Status: Ongoing
Network: Tencent, Tencent Animation
Released: May 01, 2023
Duration: 15 min. per ep.
Season: 01
Country: China
Type: ONA
Episodes: 160
Fansub: ongoing donghua
Action Adventure Animation Fantasy fighting
One hundred thousand years ago, the Tianlan Sect dominated the world of cultivation, and the disciples in the sect were all geniuses, invincible. Only the founding disciple Xu Yang has been in the Qi refining period. In order to break through and ascend as soon as possible, Xu Yang has been in seclusion for thousands of years. Unexpectedly, when he came out of seclusion, the world of cultivation had already declined, and the Tianlan Sect had only three or five disciples left.
Network: Tencent, Tencent Animation
Released: May 01, 2023
Duration: 15 min. per ep.
Season: 01
Country: China
Type: ONA
Episodes: 160
Fansub: ongoing donghua
Action Adventure Animation Fantasy fighting
One hundred thousand years ago, the Tianlan Sect dominated the world of cultivation, and the disciples in the sect were all geniuses, invincible. Only the founding disciple Xu Yang has been in the Qi refining period. In order to break through and ascend as soon as possible, Xu Yang has been in seclusion for thousands of years. Unexpectedly, when he came out of seclusion, the world of cultivation had already declined, and the Tianlan Sect had only three or five disciples left.
Short filmTranscript
00:30I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don
01:00t know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to
01:26愛與恨情難消 潛伏江湖誰滔滔
01:32多少英雄事 把酒言歡笑今朝
01:56詞曲 李宗盛
02:06陽天笑 笑寂寥 花花世界人逍遙
02:12人生如煙一流 醒了須祈禱
02:18愛與恨情難消 潛伏江湖誰滔滔
02:25多少英雄事 把酒言歡笑今朝
02:31多少英雄事 把酒言歡笑今朝
02:55老祖 老祖
03:04轉命天丹 拍出了九千九百萬星幣
03:17還 還能這樣
03:20老祖就捏了一下 這輝光石就升到了最高品
03:25五億 老祖 那顆輝光石拍出了五億高價 破了記錄
03:35哼 還算有眼光
03:55七億 加三億 加九億 加九億 一共拍出了兩百八十六億星幣
04:13這 這麼多還不夠
04:24我等了五百年 終於等到漁王現世了
04:55這些 該不會都是
05:07這方天地 都在老祖的廖話之下升級了
05:12把這些 都拿去拍
05:17一場拍賣會 能讓整個瞭若仙域的財富都翻了一百倍
05:23那人有一手高超的煉化技藝 來歷不明
05:26斧一出現 就在整個九界掀起風浪
05:30大姐 我們是不是要
05:33沒錯 這人 我要了
05:38他可是滅了暗魂仙域的星傳 大姐 這個人恐難收服啊
05:45利子當頭 只要價錢合適 還沒有我鱷馬營談不下來的人
05:54這 這些 買下三個仙域了 我 我還是趕緊交給老祖吧
06:07想搶劫 除非我死 不然 你們休想拿走分毫
06:15我 要的是他
06:23我看中你了 做我的人 我可以保護你
06:28你只需要負責將寶物煉化 最後收益三七分
06:34給他三成 太多了吧
06:37你七 我三 如何
06:41大姐 你瘋了
06:54好強 一個眼神就讓我動蕩不得 是我低估了他
07:03實力太弱 眼力尚可 可活
07:10這筆生意要換個做法 你 我買了
07:18我 我同意
07:24我打不過他 只要價格合適 這筆生意很公平 也很划算
07:31我是玄天盟的盟主 玄天盟掌握第九界所有消息
07:36有了我 你將對第九界兩如指掌
07:42大姐 有消息
07:46什麼 暗魂仙域竟然被襲擊了
07:52我們派出去的人都被他殺光了 一個不留
07:59再不除掉他 咱們都得完蛋
08:05快通知我那九十九個兄弟 派兵
08:13快去 遵命
08:25不知這位前輩攔住我們有何用意 何不現身吩咐
09:19根據玄天盟探來的消息 暗魂仙域是在一個時辰之內整個被滅的
09:26雷電 腐敗 好龐大的力量 而且這些力量都是神力的水準
09:35暗魂仙域惹了什麼大禍 招來這麼多厲害角色
09:40沒有很多 只有一人
09:48一事九招 這是有人在同我打招呼
10:00姑娘 靈山弟子不近女色
10:08和天道爭了一輩子 是好是壞 這結果都由小爺一個人擔著
10:15煙雨 你從來都不是一個人
10:37二維碼在此 何等還不趕緊加上
10:44二維碼在此 何等還不趕緊加上
10:57二維碼在此 何等還不趕緊加上
11:14二維碼在此 何等還不趕緊加上
11:44二維碼在此 何等還不趕緊加上
12:14二維碼在此 何等還不趕緊加上