• yesterday
Emmerdale 18th October 2024


00:30Rocking all over the world
00:36I'm getting up, I'm getting up, I'm getting up, I'm getting up
00:39I'm getting up, I'm getting up, I'm getting up, I'm getting up
00:42I'm getting up, I'm getting up, I'm getting up, I'm getting up
00:45I'm getting up, I'm getting up, I'm getting up, I'm getting up
01:23Thought I supposed we'd be giving Dad a proper send off
01:28Wanted to know how Moira is
01:30What, you couldn't have asked me that over the phone? I thought it was important.
01:33No, it... it is.
01:36We're worried about you.
01:40She has off days, but we are getting used to it, that's all.
01:44Can I go now?
01:48Why don't you stop here for a bit?
01:50And do what?
01:53Oh, just when I thought this day couldn't get any worse.
01:57What are you doing?
01:59What does it look like I'm doing?
02:01Why can't you not just talk to us about what is going on with you?
02:04Because I don't want to.
02:06You really think a poxy lock's gonna stop me?
02:08Right. What you're gonna do, you're gonna kick the door down,
02:10you're gonna steal the key off me, because I've had so many threats like that.
02:14I didn't mean it like that. I know what we could do.
02:17What are you doing?
02:20It's back here somewhere.
02:29Where did you get this?
02:31It's Dad's secret stash.
02:33Don't tell him I told you.
02:36I'll take it to my grave.
02:37You know what I mean.
02:39It's had it ages.
02:41Special stuff, is that.
02:42All the way from Motherland.
02:44Looks like it took the scenic route.
02:47What do you say?
02:49Go on, then.
02:51Oh, don't forget about me.
02:54Seriously, are you actually gonna leave me out of this?
02:57What about your medication?
03:01One's not gonna work.
03:06Oh, Sam, don't do that thing where you pretend you can give me apple juice.
03:09Come on, I'm not six any more.
03:11You'll always be our kid sister.
03:13Yeah. So what we say goes.
03:21To Dad.
03:22To Dad.
03:26Do you remember when Butch nicked that teacher's bike?
03:30Dad went mental.
03:32Yeah, till he realised how much it was worth.
03:34He flogged it, and then you lot got a weekend out of Skegness for that.
03:38You were there and all.
03:39Yeah, we weren't invited.
03:41Shadrach just shoved us in the back of a van,
03:43wouldn't take no for an answer.
03:44And now they're both out there.
03:46Growing up with Shaders...
03:49..you don't think of yourself as likeable.
03:52You don't think of yourself as, like, not one of us, do you?
03:59Not till you mentioned it.
04:02It's just...
04:04..I think of it as being like...
04:08..just the three of us.
04:11It's all I've ever known.
04:13I'm gonna kick off at this and all, but...
04:16..you is Edit family.
04:19It's how we see you, you know?
04:21No, Dad did.
04:23He told me.
04:29A couple of years ago.
04:31We'd had a few, and said that you were gonna be taking over.
04:36Never told me why, though.
04:38Well, it's a load of rubbish. It doesn't mean anything.
04:41Don't say that.
04:42You know how much it meant to Dad, looking out for everyone.
04:45And you think I can do that?
04:48Course we do.
04:52Do you know how Moira is?
04:56The tumour's getting worse.
04:58She was supposed to have an operation yesterday, but she cancelled it.
05:02Cos she knew I couldn't handle all this stuff with Dad without her.
05:05And you think I could be head of this family?
05:30What are you doing?
05:34I just thought you looked like you could use a hug or something.
05:37Get off me, you fat egg.
05:39All right, fat egg.
05:52Well, I'm really glad you've told us all about you and Moira, Kim.
06:01Come on.
06:03You're going through a lot right now.
06:06Well, you are, too.
06:08Yeah, and it's not a competition. Why are you so stubborn?
06:11All right, you're gonna have a pop at me now, are you?
06:13I'm just saying, you really remind me of Dad.
06:17Do you remember when Jote wanted to tear this place down?
06:20And Dad refused to give in.
06:22Even though we all said,
06:23''Dad, there's nothing you can do,'' it was worth it cos they won.
06:27Cos he refused to give in, and you're the exact same.
06:30You even went to prison, so you aren't someone to have to.
06:34Yeah, cos I had to do something about it back then.
06:38When things get real, I...
06:41..I run, or I lash out.
06:46I always have, and you two both know it.
07:06So, what are you?
07:10I think you're mad, you know.
07:13Dad leaving you in charge.
07:16He wouldn't have done it if he didn't think you were ready.
07:18Not this again.
07:20You were a big deal to him.
07:23And it is to me now.
07:25It's not like he asked me, is it?
07:27Sammy, I'm sure he didn't mean anything.
07:30Oh, of course he did.
07:34And I don't blame him.
07:37He had to do everything for me.
07:40Cos I couldn't do it for myself.
07:43That's not true.
07:46What happened to Lydia? And Samson?
07:49You can't keep blaming yourself for that.
07:51I didn't even get to tell him about Dad.
07:54He couldn't even make it to his own grandad's funeral.
07:58We're meant to look out for our family.
08:01That's what Dad's doing it, like you and Kyle.
08:05And maybe...
08:07..if I'd have raised him right, maybe, if I'd had a clue what we're doing...
08:13..he might not have got into trouble to start with.
08:19I made such a mess of things with him.
08:24I'm not a dad.
08:27I'm a joke.
08:33No, Sam, I think you've had enough.
08:35No, it's not the drink. It's just...
08:40I've already lost my dad.
08:44Now I've lost my son and all.
08:46You've not lost him.
08:49As good as...
08:51..prison changes you.
08:54I just think...
08:56..I could have handled things better.
08:58Like Dad would have.
08:59I don't think it's right that we sit here
09:02and pretend that Dad could fix anything.
09:05Like he could do no wrong.
09:06We're not saying that.
09:08But he is. He's beating himself up over something that he didn't have a say in.
09:11Dad didn't always know what he was doing.
09:13Dad would have done anything for us.
09:15He always did.
09:16Well, at the time, he almost killed me.
09:19Why are you bringing that up?
09:22Today of all days.
09:24Well, you knew.
09:25Are you just trying to ruin Dad's memory?
09:28You're right, you're not fit to be head of this family, so get out!
09:49So, er...
09:53..what happened then?
09:56How come he did it? Dad?
10:01It was around the time everybody found out I was Kyle's dad.
10:04I was out of control.
10:07All Dad did was beat half the village to it.
10:10You never died.
10:12Yeah. It's actually why Dad made me the head of the family.
10:16I always thought it was just the guilt talking.
10:19How come you forgave him?
10:22He said it was the worst thing he'd ever done.
10:25And if you'd seen his face when he told me, you'd have believed him.
10:30Dad didn't always have the answers,
10:31but he also didn't stop trying until he found them.
10:36Just like you have with Samson.
10:41You dragged that lad up on your own,
10:43which he's more than me, Dad or any of us have done.
10:47I had Lydia.
10:49Well, not always.
10:51So don't go comparing yourself when you're already the best Dad I know.
10:57Still there, then?
11:00I think somebody called me stubborn.
11:03Yeah, we're here.
11:05Oh, right.
11:09That was really nice, what you've just said.
11:12I didn't say anything that we didn't already think.
11:21One more?
11:22Probably not a good idea.
11:24Probably not.
11:28See you at Dingle's funeral.
11:31Banish us for this.
11:34He always snaked a brew after a night at the pub.
11:37Said it helped with hangovers.
11:42You were his favourite, you know.
11:45So, what do I mean?
11:46I always thought it was Seth or that butch.
11:53Oh, there you are.
11:55We were getting worried.
11:57Why were that locked?
11:59It's just a mistake.
12:02We've been chatting.
12:04Do you want a brew, Lids?
12:06No, thanks. I've got some water by the bed.
12:08I think I'm gonna have an early night.
12:11I'm a bit squiffy.
12:12That's why I came back early.
12:14Do you know what? They're really doing Zak proud down there.
12:16You've been amazing.
12:18I don't even know how.
12:20I'm so proud of you.
12:24We were just telling him the same.
12:32Anything good?
12:33Eh, just some ingredients for daiquiris.
12:37Well past the best.
12:39When did Dad have a drink, then?
12:40No, the mum's.
12:42He didn't think it was right to get rid.
12:46It were nice that you sent them off together.
12:50They'd have loved that.
12:53I'll put Gail on.
13:01Did Dad ever ask about me?
13:04When you went to go see him?
13:06Yeah, of course he did.
13:07When did he ever stop talking about you?
13:10I was gonna go see him, you know.
13:12I wanted to tell him everything.
13:16Tell him the truth about why me and Tom broke up.
13:20And that I should never have got with Tom in the first place
13:22and that the second he started...
13:26I should have stood up for myself.
13:28Because that is how Mum and Dad raised me.
13:33And you did.
13:35That's why he's still here.
13:37No, no, no, no, no.
13:38I am not having it.
13:41Do you wanna know what Dad used to say about you?
13:44He said you were the strongest person he'd ever met.
13:47He'd overcome so much in a short space of time.
13:51And he didn't reckon any of us lot would have handled it the way you had.
13:55And when he was sick with his depression,
13:59he wished he'd had even half the strength that you had.
14:06And you need to realise that.
14:09You could have run away from all of this.
14:12I accepted Tom's deal, but you didn't.
14:15Because you're a fighter.
14:17You're a dingle.
14:22HE HUMS
14:28Oh, God, Belle, no.
14:32Little Billy Rock.
14:36Stand in line and away we go
14:39Little Billy Moonshine, little Billy Meat
14:45Little Billy Rock and where we meet
14:48Woo! Yes!
14:51It's been stuck in my head all day.
14:56We're all doing the same thing, aren't we?
15:00If we call it a night,
15:02it's like us admitting he's gone, isn't it?
15:08Oh, Kenzie says Maura's fast asleep, so...
15:12..I'm in no rush.
15:20I wish he'd have said something today.
15:26He deserved much better than I gave him.
15:31You two did good, though.
15:35Why don't you say something now?
15:38Don't be daft.
15:43I did write something, though.
15:47Will you read it to us?
16:03There's not a day goes by
16:05that I don't think about what Dad said at Butchie's funeral.
16:11You never forget a man grieving his son.
16:17I talked a lot about his faults.
16:22..how he was often too hard on us.
16:24Sometimes too soft and all.
16:28But I thought then, and I still think,
16:31I thought then, and I still think now,
16:33that the person he was hardest on most was himself.
16:37Cos that man, he taught us everything.
16:41Even when we didn't want to hear it, I mean.
16:43About what's right and wrong.
16:46And I don't mean the law.
16:48But I guess we've all learned that, too.
16:50The hard way.
16:52No, Dad...
16:54..always had his own code.
16:58The dingo code.
17:00And it's about what's moral.
17:04About how you look out for your family.
17:07And you always see them right.
17:11Cos there's nothing more important.
17:14Be it your son, or daughter, or nephew, or niece, or...
17:18Hell, a ruddy dog, even.
17:23And how you don't let a day go by
17:24without telling your partner just how much you love him.
17:27And I hope he knew.
17:30Yeah, you know, when he went.
17:31But before and all...
17:34..just how much we loved him.
17:37Every one of us.
17:39Thick and thin.
17:41Rough and smooth.
17:42Everything in between.
17:44In my book, that is what love is.
17:49I promised him that day at Butch's funeral
17:52that he'd never be on his own.
17:54And he didn't believe me.
17:58Well, he never was.
18:03And neither will we be.
18:16To Zach Dingle.
18:19He wasn't perfect.
18:22But he was our dad.
18:25And in my book...
18:27..that's even better.
18:44What time is it?
18:47I'm not sure, but it's light out.
18:50It's tomorrow, then.
18:54You comfy?
18:57Reckon Dad would have approved.
19:05I'd best get off.
19:07Or I'll be worried.
19:09We'll work you out.
19:17I'm really sorry about what I said earlier.
19:21Which bit?
19:22I know you think you're bad at stuff like yesterday,
19:25but you could have left us.
19:28And I'm really glad you didn't.
19:53What are you doing?
19:54Well, if the cap fits.
19:57It suits you.
20:02Barely zoo your dad.
20:14If I am...
20:15..going to be head of the family...
20:17Oh, yeah?
20:18..what if we split it?
20:22I mean, there was only one man
20:24who could take all that on his shoulders.
20:28Sounds perfect to me.
20:30Yeah. Me and all.
20:33I am keeping this, though.
20:38Just waiting to see what Moira thinks first, you know.
20:48I'm just sick of saying goodbyes.
20:52Come here.
20:57I'm just sick of saying goodbyes.
21:01Come here.
21:11How about...
21:13..we say morning instead?
21:19I like that.
21:21Morning, Dad.
21:53Join me now exclusively on ITVX
21:55as the cast share special memories of their beloved Zack
21:58and celebrate 30 years of dingle drama in the Dales.