• 7 hours ago
00:00Don't forget to subscribe!
01:30What an offer.
01:58Are you going to stop me with blackmail?
02:03We're going to court.
02:06And we'll get a divorce.
02:09Yes, but...
02:11I'll win.
02:13It's very likely.
02:19But if I speak before the judge decides,
02:24and I tell him the whole truth about you,
02:27things will change.
02:37What do you want, Onus?
02:40Tell me what you want.
02:46Will you be happy?
02:49And more powerful.
02:50More powerful.
02:55You don't understand, do you, Sefnam?
02:58You don't understand yet.
03:00I'm doing this for you.
03:02Because you're the mother of my children.
03:04That's why I'm doing it.
03:06You're doing it for me?
03:12I can take the kids and leave, but no.
03:15No, no, no.
03:17My children won't grow up without their mother.
03:21I can't.
03:26And maybe we'll fall in love.
03:32We could.
03:44Onur, you're just a man who lost his toy.
03:51And I'm that toy that's broken now.
03:56What are you saying about falling in love?
04:06You're very intense again.
04:09What are you talking about?
04:11Important things?
04:14We were talking about tomorrow's trial.
04:17Well, I hope you're negotiating the pension well.
04:22And the compensation.
04:24You must pay.
04:29How many millions did he ask you for?
04:32Just out of curiosity.
04:34Because it's also my son's money now.
04:37Let's see.
04:48But if I speak before the judge decides
04:53and tell him the whole truth about you,
04:55things will change.
04:57Don't force me, Efnan.
04:59Don't force me to do this.
05:01Enough and accept my offer.
05:17Damn it!
05:19Damn it!
05:23Just when everything was coming to an end.
05:28It was also coming to an end for him.
05:32Well, yes, girl.
05:34That's it.
05:36What are you going to do now?
05:39I don't know.
05:42Well, I know, I know.
05:44I have ideas.
05:45Do you want me to tell you?
05:47Sebo, do you want me to tell you?
05:49Speak already!
05:51Well, there are three ways.
05:53But the first one is to give up.
05:59Don't say that, okay?
06:01I'll never give up.
06:05Fortunately, I have more ideas.
06:07I'll tell you the second one, Efnan.
06:09You can fix it.
06:11If you take your children,
06:12you take everything and leave at once, Sebo.
06:14You have to run away, Sebo.
06:23How can I do it?
06:25Run away with the children?
06:27That's it, girl. Do it.
06:29Do it if necessary, Sebo.
06:31But I'll tell you the third idea,
06:33so decide accordingly.
06:35Don't keep thinking about it.
06:39kill him now.
06:42I mean your husband, girl.
06:44Kill him before the divorce,
06:46and stay at home.
06:48That's what I'm saying.
06:53Why not, Sebo?
06:55He knows everything, girl.
06:57He'll set you on fire,
06:59not just you, but Mesut too.
07:01He'll burn you both.
07:05Look, I think...
07:07Let's see.
07:09I think it's best to run away from here, Sebo.
07:10Tell Mesut.
07:12That's the way it is.
07:14I'm leaving.
07:16It's great.
07:18You can disappear, Sebo.
07:20It's great, Sebo.
07:24Don't make me wait.
07:26I'm thinking.
07:28I can talk to the pillow, right?
07:30Yes, but that man will come for you.
07:32You'll see, Sebo.
07:34Keep thinking.
07:36If I make the slightest mistake,
07:38the world will fall on me.
07:4024 hours until the apocalypse, Sebo.
07:4424 hours.
08:10Don't make me wait, Captain.
08:17I'm so tired.
08:27Don't make me wait, Captain.
08:33Don't make me wait, Captain.
08:42Don't make me wait, Captain.
08:49Don't make me wait, Captain.
08:56Don't make me wait, Captain.
09:03Don't make me wait, Captain.
09:12Don't make me wait, Captain.
09:24Don't you think it's time?
09:33Time for what?
09:35To put an end to this.
09:38It doesn't matter what you do.
09:40They won't accept you.
09:42And they'll never love you.
09:44They'll always kick you out.
09:46They'll insult you.
09:48They'll trample you.
09:50Just like they did to me.
09:52They'll trample you.
09:54They'll trample you.
09:56They'll trample you.
09:58They'll trample you.
10:00They'll trample you.
10:01They'll trample you.
10:04What did you do?
10:06Take them out.
10:08What do you want?
10:14A girl needs to do something.
10:26You've gone too far.
10:28I'm not like you.
10:29I'm not like you anymore.
10:31You're not anymore.
10:34Your face, your body, your hair, your clothes have changed.
10:39But you're still Sefnam.
10:42You and I don't share the same soul.
10:48You don't bow, and you never kneel.
10:54But they force me.
10:57I can't get out of this well.
11:01When I get out, they put me deeper and deeper.
11:08And I'm not that strong.
11:12Because I'm very lonely.
11:15Come on, Sefnam.
11:17What did you say?
11:18All of them against me.
11:20And only you will destroy them.
11:23Only you will end this war.
11:25You'll do whatever it takes.
11:28Get into their minds, into their heads.
11:31You'll take away everything they have, all their power.
11:35How will I do it?
11:37By destroying those people?
11:41You'll have all the power, that's what I'm telling you.
11:44So that no one can ever oppress you again.
11:56Don't lose hope, Sefnam.
11:59You can do it.
12:05Sometimes a girl has to do something.
12:26What did you talk about?
12:28What do you mean, nothing?
12:30What does she want from you?
12:32Or rather, what do you want from her?
12:34Because I don't know what to say.
12:40I want peace, Melisa.
12:42That's all I want.
12:44I want peace.
12:46I want peace.
12:48I want peace.
12:50I want peace.
12:52I want peace.
12:53I want peace, Melisa.
12:54That's all.
12:56We don't have it.
12:59Look, finish it tomorrow.
13:01One way or another.
13:04We're going to have a baby.
13:05Don't worry.
13:06I don't want this to affect you.
13:08I want to give birth very soon.
13:10Because as long as I stay in shape and pretty,
13:13no one will believe I'm pregnant.
13:17Come on, don't be like that.
13:19Well, why did you come all the way here?
13:22We could talk in the office.
13:24Yes, I just came to tell you something about the company.
13:28I mean, it's just that...
13:31Well, I wanted you to know something in advance.
13:36My ex-husband, you know, Ahmed.
13:41He's reappeared.
13:44Like a cormorant.
13:48Melisa, haven't you already solved that matter?
13:50That's right.
13:52What does he want from the company?
13:58I told him to talk to human resources.
14:01He said I was his resource.
14:05If not, he will testify against me in court.
14:08For tax evasion.
14:17And what do we do, Melisa?
14:19Well, I don't want to expose our prince in jail.
14:24We should hire Ahmed.
14:27He'll be under control, I'll control him.
14:32Yes, do whatever you want.
14:34You're responsible.
14:38How easily you convinced yourself this time.
14:43They say I can do magic.
14:56What do you think?
14:57Good. Are these cookies from outside or are they made here?
15:00No, of course they're made here.
15:03Today we'll know something about Melisa.
15:05Good morning.
15:08But our Dark Knight is here.
15:11And I hope he came with his new scandals.
15:14Well, maybe.
15:16They offered me a new job.
15:18In Gomustche Holdings.
15:20Gomustche Holdings?
15:25I'm sure it was our queen's idea.
15:28We're worried.
15:29We called her, but nothing.
15:31She left early.
15:32Her mother doesn't know anything.
15:35Listen, listen.
15:37Thank you for your interest in our company.
15:40Your application has been evaluated
15:43and will fit into the sales department
15:45according to your qualifications.
15:48I deserve an applause.
15:55Will you hire me?
16:03Congratulations, Ahmed.
16:04Melisa has fallen.
16:05Of course.
16:07You're incredible.
16:08I think you're scaring her.
16:11There comes our queen.
16:13Cielo, come.
16:14We're here.
16:16I'm coming.
16:19Ozan, do me a favor.
16:21At this hour, Sephnam?
16:25Right away.
16:34Everything seems to be against us for this trial.
16:38We shouldn't wait any longer.
16:44So you think we're going to lose, Bora?
16:48Unfortunately, Aisle.
16:51But if we win time...
16:53Why do you want to win time?
16:57Sit down.
16:58Good morning.
17:01He says you're going to win time.
17:03Good morning.
17:06He says we should ask for a postponement
17:09for tomorrow's trial.
17:11Or we'll lose, right, Bora?
17:13Yes, the wind is in Sephnam's favor.
17:16It's wind, Bora.
17:17You never know.
17:18So I think we'd better not postpone anything.
17:20Let's finish this.
17:22Or not.
17:31Bora, please.
17:32Would you leave us alone?
17:34Of course.
17:36Good morning.
17:38See you later.
17:40Come here, my love.
17:42So you've got a plan, eh?
17:48Are you tired?
17:50Oh, darling.
17:51Everything will be over tomorrow, son.
17:55Come on.
17:57What's the plan?
17:59Tell me.
18:00Come on, you're making me nervous.
18:06What do we do with Demir?
18:13I don't understand.
18:14What does Demir have to do with this?
18:16Bora told me.
18:18You gave him instructions to include him.
18:23That's true.
18:27I think it's normal.
18:29He's my son, too.
18:32If you want to give him my father's last name, perfect.
18:35What can I say?
18:37You can give him our last name.
18:39But don't even think about getting him to work for our company, Mom.
18:48Yes, very good.
18:50Not yet.
18:52But when the time comes, my love, like a Gumuschu he is,
18:57he'll have what he deserves, Onur.
19:00Aren't you late?
19:01A little.
19:02What are you saying?
19:05You're defending his rights now.
19:07But I wish you had done it 30 years ago.
19:10I'm not to blame for the problem you've created, Mom.
19:13Neither is Demir, Onur.
19:15No, Onur.
19:17He's not to blame.
19:19Don't be hard on me, my love.
19:22I'll always do what's best for our family.
19:27No, Mom.
19:28Please don't do anything else from now on.
19:30Don't do anything else, okay?
19:32I'm in charge of the family.
19:33Everything is in my hands, you know that.
19:36From now on, don't do anything.
19:38Don't do anything else, Mom.
19:40Don't make an effort.
19:41Look, what else do you want?
19:42You've welcomed him, you've given him my last name,
19:46but that's all.
19:47That's enough.
19:50I think you've misunderstood.
19:52Of course you're in charge.
19:54Who would oppose that, my love?
19:58But I want him to work for you.
20:00I want him to learn from you and join our family.
20:05I'll decide when the time comes.
20:12Okay, okay, Onur.
20:15What about the trial plan?
20:18Do you think we'll be able to get rid of Sefnagor?
20:30My love,
20:32you've had a long face since you arrived.
20:35Aren't you going to tell me what's wrong?
20:38It's the nerves.
20:40Tomorrow is the trial.
20:42Don't get nervous, because we're going to win this case.
20:46We'll get custody and we'll reach a good deal.
20:50Yes, good, Denise.
20:52Hey, listen.
20:53It's true, it's hard.
20:56You have to see their faces again, you'll have to talk.
21:00But you only have one day left, you have to hold on.
21:03Just a few hours, and it's over.
21:05Everything will be fine, okay?
21:08I'm not so sure.
21:30You didn't answer your phone.
21:33Is everything okay?
21:36Yes, thank you.
21:39I'll tell you.
21:42Come here.
21:52What's wrong?
21:55I can tell something's happened.
22:05I just want you to hug me.
22:07Don't worry, come here.
22:16But something's wrong.
22:20What's wrong?
22:27Who's bothering you?
22:28Who's bothering you?
22:30If you don't accept my offer,
22:33you and your boyfriend will go to jail for a few years.
22:38Don't force me, Sefnam.
22:50The trial is the trial.
22:53My asphyxia will be the nerves.
22:58Calm down.
23:00That's why I came here.
23:03I won't leave you alone, we'll celebrate.
23:07Think about it.
23:12What do you say?
23:28Let's go.
23:43Let's go.
23:50What's going on?
23:52It's just us.
24:25Be careful.
24:28It's okay.
24:33I may be the boss now, but I'm still the same.
24:39And yes, I've cooked.
24:49Oh, my dear.
24:51Thank you for this dinner.
24:54It's been a long time since we've been alone.
24:57But you're weird.
24:59You're still distant.
25:01Oh, Nur.
25:03Sefnam must have hit her head.
25:08Okay, don't get mad.
25:10By the way, I've talked to the consul.
25:13I'm getting a divorce in a month.
25:16What does that mean?
25:18That we can get married in spring.
25:23Yes, we've talked about it.
25:26I wouldn't have a baby without a wedding.
25:29Besides, spring is the awakening of nature.
25:34And I said we'd talk about it.
25:37The time has come, and that's why we're talking about it.
25:42Look, Melissa.
25:46I don't understand why you're worried.
25:49But please remember this.
25:52I'm never going to let you down.
25:56And our son will grow up to be just like Gumuscu.
26:01You make me feel better.
26:04Oh, my dear.
26:06You'll be the cutest Gumuscu.
26:09The richest and cutest.
26:32I don't think he'll sleep much tonight.
26:37Me neither.
26:40I thought I'd celebrate, but...
26:43I don't think it'll help much.
26:48It will.
26:50If I were alone, I'd go crazy.
26:55Sometimes I think...
26:58that everything goes wrong.
27:01I don't know.
27:03What if everything goes wrong?
27:06Because of the trial?
27:11Then I'd run away with the kids.
27:16I'd run away with the kids.
27:19I'd run away with the kids.
27:21I'd run away with the kids.
27:24And what about me?
27:26I mean...
27:28Would you leave me behind?
27:33Well, of course I would.
27:37But I'd never drag you into that kind of life.
27:42I'd have to say goodbye.
27:45Because you always get into the worst.
27:48Stop it.
27:50I'm just thinking about it.
27:52Don't think about it.
27:54That's enough.
27:57I'd go.
28:00I'd go with you.
28:03No matter where you go.
28:20I'll follow you to death.
28:24But that won't be necessary.
28:27Because tomorrow will be a new day.
28:30No secrets.
28:32No hiding.
28:40I want to be with you.
28:43I want...
28:44I want to be with you with all my heart and soul.
28:50I can't wait.
29:20I have to go.
29:22I'll wait for you at the pier tomorrow.
29:25After the trial, okay?
29:30Because I have to tell you something.
29:33Why delay it? Tell me.
29:45Better tomorrow.
29:50But it's hard.
29:53Whatever I tell you tomorrow...
29:56...will change your whole life.
30:15I hope there's no trouble.
30:18You could have stayed, Mom.
30:21But son, we're a family. We have to stick together.
30:25Aisle, look, you're right. We're a family.
30:28That's why I wanted to go with you to court.
30:31But you kicked me out like Margaret Thatcher did.
30:36I'm sorry.
30:38I'm sorry.
30:40I'm sorry.
30:42I'm sorry.
30:44You kicked me out of the dance floor the last time.
30:48We're going to lose because of that.
30:51Why do you say that?
30:53I'm the one who accelerated the process.
30:56But go now and come back soon.
30:59Minnie, Aisle and I will be waiting for you.
31:02Come on, close the door.
31:07Wasn't he a boy?
31:09His grandmother is in a bad mood, so I wanted to motivate her.
31:12That's why. For her own good.
31:17See you.
31:19I hope everything goes well.
31:35We should have thrown water at them.
31:38Listen, Nesmey, I have some gossip to tell you.
31:42What is it?
31:44You'll see.
31:46I'm going to hire a new little bird today.
31:49What did you say?
31:51My ex-husband.
31:53And he's in love with his ex-wife.
31:58His name is Nesmey.
32:00And they call me naïve.
32:02You're worse than me, darling.
32:04Well, I'd better get to the point.
32:06What? His ex-wife?
32:08Or his fiancée?
32:10Oh, my goodness, ma'am.
32:12You're incomparable.
32:17You have such a beautiful eye.
32:19Thank you, ma'am.
32:21When they get divorced, I'll take you home with me.
32:25And I'll bring Rojo here.
32:27Let him rot at home with his beauty.
32:29Yes, ma'am.
32:31Of course.
32:35Is my car here?
32:37It's here.
32:46Chef Mam.
32:48Sweetheart, what are you doing?
32:50What's going on?
32:52Have the kids had breakfast?
32:55They're in there.
32:57What are you doing?
32:59Aren't we going to court?
33:01Stay with the kids.
33:04Pack your things.
33:06Pack everything you have.
33:09And wait for my call.
33:11Don't scare me.
33:13You've been acting strange since yesterday.
33:15What's wrong with you?
33:18Do as I say.
34:10Why is he so late?
34:12There's going to be a lot of traffic.
34:14He'll be on his way, okay?
34:16Good morning.
34:18Good morning.
34:20It's a pleasure.
34:22Well, here we are.
34:24Everything will be fine.
34:26Whatever happens, it's over today.
34:29Good morning, Didem.
34:31Good morning.
34:33Why are you saying hello?
34:36I can't believe you're doing all this.
34:39Luckily, they're getting rid of us today.
34:42Oh, yeah.
34:44Luckily, we won't see each other again.
34:47Denis, bravo.
34:49Although, well,
34:51I think we're going to fire you soon.
34:54I don't regret it.
34:56I don't regret it either.
34:58You should know that.
34:59You should know that.
35:05Where's Shevnam?
35:07We're waiting for her.
35:12She's on her way, right?
35:14That's what I'm waiting for.
35:16She's not picking up her phone, but she's coming.
35:18I don't think she wants to miss this.
35:20Yes, very well.
35:29Come in, Mr. Ahmed.
35:32Is this my office?
35:34Yes, Melissa ordered it.
35:37Okay, thank you very much.
35:39Melissa isn't here.
36:00Good morning, Ahmed.
36:07You can leave us alone.
36:12What's the matter, love?
36:14Ex-husband, don't you like this?
36:17Well, if you don't like it,
36:19I think we can put you in a different office.
36:28This office, or whatever it is, Melissa,
36:31that doesn't matter to me
36:33as long as I'm close to you, baby.
36:40Ahmed, are you flirting with me or is it just me?
36:44I don't understand what's going on.
36:46Has your love come back to life all of a sudden?
36:49Are you that surprised, Melissa?
36:51Well, I used to love you a lot, you know?
36:54Do you remember
36:56when we rediscovered another continent?
36:59I had romantic memories.
37:03Maybe now...
37:10please don't follow me.
37:12Let's keep our distance, okay?
37:15I'm pregnant, remember?
37:20it's not ethical to do this in the office.
37:25As you wish.
37:31Don't you dare fall in love with me, okay?
37:49I love you.
38:11Sit down.
38:19And Mrs. Sefnam.
38:26Ma'am, I'm sorry.
38:29It's on its way.
38:31Can we wait a little longer?
38:33The court doesn't wait, ma'am.
38:35It only has until the file is read
38:38or I'll postpone the trial.
38:42Okay, yes.
39:05Very well.
39:07The trial is open.
39:12The plaintiff, Onur Gumuscu,
39:15and his lawyer, Nesrin Afsar, have arrived.
39:26I keep calling her, but nothing.
39:29It's off.
39:31What lawyer?
39:33Did you hear Sefnam or what?
39:35Is it funny?
39:37I'll call Mesut.
39:42it's so pretty.
39:44I didn't think it would be so pretty.
39:47Tell me.
39:49Where are you?
39:51At the company.
39:53Is the trial starting?
39:55Yes, but Sefnam hasn't come.
39:57I'll call if you know where he is.
39:59Sefnam isn't here?
40:01He doesn't answer.
40:03His phone is off and his mother too.
40:05Yesterday she was weird and she asked me if...
40:07What are you asking, Didem?
40:09What's wrong?
40:11I don't know, Mesut.
40:13He was with you last night.
40:15Did he say anything to you?
40:17He wanted to see me after the trial.
40:19I'm sorry to have worried you.
40:21I'll call you.
40:23But where were you?
40:25We were very worried.
40:27There was a lot of traffic.
40:29That's why I'm late.
40:31Let's go in or the judge will postpone it.
40:33Come on.
40:35Everything has its limits,
40:37just like my patience.
40:39And today you have taken that patience to the limit.
40:44Do whatever you want, Onur.
40:46I won't kneel before you.
40:48He asked the parties what they had to say about...
41:10You're finally here, Mrs. Sefnam.
41:13I was about to postpone the trial.
41:15There was a lot of traffic.
41:17I'm sorry.
41:19Come on.
41:21Take a seat.
41:46All right.
41:48Now that the parties are ready,
41:50the trial begins.
