• 21 hours ago
15 #MYSTERIOUS #Buildings #Built by #Unknown #Cultures
00:00Throughout history countless different cultures have risen and fallen and as the written word was only developed relatively recently
00:06They've been completely forgotten about
00:09Archaeologists and historians do though have a way of piecing together information about long-lost
00:14Civilizations by studying the ruins of their ancient buildings from vast cities to huge carvings places of worship and fallen monuments
00:22It's time to travel the globe to explore the top 15 most mysterious structures built by unknown cultures
00:28Let's start with number 15 Nan Madal in the Federated States of Micronesia
00:33Nan Madal is an ancient archaeological site that's in the Federated States of Micronesia on the eastern shore of the island of Pompeii
00:41It's often called the Venice of the Pacific and it's one of the least understood ancient structures in the world
00:46With a unique system of man-made islands and canals that make it one of the few ancient cities to have been built on water
00:53What we do know after extensive research is at the site
00:56It was the capital of the previously unknown Sautler dynasty
01:00Which ruled the island of Pompeii from around 1100 to 1628?
01:04The city was the religious and political center of the dynasty and work began building it is believed to have begun in the early
01:10Part of that period now the sites made up of around a hundred artificial islands spread over half square mile or about 1.5 square
01:17Kilometers and they're made from massive basalt stones and coral fill and they're interconnected by a network of tidal canals
01:24The largest stones used for this weigh up to 50 tons yet
01:28No one knows exactly how they were transported to the site
01:31They're laid in a log cabin like structure with long rectangular slabs laid horizontally to form walls
01:37How the ancient people of Pompeii managed to move these massive stones across the rough terrain and open water remains one of the biggest
01:43Mysteries of Nan Madal with local legend saying it was done with magic
01:48The city's layout though does suggest a highly planned settlement with areas designated for religious rituals political meetings and even burial sites
01:56For some reason though despite being an advanced place
01:59Nan Madal was abandoned by the 17th century possibly due to the rise of the Isokelikel rebellion which overthrew the Sautler dynasty
02:07Now today it is a UNESCO World Heritage site and while much of its history remains a mystery
02:12Research continues to try and uncovers its lost secrets
02:17Number 14 the Palpa Glyphs in Peru
02:20The Palpa Glyphs are a collection of ancient geoglyphs located in the Palpa Valley of southern Peru near the more famous Nazca Lines
02:29Now while the Nazca Lines are known around the world and have been extensively studied the Palpa Glyphs are equally as interesting
02:36Offering a glimpse into the pre-columbian cultures that lived in that region, but they're far less known
02:41The glyphs like the Nazca ones are etched into the desert plains and hills and their origin purpose and creators are subject of ongoing
02:49Research now these glyphs are usually said to have been created by the Paracas and Nazca cultures
02:54Which flourished in the area between 200 BCE and 600 CE
02:59Now unlike the Nazca Lines which are mainly found in the flat desert plains the Palpa Glyphs are located on the slopes of hills
03:05And are visible from a distance
03:07Suggesting they may have been created with the intent of being viewed from the ground as well as from above
03:13Among the most important of them is a set of human-like figures that appear to be involved in some kind of ceremonial or religious
03:20Activity with some of them holding staffs or other objects
03:24Which have led researchers to suggest that the glyphs may have been connected to spiritual or even astronomical observations
03:30One of the more famous figures known as the Starman is a humanoid figure with outstretched arms
03:36Possibly representing a deity or cosmic figure
03:39Some researchers believe that the Palpa Glyphs may predate the Nazca Lines by several centuries
03:44Meaning that the Paracas people who were later absorbed by the Nazca culture might have been the original creators of these desert drawings
03:52Something that's opened up new avenues of research into the cultural continuity between the Paracas and Nazca civilizations
03:59Number 13, Gagantija, Malta
04:03Gagantija is a fascinating prehistoric site that's on the island of Gozo in the Maltese archipelago
04:09The Gagantija temples are considered some of the oldest freestanding structures of all dating back between
04:153600 and 3200 BCE during the Neolithic period
04:19The name comes from the Maltese word for giant showing the local belief that these immense
04:24Megalithic structures were built by a race of giants due to their colossal size and the enormity of the stones used
04:30The complex is made up of two temples which are part of the wider group of megalithic temples found across Malta and Gozo
04:37Now these temples are UNESCO World Heritage sites and are regarded as masterpieces of the prehistoric architecture
04:44Each temple is constructed from massive limestone blocks some weighing several tons
04:48Carefully positioned without the use of metal tools or the wheel which had not yet been introduced to the region
04:54The precision and skill required to move then place these stones does demonstrate the advanced engineering
04:59Capability of the people who built them. The temples are arranged in a cloverleaf shape with a series of semicircular
05:06apses connected by a central corridor
05:08Now archaeologists have uncovered evidence of animal sacrifices and offerings including bones and pottery
05:15Suggesting the site played a significant role in the spiritual and religious lives of the prehistoric Maltese people
05:20The culture that built Gagantija remains somewhat mysterious though
05:25But it is believed that they were a deeply spiritual society that worshipped fertility nature and the cycles of life and death
05:32Today it's one of Malta's most popular
05:34Archaeological attractions with the sheer scale and craftsmanship of the ancient temple showing just how advanced Malta's Neolithic inhabitants were
05:43Number 12 Chaco Canyon United States
05:47Chaco Canyon located in northwestern, New Mexico is one of the most important sites in the United States
05:52It was the center of a thriving ancient civilization that we now know as the ancestral Puebloans who lived in the region between
06:00900 and 1150 CE. Across the canyon is a wide array of massive stone buildings known as great houses
06:07These structures which include sites such as the Pueblo Bonito, Chetro Ketel and Una Vida are known for their size
06:15Complexity and precise alignment with astronomical phenomena
06:18Pueblo Bonito, the largest of the great houses, is a multi-story building with over 600 rooms and 40 kivas or
06:25Circular ceremonial spaces making it one of the most significant structures in pre-columbian North America
06:31Many of the buildings here and features in the canyon were designed to align with solar lunar and compass directions
06:37For example the Sun Dagger is a rock formation that marks the solstices and equinoxes through the
06:44interaction of the light and shadow
06:46These alignments suggest that the people here had a deep understanding of astronomy and they may have used the canyon as an observatory and a ceremonial center
06:54Archaeologists have found artifacts such as seashells from the Pacific Coast, copper bells from Mexico and turquoise
07:00Which were highly valued and traded throughout the southwest
07:04These findings suggest that Chaco was a focal point for the exchange of goods, ideas and cultural practices
07:10Which connected the ancestral Puebloans to other distant civilizations
07:14But the eventual decline of this canyon around 1150 CE does remain a mystery
07:19However, environmental factors such as drought, scarcity of resources or the overuse of agricultural land may have played a role in this
07:26This location is now a UNESCO World Heritage site and it's part of the Chaco culture National Historical Park
07:32But its mystery and significance still offers valuable insights into the sophisticated societies that once flourished in the American Southwest
07:40Researchers here continue to study the region, uncovering new clues about their achievements in architecture, astronomy and their cultural development
07:50Number 11. The Calanish Stones, Scotland
07:53The Calanish Stones are a prehistoric site on the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland
07:59It's an ancient stone circle sometimes referred to as the Stonehenge of Scotland that dates back to around
08:053000 BCE during the Neolithic period
08:08This site is one of the most significant and best preserved
08:11Megalithic monuments in Britain with an impressive arrangement of standing stones that have been shrouded in mystery for centuries
08:17The Calanish stones are made up of a central stone circle made up of 13 large stones with a massive monolith standing at the center
08:25This central circle is surrounded by rows of stones that radiate outward in a cross-like formation and to the north a long avenue of stones
08:33Extends while smaller rolls continue to the east, west and south giving the site a distinctive cross-shaped layout
08:40Now in total there are over 50 stones here at the site the tallest of which reaches more than 15 feet or 4.7 meters in
08:47Height and all of them are made from local gneiss and ancient rock that adds to the mysterious feeling of the site
08:52Because of its weathered and rugged appearance now the exact purpose of the Calanish stones are still debated among archaeologists
09:00But it's widely believed that the site had a ceremonial or religious function
09:04The stones are thought to have been aligned with the movements of the Sun the moon and the stars
09:09Suggesting that the site may have been used as a prehistoric observatory of sorts
09:13One of the leading theories is that the stones were used to mark the lunar cycle
09:17Particularly an event known as the lunar standstill
09:20Which happens every 18.6 years when the moon appears at its southernmost point on the horizon
09:27During this event the moon aligns with the central stone circle leading many to believe that the site was designed with an astronomical precision
09:34But what we know for sure though through excavations here is that the area was once an important center of Neolithic activity
09:41With evidence of nearby settlements and burial cairns. By the late Bronze Age the site had fallen out of use and was gradually buried under peat
09:49Only to be rediscovered in the 19th century when the stones were uncovered once more
09:55Number 10 Teotihuacan in Mexico
09:59Teotihuacan located about 31 miles or 50 kilometers to the northeast of modern-day Mexico City is one of the most important
10:07Archaeological sites in Mexico and one of the largest cities of the ancient world
10:12It was established around 100 BCE and flourishing between 200 and 600 CE
10:17Teotihuacan was home to one of the most sophisticated and powerful civilizations in Mesoamerica
10:23The site is famous for its massive pyramids particularly the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon
10:29The Pyramid of the Sun the largest structure in the city and the third largest pyramid in the world is over
10:34213 feet or 65 meters tall
10:37It's believed to have been a focal point of religious activity possibly dedicated to solar deities or other celestial elements
10:43And the Pyramid of the Moon located at the northern end of the city is slightly smaller
10:48But seemingly just as holy to the people that built it
10:51Teotihuacan has a range of other structures here including the Temple of the Feathered Serpent
10:56Which is a smaller but intricately decorated pyramid with elaborate carvings of serpents and other deities
11:02This temple's construction suggests that it played a critical role in both religious ceremonies and political power as it was surrounded by elite
11:10residential compounds and chambers for the city's rulers
11:13The city's urban planning also points to an advanced society
11:17It was laid out like a grid pattern covering around seven and a half square miles or just under 20 square kilometers and home to
11:23an estimated population of 100,000 to 200,000 people at its peak
11:28Evidence has shown it to be a major trade hub too and its economic reach spread across much of Mesoamerica
11:34From the Maya lands in the south to civilizations in the north
11:38Artifacts found at the site such as obsidian tools, ceramics and luxury goods reveal extensive trade networks
11:44Having become such an influential place Teotihuacan mysteriously declined around 600 to 700 CE
11:51The reasons for the city's collapse are unknown
11:54But by the time the Aztecs arrived in the region centuries later
11:57It had long been abandoned
11:59The Aztecs themselves would go on to see it as one of the most sacred places in the world
12:03Believing it to be the birthplace of the gods
12:07Number 9. The Kailasa Temple in India
12:11The Kailasa Temple located in the Ellora Caves of Maharashtra, India was carved entirely from a single rock
12:19Built in the 8th century during the reign of the King Krishna the first
12:22It was dedicated to Lord Shiva and it's part of a larger UNESCO World Heritage site that includes 34 rock-cut temples and monasteries
12:30Now what's truly unusual about the Kailasa Temple though?
12:33Is that unlike most buildings which are constructed from the ground up the Kailasa Temple was carved from the top down
12:40Ancient engineers from a community that's long been forgotten began at the top of the mountain and painstakingly removed over
12:47200,000 tons of rock to reveal this intricately detailed temple
12:50The result this temple complex is massive measuring approximately 108 feet or 33 meters high
12:58148 feet or 45 meters long and 98 feet or 30 meters wide
13:03The main shrine is surrounded by a number of smaller shrines and courtyards all carved from the same rock and the main spire or shikara
13:11Rises above the temple that mimics the traditional architecture of freestanding temples found elsewhere in India
13:16Now one of the most important sculptures here is a massive relief of Ravana
13:21Shaking Mount Kailash the mythical home of Lord Shiva, which is a theme that gives the temple its name
13:27Despite being dedicated to Shiva the Kailasa Temple reflects the broader religious and cultural influences of its time in addition to the Shiva
13:35iconography the temple features sculptures of Vishnu Lakshmi and other Hindu gods as well as
13:41representations of various celestial beings and animals
13:44The sheer scale here and complexity of the Kailasa Temple have led to many theories about how it was constructed
13:50Now while it is generally believed that the temple took about two decades to complete some legends suggest divine intervention or extraordinary
13:58Manpower with thousands of workers laboring day and night
14:01No matter how it was achieved though the result is undoubtedly one of the most spectacular examples of architectural brilliance that you'll find anywhere on Earth
14:11Number eight Pumapunku in Bolivia
14:14Pumapunku located near Tiwanaku in Western Bolivia is believed to have been built around 15 to
14:201600 years ago
14:21And it was an important site for the little-known Tiwanaku culture which flourished in the Andes from approximately 300 to a thousand CE
14:31Pumapunku meaning the door of the Puma in the Aymara language is famed for its massive stone structures and elaborate stonework
14:38Now what makes it even more difficult to fully reveal its secrets is that over the centuries many of the stones here
14:43At this site have been displaced and there's been significant damage from earthquakes and looting making it impossible for archaeologists to reconstruct its original layout
14:52Some of the largest blocks here weigh over a hundred tons and their smooth surfaces sharp angles and precision cut
14:59Interlocking designs are unlike anything else found in pre-columbian America
15:03The precision with which these stones were cut and fitted together is incredible and in some cases the stones fit
15:08So perfectly that not even a sheet of paper can fit between them these h-shaped blocks for examples
15:14Which are particularly famous at Pumapunku were carved with this level of accuracy and appear to have been designed to interlock with one another
15:21Suggesting an understanding of modular construction the geometric consistency of these blocks
15:26It does indicate that the builders had a deep knowledge of both engineering and geometry
15:30From recent discoveries at the sites like Pumapunku the Tiwanaku culture is now considered to have been one of the most influential
15:37Pre-Inca civilizations in the Andes and its influence spread across much of the region including parts of present-day Bolivia Peru and Chile
15:45The area was likely a significant part of a wider complex around it
15:49Which would contribute to its religious or ceremonial life, but with a lack of written records from the Tiwanaku people
15:55We'll really never know for certain
15:58Moving on to number seven Great Zimbabwe
16:02Great Zimbabwe, which is in the southeastern part of modern-day Zimbabwe is one of Africa's most important sites
16:08It was built between the 11th and 15th century and it was the capital of the kingdom of Zimbabwe
16:14As a center of trade culture and political power in the region the site is famous for its massive stone structures
16:20Which are some of the largest and oldest in sub-saharan Africa at its height Great Zimbabwe may have been home to up to
16:2720,000 people which would have made it one of the largest urban centers of its time in southern Africa
16:31What really stands out about the site is its impressive stone architecture particularly the Great Enclosure
16:37Which is a massive circular wall that stands up to 36 feet or 11 meters tall and extends for over 820 feet or 250 meters
16:46The Great Enclosure is thought to have been a royal or elite residence
16:50Possibly for the king or ruling class of the kingdom and inside the enclosure are a series of smaller walls
16:56Passageways and a conical tower the exact purpose of the tower is still debated
17:00But it may have served as a symbolic or religious structure possibly related to the spiritual beliefs of the Shona people who are thought to
17:07Have built Great Zimbabwe. Although we don't know for certain that they did
17:10It was a major center for trade and commerce which helped with its prosperity and growth
17:16Archaeological excavations here have uncovered evidence of long-distance trade including artifacts such as Chinese porcelain
17:22Persian glass beads and even Arab coins
17:25These findings suggest that Great Zimbabwe was connected to a vast trade network that spanned the Indian Ocean
17:32Linking Africa to Asia and the Middle East
17:34The decline of Great Zimbabwe in the 15th century though is still a mystery with some theories suggesting that
17:40Environmental factors such as overgrazing or deforestation may have led to the city's abandonment
17:45At first European colonizers tried to attribute the construction of Great Zimbabwe to foreign civilizations
17:51But it's now certain that it was the work of indigenous African people perhaps for the ancestors of the Shona
17:57Again with no written records from the time we may never know for certain who actually built it though
18:03But it remains a reminder of Africa's rich and complex history, and it's a great source of pride for Zimbabweans today
18:11Number six, the Nabta Playa in Egypt
18:14Nabta Playa is an archaeological site located in the Nubian Desert of southern Egypt about 62 miles or 100 kilometers to the west of
18:22Abu Simbo
18:23This remote area which is now a barren desert was once a fertile region with seasonal lakes where ancient people thrived around
18:3010,000 to 8,000 years ago during the Neolithic period
18:33Nabta Playa holds a significant archaeological importance too
18:37Not only is one of the earliest known settlements in the region, but also for its sophisticated
18:41Astronomical structures. At the core is a stone circle that's believed to have served as an ancient calendar or astronomical observatory
18:49The arrangement of the stones here at the site suggests that people who live there were able to track the celestial events
18:54Particularly the summer solstice which marked the onset of the rainy season
18:58The stone circles made up of several large stones standing upright positioned in a way that
19:02Corresponds to the movements of the stars and the Sun the site also contains larger megaliths some weighing several tons that would have taken an
19:09Enormous amount of effort to put in place at the time
19:12Nabta Playa was also a major center for pastoral and agricultural activities
19:18Archaeological evidence has shown that the region was home to cattle herding communities
19:21Which played a crucial role in the economy here?
19:24Remains of cattle burials found at the site suggest that cows were revered possibly even worshipped and may have had a symbolic or ritual
19:33scholars believe that the people here were among the first to domesticate animals particularly cattle in the Nile Valley region and that their cultural and
19:40Technological developments may have influenced the rise of early Egyptian society
19:45Although Nabta Playa is now an inhospitable place its ancient past does reveal a vibrant and dynamic
19:51Culture that thrived in a lush environment long ago
19:54The discoveries here at the site have reshaped our understanding of prehistoric Egypt and the wider Saharan region
20:00Showing the early development of social organization religious practices and astronomical knowledge in North Africa
20:06While we know very little about the people who created the site
20:09We can certainly see the influence on culture in the region for thousands of years after they were gone
20:16Number five the Longyou caves in China
20:19The Longyou caves located in Zhejiang province in China were discovered by chance in 1992 by local villagers to this day
20:27They remain a complete mystery as there are no historical records that explain who built them their origins date back over
20:332,000 years most likely to the time of the Qin or early Han dynasties
20:38Although no definitive evidence has been able to confirm that
20:41There are currently 24 known caves at the site covering a total area of over
20:46300,000 square feet or about 30,000 square meters each cave is geometrically aligned and cut with amazing precision
20:52Featuring flat walls sharp corners and ceilings with uniform chisel marks that run in a parallel lines
20:59One of the most surprising things about the cave here is their structural integrity
21:03Despite being carved from relatively soft sandstone
21:06They've remained intact for over two millennia with no signs of collapse erosion or even significant damage
21:11It suggests that the people responsible for them must have developed these skills in other yet to be discovered sites
21:18The purpose of the caves to remains a complete mystery unlike other structures in China
21:23Which are often associated with religious military or burial functions the Longyou caves don't contain any artifacts
21:30Statues or paintings that would suggest their intended use
21:34Adding to the mystery is the fact that the sheer size and number of caves here would have required a massive amount of manpower and
21:40Resources to complete making it even stranger that there are no historical records that detail its construction with all these questions
21:47It's perhaps no surprise that they become a popular cultural tourist attraction in China now that they've been fully explored
21:53There's really no more to learn from the site to help try to explain their existence
21:57and it'll only be if another similar set of caves is found elsewhere that we may finally get to the bottom of why they were
22:03built and who they were built for
22:07Number four the steppe geoglyphs in Kazakhstan
22:10The steppe geoglyphs of Kazakhstan are spread across the Turgai steppe in northern Kazakhstan
22:15And there are a series of massive geometric shapes including squares crosses circles and even swastikas
22:21That were only first spotted by a Kazakh economist and an amateur archaeologist Dmitry Day in
22:272007 while he was studying satellite imagery of the region in total
22:32There are over 50 of these earthworks and structures that cover an area of around 278 square miles or over
22:38720 square kilometers these shapes are formed from mounds of dirt
22:41Stones or timber and they range from simple patterns like lines or circles to more complex designs like the swastika
22:48Which was a symbol widely used in ancient Eurasian cultures for its representation of the Sun and eternity
22:55Long before its appropriation in modern times
22:58Some of these geoglyphs are vast with the largest stretching over
23:02984 feet or 300 meters on each side their sheer number makes them visible from satellite images and aerial photography
23:08But they'd remain unknown and forgotten until their recent discovery
23:12Several theories have been put forward about their purpose with some archaeologists believing that they may have been used as ceremonial or religious sites
23:19Perhaps related to Sun worship or seasonal festivals
23:23Others have suggested that the geoglyphs may have served as territorial markers to separate areas controlled by different tribes or groups
23:30But as of yet, no definitive evidence has been uncovered to support any specific interpretation
23:35Also mysterious is how they were made as the scale of these geoglyphs would have required considerable effort
23:41Organization and resources and without the aid of modern technology the people of the steppe would have relied on simple tools and communal labor
23:48to build these massive structures
23:51Number three Sigiriya, Sri Lanka
23:54Sigiriya is also known as Lion Rock is an ancient rock fortress located in the central Matale district of Sri Lanka
24:01Rising over 650 feet or 200 meters above the surrounding plain
24:04It's a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the country's most iconic landmarks
24:09The rock's history dates back to the 5th century during the reign of King Kashyapa the first
24:14According to legend Kashyapa having overthrown his father and king in a violent coup sought refuge at Sigiriya to escape his half-brother
24:22Moggallala, the rightful heir who was determined to reclaim the throne. In response to his political situation
24:28Kashyapa transformed Sigiriya into a fortified citadel both as a symbol of his power and a refuge from his enemies
24:35It's not entirely clear how accurate this account is though
24:38And it's possible too that an entirely different civilization was actually responsible for building it with the king simply taking control
24:45When he found it in exile
24:47At the heart of the site is the towering Lion Rock upon which royal palaces were constructed
24:52The summit of Sigiriya where the palace once stood includes remnants of royal buildings, cisterns and terraced gardens
24:58The site includes water gardens, terraced gardens and boulder gardens all designed to create a harmonious balance between nature and artistry
25:07Sigiriya is also renowned for its frescoes which are located along a sheltered rock face partway up the fortress
25:12These paintings known as the Sigiriya Maidens show graceful women wearing elaborate jewelry and clothing and these frescoes are thought to represent either
25:21Celestial nymphs or members of the royal court
25:24Despite their exposure to the elements though
25:26These paintings have survived for over 1,500 years and their colors and details remain remarkably well preserved
25:32But after King Kashyapa left Sigiriya fell into disuse as a royal residence
25:36It remained a religious center for several centuries before being completely abandoned and left to the jungle
25:42It was rediscovered by British explorers in the 19th century and it's now become a major archaeological site and a tourist destination
25:50Number 2. Las Labradas in Mexico
25:53Las Labradas is an archaeological site that can be found on the Pacific coast of Sinaloa in Mexico
25:59It's known for its extensive collection of ancient petroglyphs
26:02Which are rock carvings etched into volcanic stones and they've been dated between 2,500 and 1,200 years ago
26:09The site has hundreds of them along the beach. These carvings depict a variety of symbols including abstract geometric designs, animals, human figures
26:17Spirals and even representations of celestial bodies such as the Sun. Now while the exact identity of the ancient
26:23Artists is still debated many archaeologists believe that they were members of indigenous groups that inhabited the region long before the arrival of Europeans
26:31These petroglyphs may have been part of a sacred ceremonial landscape used for rituals as the closeness of the carvings to the ocean
26:38Suggests a connection to nature and perhaps water deities or fertility practices
26:43Some researchers have suggested that these petroglyphs were tied to astronomical observations
26:47Particularly because many ancient cultures in Mesoamerica were known for their knowledge of the stars and celestial cycles
26:54The spirals, concentric circles and other geometric patterns found here might represent those phenomena or serve as ritual symbols for
27:02Understanding the cycles of nature. Today Las Labradas is a protected archaeological zone
27:06and it's a UNESCO World Heritage Site because its rich history and mysterious origins continue to encourage research and
27:13Exploration and by continuously studying and potentially finding new carvings. We may one day reveal far more about the people behind them
27:23Number one Derinkuyu, the underground city in Turkey
27:27Derinkuyu located in the Cappadocia region of Turkey is one of the most extraordinary
27:33Discoveries in the world. The ancient subterranean complex believed to have been built around the 8th century BCE
27:39Extends several stories below ground and could accommodate thousands of people
27:44For a long time this city had been completely forgotten about and it was only when a resident
27:49Just happened to look behind a wall in a cellar of a more modern home that an entrance to Derinkuyu was discovered
27:55It descends over 200 feet or 60 meters down into the earth and covers an area large enough to house an estimated
28:0120,000 people along with their livestock, food stores, and essential supplies
28:06Each level of this city contains a variety of functional spaces including living quarters, kitchens, communal rooms, storage areas,
28:13Stables, chapels, and even schools. The depth and complexity of this city demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of engineering
28:22Ventilation and defense all of which were necessary for the survival of the inhabitants here
28:27The builders created a series of ventilation shafts that allowed for fresh air to circulate throughout the underground space
28:33Ensuring that the inhabitants could live there for extended periods. These shafts some of which are over
28:39164 feet or 50 meters deep also served as communication channels between the different levels of the city
28:44But the primary purpose of Derinkuyu was likely defense as the Cappadocia region with its landscape of soft volcanic rock was prone to
28:53Invasions and raids throughout history. The entrances to the city could be sealed off with large
28:58Rolling stone doors some weighing up to half a ton making it nearly impossible for invaders to breach
29:03The doors could also only be opened from the inside providing an added layer of security
29:07But narrow tunnels were also designed to force invaders to proceed a single file making it easier for the city's defenders to repel any attack
29:15There are no signs that the city was ever breached or who actually built it
29:19But it's generally believed that it was first constructed by the Phrygians an ancient
29:24Indo-european people and later expanded by the Byzantine Christians who during the 7th and 8th centuries had to defend against Arab raids and other invasions
29:32With such secrecy who knows how many other underground cities there may still be in the region to discover
29:39Thanks for watching everybody. I'll see you next time
29:43Thank you to our channel members