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ما هي أكثر أمراض المخ شيوعًا وكيف تؤثر على الصحة العقلية؟

المزيد من التفاصيل والفيديوهات اشترك في قناتنا علي اليوتيوب وتابعونا على الصفحات الرسميه مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ↓↓↓↓
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00:00The truth is that the diseases of the nervous system are very common, and their symptoms are very severe.
00:06But let's divide them into two very broad areas.
00:12Movement and sensory.
00:14The central nervous system is located in the brain and in the spinal cord.
00:18It produces signals to the muscles, movement, and from the whole body, sensory signals.
00:25So let's say that it is simply a part of a part of movement and a part of sensory.
00:28If I have any problem with my movement, I move my arm, I move half of my body, my lower limbs, my hands, my fingers, anywhere.
00:36This is the part of movement.
00:38The sensory part is also of two types.
00:40The general sensory part, such as the palm of your hand, a pillow, tingling,
00:45like the diseases of the central nervous system in diabetes patients.
00:48You feel tingling in your legs, especially when you go to sleep at night.
00:52The first part is the sensory part.
00:54What is the sensory part?
00:56It is the five senses that we have.
00:58The five senses are the general sense, the touch,
01:02the taste, the smell, the hearing, and the sight.
01:09Anything in these four senses is related to the diseases of the central nervous system.
01:13Okay, I'm a doctor, and when I hear something, do I need a neurosurgeon or an ear doctor?
01:18When I don't see well with my eyes, do I need a neurosurgeon or an ear doctor?
01:23Because there is a part of the vision that is related to a neurosurgeon.
01:27For example, your patient has white water.
01:30A neurosurgeon.
01:31A patient has a network problem.
01:32A neurosurgeon.
01:33For example, a patient has a problem with the optic nerve.
01:35A neurosurgeon.
01:36With a neurosurgeon, too.
01:37But what is the difference between them?
01:38Let me go to the neurosurgeon first, and the neurosurgeon will be able to treat him later.
01:41A patient does not hear.
01:42Do I have a problem with my brain or my hearing?
01:44A patient does not hear.
01:45The neurosurgeon goes to the ear first, and then if he has a problem with his ear,
01:48he does not have a problem with the central nervous system,
01:51he will go to the neurosurgeon.
