• 4 days ago
00:00Hey, boss, you're late three minutes.
00:15What's the big deal?
00:16You don't open for dinner for another hour.
00:19Three minutes late is still late, Miss Choi, but I'll let it slide this time.
00:28Thanks, Miss Vitale.
00:31What are you reading?
00:33Just the latest Salem news.
00:36About Brady Black, by any chance?
00:40You already heard?
00:42That he isn't the one who ran over Sarah Kiriakis after all.
00:47Yeah, his son Tate told me.
00:50He and I are pretty close.
00:58Hey, I heard the good news about your dad.
01:05Yeah, man.
01:06It's great news, right?
01:08I was actually just texting my grandpa to see if he's been released yet.
01:11Good, dude.
01:12I'm happy for you.
01:13I feel like I was really weighing on you.
01:14I was, man.
01:16Yeah, yeah.
01:17So what does this mean for you and Holly?
01:21I feel like she went after your dad pretty hard.
01:26There is no more me and Holly.
01:28We broke up.
01:46If I may, I'd like to make a toast to the Brighton group.
01:53I have to admit that I was nervous about seeing you, Abigail.
02:00Especially after the way Mom felt when she did.
02:03But now, I'm just sorry I didn't reach out sooner.
02:09Even if it was to video chat or talk to you on the phone.
02:15My mother...
02:17Oh, yes.
02:19I was talking on the phone to my brother, JJ.
02:24My mom had a hard time accepting that I was actually her daughter, Abigail.
02:30Wait, what do you mean?
02:31Didn't you two just talk on the phone last night?
02:47Damn, straight to voicemail.
02:49So, what's going on, sis?
02:51I'm trying to get Chad on the phone, but he's not picking up.
02:54You know, he's in Paris.
02:56With Abigail.
02:57Yeah, yeah.
02:58No, he's not answering my texts.
03:00I'm just going to get you a drink.
03:02So why Paris?
03:05It was her idea.
03:07She thinks it's going to jog her memory.
03:10All right.
03:13All right.
03:14Oh, because they lived there for a while after they got married, right?
03:18Yeah, and apparently they're getting married again.
03:23And that's not a good thing?
03:26No, Roman.
03:27It's a terrible thing.
03:32Clyde, I'm here at the Café Blanc.
03:36Look, there has to be some other way.
03:40Yeah, no, I get it.
03:41You don't have to keep telling me why I'm doing this.
03:49So what's the plan?
03:51How do you propose I murder him?
03:56Holly, what are you talking about?
03:58Oh, oh.
03:59It's just when I ran into Abigail at that café downstairs, she was on the phone with you.
04:04No, she wasn't.
04:19Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
04:37Look, I know it's at stake, okay?
04:39So enough with the threats.
04:40Just tell me the plan.
04:43The package.
04:47It's hidden closest to the entrance.
04:50Yeah, I know.
04:51I see it.
05:14I got it.
05:17I know.
05:18I know.
05:19I know.
05:20I just need to make sure that my sister and Chad are married.
05:32Um, JJ, I think you were in the middle of a toast.
05:35Yeah, well, sorry.
05:36Just hold on one second.
05:37No, I would love to hear the rest of it.
05:39I would love to hear the rest of it.
05:41It's, it's fine.
05:42I don't think Holly meant to interrupt.
05:44You're right.
05:45I didn't.
05:47JJ, go ahead.
05:48No, sorry.
05:49Just real quick.
05:50I'm just a little bit confused here.
05:51You said that she was on the phone with her brother.
05:54Yeah, I did say that.
05:56And look, it's not like I was eavesdropping or anything.
05:58I promise.
05:59It's just when I walked past you, you were talking about your mother and you said you were on the phone with JJ, so...
06:06I guess I must have misunderstood.
06:10Yeah, you did.
06:22So, what?
06:23Are you worried that Chad and Abigail are rushing things?
06:26I mean, we do know she hasn't gotten her memory check yet.
06:29That's not it.
06:30He's not answering his damn phone.
06:32You know, maybe, maybe he's got it turned off.
06:34I care.
06:35Look, I know you don't.
06:36That'll easy your ears are shaking.
06:38What the hell is going on here?
06:41What do you mean you told Chad?
06:43That he's about to marry a woman who is not Abigail.
06:52You and Holly broke up.
06:54Like, for real?
06:55What happened?
06:56Yeah, dude.
06:57We had this huge fight about my dad.
07:00Ah, that's rough, dude.
07:02I'm sorry.
07:04It's all so...
07:07Ah, never mind.
07:08Doesn't matter.
07:09No, don't do that.
07:10Come on, it'll stay between us.
07:11Come on, you know that.
07:12All right.
07:14Holly broke up with me.
07:16It'll stay between us.
07:17Come on, you know that.
07:18All right.
07:20Holly slapped Sophia across the face.
07:27Are you serious?
07:28I am very serious, man.
07:29They were arguing in the square.
07:31Just as I walked up, Holly attacked Sophia.
07:37That's crazy.
07:39Why did she do that?
07:40Dude, like, well, because, um, Sophia just called Holly out for sneaking into my dad's
07:44room to try and get evidence to give to the D.A.
07:48Uh, who is E.J.
07:51DiMera, who's married to Holly's mom, right?
07:54Yeah, but they're getting a divorce now.
07:56Besides, Holly is just as angry at her mom as she is at everybody else in the world.
08:00Okay, okay, okay, but I still don't see how that would mean she goes WWE on Sophia.
08:05Well, there is more.
08:07Uh, Sophia also told Holly that she likes me more than just a friend.
08:14Um, okay, I don't see why Holly is freaking out about that.
08:17I mean, I feel like we knew Sophia was after you from the jump.
08:20Yeah, I guess you're right.
08:22Sorry about that, by the way.
08:24I know you were into Sophia.
08:25No, no, no, it's okay.
08:27I'm all right.
08:28I mean, to be real, you're the one that she wanted from the beginning anyway, so it's okay.
08:33But now that you and Holly called it quits, could you and Sophia get together?
08:46So this Fiona woman just stood by and let Brady take the fall for paralyzing Sarah.
08:54Yeah, not to me.
08:56See, I waited on her once.
08:59She turned out to be a real bitch.
09:01What, she gave you a hard time?
09:03Only after I joked about how much she loved her martinis.
09:07But before I hit that nerve, we had some girl talk.
09:10I have to say, she was a pretty good listener.
09:13Oh, yeah?
09:14Knowing that she's such a terrible person.
09:17Now I wish I hadn't confronted on her.
09:20Well, she's certainly not going to be hanging her hat around here for a while.
09:25More like never again.
09:27So I'm back to having no one to talk to.
09:36You know what?
09:37I should let you guys celebrate as a family.
09:40Thank you for letting me be a part of this.
09:42I'll just come get the rest of my stuff later.
09:45You don't have to leave.
09:46It's fine.
09:47We should all be together.
09:49Are you sure?
09:53Thank you for coming in and all.
10:04Okay, so you want to explain why you told Holly you were talking on the phone to JJ?
10:11I had a really emotional day.
10:13I don't think he's straight.
10:16That's not an explanation.
10:24Please don't look at me like that.
10:26I was rattled.
10:28I don't...
10:29She said she wasn't eavesdropping, but she clearly was.
10:32I was having a private conversation with someone.
10:34Yeah, but you said you were talking to JJ, and I'm pretty sure he would remember it.
10:37So if you weren't talking to JJ, then who were you talking to?
10:43And why the hell are you lying about it?
10:46She's not dead yet.
10:48What the hell?
10:49You just keep your head down.
10:51I thought you did a DNA test to confirm that.
10:55Well, we didn't.
10:57But my ever-suspicious husband did not accept the test results on face value.
11:02And it turns out that his instincts were spot on and that the DNA test was wrong.
11:08Well, what the hell happened?
11:10Was there a screw-up in the lab?
11:12No, it wasn't.
11:13Was there a screw-up in the lab?
11:15No, it wasn't a mistake.
11:17Somebody tampered with it.
11:19Who would do that?
11:21Well, we know who did it.
11:23Somebody on my staff.
11:24Somebody I thought that I could trust.
11:30I said I wouldn't, didn't I?
11:32Look, I will do what you want, Clyde.
11:37And you damn well better make good on your promise.
11:49This is so weird, running into each other here.
11:52Yeah, some coincidence.
11:54What are you doing in Paris?
12:10So, Fiona Cook was your only confidante?
12:14But you don't have girlfriends your own age that you can talk to?
12:18Not really.
12:19I mean, for a while I had Holly Jonas, but our friendship kind of blew up.
12:25Oh, let me guess.
12:27You had a falling out over a boy.
12:30Yeah, Tate.
12:32But see, I liked him first, and Holly knew that, but then she totally broke girl code
12:37and didn't have the decency to tell me to my face that she wanted him for herself.
12:42Yeah, that's definitely breaking girl code.
12:45I know, right?
12:46So instead she went behind my back and came up with this whole ridiculous scheme.
12:51She went to prom with our friend Aaron and then tried to get me and Aaron to hook up.
12:55Well, she ran off with Tate.
12:58Sounds a little shady.
13:01Anyway, Tate is a really great guy, and he and Holly were just so wrong for each other.
13:09So, what's going on now?
13:11You and Tate together?
13:13Not exactly.
13:15Not yet, I mean.
13:17Does he know that you like him?
13:20Yeah, I've told him.
13:21It's just...
13:23It's just what?
13:26Well, he and Holly just broke up.
13:28And yeah, she wasn't nice, and she did a lot of terrible things to him, but
13:33I'm also probably a part of the reason they're not together anymore.
13:37And I think he may still be hung up on her.
13:42So, I guess you kind of feel like...
13:46You're like the other woman?
13:50Yeah, exactly. That's totally it.
13:52I mean, I think even though they broke up, Holly's still on his mind.
13:56You don't get over someone that quickly, right?
13:59No, normally it takes a while.
14:03That's why I don't want to push too hard.
14:05At least for now.
14:07I get.
14:10Sounds like you've been there.
14:15Do you know what it's like to be the other woman?
14:23Sophia kissed you?
14:25Like, when you and Holly weren't together?
14:27No, no, no. Holly and I were over by then.
14:30I still had to tell Sophia the truth that I'm not over Holly.
14:34And I'm sure she took that real well.
14:37Yeah, no. Not at all, actually.
14:40Okay, okay.
14:42Well, I mean, that makes sense, right?
14:44You and Holly went through a lot together, so it makes sense that you would take a while to get over her.
14:48But when you do, I mean...
14:51Can you see yourself with Sophia?
14:55I don't know, dude.
14:57Are you attracted to her?
15:00To me? Yeah.
15:02Yeah, she's really hot.
15:05And, like, yeah, she's been really supportive about everything that went down with my dad.
15:10Like, really there for me, you know?
15:14So, what's stopping you?
15:18Are you still thinking you're gonna get back together with Holly?
15:24I'm here visiting my mom. She lives here now.
15:28Right. Of course.
15:30What brings you to the City of Light?
15:33Something not so light, actually.
15:36I have to deal with some issues concerning my parents' estate.
15:41They own some properties here in France.
15:44They died in an accident.
15:47Aaron told me about it. I'm so sorry for your loss.
15:52And, hey, I would love to stay and chat, but unfortunately there is some place I have to be.
15:57Wait, wait. I don't want to hold you up.
15:59It's just crazy. I don't know, seeing another person from Salem here in Paris.
16:04I mean, what are the chances of that?
16:06What do you mean? Who else from Salem did you run into?
16:09Oh, I'm not sure if you know her. Abigail DiMera?
16:17Okay. Let me get this straight.
16:20So, Steve gives his mark.
16:22Give it to me.
16:24Samples of his and your DNA.
16:27Claiming they're from Abigail and Thomas.
16:32And he supposedly tested it and then told Steve that it was a match for mother and son.
16:38Son of a bitch. Why would he go to such lengths to trick Abigail's family?
16:44I don't know. But he's obviously in cahoots with this fake Abigail.
16:48I tried to contact him and confront him with all of this and he's disappeared.
16:54Abigail DiMera. I don't think we've actually met.
16:57No, but I did hear about her return.
17:01Yeah. She's in Paris now, too.
17:04Yeah, I actually just came from her wedding ceremony.
17:07She got married.
17:08To Chad DiMera, yeah.
17:10I guess their marriage was dissolved when she supposedly died.
17:14So if they want to make it legal again.
17:16They just said their vows a little while ago.
17:18They are now once again husband and wife.
17:20Wow. Great news.
17:23I'm so happy for them.
17:26Answer the question.
17:29Why'd you lie about talking to JJ?
17:33Can you and I discuss this at home, please?
17:40Will you give us a few minutes?
17:42Yeah, okay.
18:00What are you hiding, Abby?
18:03Why'd you lie?
18:08Answer me.
18:16Okay, okay, Chad, I will tell you everything.
18:35So, you have been the other woman?
18:40Let's just say I know what it's like when people want to sew a scarlet letter to your blouse.
18:47You can't let it get to you.
18:50Kind of hard not to.
18:52Yeah, it is.
18:54But you know what people say about opinions?
18:56Everybody has one.
19:01And if you take everyone's opinion to heart, you are going to end up second-guessing every move that you make.
19:11So you want my two cents?
19:15If you like Tate, if you really like him, go for it.
19:22You fight for him with everything that you have.
19:26And who cares what other people say?
19:30You are a smart, strong, beautiful young woman.
19:35Own it.
19:38Own who you are.
19:42Own who I am.
19:45I like the sound of that.
19:49I just...
19:53I don't see how Holly and I can work past our problems.
19:57I mean, she totally betrayed me.
20:00Yeah, like, multiple times?
20:04Yes, more than once.
20:06And actually the first time was the worst, man.
20:08Like, letting me take the rap for the drugs that she OD'd on.
20:12And then this time, she lied to me to get into my house.
20:15She said that it was because she wanted to work on things with us, but it wasn't.
20:18It was really because she wanted to get the goods on my dad so she could try to hurt him.
20:22It's kind of hard to forgive, man.
20:24Yeah, I get it. I get it.
20:29Okay, so it sounds like you guys are really done.
20:34Yes, we are.
20:39So what's stopping you? What's Sophia? What are you waiting on?
20:43No, I can't say I know the DiMera as well, but I'm happy for Abigail and Chad.
20:48They're lucky to get another chance at happiness.
20:51Yeah, they are.
20:54I just hope it all works out.
20:56Is there some reason it wouldn't?
20:59I hope not. It's just, things got a little weird before I left.
21:03Weird how?
21:05It was communication issues between Abigail and Chad.
21:09It was communication issues between Abigail and her brother.
21:13Her brother?
21:14JJ, yeah. He showed up to Paris as a surprise.
21:18I shouldn't be talking about this. Like I said, I just hope it all works out.
21:23Yeah, I hope so too.
21:27And now I really need to get going.
21:31Right. See you back in Salem?
21:34Yes, definitely.
21:39Hey, Holly.
21:40JJ, hey.
21:42Who were you talking to just now? Who was that guy?
21:48Ken, I'm glad you didn't find this guy at the crime. My gut tells me he's dangerous.
21:54Well, tampering with DNA test results is certainly criminal.
21:59Not to mention cruel.
22:01I mean, all of us believing that Abigail was alive?
22:06I mean, how could I be so wrong about a person?
22:10I mean, this guy is a good doctor. I really believed that he was a good guy.
22:15Okay, he obviously fooled a lot of people, but at this point, you need to let the police handle it.
22:21Oh, believe me, I called Jada and I told her everything.
22:25Okay, that's good. That's good.
22:27Now we just gotta hope Salem PD tracks this bastard down and charges him with perpetrating a fraud.
22:34Yeah, I hope so.
22:36Priority for you.
22:41I'm listening.
22:48Okay, I will.
22:55I need you to understand that the only reason that I did this was because...
23:00It's probably J.J. I'll tell him to come back.
23:06Can I help you?
23:10I'm Mark Green, a doctor from Salem.
23:14I just ran into Holly Jonas.
23:16She goes to school with my brother Aaron.
23:19She said that you two just got married.
23:29And she also said that your brother was here.
23:33Right, J.J. just left. We're in the middle of a conversation.
23:36What do you want?
23:41To say congratulations.
23:46He don't even know us.
23:50Eddie, I guess.
23:53Hi, Chad.
23:58Sorry, I got...
24:00I was worried about you being home.
24:02You're alone, but I guess...
24:05You're not.
24:06Oh, yeah.
24:07I was just asking this nice man for directions.
24:10I managed to get lost, even with my GPS.
24:13I'm so glad that your friend found you.
24:17Okay, well, thank you for your help.
24:26Hey, Jordan.
24:28I don't know.
24:29I just...
24:30I need to clear my head.
24:32Yeah, well, I didn't have the...
24:36Memory of Holly must have been upsetting.
24:45I do know you.
25:04Thanks for the pep talk, boss.
25:06I'm so motivated now to make things happen with me and Tate.
25:09To own who I am.
25:12Okay, but right now, I need you to own being one of my servers
25:16and get the table set before we get slammed for dinner.
25:20You got it, Miss Vitale.
25:23You can call me Ava.
25:26Okay, Ava.
25:37Wait, so you're telling me you would not have a problem with me being with Sophia?
25:42Why would I?
25:44I didn't know you were into her.
25:46Yeah, yeah, but I mean, I have friends zoned, as you well know.
25:50So, come over. It's fine. I told you that.
25:54You're sure?
25:56I'm sure. Do not hold back on my account, dude.
25:59Go for it.
26:02Well, thanks, man.
26:04You're welcome.
26:05You wanna come over to my place so I can kick your ass on the gaming system my grandma got me?
26:10No, I would love to, but I have to watch my sister tonight.
26:14Well, my brother's out of town doing something with our parents' estate.
26:18Alright. Brain check?
26:26Jennifer, Jennifer was right all along.
26:29Her mother's intuition told her that that woman was not Abigail.
26:33We should have all listened to her.
26:35Yeah, well, Jennifer will be vindicated, but Jack, my God, he's gonna be crushed.
26:40Can you imagine having to deal with the loss of their daughter all over again?
26:45And Jack really, really believed that that was his lover.
26:51My heart breaks.
26:54And for Chad, obviously.
26:57I just pray to God that he has not married that scam artist, Jennifer.
27:02Yeah, that poor guy. I mean, by some miracle, he thought he had gotten a lover just like that.
27:10But it was a lie. An egregious lie.
27:13I mean, we should have known better than to believe Clive Weston when he said that Abigail was still alive.
27:18I mean, this is all his doing.
27:25Oh, uh, that was just some guy I know from Salem.
27:29A doctor, actually. Mark Green. I go to school with his younger brother, Aaron.
27:33What's he doing in Paris?
27:35Something about his late parents' estate.
27:38Such a coincidence, though, running into Abigail here, and now him at the safe cafe.
27:43Yeah, man, that's pretty wild.
27:46Sure is.
27:47So, everything's okay with Abigail and Chad?
27:50Um, not really. I just, I can't imagine why my sister would have lied about talking to me.
27:58Me neither. I still feel pretty bad about saying anything, though. I, like, totally messed up their wedding reception.
28:05No, I'm actually glad you did. There's something definitely off here.
28:11And Chad's talking to Abigail in private right now, so hopefully he can get to the bottom of things.
28:19Yeah, I remember you.
28:22I saw you two together at the park.
28:26You said that you were lost, and then you were just asking him for directions.
28:32You two know each other?
28:34We do.
28:37Is he who you were talking to when you said you were talking to JJ?
28:40Yes. And I don't know why he's here. Why are you in Paris, Mark?
28:46Somebody better tell me what the hell is going on right now!
28:50I'm sorry. Please. You have to know I had no other choice.
28:55Sorry about what?
28:57Okay, okay, okay, okay.
29:19Hey you.
29:20Hey. Is this a bad time?
29:22No, no, it's fine. We just opened for dinner, but no customers yet, as you can see.
29:27Are you here for your sliders?
29:30No. Actually, I'm here to talk to you.
29:34Oh. Okay, cool. Any news about when your dad is getting released?
29:40No, not yet.
29:41Soon, I hope.
29:44So, what did you want to talk about?
29:49You and me?
29:51What about us?
29:55I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out after work?
30:01Yeah. Yeah, sure. I'd love that.
30:03All right. Awesome. Okay, I'll pick you up after your shift. What time is it over?
30:10All right. I'll see you then.
30:13See you then.
30:34Honestly, I... I can't think of a reason why my sister would have lied about this.
30:44Unless what?
30:47Unless she really isn't my sister.
30:52JJ, why would you think that? Wasn't there DNA proof done that she's really Abigail?
30:57There was. But I was a cop long enough to know that proof can be doctored.
31:03So, you think someone messed with the DNA results?
31:10It's just, I keep going back to how my mom felt when she actually met with Abigail.
31:16She told me when we spoke about it that she didn't feel it in her heart that that was her daughter.
31:23It must have been really hard for her. And for Abigail.
31:28Yeah. It was, apparently.
31:32But what if my mom has been right all along?
31:36That that woman isn't her daughter. Or my sister. Or Chad's wife.
31:43And what if you catching her in a lie just helped us prove it?
31:52Markham! My God, what are you doing? Put the guns down!
31:55I'm sorry. I really am. And he said there's no other way.
31:59Who said that? Who told you to kill me?
32:12I still can't get Chad on the phone.
32:15Well, at least Steve will be there soon.
32:18Yeah. He left for Paris this morning to try to stop Chad from marrying that imposter.
32:22Ah, good. Glad he did. Hopefully he gets there on time.
32:30Now that you two are married, Clyde wants Chad dead.
32:33Clark, you can't do this!
32:36Get out of the way!
32:37No, I will not!
32:39If you want to shoot him, you have to shoot me first!
32:42Get out of the way! Do it!
32:51What's going on?
32:54I'll tell you what's going on.
32:56I'll tell you what's going on.
32:59This woman is not Abigail.
