• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video was addressed to my twin flame, Shya. Hi, Shya.
00:07For those who are watching, I thank you for watching.
00:10In this video, this information may or may not be true, cannot be used against me.
00:17If you do, you will be sued and sent to jail for trying to illegally frame me.
00:23Shya, I'm not feeling well, and you can see it in my face that I'm doing a lot of cord cutting and DNA cleanse.
00:32I'm not really looking myself, not feeling myself.
00:36I only ate very little yesterday.
00:38Stewed tomatoes with mackerel fish and chocolate milk.
00:48I was not hungry.
00:51I basically just woke up an hour ago because I didn't fall asleep until 4.
01:00Actually, it was 4.30 a.m. because I was able to watch the Spiritual Zen premiere video.
01:09And you're going to really like it if you haven't listened to it yet.
01:15It definitely gave me some kind of a healing.
01:19And I will talk about that another time.
01:25So I'm going to show you my food haul that I got.
01:29And I'm going to talk about the few notes that I wrote down.
01:32I did not write a lot down.
01:34As I told you, I'm not feeling good.
01:37As I told you, I'm not feeling good.
02:06Orange juice.
02:10I like to get my...
02:15Actually, I should be drinking coffee.
02:19I get a cup and put some ice cubes and fill the cup with orange juice.
02:35I'm going to make some coffee because I'm feeling...
02:38I'm actually really tired.
02:43I should add water.
03:02I should have used a gallon of water, but I need to put water in here.
03:07I feel like I should use a bottle.
03:10So there's only one problem. It's this dented can.
03:14And I've been researching about...
03:18I've been food researching and found out you're not supposed to eat food with dented cans
03:22because the metal can be cracked inside and then add to the food.
03:29So I'm going to throw this out.
03:30It's the only thing. This doesn't usually happen.
03:34And it's only $2.
03:36I got more coffee. French vanilla coffee.
03:40I'm very happy about the marshmallows because they're not sticking together.
03:44So I got the marshmallows.
03:46And I can put that in my Ovaltine.
03:50I got some tuna with olive oil. I like this brand.
03:59Sardines in water.
04:03I was going to do the Ralph's grocery, but it ended up being like $84 for 29 items,
04:11which I actually found out that actually might not be that much more expensive.
04:19But I'll just... I'll go to... I'll get Ralph's delivery another time.
04:23I got mackerel fillets.
04:26This is where I'm going to have my vegetables.
04:29Actually, this was really good. Stewed tomatoes.
04:32I have a photograph of it with mackerel fillets.
04:34It was actually really good last night.
04:38Hokkien stir-fry noodles.
04:40So I have four of them.
04:42I think it comes with two in a pack.
04:46Oh, yeah. The Hokkien time.
04:51So then I got no-salt-added peas.
04:56No-salt-added green beans.
04:59And some more stewed tomatoes.
05:04Some more salt-added green beans.
05:12Sea salt carrots.
05:17Beef consume, because I've been seeing this a lot in vintage restaurants.
05:24Vintage recipes.
05:26Tomato soup.
05:30Two cans of lentils.
05:36I got some paprika, so I don't have to use cayenne pepper all the time.
05:41Chocolate milk.
05:47Better Goods is a new Walmart brand.
05:50I really like it.
05:52So I got these double-cheese bagels.
05:57Sour cream mashed potatoes.
05:59I've tried so hard with buying potatoes and having them rot really quickly and not taste good.
06:06So I'll be getting this instead.
06:08It's not really as good for you, but it's better than eating rotten potatoes.
06:14It tastes good.
06:16I got these organ crab rice.
06:21And quinoa and basmati rice.
06:30I'm going to have that with this simmer sauce, so I'll add canned vegetables to the simmer sauce.
06:39I got two evaporated milks for lattes.
06:45I was supposed to get the small can.
06:48I didn't know it was going to be the bigger can.
06:52I got some miso soup.
06:57I got a few more sauces.
07:00I really like this sauce, even though it's really spicy.
07:05I got this tiger sauce.
07:08Again, because I actually really like it, I put it in the stewed tomatoes and it tasted really good.
07:13And creamy buffalo.
07:15I had this with crackers and it was really good.
07:19I have some more bread.
07:24It's not the same brand, I don't think.
07:27I thought I got the same brand as the last time.
07:29I'm going to have to check with that brand because I really like that.
07:34I really like the butter bread.
07:37I don't usually buy butter bread.
07:40I got plastic forks, plastic spoons because I'm running a little low.
07:49I got this couscous and I did look it up.
07:52All you have to do is add boiling water.
07:57And I got some fit tinfoil.
08:0050 feet because I've been running out of tinfoil.
08:04I got this bleach toner because my hair is a little bit not the correct tone.
08:12And this is supposed to make it a little bit softer and healthy for bleached hair.
08:20And I got a notebook for most likely crime report.
08:28Child assist crime report research.
08:36So I'm playing the DNA cleanse video.
08:40I have to spray vinegar disinfectant spray because I'll tell you in a second.
08:58And I still don't look myself completely.
09:14There's a lot of going on.
09:19I really suggest you listen to the spiritual Zen.
09:22It's possible there's some kind of deprogramming.
09:28I was tortured with noise in regards to noise pollution.
09:36And somehow this is helping a lot in regards to that and among other things.
09:45So I'm going to show you some photographs.
09:59So I found out that a hand-served shop, someone died that was affiliated with the company.
10:16I'll show you.
10:47I'll tell you in a second.
10:51That's Alberto's dad.
10:57So it would be right here in the orange shirt.
11:02That's Alberto's dad.
11:05So, son.
11:08So as much as I didn't really like this email and what happened to this, to Tom Brown.
11:28I really like seeing that photograph of Alberto's dad.
11:33So, there's information about this I cannot explain on the internet.
11:43However, I am a little bit surprised that, I'm really surprised based on,
11:55obviously I feel very bad that this person died and if you're with a company for that long that we're associated with.
12:11But he's a, it did trigger me the, some of what I found out about him.
12:27Being close to Special Olympics and Down Syndrome.
12:33I've always had extreme torture working at retail companies and never being able to think that I could be an actual manager because of my math skills.
12:48And so it's like very, kind of like hit in the face.
12:54Feeling kind of not capable intellectually.
12:58I don't really like golfing and football and found out through a comment that he's into banter.
13:13I don't know too much about him, however, I can't really explain it on the internet.
13:20But obviously, he did a lot for Hannah's Herb Shop.
13:29So, and Kroger, he was the president of Kroger Herbs for 40 years.
13:38It's just very intimidating, I get intimidated by people who can't even speak English.
13:45It's just very intimidating, I get intimidated by people who can't work those types of jobs because I wouldn't be really capable of.
13:59But I don't know if he would actually like me, to be honest.
14:04I don't know if he would actually like me.
14:13Yeah, I'm not looking at any of our grandson's posts anymore because it's too...
14:26It's just not right now, at least.
14:30So, it was really nice to see Alberto's dad.
14:39Yeah, he's very fashionable.
14:42Kind of like Alberto.
14:48So, it's possible there's some kind of F-R-E-E-M-A-S-O-N-R-Y involved.
15:00In regards to...
15:03I'm not going to explain it.
15:05So, there's cords to be cutting, Shia, and they put synthetic cords...
15:13So, we're corded together, Shia, no matter what.
15:16But they put synthetic cords onto me.
15:19Artificial synthetic cords in regards to me and you.
15:25They attach synthetic artificial cords to us.
15:27So, the cords you have on me are breaking, and you may be...
15:33Well, I don't know how you would be disgusted with me or angry at me.
15:40I'm not disgusted or angry at you, and those were not the words that should have been said right there.
15:46They're trying really hard to make me attack you and be angry at you, and I'm not.
15:52I just got so humiliated and embarrassed.
15:54I just got so humiliated and embarrassed with this whole situation these past seven years,
16:00and they really, truly made me feel like you really were hesitating contacting me,
16:08and all kinds of lies that you were not available.
16:12You're still with someone else, and that's the real reason.
16:17And so many things over and over and over.
16:19Over and over and over.
16:21It tells thousands...
16:23Like, all day long, you're in love with the criminal, with CM's wife, and blah, blah, blah.
16:30So, I've...
16:34The cord's breaking, Shia, so luckily I'm gonna be free from that,
16:40but now I have to have these artificial feelings of disconnecting from you.
16:45No, it's the artificial cord that's disconnecting from you.
16:51So, these synthetic cords that are put on you to me,
16:56the whole time these past seven years,
17:01when I was even more telepathically connected with you,
17:05they were forcing me to speak to you telepathically and say,
17:09contact me, contact me, contact me.
17:12And we would...
17:14And then, like, the automatic AI would be, like, you were acting all, like, quiet,
17:19and, like, you can't tell me why, and, like, we have to change subject,
17:23and let's just feel really S-U-I-D-A-L, depressed over it,
17:28because you're hesitating, and it's just...
17:31I can't even completely explain it to you,
17:34but I've been pure tortured with these cords,
17:37and they're coming off, and luckily I'm not going to have to feel that way,
17:42because this really hasn't been fair that I've had to feel this way.
17:48Like, it's like you just didn't have to contact me all these years,
17:53and I still actually cannot believe that you physically can't contact me.
17:59I can't believe that, even if I've been told.
18:02So, I guess it makes no... well, it does make a difference that I know,
18:24I'm not going to make a video tonight, Shots.
18:27We both need to rest, and, you know,
18:31you don't have to always watch all these videos that are so long.
18:34We don't have to make... I don't have to make really long videos every time,
18:38because I have to review them, because I always mess up my sentences,
18:41and some of these words can really drastically change a sentence,
18:46and can turn into something that's not true.
18:50So, to have to review, that takes like two hours,
18:54and then uploading them all on the different accounts is like two and a half hours.
19:01Luckily, the...
19:05Luckily, something is wearing off,
19:08and we can see that there is some kind of maleness about the DNA
19:14that has been changed in my body, luckily,
19:18because that mask was actually really painful.
19:21There was some kind of like...
19:24like on-the-surface type of whole, like, female thing that was not me.
19:27So at least I don't...
19:30At least there's layers coming off, so I do feel hopeful.
19:43And it is kind of proof that we're really not our DNA,
19:48because I've been living...
19:51Obviously, I've known that I've been possessed for a long time.
19:54My looks have changed.
19:56I'm pretty sure they were manipulating my body the whole time,
20:01making my stomach fat, making my arms fat.
20:04And with the possession, I knew that what I was seeing in my face
20:08could have been a possession of all demons.
20:11However, it is proof for me that we're not completely our DNA,
20:16because even with all of this change, I really...
20:20Well, I do feel like I'm still inside, and myself inside.
20:29This is a temporary life.
20:31We were both made to feel like we didn't want to live here
20:34and belong here, Shia.
20:36And they've used us against us for a long time.
20:41We have both felt very S-U-I-D-I-L over it.
20:45But they're getting extreme electrocution now,
20:48when they root chakra torture us.
20:51It forces... They're getting extreme electrocutions,
20:54and it's not... They're not going to...
20:57They're just automatically deactivating the hive mind now from it.
21:00So that's very, very good.
21:03I'm still getting tortured, though.
21:06I'll get probably relief from the...
21:09Because of the cords that are cutting,
21:11and different things.
21:13I'm pretty sure I might get some relief.
21:15I might not at all,
21:17because they're constantly like to give me the shock factor,
21:20like, no, no, no, nothing's changed.
21:22You're going to get tortured for the rest of your life in D.I.E.
21:26That's basically what they say to me every single day,
21:29when I even get the brief moments of not being tortured.
21:32So these artificial cords are being pulled off,
21:35along with the cords of all of the criminals
21:38that are connected to me.
21:39All of the criminals that are connected to us.
21:46It's been extremely painful,
21:49that I haven't really known why you haven't contacted me.
21:55That mystery has created witchcraft, spells, torture.
22:04However, I am very grateful that you watch these videos,
22:08and I am...
22:13not pushing you away and attacking you and being angry.
22:16I was yesterday. I got extremely angry.
22:18And what you saw is proof of what goes on and off
22:23throughout the week,
22:25when I am getting tricked and fooled and lied to,
22:28and constantly brainwashed into believing things.
22:32However, I really don't...
22:34I don't like the humiliation that I received
22:37in regards to this whole elite Los Angeles public figure thing.
22:44It's been extremely painful,
22:46and extremely humiliating, and...
23:04I was involuntarily triggered yesterday.
23:08And I am being a human being, though.
23:14There was a very unhealthy feeling
23:18that you were going to contact me at any minute, second,
23:21for like seven years.
23:23It's been pure torture to feel that way.
23:25I'm finally getting a little bit of relief
23:28from these cords disconnecting.
23:32And it's just been very, very...
23:38I do not like, though, the feeling of disconnect I'm getting
23:44because I'm looking or acting like someone else.
23:51The criminal is taking over my DNA.
23:54I don't like that feeling.
23:56That's because...
23:58But that's not really what's going on right now.
24:02It's more like the cords are cutting.
24:04But I know that you have to be quiet
24:07because every word that we say or do on the internet
24:13can be used against us.
24:15And I was told that this criminal
24:18that's stealing your identity and using it
24:21to make children is documenting.
24:26There's no way I would ever post anything about...
24:31anything to them, seeing the wife.
24:36There's no way I would post anything.
24:39I'm very happy, too, to learn
24:41that there's been all-female entities in that scene.
24:44But they're just trying to mess with my mind like,
24:51I'm not going to go into it.
24:53But there's no way I'm going to say,
24:55oh, get away from my husband
24:58or do anything like that.
25:00I've been told repeatedly
25:03any time that they've tried,
25:06there's no way it's going to happen.
25:08I have absolutely no desire to do that.
25:10There's no way all it would do is make it worse.
25:14It would make them want to...
25:18I don't even know how it works.
25:20I don't know how it works.
25:27I can't really imagine why we would be so powerful
25:31that an entire city would want...
25:35a whole entire city and a whole entire industry
25:39would want to go against us.
25:45But you have to be careful about what you're saying
25:48because this criminal is documenting and has...
25:55I don't want you to get in trouble, Shia.
25:58I prefer you not get in trouble.
26:02So I know that's why you're doing that.
26:06And I know that it's very possible that you're...
26:10the person that...
26:12the member that is around you is also controlled.
26:17And they just kept saying like,
26:20like, no.
26:25I know it's bad timing, Shia,
26:27because you did all those reviews.
26:30But then they were trying to say,
26:32oh, you're just because you're acting like you're so guilty
26:37They're really just trying to really separate us, Shia,
26:40turning me into someone else
26:42and having these two male entities of human bodies
26:46make children with your identity.
26:48I just...
26:50This is too much for someone to handle.
26:53It's going to be fixed and
26:55they're not really powerful.
26:57They're not really powerful people.
27:00So it's going to be...
27:02They're not powerful at all.
27:04They're very little.
27:06It's going to be proved.
27:10It's hopefully going to be proved.
27:12In either way, they're going to get
27:14a return to Sender.
27:16But I...
27:21I know...
27:23I know that
27:25that criminal is on your member's account
27:27only for evidence.
27:29Because they also forced me to look
27:33I don't know.
27:35Has it been a year?
27:37To see if she's still on the account.
27:39And I believe it's...
27:41I'm 100% sure it's only for evidence.
27:43They're not friends.
27:46So these criminals are going to keep trying.
27:51I really didn't want to look that up.
27:53And why did I...
27:55Why did that video pop up
27:57on YouTube?
27:59And I was kind of like...
28:01It was only the second video I clicked on.
28:03I didn't even read the title.
28:05So I only watched a few seconds.
28:07All I saw...
28:09I literally only saw
28:13that little clip
28:18There's all kinds of AI.
28:20It's like cool.
28:22With cool all over it.
28:24But it was
28:26someone she was talking about a bot.
28:28And then
28:30the actor
28:32said, let me see.
28:34And then I saw a few seconds
28:38your head.
28:40Not your head.
28:42The seeing
28:43like in between
28:45legs and then
28:47on a table.
28:49You're on a table.
28:53Actually I think that is kind of
28:55humiliation rituals too because
28:57those are more
28:59female positions
29:01that the seeing was in.
29:03It's making it...
29:05It's becoming more and more obvious
29:07those seeings were female entities.
29:09It wasn't obvious before because
29:11it wasn't obvious before.
29:14I didn't know.
29:17But what I saw
29:19on the internet is not acceptable
29:21and it really stung
29:23seeing that
29:24on Twitter.
29:26It stung really bad
29:30it's just confirmation
29:32of all the thousands of times
29:34they're telling me that you're
29:35inside that clone
29:37whether you want to or not.
29:39You're trapped.
29:41They've been saying this for
29:57they are holding you hostage
30:00and they're holding me hostage
30:02they're making it look natural
30:04like I'm more like
30:05have more freedom
30:06so that it would kill me more
30:08kill my spirit more.
30:13You're not physically able
30:14to do something
30:16to stop it.
30:17I don't really understand
30:20that's possible.
30:23looking at my life
30:24it probably is possible.
30:28I do not
30:29I really do
30:32like making these videos
30:33for Yushaya
30:34and I don't have
30:36besides Yushaya.
30:38I didn't mean to get
30:39really angry
30:40at Yushaya.
30:41I didn't mean to get
30:42really angry at you.
30:43I'm incredibly humiliated
30:45by the situation.
30:46I'm incredibly triggered
30:47and angry.
30:49These cords are cutting though.
30:51My DNA is healing
30:53and so is yours.
31:05And you know how
31:06the fan was clicking
31:07the whole video yesterday?
31:08That's how
31:09angry and triggered I was.
31:10Like nothing
31:11I could hear.
31:12Like it was
31:13that was proof.
31:15I was like so
31:17like angry
31:18and triggered.
31:20So I read
31:21prayers last night
31:22for about an hour
31:23and a half
31:24and it says
31:26the authority
31:28the authority of God
31:29is made manifest
31:30through the spoken word.
31:32So it is the word
31:33of the Most High
31:34that cannot be resisted
31:36and insulted.
31:37When we use the word
31:38against the enemy
31:40they have no defense
31:41against it
31:43and they must cringe
31:44before us in fear.
31:47Decreeing the word
31:48releases the light of God
31:52dispels and destroys
31:53the works of darkness.
31:56it's more confirmation
31:57that we have to
31:59recite prayers
32:00recite Quran
32:02and I
32:04I've actually noticed
32:05improvement, Shaya,
32:06ever since I'm doing
32:07these cord-cutting subliminals
32:08cord-cutting prayers
32:09that I'm
32:11in those two
32:12the two videos I made
32:15the cord is cut
32:16the cord is cut
32:21the other one
32:22I'm gonna try to like
32:23whisper it to myself
32:24while it's stated
32:25because it's not always
32:26good enough
32:27to just hear myself
32:28say it.
32:32after my Walmart shopping
32:34I'm down to $3.61
32:40that's okay
32:41I'm just living
32:42month to month
32:43I paid all my bills
32:44and I double-checked
32:45that I paid all my bills
32:46before I could do that
32:47and I'm not going anywhere
32:55I don't mind
32:56hand-washing my clothes
32:57I do have to wash
32:58my sheets this week
33:00because they're getting
33:01dirty and I
33:02I can put a little bleach
33:04in them
33:05and I could steam them
33:06with a steamer
33:07if it's
33:08if they're
33:09if the sheets
33:10are not soft
33:11after they air dry
33:15there definitely was
33:17I have to check
33:18the order because
33:21I didn't get my pens
33:24they probably didn't have any
33:26I'm surprised they didn't
33:29this is the fish I had
33:30with stewed tomatoes
33:32it actually was really
33:33really good
33:34I put a little bit
33:35of olive oil
33:39cayenne pepper
33:41not too much cayenne pepper
33:45no onion powder
33:46garlic powder
33:48that's what I put
33:49and uh
33:51so I've been
33:53photographing the emails
33:54I photographed
33:56Hannah's herb shop email
33:58I photographed
34:00and then
34:01say stay subscribed
34:02Chey to Pete's
34:03Coffee and Recreation
34:04dot org
34:08this was the
34:11I had
34:12I put some
34:13those creamers
34:15uh and I put
34:16evaporated milk
34:18it tastes really good
34:23I actually really like
34:26I made these
34:27crackers with
34:29and fluff
34:30actually wasn't that bad
34:32I wouldn't eat
34:33I wouldn't really eat that
34:35like all the time
34:38I'm not gonna talk about
34:39any of the crime
34:47oh this was my
34:50corned beef
34:51mashed potatoes
34:52and rolls
34:53this was kind of a
34:54looked like a lot of food
34:59it looks like a lot of food
35:00but it really wasn't
35:01see how like
35:02the way I can't
35:03like make the food
35:04look appetizing
35:06well that's because
35:07I'm getting tortured
35:08and I have to rush
35:11rush extremely fast
35:13that's part of it
35:14and part of it
35:15is possession
35:17and trying to
35:18cause if your food
35:19doesn't look appetizing
35:20you can't digest
35:21your food well
35:23uh this is the
35:25with fruit marshmallows
35:26I really like
35:28I'll typically
35:29eat this
35:30I'll typically
35:31just let the marshmallows
35:32get a little melty
35:33and eat the marshmallows
35:34before I drink the
35:45we're both kidnapped
35:53I got triggered
35:55and I'm
35:58I know that
36:01you're upset Shia
36:03this looks really nice
36:04that we'll make sometime
36:05doing the vintage research
36:10french bread
36:13baked potato
36:14side salad
36:16I really like
36:17looking at vintage menus
36:20the food is very appetizing
36:23uh restaurant food
36:24is the most appetizing
36:26more than
36:30I'm not showing
36:31any attacks
36:32but I do
36:33I do have attacks
36:34on here
36:42yeah I really like
36:43this metaphysical
36:45talking about
36:46the metaphysics
36:47of each chapter
36:48of the Quran
36:49it really is true
36:51in uh
36:53I was
36:55I read a chapter
36:56and then
36:57before I read the chapter
36:59it's not placebo
37:00it says
37:01oh sacrosha
37:02it affects the
37:04and like
37:05you know when you
37:06press on acupressure points
37:08the area
37:09where it affects it
37:10starts like
37:11making movements
37:13like the energy flowing
37:14and like
37:15basically acupressure
37:16is channeling
37:18the light
37:24the most high
37:25whatever that
37:26is connected to that frequency
37:28I was working on
37:29the area
37:30when I was reading
37:31the chapter
37:32that was
37:33it said that
37:34the sacrosha
37:35was connected
37:36to that chapter
37:37my kidneys
37:38like the acupressure
37:39movement started
37:40happening right
37:41in that area
37:43this is actually
37:44this is actually
37:48I'm going to
37:51talk to you
37:52tomorrow Shaya
37:55just rest
37:56tonight Shaya
37:57some of those
37:59I like talking to you
38:00at night however
38:03it can be stressful
38:06but it's also can
38:08it's in the middle of the day
38:09you can't
38:10I can't always
38:11break up your day
38:12and talk to you
38:13during the day
38:14but I've been getting
38:15too tired at night
38:21I'll write down
38:22more notes Shaya
38:28don't worry Shaya
38:32just relax
38:35let me see if
38:36the pendulum
38:39is there anything
38:40I need to tell Shaya
38:41Shaya wants me
38:42to know
38:43tell him
38:44your marriage
38:45is the most high
38:46I know it's going to be
38:47I land on your
38:49all the time
38:52and it's
38:53crying is happening
38:54to you Shaya
38:55I know that
39:13might as well Shaya
39:14tell me what I need to
39:15talk to Shaya about
39:26there's going to be
39:27this is a moral issue Shaya
39:28all the things that's
39:29happening to us
39:30and there's going to be
39:33and I know that you
39:34want me to know that
39:35and want me to tell you that
39:37and you're not being
39:39it's torturing you
39:40you are being heard
39:41though Shaya
39:42I've told you in
39:43different ways
39:44child pathically
39:45you're spiritually
39:46connected to me
39:48these synthetic cords
39:49that are attached
39:50to both of us
39:51to each other
39:52are going to
39:55so if you're upset
39:56with me
39:57it's really not
39:59not completely natural
40:00obviously based on
40:01how I've been making
40:02these videos
40:03and the lack of
40:05and emotion
40:06of feeling
40:07loving towards you
40:08it's been
40:09very very evil
40:10I've had extreme
40:11possession of these
40:13and I've told you
40:14every single video
40:15that I've made
40:16and it's been
40:17very very evil
40:18I've had extreme
40:19possession of these
40:21and I've told you
40:22every single video
40:23that I've possessed
40:24and I'm not
40:25completely myself
40:26I wouldn't
40:27completely act like
40:28this to you
40:29and talk to you
40:30like this
40:38now it's
40:39continuing to
40:40land on
40:43it's a moral
40:45that you're not
40:47that you don't
40:48have freedom
40:49it's a moral
40:50issue that you
40:51don't have freedom
40:52and so
40:53the Lumiere's
40:54most highly
40:55want us to
40:56know that
40:57it is true
40:58you're not
40:59being allowed
41:00to be with me
41:01and contact me
41:02and I've known
41:03this all along
41:05but I told you
41:07I've told you
41:08how we both
41:09have been
41:10tricked and
41:13they're like
41:14trying to use
41:15us against
41:16each other
41:22I'm going to
41:23go put my
41:24food away
41:25do some
41:26indoor walking
41:27review the video
41:29I do feel like
41:30I've gotten
41:31some relief
41:33I got a
41:36from the
41:37light ETs
41:38I feel like
41:39the cords
41:40are disconnecting
41:41more and more
41:44I feel like
41:52less triggered
41:53and angry
41:55like yesterday
41:56was very painful
42:02I'll talk to you
42:03tomorrow Cheyenne
42:04I love you Cheyenne
42:05thank you everybody
42:06for watching
42:07thank you so much
42:08Cheyenne for watching
