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Hello and welcome! Here you will find a diverse selection of movies in English and Spanish. Enjoy the cinema and let yourself be carried away by its magic.
00:00:35Art of darkness
00:00:40It's it
00:00:42Do you read anything besides Stephen King?
00:00:45Hell No
00:00:48The Journey to the Center of the Earth
00:00:49That was a classic
00:00:51Man how does your wife put up with you
00:00:57Alright, here we go
00:00:58Bravo, this is Sierra. We have a black SUV approaching.
00:01:05Roger that, Sierra.
00:01:08Right on time.
00:01:19Okay, we gotta go. We gotta change positions.
00:01:28Roger that.
00:02:47Bravo, this is Sierra. Weapons confirmed.
00:02:50Check. Engagement orders?
00:02:52Simmer down, big guy. We've got plenty of time.
00:02:57I need more. I need this.
00:03:02And, uh...
00:03:04See you after this.
00:03:06You seeing this? Unreal.
00:03:11What the hell is that guy doing here?
00:03:13Bravo requesting new target of opportunity. High-value target Sanan Al-Hadi.
00:03:18Identity confirmed, Sierra. You have execute authorization. Please be aware there is no helo expected.
00:03:23We may not get another shot.
00:03:25It's your call, but we're out here alone.
00:03:44Okay, we got six visible targets.
00:03:48If they get their hands on those boxes, it's gonna get hot up here.
00:03:56Target locked.
00:04:17Oh, my God.
00:05:01What the...?
00:05:17What the...?
00:05:19Oh, my God.
00:05:21Oh, my God.
00:05:47Come on, kid. Come on, you can do it.
00:05:50You can do it. Breathe.
00:05:55He's gone, man.
00:05:57No, just give me a minute.
00:05:59Hey, we gotta go, man. Go.
00:06:04Come on!
00:06:21Come on.
00:06:35He's gone!
00:06:51Hi, baby.
00:06:52Hey, sweetheart.
00:06:54Oh, my God. It is so good to see your face.
00:06:57Oh, you too.
00:06:59Everything good?
00:07:00I'm coming home for a couple weeks.
00:07:04Well, that's great news. That means you can be my plus one.
00:07:07Plus what?
00:07:08All right, you remember me talking about Darren Connor, my super-rich client,
00:07:12owns like a bazillion different businesses, real estate, hotels, casinos?
00:07:15Yeah, the one who wrote that stupid get-rich book?
00:07:19What was it?
00:07:20Why shouldn't you have it all?
00:07:22He's opening a new resort, and guess who's in charge if he's super deluxe invite only?
00:07:26Opening bash.
00:07:30You're an ass.
00:07:32Yeah, sometimes.
00:07:34So how about it? Five days of sun, beach, just a short trip for you.
00:07:42I was really just looking forward to getting back home, back to Michigan.
00:07:46I'm sorry, it's my job.
00:07:48Bad timing, I know. Why don't you just come home?
00:07:51No, no, wait, look, you're my home.
00:07:57It doesn't matter where I am.
00:08:00I love you back.
00:08:16Oh, my God.
00:08:19Isn't it beautiful?
00:08:23Yeah, it sure is.
00:08:29We still a little far away, huh?
00:08:34A little bit, yeah.
00:09:40It's okay, I guess. I mean, if you're into paradise and all, you know.
00:09:46Oh, you want to play, huh?
00:09:48Robin? Nice to finally meet you.
00:09:51Oh, my gosh. Cynthia, this is my husband.
00:09:54Joe, Robin's told me a lot about you. Nice to meet you.
00:09:57Nice to meet you.
00:09:58Our goal is to have the most energy-efficient resort in this part of the world.
00:10:02As you know, this island rests in close proximity to the volcanic corridor.
00:10:07Oh, yeah, everyone knows that.
00:10:09So, we've constructed our own geothermal plant, allowing us to use heat for power.
00:10:14Impressive security.
00:10:15Yes, 24-hour armed guards in the security towers, top of the line surveillance.
00:10:21We're actually having our opening party here tomorrow night.
00:10:29You're going in.
00:10:31Come here.
00:10:37Be careful. I gotta go to a meeting.
00:10:45I mean, I know you see exotic spots like this all the time, but this is pretty decent for us civilian folk.
00:10:54Sierra, you copy?
00:11:06You know, I haven't seen you like this since...
00:11:10Well, since ever.
00:11:13Last one was bad, huh?
00:11:16Yeah, it just went a little sideways.
00:11:19Anything you could've done?
00:11:21I don't know. I just got a closer look than I usually get.
00:11:26You wanna talk about it?
00:11:28Just thinking about a change.
00:11:35Not to put ideas in your head, but...
00:11:39You know I'm proud of you, whether you're saving the world or sleeping on the floor.
00:11:46You know, I knew there was some good reason I married you.
00:11:50You have very low expectations.
00:11:52You have very low expectations.
00:11:55It's so nice to see someone's having a good time.
00:11:59I was just waiting for you to arrive.
00:12:00Darren Conner, this is my husband.
00:12:03Joe Linwood.
00:12:04Soldier, right?
00:12:05Actually, he's a Marine.
00:12:07Hm. Right. Can I talk with you?
00:12:11I'm getting 24 calls an hour from some Kyu Sang representative.
00:12:15They have a reporter from some local rag up my ass for an interview who I do not want to get.
00:12:19And some Greenpeace lawyer trying to hit me with injunctions.
00:12:22So could you just please do your job now, thank you?
00:12:25Absolutely. On my way.
00:12:27It's a pleasure.
00:12:30We need to replace the champagne.
00:12:32Mr. Chex, go ahead.
00:12:33This is the kitchen I would not give to my dog.
00:12:35And you thought your job was dangerous, huh?
00:12:38No. I like it, really.
00:12:43I'll be back as soon as I can.
00:12:45I've got a surprise for you.
00:12:46Here, I also have them for you.
00:12:52May I suggest an electrical fence for these guys?
00:12:55Yes, an electrical fence.
00:13:49I'm from the resort. They said you could be booked for a snorkeling tour.
00:13:53We're not exactly up and running yet.
00:13:56Do tell.
00:14:01Oh, come on, please.
00:14:04A favor for your fellow Yankees.
00:14:08Oh, hell.
00:14:10If you're going to hit me in that soft spot of mine, I guess so.
00:14:16Just so you know, one Yankee to another, I'm going to overcharge you.
00:14:20Oh, well, thanks for the heads up.
00:14:22He talk?
00:14:24Not if he can get away with it.
00:14:27Trophy husband.
00:14:30Your choice.
00:14:31Okay, thank you.
00:14:43You grunt?
00:14:48Yeah, Marine.
00:14:50I thought so.
00:14:51Where you at up?
00:14:53Parris Island or Pendleton?
00:14:56Hollywood monkey, huh?
00:14:59Force Recon. You?
00:15:02Just a regular SF Ranger.
00:15:04Explosives. Engineer. I blew shit up.
00:15:06Powder monkey, huh?
00:15:11Once upon a time, huh?
00:15:15Church. Good to meet you.
00:15:16Nice to meet you.
00:15:17Oh, come on. Let's get you all geared up.
00:15:23Does, uh, does this mean you're not going to overcharge me now?
00:15:27Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:15:29Yellow. Good choice. Sharks love yellow.
00:15:32That's great, baby.
00:15:33He's joking.
00:16:08Go ahead. Turn around and look.
00:16:12Oh, my God.
00:16:17None of this was on any of the maps until your fancy resort showed up.
00:16:21It gets better.
00:16:24The other end of that beach, there's a cave.
00:16:27Leads right back to your resort.
00:16:29Just make sure you head west, okay?
00:16:31They teach you that in the Marine Corps, don't they?
00:16:33Difference between east and west.
00:16:34Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:16:40Go get him, honey.
00:16:41I will.
00:16:49Enjoy yourselves.
00:17:27This is amazing.
00:17:32You know, it could be like this all the time.
00:17:34You, me, jet-setting around the world.
00:17:39You're a professional plus one.
00:17:40There's no plus one.
00:17:42Yeah, until the first day you got bored.
00:17:51I know who I married, Joe.
00:17:54And I couldn't be happier.
00:18:11Yeah, right. This goes back to the resort.
00:18:28Yeah, wow.
00:18:30That's east. We gotta go west.
00:18:36Sorry, powder monkey.
00:18:39Well, church was right.
00:18:43You wanna go back?
00:18:44Come on. I have a party to organize.
00:18:52I'm sorry, Joe.
00:18:53No, it's okay.
00:18:54It's okay.
00:18:55It's okay.
00:18:56It's okay.
00:18:57It's okay.
00:18:58That reporter was nosing around again.
00:19:01Only this time he was pestering Mr. Cheval.
00:19:04About his opinion on the Greenpeace legal action against me.
00:19:07Need I remind you that Mr. Cheval is one of our major shareholders?
00:19:11So that is just not acceptable.
00:19:13My apologies, Mr. Conner. I'll get right on it.
00:19:15Oh, please. Now that the damage is done.
00:19:19Oh, great. G.I. Joe's here.
00:19:21What, you got an opinion?
00:19:23She's gonna kick my ass.
00:19:25No, sir.
00:19:28See, unlike some, I don't pick on women half my size.
00:19:32And G.I. is Army, moron.
00:19:34I'm a Marine.
00:19:36Okay, Joe. It's fine.
00:19:37No, Robin. It's not fine.
00:19:38Hey, hey. It's fine. Joe, please.
00:19:40It's fine.
00:19:43Number one, I'm sorry about that.
00:19:46It will not happen again.
00:19:49Number two, the reason you're having trouble with the reporter
00:19:52is because you constantly ignore my recommendation to just give them 20 minutes.
00:19:56I'm not gonna talk with any reporter about...
00:19:58You answer the questions you want,
00:20:00and when he brings up the injunctions,
00:20:02you smile sweetly and say it's all being worked out.
00:20:04It can only help you look better
00:20:06and not like a rich American outsider
00:20:08with something to hide.
00:20:12first things first,
00:20:14you have an opening speech to give.
00:20:21Good evening, friends, colleagues, and investors.
00:20:23I would like to introduce you
00:20:25to our host,
00:20:27the chairman of Conner Industries,
00:20:29Mr. Darren Conner.
00:20:33Ladies and gentlemen,
00:20:35you honor me
00:20:37by being the first official guests
00:20:39of our magnificent new experience.
00:20:41Welcome to the Tanjala Beach Resort,
00:20:43where you will never have to ask yourself
00:20:45why you are here.
00:20:48Welcome to the Tanjala Beach Resort,
00:20:50where you will never have to ask yourself
00:20:52why shouldn't I have it all?
00:20:54You know, before I created Tanjala,
00:20:56there was nothing here.
00:20:58Well, nothing but a wasted opportunity.
00:21:00This fabulous island
00:21:02was flawed by inefficiency,
00:21:04archaic thinking,
00:21:06and a subsequent lack of employment
00:21:08for the local population.
00:21:10But I have changed all that.
00:21:18They are not all...
00:21:20Hey, Marine!
00:21:24Crazy-ass powder monkey.
00:21:28How many jobs you got, anyway?
00:21:30I've been known to moonlight it.
00:21:32Gonna have a good show tonight.
00:21:34Hey, look at this.
00:21:36Get a kick out of this.
00:21:38Pop flare.
00:21:40I throw it up at the end for old times' sake.
00:21:42Ah, military's nightlight.
00:21:45Nobody else gets it, but I don't give a shit.
00:21:52What's going on?
00:21:54You and the little woman having a thing?
00:21:56Her boss was being an asshole
00:21:58and somehow
00:22:00I'm the bad guy.
00:22:02Well, don't take it personal, all right?
00:22:04You gotta remember she's on her own most of the time.
00:22:06Can't be waiting around
00:22:08for your sorry ass to show up
00:22:10and be all macho for her, right?
00:22:12Look, brother.
00:22:14I'm not the kind of guy to be giving a lot of advice.
00:22:16If I were you,
00:22:18I'd probably show off those knee pads,
00:22:20head back up there and tell her how sorry I was.
00:22:22Couple young things like you,
00:22:24I can guarantee you the make-up sex
00:22:26would be well worth it.
00:22:28That how you did it?
00:22:32Look at me now, right?
00:22:34King of the world.
00:22:36Yeah, I guess so.
00:22:40Go on. Beat it.
00:22:43I'm about to light this place up.
00:22:45Solar energy from the sun.
00:22:47Hydroelectric from the ocean.
00:22:49Geothermal from the earth.
00:22:51And the harnessing of wind.
00:22:53On behalf of Connor Industries,
00:22:55I thank you
00:22:57and wish you
00:22:59a very enjoyable vacation.
00:23:01Here's to it!
00:23:13Nice job.
00:23:15These hicks wouldn't know
00:23:17a thermodynamic converter
00:23:19from a hot fart.
00:23:21All they care is it says,
00:23:23please recycle on it.
00:23:25What's next?
00:23:27Mingling with the guests.
00:23:39Excuse me, Mr. Connor.
00:23:41Sorry to interrupt.
00:24:12Oh, my God!
00:24:30Get down! Get down!
00:24:42Get down!
00:24:50Get down!
00:25:30He's gone!
00:26:18Stop screaming!
00:26:22Hey, you! Just stop right there!
00:26:24Who are you?
00:26:26What do you think you're doing here?
00:26:28Hello, Mr. Connor.
00:26:56Get up! Get up!
00:26:58Get up!
00:27:08Stay calm.
00:27:10Stay calm.
00:27:24She's still inside?
00:28:01Yes, sir.
00:28:15It's gonna be okay.
00:28:17Local authorities are on it.
00:28:19Just try to relax, all right?
00:28:21Hey! It's on TV!
00:28:23It's on TV now!
00:28:25It's on TV now!
00:28:27There are reports of a terrorist attack
00:28:29on a Tanjala beach resort
00:28:31capturing as many as 20 hostages.
00:28:33We have confirmation that this video
00:28:35uploaded via intranet minutes ago
00:28:37comes from inside the resort.
00:28:39Go! Go!
00:28:47All right?
00:28:52For the last century
00:28:54we have watched helplessly
00:28:56as the disease of the western world
00:28:58has spread across our islands.
00:29:02it is your turn to watch.
00:29:04We will kill all the hostages
00:29:06in 24 hours.
00:29:08If you wish to spare their lives
00:29:10you must
00:29:12pay tribute.
00:29:16Infidels. That's you and me, buddy.
00:29:18They gotta pay tribute
00:29:21for their crimes.
00:29:23Like money?
00:29:44Don't watch this, kid.
00:29:48It's done!
00:30:14You gotta help me.
00:30:16Get her back.
00:30:18Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:30:20Time out here.
00:30:22Look, there's nothing we can do about that.
00:30:24It's the military's job.
00:30:26Listen, brother,
00:30:28I was never a hero, all right?
00:30:30Okay in a group, part of a team,
00:30:32but something like this?
00:30:34No, I'm sorry, man.
00:30:36I'm sorry. I can't do it.
00:31:12Listen to me.
00:31:14We will do whatever you want.
00:31:16Just don't hurt anyone.
00:31:18You don't have to threaten us, okay?
00:31:20We can't identify you.
00:31:24We haven't seen your faces.
00:31:34Now you have.
00:32:04Stay calm.
00:32:06I want to see my family.
00:32:08For the love of Christ, just stay calm.
00:32:12Who are these people?
00:32:14They're separatists
00:32:16fighting the spread of western influence on their country.
00:32:20You know what?
00:32:22People are working on getting us out.
00:32:26We just gotta stay calm
00:32:28and think with clear heads.
00:32:30You're right.
00:32:40After that broadcast,
00:32:42there's no way for us
00:32:44to keep this quiet.
00:32:48McKill Shaw,
00:32:50diplomatic advisor
00:32:52on behalf of the Kusum government.
00:33:00Blueprints to the resort.
00:33:08We have the perimeter surrounded.
00:33:12But I will not attack
00:33:14until we know more about the terrorists.
00:33:16That's all right, commander.
00:33:18I'm taking care of this.
00:33:20Who's in charge?
00:33:22Sir, this is off-limits.
00:33:24Please wait over there.
00:33:26No. Somebody's gonna talk to me.
00:33:34Let me.
00:33:43I apologize for that.
00:33:45You know,
00:33:47dealing with military.
00:33:49It's like playing chicken with a brick wall.
00:33:51No offense, of course.
00:33:53What's being done about the hostages?
00:33:55I'm afraid I can't discuss it with you,
00:34:01Two days is unacceptable.
00:34:03I will be dead tomorrow.
00:34:05Just make it happen.
00:34:08The money is on its way.
00:34:12Yeah, sure. Tribute.
00:34:14Whatever you want to call it.
00:34:16But you touch just one hair of my head,
00:34:18you can kiss it all goodbye.
00:34:30Look, just let us go.
00:34:32The money is on its way.
00:34:35The money is on its way.
00:34:37You got what you want.
00:34:42I got what I asked for.
00:34:46We're living in paradise
00:34:48long before the great white hope
00:34:50came to our shores to save us from our happiness.
00:34:54You don't know what I want!
00:35:05Think it's working?
00:35:07Either way, little brother,
00:35:09the message will be sent.
00:35:11It's all falling into place.
00:35:16This is a political disaster.
00:35:20I am the one who convinced my government
00:35:22to allow Conner Industry to purchase the old resort
00:35:25from the local owners.
00:35:27Now I have to negotiate the release of the hostages.
00:35:30I can't believe this is happening.
00:35:32I'm with Conner Security.
00:35:34Are you sending in troops?
00:35:36My government is extremely reticent
00:35:38to engage in military action.
00:35:40If they should storm in and the hostages are killed,
00:35:43we could have an international incident.
00:35:45And we're still waiting on word from the U.S.,
00:35:48which means they're waiting to see
00:35:50how we deal with the problem.
00:35:52So what do you plan to do?
00:35:54I've already done it.
00:36:03Let's go.
00:36:16Better trained than most of our soldiers.
00:36:18And accustomed to dirty work.
00:36:21Get out.
00:36:26How are you?
00:36:29Hey, thanks.
00:36:31I procel to the highest bidder.
00:36:34Better than letting them die.
00:36:37Hey, Blondie.
00:36:39Nervous or what?
00:36:42Thank you for responding so quickly.
00:36:45Who's that?
00:36:46He's with Conner Securities.
00:36:48Marine recon.
00:36:51Now, get him out of here.
00:36:53I'm going in with you.
00:36:55Look, I've been inside. I know the layout.
00:36:57Please, sir, just leave it to us.
00:36:59With or without you, I'm going in.
00:37:02You do.
00:37:04I'll consider you an enemy and shoot you on sight.
00:37:10You need to stand down.
00:37:12I'm taking over.
00:37:29Oh, my God.
00:37:59Oh, my God.
00:38:29Oh, my God.
00:38:59Oh, my God.
00:39:29Let me take it.
00:40:00Oh, my God.
00:40:19Blondie, team two.
00:40:30You come with me, team one.
00:40:49Can you tell me what they're saying?
00:40:53I don't know.
00:40:55The intruders will be dead?
00:41:18Team two, copy.
00:41:20Team two.
00:41:28Team two.
00:41:35Something's wrong. Move. Quick.
00:42:49Shot in the back.
00:42:51All of them.
00:42:53And the last one's missing.
00:42:55Blondie, if they had a traitor, then maybe we have one, too.
00:43:08It's a trap.
00:43:18Take cover.
00:43:23Take cover.
00:43:53Take cover.
00:43:57I'm hit.
00:44:17Come on.
00:44:23Come on.
00:44:43Come on, let's go.
00:44:50Move. Come on.
00:45:06Get in. Come on.
00:45:13Let's go.
00:45:15Come on.
00:45:46Come on.
00:46:06Someone shot you.
00:46:09No. No.
00:46:11Come here.
00:46:13No. Please. Please, no. Please.
00:46:16Calm down, little brother.
00:46:23Kill them all.
00:46:26You took charge.
00:46:28I was trying to help.
00:46:30I was trying to save the hostages.
00:46:32I had to do something.
00:46:33You compromised everything with your help.
00:46:36You are done.
00:46:38Get out of my sight.
00:46:44Come on.
00:46:46Calm down. Calm down.
00:46:48Just tell me what happened. Calm down.
00:46:50Blondie said there was an American Marine with them.
00:46:53Is he still alive?
00:46:54No, he's dead.
00:46:55But he killed our men. Our men.
00:46:59Oh, my God.
00:47:01Oh, my God.
00:47:04How did they infiltrate your team?
00:47:07We are mercenaries.
00:47:09We work for the highest bidder.
00:47:13I guess they paid more.
00:47:16Can you please step out?
00:47:18We must make an example.
00:47:20We must make a statement.
00:47:22Kill them all now.
00:47:23Not yet. Not yet.
00:47:26Kill them all.
00:47:29Kill them all.
00:47:32Kill them all.
00:47:37I really...
00:47:40I'm really very sorry.
00:47:46We have to wait for the tribute.
00:47:48Now stay focused.
00:47:49They must pay for this, brother.
00:47:50Yes, they will. They will. They will.
00:47:52Just be patient. Be patient.
00:47:56A small example, brother.
00:48:04You're going to be okay.
00:48:09Could you please deliver my message to Blondie?
00:48:26Her and her.
00:48:29Hey, what are you doing?
00:48:30What are you doing?
00:48:31Blood for blood. You take my people, I take yours.
00:48:34You already took.
00:48:35Doesn't mean you killed out there.
00:48:37You got your blood.
00:48:39Now you're just a hypocrite.
00:48:41Everybody thinks you are.
00:48:45Move it.
00:48:47Just stop right there.
00:48:49You only get your tribute if you can prove I'm alive and well.
00:48:52I'll make you kill me if I have to.
00:49:12You've made your point.
00:49:14I've made my point.
00:49:17I've made my point.
00:49:19You've made your point.
00:49:22Enjoy the moment.
00:49:24Burn it in your brain.
00:49:30There'll come a time when you're more useful to us dead than alive.
00:49:50Come on.
00:50:08Church, I need your help.
00:50:12I'm going to rescue.
00:50:14You going back in?
00:50:17I got no choice.
00:50:20Look, someone's got to help these people.
00:50:23Well then, brother, you got a real death wish.
00:50:29Come on, my office.
00:50:35Take whatever you need.
00:50:44Tell me something.
00:50:45What good are you going to do her if you get yourself killed?
00:50:49Church, help me.
00:50:52The two of us together, man.
00:50:55With our backgrounds.
00:50:56No, no, no.
00:50:57I already told you, man.
00:51:08Not everybody can be a hero, kid.
00:51:20Then let me borrow your boat.
00:51:37Wait a minute.
00:52:08As far as I go, kid.
00:52:13Get ready.
00:52:24Give them hell, Marine.
00:52:37Get ready.
00:53:07Come on.
00:53:37Come on.
00:54:07Come on.
00:54:37Come on.
00:55:07Come on.
00:55:37Come on.
00:56:07Come on.
00:56:08Come on.
00:56:38You let that American stone back in there.
00:56:41I didn't let him do anything.
00:56:43You're in charge now, remember?
00:56:45You let him slip through your fingers,
00:56:47that's your problem.
00:56:50It means somebody's doing something.
00:57:08They lost more men.
00:57:10Somebody's on the grounds.
00:57:14Rescue party.
00:57:17I don't think so.
00:57:19They're not talking about soldiers or men.
00:57:22They're talking about one person.
00:57:27They sent one guy after us?
00:57:30They keep calling him the American.
00:57:33They keep calling him the American.
00:57:51Your Marine friend seems to not have heard you when you pronounced him dead.
00:57:58I will cut out his heart!
00:58:02I will cut out his heart!
00:58:36Continue with the plan.
00:58:41Where are you going, Blondie?
00:59:04What's up, idiot?
00:59:06Stop pumping around.
01:00:03I know you're just in it for the money.
01:00:07So unless you really want to die for the cause,
01:00:11you tell me where they are.
01:00:22Where are they?
01:00:23Where are they at?
01:00:24I never talk.
01:00:25You never talk.
01:00:27You never talk.
01:00:35Where are they?
01:00:51Where are they?
01:00:54Where's Blondie?
01:00:56Where is she?
01:00:58I don't know.
01:00:59I don't know.
01:01:01I don't talk.
01:01:13Oh, yeah.
01:01:15Caleb wanted me to give you a message.
01:01:26He's in the boiler room.
01:01:27He can't go anywhere.
01:01:28Lock it down.
01:01:30Make sure this time he dies.
01:01:49You talked, didn't you?
01:01:53You disappointed me.
01:02:00We've heard from the Americans.
01:02:03They have the tribute.
01:02:06You come with me.
01:02:40All right, all right, all right.
01:02:43We have not harmed you.
01:02:45We have not harmed any more of your people.
01:02:49We have kept our word.
01:02:58Finalize the transfer.
01:03:00But only after the...
01:03:03Only after the hostages have been released.
01:03:30And eat bugs.
01:03:33How many doesn't go to Happy Meals?
01:03:36Weapons, warriors.
01:03:39A thousand more men like me dedicated to the cause.
01:03:43Plus a few other goodies.
01:03:56What are you guys doing?
01:03:58Hey, what are you doing?
01:03:59Finishing what we started.
01:04:01These noble volunteers
01:04:03will help us bring down this monstrosity once and for all.
01:04:06You got your money, right?
01:04:07You sent your message.
01:04:11This is the message.
01:04:14I helped you.
01:04:16I helped the cause.
01:04:17Don't make us laugh.
01:04:19You're a worm who thinks he's a crow.
01:04:22Help me.
01:04:23Finally, Shaw.
01:04:25You get something
01:04:35Freedom fighter.
01:04:38Son of a bitch.
01:04:49Like you say in your book, Mr. Connor.
01:04:52Why shouldn't I have it all?
01:04:59We had a deal.
01:05:01Stop where I don't go.
01:05:03Drop the money in the house, please.
01:05:07You disapprove.
01:05:09You've never
01:05:11sacrificed innocence to get the job done.
01:05:14Innocents always die in war.
01:05:17But the goal is to save people.
01:05:20Not kill them to win.
01:05:24You see?
01:05:25You do understand what it means to make a statement.
01:05:36He's all yours.
01:07:31Are they secured?
01:07:37Are the hostages secured?
01:07:40Somebody come back. Are they secured?
01:07:45Are they secured?
01:07:49Somebody talk to me. Come back.
01:07:57Do you hear me?
01:08:07Come in. Are they secured?
01:08:18Brother, talk to me.
01:08:19Come back. Are they secured?
01:08:22They teach you that in the army?
01:08:24Nice shot.
01:08:25There's double up. What can I say?
01:08:31Come in, brother. Do you hear me?
01:08:34Go get him.
01:08:37Dirt cut.
01:08:39Hurry up.
01:08:43Are you there, brother?
01:08:45Move, move, move!
01:08:47Come in. Are they secured?
01:08:51Are the prisoners secured?
01:08:52Someone come back now.
01:08:54They're coming.
01:08:55Go back.
01:08:57Kill them all.
01:08:58Yes, sir.
01:09:01Hang on.
01:09:07Hurry up!
01:09:09This place is wired to blow.
01:09:12Get them. Move them out of here.
01:09:37Run, run.
01:09:39Pick it up. Come on.
01:09:41Come on, people. Move.
01:10:08You're gonna be okay.
01:10:09Can you use this?
01:10:10Sure, sure.
01:10:11Just point and pull the trigger.
01:10:37Come on.
01:10:42Everybody, move it now!
01:11:09I'm over here!
01:11:12Let me go!
01:11:29Let me go!
01:11:30Let me go!
01:11:31Let me go!
01:11:32Let me go!
01:11:33Let me go!
01:12:04Oh, thank God you all made it out.
01:12:34Hell of a show, huh?
01:13:05Come on.
01:13:06Come on.
01:13:35Where'd they go?
01:13:36Which way?
01:13:40This guy won't die.
01:14:23Give it all back, you son of a bitch.
01:14:26Give my brother back.
01:15:06Help me!
01:15:35Help me!
01:15:39Let me go!
01:15:41Help me!
01:16:14Help me!
01:16:15Help me!
