• 7 hours ago
A Record Of Mortal’s Journey To Immortality S3 [Part 2] Ep 48 ENG SUB
00:00定护你周全 I will keep you safe.
00:24狩猎开始 The hunt begins.
00:30狩猎开始 The hunt begins.
00:51竟然是只七级妖兽 It's a level 7 monster.
00:54好了 你得进来了 Okay, you have to come in.
01:00狩猎开始 The hunt begins.
01:18这一面这么似曾消失 This face has disappeared so many times.
01:21好像在哪儿见过 I think I've seen it somewhere.
01:26对了 Oh, right.
01:27上次来外星海市 The last time I came to the outer space,
01:29就被这东西追着打过 I was chased by it.
01:40这加了炼金的青竹风云剑 This Qingzhu Wind Cloud Sword with gold
01:42还真是功力不少啊 is really powerful.
01:59狩猎开始 The hunt begins.
02:29狩猎开始 The hunt begins.
02:59狩猎开始 The hunt begins.
03:29狩猎开始 The hunt begins.
03:40这下妖丹倒是足够了 It's enough to kill the monster now.
03:43还好没再碰到什么妖兽化形 It's a good thing that I didn't meet any monsters.
03:54今晚的月色倒是不错 The moon is beautiful tonight.
03:59上一次看到这样的月色 It's been a long time
04:01还是很久一见了 since I last saw such a beautiful moon.
04:04不过 But...
04:06诸位道友 看够了吗 不如出来一居 Friends, have you had enough? Why don't you come out for a while?
04:11怎么话还没说完就跑了 Why did you run away before I finished?
04:14我这么和蔼客气 I'm so polite.
04:16一定是你的问题 It must be your problem.
04:29优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
04:57三位道友 为何如此行色匆匆 Three friends, why are you in such a hurry?
05:02你这邪魔 休要授权我们 You evil monster, don't try to trick us.
05:04要杀要剐 动手就是 If you want to kill, just do it.
05:06前辈 在下属实不知 此地是前辈的领地 Elder, I'm not sure. This is your territory.
05:09否 否则我们怎么敢打扰 Otherwise, how dare we disturb you?
05:11这 这 冲冲猫大大人呐 I'm sorry, Elder.
05:17难道 前辈不是冲猫大人吗 Aren't you the Elder?
05:22三位道友误会了 You misunderstood me.
05:26三位道友 请原谅三位道友 Please forgive me.
05:36在下才出关不久 正要返回祁渊海 I just left the temple and was on my way back to Qiyuan Sea.
05:40可是发生了什么事 且说来听听 But something happened. Please tell me.
05:45回祁渊海域 这可使不得呀 We can't go back to Qiyuan Sea.
05:49数年前 这海龙宫的妖兽 A few years ago, the monsters in the Dragon Palace
05:52突然开始毫无差别地袭击人类 started attacking humans without any difference.
05:56无论是猎妖的修士 还是定居点的凡人都被妖兽连杀 Whether it was a demon hunter or a mortal living at the base, they were all killed by the monsters.
06:02几位猿鹰修士前往一探究竟 However, a few hunters went to investigate
06:06结果被画星大妖打了回来 and were attacked by the Star-Shaping Monster.
06:12祁渊的四把上人还是靠了猿鹰离地才得以活命 Qiyuan's Four-Handed God survived thanks to the猿鹰.
06:18所以我自便失了居处才到此寻些营生 So I lost my home and came here to find shelter.
06:23现在的内星和星宫和逆星盟打得不可开交 Now the inner stars and the Star-Shaping Monster are fighting fiercely.
06:28这传送者只出不济 连想回也回不去 The messenger can't go back even if he wants to.
06:33那刚才说的虫魔又是怎么回事 What happened to the Star-Shaping Monster?
06:36那虫魔呀是个面目可憎的桀丹修士 That Star-Shaping Monster is an unrivaled mortal.
06:41善用青色飞剑 又缺失一种非虫魔 He is good at using green flying sword and lacks a kind of non-star-shaping monster.
06:54蝴蝶盖地 锁刀之处 寸草不生 There is no grass on the ground of Hutian.
07:01这 倒是与在下有几分相似 This is quite similar to me.
07:10道友 还知道什么吗 说来听听 Friend, do you know anything else? Tell me.
07:15那虫魔数年前出现 一出手便灭了碧云门的一支猎妖队 That Star-Shaping Monster appeared several years ago and killed a team of monsters of the Cloud Gate.
07:20后来沉寂了一段时间 但是最近又活跃了起 每个月都有人惨遭毒手 据生还者说 那人凶恶残暴 歹毒至极 杀人夺宝 何不顾忌 But recently, he has been active again. Every month, he kills people. According to the survivors, he is very vicious and deadly. He kills people for treasure.
07:36碧云门 原来是那些家伙 那票还真是我干的 谁让他们要抢夺妖丹杀人灭口 才一时急不过 Cloud Gate. It was those guys. I really killed them. Who told them to steal the pill and kill people?
07:45不过 不过 也只有那一次罢了 后面的这些又是怎么回事 而且好像还在刻意留下火口散播消息 坏我的名声 But that was the only time. What's going on with the rest of them? And they seem to be deliberately leaving a fire to spread the news and ruin my reputation.
07:56你们看 前辈的是穿的是三色的 不像传闻中的两色 You see, the one in front of me is wearing three colors, not the two colors in the rumors.
08:03不对 这事绝不简单 摆明了是有人冒充我 想逼我现身 世间中的两色姿态最好出现在 许天殿 难道是那几个原因老怪 也就他们有这势力和动机了
08:23幸亏此地有妖兽暴动 不然他们可能早就杀来了 不行 必须马上回去封道闭关 起码二三十年内再也不出洞府了
08:54新宫的金魁长老传信 派来了一位特使 邀请您去黑石城一聚 新宫 好端端的来我祈愿岛做什么 不去不去 长老 据说他们还请了其他门派 红光门的金霞长老也在其里 似乎是有些大动作
09:17金霞 要不是那次起了贪心 竟敢在妖族渡劫时趁火打劫 得罪了那些海员的千年大妖 这些年给我们祈愿岛惹了多大的麻烦 新宫也是 都自顾不暇了 还摆什么臭架子 不理不理
09:47就说我闭关 放尽量点啊 回来仔细汇报
10:08只才外面的对话你都听到了吗 除了新宫之外 这两年万法门也来了一位长老 还有两三位身份不明的猿鹰同道也改头换面潜入本岛海域 我祈愿岛什么时候有这么大的魅力呢 难不成他们都是来报杀孙之仇的
10:38优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
11:09与你与我 可都多了桩麻烦事啊
11:17罢了 至终就是保不住活的
11:34你是说 那人的真实身份是玄谷老伯
11:42那 那东西真出事了
11:50多亿人知道了 便会多亿人来挂火整恐
11:55现在可不只是吴兄的弟子唤醒成宠魔的样子出现 据我所知还有其他人扮成此人的样子出现
12:02分明是要将谁搞混啊 吴兄啊吴兄 你为何不早些告诉老夫 先行让程大拓
12:13现在也不晚 老夫这就亲自出面安排
12:31让我走 死
13:12寒冰 可算找着你了
13:37哎呀 散修就是麻烦 做什么都得自己来
13:48日后若是有机会定要扶持个门派出来 这些杂事都让他们去做
14:46不错啊 承担品级和数量都有所提升
14:52现在的丹术水平 开个丹房做生意也绰绰有余了
15:10好了 差不多也可以闭关充饥结丹中气了
15:16谢谢 忘了 还有这东西
15:19此前试了 没什么毒 吃了
