• 2 days ago


00:00:00Hello friends, welcome to Friday Night Live with Hunky Lee episode 178.1.
00:00:07During the digitization, I looked at this, but I was not able to identify any brand new patterns.
00:00:22Okay, yeah
00:00:29We have very limited examples, 18 rows and some numbers may be faulty and so
00:00:43We may have to get back to the original list of equations, okay
00:00:50So there, yeah, it was a lot easier to identify some patterns, but this one I don't really
00:01:00See two like brand new patterns. I don't really see it. Okay, so
00:01:13But this one like 1, 1, 1, 5, 1, I'm not quite sure, maybe it contains some error, okay, because it's
00:01:27Look too different from others, okay
00:01:31Yeah, maybe tomorrow we'll double check the calculation as well, okay
00:03:14Let's wrap it up for mathematics, okay, and let's take five minutes break and let's go to the inside of the live, okay, because
00:03:21I'm not making any progress here, okay
00:03:27We'll continue tomorrow, okay
00:03:41There we go, five minutes, thank you
00:03:45Difficult problem, oh yeah, it is, yeah
00:07:36Okay, let's put this behind us, finally, for tonight, okay?
00:07:56And yeah, socialize in the Instagram live, sure, work and play, right?
00:08:05We all have that right to play, socialize, yeah, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, okay, yeah, yeah, I
00:08:36So, young people in social media, they're adorable, very cute, amazing, beautiful, smart,
00:08:41multi-talented, they make very good parents and teachers, I'm glad that they did, most
00:08:50of them, okay, so, I appreciate parents and teachers, okay, yeah, phenomenal, parents
00:09:00and teachers, wow, they're amazing, okay, let me do my hair, well, yeah, the selfie
00:09:15photo camera, using as my mirror, yeah, it's not a quantum entanglement, it's a hairless
00:09:34hair entanglement, okay, I'm untangling it, okay, yeah, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm,
00:10:02mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm,
00:10:30mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm
00:11:00mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm
00:11:30refreshing yeah okay
00:11:38selfie time
00:11:50I guess this is why our scientists mainstream scientists do not take me
00:11:55seriously yeah I write novels and social media and whatnot and taking
00:12:02selfies what scientists do that I don't know I don't belong to a scientific
00:12:06community anyway whatever I just want to be happy that's all
00:12:15and I am happy yeah
00:13:18hello friends yeah welcome to Friday night live on Kili episode 178.1 I
00:13:25think yeah you sound lovely too yeah welcome
00:13:30good evening happy Friday yeah welcome
00:13:37oh yeah
00:13:40good evening future leaders my proud
00:13:46yeah happy Friday hmm yeah
00:13:57oh yeah welcome good evening
00:14:07yeah cheers yeah good evening yeah welcome
00:14:13I love you too yeah Oh plan as a president yeah my jar is
00:14:18casual yeah no my jars okay yeah cheers yeah
00:14:28yeah I love you too yeah yeah
00:14:33my charts very important okay yeah
00:14:39oh yeah
00:14:48also like yeah well thank you thank you yeah yeah
00:14:54cheers yeah
00:15:01and world peace yeah like there's no need to there's no purpose of war yeah
00:15:11no more wars thank you yeah and uh
00:15:17war is just a waste right yeah destruction of buildings
00:15:24yeah yeah there's no purpose in war okay yeah we love
00:15:33everybody right yeah cheers yeah
00:15:36hmm yeah
00:15:51oh thank you yeah uh well my wisdom uh yeah it's human
00:15:57allergy right yeah in human allergy uh we understand what
00:16:01ideology is ideology like uh
00:16:07warism yeah like it's like demonic possession
00:16:15or criminalism drug addictionism bad ideologies right
00:16:22yeah it's like disease it possess a person's brain and then take
00:16:29control of these persons and it spread like disease
00:16:36yeah wars violence criminalism and so
00:16:43how to combat those bad ideologies yeah knowledge
00:16:49like love my charts learn dancing singing writing
00:16:56acting music fine arts
00:17:03yeah good exercise
00:17:07uh those activities does not cost any money
00:17:10yeah I can do push-ups it up running doesn't cost any money
00:17:14whatsoever right yeah
00:17:18yeah yeah pacifism sure yeah peace martial artism oh yeah yeah
00:17:27also dancism dancing dancing writing acting healthy hobbies
00:17:33yeah education career development learn knowledge
00:17:37foreign languages right history science
00:17:44okay yeah that's what I do and that's what makes me happy
00:17:54yeah cheers yeah
00:18:01how about alcoholism
00:18:05uh well I drink in moderation at home I don't drink and drive okay
00:18:12does alcohol make me happy yeah I'm 46 I'm at home so I'm allowed to
00:18:21drink okay yeah but I drink in moderation very
00:18:25slowly okay cheers yeah
00:18:32yeah yeah good rest good night's sleep and take your
00:18:38taking a nap very important and um yeah and it's all human knowledge is a
00:18:45balancing act work play rest
00:18:49study exercise eat right yeah it's about
00:18:56balancing good hobbies yeah happy friday oh yeah yeah so it's about
00:19:03education how to live a good life
00:19:07that's what human is about okay yeah yeah
00:19:15okay let's say five minutes okay thank you i need some vocal rest okay
00:19:18my proud future leaders yeah you save the world
00:19:22okay yeah so exercise be healthy okay I'm your normal friend okay yeah five
00:19:29minutes great thank you yeah very cool yeah
00:19:34future leaders my proud yeah
00:22:11okay welcome back yeah so welcome
00:22:17yeah good evening welcome so in human knowledge school we
00:22:24heavily educate emphasize education okay the importance
00:22:28of education okay so yeah that's what we emphasize okay so
00:22:34like foreign language for example is challenging to learn a foreign language
00:22:39okay but good news is that uh once you
00:22:44learn one foreign language let's say korean
00:22:52then you can learn easily some related languages like chinese or
00:22:58japanese because there's some intersectionality
00:23:01there yeah common words common pronunciation okay
00:23:06right yeah okay if you know japanese yeah you can
00:23:12learn chinese or korean more easily than otherwise okay just asian like
00:23:17vice asia okay now european language right if you
00:23:23know english it's a lot easier to learn spanish
00:23:29french portuguese german italian because they are related languages okay
00:23:35yeah yeah welcome i love you too yeah cheers yeah
00:23:45yeah so also if you learn one comfortable language
00:23:51other comfortable languages that very similar okay so it's a lot easier okay
00:23:56yeah thank you yeah welcome
00:24:02yeah thank you thank you future leaders my proud
00:24:08uh strawberry mint oil uh i have not heard about it
00:24:12yeah is it like perfume i guess lotion maybe
00:24:23oh yeah chicken wings yeah it's very healthy food
00:24:26yes yeah cheers yeah i love chicken wings yeah
00:24:31cartilage right yeah yeah my day has been good thank you
00:24:35yeah you make my day okay yeah thank you cheers
00:24:40oh yeah
00:24:45um yeah also science
00:24:53yeah there are many branches right but if you uh study one science
00:24:57they're kind of similar right chemistry or physics mathematics
00:25:01yeah then um learning another branch of science is a lot easier okay
00:25:06yeah thank you yeah welcome cheers yeah
00:25:19yeah so cool yeah yeah happy friday yeah
00:25:27oh yeah good times yeah
00:25:40happy friday yeah also my heart same thing okay if you
00:25:44love my one major it will be taekwondo karate judo
00:25:48judo kung fu then learning another form of martial arts
00:25:52is a lot easier because they're very similar
00:25:56okay very common denominator like muay thai kickboxing like kicking
00:26:03and punching right yeah very similar to like karate or taekwondo
00:26:07okay martial arts sure sure we can do that
00:26:11yeah cheers after that yeah we'll take five minutes
00:26:15bro okay
00:26:22yeah let's be athletic let's get physical okay
00:26:26yeah exercise
00:26:35okay self-defense okay scenario hypothetical if somebody's
00:26:40grabbing me from behind there are many things you can do yeah you
00:26:45can do uh back headbutt okay
00:26:53did i get a scratch on this eyeglasses i don't think so
00:26:57okay if somebody grabbing you from behind like this
00:27:02yeah back headbutt okay yeah okay oh elbow back elbow okay
00:27:14okay also you can use your butt like this like shrimp style okay
00:27:24okay or you can use uh your heel and step on your opponent's toes
00:27:33bam bam bam okay yeah there we go many different ways okay yeah go to
00:27:44youtube time martial arts lessons like self-defense they can teach you way
00:27:47better than i can okay yeah there we go five minutes okay
00:27:52five minutes okay thank you yeah it's fun
00:27:56yeah very cool yes five minutes thank you
00:31:45well one more martial art technique okay if somebody's grabbing
00:31:49me from behind yeah judo okay you're this person grabbing me from behind like
00:31:55this okay so i have this person's arm around my torso right i grab it
00:32:01and then using my butt i lift that person and
00:32:08over the shoulder okay yeah throw this person
00:32:11to the ground okay yeah just judo defense judo okay
00:32:17very cool yeah
00:32:23right yeah martial arts yeah okay
00:32:30very cool yeah
00:32:42very cool yeah take out some comments okay
00:32:46yeah very welcome
00:32:59okay very cool now question room what's my favorite movie
00:33:06what's my favorite movie uh yeah there are many but uh
00:33:14yeah i like the contemporary movies like uh
00:33:18migration it's about animation yeah the birds
00:33:22migrating yeah i like that movie yeah part of it
00:33:25yeah yeah sure it's welcome yeah
00:33:32really yeah
00:33:39yeah nice yeah
00:33:44yeah yeah my job is very fun okay very healthy
00:33:50exercise martial arts right yeah so it's dancing okay yeah dancing is
00:33:56very cool
00:34:00good exercise right yeah martial arts and dancing yeah
00:34:07yeah yeah
00:34:14so humanologies peace plan is this it's about education get martial arts
00:34:20dancing everyone's happy there will be no more
00:34:25there will be no more wars okay yeah cheers
00:34:38yeah we learn foreign languages right and all this vocabulary dictionary
00:34:43so many words to learn how to spell how to pronounce right yeah
00:34:51uh do i like money well i don't need that much money to get by
00:34:56okay so it's about again human is a knowledge
00:35:00okay yeah it's not a money power fan no it's about knowledge education okay
00:35:07cheers yeah
00:35:13yeah yeah welcome yeah good evening
00:35:19oh let me close the window
00:35:41yeah snoopy yeah good animation cartoon yeah yeah oh yeah
00:35:48very cool cheers yeah
00:35:56yeah snoopy and charlie brown right yeah
00:36:12yeah i'm running for us president yeah
00:36:26no dating until you turn 25 okay yeah no no dating until you turn 25
00:36:39yeah focus on education and career development
00:36:42until you turn 25 okay yeah
00:36:46okay yeah cheers yeah
00:36:58yeah so
00:37:09well i mean after you turn 25 okay then you can start dating you have good
00:37:15career going on and
00:37:24i mean i've never been married i'm 46
00:37:31okay yeah yeah i lost guys too yeah thank you and yeah back in the days i'm
00:37:3746 okay uh after i turned 25 yeah uh
00:37:42i did dating and never been married but
00:37:50uh have i been intimate with my ex-girlfriend yeah
00:37:57i have okay yeah
00:38:04as an adult more than 25 years old i think that's fine
00:38:12texas yeah i've been to texas it's great state yeah
00:38:22yeah welcome future leaders my proud multi-talent
00:38:26geniuses yeah you're fantastic okay yeah you have socializing yeah i've been to
00:38:33texas okay yeah
00:38:43uh i mean i was in u.s army so that's when i was in texas for texas
00:38:50right thank you texas is fantastic
00:38:55right yeah uh i went for who texas like clean texas which is one hour north of
00:38:59austin texas and yeah i've been to san antonio texas
00:39:03and el paso and uh dallas texas and uh
00:39:09yeah clean texas austin yeah
00:39:15hey look uh be nice to each other okay please yeah i've been to japan twice
00:39:22yeah tokyo yeah it was nice yeah
00:39:28yeah hello kitty yeah japan is brand yeah it's very cool
00:39:35yeah yeah texas a water burger with a lot of mustard
00:39:44that's good burger yeah
00:39:48yeah yeah please be nice to each other okay thank you
00:39:51and uh yeah yeah hello kitties snoopy great animations
00:39:58friends yeah
00:40:08no is there something that i that i hate
00:40:14well uh
00:40:18yeah dr pepper yeah the cherry flavor that's cool
00:40:30is there something i hate well thank you for the question i have
00:40:35to think about it because i'm very loving person so
00:40:39i mean it will take me a while to think about something that i really
00:40:49yes give me the toilet yeah good cartoon yeah
00:40:52from georgia in europe yeah
00:40:58sunny angels i'm not familiar uh
00:41:05when it comes to hatred i love all people okay
00:41:09but is there something i really hate
00:41:14but i love all people so it cannot be people how about animals
00:41:18plants uh
00:41:28the sigma giant i'm not familiar okay okay
00:41:35yeah sunny angels yeah i check them out okay
00:41:52uh so is there something i hate
00:42:02i guess i had hunger or thirst
00:42:08yeah i do not like being hungry
00:42:12uh when i'm hungry i want to eat food okay so
00:42:15but sometimes i'm busy at work right
00:42:22so yeah i i had hunger and thirst sometimes my water bottle
00:42:30run out of water but i'm busy at work so i cannot get water
00:42:35yeah i had hunger and i had thirst
00:42:40i'll say that's what i hate okay yeah okay
00:42:48hmm okay let's say five minutes okay thank you
00:42:54yeah okay yeah i just vocalized okay thank you welcome friends
00:42:57yeah yeah i do not like hunger
00:43:02or thirst i want to eat food and water when i'm hungry or thirsty okay
00:43:10okay bye mister okay thank you
00:43:15yeah okay
00:43:20that really took me a while to answer that question okay yeah
00:43:23very cool
00:43:26fine thank you yep
00:46:43thank you
00:46:53thank you
00:46:55okay welcome back yeah so when it comes to hatred i think
00:47:01that's very extreme concept extreme emotion right
00:47:06yeah i rather use dislike okay yeah
00:47:13i dislike extremes extreme hotness is too hot extreme coldness
00:47:20like in alaska winter okay yeah too cold but i'm okay with it
00:47:24actually okay so it's fun yeah
00:47:29yeah i do not like hatred there's hate there's too strong word
00:47:33how about dislike yeah i do not like too much humidity
00:47:37is too sticky right or too much too extreme dryness is too dry okay
00:47:43i do not like those extremes okay okay yeah
00:47:47so yeah cheers yeah
00:47:56house tour sure yeah you can do that
00:48:02yeah well i smoke like maybe one cigarette per day maybe two
00:48:07two cigarettes yeah yeah house tour sure we can do that
00:48:10yeah yeah house tour yeah mathematics right yeah
00:48:19yeah the numbers right yeah and uh
00:48:27right candles globe and dumbbells
00:48:38medicinal drinks like tinctures right all different edible
00:48:46uh plants and mushrooms in alaska and yeah some dvd collections and uh
00:48:55some martial weapons
00:48:59i do not like room tour right dislike entertainment some candles and toilet
00:49:04paper and fan uh
00:49:09plushies moose pika axolotl bear
00:49:16hat and yeah some uh futon yeah sofa
00:49:24pillows and uh
00:49:28yeah trash cans and uh nunchucks and
00:49:35yeah the stretching ball and
00:49:40musical instruments
00:49:44yeah wooden carved bear and uh
00:49:51what's in the plastic bag from walmart wires and uh some
00:49:58routers and uh modem and big screen tv and
00:50:05yeah back in the 2020 yeah
00:50:10right for u.s president you're not the right and left
00:50:14campaign sign
00:50:18all right yeah campaign sign and then what's in the
00:50:20plastic bag i'll show you okay yeah
00:50:28yeah it's like pebble cones okay yeah
00:50:37yeah great diversity there okay
00:50:44yeah more room tour here okay
00:50:53and mathematics whiteboards right yeah some linguistics there polyndrome
00:51:01more numbers
00:51:07yeah i'm a true mathematician
00:51:10um yeah some tambourines triangles and
00:51:16whistles and some books
00:51:21and some drinks
00:51:26yeah so it's like room tour right but there are a lot going on here already so
00:51:32okay now let's take five minutes break please okay so i need some vocal rest
00:51:35okay yeah welcome to hunkyland humanized
00:51:38school yeah thank you
00:51:46yeah five minutes break okay thank you yeah
00:51:49welcome welcome yeah yeah welcome to honkley studio room
00:51:55yeah sure okay
00:52:02yeah the university of humanity where magic happens right yeah
00:52:05thank you my proud future leaders you're amazing yeah
00:52:09geniuses what a talent yeah i'm one of you okay yeah five minutes thank you
00:54:20okay welcome back okay
00:54:27yeah yeah just one room tour right but this is where magic happens okay so
00:54:34it's like a kind of encyclopedic right it is yeah yeah so
00:54:45welcome yeah
00:54:50yeah so
00:54:55cheers yeah welcome to honkyland okay humanized school
00:54:58cheers future leaders yeah question
00:55:07yeah time to go good okay
00:55:17yeah it's been less than one hour
00:55:21why am i running for your president it's because i'm
00:55:24smarter than kamala harris i'm smarter than down that wrong
00:55:28that's why okay yeah
00:55:38thank you yeah
00:55:50yeah skipping toilet is interesting yeah i don't know i i just said
00:56:01uh look i have to let you go your what's your language okay
00:56:05yeah you don't allow that language here okay thank you
00:56:23yeah we love all races okay blacks whites browns we love all races too yeah black rice
00:56:31white rice brown rice yeah okay yeah we love everybody okay thank you yeah
00:56:47welcome yeah
00:56:53so yeah do good in school okay yeah do homeworks take exams and graduate okay
00:57:01um yeah i'll open the window uh to get some oxygen
00:57:08alaskan oxygen okay yeah ventilation important
00:57:15yeah i'm running for u.s president because i'm smarter than kamala harris
00:57:19i'm smarter than donald that's wrong okay yeah that's why i'm running for u.s president okay
00:57:25um window yeah bring oxygen ventilation okay yeah fresh air
00:57:55no lgbt please please try it okay so okay
00:58:19well kamala harris yeah she's famous i'm not okay so uh i don't think it will happen anytime soon
00:58:26okay uh yeah maybe in four years i don't know who's gonna win this election okay
00:58:34uh but honkily yeah i'm trying okay but uh
00:58:40uh but yeah trump or harris i don't know who's gonna win okay but this year
00:58:46honkily uh not we're trying okay it can happen okay but uh
00:58:54we'll see okay yeah but my recommendation yeah focus on education quality very well
00:59:00okay and not much art foreign languages history science music acting writing even directing okay
00:59:11uh it's about you okay so
00:59:17look i i told you to be straight you're not listening
00:59:37yeah please thank you
00:59:43and no dating until you turn 25 either okay so
00:59:52yeah again yeah no lgbt period it's that simple okay yeah so it is that simple okay
01:00:08yes give it to toilet yeah i watched that in youtube okay so it is very uh
01:00:19sense of humor i liked it okay yeah it was cool
01:00:31uh why ends i i don't know what that is okay i'm forceless
01:00:35that's kind of new age i guess yeah i uh do not know okay i'm outdated okay so
01:00:46christian uh i do not know
01:00:59well i don't take a chance yeah
01:01:16yeah automatic rifle yeah guns yeah i have guns the handguns okay but i don't use it i don't need
01:01:23okay so uh in humanology school we emphasize martial arts guns yeah
01:01:34it's yeah
01:01:38these days i do not like guns okay i like martial arts okay
01:01:44yeah so guns are too dangerous
01:01:56yeah okay
01:02:00now hamster
01:02:05good times out yeah
01:02:12okay friends yeah it's been more than one hour okay so yeah uh let's make transition to facebook
01:02:20live where we watch some youtube videos and make some video commentaries
01:02:26okay yeah because i'm kind of drunk and i control my drinking okay so
01:02:31okay yeah well i'll see you there in facebook live same name honkily okay or i'll see you tomorrow
01:02:37okay yeah mighty proud future leaders okay yeah martial arts education core development exercise
01:02:45okay yeah forget about dating forget about video games no it's about knowledge education
01:02:52education befriend books okay yeah and you can learn all this book stuff in wikipedia web pages
01:03:03handheld cell phone internet okay good age of learning that we're living in okay you cannot
01:03:10everything for free yourself on the internet okay so yeah foreign languages history science
01:03:17and how to play guitar piano okay yeah okay yeah yeah walk and play rest study good hobbies
01:03:30balancing acts okay so okay my proud future leaders okay yeah be ambitious be the leaders
01:03:40be the saviors with knowledge and peace and love okay yeah right thank you yeah
01:03:50happy friday thank you yeah yeah you're amazing oh yeah
01:04:00yeah great people
01:04:42cool yeah
01:04:48okay yeah let's make transition to uh facebook live okay yeah very cool
01:05:03okay okay yeah mathematics yeah we'll get back to it uh tomorrow okay so
01:05:09so yeah basic coefficients right yeah is it is tricky yeah but we'll continue on that tomorrow
01:05:20okay yeah thank you future leaders my proud okay martial arts education cardinal okay thank you
01:05:28exercise rest and good food okay thank you yeah