• yesterday
Will You Be My Love Again Full
00:00:00Flowers! Fresh flowers!
00:00:08Ma'am, you need some flowers to go with your beautiful clothes.
00:00:12Ugh, he smells horrible.
00:00:15Weeds look more beautiful than those flowers.
00:00:17Please, my grandma is really sick. Your help would mean so much to me.
00:00:23Don't let him attack me!
00:00:24Excuse me!
00:00:37Take this. I think you could use it more than me.
00:00:42Don't ever give up, okay?
00:00:52Take this. This is the lucky chain my grandma gave me.
00:00:56She said that whoever you share it with will come back into your life when you need them the most.
00:01:06What's your name?
00:01:07My name is Melody. Melody Marsh. See you in the future, friend.
00:01:20Melody, I told you not to run off like that.
00:01:23What? Did you give that boy your piggy bank? You saved all your pocket money in it.
00:01:30He needed it more than I did, Mom.
00:01:58Grandma, who are all these people?
00:02:04Georgie, Georgie, my angel. I can't take care of you anymore.
00:02:13You have to go home with your mommy now.
00:02:19I love you.
00:02:21Please. No! I can't earn more money. I can get you a doctor and make you better.
00:02:34Georgie, that's enough now. It's time to go.
00:02:42Georgie, listen to me. Starting today, you are the heir to the Reynolds Group.
00:02:50You must be as strong as you can. Okay?
00:02:58In a significant move, George Reynolds, the president of Reynolds Group, known for his groundbreaking success with AI monitoring and life support products, is now making a splash in the luxury hotel market.
00:03:11His expanding business empire has propelled his net worth to a staggering billion dollars.
00:03:20Get away, Mr. Reynolds is coming for you.
00:03:51Boss, we've got news on the girl you're looking for.
00:03:55Where is she?
00:04:09Henry, I am so sorry about the delay. I got into a little accident, but it won't happen again. I am so sorry. I will have your lunch to you immediately.
00:04:25Well, because you're running so late, I'm having lunch with my coworkers now. You of all people should know how extremely important my time is.
00:04:32Okay. I'm sorry.
00:04:39Melody, where the hell are you? The president just announced he's coming to inspect the hotel.
00:04:49I'm on my way. I just had a little mishap.
00:04:52I do not want your excuses. Just get your ass here now.
00:04:56Nope. Get in the back. No imperfections today. And that includes your leg.
00:05:02You should thank your lucky stars you have a decently pretty face, because otherwise no hotel would hire someone like...
00:05:11Give us your finest suite if it's booked, we'll be right back.
00:05:41pay to kick them out on a second thought you deserve more than this place baby
00:05:50don't we find a different hotel uh-huh absolutely not I've told you a thousand
00:05:57times this is my favorite hotel to hook up in plus they have a great breakfast
00:06:03oh I'll be in the gift shop while you check us in
00:06:12who is that she's uh she's my client can you just be quiet don't make a scene do
00:06:19you think I'm stupid I knew that you were lying about having lunch with your
00:06:23co-workers you hate your co-workers who is she
00:06:35what's going on here who is this tramp she just offered me special services can
00:06:46you believe it I mean of course I said no and she might be an undercover
00:06:50prostitute I can't believe Melanie would stoop so I guess that's why she's
00:06:59been disappearing most afternoons she's working a summary job
00:07:05you're shameless how could you do this to me I'm I'm your girlfriend
00:07:12oh my girlfriend what are you talking about how could I possibly be
00:07:24interested in a low-class cripple like yourself sir is there a problem yes your
00:07:33employee is prostituting herself you know this isn't the kind of five-star
00:07:37service we were looking for you're such a liar hold her stop he's lying I'm his
00:07:47girlfriend release the cripple as long as she promises to stop yapping
00:07:54you are pretty I'll give you that Emily is the Bruno's family heiress you'd be
00:08:04lucky if she'd even look at you
00:08:11you nasty bitch how dare you contaminate my hands with your salty
00:08:18low-class tears apologize to our guest right now unfortunately we're passed an
00:08:28apology you've offended the Bruno family now you'll have to get on your knees and
00:08:32beg for forgiveness I'm afraid it's a little much yeah well if she gets on her
00:08:42knees and begs I'll give you $10,000 okay Melanie get on your knees and let's be
00:08:56done with this if you're not going to do it I'll make you grab her get off of me
00:09:03oh you bring that to me
00:09:42that's what you get for being a filthy whore
00:09:50maybe next time you'll think twice before hitting on my man throw her out
00:09:59get your hands off of me
00:10:01stop right there
00:10:11stop right there
00:10:19take this what's your name my name is Melody Melody Marsh see you in the future friend
00:10:35who are you what she tried to hook up with you too what did she do to deserve
00:10:40such cruel treatment she's a tramp she's trying to turn this luxurious hotel into
00:10:46a brothel with her boyfriend he's my boyfriend you cunning bitch
00:10:59stop him someone do something
00:11:03my family is one of the top clients of this hotel if they stop coming here you all lose your jobs
00:11:13somebody get him take him down
00:11:17oh you were so brave baby are you okay oh ooh that's a bad hand thank you but you should leave this is not your fight
00:11:29nobody leaves until I say oh don't worry we'll wait see if the police will handle this
00:11:36but if the police come my affair will be exposed ah need to get to a hospital broke my wrist
00:11:45oh don't worry we're gonna sue him for everything he's got me who cares just get me to a hospital
00:11:50someone call an ambulance
00:11:55I am not done with you I'll deal with you later
00:12:03I don't know who you are get the hell out of here before I call security
00:12:08I would think very carefully about doing that this is a luxury hotel the best of the Reynolds group
00:12:15we do not entertain uneducated mess of your kind who cause trouble
00:12:19oh is that so mr. Reynolds
00:12:24it's just a mr. Reynolds there must be a mistake this man is a nobody
00:12:30this nobody is George Reynolds
00:12:35and you're stepping in my hotel
00:12:52thank you no problem
00:13:01I'm so sorry mr. Reynolds didn't know it was lecture thanks
00:13:06no one in the Reynolds family will employ you ever again leave now
00:13:16mr. Reynolds are you all right
00:13:21keep it
00:13:25I'll get back to work wait
00:13:42take the rest of the day off get some rest I personally guarantee this will never happen in my company ever again
00:13:57I want you to learn everything you can about her want every single detail
00:14:09do we have an employee named Melody here I do recall someone with that name she was a cripple
00:14:16she did take the day off though apparently someone accidentally dumped water on her
00:14:24I need to see her
00:14:28a group of thugs are trashing your grandmother's story
00:14:36if you don't cough up the cash you can kiss your precious Stan goodbye
00:14:40you should be thankful we didn't burn it to the ground you old hag
00:14:47leave her alone her daughter's been in a coma for over a decade and her granddaughter's a cripple
00:14:52show some empathy why don't you pay up for her then hold her back
00:15:08how much money do you want I will pay you anything just leave my grandma alone
00:15:12hundred grand should do it that's insane I don't have that much money
00:15:16I'm tired of talking maybe you'll get serious if we torch the place
00:15:22stop it
00:15:24oh fucking cripple bit me oh you'll pay for that
00:15:34hey dude
00:15:37they said not to mess her face up
00:15:42she does have a pretty face join me for a drink tonight and maybe we can come up with another way you can pay off that debt
00:15:49shut up you old hag you want to get hit again
00:15:52please don't
00:15:57oh baby it'll be okay I promise
00:16:07okay I'll do it
00:16:11you should have told me before you were a whore could have saved a lot of time
00:16:26I'll be back to kick your ass
00:16:29Melody are you alright
00:16:34could she really be Melody Marsh
00:16:39take this this is the lucky chain my grandma gave me
00:16:44oh oh thank you
00:17:00you saved me again how did you know where I lived
00:17:05what's your name my name is Melody
00:17:20there it is
00:17:22you can't just steal that from mom
00:17:25your mother should have passed ages ago
00:17:28she's really just dead weight at this point
00:17:31she's gonna wake up the doctor said that
00:17:33the doctor said she'd be a freaking vegetable the rest of her life
00:17:37dad please don't do this
00:17:40mom needs you
00:17:42I'm sorry but the Green family is no use to me any longer
00:17:50good luck Melody enjoy being the daughter of a vegetable
00:18:04I'm so sorry mom
00:18:08I promise you and I'm gonna get back at dad
00:18:13and I'm no longer Melody Marsh I refuse to share a name with that bastard
00:18:19from now on my name is Melody Green
00:18:24Melody Green
00:18:29HR confirms it this is not the Melody you are looking for
00:18:33Melody Marsh where are you
00:18:38what are you doing
00:18:48what are you doing
00:18:53I'm sorry I thought it was I should have done that
00:18:58it's fine Mr. Reynolds
00:19:12mom you would not believe the day that I have had
00:19:17you know I'm starting to think that nothing's gonna get better
00:19:26get out now before I call security
00:19:29apparently your mother's been comatose for so long that she hasn't had a chance to teach you any manners
00:19:34well I definitely didn't have a father to teach me any
00:19:38you little bitch
00:19:40Frank calm down she's low-class she doesn't know any better
00:19:45good to see you sis
00:19:48not so good to see you Nancy
00:19:51you know I heard a man helped save your grandma's little food cart
00:19:57you know it wouldn't surprise me one bit if you were the one that hired those thugs
00:20:02how did you know
00:20:04you are so insightful Melody
00:20:12you are so insightful Melody
00:20:18you bitch
00:20:22you're really gonna hit your own daughter to defend that piece of trash that you inherited
00:20:33she is your sister
00:20:35she's my stepsister you will never be family to me just like mom and I weren't to you
00:20:41I know you're having a hard time Melody is this the reason for the little outburst
00:20:46yeah I mean dad took pity on you even set you up with a nice marriage
00:20:52excuse me
00:20:54you are not going to mess this up Melody
00:20:57she will have to kill me before I marry anyone of your choosing
00:21:02don't take this out on your father he wouldn't choose a family for you if he didn't care about you
00:21:08mom I think Melody should marry George instead of me
00:21:17I think Melody should marry George instead of me
00:21:22sure he's wealthy but he's just one of many Mr. Hook's grandsons
00:21:29plus I heard he's a freak I heard he kills animals and dissects them
00:21:36well as long as one of our daughters marries into the Reynolds family it shouldn't be a problem
00:21:45don't worry dear I'll convince your daddy
00:21:53I think that this blessing should go to my sister
00:21:58fine you want to have it that way
00:22:01if you don't marry George Reynolds then dad will pull your mom's plug
00:22:06I dare you
00:22:10if you don't marry George Reynolds then dad will pull your mom's plug
00:22:15I dare you
00:22:23we're just joking of course
00:22:26I can't believe you thought we would actually murder someone
00:22:30even if she is comatose
00:22:34think about it Melody
00:22:36if you get married you'll have a man who can support you and your grandmother
00:22:42and give your mother a nicer place to rest
00:22:50I lost my job and my cheating boyfriend
00:22:55my mom is going to kill me
00:22:58I lost my job and my cheating boyfriend
00:23:02my mom still needs money for her medical bills
00:23:05maybe marrying into the Reynolds family isn't the worst idea
00:23:09I'll do it on one condition
00:23:15give me back the necklace you stole from me
00:23:22give me back the necklace you stole from me
00:23:26are you threatening me?
00:23:28are you hearing this mom?
00:23:30honey that's just a shabby necklace
00:23:32don't worry I'll get you a better one with diamonds
00:23:43where are the flowers?
00:23:46I got my necklace back
00:23:49are you still out there?
00:23:51why haven't you come for me?
00:23:55why haven't you come for me?
00:24:11it's you
00:24:16is he the pervert Nancy talked about?
00:24:19he seems kind
00:24:23I thought you were...
00:24:26why didn't you say something to me when you saw me?
00:24:28I didn't know that I'd be marrying you
00:24:32well so I protected you a few times
00:24:35now you think you can just marry me for my money is that it?
00:24:38what are you talking about?
00:24:40I have a zero policy for gold diggers
00:24:45wait there's been a misunderstanding
00:24:49you think my family is going to welcome you with open arms
00:24:53you should really reconsider
00:25:08who the hell does the Marsh family think they are?
00:25:13how dare they disrespect the Reynolds by sending us a crippled girl to marry George
00:25:21Leanne tell the Marsh family to take her back
00:25:25the Reynolds family will not accept such insults
00:25:28what's all the yelling about?
00:25:34dad they're pushing too far
00:25:37how can George marry a girl like this?
00:25:41don't you care about George?
00:25:43this is different
00:25:47you're Melody Green right?
00:25:51then you're the right one to marry
00:25:54I've checked
00:25:56you're the legitimate daughter of Jocelyn Green
00:25:59you know my mom?
00:26:05your mother's last wish was that George marry her daughter
00:26:09the trust fund will only take effect if that happens
00:26:13a lot of people in the Reynolds group are watching closely
00:26:17you need to think this through
00:26:27the Reynolds family doesn't keep idle hands
00:26:30Leah find something for her to do
00:26:34just keep her out of my hair please
00:26:37yes ma'am
00:26:43I don't feel well all of a sudden
00:26:46looks like you get to clean the kitchen
00:26:51and I have to go with the madam
00:26:53so the garden needs to be tended to as well
00:26:55hope the gloves fit
00:27:06we won't get in trouble for making her do this will we?
00:27:10she's just a cripple trying to worm her way into this family
00:27:12and madam clearly hates her
00:27:14the master must hate her too
00:27:16I heard that they didn't even sleep in the same bedroom on their wedding night
00:27:21you know what?
00:27:23I think we should have some fun
00:27:29get off of me
00:27:31oops sorry didn't see you there
00:27:36did you just push me bitch?
00:27:38I don't care if you're the master's wife
00:27:40you're not going to last long here being violent like that
00:27:43you should stop while you're ahead
00:27:45or I'll be forced to tell the madam about this
00:27:47oh you think you can just leave after pushing me crippled bitch
00:27:55is that the master's lucky necklace?
00:28:08is that the master's lucky necklace?
00:28:12no this is my necklace
00:28:15I didn't steal anything
00:28:17she must have stolen it
00:28:18there's no way she could have afforded a necklace like that
00:28:20unless the master paid for it
00:28:23give me that necklace now
00:28:24no I said it's mine
00:28:26get off of me
00:28:30we'll see what the master and madam have to say about your sticky fingers
00:28:39oh you're going to pay for that
00:28:41I guess we'll just have to wrap you up ourselves
00:28:46get off of me
00:28:53what the hell is going on here?
00:29:02what the hell is going on here?
00:29:07how dare you cause a disturbance like this in my home
00:29:13there's been a mistake sir she was
00:29:15get out
00:29:16but sir we were doing it for your own protection
00:29:18she stole your necklace
00:29:20what are you talking about?
00:29:28sorry we must have been mistaken
00:29:33get out
00:29:40probably regretting marrying into the Reynolds family I bet
00:29:44let's cut the bullshit
00:29:46I don't know why your family sent you here
00:29:48I don't know what you think you deserve
00:29:50but I will never be taken advantage of
00:29:57a flower boy
00:29:59it can't be
00:30:01consider a divorce
00:30:03I think it would be better for both of us
00:30:06am I going crazy?
00:30:08there's no way that
00:30:10the heir of the Reynolds group is my flower boy
00:30:16fire those maids with no severance pay
00:30:19I thought you said you didn't like her sir
00:30:22I don't
00:30:24but if those maids are bullying her
00:30:26then they're probably bullying others
00:30:27I won't stand for it
00:30:29I don't care
00:30:31but if those maids are bullying her
00:30:33then they're probably bullying others
00:30:34I won't stand for it
00:30:41any new leads on Melanie Marsh?
00:30:43not yet sir
00:30:45she's a difficult person to find
00:30:47do whatever it takes
00:30:48spend as much money as you need to
00:30:50just find her
00:30:51will do
00:31:00what's your name?
00:31:01my name is Melody
00:31:02Melody Marsh
00:31:04see you in the future friend
00:31:09she looks so much like her though
00:31:14why are you still here?
00:31:16Oliver was supposed to fire you
00:31:17no sir it's the lady
00:31:18she's fainted
00:31:24get Dr. Smith
00:31:26the family doctor is on leave today sir
00:31:29to the hospital
00:31:41she still has a fear
00:31:42but it should come down after she gets rest
00:31:44seems she is malnourished and dehydrated
00:31:53would it also be possible to evaluate her legs?
00:31:55see if she might be a candidate for corrective surgery
00:31:58once she is healed we can do that
00:32:00you must really care about your wife
00:32:02don't worry sir
00:32:03she's gonna be just fine
00:32:15who is he?
00:32:17handsome and caring
00:32:20that can't be George Reynolds
00:32:24what a whore
00:32:27cheating on her husband already?
00:32:34hello madam
00:32:36just thought you might like to know that
00:32:38your little daughter-in-law
00:32:40already has a lover on the side
00:32:56oh stop playing games
00:32:59that's not George
00:33:01you think I don't know all about your slutty ways?
00:33:05you're fucking crazy
00:33:07get the hell out
00:33:08you can call whoever you want
00:33:11but the fact is
00:33:13I caught you cheating on George Reynolds
00:33:17not everyone is a slut like you
00:33:20you bitch
00:33:25go with me
00:33:29what the hell is going on here?
00:33:38are you okay?
00:33:41call in the cops
00:33:43that won't be necessary
00:33:48see madam
00:33:49these two are disgracing your family
00:33:53and we caught them in the act
00:33:58these two are disgracing your family
00:34:02and we caught them in the act
00:34:04I think you're mistaken
00:34:07they're having an affair
00:34:09and tainting your family name
00:34:11my father should have told you
00:34:13that Melody is a major liability
00:34:16she's practically a nymphomaniac
00:34:19and all for this loser of a man
00:34:26your family sent a cripple
00:34:28to insult my Reynolds family
00:34:29and now you have the audacity
00:34:31to call my son a loser
00:34:33I'm sorry I didn't
00:34:34are you just an idiot?
00:34:35or did somebody put you up to this?
00:34:37so that man is George
00:34:41as in George Reynolds
00:34:43as in my only son
00:34:45now get out
00:34:53have her discharged immediately
00:34:55contact the family doctor
00:34:57the Reynolds family cannot afford
00:34:59any more embarrassment
00:35:11you and your family
00:35:13have done nothing to cause trouble
00:35:16I lost two of my maids because of you
00:35:20it's madam to you
00:35:22I don't know why my father
00:35:23thought this would be a good idea
00:35:25you know your family
00:35:27needs a marriage
00:35:28needs a business transaction
00:35:30have you ever thought
00:35:31about George's feelings?
00:35:34your mother took care of Frank for years
00:35:37Frank took all her money
00:35:39and spent it on his mistress
00:35:40and her daughter
00:35:42all because of her feelings
00:35:44your mother was such an idiot
00:35:47shut up
00:35:53what are you doing?
00:36:03I'm sorry I just
00:36:05I need a second to catch my breath
00:36:07you pushed my mother Melody
00:36:09she was being so cruel to me
00:36:11that doesn't give you the right to
00:36:12Mr. Reynolds
00:36:13the doctor asks to see you
00:36:14he can come later
00:36:15maybe around 8
00:36:16I'd like to speak with him
00:36:17as soon as possible
00:36:30take this
00:36:31I think you could use it more than me
00:36:33don't ever give up, okay?
00:36:37it is you
00:36:42I love you
00:36:54you should take your wife some food
00:36:57she needs to face the consequences
00:36:59of her actions
00:37:00perhaps I was too harsh earlier
00:37:04she shouldn't have pushed you
00:37:06she's had a hard life mom
00:37:08her mother's in a coma
00:37:11she didn't know that
00:37:14poor Jocelyn
00:37:19I could see right through you
00:37:20what do you mean?
00:37:21maybe I'm mistaken but
00:37:23I think you actually like her
00:37:24mom, please
00:37:26we don't have to talk about it
00:37:28but I've decided that I'll be nicer now
00:37:31bring some food for Melody
00:37:33and call the doctor
00:37:34he should check to make sure her vitals are okay
00:37:36don't worry about it
00:37:38I'll take the food to her
00:37:56the flower boy
00:37:57she said that whoever you share it with
00:37:59will come back into your life
00:38:01when you need them the most
00:38:08you're my flower boy
00:38:18looks like you just had a little stumble
00:38:20are you okay?
00:38:23flower boy
00:38:25what did you say?
00:38:27you're my flower boy
00:38:29is this you?
00:38:31the tears are more than me
00:38:32don't ever give up, okay?
00:38:35but I thought
00:38:38it is you
00:38:40I've been waiting for this day my entire life
00:38:42Melody, stay with me
00:38:44the doctor will be here shortly
00:38:49she's very weak
00:38:51she needs to avoid anything that can excite her
00:38:54rest is the only option at this point
00:38:57I will be available to you at any time
00:38:59just give me a call, okay?
00:39:01she'll be fine
00:39:08I'm so sorry, Melody
00:39:11it's all my fault
00:39:13I should have recognized you
00:39:16I should have
00:39:18please just wake up and scold me for my actions
00:39:22please, I beg you
00:39:36I've got to tell you, Mr. Ramsey is coming for you
00:39:38you nasty bitch
00:39:42get off of me
00:39:50you didn't deserve all the suffering you went through
00:39:55I want you to look into everything that has happened in the past years for her
00:39:58report to me anyone that has harmed her
00:40:08I won't let anyone hurt you again
00:40:23your bitch of a daughter has overstepped
00:40:27and now someone needs to pay for it
00:40:53don't worry
00:40:55let me help you end your suffering
00:41:14we are losing her
00:41:16get her family on the phone
00:41:26check her pressure
00:41:43did you get her family?
00:41:45no, no one's picking up
00:41:49did you get it right?
00:42:06I'm so sorry, my love
00:42:12what is it?
00:42:14I'm sorry to inform you that we have some bad news
00:42:17your mother just passed away
00:42:39Mr. Reynolds, I have some information
00:42:42Melody and her mother were victims of a hit and run
00:42:45she never woke up after
00:42:47was it August 1st?
00:42:52it was
00:42:55no mom, don't leave me
00:43:01I had a dream, it was
00:43:03my mom, she was waving at me
00:43:09hello, are you there?
00:43:14Melody, I'm so sorry
00:43:16what's wrong?
00:43:22what's wrong?
00:43:24Melody, I'm so sorry
00:43:26your mother
00:43:29she's gone
00:43:39you're lying
00:43:44tell me it's not true
00:43:46it's a mistake, please
00:43:54no, no, the doctors are lying
00:43:56you're all lying, they're wrong
00:43:58it's not true
00:44:03no, I have to go to the hospital
00:44:05I'll take you there
00:44:27you won't wake up
00:44:32Melody, I
00:44:33if this is all your fault
00:44:36if it wasn't for you, then I could have said goodbye to her
00:44:40bring her back to me, please
00:44:42bring her back
00:44:49Melody, I'm sorry
00:44:51you're right
00:44:55please just bring her back
00:44:59don't leave me here, please
00:45:01please bring her back
00:45:15I want a divorce
00:45:17can we please talk about this?
00:45:19the only reason that I married you
00:45:21was so that I might be able to have enough money
00:45:24to take care of my mom
00:45:26I have no reason to be with you anymore
00:45:29give me another chance
00:45:31I'll make it up to you
00:45:33I'm such an asshole
00:45:35can you bring her back?
00:45:38with all of your money
00:45:40you are just like everybody else
00:45:42all that you have done
00:45:44is just take more from me
00:46:08what if you gave me three months?
00:46:10if you still hate me, you can leave
00:46:12no questions asked
00:46:38George, I think you've done enough wallowing
00:46:44are your issues with Melody worth destroying your life over?
00:46:51we were so cruel to her
00:46:53now she wants a divorce and her mother is dead
00:46:56are you happy now?
00:47:00why would she divorce you?
00:47:10why would she divorce you?
00:47:13why wouldn't she?
00:47:16for so many years
00:47:18you wondered who gave me this piggy bank
00:47:22well, it was her
00:47:26for so many years
00:47:28it was always her
00:47:31she was my hope
00:47:34she made me believe that there was something worth fighting for
00:47:39and now I've lost her all over again
00:47:46I owe her everything
00:47:50I'm the reason her and her mother got in that car accident
00:47:53and I'm the reason her mother is dead
00:47:56I'm the reason her and her mother got in that car accident
00:47:59and I'm the reason her mother is dead
00:48:05I didn't know
00:48:12I'm sorry
00:48:16you can't let her go
00:48:19get her back, George
00:48:21you can't let her go
00:48:24get her back, George
00:48:27do everything you can to make it right
00:48:32just don't lose her
00:48:41is the surgery arranged?
00:48:43it is, sir
00:48:45she cannot know I arranged it
00:48:49you're late today
00:48:51you're not too busy for your grandma, are you?
00:48:54I am never too busy for you
00:48:58but you have some good news
00:49:01I had a doctor's appointment
00:49:03and they said that they can fix my leg
00:49:06so I'm having surgery
00:49:13maybe that's amazing
00:49:16but it must cost a fortune
00:49:19it's covered by welfare
00:49:21so I won't have to pay anything
00:49:23you've got to tell your mom
00:49:25that'll make her so happy
00:49:27yes, you must tell her
00:49:31yeah, she's going to be really happy
00:49:42everything ready?
00:49:44we're all good to go, sir
00:49:52from now on I'm going to make it up to you
00:49:55I swear
00:50:15now that my legs are fixed
00:50:17I must be losing my mind
00:50:24hey, baby
00:50:27who is that?
00:50:28I forgot your credit card
00:50:31I'm sorry, I'm late
00:50:33I'm sorry, I'm late
00:50:35I'm sorry, I'm late
00:50:37I'm sorry, I'm late
00:50:39I'm sorry, I'm late
00:50:41I'm sorry, I'm late
00:50:43I'm sorry, I'm late
00:50:47lovely seeing you here
00:50:49get out of my way
00:50:51someone like you shouldn't be playing hard to get
00:50:53especially since you date anyone
00:50:55I would not take you back
00:50:57if somebody was holding a gun to my head
00:50:59besides, I'm sure you're really happy with Emily
00:51:01cut the shit
00:51:03Melody, I still love you
00:51:05Emily is just a stepping stone
00:51:07to elevate my career
00:51:09I can still support you
00:51:11I know your mom needs money
00:51:13don't you dare
00:51:15talk about my mother
00:51:19what are you doing?
00:51:21you know, maybe you guys should have a conversation
00:51:23because your boyfriend was just trying to hit on me
00:51:25looks like Ripple got an upgrade
00:51:27don't you take one more step
00:51:29don't you take one more step
00:51:39keep it down
00:51:41there's no loud noises permitted on hospital grounds
00:51:47what the hell?
00:51:49clearly you aren't familiar
00:51:51with the Bruno family
00:51:53we own this hospital
00:51:55and pay your salary
00:51:57careful how you speak to me next time
00:52:05how did someone like you afford surgery?
00:52:07you know
00:52:09I think I like you better as a cripple
00:52:11maybe if I break your leg again
00:52:13you'll learn your place for real
00:52:17bring me a scalpel
00:52:23hold her down
00:52:25you know
00:52:27I've always wanted to perform surgery
00:52:29looks like now
00:52:31I finally get my chance
00:52:51you again
00:52:53looks like your boy toy is finally here
00:52:55to save the day again
00:52:57I just have one question for you
00:52:59why go through all the trouble
00:53:01to save her?
00:53:03put down the scalpel
00:53:05let's talk this out
00:53:07otherwise you'll regret it
00:53:13you're crazy
00:53:15just like her
00:53:17it's okay
00:53:19better my hand than your leg
00:53:23get your hands off of me
00:53:25you let go of me immediately
00:53:27or my family will make your life a living hell
00:53:29be my guest
00:53:31I'd love to see you try
00:53:33Mr. Bruno we have an emergency
00:53:35do you know who my father is?
00:53:37Emily is causing a scene in the hospital
00:53:39I do actually, Max would never raise his voice to me
00:53:41I'm surprised he raised such a tacky daughter
00:53:49instead of breaking her legs
00:53:51how about we break yours
00:53:55how dare you cause a scene in my hospital
00:53:57daddy, this bitch and her boyfriend
00:53:59are trying to hurt us
00:54:03George Reynolds
00:54:05what are you doing here?
00:54:07maybe you should ask your daughter
00:54:13kneel down
00:54:21you're supposed to be helping us
00:54:23if you don't kneel down
00:54:25and apologize to Mr. Reynolds
00:54:27there are going to be serious repercussions for you
00:54:31did you just say Mr. Reynolds?
00:54:35Mr. Reynolds, I'm so embarrassed
00:54:37Emily knows better
00:54:39than to do something like this
00:54:41I apologize
00:54:43I'll make sure she's thoroughly disciplined
00:54:45she cut my hand
00:54:47I don't think apology is enough
00:54:49I'll give you anything
00:54:51whatever you want
00:54:5350% of the shares in Peruma Group
00:54:5550% that's insane
00:54:57you have no idea what you've done Emily
00:54:59this is one of the top rated surgeons
00:55:01who's been working anonymously
00:55:03to keep us going
00:55:05with the injury to his hand
00:55:07it's going to be years
00:55:09before he can do surgery again
00:55:11he's the expert that you were talking about
00:55:17he's the expert
00:55:19that you were talking about
00:55:23that sounds
00:55:25you must be Mrs. Reynolds
00:55:27you're very fortunate
00:55:29to have Mr. Reynolds perform your surgery
00:55:31no it was a welfare program
00:55:33George didn't do my surgery
00:55:35we don't have a welfare program
00:55:37at this hospital
00:55:39I think we should let the police handle it from here
00:55:41of course
00:55:43whatever you think is best Mr. Reynolds
00:55:45I'm so so sorry
00:55:51thank you
00:55:53for saving me
00:55:57it's the least I could do
00:55:59after everything that happened with your mother
00:56:03Dr. Reynolds
00:56:05can I have your autograph? I'm a big fan of your work
00:56:07I work in the ICU but I've studied
00:56:09all your surgical techniques
00:56:11thank you
00:56:13this is Jocelyn's daughter
00:56:15I'm so sorry for your loss
00:56:17if it makes you feel better
00:56:19another Miss Marsh came to visit the room that day before she died
00:56:37it's Nancy
00:56:39I knew something strange was going on
00:56:43we need solid evidence first
00:56:45trust me
00:56:47we'll make Nancy pay
00:56:53drinks are on me
00:56:55order anything you want
00:56:59she must have a new boyfriend
00:57:01she's always happy
00:57:03when she's dating someone new
00:57:05Mr. Reynolds
00:57:07I do have my eyes set on someone
00:57:11he's super rich
00:57:13and super hot
00:57:15his name is George Reynolds
00:57:19I thought your crippled sister married him
00:57:21it's my dad's fault
00:57:23I didn't even get a chance to go on a date with him
00:57:25before my sister went off and married him
00:57:27I heard he's a crippled
00:57:29that's just a rumor
00:57:31he seems like such a caring and sweet guy
00:57:35I think he's into me
00:57:37do you really think he'll make up for you?
00:57:41don't worry
00:57:43let me help you end your suffering
00:57:49I'm sure of it
00:58:05she's hot
00:58:09work that crippled leg girl
00:58:11my sister
00:58:13the cripple everyone
00:58:15Nancy we need to talk
00:58:23your name goes sideways
00:58:25just call for me okay
00:58:27got it
00:58:33you don't have to save me
00:58:35all the time
00:58:41I'd like to talk to you alone too
00:58:47if you want to talk privately
00:58:49you're going to have to have some fun with us first
00:58:51what kind of fun?
00:58:57why don't you think of something
00:59:01how's about a little strip tease
00:59:03for us
00:59:05show us some skin baby
00:59:11how's about a little strip tease
00:59:13for us
00:59:15yeah show us some skin baby
00:59:19looks like you're going to have to strip
00:59:25just one piece
00:59:29very classy
00:59:31very out of character for her
00:59:43I want to see more
00:59:45take off more
00:59:47take off more
00:59:49take off more
00:59:59are you happy
01:00:03not quite yet
01:00:07have a piece of cake first
01:00:13it's from a world class bakery
01:00:15so you better eat every crumb
01:00:19I bet she's never had cake this good in her life
01:00:23you're such a good sister
01:00:25you're a candid one
01:00:29thank you
01:00:31are you satisfied
01:00:33I don't think so
01:00:35I'm just
01:00:37having so much fun
01:00:39truly the best birthday ever
01:00:43truly the best birthday ever
01:00:49have a drink with us
01:00:51for every glass you drink
01:00:53you can have a minute of my time
01:01:13a minute is enough
01:01:21let's go up to the roof
01:01:25what the hell
01:01:27what is your problem
01:01:29how did you even know about my party
01:01:31okay look I'm just trying to figure out what happened with my mom's death
01:01:33I think that
01:01:35Frank might have had something to do with it
01:01:37no way
01:01:39Frank wouldn't be involved with anything like that
01:01:43plus your mother died of illness
01:01:47you just need to accept that and move on
01:01:49Frank and my mom weren't even divorced
01:01:51she owns half the company's shares
01:01:53with your mom as his mistress
01:01:57maybe she shouldn't do it
01:01:59how dare you
01:02:01say that my mom could commit something
01:02:03as heinous as murder
01:02:05seems like I struck a nerve
01:02:07you know your mom
01:02:09will be nothing more than a mistress
01:02:11until the day she dies
01:02:13shut up
01:02:17your leg
01:02:29good observation skills
01:02:33you couldn't afford to do the surgery
01:02:35to fix it
01:02:37I knew that you were going to end up regretting not marrying George
01:02:43George fixed your leg because
01:02:45he didn't want to have a crippled wife
01:02:47see that's where you're wrong
01:02:49even when I was crippled
01:02:51George still wanted me more than you
01:02:53you know Manthy
01:02:55I see so much of your mom
01:02:57in you
01:02:59how does it feel to know that you're probably going to end up
01:03:01being a side bitch to your mom
01:03:03you bitch
01:03:05my father never even loved your mother
01:03:11I'm going to ruin you
01:03:13just like you ruined my mom's life
01:03:23Mr. Reynolds
01:03:25please help me
01:03:27she tried to kill me
01:03:31it's okay my love
01:03:33I'm here
01:03:35I know what you did to my mother
01:03:37I didn't do anything
01:03:39to her
01:03:41we had the hospital surveillance footage
01:03:49you are so funny
01:03:51you almost had me for a minute there
01:03:53having the surveillance footage
01:03:55doesn't mean anything
01:03:57you know what
01:03:59I did do it
01:04:01I killed her
01:04:05I thought of it as
01:04:07an act of service
01:04:09since you know she was suffering
01:04:13what what's so funny
01:04:19just got paid
01:04:23you can't do that
01:04:25that's illegal
01:04:27you can't record someone
01:04:29it's over Manthy
01:04:31but I hope you have a really nice life
01:04:35George marry me
01:04:37you can have all of my father's assets
01:04:39anything that you want
01:04:41you truly are shameless
01:04:43aren't you
01:04:47he doesn't love you
01:04:49you've only been together for a few months
01:04:51it's all fake
01:04:53maybe we have
01:04:55only been dating for a few months
01:04:57but I've been waiting for her for decades
01:05:13let go of me
01:05:25Nancy where are you
01:05:27come to the company
01:05:29I have a little surprise for your birthday
01:05:31be right there
01:05:36regret to inform you of
01:05:38Jocelyn's passing
01:05:40of course her shares in the company
01:05:42will be under my ownership now
01:05:44I will be introducing
01:05:46new shareholders to the company as well
01:05:48I think we need to have a chat about that
01:05:54sorry dad
01:05:56hi I'm Melody
01:05:58you've probably never heard of me
01:06:00get out of here right now
01:06:03we are in a meeting
01:06:05be a good girl
01:06:07listen to your father
01:06:13as Jocelyn's daughter
01:06:15I have a legal right to the company's shares
01:06:17plus it was her father's company
01:06:19so I think that she would have wanted me to take it over
01:06:21there is no way
01:06:23you're stealing my shares
01:06:25your shares
01:06:27I don't think my mother left you with anything
01:06:29so everything that you're doing here
01:06:31is technically illegal
01:06:33that is according to her will
01:06:37Melody I think this is your brief talking
01:06:39why would you want to do this to your father
01:06:41you've already stolen your sister's fiance
01:06:43isn't that enough
01:06:47isn't that enough
01:06:49I think that you're confused Melissa
01:06:51I didn't steal
01:06:53any engagement from Nancy
01:06:55but I think it is time that we
01:06:57tell our shareholders here a little bit of truth
01:07:01get her out of here now
01:07:09Mr. Reynolds
01:07:11Mr. Reynolds
01:07:13thank God you're here
01:07:15please take Melody home
01:07:17she has such a temper
01:07:19clearly she's having a hard time with the loss of her mother
01:07:21and isn't in her right mind
01:07:23bad temper
01:07:25aren't you referring to Nancy
01:07:27I didn't know you were so humorous
01:07:29Mr. Reynolds
01:07:31I have zero interest in your company
01:07:33or Melody's mother's company
01:07:35but I will not let you stand here
01:07:37and insult my wife
01:07:39George, Melody stole you
01:07:41from Nancy
01:07:43Nancy was the one who was supposed to marry you
01:07:45you are the one who
01:07:47forced Melody to marry into
01:07:49the Reynolds family so you and my grandfather
01:07:51could strike a business deal
01:07:53I wonder if my grandfather knows
01:07:55you're running this company illegally
01:08:01Melody shouldn't be causing such a scene right now
01:08:03don't stop on my account
01:08:05I'm just here to take back what's rightfully mine
01:08:07I think this meeting is over
01:08:09thank you for coming
01:08:11and I apologize for this little outburst
01:08:15right here is a gift agreement
01:08:17that my mother left 20 years ago
01:08:19turns out she left me all of her shares
01:08:21that she had here in this company
01:08:23just stop your lying right now
01:08:25my mother knew that you were a greedy bastard
01:08:27and she never ever intended on leaving you
01:08:29with anything
01:08:41Ken, I think we need to redraft my will
01:08:45you know I talked to the lawyer a few days ago
01:08:47so it's over
01:08:51you will not be getting
01:08:53anything from my mother
01:08:59you will not be getting anything
01:09:01from my mother
01:09:07if you spoke to the lawyers a few days ago
01:09:09then why are you just bringing it up now
01:09:15she's a psychopath
01:09:17I'm scared Frank
01:09:23you have pushed me too far
01:09:25your precious daughter killed my mother
01:09:27you're lying, my baby girl would never do that
01:09:29we'll sue you for slander
01:09:33I didn't do it
01:09:35I killed her
01:09:39you can visit her in jail
01:09:41I'll make sure to get the visitor hours for you guys
01:09:43the only person
01:09:45going to jail will be you
01:09:47we are going to expose
01:09:49all of your lies
01:09:55believe me now
01:09:57you're a monster
01:09:59give me back my daughter
01:10:01I think we all need to take a breath
01:10:05and calm down
01:10:09we all need to take a breath and calm down
01:10:11that's for my mother
01:10:13I hope that both of you rot in hell
01:10:15no, no
01:10:17that's enough
01:10:21you're not going anywhere
01:10:23this meeting isn't over
01:10:25our lawyers
01:10:27will assist my wife
01:10:29in overseeing the shareholds
01:10:37I need your help with something
01:10:39what is it?
01:10:41I think it's time you met my grandfather
01:10:51why aren't George and the cripple here yet
01:10:53he's embarrassing the family with that woman
01:10:55your father always did favor Lucy
01:10:57and push us to the side
01:11:01this is what they get
01:11:03finally they're here
01:11:05finally they're here
01:11:07who's that besides George
01:11:11good evening uncle
01:11:13this dinner
01:11:15is for the Reynolds family
01:11:19outsiders are not allowed
01:11:27you bring a mistress to a party
01:11:29you truly don't mind making the Reynolds laugh
01:11:31do you
01:11:33how do you
01:11:35you don't even consider our reputations
01:11:37I feel like I should probably introduce myself
01:11:39I am George's wife
01:11:47I thought you were
01:11:49a cripple
01:11:51I was
01:11:53but George fixed up my legs for me
01:11:57paid for it
01:11:59he performed the surgery himself
01:12:01he always had a love of dissecting things
01:12:03when he was a kid
01:12:05he loved dissecting frogs
01:12:07and stuff
01:12:09so gross
01:12:11he's actually a world class surgeon
01:12:13she's funny with George
01:12:15the only thing George
01:12:17is world class at
01:12:19is being a total creep
01:12:21I would treat you Mark
01:12:23but unfortunately
01:12:25being an asshole has no cure
01:12:31where are you
01:12:45he needs help doctor
01:12:47what happened to you Mark
01:12:53thank you doctor
01:12:55this is only temporary relief
01:12:57judging by his symptoms
01:12:59he needs heart surgery
01:13:01we need to get him to a hospital immediately
01:13:03we'll do anything
01:13:05this surgery is above my level of expertise
01:13:09you're the top doctor in the city
01:13:11if you can't help him
01:13:13who can
01:13:15I do know someone who can definitely save him
01:13:23who's the doctor
01:13:25get him here immediately
01:13:27his name is Dr. Norman
01:13:29internationally renowned surgical expert
01:13:31he likes to keep a low profile
01:13:35I can't lose you
01:13:37this is all your fault
01:13:41if you hadn't been rude to your uncle
01:13:43you wouldn't have gotten his heart rate up so high
01:13:45excuse me miss
01:13:47I don't think what George did has anything to do
01:13:49with your husband's condition
01:13:51stay out of it doc
01:13:53if you want to recover
01:13:55be quiet
01:13:57the top surgical expert you're looking for
01:13:59is me
01:14:07the top surgical expert
01:14:09you're looking for
01:14:11is me
01:14:13I'm the Dr. Norman he speaks of
01:14:15that's impossible
01:14:17I told you
01:14:19George is a world class surgeon
01:14:21I'm still having a really hard time
01:14:23I believe it is
01:14:25it's absolutely true
01:14:27why have you never told me this George
01:14:29why are you so secretive
01:14:31sir your grandson healed my leg
01:14:33I can testify
01:14:35for his abilities
01:14:37thank you my dear
01:14:39I'm just shocked
01:14:41that's all
01:14:43you are truly
01:14:45the Reynolds family heir
01:14:47so selfless and never craving
01:14:51please take your seats
01:14:55this is your first Reynolds
01:14:57family dinner
01:14:59you don't have to be too reserved
01:15:01you're more than welcome
01:15:05welcome to the family Melody
01:15:13you two must
01:15:15visit me more often
01:15:17we definitely will sir
01:15:21you lucked out getting her
01:15:23I think she's
01:15:25too good for you
01:15:33mom what are you doing here
01:15:35I guess I'm late to the party
01:15:39is that for me
01:15:41I realized that I never got you flowers
01:15:43to welcome you to the family
01:15:47see I can be nice sometimes
01:15:49I'll go get the car
01:15:51I need to talk to Melody for a bit
01:15:53I'm sorry
01:15:55I should have never said those hurtful things
01:15:57to you I should have never done that
01:15:59it's ok
01:16:01it was a stressful time for all of us
01:16:05from today on
01:16:07I want you to think of me as like a mom to you
01:16:09I will always be there for you
01:16:31Melody honey are you ok
01:16:37I can pay you
01:16:39just please let us go
01:16:41release her
01:16:43she's not worth anything
01:16:45I'm the company shareholder
01:16:47and I can get you a huge payout
01:16:51no let her go
01:16:53I'm the CEO's wife I'm worth more
01:16:59I see you two are bonding
01:17:01so touching
01:17:03this is a really stupid stunt pull Melissa
01:17:05oh I told you I get you bitch
01:17:07this is what you get for getting my daughter thrown in jail
01:17:09Nancy did that to herself
01:17:11let Lucy go
01:17:13she has nothing to do with this
01:17:15nothing to do with this
01:17:17her little twat of a son is destroying our life
01:17:23how does that feel bitch
01:17:25pathetic loser
01:17:31pathetic loser
01:17:33stop hitting her
01:17:37let's just talk this out
01:17:39I am so past the point of talking
01:17:41get rid of him
01:17:47I have a ton of money I can pay you
01:17:49I'm going to burn you alive
01:17:51and you're both going to die in agony
01:17:57what are you going to do
01:17:59what are you going to do
01:18:01burn them
01:18:05you're fucking crazy
01:18:11still nothing
01:18:13we've checked everywhere
01:18:15they seem to be off the grid
01:18:17I did find something curious about the Marsh family though
01:18:19it may be related
01:18:23has hired some people off the dark web
01:18:27I'm going out searching for them
01:18:29call me if you find their exact whereabouts
01:18:31yes sir
01:18:35you're fucking crazy
01:18:37you're fucking crazy
01:18:39I'm going to burn you alive
01:18:41we're going to be okay
01:18:43you're both going to die in agony
01:18:45it's okay Melody
01:18:59you're okay
01:19:01you're safe now
01:19:05you're safe now
01:19:07thank you
01:19:09thank you George
01:19:11don't think that you won't get what's coming to you eventually Melody
01:19:13you're nothing but bad luck
01:19:15the Reynolds family will figure it out eventually
01:19:17I'm sure that your argument will hold up in a court of law
01:19:21save your breath
01:19:23for interrogation with the police
01:19:29you can take her now
01:19:35oh my god
01:19:41hey boss
01:19:43Mr. Reynolds scheduled a meeting at his downtown hotel today
01:19:45requested you be there
01:19:57you have a lot of gall
01:19:59to show your face here again
01:20:01you have a lot of gall
01:20:03to show your face here again
01:20:05leave now
01:20:07from what I recall
01:20:09you were fired
01:20:11so I think it's you
01:20:13who needs to leave
01:20:15you truly are an idiot
01:20:17with my skill set
01:20:19I'm sure you'll be fine
01:20:21I'm sure you'll be fine
01:20:23I'm sure you'll be fine
01:20:25with my skill set
01:20:27I'm indispensable to this hotel
01:20:29well I am a guest here
01:20:31so you can't deny me entry
01:20:33George Reynolds' wife
01:20:35is visiting today
01:20:37so we're only letting people of a certain status in today
01:20:39so we're only letting people of a certain status in today
01:20:41I can already tell you don't quite know what I mean
01:20:51must be her, show time
01:20:53get ready
01:20:55welcome to Reynolds Hotel
01:20:57welcome to Reynolds Hotel
01:20:59wow they really know how to make you feel special here
01:21:01I'm here for the job
01:21:03you must be here to inspect the premises
01:21:05Mr. Reynolds has everything set up for you
01:21:07please follow me
01:21:13Mr. Reynolds has everything set up for you
01:21:15please follow me
01:21:17why aren't you heading in?
01:21:19grab some popcorn Hans
01:21:21enjoy the show that's about to happen
01:21:25just give me your resume
01:21:27and get the hell out of here
01:21:29you got it wrong
01:21:31she's here to discuss a partnership with the CEO
01:21:35that's truly one of the funniest things I've heard in a long time
01:21:39so you're saying that I have a chance at getting the job
01:21:41so you're saying that I have a chance at getting the job
01:21:43in your dreams
01:21:45her resume is going straight to my trash bin
01:21:49what dream?
01:21:55what dream?
01:21:57Mr. Reynolds, welcome
01:21:59Mrs. Reynolds is already waiting for you
01:22:07you know each other?
01:22:09excuse me miss, who do I give my resume to?
01:22:13but I thought you were
01:22:15I'm applying for the HR specialist position
01:22:17the interviews are today, right?
01:22:25I'm so sorry
01:22:27Melody, I mean ma'am
01:22:31wait a second
01:22:33if I recall correctly
01:22:35you were fired by Mr. Reynolds
01:22:39why is she still here?
01:22:41Oliver, I don't want to see her
01:22:43at any Reynolds establishment again
01:22:45get her out of here
01:22:47please sir
01:22:49this I think is just a
01:22:51big misunderstanding
01:23:07you're giving me the hotel
01:23:09and the property
01:23:11and a
01:23:13private hospital
01:23:15and a school
01:23:17yes, keep going
01:23:21why'd you stop?
01:23:23if I keep going
01:23:25I'm afraid you're going to give me the entire Reynolds group
01:23:31I want you to be a part of the company
01:23:35I want to share everything with you
01:23:59why is it so quiet in there?
01:24:03are you sure they're both in there?
01:24:07how long have they been in there?
01:24:09two hours
01:24:13Melody wait
01:24:15hi Rico
01:24:17and what were you guys doing for so long?
01:24:19mom I need to go catch up with her
01:24:21I don't know what's going on
01:24:23see ya
01:24:25Melody wait
01:24:29George just let me go
01:24:31you are being too kind to me
01:24:33I'm not sure
01:24:35that this life is for me
01:24:37take it slow
01:24:39I just want you to be happy
01:24:41I have everything in life
01:24:43I have a favor
01:24:45to ask
01:24:47anything you want
01:24:57hi grandma
01:25:03what are you doing here?
01:25:05I know you
01:25:07you're the one that saved Melody
01:25:09and me from those thugs
01:25:11that's me
01:25:13why are you here now? we don't need saving
01:25:17George and I are together now
01:25:19Melody come here
01:25:23he's cute
01:25:27maybe you should reconsider
01:25:31I know he saved us
01:25:33but he seems kind of violent
01:25:35are you sure you want to be with a man like that?
01:25:39George is my protector
01:25:41he would never lay a hand on me
01:25:45I promise to always protect Melody
01:25:47she'll always be safe with me
01:25:49if you
01:25:51ever mistreat
01:25:53my Melody
01:25:55you're going to have to answer to me
01:26:17you go first
01:26:19no you go first
01:26:25I love you Melody
01:26:27I love you too
01:26:29my flower boy