• 2 days ago
00:001. Do it immediately when you think of it, or the inspiration will disappear instantly.
00:102. Do the god thing first.
00:153. Change the method when it doesn't work. Just do it when you need to.
00:224. Even if it's hard, you still have to go the way of life.
00:275. Make a decisive prayer to confirm if it's the will of the god.
00:346. The value of creation and the value of use.
00:397. You have to act according to the characteristics of the master, so that there will be no conflict between each other.
00:478. If you don't understand the will of the only god of omnipotence, Yehehua, you will suffer and torture yourself.
00:569. The more God, Holy Spirit, Holy Son and Jesus do for you,
01:03the more you have to use, thank, rejoice, love and treat them with value,
01:08so that they will be happy to communicate with you because you understand their will.
01:1510. Do you know?
01:1810. Do you know? Before I created the Moon Cave, I experienced hundreds of pains.
01:25Even the people who followed me were criticized and insulted, ignoring me.
01:30Even if everything is done, those who want to leave or leave,
01:36the rest of the people continue to follow and use happily.
01:40This is also the case in this era.
01:4311. You have to do it in the end to complete it and get it.
01:48The thought of God and Holy Spirit is a blessing. Get it through practice.
01:5512. Even if it is God's will,
01:59at first you will feel pain, fear, fear, and anxiety because you do not understand.
02:06However, after completion, you will experience happiness, joy, gratitude, online glory and witness.
02:1513. God and Holy Spirit will help those who should help, love you, like you and guide you on the way you should go,
02:23but you do not understand. Even if you get help, you still feel disappointed,
02:28feel that they are not satisfied with your prayers, and are constantly centered on yourself.
02:3514. Remember all the Moon Cave words conveyed by God and Holy Spirit through the teacher.
02:47Then take a precious view and use the Moon Cave.
02:52The more you experience its preciousness and use it, the more you will be created and used as it is.
03:0115. Good should be good and succeed.
03:05Whether on earth or in the spirit world, you will always enjoy with God, Holy Spirit, and Holy Son.
03:1516. Although the process is very painful,
03:17you will experience all this in order to achieve your goal, but you will still be holy.
03:22Believe it! Will it not be successful if all-knowing and all-powerful God Yehehua and Holy Spirit work together?
03:30Do you want to do it?
03:3317. Is it so hard to believe that all-knowing and all-powerful God and Holy Spirit work together?
03:40In this way, how difficult it will be for your God to believe you?
03:46Even so, God still believes in you.
03:49This means that He is really all-powerful, isn't it?
03:52Love each other and trust each other to act.
03:5718. If what you do is not God's will, even if the matter is as big as a mountain, God will not agree.
04:06If it is God's will, even if the matter is small, God will definitely agree.
04:1319. When someone lives a heavenly life, he does not thank God, Holy Spirit, and Lord, and he is not happy.
04:21Only when he endures hellish pain will he understand and thank God.
04:26God said, I knew it would be like this.
04:3020. Do you know how much God and Holy Spirit love you and help you?
04:36If you know, you won't turn around and leave.
04:3921. You made a wrong judgment.
04:41Usually, faith can kill you or save you.
04:45You have to do it.
04:4922. You see, you hear, you use, you use,
04:53but you don't understand its preciousness, don't understand the profound meaning of all-powerful God and Holy Spirit,
04:59so you live a life without hope.
05:02All-powerful God will manifest through everything and people.
05:09You have to listen to the story to understand God, Holy Spirit, Holy Son, Jesus and the teacher,
05:16to understand the miracle, and to truly understand God's will.
05:21To understand the precious things and be grateful, happy, and happy.
05:2823. The life of those who understand and those who do not understand,
05:32the things you think, the things you get, and the behavior are different.
05:39If there is a misunderstanding, you will hate people and turn your heart into hell.
05:45It's because you don't know, so you misunderstand.
05:5125. God, Holy Spirit and that one are always with you.
05:55But if you don't believe it, you will still be alone.
06:0226. Even if it's urgent, don't panic and do it.
06:0627. Because you have met the Lord who has been waiting for 2,000 years and lived with God,
06:15so even if it's hard, you still have a sense of accomplishment and are very grateful to God, aren't you? Amen.
06:2428. Who is your hope? Once you lose hope, you will despair, frustrate, and give up.
06:3329. Even if you make mistakes, laziness, and don't understand the value and don't do it,
06:40I will do it for you because I love you.
06:43Don't worry about who I am. Let's start working hard now.
06:4930. If you don't understand, compared to calling God,
06:53first observe the good people in front of you and follow them.
06:58This is basic wisdom.
07:0031. On the way I walked, because the ground cracked and I sat on the ground,
07:07I found that water was flowing out and the sky was falling.
07:11I found God's will and blessings.
07:1632. Just look at one aspect and do it.
07:19Later, it will cause other problems because of that.
07:2433. I follow the will, looking at the future, but some people only look at the present, even the bad comments.
07:33Look at those who are deluded by their own friendship and later fall.
07:4234. Do it when you can.
07:4535. You can't do it when the time comes. The time is God.
07:50It's easy to do it with the time.
07:53When the time of history comes, people will appear.
07:5836. Because you don't understand, compared to calling God,
08:03I will do it for you because I love you.
08:06This is basic wisdom.
08:09When the time comes, people will appear.
08:1436. Because you don't understand, you have nothing to do.
08:18Your fate is like a fire. It looks terrible.
08:23And God teaches you. How great this grace is!
08:27How grateful it is!
08:30Listen and read God's words.
08:3337. All-knowing God, Holy Spirit and Jesus do too much,
08:40so that people often can't understand and faint.
08:45Those things will eventually be as successful as the Moon Cave.
08:49When I built the Moon Cave,
08:52I was also greatly shocked and hellishly painful.
08:5738. That's a piece of heaven's history
09:01accompanied by hellish pain and confusion.
09:0539. History is not about pre-knowing the future
09:10and spreading the word of God and action.
09:13It's about thinking in anxiety.
09:15If it goes well, it can expand.
09:19If it goes well, it will develop well.
09:23This is God's secret.
09:25At that time, we were like being in a dark cave.
09:3040. If you don't understand,
09:33your mind and heart will suffer like hell.
09:37When you understand, you can feel the joy of heaven.