• 2 days ago
Credit: SWNS / Kai-Lee Worsley

An ex-vegan whose hair started to fall out in chunks claims that the diet almost killed her - and that eating meat saved her life.

Kai-Lee Worsley, who is originally from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, became vegan after learning about factory farming.

Kai-Lee, 25, stopped eating all products derived from animal and started eating protein-rich vegetables.

She also took supplements to ensure she met nutritional requirements.
00:00I actually eat steaks like twice a week now because I almost died.
00:05Do you guys remember when I was a die-hard vegan and I had a V tattooed in my ear and I thought that I was going to be vegan forever?
00:14I actually eat steaks like twice a week now because I almost died.
00:20I went vegan after I went to California and I learned about it and people were telling me and I was like,
00:27oh my god, I can't believe what they do to the animals and what it does to the environment.
00:30And it was trendy at the time, like it was coming up and people were talking about it.
00:35I didn't do it because it was a trend. I've never even seen Game of Thrones.
00:39I don't want to live if I'm, you know, hurting everything.
00:44Anyways, plot twist, I was really hurting myself.
00:49So I was vegan, I honestly don't remember for how long, probably because my brain wasn't functioning that well.
00:55Anyways, I had a good diet too. I was eating like a lot of the proper foods. I was supplementing some things as well.
01:01I was exercising. I was trying to exercise still. Like I was still living like a healthy life.
01:05I wasn't just eating kale and salads.
01:08First of all, do I look like an only eating salad person? Like no.
01:11This is when I knew I was like, I was dying.
01:14I would get up and my eye would be so woozy. I'd be like stars everywhere.
01:20Couldn't even, I couldn't even function.
01:22My nails would break all the time. Like I would just like frick something and my nail would break.
01:27My hair was like falling out. It wasn't as healthy as it is now.
01:30My skin was like 84 times as bad as it is now. Like it was so bad.
01:36I had like acne all down my neck.
01:39I had no energy to like wake up and be tired.
01:43And I would like sleep all day or as long as I could.
01:46It was really hard for me. I didn't feel strong. Like honestly, I felt so weak.
01:50It was like a really slow process until one day I, I was in bed and I was like,
01:55I don't think I could ever get up again.
01:57I came to the point where I was like, I might die right now.
02:00I might die right here in this tiny apartment in this random city that I moved to,
02:05to try and like work on my career and no friends or family around me.
02:08I thought I was just going to die in my bed.
02:10So I was like, there's only one thing that I think I can do to save myself and it's eat a steak.
02:17And so I mustered up literally all of the courage I could at the time, go to the store.
02:23It's hard for me to even look at the meat because I was like, so,
02:26I don't want to use the term brainwash, but I feel like it's probably the easiest term to use right now.
02:32I didn't want to look at the meat. I hated cooking it. It smelled awful to me.
02:36But as soon as I ate one piece of meat, I immediately felt better.
02:39Immediately. Like it was like light and day.
02:41The lights flickered on in my brain and my body was like, oh, I got food.
02:45Anyways, after that, I saw a series of doctors and like holistic doctors, Western doctors,
02:50every type of doctor ever. I poured thousands of dollars into my health after that.
02:54And it came to the conclusion that I just genuinely have to eat meat because I was so low on iron,
02:59so low on B12. Can't remember what else, because I've been eating meat for like four years now.
03:03I feel amazing. Yeah, it's just crazy.
03:06Actually, no, it depends on your DNA.
03:10And I consulted so many doctors. I saw lots of nutritionists.
03:13If you have a ton of money to spend on supplements and time to take them every day,
03:19possibly because of my genetics, I'm just I'm not supposed to not eat meat.
03:24I tried, but nope.
03:28Sometimes you just gotta do it.
