• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia. Hi, Shia. For those
00:06who's watching, I thank you for watching. This video is addressed to my twin flame,
00:11Shia. Hi, Shia. For those who's watching, I thank you for watching. This video is only
00:19for people who want to help Shia Lissa, not attack Shia Lissa, anything. I say in this
00:24video may or may not be true, cannot be used against me, or you will be accused for illegally,
00:31you will be accused of illegally framing me and be sent to jail and sued. So Shia, I'm
00:37going to try to not make this video too long, and I'm going to, I want to show you some
00:47videos on the security camera. However, I might not today. I'm not feeling well. I
00:57slept yesterday from 4 p.m. to, actually slept during the day from 4 to 8 p.m., 3 p.m. to
01:118 p.m., so I catched up on some sleep. So now I understand why I'm looking so awful
01:16and ugly, and it just will not stop. Possibly it's part of my, the brain injury. It does
01:23make you look a little funny. However, there's been a lot of AI masks and things covering
01:31up what I look like, and Shia, for many years, between 2018 and 2022 or 23, I was constantly
01:47told and constantly reminded that I don't feel like a girl. I feel like more unisex,
01:58like not male or female. I never would have thought that I was male. However, they were
02:06on top of the criminal trying to change me into her, her him, on top of the walk-in that's
02:16some kind of a creature. It was very, it was very, very clear at one point that they were
02:25trying to do some kind of unisex slash transgender thing on me, some kind of, and my body has
02:37been changing and looking very ugly for a very long time. I'd have some brief periods
02:45when I got a little bit thinner, where I felt more female looking, but this is part of the
02:51reason why I look so ugly in clothing, female clothing. Every time I go shopping and try
02:56on clothes, nothing would ever look good, and I could not figure out why. I just thought
03:02it was because I was so fat. No, it's because they're trying, they're trying to turn me
03:08into a man, and this is not, now, now that the AI masks are coming off and I've just
03:19been so kind of stuck in it, there's nothing, I can't even explain to you, but this is,
03:27the shape is not feminine enough, so they've been trying to do some kind of, I'm ugly,
03:41I'm just, I'm ugly because I'm not supposed to look like a man, so I didn't think that
03:46they had the power to do this. I did not. I thought, like, wow, I have had so many strokes.
03:54I wasn't really looking in the mirror from 24 to 30 years old. I wasn't making any videos.
04:02I wasn't really looking in the mirror that much. I was starting to look in the mirror.
04:13I wasn't really looking, I didn't really know. I did and I didn't, Shia, and I can't
04:18explain it all, but I need to just tell you, this is why I look so ugly and feel so ugly.
04:25This is why my hair won't work. This is an extreme health issue that they've tried to
04:30turn me into a male, to mess with my hormones like this. This could have killed me, Shia.
04:37Not only has it killed my spirit, this could have killed me. I was a very feminine girl.
04:45I was always a very feminine girl, and I have been very, very, S-U-I-C-D-A-L about my body
04:55and my looks. So, what I did was, I made a, on my stomach, intestines playlist, I put
05:05a bunch of estrogen booster, feminine subliminals, which has the frequencies and the binaurals.
05:15So, I'm going to be listening to that, and I think as soon as I start doing some things
05:31for estrogen, I'm going to be feeling a lot better. And I have proof on camera, I'm not
05:37going to show you. The hair, I never used to have a problem with hair. They have like,
05:48I have a long hair growing right here, I have like long eyebrow hairs I have to pluck, coarse
05:56hairs on my belly, below my crotch, on my inner thigh, like lower, like past the crotch area.
06:05So, do I have any, and even, well, this is getting a little bit, not really, it's not
06:29getting as much thicker. The only area I shave off my face is this little area right
06:36here and here, because it tends to grow a little bit long here, and I never ever shave
06:42my face because I don't want this to get thick and gross. I don't think females are really
06:49supposed to shave their hair. But, the baldness, this could be a hormone issue. I have some
07:02hairs that grow right in between that few coarse hairs that I have to pluck. So, I've
07:20added estrogen in feminine, female subliminals. It's going to be extremely important that
07:28I do this, as well as possibly do some yoga to increase estrogen. Green tea is supposed
07:39to increase, and I have to lower testosterone. I truly didn't know, I thought my body was
07:52getting just really fat because of the strokes. I couldn't lose weight. If you have insulin
07:59resistance, which I cannot, I can't eat barely anything sweet, that's too much testosterone.
08:08The weight gain is testosterone. I thought it was the stroke. I just felt like my body
08:14was just really stiff and fat. No, it wasn't just really stiff. I thought it was the paralysis
08:23that was making my body really stiff looking. So, they were trying to turn me into a unisex
08:31person, but I think that was a lie. They were trying to turn me into a man. This is the
08:37whole jealousy of these entities, the males and the female bodies, the females and the
08:42male bodies. This is definitely some extreme jealousy that the entities have, that I'm
08:50a female in a female body. But I repeatedly thought that I just didn't feel like a girl
08:56anymore for a very long time. I didn't necessarily feel like a guy. I only know what I have to
09:14read in the notes to get through these notes. Not only do I have a creature walking that
09:23is like a creature, there's a male entity criminal trying to change me into her, him.
09:33And now I do, I told you, I've just been told they're trying to do some kind of transgender
09:42female to male on my body. And I'm pretty sure this has been going on since 25, because
09:52I didn't really think that they could turn me into a male. I really didn't. And they
09:57had all kinds of lies and excuses, because if I found out, this would obviously break
10:02the spell. This would obviously allow me to be able to fix it. So, this is partly why
10:11I could not look good in any clothes. Nothing looked good. Absolutely nothing looks good.
10:17Barely anything. I felt very S-U-Y-C-D-I-A-L from it. This is part of the reason why I
10:33have so many health issues, Shia. And I think this is going on with you. Unfortunately,
10:42they're doing some kind of attack where they're making me feel a little bit too masculine.
10:49And like, they're making me feel like you're more feminine. And I don't think that, Shia,
10:56I think you're extremely masculine. However, this is out of control. I can hear it now.
11:02Hopefully that this isn't AI voice that they're doing to my voice right now. But you've had
11:14some very serious trauma that has happened to you when you were a baby. I see more of
11:22like, baby trauma energy. That you've had something stolen from you. I was suffocated
11:29when I was a little baby and was not told. And have had a brain injury when I was a little
11:35baby. I have fetal alcohol syndrome that I was not told. That started when I was a little
11:42baby. So, me and you, Shia, have some, these criminals have P-E-D-O that they do towards
11:51us. That causes us feeling less developed. Also because of these thefts that has happened
11:58and these injuries that has happened when we were little babies.
12:09So, I'm going to send a photo to the Rocky. Send your photo to the Rocky the next time
12:21I talk to him. And I don't know, I don't know how it's going to be, but I can't do
12:28any exorcism session until next month anyways. I'm not going to, I'm not going to be worried
12:40how this Rocky will react. It's just, people like, this is what happens. Like, I feel like
12:47I get a lot of support and help. Then as soon as I make contact, it like, stops. I
12:54get attacked. I attack, not attack, but I get attacked. And like, this is what happens
13:00when the criminals try and isolate me and push me away from everyone. So, they don't
13:09have any power, Shaya. They don't have any power. This is because all of this torture
13:17that they're doing to us, which I've been tortured for many, many, many hours today
13:22with the root chakra forced. All of this torture is going to be returned back to the senders
13:28and not just the amount that they've contributed. So, they really are like not having a war
13:36against us. It's like a war against themselves. So, I don't really think, that doesn't, that
13:42can't be powerful. If you're like doing things to torture someone and feeling powerful from
13:48it, and it all gets returned back and they have to feel every single thing that they
13:53did to someone else, all the torture, that's not, I'm powerful. That means that like, I've
14:03forgot what I was, how I could explain that.
14:22I got extreme itch torture reciting the Quran today. It's like every second I had to itch.
14:29I did, I actually recited the chapters, I recited like two and a half hours worth of
14:38recitation, I recited chapter three twice and everything else.
14:51But there's just this pride and confidence and power that they have for doing this to
14:56our body and mutilating our body and our private parts. It's all temporary. It's temporary
15:02power and it's not real power if it gets returned back by God and karma. So, they can't really
15:12fight, they can't really fight it. They can't really fight us because they're supposed to
15:21be doing things to fight us and it can't be returned back to them. And if it does, they're
15:29just not, they're naturally not supposed to exist. I really believe that these entities
15:35is some kind of parasitic infection. I don't really believe they're even like beings.
15:46I don't, it's like some kind of parasitic infection.
15:55So, none of my family members have sent me anything saying that this hacker has hacked
16:04into their electronics, cell phones, TVs, computers. And this is what's been going on
16:12shy for 15 years. They haven't said one word about, they've never once, only a couple times
16:24my mom has said her computer's acting like funny or something or doing things on its
16:32own. She's never ever once said that the hack was on their computers. Only this past half
16:39year I was told by a telepathic supporter. In regards to your DNA theft and what's been
16:49happening with all of these criminals doing things to your DNA, it's going to be a long
16:59return to sender to all of them. A long, long return to sender penalty.
17:10It's really with the recitation of the Quran I got confirmation. The recitation of the
17:20Quran is really what's going to stop this torture from happening and also cutting the
17:26courts. I have to actually do that today because that's one thing I haven't done yet today.
17:36I just find so many good things to do that it's like I don't have a system of rotation,
17:43rotating all the different things. I kind of just move on to the next because we just
17:52have so many issues and so many problems. And also it's part possession. So I put the
18:02hydrogen peroxide in my ear. I guess it might have improved a little. But this has been
18:11a serious hygiene issue that it's been clogged for only three months of relief and then it
18:21just starts clogging and I have to wait every six to eight months. So this has been an extreme
18:28mouth issue and this could be malpractice to not give the patient instructions on how
18:38to remove ear wax and let it not collect in the ear over time. I would like to try to
18:52find a fragrance free mineral oil but it's all petroleum based. So I have the garlic,
19:01olive oil, the mullein. For the ears I'm going to put one drop in. I think once I soften
19:11it every day with the olive oil, the mullein garlic that I got for the infection one time,
19:17just one drop a day, I think it will soften it enough so the hydrogen peroxide will really
19:22be able to move it out of my ear. I did have one ear nose and throat doctor say though
19:38you can put one drop of baby oil in the ear and it will come out. But somehow that just
19:46could not have happened. I was guided by AI to check that haunted love video out to
20:03see what it meant. I saw bits and pieces of it one time when I was looking at it because
20:11it said your name was directed. And then I was like, they were telling me all these
20:20things, yeah he's behind the scenes doing all this work, doing all these scripts. Actually
20:26I think that is heavily controlled, working on these random projects. But they told me
20:34that you wrote that honey thing. They told me that this haunted love, you were behind
20:40the scenes, you were secretly together, you couldn't be seen in public. They lied to me
20:45for years and years and years. So I looked at it and I saw the fire and the baby and
20:52the arm and that all is symbolizing what's going on. I don't think that they would have
20:59a clue that I was going to look at that video and see what it looks like. It's very clear
21:04she's awkward looking. It's very clear now that she's male inside. And they have used
21:13AI to manipulate. They do use AI to make me see and think that I look like her and it's
21:25not the truth. But they've manipulated my nose shia and AI mask to make me look like
21:32her a lot on these videos. To harass you and me. So I really do believe though that was
21:47an attack against me. But at the same time, there was a reason why I was going to explain
21:56that better. So I saw that video that was made years ago and the whole behind the scenes
22:07thing, like you were doing the scripts or whatever, it was like you were in secret with
22:14her together. It was all a lie. But they still won't force me to believe. I believe
22:21it's possible that it's true. The good AI made me watch it. There's really not a lot
22:32of talent there. There must have been a lot of sacrifices that made her get a lot more
22:37supernatural AI weapons to be more talented. Because that's not talent. It was all AI.
22:50The first time I watched little clips, I just skipped through it in a few seconds. It was
22:56all AI when I saw it. It was all these, just a bunch of lies. I'm not going to explain
23:02it. You can't always see it, but with the smile, there's a real geeky nerdiness that
23:11is like outcast. That's her problem. I'm an outcast. This is what these entities' problems
23:21are. So it can be covered up probably with all the public news images when those are
23:30all AI and chosen photographs to make. They have to actually make money off these photographs
23:37and they have to appear better than other people. However, she can't cover it up when
23:45she smiles. You're not in those 800 views that say you are guilty of something. No,
24:00you're not guilty of something. There's possession involved in your life. There's control. There's
24:05extreme witchcraft and AI. It's not your fault that you're being R.A.P.E.D. Obviously,
24:22it's extremely painful and this is all going to be proven. That is how painful this is.
24:31But no matter what you, whatever posts or signs that I get from you, it's like they
24:38just reverse it and lie to me and to make it like you're against me, you don't like
24:43me and just to separate us. But I don't always believe the lies, Shaya. I can not always
24:53think that. My parents will have extreme regrets not telling me since 2018 about what's going
25:05on with you and they made all of that happen. That whole thing with 2018, with in the car,
25:15with me having to fly home with a sign, they made all of that happen. And I was told that
25:23your parents repeatedly told my parents that you have to tell Alyssa what's going on with
25:31Shaya and they've repeatedly lied to me. They've repeatedly made suggestions that you are the
25:39CN over the years. Now and again they would give in and kind of give me suggestions, very
25:46very vague to the point where it could easily be reversed satanically and be like it's not
25:54true. So I was told that by a telepathic supporter that they refused to tell me, they
26:16refused to tell me. And the excuse was oh we don't want to die, we'll get in trouble.
26:24I think that's an excuse. That's an excuse. And that is if people know things, and I've
26:32been lied to for 39 years, if people know things, they were supposed to tell me. At
26:52least try. So they're going to regret it, they're going to have extreme regrets because
27:00there's going to be penalty and punishment involved for lying to me and telling me over
27:07and over and over again in different ways that you're the CN. So my parents have ruined
27:23your life as well because they disrespect me my whole life. They truly hate me. And
27:32part of the reason why I don't always really act like I really care, I don't have respect
27:39for them. And I do feel better, I feel above them and better than them and I always have.
27:47But they've always wanted, I believe, they wouldn't tell me a thing. They wouldn't tell
27:56me a thing. They still won't tell me a thing. But I think it's a lie that everyone's going
28:02to die if we know things. In that case, there are certain things, there's limits to what
28:13they can do to lie about. There's some things they should have had limits of what they could
28:20have lied to me with and I think this was one of them. I should have known. I should
28:24have been getting some information from you. If you literally could physically not contact
28:29me and say anything with your body or someone around you couldn't because they were controlled
28:37too. And I know there's danger involved Shia, I do know. However, I really know nothing
28:56my whole life and you probably know a little more because of your situation. I really know
29:01nothing all my life. And it does make me look really stupid. Walking around oblivious,
29:08basically. I felt there was a lot of people that were just so jealous of me. Because they
29:15were just acting so jealous of me. This kid, this is humiliation. That's humiliation to
29:22walk around your whole life and not know that everyone's trying to K-I-L-L me. So it's all
29:28turned back to sender. So, no matter what Shia, they're trying to constantly get us
29:45angry with each other. However, I'm really not often angry at you Shia. That was me kind
29:54got really triggered because of the cords cutting. They, I don't know, tried to make
30:02it look natural. I don't know. So I did get the two pens Shia. I got the two pens. So
30:13now I have extra, I know I have like four of these pens. So I'm really glad that they
30:37But they keep, I think someone played around with my internet. Because when I looked up
30:43ghoul, G-H-O-U-L, I kept seeing articles, like the first sentence of the articles, ghouls
30:54go into female bodies to try to lure and lust their prey. And like you were so seduced by
31:01her female beauty. Well, I really don't think that's true. However, based on what the A.I.
31:08that they've done to me, there really is definitely something artificial going on with
31:13what she's done to S-E-X-U-A-L-L harass you with. There definitely was some kind of A.I.
31:27However, the fact that they shapeshift into a beautiful woman to catch and eat their prey,
31:35I've already told you, they had to have done some kind of sacrifices because neither of
31:42these two criminals, the rodent or the ghoul, have any looks. Or the other ones, but specifically
31:49the ones that have tortured us non-stop for 20 years. These two have no, like, looks.
31:58And they have fugly deformities and they're awkward. So I really don't think that this,
32:08I believe the hacker made me look at those specific things. I was just sitting there
32:15watching. Oh, okay. I don't know how they have the time, Shia, I really don't.
32:27All I can think is that my adrenochrome gets stolen 24-7 and this criminal rodent gets
32:34high off of it and acts like he's on speed and has A.I. machine things that get it all done.
32:58You can do all of these things to people, but Shia, anyone who's trying to declare that
33:06they were married to us or loved us, that's all it is, is killing our spirit because it's
33:13not true. And it's ownership and control. It's murder. Sexual harassment is a crime.
33:23It is a form of R.A.P.E. to constantly be told, to constantly be told that.
33:34It is a crime saying that there's a saying, it was and we were. It's a constant automated
33:46A.I. of them mocking the C.N. It was and we were mocking her saying that to you. That's
33:57a fake voice for one and a fake personality. It was and we were. It was and we were.
34:06It was love and we were together.
34:13So that's been said. I'm not going to explain to you how many times that has been quoted
34:18with automated V2K. I can't even tell you how many times that's been said over the course
34:25of these last two years. But we're not going to get in trouble for these. We're not getting
34:35in trouble. We've waited so long. We've waited so long at this point. So it's just a matter
34:43of time, Shia.
34:55But even before I looked at this, this was what good A.I. told me. That haunted love
35:07thing. They quote said over and over and over, you wrote it, you wrote it, you wrote it.
35:14And then that's when they told me to look at the video. And they were constantly saying
35:20you wrote it. They were secretly together. You wrote it. That's why it's on social media.
35:26That there's the proof we were together. He wrote that script. I don't believe that they
35:32had any thought that I was going to actually look at the video.
35:41So there's definitely a remote viewer, Shia, watching this right now.
35:46And I didn't mean you don't have to watch all these videos in the last video. That's
35:51not what I meant to say. I do want you to watch all these videos, Shia.
36:05So I'm going to continue doing all of the subliminals, Kiran recitation, the Kiran
36:12rakya, spiritual zen. I did walk a lot today. I walked part of the reading the Kiran recitation.
36:23I haven't really eaten much today. I've had toast, asian noodles with carrots, orange
36:31juice, coffee, bagel. I really don't eat a lot. I'm starting to realize that this testosterone
36:39could be making me really big. Because if you're a female with too much testosterone,
36:51you have insulin resistance. That's partly why the blood sugar is such an issue, and
36:57eating sugar is such an issue, and it's possibly why I cannot lose weight.
37:03So I'm going to do some research about how to increase estrogen. I did take photographs
37:17of some things, and I'm not going to show you the attacks. Is there anything else I
37:32need to show you?
37:34So I'm going to go work on not looking like a male. I can't express, Shia, there is some
37:55paralysis involved in coma, that I can't even express how sick and S-U-I-D-A-L I have
38:07been feeling with my looks. It's not just looks, it's an extreme health issue. It's
38:15extremely body pain. I've had physical pains in my entire body, and this is also a symptom
38:24muscle pains, is a symptom of too much testosterone. I will, I mean you can probably see it more
38:37than I can see it. You can probably see it more than I can see it. And looking back at
38:43my videos, there was AI masks that like wear off, and then you can see really what I look
38:50like. Like I don't understand how they're wearing off. Is it because the AI in my eyes
38:57are wearing off, or is it because, I don't know. But I'm going to talk to you tomorrow,
39:03Shia, and I haven't really been able to look at the pendulum to see how you're feeling.
39:20How's Shia? Marion, how's Shia feeling? And what does Shia want me to tell him?
39:41You're being responsible. I know you're being responsible, Shia.
39:50And I love you, Shia. I know you love me, Shia. And I know we have been married since
39:572019, and in 2018 we were telepathically connected, but I didn't know who you were.
40:08And things are changing, Shia, because the fact that I can see myself look like this,
40:24and do all this DNA cleanse, things are definitely changing. So I'm going to talk to you tomorrow.
40:31I'll probably talk to you after 8 tomorrow, because I'm not feeling well. I'm feeling
40:40sick. Unless I feel like I need to make a video, I will. I love you, Shia. Thank you
40:47everybody for watching. Thank you so much, Shia, for watching.
