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00:00A very wealthy man and president of the financial firm, Kazutaka Hyodo,
00:04gathers his subordinates to announce his will to build a real underground empire for himself.
00:09One of his servants, Tonogawa, assures the future emperor that he will never lack a workforce,
00:14as there are plenty of young people on the streets filled with naive hopes.
00:18One of these young men is Kaiji Ito, who moves to Tokyo after finishing high school.
00:22However, the guy can't seem to find a permanent job,
00:25preferring to spend his free time on gambling and entertainment.
00:28Despite this, Kaiji desperately wants to get rich, though he works as a cashier in a store.
00:33Kaiji is angry at everyone but himself, and one day he vents his frustration on expensive cars,
00:39which he believes only swindlers can afford.
00:41Immediately, he is apprehended by a group of young people, led by a woman named Indo,
00:46who informs him that a few years ago, he unwisely co-signed for a colleague who disappeared,
00:51leaving behind a debt that has grown to 2 million yen,
00:54and that's not to mention the damage he inflicted on the cars.
00:57Kaiji states that he can't repay such a sum.
00:59That's when Indo offers him a deal.
01:01It turns out there is a gambling cruise on a ship called Hope.
01:05If he manages to win, the debt will be fully paid off.
01:08When he objects, Indo reminds him of his uselessness to society,
01:12that he will never be able to change or make money,
01:15and that her offer is his only real chance to start over.
01:18Late in the evening, Kaiji boards the ship, where he meets fellow losers who have nothing left to lose.
01:24The group is greeted by Tonogawa, who explains that to start the game,
01:27each participant must buy 3 stars, each costing 1 million yen.
01:32Naturally, they don't have that kind of money, so the company offers them a loan at 1% per minute.
01:37If someone wins, the company will not only fully cover their debt, but will also buy the stars back.
01:43The players are given 12 cards depicting rock-paper-scissors.
01:47When someone wins a round, they receive a star from their opponent.
01:50The goal is to use all 12 cards and keep at least 3 stars.
01:53This must all be done within 30 minutes.
01:56At first, the crowd becomes anxious, as no one wants to take a loan or participate in this game.
02:01Moreover, no one understands what will happen to the losers.
02:04But Tonogawa calls them trash, who have no rights.
02:07So either they win, or their lives are worthless.
02:10A signal sounds for the game to start, and the people jump into it.
02:13The first loser is forcibly dragged into a dark room by security.
02:17Kaiji meets a guy named Funai, who offers him a clever plan.
02:21If they both play the same cards, it will result in a draw.
02:24They won't lose any stars and will quickly get rid of their cards, allowing them to meet the game's conditions and win.
02:30Kaiji happily agrees.
02:32At first, everything goes as planned.
02:34But in the last minute, Funai tricks Kaiji and takes 2 stars from him, leaving him with only 1 star and 1 card.
02:40Funai, mocking him, explains how he switched the cards to win and bids the fool goodbye.
02:44Kaiji rushes into a fight, but the guards quickly break them apart.
02:48The guy looks around and realizes that time is running out.
02:51And then Funai announces to everyone that Kaiji's last card is scissors, and now everyone knows how to finish him off.
02:57In retaliation, Kaiji announces that the swindler's last card is rock.
03:02A fight breaks out.
03:03At this moment, Kaiji notices blood on his card and then sees a guy named Ishido, who wanted to get rid of his card so he wouldn't have to play.
03:10Meanwhile, Funai suggests shuffling the cards so no one knows what's left.
03:14The people agree and turn in their cards for a reshuffle.
03:17Funai deals the cards to the players, and Kaiji gets his own bloodstained card back.
03:21He refuses to play with Funai, but the confident swindler offers to play for 3 stars at once.
03:27Since Kaiji doesn't have that many stars, he teams up with Ishido.
03:31Funai plays his card with full confidence that he has won.
03:34However, it turns out that Kaiji had figured from the start that the swindler would try to deceive him again.
03:39So, he took one of Ishido's cards and added blood to it, which helped him win.
03:43In a burst of joy, Kaiji explains what he did, unaware that Tonegawa is watching everything through the cameras and listening closely to his words.
03:50Funai is sent to the darkroom, while Kaiji and Ishido rush to finish the game, ending in a draw.
03:55Time runs out, and just as Kaiji celebrates victory, Ishido finds a card in his pocket that he must have forgotten about.
04:01Since they teamed up, it means they both lost.
04:03The guys find themselves enslaved deep underground, where hundreds of losers are building a kingdom for the great Hyodo.
04:09The working conditions are simply horrible.
04:11To prevent anyone from escaping, a microchip is implanted in the slaves' hands, and they are branded.
04:17There is no rest, and the food is very basic.
04:19The people sleep in small, cramped cells.
04:22On the 25th day underground, they receive their first salary, but most of the money is taken to cover their debts.
04:28The currency is perika, a local equivalent that only has a value in this place.
04:33Kaiji calculates that at this rate, he will only be able to pay off his debt by the end of his life.
04:38But when temptations like a cart full of alcohol and tasty food appear, Kaiji can't resist,
04:43and spends nearly all his money on snacks and a few cans of drinks.
04:47Most of the workers do the same, which is how the company keeps them underground,
04:51forcing them to live from paycheck to paycheck, not thinking about the next day.
04:55One day, a cave-in occurs, and Ishido is injured.
04:58Kaiji carries his friend to the infirmary, where most patients don't receive treatment because they don't have money.
05:04A nurse tells them that the most desperate ones leave to participate in a tournament called the Brave Men's Path.
05:10It's a very dangerous game, where the winner gains freedom, but the loser loses his life.
05:15Kaiji realizes that there is no way out of here.
05:18He vents his frustrations at the foreman, but then a volunteer named Sahara is brought into the room,
05:23ready to go to the Tournament of the Brave.
05:25His comrades applaud him, and Kaiji suddenly announces his decision to go to the tournament as well.
05:30Then several people from the Brigade, including Ishido, decide to go with him.
05:34The players arrive on the roof of a skyscraper, where they are greeted by Tonegawa,
05:38who explains that each player receives a check for 10 million yen,
05:42but they can only cash it in a building across the street,
05:44which they must reach by crossing a bridge made of two narrow beams.
05:48Players are not allowed to crawl, as the bridge is electrified.
05:51Wealthy spectators watch, as the whole event is presented as a reality show where they can place bets.
05:57People are scared, but Kaiji encourages the guys, reminding them how they used to walk on logs as kids.
06:03He advises them to mark their shoes to help keep them on the right course, and encourages the players.
06:08Tonegawa and Endo observe the events from the guest seats.
06:11The group slowly begins to make their way across the beams,
06:14but soon lightning strikes nearby and a hurricane appears on the horizon.
06:18The players start to get nervous, causing one of them to slip and fall to their death.
06:22The remaining players' morale plummets, and more people begin to fall, worsened by the start of rain.
06:26Eventually, only Ishido, Kaiji, and Sahara remain on the beams.
06:30Ishido decides to give his check to Kaiji, asking him to cash it and send the money to his daughter.
06:35Despite Kaiji's pleas, the man lets go and falls silently, freeing his friend from panic.
06:40The remaining two slowly reach the building, celebrating their victory.
06:43But when Sahara opens a window, the difference in air pressure creates a gust of wind that blows him off the ledge.
06:49Kaiji manages to hold on to a ledge and becomes the first person to ever win this tournament.
06:54Hayato, impressed by the show, congratulates Kaiji and grants Tonegawa citizenship in his future kingdom.
07:00Once Kaiji recovers, he demands that they cash both checks, but it turns out Ishido's check is void because he died,
07:07and the 10 million yen Kaiji won will simply be used to pay off his debt.
07:11So all that he has left is about 7,000 yen.
07:14Kaiji flies into a rage, furious that he won't be able to send money to Ishido's daughter.
07:19He accuses the rich of being heartless, unworthy of the lives sacrificed for their entertainment.
07:24Hayato, impressed by his words, gives Kaiji one last chance and offers him the opportunity to play one more card game against Tonegawa.
07:31Kaiji is escorted to the gambling hall, where the rules of the game are explained.
07:35Each player receives 10 cards. The main card is the emperor. His subordinates are citizens, who have slaves.
07:41The participants place their cards face down. Then they reveal and compare.
07:46A citizen versus a citizen is a tie. A citizen beats a slave, but the slave beats the emperor.
07:51Cards cannot be played randomly. You must look and think before making a move.
07:56Not only the guests watch the game, but also the prisoners deep underground.
08:00At first, Kaiji plays with his remaining winnings, but quickly loses them due to his inexperience.
08:05Tonegawa laughs at him, saying that Kaiji's desire to win made his thoughts easy to read from his expressions.
08:11Hayato, disappointed that it ended so quickly, loans Kaiji some money so he can play again.
08:16Now Kaiji takes the game more seriously, noticing Tonegawa's strange behavior.
08:21Every time Kaiji is about to make a move, Tonegawa looks at his watch.
08:24But even this time, Kaiji quickly loses and is sentenced to 130 years of slavery.
08:29As Kaiji is led to the underground prison, he replays all the details of the game in his mind, trying to figure out how Tonegawa cheated.
08:37Then Endo stops him to call him a loser once again and points to his eternal mark of slavery.
08:42At that moment, Kaiji realizes that the microchip in his hand is the key.
08:47Tonegawa wore a watch that allowed him to read Kaiji's vital signs, which is how he knew when Kaiji was about to play an important card.
08:54Kaiji explains his plan to Endo, telling her how he will beat Tonegawa.
08:58He persuades her to loan him 50 million yen, confident that she's a good person.
09:03Endo agrees and lends him the money.
09:05Tonegawa can't believe it, and Hyodo notes that since she loaned him the money, now her life is also on the line.
09:10However, before the game begins, Kaiji smashes his head against a mirror, causing his vital signs to spike in response to the pain.
09:17Sitting down to play, he briefly lowers his hand with the cards under the table.
09:21Tonegawa grows nervous, feeling uncertain because he can no longer rely on his watch.
09:26Meanwhile, Kaiji starts insulting him and splattering the table and cards with drops of his blood.
09:31The game starts.
09:32As time passes, the game becomes very tense.
09:35Tonegawa carefully calculates each move, growing angrier at Kaiji.
09:39When only two cards are left on the table, Tonegawa notices a bloody mark on one of the cards and remembers the incident on the ship.
09:46He realizes that Kaiji is trying to fool him and engages all his analytical abilities.
09:51It's the penultimate move.
09:54Tonegawa is about to play a card but suddenly stops, remembering that Kaiji had lowered his hand under the table, probably switching cards just like he did on the ship.
10:02Endo also thinks Kaiji made a mistake.
10:05Tonegawa plays his card and laughs, thinking he's won, but Kaiji reveals his card and wins.
10:10The slaves in the underground cheer, while Tonegawa flies into a rage as Kaiji explains that he didn't switch the cards.
10:16He knew that his opponent couldn't ignore the blood, so Tonegawa outsmarted himself.
10:21Enraged by his servant's huge loss, Hyouto revokes Tonegawa's citizenship in the future kingdom and sends him to work underground for the rest of his life.
10:30Kaiji wins 50 million yen.
10:32The next day, during lunch at a cafe, Kaiji returns the money to Endo, but suddenly loses consciousness.
10:38When he comes to, all the bags of money are gone and in his pocket, he finds a letter from the girl where she explains that he forgot about the interest that had been accruing every minute.
10:48She also reminds him of the damage to her car that he caused before embarking on the cruise, so she simply took what was hers.
10:54And now she's leaving, hoping they'll meet again someday.
10:57Kaiji is left with only 450,000 yen, which he finally takes to Ishido's daughter.
11:02This film, based on a well-known anime, is essentially a ruthless thriller, though it's quite amusing in its execution.
11:09It shows the fine line between freedom and dependence on circumstances, betrayal and friendship, treachery and loyalty to one's ideals.
11:16It will be interesting to watch both for fans of philosophical Asian films and for those who simply enjoy intricately twisted plots.
