• 19 hours ago
00:00:00I'm dreaming now, I'm dreaming of Christmas I'm dreaming now, I'm dreaming of Christmas
00:00:25Christmas, Christmas, oh
00:00:28Cause we out in the cold with the lights down low
00:00:32There's nothing like coming home
00:00:36I'm dreaming now, I'm dreaming of Christmas
00:00:39Bri, come over here and help me finish these
00:00:41Dude, these mugs look uneven
00:00:43They feel uneven
00:00:45They're not as uneven as they're gonna be if I break them all
00:00:47Because you won't get over here and help me finish these
00:00:49Come on, it's due by four
00:00:51So bossy
00:00:52You trying to be manager or something?
00:00:55Don't curse me
00:01:00Did you read these?
00:01:01No, I never read them
00:01:03You just put them in the box so they can be delivered like a robot
00:01:06You gotta hear this one
00:01:08Mr. and Mrs. Charleston David Ashford III
00:01:12Invite you to join us for a night of Christmas, canopies, caroling and conversation
00:01:17Oh boy
00:01:18Ooh, at least they've got St. Jack Jean catering the party
00:01:21The St. Jack Jean?
00:01:23Yep, I bet you there's gonna be great gifts
00:01:25I love swag
00:01:27It'll be good swag too
00:01:28Trips, electronics, jewelry
00:01:30And not just the plated stuff
00:01:32Must be nice
00:01:33Did you go to a lot of these fancy parties when you were at Heartward Law?
00:01:37Enough to know they're all the same
00:01:41Hello Gus
00:01:43Either of you got a driver's license?
00:01:45Does it look like we ride the bus?
00:01:47Don't answer that
00:01:48What's up Gus?
00:01:50Delivery guy just called in sick
00:01:52And I promised the Ashfords I'd get them these last minute invitations out today
00:01:56I'll go
00:01:57You can drive the van?
00:01:58Absolutely Gus
00:02:01However, for safety reasons
00:02:04You know, a woman alone in the city
00:02:07It's probably best you send us both
00:02:11Okay, okay, calm down
00:02:12Campo Beach in Westport, Connecticut is hardly the big city
00:02:19But no diversions in my van
00:02:21I know who you two are
00:02:23On it
00:02:26She can drive a van, right?
00:02:28Aubrey? Oh yeah
00:02:30She can drive anything
00:02:33I got it
00:02:36At least the bread delivery truck I drove was automatic
00:02:39Who doesn't have automatic anymore?
00:02:42Wait, when did you drive a bread delivery truck?
00:02:44Oh, when you were in law school
00:02:46Oh, Brevner's bread and buns, how could I forget?
00:02:49You were studying
00:02:50That I would like to forget
00:02:56Oh, that's a new one
00:02:59Are they ever really new?
00:03:01No, I like them, they make me laugh
00:03:03You didn't grow up getting teased for them
00:03:05No, I defended you
00:03:07Yes, you did
00:03:09Okay, we're going into traffic
00:03:17Here we go, there we go
00:03:21Looks like they're having a party
00:03:23Great, nice, okay, we made it
00:03:26So, did Gus say where to put the invitations?
00:03:29I think we're supposed to go around back
00:03:31But we're not the help
00:03:32We're not even the help, we're delivering to the help
00:03:34I'm not going to let these fancy pants people win
00:03:37I'm going through the front
00:03:40I'm going through the front
00:03:44Come on
00:04:03Don't mind if I do
00:04:06Gosh, if this is just the dinner party
00:04:08Imagine what the Christmas party will be like
00:04:14I'm so sorry, excuse me
00:04:16Did Gus send you?
00:04:18Oh, yes, hi
00:04:19I'm Toni
00:04:20I'm Anita
00:04:21Ashford House Manager
00:04:23Oh, did you want to look at the invitations?
00:04:25I would
00:04:26They're in the foyer
00:04:27Thank you
00:04:30Excuse me
00:04:33I'm so sorry
00:04:36No problem
00:04:39Oh, yeah
00:04:40Formula One is far better from the pit, trust
00:04:43And then these are for the family
00:04:45Oh, excuse me, boys
00:04:48Ah, there you are
00:04:51Oh, yes
00:04:52We should go
00:04:53Terribly sorry, gotta go
00:04:54So many deliveries
00:04:55Thank you so much
00:04:57What a rush
00:04:58That was fun, right?
00:04:59It was kind of fun
00:05:00It's nice to be looked at, not looked past
00:05:03Wait, what did you say to those guys?
00:05:05You had them eating out of your hand
00:05:06That I'm a race car driver
00:05:07Formula One, obviously
00:05:08Good thing they didn't see you drive the van
00:05:25Hey, Mom
00:05:26He'll be right with you
00:05:28Hey, hi
00:05:30I saw you two days ago
00:05:32I will always be excited to see my baby girl
00:05:36He's angry
00:05:37Oh, look
00:05:40No, that is not good enough
00:05:46Abel Keselowski's got four kids
00:05:49And now, because of your client's defective seatbelt
00:05:52He's never gonna be able to hold those children in both his arms ever again
00:05:58Do you know what it's like to change a diaper with one arm?
00:06:02Or to hang a baby's first Christmas ornament on the tree?
00:06:07No, I didn't think so
00:06:08Look, call me back when you got a better offer
00:06:12Oh, and tell Marla thank you for the gingerbread
00:06:17Hey, pumpkin
00:06:18What brings you by?
00:06:19Pastrami on rye, two pickles
00:06:21This could be my last pastrami from Olies
00:06:24What? Are you okay?
00:06:25My blood pressure didn't come back too good
00:06:28It's this case
00:06:29But someone lost their arm?
00:06:31I don't know
00:06:33A broken elbow
00:06:35But those things never heal right
00:06:37But you know, Tong?
00:06:39This could be my white whale
00:06:41This could be the one that finally puts me in the big time
00:06:45No, no, come on, I know
00:06:47But this one's different
00:06:51This could be a huge class action suit
00:06:53It's Skyline Motors
00:06:55And they practically admitted that they knew that their seatbelts were defective
00:07:00I think there could be a really big recall coming soon
00:07:07Have you filed?
00:07:11Oh, it's the sauerkraut
00:07:15It never disappoints
00:07:18Oh, thanks
00:07:20And no, not yet
00:07:22I'm gathering as many plaintiffs as I can
00:07:25And I'm hoping to find the evidence that'll really nail them
00:07:28But soon, Pumpkin, soon
00:07:30You know, this could have been a great father-daughter case
00:07:34Dad, can we just get through one meal without you bringing it up?
00:07:37But you're so much better at the law than me
00:07:40You could have been
00:07:42I'm just taking a pause
00:07:43Yeah? Well, it's been quite a pause
00:07:46And what, now you work at a letter shop?
00:07:48Invitations, we print invitations
00:07:51Tony, you're a lawyer
00:07:53I was a law student who graduated, I'm not a lawyer
00:07:56Okay, Pumpkin
00:07:57Thank you
00:07:59Did you see that Jets game?
00:08:27You're free to work Christmas Eve, you don't have any plans, right?
00:08:32I have plans
00:08:33You know I spend Christmas Eve with Tony and her family
00:08:36So no plans of your own, then?
00:08:38Well, those are technically plans of my own, Gus
00:08:42Okay, fine, I'll work until five
00:08:46What's that?
00:08:47Uh, one of, uh, Ashford's Christmas invites fell out
00:08:51Good thing we make a couple extra in each batch
00:08:54Add it to the shred stack
00:09:02So, Skyline Motors, what's the report from legal?
00:09:06Last four quarters checkout, solid profits and no pending litigation
00:09:10I'm expecting their draft in a couple days, should have the review by next week
00:09:14That's great
00:09:15Because I'd like to have this deal all but closed by Christmas
00:09:18And the board will be happy to have it early as well
00:09:20Which helps keep the lights on
00:09:22Amen to that
00:09:44Excuse me?
00:09:46Stalker's Cafe
00:09:47Your lunch?
00:09:51Uh, yes, that would be great
00:09:54I will be right there
00:10:03Where are we going tonight?
00:10:04St. Moritz, we're at Apres Ski having just finished killer runs
00:10:10I'm on break from Doctors Without Borders
00:10:13And you're preparing to go to the space station early next year
00:10:18I know, we gotta decorate it
00:10:20It looks sad
00:10:21I feel like we just took it down
00:10:23Ten months ago
00:10:25Time is flying by
00:10:31What are we doing with our life, Bree?
00:10:33We are having fondue at the Swiss Chalet
00:10:37Don't you like my themed dinners?
00:10:39Of course, I always have
00:10:41Me too
00:10:42My mom started these themed dinners
00:10:44And I think the first one we did was Christmas at the North Pole
00:10:47I was like seven maybe
00:10:49Everything was red and white
00:10:50And she did such an amazing job
00:10:51We had no money
00:10:52She had to get creative
00:10:53And that was when the tradition was born
00:11:01What's going on?
00:11:03It's just my dad, you know
00:11:04Same old, same old
00:11:06I know things have to change, Bree
00:11:08I know
00:11:09I just don't know how
00:11:11I don't even know who I want to be anymore
00:11:13Why do you have to pick one answer?
00:11:16You're being cryptic
00:11:17That's always dangerous
00:11:22What's that?
00:11:23Our new lives
00:11:25Well, at least one on Friday
00:11:27We're not invited to that
00:11:29No, on the contrary
00:11:30What are we doing to change our situation?
00:11:32Maybe a little distraction will make us feel better
00:11:36Gosh, a distraction from life does sound nice
00:11:39No, we'll get in trouble
00:11:41Nothing we can't handle
00:11:43On my little Christmas crashing confidant
00:11:50Just saying
00:11:51Put on a dress
00:12:06We're here?
00:12:07Nope, no, I don't want to do it
00:12:11We're gonna get caught
00:12:12We're not gonna get caught
00:12:13We might get caught
00:12:14No, this is a local Christmas party
00:12:15It's not the Met Gala
00:12:16Repeat after me
00:12:17Fun, food, dancing, distraction
00:12:19Fun, food, dancing, distraction
00:12:21Fun, food, dancing
00:12:23Oh, yes, um
00:12:25Yep, please hold
00:12:28Uh, staying or leaving?
00:12:31Right, Annie?
00:12:36We are so late
00:12:38Kiki from SoulCycle is never gonna forgive us
00:12:41I better not keep Kiki waiting
00:12:46Let's get this over with
00:13:09There's Kiki
00:13:10Hi, Kiki
00:13:14Oh, hello and welcome
00:13:16So glad you could make it
00:13:17I'm Deborah Van Clout
00:13:19Chairwoman of the Westport Guide Society
00:13:22Welcome to my home
00:13:23It's beautiful
00:13:24Becky Hinkenbottom
00:13:26Financial analyst
00:13:27And this is my cousin Annie Flaunaneck
00:13:31Oh, hello
00:13:32Nice to meet you both
00:13:33Annie, are you in finance too?
00:13:35Annie is a doula
00:13:37I am a doula
00:13:38Oh, an honorable profession
00:13:40Isn't it?
00:13:41Do you have a bar here?
00:13:45Excuse me
00:13:48No pressure, but feel free to put your generous holiday donation into the box
00:13:53As soon as you get a chance
00:13:55Absolutely, Deborah
00:13:56No one more generous than we are
00:13:58She has old money on her mother's side
00:14:10That's gonna take forever
00:14:13How do I know I can trust that?
00:14:17Excuse me
00:14:19Thank you
00:14:29So why do they have a cash bar if they're giving away free champagne?
00:14:32Well, because they're squeezing every dollar
00:14:34Why do they have a cash bar if they're giving away free champagne?
00:14:36Well, because they're squeezing every penny
00:14:38And the champagne company is a sponsor
00:14:40It's a good thing they're not sponsored by a fertilizer company
00:14:44I'm Justin Harrison
00:14:46Weren't you at the Ashford's cocktail party last week?
00:14:48Maybe, maybe
00:14:50There's just so many parties this time of the year
00:14:52That's true
00:14:53And you are?
00:14:55I saw some caviar going around
00:14:56She loves caviar
00:14:57I don't love caviar
00:14:58Nobody likes caviar, Annie
00:15:01Becky Hinkenbottom
00:15:03Justin Harrison
00:15:04Nice name
00:15:05That's not a nice name
00:15:06Such a nice name
00:15:07Thank you
00:15:08I had nothing to do with it
00:15:09Well, props to your parents
00:15:10I'll let them know
00:15:15I should check out this caviar
00:15:17Make sure I still don't like it
00:15:18Excuse me
00:15:23Why'd you do that?
00:15:24You two were hitting it off
00:15:25Yeah, but then what?
00:15:27I'm lying
00:15:28I mean, who even am I?
00:15:29What's my name?
00:15:31Remember, it's fun, food, dancing, and distractions
00:15:33Not romance
00:15:34I mean, we didn't shake on that part
00:15:36That's true
00:15:38Does that mean you're all in on this?
00:15:40Lead on, Becky
00:15:42Alrighty, Annie
00:15:47It really goes back
00:15:48Yeah, yeah
00:15:49And don't be afraid to scream
00:15:51Because it's going to really hurt
00:15:52Five fingers, right?
00:15:53We're going to spread those out
00:15:54Like yoga on a mat
00:15:55You want to make it like this
00:15:56Almost like you're diving into something
00:16:02As long as I'm with you
00:16:04I don't care what we do
00:16:07It's like you want a lion's breath
00:16:08Try it
00:16:09A cozy fire of snowflakes under the moon
00:16:13So we just offer everything we offer
00:16:15Oh my god, I see it kicking
00:16:17It's kicking
00:16:19When you're around
00:16:20It's Christmas the whole year through
00:16:23Oh, I don't want nothing melancholy
00:16:27Don't mind if I do
00:16:31Just a little something
00:16:32For the Garden Society
00:16:34I'll get that
00:16:36Thanks again
00:16:47Oh, thank you
00:16:49Get everything you wanted
00:16:52I hear they're putting the sterling silver pie
00:16:54Scented candles in the bag
00:16:56The large ones
00:17:01Right here
00:17:07Smells like Christmas
00:17:21We need to have new identities
00:17:23I want to be a pilot next
00:17:25Wait, what did you put in that donation envelope anyway?
00:17:27Because I know it wasn't a check
00:17:29Better than a check, my little elf advice
00:17:31Whoever set up the room had it all wrong
00:17:33The food needs to be flowing from the bar
00:17:35That's why everyone was all bunched up
00:17:36And why did they have black cocktail napkins?
00:17:38No one can write on black cocktail napkins
00:17:40To maybe write their phone number on it
00:17:42And hand it to a cute valet guy with a Rudolph nose
00:17:44I mean, just for instance
00:17:46I don't know what you're talking about
00:17:47But that is a good example
00:17:48As is Justin Harrison
00:17:51I'll never see him again
00:17:53You would have if you stayed
00:17:55As what, Annie the doula?
00:17:56It's not possible
00:18:00That's too much, it's clumpy
00:18:02Yes, Christmas tree police
00:18:04You know how I get about the details
00:18:05So very, very much
00:18:07Which is why we need to get our story straight
00:18:09Before we go
00:18:11We're not actually thinking of doing that again, are we?
00:18:14Why not?
00:18:15It's harmless
00:18:17We get to have an unforgettable Christmas
00:18:26Is that the Shredstack?
00:18:27I swiped the Shredstack
00:18:28Does Gus know you swiped the Shredstack?
00:18:30No, and he never will
00:18:31Because we're gonna shred the Shredstack
00:18:32After we're done using these invites
00:18:34You're crazy
00:18:35It was a terrible idea
00:18:36All my good ones usually are
00:18:38No, not gonna do it
00:18:40Come on, Tone
00:18:42We're gonna crash Christmas
00:18:58Happy Holidays
00:19:02To the Queen
00:19:04The King, to the King
00:19:06Merry Christmas
00:19:10Nessa, what'd you do there?
00:19:13That's classified
00:19:16Hannah Willstein, and this is my sister Yaffa
00:19:19Eli's cousin on Benjamin's side
00:19:21Gigi Combs, pet therapist
00:19:23And this is my adopted cousin Willow
00:19:26She sees dead people
00:19:32I never knew that you could have a career as a ski instructor
00:19:35But once I was in the Olympics
00:19:41Lola Banner shoes in chocolate tier
00:19:43Herc Rambler, Herc Ranger
00:19:45Imports, exports
00:19:52You know, I actually played football in junior high
00:19:54Pretty big deal
00:19:56They got me too
00:19:59I am too
00:20:02Your grandmother's famous mincemeat pie recipe
00:20:05Is hidden in the
00:20:10Ah, lost it
00:20:36It's unnerving how easy it's getting to lie
00:20:39Oh, and I just loved the Olympic wrinkle
00:20:41That was good
00:20:42No, I really, I've always wanted to go skiing
00:20:44Maybe I will one day
00:20:52Merry Christmas
00:20:53Merry Christmas
00:20:54Merry holidays
00:20:58Careful, careful
00:20:59You gotta, watch the wreath
00:21:01Oh, you okay?
00:21:02Hang on, hang on
00:21:04Let me get that door
00:21:05Hang on
00:21:08Come on, come on
00:21:09You gotta lift your end
00:21:10I'm lifting
00:21:11Are you using your knees?
00:21:12I'm using my knees
00:21:17I feel like Santa's always staring at me in here
00:21:20Come here
00:21:22I can't believe mom still has this creepy
00:21:25I don't know
00:21:26She loves him
00:21:28Objection, hearsay
00:21:30Enough, you two
00:21:32You are supposed to be having fun
00:21:34Yeah, it's a barrel of laughs
00:21:36Have a cookie
00:21:37Oh, thank you
00:21:39What's Santa's injury this year, mom?
00:21:41A broken leg
00:21:44I'm making a meatloaf for dinner tonight
00:21:47I can't stay that long
00:21:48I have a thing with Bree
00:21:49You've been doing a lot of things with Bree lately
00:21:52It's December, tis the season
00:21:54You know, you haven't done this many things since you were in school, networking
00:21:58Are you networking?
00:22:00No, dad, it's not like that
00:22:03Well, then what is it like, Antonia?
00:22:05Because your mother and I, we've been very patient giving you your space
00:22:09Ever since you gave the bar exam the old Irish goodbye
00:22:13Well, give us an explanation
00:22:16I had a panic attack, dad
00:22:18Is that what you want to hear?
00:22:19Panic attack?
00:22:22I was on day one of the exam
00:22:23I was killing it
00:22:24I knew I was going to pass
00:22:25And then
00:22:26And then I just saw my whole life flash before my eyes
00:22:29Except it wasn't my life
00:22:31It was yours
00:22:32It was your life
00:22:33It was the buses, the benches, the commercials
00:22:35And what's wrong with that?
00:22:36Because people make fun of them, dad
00:22:38They're a joke
00:22:44You think I'm a joke?
00:22:46Oh, I didn't say that
00:22:50You kind of did
00:22:53But I didn't mean
00:23:03I messed up
00:23:06Just be better next time
00:23:08And don't judge someone else's shoes
00:23:11Until you've walked around in them
00:23:13Or whatever that saying is
00:23:17He's a good man, Antonia
00:23:21Yeah, I know he is
00:23:25Have fun at your thing tonight, okay?
00:23:28Thanks, mom
00:23:30Manufacturing crash test dummies
00:23:32Is a lot more complicated than you'd imagine
00:23:36It's a lot of responsibility
00:23:37I do not take it lightly, right?
00:23:40Very responsible
00:23:41And what is your name?
00:23:46Oh, Leticia
00:23:47Oh my gosh
00:24:00Hi, what are you doing here?
00:24:01Well, I wanted to try to get in one Christmas party before
00:24:06And this is my boss' club
00:24:09Well, well, well
00:24:10It isn't the mysterious Annie
00:24:12Justin Harrison, your boss
00:24:14You two know each other?
00:24:16We met at another Christmas party
00:24:18Is Annie your doula?
00:24:20How did you know about the doula?
00:24:21I may have asked about you after you left
00:24:23Deborah, she told me you're a doula
00:24:26Antonia Andretti is not a doula
00:24:28She graduated near top of our class at law school
00:24:31You're a lawyer
00:24:33It's a long story
00:24:37It's funny
00:24:38She tells people all the time she's a doula to avoid giving out free legal advice
00:24:42That's so true
00:24:44I was just talking with someone about her upcoming deal with Skyline Motors
00:24:47And the next thing I know, he's peppering me with questions about pre-nups
00:24:51Do I know about pre-nups?
00:24:52I do mergers and acquisitions
00:24:54Did you say Skyline Motors?
00:24:56My company's about to acquire it
00:24:57What about the seatbelts?
00:24:59What about the seatbelts?
00:25:00Uh, spill
00:25:02You know something
00:25:04I mean, I may have heard about a potential class action coming about the seatbelts
00:25:10That they could be defective
00:25:11Have you heard anything about this?
00:25:13Not a word
00:25:14You wouldn't have because they haven't filed yet
00:25:16You can plan for it if you want to go forward
00:25:18Just make sure that the deal documents have a representation
00:25:21That the seller has no knowledge of pending or potential material litigation now
00:25:25Or in the aggregate
00:25:27That could result in material impact on the overall business revenue
00:25:30Which could result in the seller including significant cost
00:25:36Oh, sorry to break up this riveting conversation about seatbelts and aggregates
00:25:39But it looks like she's going into labor
00:25:40Code purple
00:25:42Text my husband and tell him code purple
00:25:44Text husband code purple
00:25:47I'm sure he's by the shrimp
00:25:52Oh, careful there
00:25:55Okay, here we go
00:25:57And then
00:25:58Oh, you again
00:25:59Uh, Vinnie
00:26:01She's in labor
00:26:02Oh, oh, uh, ticket
00:26:05Uh, ticket
00:26:06No, this way
00:26:07Oh, here
00:26:10You got this
00:26:16How you doing?
00:26:17I'm okay, Pookie
00:26:19I'm sorry, Justin
00:26:20Looks like I'm going to miss the retreat
00:26:21This is far more important
00:26:23Skyline Motors, though
00:26:24The deal
00:26:25Yeah, we'll figure it out
00:26:27Antonia, can you take over?
00:26:28I'm sorry, what?
00:26:29What are you doing this weekend?
00:26:31Okay, take Antonia to the retreat
00:26:33She's far better at this kind of deal than I am
00:26:35Don't ever quote me on that
00:26:36Oh, no, I don't think I should
00:26:37Did you or did you not intern at Holland and Gats?
00:26:40One of the biggest mergers and acquisition firms right next to me
00:26:42Well, yes, that's true
00:26:44Could you come to our retreat?
00:26:45You could go to his retreat
00:26:48I'm not licensed in Connecticut
00:26:50You could act as a consultant
00:26:52Tisha, we need to get going
00:26:53Okay, please, Tony, be doing me a solid
00:26:56How can you say no to a woman in labor?
00:26:58We'd obviously compensate you for your legal services
00:27:01No, no, no, no, no, no, no
00:27:03Listen, come on, the retreat's a lot of fun
00:27:05We're going to my lodge in Vermont
00:27:06We have Christmas games, skiing
00:27:08St. Jack Jean's our chef
00:27:09You should go
00:27:10We were going to do something, remember?
00:27:12She can come along
00:27:13I can come along
00:27:14I'll have my assistant Sebastian send you all the details
00:27:16And I've hired one-and-go for everything travel-related
00:27:19You'll be there?
00:27:20I'll be there
00:27:21Okay, okay, we'll be there
00:27:24She'll be there
00:27:25Thank you
00:27:26Drive safe
00:27:27I'll be there
00:27:29Vermont, huh?
00:27:38I'm not going
00:27:39You're going
00:27:41What do you think of this one?
00:27:45I'm still not going
00:27:46I think I like the other one better
00:27:48But you owe me
00:27:49Owe you?
00:27:50Owe you?
00:27:51For what?
00:27:52You're the one who got me into this big mess
00:27:53He actually thinks I'm a lawyer
00:27:55We made up other lives this whole time
00:27:57For fun, Brie, this is real life
00:28:00I could get into serious trouble for practicing law without a license
00:28:03And I absolutely cannot get compensated for legal advice that I'm not allowed to give
00:28:07It's illegal
00:28:09Oh, yeah, that
00:28:11Yeah, that
00:28:12Well, at least you're going as a consultant
00:28:15Because he thinks I'm a lawyer
00:28:17You almost were
00:28:19Well, I will be sure to tell the Connecticut Bar Association that as they're blackballing me
00:28:24I was so sorry that I pretended to be a lawyer
00:28:26But my best friend and I were busy crashing Christmas parties
00:28:29Under fake identities, which I also shouldn't have done
00:28:31Things just sort of happened, but it's totally fine
00:28:33Because I would have passed the bar had I not completely panicked
00:28:36You're forgetting one big thing
00:28:39You like Justin
00:28:40Don't deny it
00:28:41Like I could
00:28:43And he knows your real name, Antonia, okay?
00:28:46And that you're in the lawyer arena-ish
00:28:48So, like, you really didn't even lie
00:28:50I'm kind of lying, Brie
00:28:55Besides, you just want to go so you can see
00:28:58Hi, Rudolph
00:28:59Yeah, I do
00:29:01And get a free vacation
00:29:03I've never been on a real vacation
00:29:05At least not like this
00:29:07Come on, Tone
00:29:09One last big distraction
00:29:16But I am going to tell him that I'm not an actual lawyer
00:29:18Yeah, no, you do you
00:29:19And I'm going to pack all your outfits
00:29:21Because this wooly mammoth look
00:29:23Ain't it?
00:29:26Just saying
00:29:34Make sure we send flowers and a gift to Letitia
00:29:36Already done
00:29:37Did you want me to book you a flight to your sister's for Christmas?
00:29:40That would be a negative
00:29:42Look, I love my family
00:29:44But sometimes being the single brother to three married sisters is a lot
00:29:48Besides, I want to figure out the Skyline deal by Christmas
00:29:51I know Tony and Letitia said we can plan for potential litigation
00:29:54But should we?
00:29:55And how much are we talking?
00:29:56You're sure you don't want me running due diligence on Miss Andretti?
00:30:00No, she's only a consulting attorney
00:30:02Plus, I trust Letitia
00:30:04And Letitia trusts her
00:30:05Don't you?
00:30:07Besides, Antonia knew about the upcoming class auction lawsuit
00:30:10Which you found to have merit
00:30:12It hasn't been completely confirmed
00:30:14But I did hear there was something brewing
00:30:16Sebastian, you're protective
00:30:18Which I appreciate
00:30:20But let's just see what Miss Andretti can come up with
00:30:22And in the meantime, relax
00:30:23Try and have some fun
00:30:25But I am going to need those numbers
00:30:28Hey, I'm glad you're offering to make it
00:30:37Welcome to Vermont
00:30:39Wow, what a ride
00:30:41I feel like I'm on top of the mountain
00:30:43Why did the top of the mountain have to be so windy?
00:30:45You okay?
00:30:46Here, Miss Andretti
00:30:48This one has ginger, it'll help you settle
00:30:50Thanks, my friends call me Tony
00:30:52And, uh, one for you
00:30:56Excuse me, welcome
00:30:58I'm thrilled you both could make it
00:31:01Are you feeling all right?
00:31:03I just got a little car sick
00:31:05Oh, I hear you
00:31:06That last turn, it gets me every time
00:31:08And the altitude doesn't help
00:31:10But come on, let's get you inside
00:31:11Let's get you warm
00:31:12I want to show you around
00:31:13Uh, Vinnie, do you mind?
00:31:15Yeah, I'll make sure their luggage gets to the room
00:31:17Great, thank you, sir
00:31:20As I said, we have the whole place to ourselves
00:31:23Uh, the dining room, it'll be serving all day
00:31:25Uh, the dining room, it'll be serving all day
00:31:27Uh, the dining room, it'll be serving all day
00:31:29Uh, this is my personal favorite, the hot chocolate station
00:31:32It's a little embarrassing how much I've been looking forward to that
00:31:35Did St. Jack Jean do that one?
00:31:37I believe so, but my assistant Sebastian, he's in charge of most of the set-up details
00:31:41Have you heard from Leticia?
00:31:43Yes, I have
00:31:44And she sent me this
00:31:47Oh, what did they name him?
00:31:52And you seem to have a thing about names, don't you?
00:31:55Well, they're the first thing you learn about someone
00:31:57They get really revealing
00:31:58That's funny because your itinerary has you listed as Bree, but you introduced yourself to me as Becky
00:32:03Did I?
00:32:05Yeah, you did
00:32:06Becky is the nickname that I gave her so long ago
00:32:12It's really stuck
00:32:14Like Annie has for you
00:32:15That's right, and Annie or Tony, Antonia, when her parents are mad at her, whatever
00:32:20You've known each other a while then, I'm guessing?
00:32:22Since first day of first grade
00:32:24When Logan Styler put glue in her hair and I punched him in the nose
00:32:27It resulted in a parent-teacher conference
00:32:29And a lifelong friendship was born
00:32:32You guys hang out, I'll just keep at it
00:32:36I'm glad that you came
00:32:37I know the invitation was a little unorthodox
00:32:39That's one way to put it
00:32:41Yeah, but maybe it was fate
00:32:44I mean, what are the odds that at the exact moment I lose my legal counsel, I find an Ivy League lawyer who can step in and save the day?
00:32:52No pressure
00:32:53Oh, none at all
00:32:54Would you excuse me?
00:32:56Make yourself at home
00:33:04Enjoy and be safe
00:33:07Miss Cassidy
00:33:10Oh, not Becky from SoulCycle?
00:33:12No, that was just like a silly thing that my friend and I were doing that day
00:33:16Well, you don't owe me an explanation, you know, I'm just glad whichever version of you is here now
00:33:23Duty calls
00:33:24Duty calls
00:33:25Will I see you later?
00:33:26You'll see me all weekend
00:33:27Lucky me
00:33:31Love the pants
00:33:32Oh, it's just, yeah, that's fine
00:33:39So, did you tell Justin?
00:33:41No, I chickened out, he was looking at me so, so
00:33:49He was talking about s'mores and he had this adorable boyish air about him and
00:33:54You got it bad
00:33:55Says a girl who practically sprinted across the lobby to Vinny
00:33:58No, I did not sprint, I walked in as elegant a fashion as one would in faux leather ski pants
00:34:07Hi, I don't believe we've formally met, I'm Sebastian Burke, Justin's assistant
00:34:11Hi, I'm Toni, um, and, and, and that's Bree
00:34:15I'm glad to see you're all settling in
00:34:17Would you like some? These have rum in it
00:34:20No, thank you
00:34:22I've come to drop off the files for the Skyline Motors acquisition as well as their new car
00:34:28Thank you
00:34:29I've come to drop off the files for the Skyline Motors acquisition as well as their most recent draft of the contract
00:34:36Wonderful, I will, I will get right into this
00:34:39Here is this weekend's itinerary
00:34:41Justin said the both of you are more than welcome to participate in all the activities
00:34:46Thank you, Sebastian
00:34:47Don't thank me, thank Justin and Leticia, who you went to university with
00:34:53Haltward Law
00:34:58Well, if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask
00:35:01Welcome to Harrison Economic Ventures, at least for the next three days
00:35:06Let's go
00:35:25And that is a...
00:35:27I'm making a snow person
00:35:29That's a great foundation
00:35:31I think I'll make a reindeer
00:35:32Thank you
00:35:35Nice progress
00:35:36Still doing a circle
00:35:38It's a great circle
00:35:42And there you go
00:35:48Something wrong with your hot chocolate?
00:35:52Spit it back into the cup
00:35:53I know it has nothing to do with you
00:35:56Everything to do with the chocolate?
00:35:58You really want to know?
00:36:00I really do
00:36:02You asked for it
00:36:03You used filtered chocolate, American
00:36:05And filtered chocolate just tends to be a little thinner, more bitter
00:36:08I think if you switch to Swiss Dark, it would just really mix better with the cream
00:36:13That's interesting
00:36:15Anything else?
00:36:16Well, I mean, we're in Vermont
00:36:18Wouldn't it be nice to pull in some local ingredients?
00:36:21Maybe a little maple syrup or caramel cream from a local farm
00:36:25Or you could even do like an orange zest with chili
00:36:29Wouldn't that be fun?
00:36:31Also, oh
00:36:32There's more
00:36:33Oh, yeah
00:36:34I just think if you moved the cart over there
00:36:37The line of customers would be off the main path
00:36:40That way the guests aren't, you know, crossing through them
00:36:42Are you an event planner or?
00:36:44No, no, I'm just a girl with like a lot of ideas
00:36:50Now the tree is perfect
00:36:52All it needed was an avant-garde snowman
00:36:54What? This is a regular snowman
00:36:57I might have messed up a little bit
00:36:59Spaces are overrated on snow people
00:37:06Sebastian came by and dropped the Skyline motorpiles off last night
00:37:12Did you find anything interesting?
00:37:13I'm still reviewing
00:37:14Let me know when you're ready to go over it
00:37:16But for now, I just, I kind of want to have some fun
00:37:21I'm surprisingly okay with that
00:37:26There you are
00:37:27Here I am
00:37:29Could I interest you in seeing the best and weirdest Christmas puppet show in the whole world?
00:37:33The whole world?
00:37:34All right, Tiny Timmy Town at North Pole Village
00:37:36Life changing
00:37:38I don't know whether to report you or marry you
00:37:48Love Christmas winters in the woods
00:37:50The way the cold air just hits your lungs
00:37:53It's like, um, um
00:37:55A reset?
00:37:59It's like a reset on life
00:38:02I always felt like the holidays were a perfect time for a reset
00:38:06Christmas is a week away
00:38:08Big plans?
00:38:11Well, if you consider me and Chinese food and it's a wonderful life, big plans, then yeah
00:38:18It's just easier than the Christmas chaos at my sister's
00:38:23How many sisters do you have?
00:38:25I have three olders
00:38:28And don't get me wrong, I love my sisters
00:38:30And I love Christmas, but
00:38:32Well, someday I hope to have a Christmas
00:38:35With my own family
00:38:36And until then, this retreat is my family Christmas
00:38:40And Mooshu
00:38:43Yes, and Mooshu
00:38:48He gave him the money for the operation
00:38:50I can now have a holiday meal with the truthy Antrimans
00:38:58That was bizarre and amazing
00:39:01Yeah, I wasn't sure how you would take the puppets part
00:39:04No, I love those things
00:39:05My mom actually got me a reindeer puppet for one Christmas when I was like 10
00:39:09Oh, where's your mom now?
00:39:10Mesa, Arizona
00:39:11Her and her sister retired there
00:39:13So I don't get to see her very much, but you know how it is
00:39:20Thank you, mister
00:39:22I don't know your last name
00:39:28And is Cassidy your real last name?
00:39:31What do you mean?
00:39:32Listen, I've been working my job for a long time
00:39:35And I could spot a Christmas party crasher a mile away
00:39:39Because you see, you're the ones having the most fun
00:39:43That's just it
00:39:45It was just fun
00:39:48So I'm Sabrina Cassidy
00:39:50I work at a gift and print shop
00:39:52Which is by far the most boring job I've ever had
00:39:54And I've had a lot of jobs, okay, trust me
00:39:56Because of that deal
00:39:59Nice to meet you, Sabrina Cassidy
00:40:01Gift and print shop caretaker
00:40:03Oh, that's how we got the invites, you know
00:40:06Like the print shop
00:40:09Yeah, Tony and I, we both work there
00:40:11I thought she was a lawyer
00:40:12I mean, she should be
00:40:13But she had this epic freakout when she was taking the bar
00:40:16And she just never finished it
00:40:18Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait
00:40:20She's lying to Justin?
00:40:21No, technically she didn't tell him that she was an attorney
00:40:24And she's gonna tell him the truth
00:40:25So please don't tell your boss
00:40:28Justin's not my boss
00:40:30Right, right, he hired your boss
00:40:32But you know what I mean
00:40:35I do
00:40:38Well, okay
00:40:40What about you?
00:40:42What do you want?
00:40:45Well, that's just it
00:40:46I haven't really figured out what I want
00:40:50I've been in survival mode most of my life
00:40:52Working so many jobs since I was 13
00:40:54I had to support my mom and sister
00:40:56So I really didn't have the luxury growing up
00:40:58To figure out what I want
00:41:02Well, that I understand
00:41:05You know, being first generation in my culture
00:41:07Overachieving is the expectation
00:41:10My brother is a cardiologist
00:41:12And my sister is an attaché to the ambassador to India
00:41:19But I wanted to choose my own path
00:41:22That's really brave
00:41:26When I was younger I had someone tell me once too
00:41:29Do what you love and the money will follow
00:41:34I know what I like
00:41:36What's that?
00:41:42Well, good
00:41:44Because I
00:41:46Like you
00:42:01Okay, well
00:42:02If you ever don't want to be a CEO
00:42:04You could be a s'more chef
00:42:06I'll keep that in mind
00:42:09So how did you go from a college dropout to here?
00:42:13I thought you read up on me
00:42:15I did, must have missed that part
00:42:17Well, condensed version
00:42:19I got an internship at Halsford Industries
00:42:21After delivering pizza to them while I was still in school
00:42:24And the owner, Ted Carlingson
00:42:27He believed in me
00:42:29And he taught me everything I know about business
00:42:33He was a real gem of a guy
00:42:36Unfortunately his kids were not
00:42:38And when they took over after his passing
00:42:40They changed everything completely
00:42:43By hostile takeovers
00:42:45Like buying companies and
00:42:47Shopping them up, selling them for parts
00:42:49Corporate raiders
00:42:51And the worst part was
00:42:53They lied about what they were doing
00:42:55And that was a deal breaker for me
00:42:59I grew up with my dad
00:43:01Lying to me about anything and everything
00:43:06It's just not something I tolerate
00:43:14The next day
00:43:19He said deal breaker
00:43:21His exact words
00:43:22That's not good
00:43:23How can I tell him the truth now?
00:43:24He's never going to speak to me again
00:43:25And what if he tells the Bar Association?
00:43:29I'm sorry, Tone
00:43:30This is all my fault
00:43:31I didn't think that there would be real consequences
00:43:34No, it's not your fault
00:43:35I went along with it
00:43:36I liked the rush
00:43:38Gosh, it was nice not to think about reality for a bit
00:43:41Then reality came in
00:43:42I just wanted more for you and me
00:43:45What if Gus finds out?
00:43:46I mean, I don't like the job, but I need the job
00:43:48I still help my mom, you know?
00:43:50I know, I know you do
00:43:51But you know what?
00:43:52You are
00:43:53You are a great daughter
00:43:58Justin hates liars, Bree
00:43:59You are a lot of things, Antonia Andretti
00:44:01But you are not a liar
00:44:02Yet I'm lying
00:44:03Kind of makes me one
00:44:04Why don't you just talk to Justin
00:44:06And see what he says?
00:44:07What if he kicks us out of here?
00:44:09What's that gonna do for your chances with Vinny?
00:44:11I think my chances with Vinny are pretty good
00:44:13Yo, Olympics?
00:44:18I knew I recognized you
00:44:21Doug Byers
00:44:22We met at the Chamber of Commerce Christmas party
00:44:25Oh, hi
00:44:27You're that ski instructor who qualified for the Olympics, right?
00:44:29You remember that part
00:44:35Hey, boss, I met, uh
00:44:36Sorry, I'm terrible with names
00:44:38I said, my name is Tony
00:44:41That is not
00:44:42Anyway, we met at a Christmas party last week
00:44:45How many Christmas parties have you been to this year?
00:44:47Says the guy I've seen at three of them
00:44:49Do you guys work together?
00:44:52Doug's one of our worst paralegals
00:44:55Hey, are you guys going on the afternoon ski run?
00:44:59Hadn't planned on it
00:45:01You have to, that's your thing
00:45:03Plus you can give me tips
00:45:04So I don't hurt myself
00:45:05She is a superstar on the slopes
00:45:07A lady of hidden talents
00:45:09So hidden
00:45:10Um, you know, I think that I need to do, um, the Skyline motor files
00:45:14I don't know, there's plenty of time once we get back, come on
00:45:16You have to come
00:45:17You know, no more excuses
00:45:18Shuttle leaves at noon, see you there
00:45:20Hey, boss, come check out my new gear
00:45:21You got it
00:45:26Don't panic
00:45:27I'm so panicking
00:45:30Oh, Justin, I got that
00:45:32Thanks, Vinnie
00:45:33No worries
00:45:38What's this?
00:45:39Heated vest, water pouch, protein bars, extra pair of gloves, extra pair of underwear
00:45:44And an emergency alert for when you fall or get lost
00:45:49He's not wrong
00:45:51Oh, gee, thank you
00:45:52Thank you for your support
00:45:54What's up?
00:45:56I know you told me not to bother
00:45:57But I did some digging into Miss Andretti
00:46:02Did you find anything concerning?
00:46:05Did you find anything concerning?
00:46:07I didn't find anything, at all
00:46:09Other than the fact that she went to the same Ivy League law school as Letitia
00:46:13So exactly what we already knew
00:46:15Right, but I couldn't find any postgraduate work
00:46:18Nothing in New England, you don't think that's strange?
00:46:21Just because you couldn't find it online doesn't mean she hasn't practiced somewhere
00:46:24She might work for herself
00:46:25Did she say that?
00:46:26Did she say she worked for herself?
00:46:29It hasn't come up in conversation
00:46:31Justin, we both know how important this Skyline deal could be
00:46:35Okay, come here
00:46:40What's this really about?
00:46:42I'm worried this is going to be another Juliette situation
00:46:46It's not, I know
00:46:48Right, except for last time you didn't
00:46:50Until she had her hooks in you and drained over half your bank account
00:46:54We had to threaten to get the police involved to rectify those funds
00:46:57Thank you for that painful and thrilling recap
00:46:59But Tony and Juliette are completely different
00:47:01You've known her for two days
00:47:02And I can't even get her to give me a quote on her consulting
00:47:04That's a big clue right there
00:47:06I'm just saying
00:47:07Sebastian, let it go
00:47:10Tony, let me give you a hand with that
00:47:14My pleasure
00:47:24Casual corner, nice easy green
00:47:26Wraps around the whole mouth
00:47:27Nice easy green, wraps around the whole mouth
00:47:30Sounds good to me
00:47:31Tony can lead us
00:47:32Tony, you good for that?
00:47:34You don't need me to lead you
00:47:36You guys got this
00:47:37Besides, you know, I was thinking of trying widow shoot
00:47:41Yeah, double black diamond, looks good
00:47:44You guys want to join me on that?
00:47:48No, I think I'll stick with the scenic easy route, thanks
00:47:52I think I'll stick with Doug on that
00:47:54So I'll see you at the bottom?
00:47:56Hour and a half?
00:47:57Sounds great
00:47:58Last one there, bye
00:47:59Tell me your drink orders now
00:48:01Hot Toddy
00:48:02Sounds good, guys
00:48:03See you later, hot shot
00:48:04Have fun
00:48:13Oh, hey
00:48:15I meant to tell you, I love what you did with the hot chocolate
00:48:17Is it better?
00:48:18Much, and the chili gives the perfect kick
00:48:21Good advice is always welcome
00:48:23And look, we fixed the line problem
00:48:25I saw that, it looks great
00:48:26Hey, if you have a few minutes, I'd love to show you the set up for the Christmas party
00:48:29Oh, are you working on that one too?
00:48:31I'm a Jane of all trades, that's me
00:48:34Meet you in the lounge in ten minutes and I'll show you the plans
00:48:37Yeah, sure, I'd love to see it
00:48:45That was a uncasual conversation
00:48:47Yeah, well I gave the barista some advice on how she should relocate the hot chocolate bar
00:48:52And up the quality of the product to maximize guest satisfaction
00:48:55And she took it
00:48:57Is that all?
00:48:59That looked like a nice tip
00:49:01This should be a good weekend for you, huh?
00:49:03I'll do fine
00:49:04Well, gotta go, Sundar
00:49:06Will I see you at the party?
00:49:10It means beautiful in Hindi
00:49:15Well, in that case, I think you have a very strong chance
00:49:46I'm just saying that it's etiquette to wait for your buddy when you get to a fork
00:49:50I'm just saying my buddy should be a little faster
00:50:12Etiquette to wait for your partner?
00:50:17There she is
00:50:18Sorry I'm late guys, third run's a charm
00:50:20Hot chai for you?
00:50:21Thank you so much
00:50:22Started a tab under your name
00:50:28You got like a little chip or something there?
00:50:30I was having a snack on the way down, it was so easy
00:50:57Hello, is everything okay?
00:50:59Yeah, everything's fine
00:51:01Oh, okay, well do you want me to get your mom?
00:51:03No, Dad, I called you on your phone
00:51:05Oh, yeah, okay
00:51:07What's up?
00:51:09I wanted to talk to you about something, but
00:51:12Hey, first I really wanted to say I'm sorry for how I spoke with you before
00:51:16It was completely out of line
00:51:17No, it's okay
00:51:18No, it's not okay
00:51:20I very much respect what you do and I very much respect you, Dad
00:51:26Well, that's nice to hear
00:51:28I love you, pumpkin
00:51:29I know, I love you too
00:51:32You know, everything I do, I do for you and your mom
00:51:37And I know I get a little one-note about your law future
00:51:42That's because I know you'd be so much better than me
00:51:46I can see it clear as day
00:51:49Thanks, Dad
00:51:50Funnily enough, that's why I called, to talk to you about your Kay Skyline Motors
00:51:56Yeah, it's kind of a long story
00:51:58But I'm consulting for Justin Harrison of Harrison Economic
00:52:02Ventures? Yeah, they're in the middle of trying to buy Skyline
00:52:05Yes, yes they are, and that's the problem
00:52:08I haven't told him that I heard from you about the seatbelts
00:52:11I'm kind of just trying to give them a fuller picture of the company
00:52:14But I think I found a way to help you and Justin
00:52:17Justin? Oh, it's Justin, is it?
00:52:21Focus, Dad
00:52:22Do you think I could take a look at the files on the cross-action lawsuit?
00:52:27It's totally okay if you don't
00:52:30Tony, I guess technically you're still an employee of Andretti Law
00:52:36From when you interned that summer
00:52:38So there's no client privilege snag
00:52:42But, um, okay, Tone, I'm going to trust you
00:52:48I will upload the files to the company portal
00:52:51And the password is the same one as before
00:52:53You have big payout with three money symbols
00:52:56One for you, your mom, and me
00:52:59I remember. Thanks, Dad
00:53:01You're welcome, pumpkin
00:53:06Hey, Bree, I'm back
00:53:13Saucy Santa or Snow Princess?
00:53:15Snow Princess
00:53:16That makes you Saucy Santa
00:53:18Wait, what?
00:53:20I called my dad
00:53:21You made up with Lou
00:53:23Yeah, I should have done it earlier
00:53:24People forgive others when they make mistakes
00:53:26Okay, you've never been good at subtleties, so you might as well be blunt
00:53:29I'm just saying I don't think it would be as bad with Justin if you were to just tell him the truth
00:53:33Why do you think that?
00:53:36Okay, don't kill me
00:53:37Oh, no
00:53:38But I sort of, like, kinda, totally told Vinny the truth earlier
00:53:44Which truth?
00:53:45You know, the whole truth, you know, about you and me
00:53:49Yeah, it's cool, but he was cool with it all
00:53:53Don't worry, he's not going to say anything
00:53:54Which he could, and he probably totally should tell Justin
00:53:57Okay, but that's why I think Justin would be fine with it, because Vinny was
00:54:00He says that there's at least two party crashers every year at Christmas parties
00:54:03So just don't worry, people do it all the time
00:54:05Bree, what I'm doing right now is different
00:54:07I trust Vinny not to say anything
00:54:09You just met him
00:54:10You just met Justin, and you're going to tell me that you don't think he's trustworthy?
00:54:14That's different
00:54:15Why? Because Justin's a rich CEO and Vinny's a valet?
00:54:19You know I don't think like that
00:54:22Okay, I know
00:54:24I know
00:54:30You're my best friend and you've always had my back, so if you trust Vinny, so will I
00:54:39Give me that saucy Santa dress
00:54:41No problemo
00:54:58That looks delicious
00:54:59It's a frosty cocktail
00:55:01Bree, help them with the recipe
00:55:04Are those coconut flakes?
00:55:05Good eye
00:55:08Oh, thank you
00:55:13It is delicious
00:55:15Be back in a bit
00:55:21Toni, you look absolutely beautiful
00:55:26You look-
00:55:27The same as I always do
00:55:28Which is very handsome
00:55:30You think I'm very handsome?
00:55:35I shouldn't-
00:55:36I was-
00:55:37I didn't-
00:55:38I'm going to go
00:55:39Yes, absolutely
00:55:40Okay, you can have-
00:55:42Okay, I'll take it
00:55:45I'll get another one
00:55:50What do you think?
00:55:52It's beautiful
00:55:54It's because of your tips, it really helped
00:55:56Are you sure? Not everyone loves when I meddle
00:55:58No, that's just their ego talking
00:56:00When I hear good advice, I take it
00:56:05Excuse me
00:56:08You look beautiful
00:56:12He's offside
00:56:13He's on a replay
00:56:14Let's get a replay
00:56:15No, no, no, no, no, no, no
00:56:16That's not a goal
00:56:32Ms. Andrade
00:56:35So, um
00:56:36You know, we leave for Westport tomorrow
00:56:38And we still haven't talked about Skyline
00:56:41And that's entirely on me
00:56:43But once I got here
00:56:44The idea of work, it just kind of
00:56:47Went out the window
00:56:49Okay, well
00:56:50When did you want to talk about work?
00:56:52How about Tuesday afternoon
00:56:54At the office
00:56:58And we're going to finally discuss your fee
00:57:00No, no, no, no, no
00:57:02Yes, yes
00:57:04Well, let's put a pin in that
00:57:06But I did do a little bit of digging
00:57:09And I think I might have found something of interest
00:57:13Would this something of interest
00:57:15Change anything or have negative implications
00:57:18If we waited until Tuesday to discuss it?
00:57:24Because I have to admit
00:57:25I've very much enjoyed
00:57:28Not talking about work
00:57:30And I have you to thank for that
00:57:33I really appreciate
00:57:35Not having any stress or drama
00:57:38This dude's such a clown
00:57:40Oh yeah, this guy
00:57:42Up on a rooftop, slip and fall
00:57:46Got no insurance, who do you call?
00:57:49Who, who, who, who?
00:57:51Who, who, who?
00:57:52Who, who, who?
00:57:53Who, who, who?
00:57:54Who, who, who?
00:57:55Who, who, who?
00:57:56Who, who, who?
00:57:57Who, who, who?
00:57:58Who, who, who?
00:57:59Who, who, who?
00:58:00Who, who, who?
00:58:02Wait, wait, wait
00:58:07He's so got his degree online
00:58:10You okay?
00:58:13They're mocking him
00:58:14The guy on the commercial?
00:58:19Do you feel cool right now?
00:58:20Mocking him, make you feel superior?
00:58:22To who?
00:58:23That guy?
00:58:25That guy
00:58:26You know, that guy worked his way through law school
00:58:28While living out of his car
00:58:29And he still passed the bar on the first try
00:58:31How many times did it take you, huh?
00:58:33You didn't pass the bar
00:58:34You know, God forbid you ever get in an accident
00:58:37But if you did, you'd be so lucky to have Lou Andretti on your side
00:58:42I just need some air
00:58:52You know, this is the first time I haven't seen you in your uniform
00:58:56Well, we'll have to change that
00:58:59And how's that, Mr. Bishwana?
00:59:02Go on a date with me
00:59:04We're kinda on one
00:59:06I don't want kinda
00:59:07I want to pick you up at your place
00:59:10And take you to a fancy restaurant
00:59:12And buy you champagne
00:59:14You don't have to do all that
00:59:17I want to
00:59:19Bishwana, want to go on a date with me?
00:59:23Very much
00:59:25Wait, Bishwana, want to go
00:59:29Is there any relation?
00:59:30Well, um
00:59:31It's like your family's company?
00:59:33Oh, no
00:59:35It's mine
00:59:38Yeah, I started it when I was still in college in Connecticut
00:59:41And that's where I met Justin before he dropped out
00:59:43I like to stay in touch with how I started
00:59:45Keeps me connected
00:59:46And I get to meet interesting people
00:59:55Um, what's wrong?
00:59:58I feel stupid
01:00:02I don't know, I just do
01:00:06Oh, Vinny
01:00:07Hey, sorry to interrupt
01:00:08I just saw a couple of guys get on your snowmobiles
01:00:11Looks like they're trying to race them
01:00:14I'll handle it
01:00:25Thank you
01:00:38So Lou Andretti's your father?
01:00:41Christmas Fall, who do you call?
01:00:43I'm sorry they were jerks
01:00:45Oh, it's not that
01:00:47Or it's not only that
01:00:50You know, a week ago I would have been just like them
01:00:53I would have been making fun of him
01:00:55Or at least not supporting him
01:00:57If I'm being honest
01:00:58I love my dad
01:01:00He's been the butt of jokes my whole life
01:01:03Benches, the commercials
01:01:05You've seen them
01:01:07Not that I'm in any position to judge anyone
01:01:11What do you mean you're not in any position?
01:01:15At least he's authentically who he is
01:01:22Yeah, Justin
01:01:23Toni, can I say something?
01:01:26I've had the most insane crush on you since we bumped into each other
01:01:30And I probably, uh
01:01:33I definitely
01:01:36Invited you here as an opportunity to spend more time with you
01:01:39Wait, so you don't want me to consult?
01:01:41No, I do, I very much do
01:01:42Your help is going to be a godsend
01:01:44And I appreciate it more than you know
01:01:47But I just want to be upfront
01:01:51I'm equally glad to spend time with just you
01:01:55And I hope that's okay
01:01:59It's more than okay
01:02:18Justin, I have to-
01:02:20Toni! Toni!
01:02:22Oh, man
01:02:24I'm sorry
01:02:25It can wait
01:02:26I'm sorry
01:02:27It's okay
01:02:35I don't think Vinny lied to you
01:02:37He could have told me a dozen times that he owned the business and he didn't
01:02:40Well, did you ask him why he didn't tell you?
01:02:43No, I pulled a Toni Andretti and I bolted
01:02:47Here I am, I thought I found someone like us, or like me, on my playing field
01:02:52Hey, he is on your playing field
01:02:54No, he isn't
01:02:55What do I have to offer a rich guy like that?
01:02:58Hey, listen to me, Sabrina Becky Cassidy
01:03:01You are the smartest, most fearless, determined person that I know
01:03:06You're the one who came up with the whole theme dinners in the first place since high school
01:03:10You're the one who helped me through my post-bar exam gloom
01:03:14You're the one who came up with the whole Christmas Crashers to begin with
01:03:17Which was probably a mistake because now you're stuck on what to do about Justin
01:03:21Who I know you totally kiss, so don't deny it
01:03:25It was the single best kiss of my life
01:03:30Well, what are you going to do about it?
01:03:42Thank you so much, have a good one
01:03:49How are you?
01:04:06Have you heard from Toni?
01:04:08She was quiet on the flight home
01:04:11Perhaps she's trying to find a way out of the mess that she's made
01:04:15What are you talking about?
01:04:16My due diligence on Miss Andretti
01:04:19For the record, there's no need to apologize for doubting me
01:04:26I am sorry, Justin
01:04:29I am sorry, Justin
01:04:31I'm sorry
01:04:58Okay, let me get this straight
01:05:00You pretended to be a doula, a ski instructor, and a crash test engineer?
01:05:05No, that one was Brie
01:05:07That is one way to deal with holiday boredom
01:05:10Yeah, well, let's not forget when she pretended to be an attorney
01:05:14I never said that I was
01:05:16That's semantics
01:05:17You knew that they thought that you were
01:05:20And a court would rule in their favor
01:05:23You could be in a lot of trouble, Toni, so could he
01:05:26I promise, I never received payment
01:05:29At least that's something
01:05:31Did your father tell you that he now has 47 plaintiffs for the Skyline lawsuit?
01:05:36Wait, really, Dad? Are you serious? That's great!
01:05:39I know, but I'm still looking for the smoking gun that'll seal the deal
01:05:43You will find it, you will
01:05:51What's that?
01:05:56Where'd you get this?
01:05:59They interviewed everybody I could find connected with Skyline
01:06:02I know, but when I looked over your interviews, there was a lawyer who mentioned his intern, Penny Blevins
01:06:07I went to law school with her
01:06:09Okay, so?
01:06:10So, I remembered something that she said to me at the time, something that I thought was odd
01:06:14She wanted to buy a car, but she adamantly did not want to buy from Skyline
01:06:18And I thought, you know, that's weird, because she gets an employee discount, probably, right?
01:06:22Yeah, makes sense
01:06:23Except she didn't care
01:06:24She said that the car wasn't safe enough for her
01:06:26And at the time, I thought it was like an overall rating thing, but...
01:06:30It was something specific
01:06:32Exactly, so I contacted her, and I was right
01:06:35She even kept copies of some of the Skyline files, despite the fact that that's not exactly kosher
01:06:40Well, that's all right, we can work around that
01:06:42That's right
01:06:43What is it?
01:06:44What is it?
01:06:48This is an internal memo ordering new seatbelts
01:06:54For all their models
01:06:56Proof that Skyline knew that their seatbelts were dangerously defective, which is why they changed manufacturers
01:07:02And they never did a recall
01:07:03No, they stuck their heads in the sand, hoping for the best
01:07:07Thank you, pumpkin
01:07:09Do you know what this means? Do you know how many people we can help now?
01:07:14Yeah, Dad, I do
01:08:26Too soon?
01:08:30What time are you going to meet Justin?
01:08:34Four p.m.
01:08:35Are you nervous?
01:08:37I'm terrified, but it's now or never
01:08:41If I want a shot, I gotta get serious about a lot of things
01:08:46You've got this
01:08:49I'm proud of you
01:08:55You should probably take your lunch break now
01:08:57It's 1030 in the morning
01:09:17You haven't answered any of my texts or calls
01:09:20I didn't know what to say
01:09:23We can figure out what to say together
01:09:26Unless I don't mean anything to you
01:09:29No, that's 100% not true
01:09:31Well, I don't know what to think, Bree
01:09:34One minute I'm head over heels and then I'm ghosted
01:09:37I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was the business owner, but I wanted the chance for you to get to know the real me
01:09:44Head over heels?
01:09:48That's how I feel when I'm around you
01:09:51For the record, I didn't mean to ghost you
01:09:53I was embarrassed
01:09:59Why would someone like you like someone like me?
01:10:02Because you're amazing
01:10:04How do you not see that?
01:10:07I feel like this whole weekend shined a spotlight on how I have zero direction
01:10:12You have a hugely successful business, so does Justin
01:10:14Tony is the smartest person I know
01:10:17And you're smart
01:10:21Never boring
01:10:22You impressed St. Jack Gene so much that I should call up Justin just to track you down
01:10:26I never even saw St. Jack Gene
01:10:28I don't want St. Jack Gene
01:10:30Who do you think the hot chocolate barista was?
01:10:34So serious she asked for your contact info
01:10:38She thought you had a really unique and fun way of looking at the world
01:10:49No one makes me feel more like me than you do when I'm with you
01:10:54And please tell me there's still a chance for us
01:10:59I'll only wear the valet jacket if that's what you like
01:11:03I already told you what I like
01:11:07I like you
01:11:35Miss Andretti to see you
01:11:45Can I get you a water?
01:11:47Oh no, I'm okay
01:11:53I wanted to talk with you about Skyline Motors
01:11:56I'm sorry?
01:11:57No, you will not talk to me about Skyline Motors
01:12:01I can't take any legal advice from you, Toni
01:12:04Because you're not a real lawyer
01:12:07You haven't even passed the bar
01:12:11I don't suppose you'd believe me if I told you that that's why I wanted to see you today
01:12:18I didn't think so
01:12:20You put my entire company and my reputation in jeopardy, Toni, and that's
01:12:25That is completely unacceptable
01:12:27I know, I completely agree
01:12:30It wasn't at all my intention
01:12:32I just, I think somewhere along the line I just
01:12:35I got so caught up in how much I liked being seen as a lawyer
01:12:42To be totally honest, I got caught up in you too
01:12:51Skyline Motors is a bad bet for your company
01:12:54They're about to have a massive wave of debt coming their way
01:12:57Once the class action lawsuits come in, and they'll lose
01:13:00Obviously you will inherit that debt with no comparable assets to counter the blow
01:13:04It's all in here
01:13:05Skyline Motors is a bad bet for your company
01:13:07They're about to have a massive wave of debt coming their way
01:13:10Once the class action lawsuits come in, and they'll lose
01:13:12Obviously you will inherit that debt with no comparable assets to counter the blow
01:13:15It's all in here
01:13:36Bree and I started crashing Christmas parties because we were
01:13:40We were so lost in our present lives
01:13:43And we needed an escape
01:13:45And when I met you
01:13:48You became part of that escape
01:13:50And then when Leticia just assumed that I was a lawyer
01:13:53I didn't correct her because
01:13:55Well, she was in labor
01:13:57But also
01:13:59It all just kind of became part of the same fantasy
01:14:02But then it turned real
01:14:06At least for me
01:14:10You need to go, Tony
01:14:24You know it wasn't all a lie
01:14:27You know it wasn't all a lie
01:14:48You didn't waste time getting those up, did you?
01:14:50Yeah, well, I've been planning this for a lot of years
01:14:54For a lot of years
01:14:56I hope I make you proud
01:14:58Every day, pumpkin
01:15:00Every day
01:15:03Oh, your mom asked me to give you these
01:15:05She made a new batch
01:15:07Oh, what's Santa's injury this year?
01:15:09Eye patch
01:15:11He looks like Snake Plissken meets the Christmas Chronicles
01:15:14That was a lot of Kurt Russell
01:15:16There was a marathon last week
01:15:18Tell Mom I'll be around after all the wedding stuff
01:15:20Okay, will do
01:15:21Love you
01:15:22Love you
01:15:23Four billable hours
01:15:26You heading home to visit my favorite pseudo-nephew?
01:15:29If by that you mean my adorable son, then yes
01:15:33Well, look what I found for him at lunch today
01:15:36You've got to stop spoiling him
01:15:43Oh, Christmas tree, oh, Christmas tree
01:15:45Whoops, you just fell on me
01:15:49Oh, Christmas tree, oh, Christmas tree
01:15:51My insurance won't cover me
01:15:56Oh, Christmas tree, oh, Christmas tree
01:15:58Call Tony and Lou
01:16:00We got you
01:16:02This ad has been approved by Andretti and Andretti Associates
01:16:04We got you
01:16:07Tony joined Lou's office a couple months ago
01:16:09You're in contact with him?
01:16:11She reached out after the retreat to tell me what happened
01:16:13And apologized
01:16:14We kept in touch
01:16:16I haven't talked to her since
01:16:17She did save us nearly two billion in what would have been a bad acquisition
01:16:21Fair enough
01:16:22Justin, she didn't set out to trick you
01:16:24She got caught up in a situation which, frankly, I helped create
01:16:28And is that why you're trying so hard to get me to forgive her?
01:16:32But also, I may have only spent a short time with you two
01:16:35But I could see the chemistry
01:16:37Oh, okay, in the ten seconds before you went into labor?
01:16:40Am I wrong?
01:16:45But that was a year ago, and I'm sure she's moved on by now
01:16:48She hasn't
01:16:54Mm-mm, mm-mm, no, no, no, I got this one
01:16:56Oh, okay, I'm very curious
01:16:58Where's our big adventure?
01:16:59Here, in this room, one year ago
01:17:02Bold to explain
01:17:04Well, it was here that we came up with our biggest adventure ever
01:17:08Christmas crashing
01:17:11Which led you to meet the man of your dreams
01:17:14And I'm an event planner
01:17:16You've always been an event planner, now it's just official
01:17:18And you passed the bar
01:17:20A Christmas miracle
01:17:23So, if we had to go back and do it all over again, heartache included, would you?
01:17:33Heartache included
01:17:35My best friend's getting married, my best friend's getting married
01:17:39Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
01:17:45Oh no, no, no
01:17:56Oh no, no, no
01:18:02You got this
01:18:04I'm here
01:18:14Oh no, no, no
01:18:16Oh no, no, no
01:18:18Oh no, no, no
01:18:20Oh no, no, no
01:18:22Oh no, no, no
01:18:24Oh no, no, no
01:18:26Oh no, no, no
01:18:28Oh no, no, no
01:18:30Oh no, no, no
01:18:32Oh no, no, no
01:18:34Oh no, no, no
01:18:36Oh no, no, no
01:18:38Oh no, no, no
01:18:40Oh no, no, no
01:18:42Oh no, no, no
01:18:44Oh no, no, no
01:18:46Oh no, no, no
01:18:48Oh no, no, no
01:18:50Oh no, no, no
01:18:52Oh no, no, no
01:18:54Oh no, no, no
01:18:56Oh no, no, no
01:18:58Oh no, no, no
01:19:00Oh no, no, no
01:19:02Oh no, no, no
01:19:04Oh no, no, no
01:19:06Oh no, no, no
01:19:08Oh no, no, no
01:19:10Oh no, no, no
01:19:16Oh no, no, no
01:19:18Oh no, no, no
01:19:32Jaye ki chuski jaisa
01:19:34Tujh mein maza hai
01:19:36Tere hoto se googh se
01:20:08Oh, my God, really ruining romance for the rest of us.
01:20:13Hey, um, did any of you invite Justin to the wedding?
01:20:18I swear I didn't.
01:20:19You know, when my bride asks me not to do something
01:20:22with such a fierce look, I will comply.
01:20:25Maybe he's crashing.
01:20:27Well, then how did he know where we were going?
01:20:30I don't know.
01:20:31I don't know.
01:20:32I don't know.
01:20:33I don't know.
01:20:34I don't know.
01:20:35I don't know.
01:20:37Well, then how did he know where it was?
01:20:43You didn't say I could talk about it.
01:20:46But I didn't invite him.
01:20:49Are you mad at me?
01:20:51How could I be mad at a cute babe like that?
01:21:01Merry Christmas.
01:21:07Are you crashing this wedding?
01:21:13You know, you could get into a lot of trouble for that.
01:21:16What's the risk I'm willing to take?
01:21:21Um, I, um, I'm not sure I apologized enough last year.
01:21:29You did.
01:21:31Congratulations on passing the bar.
01:21:34And thank you for the help with the Skyline deal.
01:21:38Well, thanks.
01:21:39And you're welcome.
01:21:42Tony, I'm sorry, too.
01:21:45I'm sorry for at least not hearing you out.
01:21:48Well, I don't think many people would have.
01:21:50Well, I let past hurt influence my reaction with you.
01:21:56That wasn't fair.
01:21:59And that's what I came here to say.
01:22:04Is that all?
01:22:11Tony, if you're open to it,
01:22:14I would really like to start over with a fresh slate.
01:22:29Hello there.
01:22:30My name is Antonio Andretti.
01:22:32I'm a newly licensed attorney in Connecticut.
01:22:34I absolutely hate caviar.
01:22:36And I couldn't help but notice you.
01:22:38Nice to meet you, Miss Andretti.
01:22:39My name is Justin Harrison.
01:22:41I run Harrison Economic Ventures.
01:22:43And I also hate caviar.
01:22:47That's a pretty good start.
01:22:48Also, my friends call me Tony.
01:22:50That's a beautiful name.
01:22:53Would you like to dance with me, Tony?
01:22:55I'd love to.
01:23:03Who'll get your tears if you can't catch me dying?
01:23:08If you can't catch me dying?
01:23:10Um, Justin?
01:23:12Merry Christmas to you, too.
01:23:13I want you to know that I'm never leaving
01:23:16Cause I'm Mr. Snow
01:23:18Till death will be freezing
01:23:20Yeah, you are my home
01:23:21My home for all seasons
01:23:23So come on, let's go
01:23:27Let's go below zero
01:23:28And hide from the sun
01:23:30I love you forever
01:23:32Well, we'll have some fun
01:23:33Yes, let's hit the North Pole
01:23:35And we'll have a dream
01:23:37Please don't cry no tears now
01:23:39It's Christmas, baby
01:23:40My snowman and me