• avant-hier
00:00Que vous ayez juste acheté votre premier iPad ou que vous l'avez upgradé d'une génération plus ancienne,
00:04c'est le moment pour vous.
00:06Dans ce vidéo, je vais vous montrer les 15 premières choses que vous devez faire pour obtenir le plus de votre iPad
00:10en termes de ses fonctions, de sa performance et de sa batterie.
00:13Cette vidéo s'applique à tous les récents iPad Pro, iPad Air et iPad Models.
00:18Et comme toujours, je vais laisser tous les liens d'achat dans la description.
00:21Tout d'abord, regardons quelques gestes essentiels.
00:24Tout d'abord, pour fermer l'application, vous devez cliquer sur le bouton de l'écran.
00:28C'est assez simple, mais vous pouvez aussi utiliser un bouton de 5 doigts pour fermer l'application.
00:32Comme vous pouvez le voir, si je prends 5 doigts et que je pince vers l'extérieur,
00:35l'application se fermera.
00:37Ce qui est aussi utile, c'est que si vous avez une application ouverte,
00:39vous pouvez utiliser 4 doigts pour swiper à gauche pour circuler entre vos applications les plus récentes.
00:44Comme vous pouvez le voir, je peux rapidement changer entre Safari, le widget du temps,
00:48ainsi que mon calendrier.
00:49Vous pouvez aussi faire la même chose en swipant ici, au fond de l'écran.
00:54Vous pouvez aussi le faire sur votre iPhone.
00:56C'est un moyen très utile et rapide de circuler rapidement entre vos applications ouvertes.
01:01À l'écran, pour voir toutes vos applications ouvertes,
01:03vous devez simplement swiper à gauche, puis prendre, puis lâcher.
01:06Cela va voir toutes vos applications ouvertes.
01:08Pour fermer une application, si elle est un peu étrange,
01:11et que vous voulez la restarter,
01:12vous devez simplement swiper à gauche pour fermer l'application.
01:14On peut ensuite aller sur l'écran de la maison et la restarter.
01:18Encore quelques gestes sur l'écran de la maison.
01:20Pour voir vos notifications,
01:21vous devez simplement swiper à gauche du centre de l'écran.
01:24Vous verrez toutes vos notifications ici, groupées par application.
01:26Vous pouvez voir que je n'ai en ce moment aucune.
01:28Puis, si nous swipons à gauche du haut à droite,
01:30vous obtenez le centre de contrôle.
01:32C'est un bon moyen de rapidement accéder aux fonctions du système fondamental.
01:35Appuyez sur votre flashlight, ajustez le volume,
01:37vos contrôles de médias, et bien sûr, votre connectivité aussi.
01:40Très utile à faire, du centre de contrôle.
01:42Vous pouvez aussi l'accéder à cela dans d'autres applications.
01:45Enfin, si vous êtes ouvert dans une autre application,
01:48et que vous voulez rapidement switcher à une application spécifique,
01:50ce que vous pouvez faire, au lieu de swiper à gauche du centre de la maison,
01:53c'est de faire un petit swipe,
01:55et cela va vous apporter votre doc.
01:57C'est essentiellement l'application la plus utilisée,
01:59ou la plus récemment utilisée,
02:01ce sont les trois ici à droite,
02:02et vous avez toutes ces autres applications,
02:04que vous pouvez setter vous-même.
02:05Vous pouvez très rapidement en choisir une,
02:06et ensuite le changer pour rapidement aller dans une autre application.
02:09Je peux aller dans mon calendrier,
02:10apporter le doc à nouveau,
02:11et retourner à Safari, comme ça.
02:13Et pour déterminer quelles applications sont dans votre doc,
02:15c'est la liste des applications que vous avez mis ici,
02:17à la fin de votre écran.
02:19D'accord, alors maintenant,
02:20prenons les choses d'un niveau à l'autre.
02:21Nous allons regarder Splitscreen,
02:23ainsi que Slideover,
02:24et ce sont des bons moyens de multi-tasquer sur votre iPad.
02:27Donc pour cela, nous allons le tourner en mode landscape.
02:29Vous savez, les choses deviennent sérieuses,
02:30quand nous entrons dans le mode landscape.
02:32Non, mais ces fonctions sont aussi accessibles en mode portrait.
02:35Cependant, j'ai préféré les utiliser dans le mode landscape,
02:37donc je vais les présenter comme ça.
02:39Donc d'abord, nous allons regarder l'ouverture de Safari ici.
02:41Disons que je suis en train de browser sur le web,
02:43et en même temps, je veux prendre des notes,
02:45disons pour un prochain vidéo.
02:46Maintenant, ce que je peux faire,
02:47c'est d'en faire deux applications en même temps.
02:49Et pour ce faire, nous allons cliquer sur le bouton 3,
02:51que vous trouverez ici au milieu du haut de l'écran.
02:53Et puis, nous avons l'option pour Splitview.
02:55Nous allons cliquer dessus.
02:56Et maintenant, nous allons choisir une deuxième application
02:58pour s'ouvrir en même temps que la fenêtre de Safari.
03:00Donc dans ce cas ici,
03:01ouvrons un document de notes.
03:03Et voilà.
03:04Comme vous pouvez le voir,
03:05nous faisons maintenant deux applications en même temps.
03:07Je peux avoir mes notes ici à droite,
03:09et je peux scroller ma page Safari ici à gauche.
03:11C'est un bon moyen, encore une fois,
03:12de prendre des notes
03:13pendant que vous browsez sur le web.
03:15Je peux ensuite ajuster la taille de chaque fenêtre ici
03:17en cliquant et en cliquant sur cette petite barre
03:19que nous avons au milieu.
03:20Donc, je peux prioriser plus d'espace
03:21pour, disons, l'application des notes.
03:23Oh, encore une fois.
03:25Ou pour la fenêtre de Safari,
03:26et vice-versa.
03:27Et si je veux inverser l'ordre,
03:28je peux utiliser le bouton 3 sur chacune des applications
03:31et simplement bouger à gauche ou à droite
03:33pour changer l'orientation
03:35et l'ordre des applications.
03:37Et puis, pour fermer une application,
03:39cliquez sur le bouton 3
03:40et cliquez sur fermer.
03:41Vous pouvez aussi multi-tasker sur votre iPad
03:43grâce à quelque chose qui s'appelle Slide Over.
03:45Donc, disons que j'ai mon application de musique ouverte.
03:47Et allons cliquer sur le bouton 3
03:49et cliquer sur Slide Over.
03:51Maintenant, nous allons ouvrir une deuxième application.
03:53Disons un document de pages.
03:54Comme vous pouvez le voir,
03:55je travaille sur ce document ici.
03:56Et puis, mon application de musique va fonctionner
03:58dans une sorte de petite,
03:59presque à la taille d'un iPhone,
04:00comme une fenêtre.
04:01Et au lieu de fonctionner
04:02à côté du document de pages,
04:03il fonctionne en fait sur le dessus.
04:04Donc, vous pouvez voir,
04:05je peux en fait le déplacer
04:06et ça ne va pas obstruer
04:08l'amount of screen space
04:09that is dedicated to pages.
04:10So, I find this to be
04:11a really good example actually
04:12where let's say I'm working
04:13on this document,
04:14but I want to quickly have
04:15my music app nearby
04:16so I'm like to switch songs throughout,
04:18go ahead and play my music
04:19and then swipe it off the screen
04:21to then dedicate all the screen space
04:23back to the pages window.
04:24But whenever I want to access my music,
04:26simply swipe in from the left here
04:28and that will bring back
04:29the music window.
04:30And of course, I can move it over
04:31to the right as well.
04:33And then to close the application,
04:34tap on the 3-dot menu
04:36and simply tap on close.
04:37A neat shortcut
04:38when it comes to multitasking
04:39that I want to show you.
04:40So, let's say I have
04:41this pages document here,
04:42I can then bring up the dock again
04:44with that slow swipe from the bottom
04:45and I can also position an app
04:47next to it that way too.
04:48So, let's say I have
04:49a Safari window,
04:50I can then drag it out
04:51and as you can see,
04:52I can then drag it to the right
04:53to have it run next to it
04:54or drag it over top
04:55to have it run in slide over.
04:56Now, let's bring it into split view here
04:58next to it
04:59and as you can see,
05:00just like that,
05:01we're now again running
05:02two applications at once
05:03on the iPad.
05:04Super powerful
05:05and features like this
05:06really make it more of a computer
05:07rather than just a large phone.
05:10So, now that we've looked at
05:11some essential gestures
05:12as well as how to multitask
05:13on the iPad,
05:14I want to show you
05:15some really great accessories
05:16that add even more functionality
05:17to this device
05:18and starting off
05:19with none other
05:20than the Apple Pencil itself.
05:22Now, the Apple Pencil
05:23is a really powerful accessory.
05:24I personally like to use it
05:25to take handwritten notes
05:26on my iPad.
05:27It's also great
05:28for just generally
05:29navigating the iPad
05:30and especially for drawing
05:31or editing photos.
05:32So, for example,
05:33I like to edit my video thumbnails
05:34in Lightroom
05:35and there's a certain level
05:36of control
05:37that making contact
05:38with the pixels directly
05:39with a fine tool
05:40like this pencil
05:41has that you just don't get
05:42with, say,
05:43a typical mouse
05:44and a keyboard
05:45and desktop setup.
05:46So, I think that here
05:47really is where the iPad
05:48and particularly
05:49the Apple Pencil
05:50really shines.
05:51Let me go and show you
05:52how to use it.
05:53So, we're going to open up
05:54a brand new
05:55blank free-from document here
05:56and right away,
05:57I can go ahead
05:58and start drawing
05:59as you can see
06:00and then if we look
06:01for this little icon here,
06:02this is the pen icon.
06:03As you can see,
06:04that's going to bring up
06:05this menu here
06:06and this will allow us
06:07to switch tools.
06:08So, I can go in
06:09and switch from the crayon
06:10to a more finer pen.
06:11I can adjust the color.
06:12I can do the eraser as well
06:13and even bring in tools
06:14like, for example,
06:15a ruler.
06:16So, I can go ahead
06:17and bring that over
06:18with my other hand.
06:19I can then adjust that
06:20and let's switch tools here
06:21and as you can see,
06:22that's going to allow me
06:23to draw a perfectly
06:24straight line.
06:25So, super useful
06:26for illustrations.
06:27Speaking of which,
06:28I can also draw shapes.
06:29So, for example,
06:30let's say I want to draw
06:31a circle.
06:32As you can see,
06:33it's then going to correct it.
06:34Oh, let me try that
06:35one more time.
06:36There we go.
06:37It's then going to correct it
06:38and make it a little bit neater.
06:39The same thing goes,
06:40for example,
06:41if I want to do a triangle.
06:42There we go.
06:43I can even do things
06:44like an arrow or a line.
06:45Yep, as you can see,
06:46it'll just make things
06:47a little bit neater.
06:48Make it look like
06:49your handwriting is even neater
06:50than it is.
06:51Something I definitely need.
06:52And you can also
06:53double tap the pencil
06:54and that's then going to
06:55automatically switch over
06:56to the eraser
06:57allowing you to quickly
06:58erase your previous drawings.
06:59Now, some of these gestures
07:00and features
07:01will apply to different models.
07:02So, Apple actually has
07:03like four different pencils now.
07:04It's a little bit confusing.
07:05Right here,
07:06I have the Apple Pencil Pro
07:07that is the newest model.
07:08Certain pencils
07:09will be compatible
07:10with certain iPads.
07:11Now, there is a pencil
07:12for every iPad,
07:13but you just have to make sure
07:14you get the right one.
07:15So, I suggest you check out
07:16Apple's website
07:17if you're not sure
07:18which pencil is compatible
07:19with your model of iPad.
07:20But, if you are working
07:21with the latest and greatest,
07:22the Apple Pencil Pro,
07:23what you can do,
07:24unlike with the other
07:25Apple Pencils,
07:26is, let's open up
07:27a new document
07:28one more time,
07:29is I can actually
07:30squeeze this pencil.
07:31So, as you can see,
07:32if I squeeze it,
07:33it brings up
07:34this small menu here,
07:35very similar
07:36to the previous menu.
07:37But, in this case,
07:38I can bring it over
07:39to wherever I want.
07:40So, you can see,
07:41wherever I'm drawing,
07:42it's automatically
07:43going to appear.
07:44I can then quickly
07:45cycle through
07:46to switch my tool.
07:47And what is even cooler,
07:48let's say I want to pick
07:49a tool here.
07:50Let's say I pick this crayon.
07:51As you can see,
07:52if I hover over it,
07:53it'll actually give a preview
07:54of not only the size
07:55and color,
07:56but also the texture
07:57of the tool
07:58I am working with.
07:59So, let's use, for example,
08:00this highlighter here,
08:01which has, obviously,
08:02a thicker edge
08:03depending on how you hold it.
08:04As you can see,
08:05if I hold it very closely
08:06and if I rotate the pencil,
08:07this now has a gyroscope,
08:08it'll actually show you
08:09what kind of a stroke
08:10you're going to have.
08:11So, you have a thicker stroke,
08:12and then if I rotate it in,
08:13it's going to have
08:14a thinner stroke.
08:15And a really cool detail
08:16that you may have spotted
08:17is there's actually
08:18a very subtle shadow
08:19of the pencil underneath.
08:20I'm filming from above,
08:21so it might be hard to see,
08:22but these little details
08:23I really appreciate.
08:24This is something
08:25you're only going to find
08:26with the latest
08:27Apple Pencil Pro,
08:28which is compatible
08:29with the latest iPad Pro,
08:30as well as the latest iPad Air.
08:32Another couple of reasons
08:33why the Apple Pencil is great
08:34is it will also allow you
08:35to hand sign, for example,
08:36say, a PDF or a document
08:38or contract.
08:39That's also a great way
08:40to annotate things
08:41like, for example,
08:42a screenshot.
08:43So, let's say I have
08:44a screenshot here,
08:45I can go ahead and circle
08:46or highlight any different
08:47portion of that as well.
08:48And by the way,
08:49that shortcut I just did there,
08:50I'll show you how to do that
08:51in a sec.
08:52Up next, I want to show you
08:53how to pair an external keyboard
08:54as well as an external mouse
08:56to your iPad.
08:57And this really takes it
08:58to the next level
08:59when it comes to interacting
09:00with the device
09:01and the different functionality
09:02you can get from it.
09:03So, there are, of course,
09:04folios with built-in keyboards.
09:06Apple has one
09:07with their Magic Keyboard.
09:08But that will cost you
09:09around $300.
09:10So, it is very expensive.
09:12So, a much more
09:13cost-effective way
09:14to get the same functionality
09:15to your iPad
09:16is to just use
09:17any external keyboard,
09:18Bluetooth keyboard
09:19that you may have
09:20or any Bluetooth mouse.
09:21As you can see here,
09:22I have a keyboard
09:23from an iMac
09:24and I have a non-Apple
09:25Logitech keyboard.
09:26And I have a keyboard
09:27from an Apple Logitech mouse.
09:28And these can both be paired
09:29with the iPad.
09:30So, let me go ahead
09:31and show you
09:32how to do these one by one.
09:33So, let's start off here
09:34with the keyboard.
09:35So, just move the mouse
09:36off to the side here.
09:37First thing you're going
09:38to want to do
09:39is turn on your keyboard
09:40and make sure
09:41it is in pairing mode.
09:42The Magic Keyboard here
09:43will do this automatically.
09:44When it is on
09:45other keyboards,
09:46you may need
09:47to press a pairing button.
09:48What you're going to do next
09:49is go into
09:50the Settings app here
09:51and then we're going
09:52to tap on Bluetooth.
09:53And then over here
09:54under Other Devices
09:55is where you should
09:56be able to find
09:57the new keyboard lister.
09:58So, in my case here,
09:59Dior's Magic Keyboard,
10:00there it is.
10:01And as you can see,
10:02that will now be paired
10:03with the iPad.
10:04Let me show you
10:05some really neat
10:06keyboard shortcuts
10:07that automatically apply
10:08on the iPad as well.
10:09So, first,
10:10we have the function row here
10:11on the top of the
10:12Magic Keyboard.
10:13So, we can use that
10:14to adjust, for example,
10:15the brightness
10:16as well as the volume
10:17without having to use
10:18the buttons on the iPad.
10:19Other things like
10:20your spotlight search
10:21will also work as well.
10:22But my favorite
10:23keyboard shortcut
10:24for the iPad here
10:25is to quickly switch
10:26between apps.
10:27So, what you can do
10:28is you want to press
10:29and hold Command
10:30and then press
10:31the Tab button once
10:32and then hold the Command.
10:33And as you can see,
10:34I'm going to bring up
10:35a preview of all the
10:36open applications you have.
10:37So, we can go back
10:38to the Freeform application
10:39that we were just at.
10:40I can then tap it again
10:41to, say, jump into weather.
10:42And I'm cycling through them
10:43by clicking the Tab button here.
10:44And as you can see,
10:45that basically allows me
10:46to instantly switch
10:47between my open apps.
10:48And then here
10:49at the far right,
10:50we can also go back
10:51to the home screen.
10:52And all of this
10:53is just keyboard shortcuts
10:54on your iPad.
10:55Really cool.
10:56And fun fact,
10:57yes, this keyboard shortcut
10:58does actually work
10:59on the Mac as well.
11:00It's probably the one
11:01that I use most
11:02to quickly switch
11:03between my apps.
11:04Check this out.
11:05One, two, three.
11:06There we go.
11:07Super easy.
11:08And I love using this feature
11:09on the keyboard.
11:10And next,
11:11let's take a look
11:12at the mouse.
11:13So, as I mentioned,
11:14you don't need to have
11:15an Apple mouse
11:16or a keyboard for that matter.
11:17Just any Bluetooth mouse
11:18will do.
11:19Here I have the
11:20Logitech MX Master 3.
11:21So, to pair it,
11:22that means pressing
11:23and holding the button
11:24here at the bottom
11:25until it starts blinking,
11:26as you can see.
11:27And we're going to
11:28jump into settings.
11:29And that'll, again,
11:30be under Other Devices,
11:31MX Master 3.
11:32There it is.
11:33And then we're going
11:34to tap on Pair.
11:35Give it a second here.
11:36And there we go.
11:37Any second later,
11:38we will have
11:39the cursor show up
11:40on the iPad.
11:41And as you can see,
11:42it's not a traditional cursor.
11:43It's kind of a
11:44sort of opaque
11:45little circle here.
11:46And you can see that
11:47as you scroll over things,
11:48they will sort of
11:49get a little bit bigger.
11:50So, it's almost like
11:51the hover feature
11:52on the Apple Pencil
11:53where it gets
11:54a little bit bigger
11:55to make it easier
11:56to see which icon
11:57you're pressing.
11:58And this basically
11:59gives you full control
12:00over your iPad.
12:01And even the scrolling
12:02function works,
12:03as you can see.
12:04You can very quickly
12:05scroll through your menus.
12:06And I find this to be,
12:07again, a really great way
12:08to just add more functionality
12:09to your iPad
12:10and make it all
12:11that more accessible.
12:12And in fact,
12:13if we take the iPad here,
12:14bring in the keyboard,
12:15and then we have
12:16the mouse on the side,
12:17what you're kind of
12:18working with,
12:19it is almost like
12:20a mini desktop setup.
12:21Which, depending on
12:22your use case,
12:23depending on what
12:24your setup is like,
12:25can be really great.
12:26I think especially
12:27typing out longer
12:28emails or documents,
12:29the touchscreen works well,
12:30but having a good old
12:31keyboard works even better.
12:32The mouse, perhaps,
12:33can be great for gaming
12:34or for certain
12:35precision applications
12:36as well.
12:37So, with this setup
12:38right here,
12:39it's almost like
12:40a mini desktop setup.
12:41And this brings us
12:42to the final essential
12:43accessory for the iPad,
12:44and that is some protection.
12:45Now, in this case here,
12:46I have Apple's
12:47Smart Folio.
12:48Now, there's many
12:49options available,
12:50both from third-party
12:51as well as third-party
12:53but in my opinion,
12:54you really can't go wrong
12:55with Apple's Smart Folio.
12:56And I've used these
12:57on my iPads for years,
12:58they are durable,
12:59they last long,
13:00they're not the
13:01cheapest option, no,
13:02but they do add
13:03a lot of functionality
13:04that, in my opinion,
13:05make it worth it.
13:06So, as you can see,
13:07we have this really
13:08nice matte texture
13:09on the outside,
13:10and if I go ahead
13:11and open it,
13:12you'll see we have
13:13this really nice
13:14soft microfiber-like
13:15material on the inside,
13:16which is great because
13:17it actually also
13:18holds the iPad
13:19in and out.
13:20So, one of the
13:21beauty things,
13:22the great things
13:23about this particular
13:24folio from Apple
13:25is to attach it,
13:26you simply want to
13:27place your iPad in,
13:28and as you can see,
13:29that's then automatically
13:30going to magnetically
13:31attach to your iPad.
13:32You can see,
13:33it actually does
13:34a really good job,
13:35I can shake this
13:36quite hard,
13:37and the iPad is
13:38locked in,
13:39which is very important.
13:40And we can go ahead
13:41and close it,
13:42as you can see,
13:43that's then going to
13:44give good protection
13:45to both the back
13:46as well as the display
13:47of your iPad.
13:48But generally speaking,
13:49what is most important
13:50is going to be
13:51protecting that
13:52beautiful glass display,
13:53and this folio does
13:54an excellent job at that.
13:55What is also neat here
13:56is, as you can see,
13:57if I open up the folio,
13:58the display is then
13:59automatically going to
14:00wake up,
14:01and if I close it,
14:02it's automatically
14:03going to sleep.
14:04And this means you
14:05don't have to constantly
14:06press the sleep-wake button
14:07when you want to
14:08put your iPad away,
14:09and will also help
14:10save battery,
14:11as you can see,
14:12it's just automatically
14:13going to sleep,
14:14and then be ready
14:15as soon as you
14:16wake up.
14:17So, that's it,
14:18I hope you enjoyed this video,
14:19and I will see you
14:20in the next one.
14:46So, great angle like this,
14:47you can also move
14:48the magnetic plate here down
14:49to have a more steeper
14:50angle, like so,
14:51and we can also bring it
14:52back to the same position,
14:53and have a flat lay mode,
14:54and this is great
14:55for say,
14:56more comfortable typing
14:57or drawing,
14:58and we can also
14:59bring it back
15:00to have it lay
15:01even more flat,
15:02I think this is probably
15:03more what I prefer,
15:04especially for typing,
15:05just to raise it slightly
15:06to have a more
15:07comfortable angle
15:08for the wrist.
15:09So, there we go,
15:10all those reasons
15:11I mentioned,
15:12I hope you enjoyed
15:13this video,
15:14and I'll see you
15:15in the next one.
15:45So, what I'm going to do
15:47is I'm going to float over,
15:49to the iPad,
15:50and as you can see,
15:51I'm now fully controlling
15:52my iPad,
15:53using the touchpad,
15:54as well as the keyboard here,
15:55over on my MacBook,
15:56so I can go ahead
15:57and start typing as well,
15:58and this is super useful
15:59if say,
16:00you have your iPad docked
16:01next to your MacBook,
16:03using that smart folio,
16:04instead of having
16:05to reach forward
16:06to touch the display,
16:07I can just use
16:08my existing keyboard
16:09and trackpad
16:10right on my Mac
16:11to use the same functionality,
16:12and basically control
16:13the iPad entirely
16:14where I am sitting.
16:15Super useful,
16:16and again,
16:17a great way
16:18as it allows you
16:19to use the existing
16:20keyboard and trackpad
16:21that you already
16:22have on your Mac.
16:24we can go ahead
16:25and take this
16:26one step further,
16:27and actually use
16:28the iPad as a proper,
16:29full-on second display.
16:30So, to do this,
16:31we're going to jump
16:32into the settings app
16:34over on your MacBook,
16:35so we're going to tap
16:36on the Apple icon here,
16:37in the top left,
16:38tap on system settings,
16:39and then we're going
16:40to scroll to where
16:41we find displays,
16:42and then here we'll find
16:43the iPad next to my MacBook.
16:44We'll tap on the iPad,
16:45and then we're going to,
16:46under use as,
16:47we're going to click
16:48on extend
16:49or mirror display.
16:50Give it a second
16:51to load here,
16:52and as you can see,
16:53I now have the wallpaper
16:54from my MacBook
16:55showing over on the iPad,
16:56and then I can literally
16:57just click and drag
16:58a window right over
16:59to the iPad,
17:00and what is really cool
17:01is this essentially
17:02allows you to use it
17:03as a second display,
17:04and one of the things
17:05I'm really impressed with
17:06is just how low
17:07the latency is,
17:08because this is
17:09entirely wireless.
17:10You can see if I'm
17:11dragging windows over,
17:12it is super smooth
17:13and fluid.
17:14I love using this.
17:15For example,
17:16I have Final Cut running
17:17over on my main display,
17:18and then I may have a show
17:19or something I'm watching
17:20in the background
17:21and have that running
17:22over on the iPad,
17:23so super useful way
17:24to do this.
17:25Of course,
17:26you do need a reasonably
17:27good Wi-Fi connection
17:28to do this,
17:29but it doesn't have
17:30to be really fast either.
17:31I find this to work well
17:32even on less than
17:33stellar connections,
17:34and it's a great way
17:35to get even more value,
17:36I think,
17:37or functionality
17:38out of your iPad.
17:39This is, of course,
17:40a super portable
17:41device to take with you
17:42on the go,
17:43so super useful,
17:44and again,
17:45it is completely wireless.
17:46Up next,
17:47I want to take a look
17:48at some essential
17:49settings to change
17:50as well as customizations
17:51to do on your iPad
17:52to really get the most
17:53of it,
17:54and really fine-tune
17:55the usability
17:56as well as the features
17:57that you will have.
17:59let's take a look
18:00at optimizing the display.
18:01To do this,
18:02we're going to jump
18:03into settings,
18:04and then we're going
18:05to scroll down
18:06to where we find
18:07display and brightness,
18:08and first here,
18:09we can go ahead
18:10and select
18:11display and brightness,
18:12and then we're going
18:13to scroll down
18:14to where we find
18:15display and brightness,
18:16and then we're going
18:17to scroll down
18:18to where we find
18:19display and brightness,
18:20and then we're going
18:21to scroll down
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18:23display and brightness,
18:24and then we're going
18:25to scroll down
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18:27display and brightness,
18:28and then we're going
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18:32and then we're going
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18:36and then we're going
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18:40and then we're going
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18:43display and brightness,
18:44and then we're going
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30:13to scroll down
30:14to where we find
30:15display and brightness,
30:16and then we're going
30:17to scroll down
30:18to where we find
30:19display and brightness,
30:20and then we're going
30:21to scroll down
30:22to where we find
30:23display and brightness,
30:24and then we're going
30:25to scroll down
30:26to where we find
30:27display and brightness,
30:28and then we're going
30:29to scroll down
30:30to where we find
30:31display and brightness,
30:32and then we're going
30:33to scroll down
30:34to where we find
30:35display and brightness,
30:36and then we're going
30:37to scroll down
30:38to where we find
30:39display and brightness,
30:40and then we're going
30:41to scroll down
30:42to where we find
30:43display and brightness,
30:44and then we're going
30:45to scroll down
30:46to where we find
30:47display and brightness,
30:48and then we're going
30:49to scroll down
30:50to where we find
30:51display and brightness,
30:52and then we're going
30:53to scroll down
30:54to where we find
30:55display and brightness,
30:56and then we're going
30:57to scroll down
30:58to where we find
30:59display and brightness,
31:00and then we're going
31:01to scroll down
31:02to where we find
31:03display and brightness,
31:04and then we're going
31:05to scroll down
31:06to where we find
31:07display and brightness,
31:08and then we're going
31:09to scroll down
31:10to where we find
31:11display and brightness,
31:12and then we're going
