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Hay que ser muy valiente para ver estas películas de extraterrestres con las luces apagadas. Bienvenido a WatchMojo, y hoy estamos contando nuestras selecciones de los extraterrestres más escalofriantes y horribles que jamás hayan aparecido en la pantalla grande.


00:00Welcome to WatchMojo Español, I am Jackie and today we will show you our top 30 of the
00:08most chilling and horrible aliens that have ever appeared on the big screen.
00:21Number 30, The Limiters, At the edge of the morning.
00:24There is a lot at stake in At the edge of the morning.
00:27An unstoppable alien army has crashed into Europe and threatens to spread all over the
00:40The Limiters are incredibly intimidating.
00:43Their biomechanical design gives them a presence from another world and the ability to dig
00:49in the ground like a hedgehog made of knives.
00:52In battle, the armies of humanity have suffered one defeat after another.
00:56It turns out that this is due to the fact that these alien killing machines have control
01:01over time itself.
01:14The Omega Imitator can make his own Marmot Day when his generals Alpha die.
01:20This knowledge of the future allows the Imitators to repeat battles over and over again until
01:26they achieve victory.
01:28Number 29, The Visitors, Communion.
01:31This less known science fiction horror film is based on a book by Whitley Strieber about
01:37his own alleged encounter with aliens and their subsequent flashbacks.
01:42The film is starring Christopher Walken as Strieber in his best moment.
01:57It balances between dancing in a fun way and absolute horror.
02:01On the one hand, Walken spends a surprisingly large amount of time making jokes with the
02:08aliens he meets.
02:10On the other hand, there are really scary scenes like the one in which he takes the
02:14face off a creature to reveal the viscous creature that is underneath.
02:18In general, the film seems like a bad acid trip from the 80s, which leads the viewer
02:24to share the confusion and uncertainty of Strieber.
02:31Number 28, Alien Beasts, Attack the Block.
02:35As humans, we have been finding creatures from outer space since Georges Mériès
02:41introduced us to his lunar creatures in 1902.
02:45Since aliens have been part of the movies throughout the history of cinema, it can
02:50be difficult to come up with an original concept, and this is where the writer and director
02:56Joe Carnish with Attack the Block.
03:08A meteor strikes against a public urbanization and releases a horde of alien beasts.
03:14The residents of the block, including a street gang of teenagers, must defend themselves
03:20and their neighbors from the threat.
03:22Imagine hybrids of wolf, space gorilla, without eyes, with jaws that shine in the
03:28These beasts are killing machines, and only the ingenuity of the residents helps them
03:39Number 27, The Strangers, Dark City.
03:42Dark City is one of the least appreciated movies of the 90s.
03:47As the protagonist John Murdoch sails through the city and his own distorted memories,
03:54he discovers the truth.
03:55The pale white men, the strangers who chase him through this dark country, are not men
04:00at all.
04:01They are psychic aliens who use their powers, their mind with a mane and their machines
04:07to carry out experiments with humans.
04:19The city is not a city, but a giant ship in space.
04:23The creatures are dying for an unknown cause, and they hope that extracting the secret of
04:28human individuality will cure them.
04:30The strangers are the invisible power behind the world of the movie, manipulating events
04:35and people for their own dark ends.
04:50Number 26, The Shine, Annihilation.
04:53Humans tend to anthropomorphize everything in fiction, including aliens.
04:59We attribute human thoughts and motivations to the characters so that the audience can
05:04better understand what is happening.
05:07But in the adaptation of Alex Garland of 2018 of the novel Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer,
05:14the extraterrestrial presence in the center of the story is extraterrestrial both in mind
05:19and body.
05:29The motivations of the Shine are unknown, so the audience only remains with the results
05:34of their actions.
05:36The Shine is a catalyst for change that deforms and alters everything it touches.
05:40This can be scary, especially when it is a change that results in the annihilation
05:45of what existed before.
05:58This more existentialist horror is what makes the Shine terrifying at deep levels.
06:04Number 25, Cooper, Super 8.
06:07And if E.T. was a horror movie?
06:10This seemed to be the question that J.J. Abrams decided to answer with his classic of Super
06:17A group of teenagers from Lillian, Ohio, are witnesses to the violent derailment of
06:21a train.
06:22However, it was not an accident.
06:24The army of the United States was transporting a large alien monster and escaped.
06:30Shortly after, the residents of Lillian began to disappear.
06:41The creature is barely seen, which allows our imagination to fly.
06:45However, Cooper is not a monster at all, he is nothing more than an interstellar traveler
06:51unjustly detained who only tries to return home.
06:55No inhabitant of Ohio was injured during the manufacture of his spaceship.
07:11Number 24, the alien that steals skin, Under the Skin.
07:15The alien that steals skin from Under the Skin is easily one of the strangest roles
07:22in the filmography of Scarlett Johansson.
07:24Being half a road trip and half an acid trip, Under the Skin shows the journey of an alien
07:31while hunting men through the Scottish countryside.
07:44Once married, the men are devastated, leaving only their skin.
07:48It is methodical and seems lacking in emotions, although this changes when it begins to identify
07:53with the humans it hunts.
07:55Neither its origins nor its motives are clear, which results in an incredibly disturbing
08:01cinematographic experience.
08:03Its cold and calculated actions and its creepy and otherworldly presence make it an iconic
08:10cinematographic experience.
08:22Number 23, Jean Jacket.
08:24No, No with the Jordan Peele is a complex film that examines the obsession of our culture
08:30with spectacle and violence.
08:43It is also an incredible horror movie.
08:46When looking at this flying object, humans become vulnerable to attacks.
08:51It is the owner of the OJ Ranch who realizes that the object is not a spaceship, but a
08:57wild animal.
08:58He and his sister Em observe his behavior, learn his weaknesses and use this knowledge
09:04to kill him.
09:15Meanwhile, the creature nicknamed Jean Jacket is a plague in the field.
09:20When his true form is revealed, Jean Jacket seems to be a kind of giant, flying carnivorous
09:28He consumes dozens of people and animals, creating a show to attract his prey.
09:33Number 22, Alien Owls, The Fourth Kind.
09:37The online UFO community has long believed in the connection between aliens and owls.
09:44This was an idea that the suspense and science fiction film, The Fourth Kind, resumed and
09:49put into practice in 2009.
10:03For those who are not familiar, the idea is that many people who have been abducted
10:08by aliens remember seeing owls just before or after their experience.
10:14These are implanted memories that aliens have been using to hide their appearance.
10:21The film is filmed in a documentary style, with recreations used along with
10:26a fake found footage.
10:28The aliens never appear in the film, which gives them an air of incomprehensible threat.
10:44Number 21, Clover, Cloverfield.
10:47A found footage kaiju movie was a great idea, as it kept the audience captivated
10:53all the time.
10:54And that is partly what makes Cloverfield so memorable and terrifying.
11:00The film shows a gigantic alien causing absolute havoc in Manhattan.
11:14Although the monster is not often seen, the small flashes we have are more than enough
11:19to scare us.
11:21The whole configuration makes you wonder, would we survive the attack of a giant monster?
11:26And the answer is probably not.
11:34On the contrary, the second film in the franchise, Tankloverfield Elaine, is a slow psychological
11:40that ends with the revelation of an alien investigation in full swing.
11:45The quadruped figure we see there honestly also gives a lot of fear.
11:50Number 20, The Angels of Death, franchise of A Quiet Place.
11:55We don't know much about these mysterious predators, but surely they know how to make
12:01an entrance.
12:07After being transported to our unpredictable planet by meteorites, the terrifying creatures
12:12quickly put the society on their knees.
12:16Fast and hypersensitive to any type of noise, they have forced the remains of humanity
12:21to remain in silent mode.
12:24With its long limbs, its elaborate and viscous auditory systems, and its terribly sharp
12:31claws, these creatures seem made to hunt humans.
12:35And their lack of eyes only increases their fear factor.
12:46Number 19, The Grays, The Chosen Ones.
12:49Although this film received mixed reviews by critics, its aliens
12:55caused a lasting impression on the public.
13:04With their thin arms, curved backs and large heads, the Grays are by no means
13:10the most fearsome aliens on our current list, but their alien anatomy is
13:16strange enough to put you in chicken skin.
13:20The real reason why they earn a place here is because of how the filmmaker decided to
13:25portray them in the story.
13:27Following the philosophy of less is more terror, the Grays never fully reveal themselves
13:32to the public and appear in silhouettes and shadows.
13:41And when you add an inclination to the mix to kidnap vulnerable humans, they go from
13:46being creepy to horrible.
13:58Number 18, Brandon Brier, Brightburn.
14:02In alien anatomy terms, there is nothing out of the ordinary here.
14:06Brandon Brier looks like an ordinary young man, however, what he is capable of doing
14:11is all the less ordinary.
14:17Produced by James Gunn, Brightburn essentially raises the question, what if Clark Kent had
14:24been evil?
14:25The story of Brandon Brier's origin reflects that of Superman from the spaceship,
14:32to rural education.
14:33However, when Brandon's powers awaken, the spaceship in which he arrived gives him an
14:38intensive course on villainy and global domination.
14:47Spooky children always bring an additional fear factor to horror movies, but
14:53the gestures, the predatory nature and the impressive skills of Brandon take him to
14:58a new level.
15:00We are glad that Superman is on our side.
15:09Number 17, the aliens, Signs.
15:13The mention of M. Night Shyamalan provokes more mocks than compliments these days, but
15:18he once promising director gave us some unforgettable scares in the sci-fi thriller
15:31Although of simplistic design, these visitors from outer space left a lasting impression
15:37in the cinephiles, who could forget the intense scene of the kitchen or the amazing
15:42images of the birthday interruption?
15:49The horror arose from what we did not see, and Shyamalan took advantage of the tension
15:53for truly memorable moments.
15:56Let's hope the splashes of water have been enough to prevent them from coming back.
16:09Number 16, Seal, Species.
16:13Embroiled genetically human DNA with alien DNA, the attractive Seal is an extraterrestrial
16:20who is not ashamed of his intentions.
16:31With an unstoppable desire to reproduce, he looks for a partner, often with deadly results.
16:37Strong, smart and with incredible regenerative capacities, Seal is as dangerous as sexy.
16:54Number 15, the aliens, also known as demons, they leave.
17:01It is a question that has tormented many enthusiasts of the extraterrestrials and theorists
17:07of the conspiracy.
17:08And if they already walk among us?
17:10In this 1988 science fiction horror and action movie, the aliens take advantage of their
17:17humanoid anatomy to pass through territories, although with the help of elaborate costumes.
17:30Like many of the movies of the filmmaker John Carpenter, They Leave took time to find
17:36their fan base, but to hell with negative reviews towards the movie.
17:41Today these aliens are recognized for what they really are, another master class
17:47more about monstrous aliens, courtesy of a legend of terror.
17:52With his blue skin, big eyes and lips without lips, these invading aliens also earned
17:57the name they were given in the credits, there they called it demons.
18:02All the sex and violence on the screen has gone too far for me, I'm fed up with it.
18:08Filmmakers like George Romero and John Carpenter have to show some restraint.
18:13Number 14, Mr. Grey, the dream hunter.
18:22Based on the novel of Stephen King, this film follows a group of friends who come across
18:27with a parasitic alien species that has the ability to possess the body of its victim,
18:33as well as to use telepathy to control it.
18:38The main alien antagonist called Mr. Grey along with several sharp-toothed alien worms
18:45seeks to populate the planet with his larvae, but it is his scary methods that make the
18:57Mr. Grey stand out and be one of the fiercest aliens on this side of the Milky Way.
19:04Number 13, the Bio-Raptors, Peach Black.
19:12Before becoming Dominic Toretto, this science fiction film gave Vin Diesel a great
19:18leading role, a mixture of science fiction, terror and action.
19:23Peach Black shows Diesel playing an ex-soldier surgically improved turned into a criminal
19:29named Riddick.
19:31This survival master hardly wins the anti-hero label, however when you suddenly find yourself
19:37surrounded by Bio-Raptors, this is the man you would like to call.
19:45The Bio-Raptors are the main predators of the arid paramo, which is the planet M6-117.
19:53These creatures look like a mixture of hammer shark, a dragon and a very twisted imagination.
20:00With its huge teeth, sharp claws and tails that are held, they have multiple ways to
20:05finish off their prey.
20:07Fortunately they are sensitive to light, but honestly that's just a little consolation.
20:18Number 12, the Killer Clowns from Outer Space.
20:23Is this a ridiculous movie?
20:25Of course, but it is also a testimony of how effective the practical effects can be
20:31when it comes to terrorizing the audience.
20:39Clowns in general tend to scare and it happened long before the Clown Panic of 2016.
20:45There is something inhuman in all their makeup and clothing.
20:48In this case, however, the clowns in this movie are in addition to the outer space,
20:54and they did not put white facial paint, it's their skin.
21:03Armed with all kinds of clown accessories such as weapons, these aliens live to cause
21:09chaos and are hungry for humans.
21:12Although this movie is a horror comedy, the practical effects used to bring the clowns
21:17to life are grotesque.
21:27Number 11, the Usurpers, Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
21:38I know they don't have the most intimidating label, but these aliens make up for it with
21:43their ways of conquering the world.
21:46After originating in the 1955 novel The Body Snatchers, the Usurpers have appeared
21:52in several film adaptations.
21:55The most terrifying appear in the 1978 version, starring Donald Sutherland.
22:04This movie offers us a point of view to this race that is quite ... strange to say
22:10it like that.
22:11What really gives them a place on our list is the way they assume the form of humans
22:16and take their place.
22:18As the Usurpers spread, they systematically identify the non-assimilated in an attempt
22:24to replace all of humanity.
22:27And that scream will haunt you long after the final credits appear.
22:42Number 10, the gray aliens, Extraterrestrial.
22:46We already know what happens when, in a horror movie, a group of friends decide to meet
22:52to celebrate in a cabin in the middle of the forest.
23:01And as if these aliens were not threatening enough, killing one of them did not help
23:07the group's chances of survival.
23:14The pure brutality that these aliens unleash on these unfortunate victims makes us doubt
23:21the idea of ​​exploring other planets.
23:27Number 9, the arachnids, Starship Troopers franchise.
23:32We know, the CGI of this franchise is not the best.
23:38While the movies may seem a bit outdated, Starship Troopers achieved something that
23:43you could never achieve using practical effects, a swarm of aliens.
23:48Honestly, the arachnids would have gotten a place on this list just for their size
23:58and number.
23:59However, what places us among the first 10 is the fact that they are quite organized
24:04and although they may not seem like it, they are also very advanced.
24:07These arachnids have an equivalent for almost all human technologies, and it is this impressive
24:13variety of skills that makes these creatures so scary.
24:29Number 8, the aliens, War of the Worlds.
24:33This alien invasion story is so terrifying that in 1938 only the radio drama was enough
24:40for some listeners to panic.
24:43The iconic story of H.G. Wells has been adapted several times over the years, but the aliens
24:50had their greatest impact so far in the adaptation of 2005.
25:01Directed by Steven Spielberg, the 2005 War of the Worlds has an epic scale, with extraterrestrials
25:08at the height.
25:09Although the invaders were labeled as Martians in previous versions of the story, Spielberg
25:16decided to hide their origins to increase their fear factor.
25:19And it is not that they will need it.
25:24From its creepy design to its huge war machines, and the way in which they reuse
25:30the human bodies, these aliens are the worst nightmare on earth.
25:42Number 7, the Argo, Slytherin.
25:45James Gunn reappears on our list, this time with a race of alien parasites.
25:52These creepy and repulsive creatures from another world have several ways to inspire
25:58In their most rudimentary form, similar to a slug, they are quite vulnerable.
26:03But when they work together, it's just a matter of time before one of them finds
26:07a suitable host.
26:09The parasite in the heart of this alien race is the most grotesque of all.
26:15Known as the Argo, it takes possession of a host and makes it mutate into a mass of
26:20tentacles, strange growths and pus.
26:24In the end, the original host becomes almost unrecognizable.
26:32This is a close encounter that we would prefer not to have.
26:36Number 6, Eso, It's franchise.
26:47We bet you didn't expect to see clowns again on this list, or maybe you did, in
26:52whose case, congratulations, you really know about space clowns.
27:03This iconic creation of Stephen King is best known for taking the form of Pennywise from
27:08Dancing Clown.
27:09With its wide variety of skills and its almost unlimited power, it has terrified more than
27:14a generation of cinephiles.
27:28But this monster is more than just a simple clown that changes shape, it is an entity
27:33that goes back millions of years and that one day crashed into the earth.
27:38Since then, it has tormented the people of Derry and its predecessors, and lives on a
27:43scale of fear and unfortunate victims.
27:54Number 5, the extraterrestrials, Fire in the Sky.
27:57We would expect our first contact with extraterrestrials to be like this.
28:07The extraterrestrial beings in Fire in the Sky have a somewhat simple look and do not
28:11seem very threatening, but what makes them terrifying is the way in which they carry out
28:17horrible and painful experiments like those that Travis Walton goes through.
28:22This is the type of abduction that nightmares are made of.
28:26Let's hope that if the aliens want to study us, it is through a friendly conversation
28:31and not in a operating room.
28:41Number 4, the gray aliens, VHS 2.
28:45What begins as a fun meeting with a group of teenagers who record their adorable
28:51Yorkie, becomes a nightmare in this sequel to VHS.
29:01The camera captures every terrifying second while the boys are kidnapped one by one.
29:12Deceived by flashing lights and sirens, the children head to the police, but in the end
29:18they fall into the trap of the gray aliens, and we see a last terrifying image of how
29:24they take it while their dying dog breathes for the last time.
29:29All this leaves us speechless and what we think about space travel seems less and less
29:35attractive with every moment that passes.
29:45Number 3, The Predator, Predator franchise.
29:55The aliens in the movies often fit into one of two categories, those that look like
30:01aggressive and grumpy animals, and then there are the mysterious technologically advanced
30:06kidnappers .
30:07The Predator, however, is a totally different thing.
30:18True to their name, they are master predators who live to hunt, but they do it with super-advanced
30:25This combination makes them a force to be feared, their code of honor will not prevent them from following
30:31their prey.
30:32The Yautja usually camouflage themselves very well and remain masked, however when
30:38a predator finally reveals his true face, well, it is quite difficult to forget.
30:49Number 2, The Thing, John Carpenter did something special with the aliens
30:55in Daily, but his greatest gift for science fiction is undoubtedly The Thing or La Cosa,
31:01both with the movie and with his creature.
31:03La Cosa is a creature that changes shape and that can not only imitate them, but also
31:20assimilate them to their biomass.
31:22At one point you can pretend to be your friend, the next moment that familiar face has mutated
31:28into something horrible, unimaginable and lethal.
31:32The worst of all is that it has the ability to survive even after being cut into several
31:39Even when you believe that you have destroyed it, it is very possible that a part of the
31:53extraterrestrial threat will go alive, waiting to restart the cycle of violence.
31:59We have not reached the end yet, but almost, just make sure to subscribe to our channel
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32:07Very well, let's see our position number 1.
32:11Number 1, The Xenomorphs, Alien franchise.
32:19This iconic alien species has managed to maintain the monopoly of the word alien for
32:25its franchise.
32:26It has inspired countless notable imitators, such as the extraterrestrial The Faculty,
32:38but honestly no other creature is close to it.
32:41Designed by the Swiss artist H. R. Geywer, the Xenomorph is a pure amalgam of the greatest
32:48fears and anxieties of humanity.
32:50It is serpentine, resembles human anatomy and is capable of implanting in its guest
32:55a deadly parasite.
33:00This primitive and predatory species apparently exists only to cause pain, and although they
33:05are terrifying in all their forms, the Xenomorph is the purest and most terrifying creation
33:10found in a film directed by Ridley Scott.
33:14Its place in the history of terror, cinema and our nightmares has been earned with a
33:19lot of reason.
33:20There is nothing more terrifying than the Xenomorph.
33:27The terrifying aliens have been a basic element of cinema since its inception.
33:33Has any of your favorite aliens been eliminated from our list?
33:37Tell us in the comments.
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