• 2 days ago
This is an attempt at bringing together a selection of the stories and paintings of the Warlis, and some of the writings | dG1fWmxTTzZvYUVlLU0
00:25The original self-created couple were Mahadev, literally the god of gods, and his consort
00:32Ganga Gauri. They created the universe and the other lesser gods, who were allotted different
00:39kingdoms. Everything went on fine, until some of the gods ignored Mahadev's invitation
00:46to come to his court. Mahadev was very angry, and he submerged the whole universe in water.
00:54A few survived the deluge. Those who took shelter in the cave of the tiger, or Vag,
01:09were called by the family name Vagat. The Vangad floated to safety surrounded by Vangis
01:16or aubergines. The Kurades were saved by a floating axe, the Kurad. The name Thakare
01:25was given to those who stayed put, or Thaka.
