• 2 days ago
#gamer #gameplay #twitch #ps4 #xbox #pcgaming #fortnite #pubg
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00:00The action of the film begins in a large modern city,
00:03the name of which remains unknown.
00:05A young taxi driver suddenly stops his car
00:07in the middle of the road
00:08because he unexpectedly loses his sight.
00:11A passerby offers to help him and takes the driver's seat.
00:14They drive to the taxi driver's home
00:16and the driver describes his condition.
00:18It's as if he sees shadows floating in a fog.
00:21The helper is surprised,
00:22saying that blindness is supposed to be black.
00:25When they stop at a crosswalk,
00:27the helper informs the driver
00:28that they have arrived at his home.
00:30However, as soon as the driver steps out,
00:32the kind helper steps on the gas and drives away,
00:35leaving the helpless man in the middle of the road.
00:37The man asks passersby for help
00:39and one of them escorts him home
00:41and helps him get to his apartment.
00:42The taxi driver's wife is very concerned
00:44about her husband's condition.
00:46She quickly finds an ophthalmologist's phone number
00:48and takes her husband to an appointment,
00:50shocked by the thief's behavior
00:51in robbing a blind man so easily.
00:53The doctor examines the taxi driver
00:56but finds no visual impairments.
00:58He writes down the results of the examination
01:00and advises the young man to be admitted
01:02to the hospital for a full checkup.
01:04The couple returns home.
01:05Meanwhile, the doctor continues his practice,
01:07examining the next patients,
01:09including a child, a woman in dark glasses,
01:11and a one-eyed old man.
01:13Later, he returns home
01:14and tells his wife about the strange case.
01:16They spend a quiet evening together
01:18while one of the doctor's patients goes to a pharmacy,
01:20buys medication, and takes a taxi to a hotel
01:23because she works as a call girl.
01:25She keeps her dark glasses on as the doctor instructed
01:27and isn't too surprised
01:29when everything before her eyes turns white.
01:31The frightened client throws her out into the corridor
01:33in her negligee,
01:34and the woman asks the hotel staff for help.
01:37Meanwhile, the doctor's wife wakes up earlier than him
01:40and prepares morning coffee.
01:41Suddenly, the doctor announces that he can't see anything
01:44and assumes that he was infected by yesterday's patient.
01:47The man has a panic attack,
01:48and only when his wife helps him calm down
01:51does he contact his colleagues.
01:52They also begin to record strange cases of sudden blindness,
01:55but they still don't understand what's happening.
01:58The white blindness spreads rapidly,
02:00and an ambulance arrives to take the doctor away.
02:02His wife tries to get into the same vehicle,
02:04but they refuse to take her
02:06until she claims that she too has suddenly lost her sight.
02:09The couple is taken to a facility repurposed for quarantine,
02:13which is immediately declared by the government.
02:15The doctor and his wife are the first to find themselves
02:17in the large room, numbered one.
02:19Although the husband insists that his wife confess
02:22that she can still see and go home, she refuses.
02:24Soon, more patients arrive in the ward.
02:26Among them are the taxi driver, the thief,
02:29the call girl, and the child.
02:30The taxi driver recognizes the thief by his voice,
02:33and a fight breaks out,
02:35which the doctor barely manages to stop.
02:37Later, the people start to settle
02:38into their new environment.
02:40The doctor's wife tries to help them adapt,
02:42guiding them to the toilet and advising them
02:44to count their steps and memorize all the turns and doors.
02:47One day, an unfortunate incident occurs
02:49when the call girl accidentally scrapes the skin
02:52off the thief's leg with her heel.
02:54The doctor's wife provides first aid
02:56since the real doctor can't see anything.
02:58The doctor's wife worries
02:59that they might have introduced an infection
03:01because they have no antiseptics.
03:03Her husband asks her to forget about it
03:05as they can't change anything.
03:06One day, she goes for a walk and hears the guards' warnings
03:09that only infected people are allowed to be here.
03:11At that moment, more people arrive.
03:13These include a police officer, a pharmacist's assistant,
03:16a hotel maid, and a financial advisor
03:18who turns out to be the taxi driver's wife.
03:21Upon hearing her familiar voice, he calls out to her,
03:24and they find each other with difficulty.
03:25The newcomers settle in.
03:27The doctor, hearing the guards' voices,
03:29asks them to bring medicine
03:30as he needs to help the injured,
03:31but they point their guns at him,
03:33promising to shoot him and his wife
03:35if they don't return to their ward.
03:37Due to isolation from the outside world
03:39and the growing number of patients,
03:41living conditions in the quarantine facility
03:43gradually deteriorate.
03:45The call girl takes the child under her wing
03:47who keeps asking for his mother.
03:49Meanwhile, the maid remembers the woman in glasses
03:51who infected her, unaware that she is nearby.
03:54Soon, food becomes scarce.
03:56The only sighted person, the doctor's wife,
03:58tries to call emergency numbers, but no one answers.
04:01The next day, a new group of patients arrives,
04:03including the ophthalmologist's assistant.
04:05The doctor's wife tries her best to maintain order.
04:08She comes up with the idea of stretching ropes
04:10between the wards so that people can move around.
04:12The doctor, on the other hand, focuses on the toilets
04:15as the people can't see what's happening there.
04:17The patients often go outside to escape the smells,
04:20but their mood changes drastically.
04:22One day, the taxi driver's wife falls into a depression
04:25and stops talking to her husband.
04:27The doctor's wife is concerned about the lack of soap,
04:29but is grateful that there is at least water
04:31and forces everyone to take hygiene measures.
04:34One day, a one-eyed old man comes to their ward
04:36with a radio.
04:37He shares the news.
04:38In the first 24 hours, there were many infected people.
04:41Helpless doctors were involved in continuous conferences
04:44because no one knew what to do,
04:45but then they too started going blind.
04:48Weeks pass and many people are forcibly sent to quarantine.
04:51One day, a bus accident occurs, killing 23 people.
04:55On the same day, two planes collide, causing panic.
04:58There are more and more accidents
05:00and people begin staying home.
05:01By now, almost everyone has gone blind.
05:04After telling his story, the one-eyed man plays music,
05:07and while it plays, everyone silently listens
05:10as if it were a greeting from a bright past.
05:12Many cry.
05:13More and more people arrive at the quarantine facility
05:16and soon the guards, unable to maintain order
05:19and not wanting to be near the infected,
05:20begin shooting at violators, even unwitting ones.
05:24The first deaths occur.
05:25The quarantine residents ask for a shovel to bury them.
05:28The doctor's wife goes outside to get it.
05:30She continues pretending to be blind
05:32and finds it very difficult to hold back
05:34when she realizes that the guard is simply mocking her.
05:37The woman silently picks up the shovel
05:39and although the guards are very surprised by this,
05:42they attribute it to her quick adaptation.
05:44The doctor urges each ward to bury one of the dead,
05:47but others refuse to listen to him.
05:49When it comes to fair food distribution,
05:51an armed patient from the third ward declares himself king
05:54and takes control of all the food.
05:56Meanwhile, the thief develops an infection
05:59and soon realizes that the doctor's wife can still see.
06:02It becomes increasingly difficult for her to hide her sight
06:05and she often cries.
06:07One night, the thief goes outside
06:08and provokes the guard to shoot.
06:10The next day, the doctor and a few people
06:12from his ward bury the dead.
06:15The man confesses to his wife that it is very difficult
06:17for him that she is taking care of him,
06:19but the woman asks him to accept this fact and walks away,
06:21taking advantage of the fact that her husband can't see her.
06:24The next day, the king announces new rules.
06:26Now, anyone who wants to eat has to pay for it.
06:29He mockingly sings for everyone,
06:31demanding that his supporters sing along.
06:33Later, a real battle for food breaks out,
06:36but fearing the weapons, no one dares to resist.
06:38The king demands valuable items in exchange for food
06:41and he realizes that the doctor's wife can see.
06:44Her husband tries to rally everyone for resistance,
06:47but people don't understand the value
06:48of their jewelry anymore.
06:50After all, they are of no use now,
06:52so people take off all the expensive things they have.
06:55The doctor's wife collects them
06:57and her husband exchanges them for food.
06:59He suddenly realizes that one of the king's henchmen
07:02is blind from birth, which is why he feels great
07:04controlling the food and valuables.
07:06The doctor tries to shame him, but in the end,
07:09their ward receives much less food than they need.
07:11He feels guilty for what has happened and refuses to eat.
07:14The call girl tries to persuade him to accept the new order,
07:17as living after taking someone else's life
07:20is very difficult.
07:21They share an intimate moment, which his wife witnesses.
07:24She confesses to the call girl that she can see
07:27and forgives what has happened.
07:28A week passes and people run out of valuables.
07:31Then the king orders that women be brought to him
07:34and his henchmen in exchange for food.
07:36The doctor's wife tries to appeal to the guards,
07:39but they say they are already giving everything they can.
07:42Arguments break out among the people.
07:44Some men call for ignoring the king's demands,
07:46but others are willing to share their women.
07:48The doctor's against his wife participating,
07:50but he can't insist on his opinion.
07:52So some women, including the call girl and the doctor's wife
07:55volunteer to go and get food for everyone.
07:57The taxi driver tries to stop his wife from doing this,
08:00but she leaves.
08:01A total of nine women volunteer.
08:03The doctor's wife leads them to the third ward,
08:05lining them up in a chain.
08:07This causes cheers from the king and his henchmen.
08:09An orgy begins.
08:11The doctor's wife ends up with the king,
08:13who has remembered her voice for a long time
08:15and now takes revenge for all the insults
08:17she has previously thrown at him.
08:19Later, the women return, bringing with them one of them
08:22who has been killed in the heat of the moment
08:23by the king's henchmen.
08:25The women do their best to clean her up
08:26and say their goodbyes.
08:28The next night, the king announces that tonight
08:30he and his henchmen expect the women from the second ward.
08:33The blind man from birth comes to ask
08:35if those who visited them yesterday have recovered.
08:37The doctor's wife tells him about the death of one of them.
08:40He falls silent and leaves.
08:42The doctor's wife takes scissors
08:43and goes to the third ward.
08:45She finds the king busy and kills him.
08:47But the blind man from birth recognizes her
08:49by her steps and grabs a gun.
08:51He orders her to be caught, but the women flee.
08:54Before leaving, the doctor's wife promises
08:56that for each day without food,
08:58one of the third ward's residents will die
09:00and she won't miss.
09:01The woman tells her husband everything
09:03and he realizes that they are in for a war.
09:05He orders the doors to be barricaded.
09:07After some arguments, the men in his ward
09:09suddenly decide to go and simply take the food.
09:1212 volunteers gather, led by the doctor's wife.
09:15But at that moment, one of the rape victims starts a fire.
09:18The king's henchmen, frightened, begins shooting
09:20and people run in all directions.
09:22The doctor's wife leads the people from her ward
09:24into the courtyard.
09:25She calls for the guards, but no one responds.
09:28Then the woman opens the gates and realizes
09:30that no one is guarding them.
09:31The infected head into a half-ruined city
09:33filled with garbage and corpses.
09:35Everywhere, surviving groups clash over food.
09:38The doctor's wife finds a relatively intact store
09:40and leads her people inside.
09:42She orders them to lock up and not let other groups
09:45wandering the city inside.
09:46Her husband goes with her and she tells him
09:48that only the blind are around.
09:50Soon they find a looted supermarket.
09:52The woman circles it and finds a descent
09:54into a basement filled with food.
09:55She fills entire bags, but as she is leaving,
09:58a crowd that has smelled the food follows her.
10:00The doctor helps her fight them off
10:02and drags her out of the raging group.
10:04After moving a little away,
10:05he leaves her to go back for a lost jacket.
10:07The woman sits on the steps and sees nearby
10:10how dogs are tearing apart the body of a dead person.
10:12She weeps in grief and horror as the rain begins.
10:16The doctor's wife goes to a nearby church
10:18where one of the pastors is trying to preach something.
10:20There she notices her husband and goes out to him.
10:23They return to their people who are washing in the rain,
10:26rejoicing in the water.
10:27They are happy that the doctor and his wife have returned
10:30and rush to hug them.
10:31Later, everyone rests in the store
10:33and the doctor's wife suggests
10:35that they all move to their home.
10:37It is big and comfortable and everyone can settle down there.
10:40They thank their fate that their leader is a sighted person.
10:43The group sets off.
10:44The doctor's wife talks about what is happening around them
10:47and people describe themselves, their hair and eyes
10:50so that their friends can imagine them.
10:51Soon they arrive at the house.
10:53The door is locked, but that doesn't mean no one is inside,
10:56so they act cautiously.
10:57The doctor's wife asks them to remove their dirty clothes
11:00as they have enough clean clothes for everyone.
11:02Later, people tidy themselves up,
11:04making jokes about their appearance for the first time.
11:07The doctor's wife helps everyone wash thoroughly.
11:09Suddenly, the one-eyed old man confesses that he is happy.
11:12He has found a family and for the first time,
11:14he wants to live with someone,
11:16helping them and caring for people.
11:18Later, everyone sits down at the table
11:20and raises a toast to the human family.
11:22In the morning, the doctor's wife puts things in order
11:24and suggests holding a meeting
11:26to establish rules of conduct as there isn't much food left
11:29and suddenly the first infected, the taxi driver,
11:31announces that he can see everything around him.
11:34His sight has returned as unexpectedly as it had left.
11:38People rush to embrace each other
11:39as this means that the blindness is temporary.
11:42Everyone rejoices, realizing that the disease will soon pass.
11:45They will be able to see again
11:47and this time people will truly open their eyes
11:49and the doctor's wife suddenly realizes
11:52that her heavy burden has ended and she has become free.
11:55The film shows people of completely different ages,
11:58nationalities, genders, and professions
12:00united by one misfortune,
12:02but how differently they react
12:03to the disaster that has befallen them.
12:05One thing remains unchanged,
12:07the conclusion that a person must remain human
12:10and only this can save and show the way to the light,
12:12even in total darkness.
