• 2 days ago
The first snow of winter cartoon from 1998.
Winner of a BAFTA award for Best Animation at the 4th British Academy Children's Awards. Many other awards followed.
Starring the voices of the late Dermot Morgan (Father Ted), Miriam Margolyes and Sorcha Cusack.
In memory of Dermot Morgan.


00:30Wow! Look at the size of that bird!
00:35He's not as tough as he looks!
00:38And neither are they.
00:44Come on, Puffy, let's scare those gulls.
00:47Do we have to, Sean? They're not doing us any harm.
00:50Puffy, gulls are just stupid. They deserve to be scared.
00:54They have feelings, just like us.
00:56Well, the only feeling they're going to feel right now is panic!
01:00Get him!
01:05Get out of it!
01:10It works every time.
01:12Oh, Sean, what would your ma say?
01:15Sean! Sean! Where the devil is that boy?
01:19We'll be late to my great if he doesn't come home soon.
01:22Ah, easy on the lad. He's just out having fun.
01:26Fun, is it? Well, isn't he his father's son?
01:29Sean's a duck running amok and you just sit there blowing your silly whistle.
01:33Sometimes the two of you...
01:35Keep your beak on now, Mother. He'll be home soon.
01:41We're ready, Mother.
01:43Oh, bless you, my dears.
01:45I'm glad we're not all feather brains in this family.
01:49Hey, Puffy, will you look at this?
01:58Hey, let's go for a slide.
02:00More like a fall, Sean.
02:02Go on, it's not that steep.
02:08Except for chickens.
02:10I think we should go home, Sean.
02:12Bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk!
02:14Bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk!
02:16Bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk!
02:18They must be wondering where we are.
02:20Fine. You run back to your mammy and...
02:25..and leave the heroics to me.
02:33Oh, oh, oh, oh!
02:38Am I or am I not magnificent?
02:43Speechless, are you?
02:59Phew! That was close.
03:07I told you we should have gone home.
03:09What? I missed all that adventure.
03:12Hey, did you see the look on the face of that...
03:16Sean Seamus Aloysius Dermot Duck,
03:19what do you think you're doing?
03:21Oh, hello, ma. Only playing.
03:24And have we forgotten what day it is today?
03:29Oh, it's flying south for the winter day, isn't it, Mrs Duck?
03:33So why aren't you at home getting ready?
03:36Bye, Sean.
03:38Oh, bye, Puffy.
03:42Ah, she'll see Puffy again in the spring.
03:45Couldn't we just stay here instead?
03:48Not with winter coming. It'll soon be too cold.
03:51We have to find somewhere warmer.
03:58Will there be gulls to chase when we get there?
04:07Now, pay attention, everyone.
04:09From now on, we must all stick closely together.
04:14And that means you too, Sean.
04:16Yes, ma.
04:18Now, where on earth's your father?
04:20Stand aside! Emergency landing!
04:23Gangway! Duck!
04:28Duck, did you get it?
04:31Nice landing, Dad.
04:34Sorry I'm late.
04:36Sorry I'm late, gang. I forgot me whistle.
04:39Oh, and we wouldn't want that now, would we?
04:41Look! Look at the sky!
04:46Oh, no, would you look at that? It's started.
04:49We mustn't be left behind.
04:59All set, everyone?
05:13All cleared for take-off?
05:34Oh, boy!
05:45Come back!
05:47Come and play!
05:52Where's everyone gone?
05:56Ma, where are you?
05:59Can anyone hear me?
06:04Is that you, Ma?
06:08Is that you?
06:41Sean! Where's Sean?
06:43We've lost Sean! Sean!
06:45He must have taken a wrong turning in the cloud cover.
06:48Relax, Mother. He's just dragging his wings a little.
06:51I'll go back and look for him.
06:53No, no, you stay with the little ones.
06:55I'll go and we'll catch you up.
07:14Pay on someone your own size.
07:21Come back!
07:23Don't leave me here!
07:42Good morning, darling.
07:46Good morning, Duck.
07:50It looks to me like your flight has been cancelled.
07:54Go away.
07:56Go away? And we have only just met.
07:58Now then, where are your manners?
08:02Now, leave me alone. I'm all right.
08:04And I'm a Voli.
08:06Pleased to make your acquaintance, Mr. All Right.
08:10The name is Sean.
08:14You're not all right, are you?
08:16I think I've broken me wing.
08:19Now, that does present a bit of a dilemma, you see.
08:22A broken wing means no flying.
08:24And no flying means no flying south for the winter.
08:27And no flying south for the winter means...
08:29Well, it doesn't matter what that means for the moment.
08:32If you can't fly on your own, perhaps you just need a little help.
08:41Are you sure about this?
08:43Absolutely, absolutely.
08:45You are only talking to one of Ireland's greatest pilots.
08:48I've never heard of a roll flying before.
08:51It was in all the newspapers.
08:53We don't get all the newspapers.
08:55OK, now, after take-off, remember to flap your feet as hard as possible.
08:59And keep on flapping like the clappers
09:01till you see coconuts and palm trees.
09:03Now, off you go.
09:08Hmm, well, I do have another idea.
09:13Now, this is a little trick I learnt when I was an astronaut.
09:17See you next spring.
09:29Couldn't I just stay with you instead?
09:34Sean! Sean!
10:01Oh, no!
10:09How could I let this happen?
10:12If I hadn't let you fall behind, you wouldn't be...
10:30And now fly the long beak, huh?
10:33Now, with this little splint here,
10:35your wings should mend in next to no time.
10:38I miss me mother.
10:40We all miss our mothers.
10:42But yours will be back soon enough, eh?
10:45In the spring, I expect.
10:47Will she, Foley?
10:49Oh, as sure as grass is musical.
10:51Oh, grass is just grass.
10:57Amazing, isn't it, huh?
10:59A simple blade of grass and you can knock an old tune out of it.
11:02Can I have a go?
11:04Of course. Just hold the grass there.
11:07Fill your cheeks and blow.
11:12A little more blow, I think.
11:32This is fun!
12:03What's that, Foley?
12:05Oh, no.
12:07It's a snowflake.
12:09And where there's one, there's usually more to follow.
12:12Ha, ha, ha!
12:14Ah, a tickle!
12:16Hmm, that's not all they do.
12:18Come on!
12:25But why are you so worried about snowflakes?
12:28Should they seem harmless enough?
12:30Snowflakes are harmless.
12:32But snow is another thing entirely.
12:34We've got to find you a warm hidey-hole
12:36before they begin to gang up on us.
12:38There, now. What do you think?
12:42It's broken.
12:44Of course it's broken.
12:46If it was working, there'd be a danger of people taking it out to sea.
12:49Ugh, it smells of seaweed.
12:51It's the perfect vessel for snorkelling.
12:54Ugh, it smells of seaweed.
12:56It's the perfect vessel for a voyage to the spring.
13:02Once we've fixed that, of course.
13:06Step aboard, son, and settle in.
13:08In the morning, we'll go shopping for supplies.
13:23Or just a bunch of rats with perms.
13:26Are those your tails?
13:28Or is someone paying you to dust the branches?
13:37Thanks, fellas. All donations welcome.
13:39Ducks don't eat nuts and berries.
13:42As of today, you do.
13:54What are you doing?
13:56Collecting wool, son, to keep you warm.
13:59Did I ever tell you about the time I was a cowboy?
14:09Something on your mind, Sean?
14:11I've been thinking.
14:13Oh, nothing wrong with that.
14:15In fact, I'd encourage it.
14:17Am I a bad duck?
14:21As far as I can tell, you do the duck thing very well.
14:24Then why didn't my parents come looking for me?
14:28Perhaps they didn't want me anymore.
14:31Perhaps they didn't...
14:37Save the talking bit for later.
14:39Quick, under here.
14:44No, not him.
14:46I gather you've met before.
15:22And another thing.
15:24If you are what you eat, then you are all just nuts.
15:41That was brilliant, Foley.
15:43Which reminds me, did I ever tell you about the time
15:46I was pursued by a vole-eating tiger?
15:52Peek up, son.
15:54I managed to acquire a few more snacks from our squirrel friends.
15:58There, that little lot should keep you going all winter.
16:01No, no.
16:03You mean keep us going.
16:05You, us, what's the difference?
16:08You're not going to leave me, are you?
16:11Uh, no.
16:13About that, I've been meaning to have a word or three with you.
16:18About that, I've been meaning to have a word or three.
16:21The thing is, well, ducks is ducks,
16:25and voles are different.
16:29You're supposed to fly south for the winter,
16:31and me, I'm supposed to sleep.
16:37As a matter of fact, it's well past my bedtime already.
16:40I ought to be hitting the hole.
16:42Take me with you, Foley. I can sleep too.
16:45Not in a burrow in the ground.
16:47No, no, and not for five months.
16:49I'm sorry, it's just nature's way.
16:53But, Foley, I won't survive without you.
16:56Of course you will.
16:58You've got food and warmth, and you're Sean.
17:03Sean's our natural survivors.
17:05I could sleep for ages if you told me a very boring bedtime story.
17:10You'd only be up every hour asking me for a glass of water.
17:19You take care of yourself, okay?
17:22And look out for the lambs.
17:24Lambs mean spring, and spring means...
19:17Puffy, wake up!
19:20Sean, is that you?
19:23Oh, you frozen stiff, come with me.
19:25We've got to get you warm.
19:44What happened to you?
19:46There was so many birds and so much seeing.
19:49I lost my ma and dad.
19:51Oh, take it easy, Puffy.
19:53Surely you'll be as good as new in no time.
19:55I'll take care of you.
19:57Thanks, Sean.
19:59And when you're well again,
20:01I'll show you how to play music with just a plate of grass.
20:05You've always been smart, Sean.
20:08No, I haven't, Puffy, but I'm learning.
20:47Puffy? Puffy, wake up!
20:50Come and see!
20:57Puffy, don't you know what this means?
21:00Lambs mean spring, and spring means...
21:04We made it! We made it!
21:11We made it!
21:22Come on, Puffy.
21:24We know a great place to watch our families coming home.
21:58Hurry, Sean!
22:12Oh, no!
22:19Look out below!
22:22Bubble Patrol to the rescue!
22:27Horny, you came back!
22:30Well, I needed a spot of exercise after such a long sleep.
22:34Boys, I think you'd better make yourselves scarce.
22:42Right, right, come on. Give us your best shot.
22:46But, Horny...
22:57Run, Sean! He's spotted you!
23:33I can fly!
24:09Come on, wake up, Roly.
24:12Please, wake up.
24:15Roly, I did it.
24:18I can fly again.
24:21I can fly!
24:24You should have seen me, Roly.
24:26I beat the fox. I flew.
24:34Didn't I tell you?
24:35If you flapped your feet hard enough, one day you'd make it.
24:38Oh, Roly, you're alive!
24:41Be careful.
24:43Look at the sky, Sean.
24:53There's my man, Dad!
24:57There's my man, Dad!
25:04And there's mine!
25:09Oh, I'm sorry.
25:11I thought you were...
25:13Hey, guys, remember me?
25:15I'm Sean.
25:17Have you seen my parents?
25:21Has anyone seen my parents?
25:35They didn't come back.
25:51Why are we always the last to leave and the last to return?
25:55We couldn't set off without me whistle.
25:57Ma! Dad, it's me!
26:00It's me!
26:02Molting Mary, mother of ducks!
26:05It can't be!
26:07That's Sean!
26:14I thought the fox had got you.
26:17I thought the fox had got you.
26:28Ah, don't you just love a happy ending?
26:32Isn't he his father's son?
26:38Hey, Roly, would you mind very much if I didn't stay with you next winter?
26:43Of course not.
26:45I guess I'll have to find myself another dancing partner, though.
27:37It's a place for you and I
