• 18 hours ago
八点最热报 | 距离11月美国总统大选,只剩最后两个星期,美国快餐霸主麦当劳竟然也成了两党候选人的新战场。贺锦丽早前声称,自己年轻时曾经在麦当劳打工。不过,特朗普不止抨击贺锦丽说谎,还亲自去到宾州的一家麦当劳炸薯条,要证明自己比贺锦丽更懂麦当劳。(主播:蔡心慧)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:30The probability of Trump winning the election is over He Jinli yesterday.
00:34Trump's latest chance of winning the election is 52%,
00:38which exceeds He Jinli's 42%.
00:40In addition, Trump's popularity has also improved in seven swing states.
00:44At present, only Pennsylvania's polls are still supporting He Jinli.
00:49Pennsylvania is a key swing state.
00:52Regardless of Trump or He Jinli,
00:55Pennsylvania, which has 19 electoral votes, can only win and cannot lose.
01:01In order to get good brothers to vote,
01:03tech billionaire Musk once again unleashed his superpowers
01:06and announced that he would randomly send $1 million every day
01:09to those Pennsylvania voters who signed the petition of the U.S. Political Action Committee
01:14until the day of the vote.
01:16The U.S. Political Action Committee was founded by Musk
01:19to support Trump's political organization in winning the election.
01:23Some analysts believe that Musk's doing this
01:25is to let the committee have more ways to contact voters
01:29and persuade them to vote for Trump.
01:32In addition to swing states,
01:34McDonald's, a fast food chain in the U.S.,
01:36has also become a new battlefield for two-party candidates.
01:39He Jinli claimed that he used to work at McDonald's when he was young.
01:44But Trump not only criticized He Jinli for lying,
01:47but also went to a McDonald's in Pennsylvania to fry fries
01:51to prove that he knows McDonald's better than He Jinli.
01:55The reason why the two candidates care so much about their work experience at McDonald's
01:59is because it represents their closeness to the working class.
02:04U.S. Republican presidential candidate Trump
02:07worked at a McDonald's in Pennsylvania, a key swing state yesterday.
02:12First day at McDonald's, I'm looking for a job.
02:15He put on a suit and a black and yellow apron.
02:18Trump's first lesson at McDonald's was to learn how to fry fries.
02:22When Trump delivered food to customers,
02:24he didn't forget to say a few words to the crowd
02:26to show his friendliness.
02:28Trump even mocked He Jinli,
02:30saying that he used to work at McDonald's when he was in college.
02:33He was lying.
02:35I love McDonald's. I love jobs.
02:37I like to see good jobs.
02:39And I think it's inappropriate when somebody puts down
02:43all over the place that she worked at McDonald's.
02:45It was a tough a job it was.
02:47She specifically worked at the french fry,
02:49where they make the french fries.
02:51She talked about the heat, it was so tough.
02:53She never worked at McDonald's.
02:55McDonald's just confirmed that again, by the way.
02:57In other words, she's lying, Kamala.
03:00After his experience at McDonald's,
03:02when Trump gave a speech,
03:04he was proud of how far ahead of He Jinli
03:07he had been in recent polls.
03:09He hopes this momentum will continue until the day of the election.
03:13I just want to thank everybody.
03:14I think we're going to do really well.
03:15We're way up in the polls.
03:17We want to keep it that way.
03:19We want to make America great again.
03:21It's very simple.
03:22We want to make America great again,
03:23and that's what we're going to do.
03:25Let's move on to He Jinli's birthday.
03:29On his 60th birthday yesterday,
03:31He Jinli sang a birthday song
03:33at the Black Church in Atlanta, Georgia.
03:37Happy birthday to you.
03:40Happy birthday to you.
03:42In addition to calling on voters to vote early,
03:44He Jinli should also be brave in making choices for America.
03:47Right now, each of us has an opportunity to make a difference.
03:50In this moment, our country is at a crossroads,
03:53and where we go from here is up to us.
03:56So let us answer, not just through our words,
03:59but through our action and with our votes.
