a tragic, tragic accident.
07:18Okay, say that's how it happened.
07:21Then what, Sharon decides that she's going to frame me for murder because I stirred up bad memories of Cassie?
07:26I don't see it, Mom.
07:28Right now, this is hard enough dealing with Heather being gone and dealing with everything else that's going on with the police.
07:32I just, I don't need you going off on something like this, okay?
07:37I know this is horrible and I know it's hard, so I'll stop.
07:41And it's certainly fair that you would think that I would overreact, given all the things that I've done in my life, so...
07:49What kind of things?
07:55Well, um...
07:57Your grandmother has been known to take situations to the extreme from time to time.
08:05From time to time?
08:07Yeah, hey, you know what?
08:11You don't know these things about me.
08:14Have a seat, Lucy.
08:18Would you like to know about your grandmother?
08:22I have a few stories to tell you.
08:27I don't know about some of your stories, Mom. I mean, tender ears.
08:32Hey, I'm 16.
08:34Oh, she's 16.
08:38I'll keep it clean.
08:40Doesn't make me feel any better.
08:43Oh my goodness.
08:45I'm sorry.
08:47I'm sorry.
08:49I'm sorry.
08:51Oh my goodness.
08:53Where do I start?
08:58Honestly, everything I've done, I've done to protect people I love.
09:05Where do I start?
09:07Let's start with the dead octopus.
09:09The what now?
09:11Okay, wait. What dead octopus?
09:13Oh, what dead octopus, you ask?
09:16Well, let me tell you, your grandpa, Paul, made the biggest mistake of his life by marrying Christine.
09:24And so I thought on their honeymoon, I would give them a little surprise.
09:31Mom, you put a dead octopus in their honeymoon bed?
09:38For real?
09:40Yeah. For real.
09:43For real. It wasn't mature.
09:45And I've changed a lot since then, but I did do it. And it smelled.
09:51And most of my, I guess, out there moments, what people would call out there moments, come from my determination.
10:01That's a nice spin.
10:03But you have to get creative if you really want something bad enough.
10:08Like how?
10:09I've been known to go undercover.
10:20Well, this has been most fun.
10:22Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
10:24And good luck with your case.
10:30It's showtime.
10:33It's showtime, folks. It sure is showtime.
10:36It's showtime, folks. It sure is showtime, folks.
10:42It's funny. I don't think I have even heard most of these stories.
10:47Yeah. Neither have I.
10:50Well, I mean, I haven't felt very comfortable telling you two because I was afraid you'd judge me.
10:58Look, you always did your best. We know that.
11:06Yeah, I did do my best.
11:12All I wanted to be was a mom.
11:15I just wanted to have a normal family.
11:18It was a family. A family at all.
11:23You know, I made mistakes. I screwed up.
11:29Starting with your father.
11:33Wait, how did you and Grandpa get together?
11:37You stalked him, didn't you?
11:40I did not stalk him. I just happened to be in the same vicinity all the time.
11:45So stalking?
11:50With your grandpa and me, it was complicated, definitely.
11:56But you know what? I was so determined to make our family work.
12:03I told you I needed space.
12:06Maybe I don't think that's the best thing for you.
12:09Or for us. Or our family.
12:13What we have is not a family.
12:16Husband, wife, child. That's a family.
12:19In name only.
12:21Come on. What do you want from me?
12:25You even have to ask?
12:28We had our one night in bed, and you've ruined my life.
12:33So why don't you go get dressed?
12:36I'm much more comfortable in this. There's nothing to be shy about. You're my husband.
12:41Did it work?
12:43Actually, um...
12:48It was really about almost losing your dad when he was a baby that brought us together.
12:53A crisis like this can change a person.
12:58It certainly puts things into perspective.
13:03I mean, I can't even remember the things I used to stress over before Daniel got sick.
13:10Well, let's just hope that we never have to go through anything like this again.
13:19Danny, there's also something else I realized.
13:25That prayer stuff really works.
13:33And after that...
13:36After that, Danny... Danny did realize that we worked as a family.
13:43It begins with a request.
13:46Will you marry me?
13:49Oh my god, Danny.
14:01That's so sweet.
14:08It was sweet.
14:11It was.
14:14It was.
14:18What happened next?
14:25How do I put this? How do I explain?
14:30You know, the truth is normally a good place to start.
14:40I loved Danny very, very much.
14:43Oh, I loved him.
14:46But he didn't love me back.
14:51I wanted to keep my family together, so I did what I had to do and I lied and manipulated and...
15:00And then somebody with a name that rhymes with cricket told him that your father wasn't his biological child.
15:16So there was a divorce and a custody battle and...
15:24I lost.
15:28And your father was taken from me.
15:32Did you try to see him?
15:35I did.
15:37Oh, for many, many years I tried to see him.
15:42I tried to see him.
15:45There was one particular time...
15:50Oh, it's been so long since I've heard anything about my son.
15:59Do you have a picture with you?
16:01Phyllis, I think it's best this way.
16:04I know it's hard.
16:06But seeing pictures, I mean...
16:09Don't you think that'd even make it worse for you?
16:12He's my son and I don't even know what he looks like.
16:19Danny, um...
16:21Listen, even though...
16:25Even though I have a lot of great things in my life...
16:32I still have an empty space.
16:42I miss my son.
16:47It's so sad.
16:52It was sad.
16:54It was sad for a really long, long time.
17:03Then we found each other, right?
17:08Do I know you from somewhere?
17:12You don't know me from Adam.
17:14Oh, I...
17:17I don't know, I thought...
17:19Maybe that there was some sort of connection, right?
17:25Like, maybe you knew me when I was a kid.
17:27I'm from around here originally.
17:31I know.
17:34You do?
17:38Who are you? Are you a friend of my aunt Gina's?
17:41Yeah, you could say that.
17:44Well, I'm Daniel. I'm Daniel Romalotti.
17:47I know.
17:50You know, no offense, but...
17:53This is really starting to creep me out.
17:56Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't want to creep you out.
18:04It's just...
18:09It's just that I've waited for this moment for so many years.
18:14Oh my God.
18:20I'm your mother.
18:27And here we are.
18:29Here we are.
18:33You and Grandpa never...
18:35Oh, no, no.
18:37I mean, I tried.
18:39I tried, but...
18:44The truth is, his heart belongs to Christine.
18:47And I'm telling you all of this...
18:49Partly because I think that you should know that people change.
18:55And I like to think that I've changed.
18:56I think that I've changed.
18:58I'm matured.
19:00At least, maybe.
19:06I have changed and grown.
19:12Mainly because of my kids.
19:19You guys are the reason that I keep going.
19:22You two are the reason I want to do better.
19:26Why don't you tell her Summer's story?
19:29Is it as dramatic as yours?
19:32I don't know. What do you think?
19:35Well, I mean, I can't really tell you Summer's story without telling you about my story with Jack and Nick.
19:52You know, Jack and I, we were complete opposites.
19:56I was not like the women that he dated.
19:59At all.
20:01And he wasn't my type.
20:03I think we can relate with each other cordially, but I think we need to limit our relations to professional ones.
20:10Jack Abbott, you have changed.
20:14You used to be so much fun.
20:25Have it your way.
20:31You don't know what you're missing.
20:36You know, on paper, we really, really didn't work, but...
20:43Oh, we had so much fun.
20:45We had so much fun.
20:47What's with the robe? I thought you were going upstairs to...
20:49To get a present.
20:55Merry Christmas, Santa.
21:02I take it you approve?
21:04Of everything except the setting.
21:06Oh, why? It's not private enough for you?
21:09I, uh...
21:12I'm just a little worried my dad's going to walk in here and...
21:14What's the difference? We're all family. It's okay.
21:22You know what I wonder?
21:25What happened to the Jack I used to know?
21:29That fun-loving, devil-may-care Jack.
21:33What did you do with him?
21:36He's right here.
21:39And you are just too flaky for him.
21:44Look, us dating is one thing.
21:46A good thing we realized it before we started wasting time playing games with each other.
21:55This way everything's out on the table and I feel more than relieved.
21:58It's hard to believe we let it go as far as it did.
22:03At least now we know the truth.
22:06Yeah, now we know the truth.
22:24I didn't want to commit because, um...
22:31Jack had other ideas.
22:34I cannot imagine going through life without you.
22:41Don't go.
22:44Don't walk away from this.
22:48Walk with me.
22:52Marry me.
22:55I want you to know you're part of this family.
22:59In a very real way.
23:04Look, I know it shouldn't even matter what goes on outside this house.
23:08The only thing that's really important is...
23:11Is that I love you.
23:14That you know I love you.
23:16That you know I thank God every day that you're in my life.
23:20I don't know what to say. I mean, this is so sweet.
23:24You have no idea how much this means to me.
23:31I'm so...
23:34I'm so...
23:36blessed to be a part of your family.
23:40Yeah, and for a while I was part of the Abbott family.
23:43And for a while I was part of the Abbott family.
23:45I was actually...
23:51part of a family for once.
23:56What happened?
24:04You know, Jack desperately, at that time, wanted a child.
24:08And I...
24:10I tried really, really hard to give him one.
24:13I almost killed myself trying.
24:17And we found out I couldn't conceive, and that was just...
24:21That was a crushing blow to him.
24:26He acted like it was fine, but...
24:31He wanted a child.
24:36And then entered Diana...
24:40with Kyle.
24:43And ultimately, that's what ripped us apart.
24:47I don't understand this, Jack.
24:50I mean, you just found out that you have a baby?
24:53And you just found out that it's yours?
24:55What about the mom? What about her?
24:57Would she drop dead?
24:59She wants to give it up for adoption?
25:01Listen, I realize you need a lot of answers right now.
25:03Yes, I do.
25:05Answers I probably don't want to hear.
25:08Not necessarily.
25:10Let go of me.
25:12You tell me everything.
25:16You tell me about this baby.
25:20And you start with telling me who the mother is.
25:28It's Diane Jenkins.
25:32Do you ever think about the child we almost had?
25:36Do you ever think about the child I lost?
25:39I try not to.
25:47Me too. It's sad.
25:52But it's one of those things that happens.
25:55It's nobody's fault.
25:58God knows you tried. You almost...
25:59You almost died trying to give me a baby.
26:02I tried.
26:05I tried. You almost died trying to give me a child.
26:08Do you think things would have been different?
26:14If we had a child together, if we made a baby?
26:19I don't think we can really speculate about that now.
26:25I think things would have been different.
26:29It would have given us something to fight for.
26:35It would have forced us to overcome the obstacles.
26:44I wanted to give you a baby.
26:50I know that.
26:52I do know that.
27:05Oh, well.
27:09I guess it wasn't meant to be.
27:12Just like I guess we weren't meant to be.
27:19It was a glorious ride.
27:25Yeah, it was a glorious ride.
27:30Oh, I loved him.
27:35There are just some hurdles you cannot get over.
27:49Then I connected with your father.
27:57Well, I guess this is good night.
28:01Yeah, I guess so.
28:05Good night.
28:16I feel like I can tell you anything and you'll still like me.
28:21I want to know everything about you.
28:27You're going to be sorry you asked that.
28:35I can't imagine my life without you in it.
28:46This is after the accident with Cassie.
28:53No, that was a time in my life where I was just lost.
28:58And Nick was grieving and we just...
29:02You know, we found each other.
29:05It's pretty amazing how so much of our lives can be traced back to that night.
29:16It's weird to think that I might not have ever been born if it hadn't been for Dad's grief over Cassie.
29:22Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
29:24That's not true.
29:26That's not true.
29:28Hey, listen, your dad and I,
29:30we have a very,
29:32very unique connection.
29:34And it's solid.
29:36Although there are people in town
29:38that would like you to think it's some superficial...
29:40You were still with Jack at the time, though, right?
29:43Well, I mean, I was,
29:45I was sort of going back and forth.
29:47I didn't know when...
29:49And your dad and Sharon,
29:51they, um...
29:54Oh, it's so complicated.
29:59But then, surprise.
30:01I came along.
30:05You did.
30:07And then I didn't know who you belonged to,
30:09I didn't know if it,
30:11you know, Jack was a father,
30:13Nick was a father, and...
30:15Wow, okay.
30:17That's a lot of information, right?
30:19I was kind of going out of my mind.
30:21Okay, so...
30:23What did you do?
30:25Yeah, what do you do
30:27in those kind of situations, right?
30:30Um, what did I do?
30:32Oh, I talked to my best friend.
30:35Michael, what am I gonna do?
30:39Oh, I'm pregnant.
30:43I don't even know who the father is.
30:45Can you believe that?
30:47Look at the bright side.
30:49You've got it narrowed down to two possibilities, right?
30:51Oh, great. Oh, okay.
30:53Yes, Nick and Jack.
30:55And that's, that's both great DNA.
30:57And whoever the lucky man turns out to be,
30:59you're gonna be a terrific mother to this baby.
31:01I could do this alone, you know.
31:03No, never.
31:05What do you mean, never?
31:07Nick is fighting to save his marriage.
31:09I don't even know if Jack wants another baby.
31:15Phyllis, time will tell, okay?
31:17But there is one thing I want you to know.
31:19You are not going to do this alone.
31:21Because Lauren and I
31:23will be right in there with you.
31:25We are all gonna watch our children grow up together.
31:28It's gonna be a freak show,
31:30but it's gonna be terrific.
31:32You are amazing.
31:34I don't know what to say.
31:36You don't say anything.
31:38I know you're feeling a little lost right now.
31:42But you're one of the strongest people I know.
31:44You can handle anything.
31:48But Dad didn't go back to Sharon.
31:52He stayed with you.
31:54Yeah, he did.
31:56You look beautiful, Mrs. Newman.
32:00Say it again.
32:04You look beautiful.
32:06The other part.
32:11Mrs. Newman.
32:16To us.
32:18To us.
32:20To us.
32:26And then I was born.
32:28And all was well.
32:32Oh, my goodness.
32:34If it were only that simple.
32:40So, what happened next?
32:42I'm dying to know.
32:44I cannot believe I've never heard this story before.
32:47But what happened next
32:49was beautiful.
32:53Also, the most terrifying night of my life.
32:59Well, it was a dark, stormy night.
33:01Actually, it was a dark, stormy night.
33:03It was.
33:05It was the worst ice storm
33:07that Genoa City ever,
33:09ever had.
33:11And I went into labor.
33:13And so, Nick,
33:15I went to go get the hospital bag
33:17and he was going to meet me at the hospital.
33:19And that's when he saw that my car
33:21had slid on the ice
33:23off the road into a ditch and crashed.
33:27And it was saving your life.
33:29And then,
33:31then I got stuck in an elevator
33:33at Newman Enterprises.
33:35Oh, my gosh. All by yourself?
33:37Fortunately not.
33:39Do you believe in karma?
33:42If it exists, I'm screwed.
33:48Do you believe in karma?
33:50That all the good and bad things that we've done in our life
33:52come back to haunt us in a circle?
33:56Yeah, I suppose.
33:58I've come to look at this
34:00as karma.
34:04All the time
34:06you and I couldn't have a child
34:08and here we are.
34:10The guy upstairs
34:12has got a pretty good sense of humor.
34:18I'm glad you're here with me.
34:20I couldn't do this alone.
34:22Yeah, I know.
34:24You love hanging out with me.
34:26You know what, though?
34:28We're going to get you out of here
34:30and we're going to get you to the hospital
34:32and you're going to have this little girl
34:36and she's going to have a full head of red hair.
34:40And Nick will see her born.
34:46Yeah, I could use a sub.
34:50I need a breather coach.
34:54No, he didn't mean that.
34:56Why? What?
34:58Because my water just broke.
35:00Okay, so Jack, the guy that you broke up with
35:02delivered the baby you had
35:04with Nick, the guy that you
35:06left him for?
35:14But you were Nick's child
35:16after all. You were Nick's child.
35:18There were some
35:20questions about the paternity.
35:22Oh, because Sharon changed
35:24the paternity test. She switched them
35:26because she hates me so much.
35:28So there's that.
35:37and I didn't
35:39live happily ever after, did we?
35:45a great ride with him.
35:47And we were
35:49so good together.
35:55Anyway, what do you think of your granny
35:57now that I told you all those stories?
35:59I, uh,
36:01you're kind of awesome.
36:03I mean, yes,
36:05you did some awful things,
36:09I think that my dad and Summer
36:11are pretty lucky.
36:13You're a different kind of mom, but
36:15you're a mom who loves her kids
36:17and will do anything for them
36:19just like mine.
36:25That is so lovely.
36:30Thanks that
36:32you got all of that
36:34from all those crazy stories.
36:38I think we should, uh,
36:40probably call it a night. You need to get some sleep.
36:42I'm way too wired to think about sleep
36:44right now.
36:46Yeah, me too, I guess.
36:48So, Mom,
36:52what are you going to do about Sharon?
36:54I don't know
36:56that yet,
36:58but you are innocent
37:00and I will prove it.
37:02And you know what the thing that you said about
37:04pointing fingers at Sharon because of our history?
37:06That's not happening.
37:10There are so many things that I've learned
37:12through my life, and one is
37:14my internal radar is on point.
37:16And number two,
37:18people will do really crazy,
37:20crazy things to get what they want.
37:24But no going undercover and no going against
37:26the police, that's not going to help.
37:28I'll be careful. I will.
37:30I will be gathering information.
37:32It seems that Chance already thinks
37:34that you are guilty
37:36and I have to change his mind.
37:38Don't try to stop me from doing that, guys.
37:40I think we both know
37:42better than to do that.
37:46But we're innocent
37:48and I will be proving
37:51that and we
37:53as a family
37:57will get through this together.
38:15...week on the Young and the Restless.
38:17What happened? Jack asked me
38:19We've got something.
38:23What exactly is this
38:25evidence the police have against you?
38:27Let's just say it's solid enough
38:29that I'm expecting a knock on my door at any moment.
39:28Join us again
39:30for the Young and the Restless.
