• 2 days ago
Anime: Twin Star Exorcists
Episode: 08
#anime #carton #viral #english #love #fantasy #kids #new #twin #star #manga #cartoon #japaneseanime #viral #bestanimeseries


00:30Come on.
02:00Get married and have a baby and you two actually agree to that?
02:26No way! And definitely not with her!
02:28Of course not.
02:30I don't get it. Then why are you living together?
02:32I told you, we're being forced to.
02:34By the chief exorcist. He's relentless.
02:38Chief exorcist?
02:40Yeah, that pervy underpants guy's behind this.
02:44Rokuro, I'm sure I'm wrong, but you aren't thinking of becoming an exorcist again and going off to fight Kagari, are you?
02:55Well, actually...
02:57Wait a second. Have you already been fighting?
03:02But why?
03:04You said you didn't want to fight anymore after all the pain and suffering you went through.
03:11I just don't want to see you end up like that again.
03:16You're still only in middle school, you know? I mean, you're just a kid.
03:20Can't you leave all this dangerous stuff to the grown-up?
03:23May I say something?
03:26It is true. Rokuro still harbors some doubts. He's unsure about being an exorcist.
03:33However, his actions have already saved many people's lives.
03:37All those lives would have been lost if he hadn't stepped in to help.
03:43That's only when he's focused, mind you.
03:48Although, when he does become serious, he's intense and strong.
03:55He gives me the inspiration to find more courage.
04:00Wait, she was talking about Rokuro.
04:05He deserves praise for overcoming his past and for standing up again.
04:10But if he ends up dying, then what's the point of it all?
04:13Never once have we forced him to fight.
04:16But fighting Kegare is where he belongs and where he's truly needed.
04:20No, you're wrong! He doesn't belong in a dangerous world like that!
04:23Hey, listen, both of you calm down, all right?
04:26Just be quiet, Rokuro!
04:27We're trying to have an important discussion.
04:31Listen, I respect his strength and want to acknowledge it.
04:36And there's something else to consider.
04:39If you took exorcism away from him, he'd have nothing.
04:42It's like Ohagi without red bean paste. Or mochi rice.
04:47That's not true! He has lots going for him besides being an exorcist.
04:52Like what?
04:53He's so trusting, he believed in Santa Claus until last Christmas.
04:57He asks girls out even though he gets rejected.
05:00And he's a wizard at multiplication!
05:04Rokuro, are you even listening to us?
05:07We're trying to help you out here, you know.
05:09Sorry! You can stop anytime.
05:12How do you feel about it, Roku?
05:15What do you really want for yourself deep down?
05:18Yes, let's clear that up right now.
05:21Do you want to fight as an exorcist or not?
05:24Hmm, Rokuro? What's the answer?
05:27Well, I just...
05:33I thought that...
05:36For a long time, I believed there was no way I would ever want to fight again.
05:47But if the power I have can protect people, then that's what I have to do.
05:52No matter what happens to me when I fight, I accept it. It's worth it.
06:04Fine then! You just do whatever you want!
06:17Stupid Roku, you're like a summer sail of ignorance.
06:21You don't know how I feel.
06:34They all died because of me. Why?
06:41So much for becoming the strongest exorcist.
06:55Why? Why, Rokuro?
07:20Penny Osama! Time for your lunch, Ohagi!
07:23What's this?
07:29Hey, wait. That's Myra's good luck charm.
07:33Good luck charm?
07:34That's right. She's been carrying it around as long as I can remember.
07:38Go find her. Get it back to her right away.
07:42It's not for luck. What that charm does is prevent Kegare from detecting potent spell power.
07:48The reason Kegare attack people is to consume their spell power and grow stronger.
07:54If this charm was concealing it, then Myra's spell power must be very strong.
08:00What? Really?
08:02It's on!
08:25Oh, no!
08:33A Kegare!
08:43Someone help!
09:08No, please! Let go!
09:21I will not let you harm Myra!
09:32Hey, are you okay? Myra, say something!
09:35Yeah, I think so. Rokuro, you came to save me?
09:41Yeah, and I swear I'm gonna keep you safe.
09:45Please, Rokuro, stop. If you keep acting all heroic like this, then how can I tell you to stop fighting?
10:01You bastard!
10:09Stay back. You want me to take him?
10:13Forget that. I'm gonna crush this guy.
10:45No need to worry. Rokuro can be brash, but he's still very naive.
10:55What is it? What happened?
10:58What? You? Really?
11:05Yo, what's up, Jisuma? You actually look pretty good.
11:09At least it's nice to see you haven't croaked yet.
11:13What exactly could bring a man of your standing to this place?
11:17Ah, the old lady from Kyoto. It's been a while.
11:22Now as for why I'm here, the reason I was sent all the way out here to see you...
11:27Well, you probably have some inkling, don't you, old man?
11:32I hear that a certain runt has been overdoing it with his power, so teaching him a lesson is reason number one.
11:40As for the other reason, it's happened again, hasn't it?
11:45A Kegare corruption.
11:47Kegare corruption? Do you know what that is? So the Exorcist Union noticed, too.
11:53Of course we did. We knew it would happen again, and we've spent the last two years preparing for it.
11:59In any event, I just wanted to say hello to Jisuma here, and now it's time for me to be on my way.
12:06Magino gate open.
12:08Wait, Sagan, you mean no lego, ain't you?
12:11That's right. Clean up my idiot student's mess.
12:20Go get him! Just leave the girl to me and wipe the floor with that rotten Kegare, bedios sama!
12:35Why can't we purify it?
12:38It's speed, power, and resilience? It's on a whole different level than other Kegare.
12:43What are you dawdling around for?
12:51That technique... What's that?
12:54Tiger Strike Kagutsuchi.
12:59Return to the stars.
13:14So, we meet again, runt.
13:19You going to tell me what happened?
13:22That big jerk with the bags under his eyes just hit me out of nowhere!
13:26Well, actually, it was because you talked back to him.
13:28Just who exactly is that guy, Jisuma?
13:31That man's name is Sagan Amawaka. He's an exorcist who was assigned to work in this town some time ago.
13:38And he also... well, used to be my... my son-in-law.
13:43He's your son-in-law?
13:46Wait, what do you mean?
13:47Oh, I thought that it was pretty clear. He used to be married to my daughter.
13:52You mean to tell us that...
13:53Mm-hmm. Sagan is Myra's father.
13:58There's no resemblance.
14:00He's extremely powerful. Remember, Sagan is one of the Twelve Guardians.
14:05Whoa, he's one of those guys?
14:07He's on the same level as that dude from the other day?
14:10What dude is that?
14:11We met one of them in Magino back when you were still recovering in the hospital.
14:15The Suzaku of the Twelve Guardians, Shimon Ikaruga.
14:19He was crazy strong, too! He wiped out an entire swarm of Kagare with one shot!
14:26He was really cool! Man, I wish you could have seen it, Ryogo!
14:30I already know more about the strength of the Twelve Guardians than I'd like to.
14:34You see, Sagan was the one who taught both Rokuro and I how to fight against the Kagare.
14:39He was our Exorcist Master.
14:43Well, all right, kid. If you have something to say to me, then just get on with it.
14:48Here goes nothing.
14:50Good to see you! You're looking young as ever, Master!
14:55Keep goofing around and I'll slap you silly. You understand?
15:00Arimae told me all about it.
15:02You know, pervy underpants guy!
15:04So, you've been working really hard to put that arm's power through its paces to see what it can do, have you?
15:10Correct me if I'm wrong, but...
15:13you aren't actually trying to say that you want to be an Exorcist again, are you?
15:19I'm not fighting...
15:22for the world or the future.
15:25I'm aware that I no longer have the right to fight for big things like that.
15:30Not anymore.
15:32But I can't just ignore people around me getting hurt.
15:36Despite how this arm looks, if I can reach out to someone,
15:41then I want to hold it out to them!
15:46Do you truly believe that power of yours is something noble?
15:50That's a load of idealistic crap coming from you.
15:55Idealistic crap?
15:57My idealistic crap?
16:00Every bit of it!
16:02All burned to ashes on that day two years ago!
16:05Well then, if you feel that strongly about it,
16:08why don't you show me what you're capable of with that arm?
16:12Let's see just how committed you really are.
16:17I'm telling you to fight me, runt.
16:20If you can defeat me, it'll prove that you've got what it takes to be a true Exorcist.
16:24If you can defeat me, it'll prove that you've got both the grit and the skill, won't it?
16:29Then you can do whatever it is you want.
16:33But I'm gonna hit you with everything I've got, so you better fight me...
16:38as if you intend to kill me.
16:42Boy, this looks seriously bad for the brat, doesn't it?
16:45Then again, even if it's bad, who cares about him?
16:49What's up, Benio?
16:51What happened two years ago?
16:54Jisama, what is it?
16:56This Kagare corruption that Sagan talked about.
16:59Hmm... I suppose that I should tell all of you.
17:03They say that undyed cloth loses its color the fastest.
17:08When people hate, they become demons in both mind and body.
17:15And in a comparable way, some people who possess potent spell power
17:20can at times for unknown reasons become Kagare.
17:22And this phenomenon is called Kagare corruption.
17:26That's crazy. People can actually become Kagare?
17:30Yes, I'm afraid so.
17:32The first confirmed case of such an event occurred two years ago.
17:36Wait, what are you saying?
17:38The Hinatsuki tragedy.
17:42That's when Rokuro...
17:45Get on with it already!
17:47What exactly happened to that little brat?
17:51I assumed that you already knew.
17:54Rokuro was a part of the tragedy, but he survived.
18:01What is it?
18:04How could that possibly be?
18:10Let's begin.
18:12Let all those who turn away from divine blessings
18:16be shot down by the divine arrow.
18:21Air Fissure Bullet, come forth at once!
18:29Hey, that guy's using the exact same move that the kid uses!
18:33Yes, I see.
18:35But the amount of spell power that he commands is far greater.
18:38Well, that was fun.
18:41Air Fissure Bullet, come forth at once!
18:46Not bad, but size isn't everything, you know.
18:50Air Fissure Bullet, come forth at once!
18:55The brat's got him!
19:02I can't sense any intent to kill in your punch.
19:06Wait, when did you...
19:08Was I not clear that I want you to show me how committed you are?
19:12It seems that I was right, and all that you're really doing
19:16is spouting off idealistic crap after all.
19:20A phony like you talking about being an exorcist.
19:24Give it back to me, Seki!
19:30That arm of yours isn't for saving people, you fool.
19:35It's for pushing aside the hands of people reaching out for help.
19:39But you already knew that, didn't you?
19:42Or have you truly already forgotten
19:45what you did in the past at Hinatsuki?
19:48Did he... just say...
19:52What do you mean by that?
19:54What about Hinatsuki?
19:56What are you talking about?
19:58What happened there?
20:00I see.
20:02There shouldn't be any secrets between a husband and wife, don't you agree?
20:07So I'm gonna tell you
20:09all about how that right arm of his is indelibly stained with blood.
20:13Stop! Please, Seigen!
20:15Please don't do this!
20:16I don't know why Arima didn't tell her about it before now,
20:20but the girl deserves to know the truth.
20:25Is there some kind of connection between Benio and the Hinatsuki dorm?
20:29Unfortunately, yes.
20:31But Benio's parents had already been killed by Kagarou.
20:36They were originally a family of four.
20:39Her father, her mother.
20:42And she also had a twin brother.
20:47The story goes that two years ago,
20:50the Hinatsuki dorm was the home of several exorcist trainees
20:54when it was attacked by Kagarou.
20:56Nearly all the trainees were killed.
20:59That attack's come to be known as the Hinatsuki tragedy.
21:04However, we know that's not really what happened.
21:11Two years ago,
21:13on the night of the tragedy,
21:17not one single Kagarou actually appeared from Magano.
21:21So why, you might ask, did all the young exorcist trainees perish?
21:28It's quite simple, really.
21:30There was a sole survivor.
21:33Rokuro and Mano.
21:36And he managed to kill every one of those trainees all by himself.
21:42After her parents had passed away,
21:44Benio continued to live at the Adashino's house which she had inherited.
21:49Her brother Yuto was adopted by his father's side of the family,
21:53so his last name became Ichika.
21:56Wait, Yuto? Ichika?
21:58That's correct.
22:00When the tragedy occurred,
22:02Benio's brother was living at the Hinatsuki dorm.
22:07Is it true?
22:09Is what he just said the truth?
22:12Don't just stand there.
22:14Say something!
22:16Please, say something!
22:20Answer me! Rokuro and Mano!
22:44There was no place for me,
22:47so I closed my heart.
22:52That's why I keep acting.
22:56I don't want to cry.
23:00I want to be strong.
23:04The heart's secret bell rings.
23:09You appear on my journey.
23:16Hold my hand tight.
23:22You always said this.
23:29When I'm having a hard time,
23:32you reach out your hand.
23:35I'll give you the strength to walk.
23:41Since when have I been able to have
23:47such a gentle feeling?
23:51Since I met you.
24:05Because without them, they become conceited.
24:08Just shut up!
24:10Watch next time if you want.