• 18 hours ago
Swallowed star,Swallowed star Universe,Swallowed star Season 4,Tunshi Xinkong,Swallowed star 142,Swallowed star Universe 142,Swallowed star Season 4 142,Tunshi Xinkong 142
One day, the RR Virus of unknown origin appears on earth, and disaster strikes the world. The infected animals mutate into terrifying monsters and attack on a large-scale. When humans faced destruction, they built walls and founded cities as humanity’s last strongholds. The trials that mankind experiences during this period are called the “Nirvana Period”. In such an extreme living environment, human physical strength also gradually evolved and developed; martial arts sprang up, and human physical strength was qualitatively increasing compared to before. And the best of them is called “Warriors”. 18-year-old Luo Feng also dreams of becoming one of them. Right now, he was about to take the college entrance exam and face a choice at a crossroads in his life, but suddenly a monster attack affects the trajectory of his life. The first challenge he had to confront was the subtle, invisible influence of the external environment, which was shaped by Luo Feng's family's poor condition and difficult life. His parents were unable to provide much assistance, leaving him to rely solely on his own efforts. In the end, under constant hard work, Luo Feng continued to explore his own potential and was recognized for his increased abilities and self-esteem. Not only that, Luo Feng not only shouldered the burden of supporting the family but also joined forces with other warriors of justice to face evil monsters and protect the land of mankind for the survival and development of a better mankind. In the desperate situation of doomsday, can Luo Feng and the other warriors repel the monsters and successfully protect the human world?
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00:30Oh no...
00:48This is the last battle!
00:50Let's see if they're real!
00:52The topic of battle between Luo Feng and Long Yun
00:54has become the top 3
00:56on virtual universe's internet.
01:30加莱西先生,你也和罗峰交手过,请问您对他的评价是……Mr. Galaxy, you also fought with Luofeng. What is your opinion of him?
01:43很多小家伙从二人对战乌卡的不同结果推导出罗峰赢面更大的结论。Many little guys have come to a conclusion that Luofeng has won because of the different results of their battle against Wuka.
01:50实际上,龙云能从试炼塔五十六名来到四强的位置,所蕴含的潜能丝毫不逊于罗峰。In fact, Luofeng's potential is not inferior to Luofeng's in that he can move from the top 56 to the fourth.
01:57罗峰与龙云的战斗决定了原始空域名额的最终归属,也是天才站在收官阶段最大的悬念。The battle between Luofeng and Luoyun determines the final destination of the original space quota, which is also the biggest concern of the geniuses in the final stage.
02:04战斗的结果恐怕得等到最后一刻才能尘埃落定。The result of the battle may have to wait until the last moment before it settles.
02:20抱歉,我刚才去探望家人,来迟了。Sorry, I went to see my family just now, I'm late.
02:26没事,我们长期在外历练,难得陪伴家人。It's okay, we've been training outside for a long time, it's rare to be with family.
02:30稍后能在直播上看到你,他们一定很高兴。They will be very happy to see you on the live broadcast later.
02:35如果能看到就好了。It would be great if I could see them.
02:41他们都化作了星辰。They have become stars.
02:45冷云出生于蓝天宇宙国NGC-3310星系的墨兰子。Longyun was born in the NGC-3310 galaxy of the Blue Sky Universe.
02:53他们所在的星球曾遭受两位超级强者战斗的波及,导致星球表面毁灭。Their planet has been attacked by two superpowers.
02:58所有族人都没有逃过这场大灭绝,只有他在爷爷舍身施展的法则之力的保护下得以幸存。All the people of the planet have not escaped this catastrophe, only he has survived under the protection of his grandfather's law.
03:14我记得墨兰族灭族事件曾有报道,而日期刚好就在数十年前的今天,原来他是为了祭拜族人才来玩的。I remember that there was a report about the Mulan extermination, and the date was just a few decades ago. It turned out that he came to play to worship the tribe.
03:30作为灭族元凶的两名强者,都在那场死斗中隐落,自己的故乡也早已无人生还,无人牵挂,也无处寻仇。As the two strong men of the extermination, they all died in that battle, and no one has survived in their hometown.
03:42迷茫过后,龙云最终选定了他的目标,让他的族群不被遗忘。After the confusion, Long Yun finally chose his goal, so that his tribe would not be forgotten.
03:49这就是他参加天才战的理由。This is why he participated in the war of geniuses.
04:01参战的其他天才,都是为了族群的壮大,而龙云则是为了族群让人铭记,他果然很特别。The other geniuses in the war are all for the status of the tribe, and Long Yun is for the tribe to be remembered. He is really special.
04:13我的舞姿很独特,不像伐木司,而龙云的本性真的很强。He is a great dancer, and when I see him, I become emotional.
04:24伯方谢谢你愿意倾听我的故事,你也应该能理解这场全宇宙矚目的战斗。Uncle, thank you for willing to listen to my story, you must understand, this battle is all about the universe.
04:32我不可能是我墨兰族之名盟臣,我会倾尽全力。I won't let a famous Mengchen from my tribe do it all.
04:39This is exactly what I want!
04:41《The Legend of the White Snake》
05:02The Spirit Wing has merged with the back of the Chu-Shi-Fa-Ze
05:04and the organism of the Kong-Jie-Fa-Ze
05:06When it touches the Dragon Cloud
05:08I'm afraid you won't be able to resist
05:11《The Legend of the White Snake》
05:36Only by crushing all the obstacles
05:38can you compare with this
05:40《The Legend of the White Snake》
05:58The third brother uses the long distance to contain
06:00and continues to consume
06:02while the other party can repeatedly
06:04resist the third brother's moves
06:06It seems to be a long battle
06:10《The Legend of the White Snake》
06:18I always feel that
06:20the other party has not yet
06:22put an end to his territory
06:26Since that day
06:28I have nothing
06:30Only the power of the Fa-Ze
06:32that you taught me can move me
06:36Please protect me
06:38《The Legend of the White Snake》
06:54The control of the Kong-Jie-Fa-Ze
06:56is getting stronger
07:08《The Legend of the White Snake》
07:38《The Legend of the White Snake》
08:08《The Legend of the White Snake》
08:10Both sides have suffered a lot of consumption
08:12《The Legend of the White Snake》
08:14Especially Luo Feng
08:16《The Legend of the White Snake》
08:18《The Legend of the White Snake》
08:20《The Legend of the White Snake》
08:22The confrontation between the two has exceeded the time limit
08:24According to the rules
08:26the space of the battle will continue to shrink
08:28After the space is reduced
08:30Luo Feng, who has lost the advantage of his employees
08:32will be more passive
08:34The battle should end soon
08:36《The Legend of the White Snake》
08:38《The Legend of the White Snake》
08:40《The Legend of the White Snake》
08:42《The Legend of the White Snake》
08:44《The Legend of the White Snake》
08:46《The Legend of the White Snake》
08:48《The Legend of the White Snake》
08:50《The Legend of the White Snake》
08:52《The Legend of the White Snake》
08:54《The Legend of the White Snake》
08:56《The Legend of the White Snake》
08:58《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:00《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:06《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:08《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:10《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:12《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:14《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:16《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:18《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:20《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:22《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:24《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:26《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:28《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:30《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:32《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:34《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:36《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:38《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:40《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:42《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:44《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:46《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:48《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:50《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:52《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:54《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:56《The Legend of the White Snake》
09:58《The Legend of the White Snake》
10:00《The Legend of the White Snake》
10:02《The Legend of the White Snake》
10:04《The Legend of the White Snake》
10:06《The Legend of the White Snake》
10:08《The Legend of the White Snake》
10:10《The Legend of the White Snake》
10:12《The Legend of the White Snake》
10:14《The Legend of the White Snake》
10:16《The Legend of the White Snake》
10:18《The Legend of the White Snake》
10:20《The Legend of the White Snake》
10:22《The Legend of the White Snake》
10:24《The Legend of the White Snake》
10:26《The Legend of the White Snake》
10:28《The Legend of the White Snake》
10:30The space of the battle has shrunk
10:32My power has been used up
10:34and there is nothing left
10:38Now I have to advance
10:40and find the last chance to attack
11:00《The Legend of the White Snake》
