• 15 hours ago
بعد حادث مأساوي أدى إلى مقتل والديها، أصبحت ليزا عاجزة عن المشي وتقضي أيامها في التطفل على مدوني الفيديو. وعندما تشهد جريمة قتل على الإنترنت، ترفض الشرطة الأمر باعتباره خدعة، ويصبح على ليزا أن تجد القاتل.
00:00:23Okay, you need to decide soon, but what about time I just had some Wednesday
00:00:31Mexican there's a good one on the next block. How about sushi? It doesn't really fill me up
00:00:38It's Liza's day. It should be whatever she wants. No, it's fine Mexican Thai. I don't really care. No, your mom's right
00:00:45Sushi it is there's a sushi place close by that has five stars
00:00:49technology, huh
00:00:51What do we ever do without it right Holly?
00:00:54And to think that our daughter is gonna be the next Bill Gates not even remotely dad
00:00:58I just don't know why you have to move to Washington DC
00:01:04It's all over the internet anyway for the last time everybody has to go through training at Quantico
00:01:10Turn right at the next block DC is so expensive
00:01:15What if you lived with us?
00:01:17You could save a ton of money help us pay back those student loans even quicker. Oh my god
00:01:23You guys sound like a broken record
00:01:25Let's just talk about pleasant things
00:01:32Hey kiddo, I'm really proud of you, you know that
00:04:10So we first met at an art gallery it was this really fancy
00:04:16avant-garde art exhibit and
00:04:41Far everything's gone smoothly
00:04:44So when do you think you're gonna be done with it? We should be able to start beta testing by Friday. So soon
00:04:49You are the best. That's why you hired me
00:04:53Listen, and we're going to have the company retreat in Colorado this year
00:04:59you should come I uh, I
00:05:02Don't think I can I talked to the hotel and they can accommodate you. Thanks Tamsin
00:05:07It's just with therapy and everything. I don't think I have the time. Of course. I didn't even think of that
00:05:14I'm sorry
00:05:16I'll call you Friday and let you know where we're at. Okay. Bye
00:05:28Calendar reminder appointment with Jeff in five minutes favorite time of the week
00:05:35Stella set a reminder to call Tamsin at 4 p.m. On Friday setting reminder
00:05:43Let's see what these losers are up to today
00:06:02Pleasure myself to you every day
00:06:10You don't need to be a size zero to be beautiful, you know, you're a fat cow
00:06:17Anorexia is treatable. Get some help
00:06:36I just wish I had someone to help
00:06:41I'm just so tired of being alone
00:06:47Attention-seeking much
00:06:53If it's so bad, why don't you just end it all
00:07:07You have a visitor at the front door Stella open front door front door open
00:07:23Think I'm a little early
00:07:31What's wrong with her she does that almost every day
00:07:40Maybe we should call someone she seems really upset. No, that's exactly what she wants
00:07:45People who are serious about killing themselves don't go around posting it online
00:07:50You are brutal
00:07:55Let's get started
00:08:09You ready I
00:08:11Thought you were gonna pick me up. I
00:08:14Can help you but I think you can do it on your own
00:08:21All right, Liza, you know one of these days I'm gonna report you for sexual harassment
00:08:33So who are you gonna report me to
00:08:36To my girlfriend for starters. You have a girlfriend
00:08:40Of course you do
00:08:43How long have you guys been together
00:08:48How's the pain
00:08:49No, the patch is helping but I think I need a higher dosage
00:08:54I've been having to supplement it
00:08:56You shouldn't be taking anything else. You know that
00:08:59Tell that to my body when I can't fall asleep from the pain
00:09:02Try natural remedies Liza, you know, just keep your mind occupied with other things and meditate
00:09:07Okay, dad
00:09:09And have you actually tried lying in bed instead of sleeping in your chair, no, I've got too much work to sleep
00:09:15Yeah, I can see that
00:09:17So much trolling to do
00:09:21It's a full-time job
00:09:40Just keep your mind
00:09:56Where the attention seekers when you need them
00:10:09Natural remedies my ass Jeff
00:12:30Stella make two cups of coffee extra strong making two cups of coffee extra strong
00:12:58Took you down
00:13:26Yeah, I would like to report something I saw online
00:13:38You never actually saw the dog
00:13:41No, but I saw the bag moving and I heard the dog screaming
00:13:47What about the username on the websites I
00:13:52Am Henry Lee, have you ever seen that before not that I can remember
00:13:59You know for someone in the cyber investigation division you would think you'd be more technologically advanced. Yeah, I know it's a little old school
00:14:08These can't be hacked
00:14:11You have any idea where this person is
00:14:14He must be here
00:14:17This group is meant for people to advertise their businesses locally
00:14:23They teach tutorials or do vlogs in the hopes that people will like them and give them their business
00:14:29Well, what about her?
00:14:31What she's selling at least that's how it's supposed to work
00:14:37There's a lot of lonely people out there
00:14:42So look
00:14:44There may or may not be a crime here
00:14:48But if there is it's only a misdemeanor
00:14:51What killing an animal is only a misdemeanor animals are classified as property. That's crazy
00:14:57I agree, but I don't make the law
00:15:00So even if there is a dog in that sack, you have to be patient. Okay?
00:15:05I'm gonna take off please. Here's my card. Call me if you need me
00:16:18I was wondering if anyone was on last night
00:16:22Around 1 o'clock in the morning. I
00:16:25I think
00:16:27No, I know I saw a man kill a dog it was inside a bag and he lit it on fire
00:16:46You know, I was just trying to do something nice but if you losers don't want to help
00:17:06See Jeff I'm going to sleep in my bed like a good little girl
00:18:24So do you think other people saw the video as well
00:18:26Yeah, there were several dozen other people streaming at the time
00:18:30Well, then how come you think nobody reported it, but you?
00:18:35The bystander effect
00:18:38People are less likely to offer help when there are other witnesses
00:18:42They think it's a real emergency. Someone else is gonna call it in
00:18:46Well, how do you know about the bystander effect?
00:18:50I was a double major
00:18:52Studied computer science and criminal justice. She led me to a few psychology courses
00:18:58It's very impressive truly
00:19:01So what we're gonna have to do is reach out to the website
00:19:04See if we can get a copy of the video or at least the IP address that he used
00:19:12See they deleted the account almost immediately after the video went black I am John Wayne
00:19:21Before it was I am Henry Lee. I have to be honest. We don't even know if we have jurisdiction on this
00:19:29So what you're just gonna hang out have a margarita until someone else does something about this
00:19:35Listen to me miss smart-ass crime major. There are laws that we have to follow such as a local crime
00:19:42Or even any crime at all
00:19:44Why don't you leave the detective work to me?
00:19:50Calendar reminder time to take your medication
00:20:09We are gonna have to figure out if this is a hoax or not
00:20:14Yeah, well you have at least a couple dozen other witnesses you can ask then
00:20:19Well, I'm gonna go talk to the people from the website in the meantime
00:20:24Stop playing online detective leave the investigation to us
00:20:35But I thought everything you do online can be traced most people yes, but it's easy to become a ghost online
00:20:42So you're saying there's no way of catching this guy. I
00:20:46I wish I could hack into the website's admin page. I swear. I bet I could find him in a second
00:20:58This is the most excited I have ever seen you I
00:21:04Guess it's because this is what I thought I'd be doing, you know
00:21:09For the accident what soft crimes?
00:21:16You still can no I doubt that
00:21:20Not with my mental health record
00:21:23Liza after what you went through it's normal that you would battle depression and
00:21:28two failed suicide attempts I
00:21:35Thought it was only one
00:21:38First time was pills
00:21:41A second time I thought I'd get it right. Hey, but you're still here
00:22:10Did you order the exerciser yet it comes in on Thursday
00:22:25So have you been sleeping in your bed at least most nights I
00:22:31Guess that's progress you have a visitor at the front door Stella open the front door
00:22:46Did you find him
00:22:49but I was able to interview some of the other people from the website the ones who saw the video and
00:22:55They all think it's a hoax. Of course, they do
00:22:59Well, the website deletes all the videos once the account is closed
00:23:03But I was able to pull up an IP address and it led us to a 72 year old retired teacher in Decatur
00:23:11It appears that whoever this is uploaded the videos on her router
00:23:16He must be somewhere nearby
00:23:18There's got to be hundreds of buildings around here. Even if we had the time and manpower
00:23:23You can't find it for a case like this case like what we don't even know if this is real. That boy was not acting
00:23:32Let me ask you something and please don't take offense
00:23:37Any of the drugs that she's on?
00:23:39Can they cause hallucinations?
00:23:44Opioids can cause some confusion, but I've never heard of them causing hallucinations
00:23:50I'm not hallucinating. Look, I'm not saying that you made the whole thing up just the severity of it perhaps
00:23:58With drugs, especially opioids. It's hard to tell what is real from what isn't. Excuse me, detective
00:24:04Well, I've worked with Liza. She's never shown any signs of being mentally unfit
00:24:12Here's what she wrote to one of the other users on the web page and I I quote
00:24:20If it is all that bad
00:24:22Why don't you just end it all? What?
00:24:26How did I
00:24:27Asked the website to send me all your post and I have to tell you there's a lot of horrible
00:24:33Hurtful and angry comments on here young lady. Is it true?
00:24:36I mean, I knew you like to give people a hard time, but
00:24:45I better be going. I have another appointment
00:25:06Look I'm sorry to cause a rift between you and your friend. The case is still open. I'm gonna continue investigating
00:25:15But whatever you do, please
00:25:17Please stay off the website. Okay?
00:27:00You have a visitor at the front door
00:27:03Stella turn on outside intercom intercom on
00:27:08Who is it?
00:27:11Hey, it's me Jeff
00:27:13Stella open front door front door open
00:27:24Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't call but I was close by and I just wanted to know listen
00:27:29Listen I'm so embarrassed that you saw what I wrote. I should have never judged you
00:27:35After what you've been through. I
00:27:37Finally started seeing a therapist
00:27:39That's good to hear and I realized that none of this makes any sense
00:27:44But figuring out this thing
00:27:47these videos
00:27:49It's important to me I
00:27:52Get that
00:27:59You know, you're not supposed to have alcohol with the medicines you're taking it's just one glass
00:28:07You want one
00:28:20I love my job
00:28:22It's just so frustrating having to deal with all the red tape at the hospital
00:28:26I've had to stop seeing patients because they lost their insurance
00:28:29Reminder Jeff says to sleep in your bed
00:28:33See, I do listen to you. What does that say about you that you need a reminder? I
00:28:40Should get going so you can get some sleep. Yeah
00:28:43I'm sure you have big Saturday night plans with your girlfriend. I don't have a girlfriend
00:28:50But you said that
00:28:53Are they on 24-7
00:28:57No, Saturday nights are pretty active can we watch one? Yeah
00:29:22So she makes these videos so that people will hire her yeah, she's a fitness instructor
00:29:35She's local if you're interested, can we watch another one? Sure
00:29:53Have a coffee date tomorrow miss lonely. She seems happy
00:29:58What's she selling
00:30:01Wow, I'm sorry. But what does she have to feel bad about she could just put makeup on and she can go on a diet
00:30:07There's even surgeries for weight loss. Mm-hmm
00:30:10Unlike your condition you mean
00:30:13May I remind you that you choose not to do all the treatments your doctor ordered that's different. How is it different?
00:30:23Because it was my fault
00:30:26You got hit by a semi-truck you weren't even driving how is that your fault because
00:30:33Just tell me please Liza, I really want to understand because I wanted sushi
00:30:39What my dad wanted to go to a restaurant that was around the corner I
00:30:47Was the one that put us on that road how could you have known
00:30:52It should have been me
00:30:55Not them
00:30:59But you survived that accident and on top of that not many people survive when they cut their wrists the way you did
00:31:07You're alive for a reason
00:31:24We have sex on average three times a week
00:31:30Are they gonna show us I mean they might as well
00:31:34They could be a bit racy, but
00:31:38They do therapy together
00:31:40Hey, if I want to start my own company
00:31:42Let's just say I
00:31:44Could advertise on the site. Yeah
00:31:49You want to start your own company I
00:31:53Just don't know if I could do what these people do to drum up business I could help you if you'd like
00:31:58You would do that for me
00:32:15Is this the same video you saw before no, it's different
00:32:20What are you doing I'm installing a software that lets me record the screen
00:33:06Don't you getting this yes, they're not gonna be able to see I'm imagining it this time
00:33:45Can hack the site to trace where it's being streamed, but that's highly illegal
00:34:06Someone's being killed online right now. It's a live stream. It's called shared our info. No not calm that info
00:34:26They're gonna get him
00:34:31You recorded it this time you have a visitor at the front door Stella open the front door front door open
00:34:43Hello detective, what are you living here now?
00:34:48I'm just visiting. I thought you were just a physical therapist
00:34:57And what brings you back here why were you expecting somebody else
00:35:03Sorry, you're out of luck
00:35:05Call came in to the station. They saw the address and they referred the case to me
00:35:10Aren't we lucky?
00:35:11Apparently. Oh
00:35:13So what do you have for me now a video for one and I saw it too
00:35:18This was no hoax
00:35:20Let's see it. Let's queue it up
00:35:28It does look real
00:35:31It is real
00:35:32The account was deleted right after the video just like the last one
00:35:37So it's Henry Lee
00:35:39John Wayne and Danny does that mean something to you nothing? I'm willing to quit to at this time
00:35:45It was shot in the same place as the other videos
00:35:49Well, if it's in the basement, it can't be any of the apartments around the teachers building. That's definitely not an apartment
00:35:57It has to be in a remote place
00:36:00Can you get me a copy of the video I'm way ahead of you
00:36:06Thanks, I think we have enough to reach out to someone I know at the FBI
00:36:12I'll get back to you
00:36:19Should get going too. Thanks for staying as long as you did. Good night
00:36:36They deactivate the account after every post and that erases the video you keep saying they
00:36:44You think it's multiple people? Well, it's based on the multiple use of names
00:36:50Do you think it's multiple people? No, I think it's just one man. Look, let's keep in mind that the mo's are different
00:36:57Yeah, but serial killers can evolve. I forgot to tell you Larry
00:37:01This Liza here is a bit of an amateur sleuth. I studied criminal justice in college
00:37:08Should we wait for him him who I hope you don't mind I
00:37:12Invited your boyfriend to join us
00:37:14Jeff's he's not you know, Larry that was supposed to be a bit of a joke between you and I
00:37:21Why do I get the feeling you two know each other? Well, we were partners once it was a long time ago before he sold
00:37:28his soul to the demon feds
00:37:30It's before I moved up in the world
00:37:36Stella open the front door
00:37:38Front door open
00:37:39Hey, I got here as fast as I could. Yeah, I'm the guy who called. Thanks for coming Jeff. This is special agent. They're good
00:37:47I'm retired. I was a profiler for the FBI Tim detective Boyle here asked me to come and consult on this case
00:37:56So the FBI is not involved. There's still some uncertainty as what we're dealing with here
00:38:01I just felt the evidence was compelling enough to bring in an expert
00:38:07Already told detective Boyle everything I know
00:38:11What I'm hoping is by bringing you together. You might remember something that can help us
00:38:17Like what
00:38:21The video you gave us it starts kind of late
00:38:24So what I'm wondering is if either one of you remember if the killer came from behind the camera. I
00:38:32I was installing the recording software. I didn't notice anything
00:38:41How would that make a difference though, well if he came from behind the camera that means you press record if not
00:38:47That means somebody else was there
00:38:55And there's this
00:38:57Now you see he uses his left hand
00:39:02Now, do you remember if he uses the left hand the other times?
00:39:05He used his right hand to pour the gas on the dog video and he used both hands in the second video
00:39:12It's hard to tell so we can't rule out multiple people
00:39:17Wait, you're saying he's using the left hand. I don't think that's right. The image is reversed
00:39:23He's using the front camera on his phone just like you would to take a selfie it reverses the image
00:39:31That's a good point
00:39:33So you're sure it was the same guy
00:39:35Yeah, I would bet my life on that
00:39:38Let's not use those words, please
00:39:45These are kind of hard to track as well. Look if that's it
00:39:50We've got to get back to the station
00:39:52That's all I got for now
00:39:55Thanks for coming up. Yeah anything you need
00:40:05Daniel Harold Rawling
00:40:07Also known as the Gainesville Ripper. He killed five students over the course of four days in Gainesville, Florida
00:40:14He beheaded one of his victims and that's what I think the killer was doing when the video was cut off
00:40:19So that's our Danny. I think so
00:40:23What about John Wayne? Did he ever play a serial killer in his movies John?
00:40:30Boom John Wayne Gacy
00:40:34He tortured and killed 33 young men and boys
00:40:39Mostly by asphyxiation and at times using a garage. He made himself and all of his victims were found buried in his ranch
00:40:46Maybe that's what he's doing with the bodies. He's just burying them in that basement. Maybe
00:40:52What about the first one
00:40:56Henry Lee Lucas
00:41:04And really
00:41:05I've never heard of him. Yeah, he's not the most infamous but probably the most deadly he confessed to 3,000 killings
00:41:133,000. Yeah, but the police only convicted him for nine because they thought he was exaggerating
00:41:18I've actually been wondering why keep the account open
00:41:23Keeps me distracted. I
00:41:25Mean, I'm all alone in this big house in the middle of nowhere. What about your friends?
00:41:31I had a hard time being my friends after the accident and those who didn't I pushed them away. I
00:41:39Can be kind of a jerk sometimes just sometimes
00:41:46Just kidding
00:41:48All right, show me what else you got
00:41:50okay, so I've been watching this video over and over to see if I could find any clues and
00:42:01What is that it's a commuter train listen I
00:42:09Cleaned up the audio
00:42:15blue line
00:42:17At the four ends at suburbs. Yes
00:42:20so I'm sure the FBI is on to this but
00:42:24Do you think I should show Thurgood anyway? Yes, definitely
00:42:30I'm impressed
00:42:32Well, you're easy
00:42:38Better get going
00:42:40Off to your plans with your non-existent girlfriend
00:42:45It's okay. Wait, did I tell you at one point that I had a girlfriend?
00:42:50It's hard to keep your lies straight
00:42:52It's not what you think. Oh, you weren't blowing me off. It's my standard answer for all of my patients
00:42:58For the record. I wasn't hitting on you. Oh, I know
00:43:02You just love making people feel uncomfortable
00:43:05Hey, it's an acquired skill. I've been working very hard to perfect this last year
00:43:15I'll see you Wednesday. Yeah
00:43:28Calendar reminder time to take your medication
00:43:48Stella make a cup of coffee three sugars making one cup of coffee three sugars
00:43:58It's been three days since our date and he hasn't called
00:44:03I know he wouldn't be interested. Oh my god. Cry me a river. I haven't had someone over a year
00:44:11And some of you have been really helpful and supportive
00:44:20Some of you have been horrible to me most of you
00:44:27You have no sympathy for anyone else
00:44:35Honestly, I just tell me that
00:44:38Sometimes I just don't think that I want to be a part of a world that can be so cool. Oh
00:44:45I got you
00:45:24Bet you're happy now
00:45:32Hi, yeah, there's a woman committing suicide online
00:45:36Excuse me. Uh, yeah, her name is Christina Rodriguez. She lives in 4512 Arrowwood Boulevard apartment 12 C
00:45:45She just swallowed a bunch of pills, please send paramedics right away
00:45:49And who are you that doesn't matter please send medics right away they're gonna have to pump her stomach
00:46:04What is she doing now
00:46:25Need you to talk to me please the medics are almost there
00:46:30Please answer me
00:46:31Yeah, actually you need to send a police car many police cars to
00:46:362513 Connelly Circle
00:46:38It'll be someone close to a apartment 412
00:46:44Yes that too I just this is something else this is someone who has a man tied up
00:46:51Never mind it just send the ambulance to the other address
00:47:10This better be good he's streaming again, he's somewhere near a 2513 Connelly Circle and
00:47:17apartment 12
00:47:18412 412 I
00:47:21Just know okay, you need to get there before he stops dreaming
00:47:27Connelly a circle 412
00:47:42Just kick the door down you idiots
00:49:13Think he's copying Jeffrey Dahmer
00:49:17Dahmer used to drill holes into his victims heads and inject them with hydrochloric acid it would make them more docile
00:49:23Yeah, Dahmer also dismembered his victims and then dissolved the bodies in acid. Maybe that's why we haven't found any bodies yet
00:49:31Well this time I got everything it definitely seems like he's coming out from behind the camera
00:49:38You know the police couldn't get there before he logged off they set the perimeter but
00:49:45It's just not easy when they don't know what you look like I
00:49:49Think I can help with that
00:49:53Calendar reminder appointment with Jeff in five minutes
00:50:01It's just like the grill in the dog video Liza. That's a very common grill. Yes
00:50:07But I found parts of his face reflected onto the knife. He was using I
00:50:12put them through a facial recognition software and
00:50:17I'll admit I I'm impressed. Yeah, I
00:50:20Gotta say you're way nicer than Boyle. It's hard to believe you two were partners once you gotta give Boyle a break
00:50:26He's one of the good guys
00:50:28Look, he got injured chasing a perp right and the department tried to force him into retirement, but he refused
00:50:36He suggested they start the cybercrime division instead. Well, that's funny since he's so technologically challenged
00:50:43Yeah, but he's got a team for that. He handles the investigations. I guess you're right and never retire
00:50:50Just like you
00:50:52Hey, you say you're retired you can be on a beach anywhere, but here you are
00:50:58Yeah, I guess it's in my blood too I just I
00:51:03Can't really be tired until I catch
00:51:05Every last cycle like this one. Maybe after I catch this one. I'll find that beach
00:51:13You have a visitor at the front door
00:51:16Stella open the front door front door opens
00:51:23Excellent timing you're here again. I hope it's good news
00:51:27Liza was just explaining how she thinks this guy in the picture is our potential killer
00:51:34So the profile just says Jay Hick night, but
00:51:38He doesn't have any friends. He doesn't post much except for weird pictures of art or
00:51:43Dark song lyrics any violent posts. I mean
00:51:48Nothing that says I'm gonna drill a hole into a man's head, but he did what?
00:51:53Last night there was another one
00:52:01He is really weird
00:52:04Well, this is the address where the picture was taken
00:52:08You took this off the digital imprint of the picture it was taken six months ago I
00:52:14Got to say it again. I'm really impressed. Have you ever thought about doing this professionally? I
00:52:19Was supposed to start work with the FBI
00:52:23But then this happened, you know, they always need consultants and the requirements are much more lenient
00:52:31The pictures in the drive
00:52:33Thanks, I'll follow up on this
00:52:36one thing
00:52:38How did you know where he and the suicide girl were? I might have hacked into the website for the info
00:52:47You know you saved that girl's life, right?
00:52:49Is she gonna be okay?
00:52:51I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know
00:52:55I don't know. I don't know. I don't know
00:52:57You saved that girl's life, right is she gonna be okay? Yeah. Yeah, they've got her in a psychiatric hospital for now
00:53:05Good. I'm glad she's getting help
00:53:18I feel like I missed a lot. You've no idea
00:53:23You want to catch me up? Yeah, it might take a while
00:53:27Should I order takeout?
00:53:34How is it that you know so much about serial killers
00:53:38Well, I took a course in college and I found the subject truly fascinating
00:53:43Well, you wanted to make a difference and you did I mean you've helped the police solve a criminal case. I
00:53:50Just wish I could do more. You know, I saw the look on Thurgood's face. He was really impressed with you
00:53:57Impressed enough to ignore my history
00:54:03This happens all the time when it's windy I swear these power lines are made of dental floss. I
00:54:14See that still works and backup batteries sort of a requirement for the job
00:54:27Okay, I think you might need a new light
00:54:50The early bird gets the worm
00:54:53But the second mouse gets the cheese
00:54:56What does your say
00:54:59A pleasant surprise is in store for you. I
00:55:06Think I know what that means what?
00:55:25I'm so sorry. That's highly unprofessional of me
00:55:34I've been doing this for eight years and I've never developed feelings for any of my patients before it's not your fault
00:55:41It's the Florence Nightingale effect
00:55:44the what
00:55:46It's when the caregiver
00:55:49develops feelings for the patient
00:55:51That's not it at all
00:55:55Then what is it I don't know
00:56:00You've just changed so much you're so different now
00:56:09I don't look like that and that's a good thing because she does nothing for me at all
00:56:16Listen Jeff, I just started going to therapy and I think it's important for me to try to work on getting better and and work on myself
00:56:26Yeah, you're absolutely right
00:56:31I'm sorry
00:56:33I better get going but you'll still work with me, right?
00:56:38I'm going on my own soon
00:56:40But you'll still work with me right I'm going on my own soon, so I think that we are sending you a new therapist
00:56:52So I won't see you again, I don't know at least not until next week
00:58:21Police say that he is a person of interest in the disappearance of three unnamed people they identified
00:58:28Information on his whereabouts should contact the police tip line on the screen
00:58:33Mr. Hick night was identified as a person of interest after certain videos were posted on a community website
00:58:40One of the users on that site reported the videos to the police that began with the burning of what police think was a dog
00:58:52They're good
00:58:54Liza, sorry. I haven't been in touch recently. No, it's okay. I saw the news
00:58:59Oil is gonna be stopping by later on with some missing persons for you to go through see if you recognize the man in the
00:59:06Okay, anything I can do to help hey, I'm sorry the police mentioned you in association with the investigation should I be worried
00:59:14No, no, this hasn't been released to the general public yet, but we have him on surveillance camera at the airport
00:59:21He's gone gone where?
00:59:24Caracas if he tries to come back in the country, we'll get him
00:59:28poor Venezuelans, though
00:59:30We turned it over to Interpol. He's their problem now
00:59:33So what's gonna happen with the investigation here? Well, the police are looking for bodies, but there's no cars registered in his name
00:59:40He has no employment record. He's been living off the grid
00:59:44That basement could be anywhere. Yeah anywhere that one has a basement
00:59:48Two has a place to dispose of bodies and three is close enough to the blue line
00:59:54Yeah, I'm sure the police will find it
00:59:59Listen I got another consultation gig up in Minnesota. But before I go I wanted to tell you how I'm
01:00:06How impressed I am with your work?
01:00:08What happened to the beach?
01:00:12Boiler and I will die doing this job. I had a feeling
01:00:16You should be getting a call soon from whom you'll see we'll be in touch
01:00:26Safe travels
01:00:32Swear I'll have it done by tomorrow. That's not why I'm calling actually
01:00:36I just got a call from someone with the Department of Justice looking for a recommendation for you the Department of Justice
01:00:42Are we losing you? I know the feds can't pay what we can so is it something else?
01:00:48Are you unhappy with us? I honestly don't know why they would be calling
01:00:53unless unless
01:00:55Unless they're reconsidering me
01:00:58Whatever they offer you. I'll double it. All right, I cannot lose you. You're too good. Thanks Tamsin
01:01:03I don't know exactly what's going on. But as soon as I do, I'll let you know. Okay
01:01:42Making two cups of coffee extra strong
01:02:05The time is 10 o'clock
01:02:13Reminder Jeff says to sleep in your bed
01:02:55Thank you for calling
01:03:00Hey Jeff, I'm sorry, I'm calling you so late I just I
01:03:06Just had some news that I wanted to tell you and I just know you're the only one that would understand how big this is
01:03:14You found the basement
01:03:18Before the police could you believe it?
01:03:28Anyway, that's what I wanted to say
01:03:32We'll talk soon, okay
01:03:42Hi, thanks for taking my call. You're okay
01:03:48When I couldn't find your profile I thought something might have happened they told me you're the one who called the police
01:03:55I guess you saved my life. No, they saved your life. Not me. I
01:04:01Just don't get it. You've been saying horrible things to me for months
01:04:07And then you helped me. I am so sorry. I'm so sorry. I just I
01:04:13Was in a bad place
01:04:16What do you have to be in a bad place about you're pretty you're thin
01:04:30What happened to you
01:04:32car accident last year and
01:04:36Both my parents died
01:04:39I'm sorry. It's still no excuse for how I treated you
01:04:45Uh, I gotta go but can I call you another day, please do
01:04:58Lost power happens all the time my brains. Oh, okay. Well, I'll let you go
01:06:31Front door open
01:07:36Stella lock the front door your lock
01:07:42You're fine, he's in Venezuela
01:07:48Nice time to act up on me
01:08:22Liza Liza, I just got your message
01:09:01Just got to Liza's house, but she's not here in the door was wide open
01:09:07I left the door open
01:09:16Yes, please send someone anyway
01:09:18She had called me and left me a message that she knows where the basement is and some other details about the case
01:09:33Christ Liza, where are you?
01:09:58You did it you found it
01:10:23We're on the way to you right now, no, no, no, you need to go to 2635 North Crossing Street now
01:10:32He has Liza tied up in a basement you need to hurry up
01:10:38187 in progress
01:11:41You're awake
01:11:55Saw the scar
01:11:58I'll just be doing you the favor
01:12:07I am Jason this work of art is all mine
01:12:27Where are you?
01:12:59Have ourselves a barbecue
01:13:22I'm gonna start at your legs
01:13:24You won't be able to feel it, but you know to watch me take you apart piece by piece
01:13:49She's just got loose
01:14:18Liza Liza look behind you look right behind
01:14:46Look right
01:15:24Jeff if you can hear me, she's alive
01:15:54Slow but she's alive
01:16:02Is she conscious try not to move sweetheart everything's gonna be okay
01:16:10Put her on the phone, let me talk to her somebody wants to talk to you
01:16:20Hey Liza, don't say anything it's Jeff
01:16:25Just please please keep fighting. I
01:16:28Need to kiss you again
01:16:33Jeff I can hear the cars pulling up right now. I'll call you from the hospital
01:16:41Stay with me honey
01:16:43Liza you did good
01:16:46You really nailed this son of a bitch, honey
01:17:06Here we are
01:17:12So I
01:17:15Was thinking
01:17:18Let's take a drive up the coast this weekend we can't it's Boyle's retirement party
01:17:22We're invited and we have to go plus Thurgood is going
01:17:27But then we have to go to Saturday after before you leave for that conference in Quantico. You don't have plans that day
01:17:33It's my company now. I can create my own schedule
01:17:37In that case I'm in
01:17:49Shoot I forgot my fork. I'll get it
01:18:14Hope you enjoy it looks good
01:18:22You know what I think there's way too many people at this breakfast table