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Mi amor sin tiempo Cap 70 Completo - Mi amor sin tiempo Ep 70 Completo

Mi amor sin tiempo Cap 70 Completo:


00:00I don't agree, but if my grandfather allows it,
00:03I have to respect him.
00:05And it hurts me to admit that Daniel and Aunt Lucia
00:07have more rights in my grandfather's life than you and me,
00:10but that's the truth.
00:11What's the problem?
00:12This access.
00:14Nothing else.
00:15But it's just a matter of asking for the changes and that's it.
00:18I'll let the whole team know right now.
00:22You know what?
00:24What Gisela told me left me thinking.
00:26Well, it has a point, man.
00:28The truth is that since I let my wife go
00:31and accepted that she was happy with her gynecologist,
00:34well, I live much calmer.
00:36But how did you make her let go?
00:40Well, I failed her first.
00:42I couldn't charge her now.
00:45In your case, both failed.
00:47So turn the page, brother.
00:50The problem is that more than Bárbara,
00:54the one who overwhelms me is Maca.
00:57I mean, I wasn't aware of the damage she was doing
01:00by putting her against her mother.
01:02And besides, the worst thing is that my mother contributed a lot to that.
01:06Let's see, brother.
01:07Look, don't let anyone,
01:10not even Mrs. Rosa María with her very good intentions,
01:13influence you in how to handle the relationship with your daughter and your ex.
01:18And well, basically that's what's going on with my mom.
01:23From what you're telling me,
01:25your mother does have a problem with mythomania.
01:29Especially because she has different versions of the same story.
01:33Her stories are full of elaborate details,
01:36where she seems to be the heroine or she comes out victorious.
01:40Yes, yes, that's right.
01:42When people are addicted to lying, we call it pathological lies
01:47or fantastic pseudology.
01:50It's a compulsion, a capricious behavior.
01:54And why does it happen?
01:55I mean, why does someone become a mythomaniac?
01:58Well, there are several factors.
02:00They are usually people who are not comfortable with themselves,
02:05who are deeply dissatisfied.
02:08They need to draw attention to have the approval and admiration
02:12of everyone around them.
02:15Yes, yes, all that bothers me about my mom.
02:18The mythomaniac has as the origin of his lies certain psychological pathologies,
02:23such as narcissism or psychotic disorder.
02:29I love that girl.
02:31Renata sees her as a daughter.
02:33And well, she's not to blame for what Greta did.
02:37Of course, I tell you to go with your feet on the ground
02:40if you don't have too many expectations.
02:44Why do you say that?
02:46I would like to tell you that Greta will no longer hurt you
02:50and she will not meddle with you, but I have my doubts.
02:53She's crazy and, well, she can still give you a lot of trouble.
02:59Look, Fatima knows that her mother needs help,
03:02but she is determined not to allow herself to be interposed between us.
03:06I'm glad that's the case.
03:09All I want is that you don't get another disappointment.
03:12Greta is very cunning.
03:15Yes, I agree with that, but now we have the advantage.
03:21We both know who the enemy is, so it will be easier to defeat him.
03:37Well, and does he have a cure?
03:39Yes and no.
03:40You have to evaluate the patient to make a more precise diagnosis of the causes
03:45and see if you also need the support of a drug.
03:50But, like any addiction, the person has to be aware
03:55that they really have a problem and want to solve it.
03:59What if that's not the case?
04:02Well, without the commitment of the person, it will be impossible to end the problem.
04:07So there's nothing to do if she doesn't want to?
04:10Unfortunately not.
04:12It's like alcoholics.
04:15Their problem has a cure if they stop drinking, if they submit to a program.
04:20But if they don't want to, there's nothing to do.
04:28I need you two to work from here.
04:30Any request that is made, my company will supply it.
04:33I have a lot of trips in mind, I still don't have a concise schedule,
04:36but when I have it, I'll let you know.
04:38Very good.
04:40Claudio, what's going to happen when Pablo leaves the clinic?
04:43Are you going to give him the opportunity to work here?
04:46Well, first we have to see if the boy has been rehabilitated, right?
04:49Don't you think he'll do it?
04:50I don't think so.
04:52The percentage of alcohol reoccurrence is too high.
04:55I think he's going to make it.
04:57I think he's had enough fun.
05:00Well, whatever, I don't want him in this company.
05:02He's young, immature, without work experience, without studies.
05:06I'm not going to get into trouble with him.
05:09Excuse me.
05:20What happened?
05:21Why did you come back so soon?
05:23You didn't come back until the night?
05:25Yes, but my son is not well.
05:27Last night?
05:28Yes, but my dad and my sister are traitors.
05:32Barbara and Daniel went to visit them,
05:34and they welcomed them with open arms.
05:36Well, it wasn't supposed to be that Daniel couldn't set foot on the ranch anymore.
05:39Well, they lied.
05:41And when I complained to them, they told me
05:43that I don't treat them like Lucia and Daniel do.
05:46Do me a favor.
05:47Well, well.
05:48But they're right about that.
05:51Are you going to defend them?
05:52No, no, no, Mom.
05:53I'm not defending them, but you're going to see them very little.
05:55I haven't been in contact with my grandfather since Maca came back from the ranch.
05:59So you're saying that your cousin and Barbara
06:02live with my dad and my sister as if nothing had happened.
06:06No, no, no.
06:08I don't agree.
06:09But if my grandfather allows it, I have to respect him.
06:12And it hurts me to admit that Daniel and Aunt Lucia
06:15have more rights in my grandfather's life than you and me.
06:18But that's the truth.
06:21Please help me.
06:22I'm feeling very bad.
06:23Is it normal for you to have that tremor,
06:25sweating, and that general discomfort?
06:28You told me that with the breaths I would feel better.
06:31Yes, but you haven't learned to relax yet.
06:33So let's try again.
06:36How long is this going to last?
06:38It's just that each patient is different.
06:40But in a crisis of acute abstinence,
06:43the process can take four to twelve days.
06:46Four to twelve days is a long time!
06:53Four to twelve days is a long time!
06:59I'm outraged, and you don't give a damn!
07:02No, Mom, it's not that I don't care.
07:04What I don't want is to fight.
07:06I'm tired.
07:07I don't want to be affected by what happens to Daniel and Barbara.
07:10I don't want to find out, and I don't want Maca to find out either.
07:14I want to let him go, as I was advised.
07:16I don't know who advised you to do that.
07:18Don't be ridiculous.
07:20But you're doing me wrong if you let those two scoundrels have their way.
07:25Mom, I can't change what's going on between them.
07:28But what I can try to do is to make their relationship hurt me as little as possible.
07:31Well, me and Maca.
07:33So, please, don't speak ill of Barbara in front of her.
07:38Don't mention her, for better or for worse.
07:42I don't know what got into you.
07:44I don't agree.
07:45But since I'm leaving tomorrow, I won't be able to do anything.
07:49I hope you don't regret your new procedure.
07:55What do you mean no one wanted to see you at the market?
07:58No, no one.
07:59And they made it very clear to me that they don't want me here.
08:02They think I'm going to kick their husbands out.
08:04How can they be so stupid?
08:06I think the same.
08:08You don't know how angry I am.
08:10Don't worry, we're going to move to San Hipólito.
08:12No, honey, I'm not going to run away.
08:14I'm not going to give them the pleasure of leaving with yours.
08:18In the meantime, I'm going to do the shopping there, honey.
08:20Maybe getting married wouldn't help, honey.
08:23No, honey.
08:24We can't fall into this kind of social conventionalism.
08:28I have the right to be respected even if I'm not married.
08:31I'm not hurting anyone.
08:32I'm not meddling in anyone's life.
08:34So, I'm going to demand the same.
08:37Well, in the meantime, I'm going to tell your mom to come with me to do the shopping.
08:42Yes, my love.
08:44Thank you very much, Norma.
08:46You don't know how happy I am to know that you have put the people against Barbara.
08:50Don't thank me, dear.
08:52It's not only up to you to get her out of here, but all of us.
08:55We don't want unwanted people in the town.
08:58Well, thank you very much.
08:59I wish I could return the favor.
09:02See you later.
09:05Oh, Barbarita, Barbarita.
09:07You don't have much time here in the town or in Daniel's life.
09:10Very well, children.
09:12If you abandon me, I will do exactly the same.
09:17And you'll see who needs more than who.
09:25I'm going to tell your mom to come with me to do the shopping.
09:28Well, in the meantime, I'm going to demand the same.
09:31I'm not hurting anyone.
09:33I'm not meddling in anyone's life.
09:35I'm not hurting anyone.
09:36I'm not hurting anyone.
10:06And since I no longer have anyone to inherit,
10:09nor do I have to fulfill Gonzalo's dream,
10:12I have decided to sell the factory.
10:16My dear.
10:18Well, the car that will take me to the airport has arrived.
10:22And I'm sorry I couldn't take you,
10:24but I have a very important meeting in half an hour, mother, and I can't book it.
10:27Don't worry, son, nothing happens.
10:29Well, check if it is possible for you to spend the next holidays with me and your father in Madrid.
10:36If you want.
10:38Yes, mother, we'll let you know.
10:40Have a good trip, grandmother.
10:42Thank you, my love.
10:44Hey, obey your dad a lot, he does love you and he's a good example for you.
10:51And I hope you reconsider your new position with...
10:55you know who.
10:56Or you're going to regret it, Mario.
10:59Give my dad a kiss, please, mother.
11:02Oh, my girl.
11:04Oh, I love you.
11:07I'll let you know when I get to Madrid.
11:11Oh, don't cry, little girl, look.
11:15I'm going to miss you a lot, huh?
11:17Me too.
11:19Well, I'll let you know, take care and behave well, huh?
11:28Mrs. Uriarte, nice to have you here.
11:30Thank you, Claudio.
11:33Come in.
11:35Good morning.
11:37Hi, mom. What are you doing here?
11:39I invited her.
11:41When she told me she wanted to see me and talk, I guess about the business, I told Fatima to be present.
11:46If I had wanted her here, I would have told her myself.
11:49Well, I apologize, but I didn't want to hide Fatima about our meeting.
11:53She decided to come and find out why it was so urgent to see me.
11:56I don't know why.
11:58She doesn't have a candle in this funeral, since the only owners are you, the third partner and me.
12:03Well, mom, but I was the one who contacted you with Claudio.
12:06That's why it's important that he's here.
12:10Anyway, you'll find out.
12:13Due to recent events in my family, and since I no longer have anyone to inherit,
12:19nor do I have to fulfill Gonzalo's dream, I have decided to sell the factory.
12:26My shares.
12:28So I want you to immediately start selling my shares.
12:32I'd rather misappropriate them and enjoy my money than leave them to you.
12:38This is my mom's suite. My grandmother didn't take it to the ranch.
12:42I'm sure she forgot it.
12:44But if you want, let your mom know that she left it here.
12:47Can I really talk to her?
12:51You can do it as many times as you want.
12:54Look, I know I've told you a lot of bad things about your mom, but I'm not going to do it anymore.
13:00I want you and me to have a good relationship with her.
13:06Yes, my love. She's your mom. I want you to love her as much as you love me.
13:11Because you love me a lot, right?
13:15In fact, shall we call her?
13:17Yes, dad. Thank you.
13:25It's Mario.
13:28Mario, is everything okay?
13:30Yes, yes, everything is fine.
13:32I'll put you through to someone who wants to say hello.
13:38Mom, how are you?
13:40Maca, my love, how are you? I'm very happy to hear you.
13:45How is my little brother?
13:48No, no, you can't be serious.
13:50Of course I'm being very serious.
13:53If you thought that after your claims and your trials against me, I was going to lower my head and beg you for your love.
14:00No, you were wrong.
14:02So you're taking revenge? Is it a revenge, mom?
14:05Take it as you want.
14:07You don't want me near you, so don't expect me to inherit your death.
14:11I'm going to spend my life until the last penny.
14:15Mom, we don't want your money.
14:17Mom, we don't want your money.
14:19But selling your shares when the business is just transforming is a big mistake.
14:24You're going to have to finish your shares so that someone is interested in buying them.
14:27I know. I just said it.
14:29I just said it.
14:31I prefer to make them cheap so that you can enjoy the benefits of my factory in the future.
14:37Guess what, Maca told me that he loves me and that he misses me.
14:40See? Little by little things are getting better.
14:43Oh, yes.
14:45You know, I thought that after everything that happened with Rosa Maria,
14:48things were going to get worse, that Mario was going to keep getting away from Maca and me, but no.
14:51I don't know what happened, but see?
14:53Well, whatever it was, I'm very happy.
14:55Maybe she understood that no matter what she does, she won't be able to separate us.
15:01Ma'am, you own 50% of this company.
15:05Between the third partner and I, we own the other 50%.
15:08And we already injected liquids into the transformation of the factory.
15:10I think it's insensitivity and a lack of respect that you want to sell right now.
15:16I'm sorry.
15:18I'm not interested in this business anymore.
15:21If I agreed to transform it, it was because of Fatima's need, not because I wanted to.
15:26So now look for whoever wants my share.
15:29I want my money as soon as possible.
15:32I don't want to have anything to do with any Uriarte from now on.
15:36Mom, please, let's talk.
15:38You know I'll be back in a minute.
15:42Let's see.
15:46You know, Mario has been very angry with us, but Mario is not a bad person.
15:51No, of course not.
15:53Just you and me falling in love, we got the worst version of him and it's normal.
15:57Now I just hope this is forever and that his change continues like this.
16:02Well, let's hope it's forever.
16:04Yes, I'm very happy.
16:05Very happy.
16:07You don't have to say it, it shows on your face.
16:10It's just that he told me he misses me.
16:13I love to see you happy, baby.
16:16I'm not going to change my mind.
16:18Mom, I beg you, don't make hasty decisions that you may regret.
16:23Please reconsider.
16:25I have nothing to reconsider.
16:27Look, even the biggest fortune ends if you don't know how to manage it and you've always been very spending.
16:31Mom, your money is going to end up like this if you don't know how to invest it.
16:35That's my problem, not yours.
16:38Please, mom.
16:40You are in a very vulnerable moment to make hasty decisions.
16:43Look, why don't you come with me to see a psychiatrist?
16:48And let him help you and give you something that can reassure you and so you have more clarity.
16:52Let's see, let's see, Fatima.
16:54Do you think I have to go see a psychiatrist or not?
16:57Don't treat me like I'm crazy.
16:58Mom, understand me.
17:00All I want is to help you.
17:02I want you to be fine.
17:04I'm perfectly fine.
17:06No, you're not.
17:08You need professional help.
17:10What you want is to make me go crazy to keep you with my factory.
17:13Please, come in.
17:15Go ahead.
17:17I was surprised by your call.
17:19Yes, I wanted to talk to you, but I wanted to do it here.
17:23I hear you.
17:25Look, I wanted to tell you that I'm the third partner in the factory.
17:31Wow, I wouldn't have imagined it.
17:34Yes, I wanted to help Fatima.
17:36I don't want her or anyone else to know, at least for the moment, okay?
17:40I'll see when I tell Fatima.
17:42Well, she owns 25% of what I bought.
17:45But I need your help with that.
17:48What do you need?
17:49Look, I want you to keep me informed of everything that happens in the factory.
17:53With weekly reports.
17:55If you need or are offered something, let me know.
17:58Don't worry if Claudio finds out.
18:00Because I have the right to be aware of everything that happens in the factory.
18:04You don't trust Claudio or his reports?
18:07Let's say not 100%.
18:10After the last talk I had with him, neither do I.
18:15Oh, no? And why? What's that about?
18:17Tell me.
18:19Well, actually, the last time...
18:25It's incredible how far your ambition can go, really.
18:29But you're not going to make it.
18:31Mom, it's not about the factory, understand.
18:33It's about you, I'm worried.
18:35I'm worried that you'll do something crazy that hurts you or someone else.
18:39I was crazy when I listened to you about transforming the factory.
18:42But it's over, honey.
18:44Right now I'm stricter than ever.
18:45And none of you is going to keep what's mine.
18:48Period. It's over.
19:16Let's see, I also want to be aware of Pablo's recovery,
19:19of Barbara's adaptation in San Jacinto.
19:22Anyway, I swear, there are so many things.
19:24I don't know if it's a good time to leave.
19:26You really don't know how much I have to thank you.
19:29Well, Maca, as soon as she hung up, she gave me such a nice hug.
19:33I swear, I almost feel like crying.
19:36It's just that she also needs her mom close.
19:39And knowing that for you there's no problem with that,
19:41she's going to be much calmer.
19:42Yes. Well, I'm not even going to tell my mom.
19:45Even before I left, she kept insisting that I didn't let them get along.
19:50Everyone sees life in a different way, that's a reality.
19:54But the important thing is that Maca and you are better.
19:59I don't know, but no one had made me realize my mistake like you did.
20:04I'm really sorry about you and the third partner.
20:07It's inconceivable what my mom wants to do.
20:10Well, what do you want me to tell you, Fatima?
20:12I never imagined that because of a whim of your mom,
20:15I would put the investment I'm making to help you at risk.
20:18I offer you an apology, seriously.
20:20And I also want to do it with the third partner.
20:22Please give me his contact to talk.
20:24You know I can't, Fatima.
20:26And don't worry about him.
20:28He left a letter to Poder, where he wants to keep it.
20:32Why me?
20:34Well, I don't know.
20:36Maybe he likes how you're continuing your father's dream.
20:38I don't know, don't ask me.
20:40No, Claudio, no one invests so much money for a person they don't know.
20:43Well, it's happening right now, so maybe it's possible.
20:46I'm not going to take that responsibility.
20:48I don't know anything about the business.
20:50Please call him.
20:52I have to explain this whole situation to him, and besides, return that power to him.
20:57I'll do it later.
20:58I can't take what the third partner decided.
21:00If this doesn't happen, my mom won't even find out, Claudio.
21:03Well, Fatima, forgive me.
21:05It's not like I wanted to hide it from you, but you were in the hospital with your little brother.
21:08I don't think your claims make a lot of sense right now,
21:10when for a scoundrel like your mom, I'm about to lose all my investment.
21:15A stop against his children?
21:19I'm not going to allow them to want to crush me like crazy to take what's mine.
21:22That's why I called him.
21:24I could also carry out a legal action against you right now.
21:28Explain that to me.
21:30I could ask for a restraining order.
21:33That is, they can't get close to you.
21:36You can also accuse your son Pablo of stealing your jewelry and works of art,
21:41and your daughters of aggression.
21:43That is, this matter can escalate as much as you decide.
21:47Look, I hadn't thought about all those possibilities.
21:51Do it.
21:53Adults also have rights,
21:54and there are many children who all they do is abuse their parents.
22:00Let's see if I understand.
22:02Are you calling me my old lady?
22:05No, no, no, no, of course not.
22:07Then don't refer to me as an adult again.
22:10For now, I want the support so that they don't force me to see a psychiatrist.
22:15And about the rest, I think about it calmly and let you know my decision.
22:23What happened, son?
22:25I just called Claudio Tamirano to tell me that Greta wants to sell her shares of the factory.
22:30But why?
22:32Because she got angry with her children and prefers to destroy the factory before leaving them something.
22:36But that woman is completely crazy.
22:39Yes, we totally agree on that.
22:41But if we don't get investors, our shares are going to fade.
22:47We can't let that happen.
22:48We can't let that happen just because of Greta's tantrums.
22:52What are we going to do?
22:54If we don't get investors, look, it's very complicated,
22:58and more so now that the factory is in a transformation process.
23:01These shares are worth a lot of money.
23:03Maybe there is a solution.
23:05Which one?
23:07I'll tell you as soon as I make some calls.
23:10Excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom.
23:12Hello girls.
23:14How are you doing?
23:15How are you doing?
23:17Greta, what a surprise, weren't we waiting for you?
23:20Yes, I see.
23:22And why is Maggie still here?
23:25Well, you don't listen to us anymore.
23:28And you know we always hang out.
23:30I wanted to give my children their place.
23:33Fatima in particular, because of what happened with Adrian.
23:36But the ingrates turned their backs on me.
23:39Why do you say that?
23:41Because they want to keep my business and everything that is mine.
23:45But of course I'm not going to allow them.
23:48I'm so disillusioned with those vultures.
23:51Well, isn't Fatima going to rescue Gonzalo's factory?
23:55No, no, it's not Gonzalo's.
23:57It's my factory, it was never his.
24:00Apparently, my children are only interested in my money.
24:06Yes, yes, Barbara.
24:08I keep you informed of whatever happens in the factory
24:11and about my mother's shares.
24:16Well, give everyone a kiss over there.
24:28Wonderful, hey, they already came to give me my sculpture.
24:31Thank you very much.
24:33No, thank you for lending it to me for my exhibition.
24:36Hey, how are you?
24:38With a thousand things in my head.
24:40It seems that the worries in my family will never end.
24:43I swear, I'm even doubting if I should go back to Spain.
24:46It's just that everything is getting complicated.
24:49My mother wants to sell her shares of the factory.
24:52No, don't tell me.
24:54Yes, yes, I need to find a solution.
24:57Let's see, I also want to be aware of Pablo's recovery,
25:01of Barbara's adaptation in San Jacinto.
25:03Anyway, I swear, there are so many things that I don't know if it's a good time to leave.
25:08Oh, Greta, how sorry I am.
25:10I thought your daughters were different from Pablo.
25:13That they were sensible and honest.
25:16Well, they all turned out to be just as ungrateful as their father.
25:20But Gonzalo was an excellent person, Greta.
25:23No, no, no, no, no.
25:25That made them believe you and everyone else.
25:27But he deceived me, he stole me, he betrayed me.
25:30Maggie and the thing.
25:34Thank God, with Fede's advice, I am protecting what is mine.
25:37Excuse me, who is Fede?
25:38My future husband.
25:41He is an exceptional man who loves me, respects me.
25:46He has a lot more money than I do.
25:50My life has not been easy.
25:52But in the end, the man who loves me and protects me is with me.
26:02No, no, no, let's see, wonderful.
26:04There will always be complications in life.
26:05But unless they are of greater strength or require your presence,
26:09don't change your plans.
26:11Your needs are just as important as the needs of others.
26:15I know, I know, but it stresses me to leave so many pending.
26:19But you can solve all that from Madrid.
26:22Let's see, about the factory, I see how I help you.
26:25Maybe I help you find a buyer or I don't know.
26:28But you can keep looking at that from a distance.
26:30You think?
26:33Yes, and look, Barbara has Daniel to check on Pablo.
26:37And about your mother's life, no one can do anything.
26:40Don't let conflicts prevent you from following your plans.
26:43But I feel selfish.
26:45I feel irresponsible when I leave and leave everything like that, thrown away.
26:48No, no, no, you are not leaving anything thrown away.
26:51You are attending to them, just as and not as you would like, but you are doing it.
26:55Don't postpone your life.
26:57You're right.
26:58Maravilla, you are very responsible, but sometimes it's okay to let go, even if it's a little.
27:06I'm sure my mom just wants to sell the shares of the factory to get revenge.
27:11Well, you don't know how sorry I am.
27:16Are you waiting for someone?
27:18No, you?
27:28Hello, can I come in?
27:58No, I demand that you tell me who that person is.
28:01I want to know her or there is no deal.
28:04What happened, dad?
28:06What did you want to tell me?
28:08Call Claudio Altavirano.
28:11I already have the solution for Greta Zaraldi's factory.
28:19Please, look, help me with these things, please.
28:22But, but what are all these things?
28:25I found out what they did to Barbara in the market and it was very unfair to me, so I wanted to bring you some food.
28:31Well, thank you, Maricruz, but you wouldn't have bothered.
28:35No, no, no, it's not a bother.
28:37I want you to know that both of you can count on my support.
28:40I even fought with Mrs. De La Fruta.
28:42Who does she think she is to judge people?
28:45Well, thank you very much, I didn't expect this from you.
28:49I want to repair the damage I did to them, and this is a way to do it.
28:53Well, I hope you're being honest, Maricruz.
28:57Yes, I swear I am.
29:01Well, I'm leaving, I just wanted to bring you this.
29:04Excuse me, I'll open it myself.
29:06Yes, yes, thank you.
29:15Let's see, don't tell anyone.
29:18Let's see, I don't believe you, my love.
29:21We shouldn't trust her.
29:23I'm sure she's up to something.
29:28Yes, yes, Renata, don't worry, I'm still here.
29:31Come on, say hi, I can't see you.
29:34Kiss, bye.
29:38I was on my way to a meeting until my third partner called me and we're saved.
29:45Yes, he agreed to buy your mother's shares.
29:48But then the factory wouldn't belong to us anymore.
29:51No, you're wrong.
29:53He doesn't want you to only represent him with 25%, but now with his 75%.
30:00And not only that, he also agreed to sell the shares to your brothers little by little so that at the end of the day the factory is his.
30:05But why would anyone want to do that? What's the point of helping us?
30:09Well, I don't know, the satisfaction of fulfilling what they have so much wanted, of fulfilling the dream your father had before he died.
30:14No, forgive me, forgive me, Claudio, but this is all very strange, isn't it?
30:20Yes, I know.
30:22But the third partner is capricious, with the factory he wants to save his investment.
30:26Let's see, but what he wants to do is not normal, it's not normal.
30:30Who is this person? I need to know who he is.
30:33You know I can't tell you, he's an anonymous partner.
30:36Claudio, but I'm not going to let you keep it a secret.
30:39I demand that you tell me who that person is.
30:40I want to know her or there is no deal.
30:45And are you already in Guadalajara?
30:47Yeah, yeah, but I forgot some croquis on the computer, can you send them to me?
30:51No, no, Giselle took the computer, but I'll send you a message to send you that file if you want.
30:57She stayed until late helping me with the new project and we ran out of time.
31:04Ah, that's a good sign.
31:07I don't know if it's a good sign, but I feel good.
31:12I'm not as angry as before and I'm not thinking about Barbara all the time.
31:17And what, do you think Giselle has to do with that?
31:20I really don't know.
31:22Let's see, we've only been working for a few days, but this reunion is bringing me good things.
31:30Well, that's wonderful, because the truth was already bitter.
31:35Look, Fatima, with all due respect, you are not in a position to demand anything right now.
31:41Look, I know that for you, as well as for me, it is very important to resolve this matter.
31:45I because I'm going on a trip, you because you are calm that your investment is no longer at risk.
31:50But understand me, Claudio, I don't think it's right to accept this proposal without knowing the buyer.
31:57Just tell me why.
31:59I already told you that they are trustworthy people and you trust me.
32:01I trust you, but I can't just trust the other person.
32:04I like clear, transparent things, I don't understand why so much mystery.
32:09Fatima, please, don't put the transaction at risk.
32:13Look, I'm very sorry, but I'm not going to leave without meeting the investor.
32:17It's not normal, it's not normal for someone out of nowhere to put so much money and trust me without knowing me.
32:22Or rather, without me knowing him.
32:24Look, I understand, but sometimes...
32:26No, I'm not going to give in, Claudio.
32:27I don't know if I'm going to ask for something in return for what they are doing now.
32:31Fatima, I swear that this is not going to happen.
32:35Look, Claudio, I know that person before I leave, or we look for another option for my mother's shares.
32:41I'm not going to change my mind.
32:45And that's why I wanted to buy the factory.
32:48Really, I'm still surprised by your generosity.
32:51Gonzalo Uriarte was a good man.
32:53He took Mr. Agustin's factory forward.
32:56Despite Greta's whims and whims.
32:59And I don't want those guys to lose their father now.
33:02It cost him so much work to maintain.
33:05I judged Gonzalo wrong.
33:08And it's a way to make up for the damage.
33:12Nothing more, nothing less.
33:14I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
33:16I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
33:17It's a way to make up for the damage.
33:21I'm glad the factory has the opportunity to return to the Uriarte family.
33:25Hey, I'm just not sure that Fatima or Barbara want to handle it.
33:31The brother? His name is Pablo, right?
33:34Yes, yes, Pablo. Well, right now Pablo is in a rehabilitation clinic.
33:38I don't know, maybe if he manages to overcome his addictions, maybe he wants to handle it.
33:43Well, Aníbal, his friend, told me that Claudio doesn't want him in the business.
33:48But Claudio is no longer going to be there, but us.
33:54Oh no, the internet went again.
33:58Who are you fighting with?
34:00My love, with the internet, it's terrible, it's very slow.
34:03Do you think we can change it, please?
34:06Yes, we can change it, I'll see it tomorrow.
34:08Okay, fine.
34:09Well, apart from that, the courses are amazing, I'm learning a lot.
34:15You know, I think after I let the baby breastfeed, I'm going to start looking for a job.
34:20Well, it's going to be a little difficult here, right?
34:23Well, but I can be going and coming to the city.
34:26Anyway, let's not get ahead of ourselves.
34:29Right now I'm very happy to be updating myself.
34:32That's what you needed, your own motivation there.
34:36How good you already have it.
34:39Hey, don't you want to take a walk around San Hipólito so you can get to know a little more?
34:43And we can have dinner there.
34:45Yes, yes, I think it's very good.
34:47Oh, love, I keep thinking about Maricruz, it seems very strange to me.
34:52Well, it was a good detail.
34:55Well, yes, I appreciate it.
34:57But I don't love her in my life or near us.
35:01I don't trust her.
35:03I don't trust her either.
35:04I don't trust her.
35:06I don't know if I believe that she changed, but...
35:09Look, she did so much to me that I prefer not to take risks.
35:13If you can give that boy a chance, I will.
35:17Although Altamira does not oppose.
35:20It's good that you are aware of the factory.
35:23The truth is that I don't trust Claudio.
35:26Don't worry.
35:29If I see that Claudio does not meet our expectations, I will remove him from the factory.
35:34Remember, he only has 25%.
35:39Believe it or not, I am enthusiastic about the transformation of the factory.
35:42Because it is not only a good business.
35:45We can make use of our products in the soda.
35:50Yes, in fact, it is a very good idea.
35:53Oh, sorry.
35:55Look, speaking of the devil.
35:58Answer him and put it on speaker.
36:04Hi Claudio, how are you?
36:06Hey, I'm here with my dad, I have you on speaker.
36:08Do you have a problem?
36:10Fatima demands to meet the third partner and the buyer of her mother's shares.
36:13Try to convince her.
36:15I don't think I can do it.
36:17You already know how Fatima is when she makes a decision.
36:22I call you to say goodbye.
36:24But remember that I'm going to bring my cell phone.
36:26In case I can't answer you for something, it's because of the change of schedule.
36:29Yes, I know it's another schedule.
36:31My grandparents live there.
36:33When it's daytime here, it's nighttime there.
36:36That's right.
36:38But you can leave me a message and I'll call you as soon as possible, okay?
36:44I was going to go to Spain with my parents.
36:46Do you remember?
36:48We were going to visit my grandparents.
36:51But suddenly everything changed.
36:53Yes, my love.
36:55Everything changed for everyone.
36:56Grandpa Gonzalo died and nothing was the same.
37:03Tell him we'll meet at 8 o'clock at the office of Gonzalo Uriarte.
37:08Dad, I'll explain to you why we have to meet.
37:12I'm sorry, engineer, but tonight I have a very important meeting.
37:17Don't worry.
37:19To introduce us to Fatima, you don't need to be present.
37:22Yes, I know, but I would like to be present.
37:24We'll do it tomorrow.
37:26Tomorrow Fatima and Sebastian leave Mexico.
37:29So it has to be tonight.
37:31It's true.
37:33Please let Fatima know.
37:35I'll call you tomorrow.
37:37Good afternoon.
37:54Good afternoon.
37:56Good afternoon.
