• 2 days ago
Hot Flame Romance
"Step into the world of love and passion with Hot Flame Romance! We bring you the most heartwarming and captivating romantic moments, from sweet kisses to intense love stories. Whether you're a fan of classic love tales or modern romance, our channel is dedicated to making your heart flutter. Subscribe now for regular updates on the best romantic scenes, stories of passion, and timeless love connections."


00:30Just said I'm a desire
00:32to see you
00:34I love you
00:36I've waited so long for you
00:38I've respected everything you have asked
00:40I've shown you
00:42that I love you
00:44I want you to die for me
00:46I want you to pay for all the pain
00:48you've caused me
00:50I'm capable of everything
00:52Let me show you
00:54how much I love you
00:56I want you to die
00:58Let me show you
01:00how much I love you
