• 2 days ago
There's no escaping the clutches of these grim horror flicks.


00:00The world of horror is a cruel, cruel beast when it comes to the unfortunate characters who find
00:05themselves terrorized and tormented by whatever particular threat is rearing its sinister head.
00:10Whether it's miffed ghosts, the shuffling undead, savage creatures, or one of the plentiful other
00:15familiar big bad tropes, the villain of the piece is forever out to kill off all who get in its way.
00:20Whilst there's usually a victim or two who survive these movies, there are those rare
00:24examples where the crazed presence at the center of a picture does the unthinkable
00:29and actually succeeds in slaughtering each and every one of its targets.
00:33So, with that in mind, I'm Ellie for WhatCulture and here are Horror Movies Where No One Survives.
00:40Receiving its premiere in 2011 before a low-key release the following year,
00:46British horror film Inbred is definitely a picture that will stick with you long
00:50after its 90-minute runtime is up.
00:52Is Inbred particularly great? Well, that's questionable.
00:55What makes this Alex Chandon-helmed offering stand out, though,
00:59is its brimming with gratuitous, gruesome gore.
01:02Even now, over a decade since its release,
01:05Inbred remains a surprisingly jarring watch for those who've chosen to revisit it.
01:09Plot-wise, the movie centres on four troubled youths who are taken to a small Yorkshire village
01:14to carry out community service under the supervision of their two caretakers.
01:18But soon enough, the group find themselves not exactly welcomed with open arms by the
01:23locals of the area, as it turns out the residents of said village like to brutalise any visitors
01:28in spectacular fashion.
01:30By that, it means that outsiders are kidnapped and then used as part of a creepy stage show
01:35put on by the locals for the locals, with such shows ultimately resulting in the death of these
01:41star attractions.
01:42Whether it's by chainsaw, gun, trampled by a horse, or even force-fed literal excrement
01:47until you burst, all six of Inbred's protagonists wind up dead.
01:52House of a Thousand Corpses
01:54Rob Zombie's directorial debut, House of a Thousand Corpses,
01:57infamously introduced the world to the Firefly family, a clan of twisted, murderous sorts.
02:03The Firefly crew would of course go on to cause chaos and carnage for a further two movies,
02:09with even their purported demise at the end of The Devil's Rejects not slowing them down enough
02:13to stop them rearing their heads once more in 2019's Three from Hell.
02:18As House of a Thousand Corpses opens up, the attention is on four friends travelling
02:22cross-country in order to pen a book on the most unique roadside attractions and events.
02:27Upon hearing from Captain Spaulding about the twisted legend of Doctor Satan,
02:31our buddies venture off to learn more about this sinister figure.
02:35Unfortunately for them, damage to their car means an initially warm stay at the
02:40nearby home of the Fireflies.
02:42By the end of Zombie's 2003 offering, the four friends become merely just another few
02:47notches on the Firefly family's bloody bedpost.
02:50For Bill, he's killed and sculpted into a fish boy.
02:53Mary is erratically, fatally stabbed by Baby.
02:56Jerry is tortured to death by the aforementioned Doctor Satan,
03:00and poor, poor Denise is maniacally hunted down by the Fireflies
03:04before she's last seen being operated on and presumably killed by Doc Satan.
03:11For every positive of social media, there are a handful of negatives,
03:15all usually due to the usual sort of idiots who have to ruin things for everyone else.
03:20In 2014's Unfriended, it's Facebook that's in the crosshairs,
03:24as a group of high school pals all end up dead by the time the picture rolls to a close.
03:28To set the stage, poor Laura Barnes took her own life after a video was circulated
03:33on Facebook of her drunkenly passed out and having soiled herself.
03:36Skip ahead a year, and the friends involved in recording Laura are now
03:40seemingly haunted by her spirit.
03:42Being a tech-driven horror film, these hauntings actually play out through Skype chats,
03:47with Laura exacting revenge from beyond the grave and tormenting her supposed BFFs.
03:52By the time the penny drops that the mysterious, murderous,
03:55Billy227 Skype user really is somehow the presence of Laura,
03:59it's too late for our core cast of teens, with them all winding up dead via bleach,
04:04blender, gunshot, and, um, a curling iron shoved down the throat.
04:08Best of all, Laura then uploads the truth of this entire situation to Facebook herself,
04:13as the film ends with this miffed spirit lunging towards the camera.
04:17The Texas Chainsaw Massacre The Beginning
04:20The Texas Chainsaw Massacre The Beginning has one of the great so-near-but-so-far
04:25final kills, with Leatherface appearing in the backseat of an escaping car to slice up Chrissy.
04:31As a movie, the beginning is bang average, at best.
04:34But with the slaughtering of Chrissy, Leatherface had finished his job and
04:37made sure that the picture had zero survivors.
04:40This 2006 prequel picture details how Thomas Hewitt became Leatherface,
04:45and the film opens with an early death as Thomas's mother dies while giving
04:49birth to the future chainsaw enthusiast.
04:51From there, the now-adult Tommy kills his boss before then getting the chance to carve up five
04:56pretty young things by the time The Beginning wraps up, the last of these being the aforementioned
05:02Away from that, Leatherface also manages to kill off a couple of cops as audiences got
05:06to see Thomas Hewitt blossom into the butcher poster boy of the Texas Chainsaw franchise.
05:11As of this recording, Leatherface has been seen to have killed a total of 55 people,
05:17and The Beginning was the picture that first gave us a glimpse at the maniac's formative years.
05:222001 Maniacs
05:24A loose remake of a 1964 movie that was inspired by a 1940s musical,
05:29Tim Sullivan's 2001 Maniacs is a great little popcorn horror flick.
05:34Set in the Georgia town of Pleasant Valley, this picture finds six college kids and a few bikers
05:39stumble upon said town just as the annual Guts and Glory celebrations are taking place
05:44to pay tribute to the American Civil War.
05:46In reality, the 2001 Maniacs of the title were the 2001 Confederate soldiers killed
05:52during that war, and Pleasant Valley itself is actually a cemetery site.
05:56After all, but two of our protagonists are slaughtered in some truly gruesome ways.
06:00The reveal of Pleasant Valley's truth is made once those two survivors manage
06:04to make it out of the town and to a nearby sheriff's office.
06:07There, the duo are informed that Pleasant Valley no longer exists,
06:10and that the site is nowadays a graveyard.
06:13Rightfully freaked out, our heroic pair pile onto a motorbike and drive off into the sunset,
06:18only to then be decapitated by a well-placed slice of barbed wire.
06:22With that, every one of this 2005 movie's key characters are nicely killed off.
06:28The Dyatlov Pass Incident
06:30From director Renny Harlin, as in The Helm of the Likes of Die Hard 2,
06:34Deep Blue Sea, Cliffhanger, and A Nightmare on Ell Street 4,
06:37the Dyatlov Pass Incident is loosely based on the real-life deaths and
06:41disappearances of nine hikers in 1959.
06:45In regards to the loosely-based angle here, Harlin uses these disappearances as the
06:50launching point for a film that goes utterly nuts and throws time-travelling,
06:54mutants, and time-travelling mutants into the equation.
06:58Also known as Devil's Pass in some markets, this 2013 film focuses on five modern-day
07:04American students who head to the snowy Russian mountains where the events of 59 reportedly took
07:10place. Desperate to unravel the truth behind this mystery, three of the group wind up dead
07:15during the early goings of the picture, and the remaining duo then encounter the aforementioned
07:20mutants. Trapped in a minuscule bunker, the pair of Jensen and Holly have screeching
07:25beasts outside their door as a strange wormhole appears in their tiny temporary safe haven.
07:31Left with no choice, the two opt to step through the wormhole and end up sent back to 1959.
07:37As a result of this time-travelling, Jensen and Holly have mutated as the realisation kicks in
07:42that they are indeed the exact same mutants who had been stalking their future selves in the present.
07:49So yeah, the Dyatlov Pass Incident is definitely a weird one from Renny Harlin.
07:54Cabin Fever
07:55While some critics pandered Cabin Fever as a stereotypical horror film that treaded too
08:00closely to humour, it deserves to be respected as a darkly comic homage to low-budget horrors and
08:06gory bonanzas that came before it. You know when you're watching a film by Hostel's Eli Roth that
08:11things are going to get bloody, and get bloody fast. The film follows a group of college teens
08:16escaping the stresses of college life by spending spring break in a remote cabin in the woods. Who
08:21needs beaches when you can have desolate horror cabins? As they enjoy their holiday of debauchery,
08:26an infectious disease carried by a tainted water supply is being spread by less-than-accommodating
08:32locals and eventually between the survivors. One by one, each of the cabin-goers is taken
08:37out by this infection that appears to be sexually transmitted. By the finale,
08:42only drunken coward Jeff remains, who had hidden and drank off-screen for a solid portion of the
08:47movie. Perhaps the only final death on this list that audiences found satisfying, an initially
08:52devastated but now celebratory Jeff is dispatched by the corrupt sheriff. Meanwhile, the townsfolk
08:58begin to sell lemonade and a truck filled with tainted water drives away, leaving us to
09:02pessimistically think who will be infected next. The Final Destination series. Final Destinations
09:081 and 2 must be disqualified as there are a handful of survivors canonically left alive by
09:14the time the credits roll. Luckily, these films follow exactly the same three-step plot. Protagonist
09:20has vision, vision saves people, death is pissed. Where the variety and most definitely the
09:25watchability comes from is both the different initial deadly disaster and the various ways
09:30death rights the wrongs. In the final three movies, the disasters are a gnarly rollercoaster
09:35crash, an insane NASCAR pile-up, and a terrifying bridge collapse. Meanwhile, each film's survivors
09:41are saved by the clairvoyance of Wendy, Nick, and Sam, respectively. In extremely entertaining
09:47fashion, one by one the survivors are killed by natural accidents. Heavy emphasis on the term
09:53natural here, such as car crashes, botched eye surgery in a rogue lawnmower, and stone.
09:59However, the cherry on top of this ridiculously extravagant death cake is that when each group
10:04of final survivors think they've outplayed death, they are proved very wrong. Firstly,
10:08the remaining rollercoaster crew are thrown mercilessly from a runaway subway cart. Next,
10:14our NASCAR buddies are hit by a massive truck while sipping coffees. And finally,
10:18our bridge brigade board the same flight that crashes to start off the franchise. No one cheats
10:24death. Quarantine. So here's the thing with this entry. Quarantine and its Spanish predecessor Wreck
10:30are essentially the same film in two different languages. Because of this, the original Wreck
10:35is the superior film. However, for those that want to watch a horror film without having to
10:40translate, Quarantine is a more than adequate English counterpart. Both are harrowing found
10:45footage films that get progressively more chilling, but for this list, Quarantine has
10:50the advantage of leaving no survivors. Both films follow a camera crew and their subject,
10:55a firefighting station, as they are called out to an emergency in an apartment building,
11:00and once they find themselves there, are locked inside before they can complete their job.
11:04Once there, they slowly but surely find the apartment building ravaged with infected,
11:09rabid residents who want to infect and kill anything in its path. One by one, the fighters,
11:14crew, and remaining residents are taken out, all whilst Angela and her cameraman film in
11:19shocked horror. Eventually, they are cornered in the penthouse building by a spine-tingling creature
11:24that butchers the cameraman, and in the film's final shot, drags a sobbing Angela to her demise.
11:3028 Weeks Later For years, there have been whispers that
11:34Danny Boyle's stellar duology of The Infected would become a trilogy. Many beg that day to come,
11:40but until then, 28 Weeks Later remains the final entry in the series. In fashion with the series,
11:46Boyle gives us a disturbing ending of hopelessness to round off an enthralling film. For the first
11:52half, 28 Weeks Later follows Robert Carlyle's Don, a survivor forced to leave his wife and
11:57friends behind in the Hope Sanctuary. Perhaps the most intense start to a movie ever, where all but
12:03Don dies should have given everyone a clue for what was to come, but hindsight is 20-20.
12:08Eventually, Don is reunited with his children and his wife, perplexed but grateful about her
12:14survival. Yay! Well, the yays stop here, sadly. Don's wife is a carrier, and one kiss later,
12:20Don is infected and brutally beats his tied-down wife to death. The perspective switches to the
12:25young two children, who are forced to flee with military members played by Rose Byrne and
12:30Avengers' own Jeremy Renner, whilst Old Papa spreads the infection through the quarantined
12:36London. Hawkeye is burned alive whilst Byrne is beaten to death with her own gun, whilst Don is
12:41eventually shot by his own daughter and the siblings are flown to safety. The final shot
12:46shows an empty chopper and an overran Paris. Bleak isn't strong enough a word.
12:51The Blair Witch Project For those just now experiencing the
12:55horror genre, you will never truly understand how innovative and ingenious The Blair Witch Project
13:01was at the turn of the century. Whilst horror was largely going down a campy, self-aware route
13:06thanks to Scream, Blair Witch offered fans the found-footage genre, where the experience felt
13:12real and terror and paranoia were at the top of the agenda. The frightening flick follows three
13:17friends, Heather, Josh and Mike, who, like in Paranormal Activity, were played by themselves,
13:23hiking through a creepy forest on the hunt for local legend, the titular Blair Witch.
13:28Though things start out innocently, soon things go bump in the night and the crew lose all sight
13:33of their bearings. Josh is suddenly lost and following hearing his screams, Heather finds
13:38fragments of Josh, including his shirt, teeth and tongue, by a tree. With one down, it was just a
13:43matter of time before the duo would become separated. They once again follow Josh's screams
13:48to an abandoned house. Have they learned nothing from horror movies? And Mike is attacked off-screen.
13:54When Heather finds him, Mike is standing facing the wall, possessed in what has become an iconic
13:59shot in horror history. Heather resigns to her fate, recording a farewell before being attacked.
14:05Never track a witch, kids. Dawn of the Dead
14:08When Zack Snyder watched the original Dawn of the Dead, you can just imagine him saying,
14:13it's good, but I wish it was more badass. In 2004, Snyder and James Gunn brought that
14:19vision to life with an awesome, action-packed and quirky zombie extravaganza. The story mainly
14:25follows Anna, who goes from timid nurse to Final Girl material in record time. Snyder right away
14:31showed he'd be pulling no punches by doing a truly rare trope in horror movies, killing a small child.
14:37The first zombie we see is an adorable little girl, who adorably rips Anna's husband's
14:41throats out with merciless power and ungodly speed that will make you jump every single time.
14:48It appears Snyder saw shambling corpses and once again went,
14:52more badass, leading us to some of the most terrifying zombies on the big screen.
14:56Eventually, a group forms within a shopping mall, and after realising they can't stay there,
15:01turn buses into deathmobiles and head out to the docks to ride Steve's boat off into the sunset.
15:07Obviously, things go awry, and after chainsaws, zombies, explosions and secret zombie bites,
15:13we're left with a small pocket of survivors. However, just when you think they're safe,
15:18the credits turn to found footage, which shows the survivors out of gas, pulling up to an island,
15:24crawling with zombies. There's no way they're getting out of that one.
15:31Night of the Living Dead is filmmaker George A. Romero's revolutionary horror masterpiece.
15:36It's the film that changed how horror was seen and made,
15:39and its influence on horror cinema is still prevalent to this day.
15:43A group tries to take shelter in a farmhouse and end up fighting for survival
15:47as the dead begin to rise. The movie is over 50 years old, but it remains an incredibly
15:53influential one. It was the first time a horror picture was led by an African-American actor,
15:58and it was one peppered with sociopolitical commentary.
16:01But it's the shocking way in which the film ends that made audiences gasp.
16:06Ben, the last survivor of the zombie hordes, leaves the farmhouse for supposed safety,
16:11and is shot by armed men after being mistaken for a ghoul.
16:15The Crazies, 2010
16:17Whilst you can argue that the 2010 remake of The Crazies isn't quite a zombie movie,
16:22the actual concept and structure certainly makes it feel like one.
16:26Based on the 1973 George A. Romero movie of the same name, this 2010 effort deals
16:32with a small group of survivors attempting to work together to escape the town and the Crazies.
16:37Structurally, it has all the hallmarks of your typical zombie experience,
16:41except here the infection isn't passed through bites. It's ingested thanks to
16:46a weaponized biological agent that's accidentally found its way into the town's water supply.
16:52Unlike other similar movies where the survivors escape and leave behind a location still filled
16:57with the infected, The Crazies features a nuclear bomb being dropped to destroy the town
17:03and hopefully all remnants of the agent.
17:05Timothy Oliphant and Radha Mitchell's surviving couple is seen walking away
17:09towards a new city when the film ends. That is, until a satellite spots them
17:14and the chilling on-screen text suddenly reads,
17:17Initiate Containment Protocol, basically sealing the pair's fate.
17:21A mid-credits news report sequence also shows footage of soldiers battling with
17:25the infected in the aftermath of the explosion.
17:28Wreck 3, Genesis
17:30Wreck 3 is the third installment in the Spanish-found footage horror franchise
17:34and acts as both a prequel and a parallel to the original two movies.
17:39Also, surprisingly, it's the first in the franchise that suddenly decides to switch
17:43to traditional filming about a third of the way into the movie.
17:47It's Koldo and Clara's wedding day and the celebrations are abruptly interrupted
17:52when an infected veterinarian, which connects the movies,
17:55becomes aggressive and starts biting the other guests.
17:58It's a blood-soaked affair and Koldo and Clara, now infected herself,
18:03share one last kiss before they're gunned down by police outside the venue
18:07as it becomes the subject of a quarantine.
18:10Pet Sematary, 1989
18:12When the Creed family move into their new home in Ludlow, Maine,
18:16they were probably hoping for a lot less reanimation.
18:19After the family cat is killed on the highway outside their home,
18:23neighbor Judd suggests that family patriarch Lewis takes it beyond the Pet Sematary near
18:28their property and buries it in an ancient Native American burial ground.
18:32He does, and the following day, the once-dead cat arrives back at the home alive,
18:37but not quite right.
18:39Later, the young Gage Creed dies in a horrific accident on the highway,
18:43and Lewis, against all warnings, buries his son in the same place.
18:48Gage returns with malevolence and kills both the neighbor and his mother.
18:53Lewis fights off his reanimated son, finally injecting him with morphine to kill him,
18:58and he takes his wife's body to the cemetery to bring her back.
19:02She obliges and, in her undead state,
19:04comes back and stabs Lewis to death as the screen goes black.
19:09Pontypool, 2011
19:10In 2011's Canadian horror Pontypool, we hear a lot more than we see.
19:15The town of Pontypool has been quarantined. The French transmission, once translated,
19:20instructs listeners to stay indoors and to avoid using the English language and other
19:25certain phrases. This is discovered to be the source of this strange virus,
19:30and all those who hear it are changed.
19:32Grant discovers that by manipulating language, you can control it and help anyone infected,
19:38even helping to reverse the symptoms altogether.
19:41However, the local authorities have different plans and decide to blow up the radio station
19:46to prevent any further spread.
19:48Later, it was confirmed by news reports that the quarantine was a failure,
19:52and the virus just kept on spreading.
19:54The movie plays out like a bottle episode of a TV show, and it's a very creative way
19:58of telling a zombie-themed story, and one which you can imagine the apocalyptic
20:03nightmare sitting just outside those doors.
20:05Day of the Dead 2, Contagion
20:08The oft lambasted Day of the Dead 2, Contagion, was a direct-to-video effort
20:12from co-directors Anna Clavel and James Duddleson.
20:16It was confusingly marketed to the general public as both a sequel and prequel to that
20:21of George A. Romero's 1985 zombie-threequel Day of the Dead,
20:25despite having nothing to do with the original film whatsoever.
20:29A group of patients and their doctor discover a strange thermos buried out in their hospital yard.
20:35Once opened, it releases a deadly virus into the building,
20:39turning the infected into flesh-starving ghouls.
20:42Contagion is a movie built with low-budget, run-of-the-mill zombie action,
20:46and by the movie's lackluster conclusion,
20:49almost everyone in the hospital has been infected, bar a few survivors.
20:53Some of the already-infected try to pressure these survivors into turning themselves,
20:58but with a suicidal sacrifice, the last man standing
21:01makes it impossible for him to become one of the living dead.
21:05Stating that, quote,
21:06"...in the end, the only way to truly defeat death is by the act of dying."
21:12Dead Set
21:13If you were told that there was a zombie TV series taking place on the set of Big Brother
21:16without knowing about Dead Set, you would probably think it was some sort of dark comedy
21:20in a similar vein to Shaun of the Dead, right?
21:22Well, as it turns out, Dead Set is not only super intense, but also incredibly depressing.
21:26The show was always full of brutal and nerve-wracking encounters with the undead,
21:29but the series finale managed to crank its levels of brutality to the absolute maximum.
21:33The series ends with the mansion being overrun by the zombie horde,
21:36which kill every single character you've grown to love or care for
21:39over the course of the show, one by one.
21:41The scene where hero Kelly convinces Space to let her out of the diary room,
21:44hoping to make a run for it only so that she can get immediately swarmed by the horde,
21:47is so shockingly bleak.
21:49It goes to show you how hopeless their fight for survival was from the very beginning.
21:52And to add more salt to your tears,
21:54the final shot of the episode shows zombie Space and Kelly looking at each other through the camera.
21:59Midnight Mass
22:00Midnight Mass is a captivating horror story about the isolated community of Crockett Island,
22:05which begins to experience all kinds of supernatural phenomena
22:08after the arrival of a mysterious priest.
22:10The show's finale is fiery and gruesome, but also oddly heartwarming,
22:13and not just because of the flames.
22:14By episode 7, the entire population of Crockett Island has either been killed or turned into
22:19vampires, save for the few survivors who want to prevent the monsters from ever leaving the island.
22:23Father Paul's flock falls under the control of a fanatical Bev who wants to burn down the island,
22:27but leave the church and the recreation center to shelter the vampires from sunlight.
22:31The survivors try to destroy the buildings, but ultimately fail and get killed.
22:34Their sacrifice is not in vain, however,
22:36as it awakens something in the undead congregation that quickly turn against Bev.
22:40Consequently, the people burn down the church and the rec center,
22:43and then prepare themselves for the upcoming sunrise, singing in unison.
22:46In the end, only two kids, Liza and Warren, survive the island's destruction by escaping
22:51on Warren's boat, and their departure means that Crockett Island will forever
22:54remain an empty and destroyed ghost town.
22:58In terms of its premise, Shiki scares a few similarities with Midnight Mass.
23:01Both shows are about isolated communities becoming breeding grounds for vampires,
23:05and both of them end up with their communities being burned down completely when the tensions
23:08between the living and the undead reach their climax.
23:10But the main difference between the shows is that here,
23:12the show actually tries to make its audience sympathize with the vampires a little bit.
23:16The town folk turned into the titular Shiki are shown to have retained most of their human
23:20qualities, and they appear to only just want to survive in this world, just like the rest of the
23:24This is why when the Shiki's existence becomes exposed and the humans decide to kill them all,
23:27the carnage that ensues hits the viewer especially hard.
23:30Pretty much every single scene during the burning down of the town of Sotaba shows its
23:34vampiric citizens getting staked, burned, and even tortured by their own family members.
23:38At the end of the final episode, we see Saishin and Tsunako driving away from the carnage.
23:42Though they make it out of the town with their own lives,
23:44the town's destruction is a clear sign that they can never escape humanity's wrath.
23:49Strangers from Hell
23:50Strangers from Hell is a brilliant Korean thriller about a young man living in a
23:54dormitory with a cast of strange neighbors, all of whom seem to be hiding a dark secret.
23:58The show does an amazing job at portraying the issues of modern Korean society,
24:01exposing the pressure it exudes on its poor and destitute members,
24:05all while delivering a truly tense and disturbing story with a twist that is sure to blow anyone's
24:09mind. The story of the main character, Yoon Yong-woo, was bound to end with murder and
24:13death, but no one expected that it would be him who would be killing his creepy neighbors.
24:17To be fair, the show was building up to this moment,
24:19leaving plenty of clues as to why he would become an unhinged killer. We see how much
24:22he is struggling with his past and how nobody in the present seems to treat his concerns seriously,
24:26and this is why, ultimately, he falls for Moon Yeol's brainwashing, and why he ends up killing
24:30the psychotic dentist along with his neighbors. The show pulls off an incredible twist by revealing
24:34that it was the protagonist that was the killer all along, all the while delivering an important,
24:38but very disturbing message.
24:40Terror Season 1
24:41The Terror is a brilliant retelling of the tragic events of the Arctic Expositions of
24:45the HMS Terror and HMS Erebus, which mixes the real-life events of the expedition with
24:50supernatural occurrences to create a one-of-a-kind psychological thriller. Now, those that have
24:54watched the series finale might say that when compared to the historical events and the novel,
24:58the show's kill count is actually missing one person. After all, the captain is shown to be
25:01alive in the final shot. However, given the narrative of the Terror, and how it showcases
25:05that the British explorer's arrogance and trust in technology ultimately led to their demise,
25:09the new life to which the captain adapts to after all of his crew is gone feels like a
25:13death scene all its own. As the sole survivor of the tragedy, the captain acknowledges the error
25:17of his and his men's ways. He ultimately chooses to abandon his old life, and the final scene is
25:21meant to show you that what was left of him gave way to a completely different man. And the words
25:25of the translator in the final scene only confirm this, which are, tell them we are gone.
25:31Supernatural is a cult dark fantasy television series that aired for a whopping 15 years,
25:37and although it certainly lost much of its initial fear factor throughout its incredibly long
25:40lifespan, it certainly didn't diminish its fans' attachment to the main cast. After 15 seasons and
25:45327 episodes, the series finally came to an end in 2020, delivering an incredibly emotional
25:50conclusion to the story of Sam and Dean. By the end of the series, all of the Winchester family
25:54are gone. Sam and Dean's relatives have long since fallen victim to demons that they were fighting,
25:58and eventually Dean suffers the same fate. Well, he actually died several times throughout the
26:02show, but this one somehow managed to stick with him permanently. Dean gets impaled by a vampire,
26:05leaving Sam distraught. Eventually, however, Sam learns to move on and starts a new family
26:10of his own. At the end of the final episode, Sam is old and on his deathbed, and when he
26:13finally draws his last breath, we see him appear in heaven to finally reunite with his brother.
26:18Death Note
26:19It shouldn't come as a surprise that in an anime like Death Note, the main cast of characters
26:22didn't really have a huge chance of surviving. If there's one message that the show has tried
26:26to highlight the most, it's that every choice has its consequences. Death Note follows the
26:30life of Light Yagami, a brilliant young man who, after acquiring the titular Death Note,
26:34which allows him to kill anyone whose name is written into the book, becomes a justice-obsessed
26:37vigilante known to the rest of the world as Kira. Throughout the series, Light comes across many
26:41people trying to expose him as Kira, including his arch-nemesis L, and acquires a handful of allies
26:46to help him carry out his mission. By the end of all things, all of his allies are six feet under,
26:50and Light shares their fate shortly after, as the Death God who he's been using like a puppet
26:54uses the Death Note against him. Right up until his very last moment, Light believes he's outsmarted
26:59everyone, but his death immediately shows him that, in the end, he was really just a puppet
27:03of more sinister forces. Light dies alone, and his legacy dies with him. Shortly after his death,
27:08his last remaining companion, his fiancée, is seen standing on the ledge of a building,
27:11implying that she's about to kill herself. American Horror Story – Murder House
27:16The early seasons of American Horror Story are where the show was truly at its peak.
27:20The first season, Murder House, set an alarmingly terrifying tone for the entire series, in fact.
27:24Murder House follows the story of the Harmons after they've moved to Los Angeles. They're
27:27trying to get a fresh start after a traumatic miscarriage, but much to their continued dismay,
27:31their lives change only for the worse. The family has to deal with hauntings, violent break-ins,
27:35and plenty of murders as their whole world slowly falls apart. By the end of the season,
27:39all of the Harmons are dead, their souls forever trapped in the Murder House. Their family of
27:43ghosts decides to act as guardians of the house to prevent any more deaths from happening there,
27:46and at that point, you could think that the Harmons' fate is maybe not so bad,
27:50especially seeing as they are even shown happily celebrating Christmas together,
27:53but unfortunately for them, even death couldn't keep them away from Tate. On top of that,
27:57the only thing that's left of their time in the house is a literal spawn of Satan.
28:00So yeah, one to avoid on Airbnb, that one.
